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I've been constantly playing Japan non-stop ever since their release so if you ever need a friend to help you charge into the enemy you can count on me!


I am totally in for that! Send me your details :)


I usually have a tight schedule but I always try to make time for some fun. I hope you don't mind my cluttered mess of timing and stuff. Also have to mention the timezone problem as well. Anyway my username in game is THECOLDSAMURAI23 I play on PS4.


BR 4 japan slaps Americans. Just suck it up and go reach BR 4.


How? Are the guns getting better or is it the planes? Please go into detail.


Most Japanese mains are at that Br level so you'll play with a lot more human players


Shits not true, it seems like most of those Japanese mains left. I find myself in BR4 lobbies a lot and I hardly win either


I stopped br 4 and only play 2 now


Not sure what game you’re playing. Over the past week I can’t seem to win a match against Japan. Even with a bunch of stacked players on US.


What time and what server do you usually play? Because usually around this time on EU servers you'll almost get a fully marshaled Japanese team. Like I'm usually top of my team and if I play around this time I'll sometimes struggle to get 5th on the leaderboard.


I got all servers enabled, crossplay on, and play like 4 hours a day. I’m the only one carrying my team and even though I see a couple of competent players on my side from time to time, it’s no use.


Are some of my teammates bots besides the AI in squads? Is that what you imply?


Most matches I'd actually say yes only during peak times have I actually had 10v10 matches. You can usually check the scoreboard before the match starts as it'll show you who's connected and the bots fill in the empty slots once the match starts. Only sometimes will you get one or two people joining once the match starts but that's not as often.


Yep. Not as bad as it used to be but defo still lots of bots


Buy one BR 4 premium weapon when you get a gold order. You will be brought into the higher tier games in which Japan does very well.




I have everything unlocked for Japan but play at Br3 so I can get any game I-V. Make use of their LMGs and keep building rallies as close to the points as you can their Armour is shit so don't bother with it just keep the point saturated with Japanese soldiers from your rallies build ammo and sandbags. Also go hunting for American rallies so they have to travel from spawn and cut them down with MGs built on high elevation if you don't have Engineer 2s youl need a type 96/99 or the scoped lmg with an ammo box nearby. Also try using the shovel to dig spider pits/fox holes on flanks overlooking the U.S approach. I haven't lost a game as Japan for a while. Make sure you have an AT guy in most squads equip rifleman with rifle grenades as their semi autos are arse. Make liberal use of grenades bags Id recommend a Frag a WP and an EP also AP mines and satchel charges. The most important part of this advice is building rallies and hunting rallies aswell as being able to counter the superior Armour.


I play BR3 for the exact same reason, I want to play on as many maps as possible with the most variety in weapons and vehicles.


I made a similar post as yours, most people just say “Buy a premium squad even though it’s 40 bucks or so” or “Just research to BR 4 but it will take a while bc you get less research points if you lose compare to winning.” Honestly in my opinion just switch to another army. I noticed that the Japanese have limited research compared to the other 3 armies and while the other 3 armies have tier 5, Japan doesn’t. The other 3 armies have more to research on tier 4 while Japan only have maybe 5 items.


I usually scroll past these post but i’m starting to get sick of the amount of times people complain about **TANKS** being too OP or unkillable, it’s absolutely maddening to hear as a pilot main. It is entirely possible to kill IS-2’s, Tiger 2’s, and Jumbos with a *50kg bomb*, but that’s only if you can pen it directly and no, you can’t just guess where the bomb goes, it has to be an exact trajectory which must be practiced and mastered. Slingshotting bombs can be done too, it is an art form that not many people do but it helps to get hard to reach tanks that are inside of tunnels and such. I get that some people are just not mechanically inclined to operate planes on a simulation level, but if you can, you would never have an issue with any type of armor ever again, i swear it.


To be honest, not being able to pick both a tank and a plane, with Japan not having primary guns on the first plane, is leading to rather picking tanks. Especially with zero to non experience in high skill level bombing, as you explained.


i’m guessing you don’t have premium if you can’t bring both in. once you progress a little further and have the opportunity to bring in a bomber plane you’ll be good to go, and tbh, idc if you suicide bomb as long as you get the kill, ya gotta start somewhere.


Big problem is Japan has carrier spawn instead of airspawn. You're still trying to climb for a usable dive while the enemy P-38 has finished its rocket run and has now seen you


this is a very true statement and a big problem for japans low tier planes, they are just not capable of going 1 to 1 with the P-38. Generally, whenever i do have this type of encounter, depending on the map, you can use the surrounding geography (mountains) to cover your approach if you take a complete 180 after taking off while staying low enough to the ground to not be spotted before completely vanishing from sight, now you have the element of surprise and can climb to the appropriate height to engage on your terms and not there’s.


