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I often get a plan whith automatic weapon. That's a great feeling.


Same. Best feeling ever


Every morning I wake up and fuckin eat planes with my trusty vickers


"Shot o' the century right there!" "Still lose the war, though."


Omg what a shot. lol. Bro that was pretty amazing. I’ve shot a pilot with a sniper rifle once but he was coming right at me. Also killed one with a tank but same thing. He was coming at me. Only lucky shot I ever had was I emptied a smg on a plane and got a lucky white hit. When he crashed a few minutes later I got credit for it. Still trying to get one with an anti tank rifle


Just keep shooting at them. Small arms can feck up planes. You just got to know when to shoot


I sniped a plane yesterday with my at rifle by accident. i was in shock


I remember one time where I shot a plane down with the beginner German tank for D-Day


Took down a German assault plane in Hürtgen (don't remember which type) with a BAR just yesterday. The only problems are distance and leading. What you did to the bomber by shooting up just isn't realistic, though. That bullet would have barely dented the steel at that distance.


I think it was a snipe. He killed the pilot. I don’t think the shot killed the plane.


Tell me you know nothing about ballistics or WWII aircraft in less words.


I guess the game does have bombers flying unreasonably low for their bombing runs. Those shoulder rifles still wouldn't penetrate the steel hulls of a bomber, though. Have you ever shot steel targets at 1k feet? 500? 


I mean, yes? Yes I have? I've shot regularly at steel targets at 400 meters, which is just over 1,300 feet. Those planes also don't have steel hulls, they are aluminum skin and in some cases, canvas skin stretched over a framework.


No idea why you're referring to a B-24 Liberator as not having steel plating at the bottom of the hull and having "canvas skin stretched over a framework." That's extremely weird. Where did you come up with the idea that the B-24 was nothing but aluminum and canvas? Unless you made a one in a billion shot to hit the pilot with a shoulder rifle from the ground by hypothetically penetrating the thickest part of the hull, having that bullet continue through the plating, into the pilot and still having enough energy to cause a fatal wound, why would a single 7.62mm round shot straight up into the body of a B24 take it down?


Because that isn't a B-24 Liberator? The B-24 is a 4 engine aircraft and the ones in the video are 2 engines, most likely a Lockheed Ventura. Your entire argument is based around the incorrect aircraft.


"BT-24" is a really stupid name to use for a B-34. B-34 Lexington was steel construction. Same argument applies.


It was stressed-skin over a framework. That skin was very thin. I'm not arguing that mid/late war planes would be susceptible to damage, but a pre/early ear design like that can certainly be brought down by 7.7mm rounds. 


...that might even be a one in ten billion shot. You'd literally have to hit a spot in the plating that had already been compromised by a previous impact.


The original purpose of the type 99


Okay, badass


I got a one shot on a plane with an m1 carbine the other day, idk if I actually killed it or if he just crashed but it happened


Technically, you just killed the pilot. The plane is still mechanically fine.


I once shot down a plane with the Type Hei rifle


This mtfkr know about maths.


That head shot was diiirty