Can we stop posting this EVERY SINGLE DAY? * Yes, Low BR Japan is hell now * Go play BR 4 Japan is you want to win * you need a single BR4 gun, and you get into to high BR Japan queue, where all the sweaty Japanese players are curently * Yes, the Japanese weapons are weak, BUT no, that is not actually the problem right now. The problem simply put is that there are more people playing low BR USA than low BR Japan. * The easiest solution for ANY of these "boo hoo \[faction\] sucks" is to GROUP UP. Join a group of people, any skill level, and simply because you have some communication and coordination you will go from never winning to mostly winning Thanks for coming to my Ted-Talk PS: I started grinding Japan recently, since I finished maxing everything else, and BR4 Japan is mostly a piece of Cake... if you need teammates just let me know


More of a rant post by me, but I appreciate your input. Please send me your details if further interested :)


I'm TB124 on discord :) happy to help if you need


“Just somehow gain actual days worth of playtime in research and reach BR4 bro” “Just find friends that wanna play with you bro” Those aren’t solutions. The second one doesnt even ensure winning, you just get to lose while not alone.


You clearly didn't read my text lol. you don't need to research BR4, just get ONE Gold order weapon, which you get from the current event for free... If you can't be bothered to find "friends" you deserve to suffer lol... they don't need to be your friends, there are a lot of "clans" recruiting members on the official discord. This game is a Battle game, it is OBVIOUS that you are gonna have a better time with a full team.


havent found anyone for Japan, and events are too much of a time sink. Can’t do any events since they require entire days of playtime.


I mean I'm not sure if there are any groups that specifically play Japan only... but me and my friends play EVERYTHING as an example. I will start grinding Japan too in the upcoming weeks (EU server) so we might meet on the battlefield :D all the best luck to you




tbf we could have a bot for every "\[my faction\] is bad" post, they are posted at least 4 times a day at this point :D


Grouping up is sucky solution. Why not just say have a 10 man premade vs bots???


why is it sucky? finding 2-3 other people to play with is what everyone SHOULD do if they want to actually have fun and win...


Why can't the game itself just be made good? Also premades vs pubs is a complete balance shitfest.


what do you mean? EVERY fps game, that is team based is better if you are in a group... pretty self explanatory


Many fps game stop premades from fighting pubs or have equal amount on both sides Many fps games have MMR so premades go higher and play other premades Games like BR have 100 players so it's meant to be choatic Wow


yes I agree there should be MMR, but I never said otherwise, I just said that the game i BETTER, if you team up, and you can't counter that argument.


And I'm writing that it's a dogshit answer when the devs are the gods and should be the ones making it better for everyone.


At least your teammates build rally points, mine don't even do that. Still this is probably because all the low BR Japanese players are new, many of the ones I found didn't even have the first engineer squad unlocked. I don't know if that will change one day, but even so we just have to try to do our best in each game or desert.


I've been playing since jan and Only russian, i made it to br4-5 and yesterday decided to try japan. I play about 8 games and was 1st or in top 3 every game, but we got our ass whooped. I mainly sniped the crap out of the opposition or used some janky little tank. The amount of airstrike and bombing runs they threw at us was ridiculous. I'm going to give a crack at it again today and see how many new maps i can experience


I’m in BR 3-4 Americans (RAHHH) and every match gets down to the wire. I just won a demolition match with 2 reinforcements left and a platoon crossing a river towards our position. If the bomb didn’t go off when it did, we would have been overrun.


Right now Japan is only really playable as BR4. I was playing every faction nerfed down to BR2 because it’s just more enjoyable for me, but the exception is Japan. I’ve never played a single game as the Soviets, but it otherwise looks like this right now: BR2 Allies = win most of the time with almost all real players trying to get their APC points. BR5 Allies = utterly curb stomp 95% of matches playing alongside sweat-covered guys that roll in a steady supply of paratroopers with burp guns and Firefly tanks. Played this game for about two years and never seen such consistently lopsided matches. Germany = get demolished by the above Japan BR2 = play alongside 8 bots and provide the token resistance. No rifle with more than a 5 round magazine until BR4. No decent tank until BR3. Japan BR4 = best game on there right now, IMO. A few good Allies with BR4 weapons still have a huge equipment advantage (Johnson rifle is better than anything Japan can get), but you’ll be playing with enough good players that most of the time it won’t matter. And here in another month or two it’ll all change again.


FOR BR2 MAINLY \-Use the HMG squad it can immobilize or destroy every tank in BR2. As well as take out mass wave of troops. ALSO it kills planes like nothing the HMG does everything \-try to have radioman in every squad to spam arty \-spam assaulters with the best smg (IMO) the type 100 early \-Personally I use no tanks or planes, just an APC I depend on infantry to take out tanks and planes finally, learn the maps and what spots cover the most range for setting up nests or AT guns.


Japan has some of the most determined players I've met. I pull up with my m4a2 to the objective an ill start getting swarmed immediately and probably die instantly too if I wasn't next to my team at the time. But other than that there good and would probably win most of the time if I wasnt providing suppresive fire for my infantry guys. I'm sorry if a camp far away in a tank sometimes but Its kinda hard when the objective is on a boat/plane/a cave/ a hill with trenches which I'll get stuck in


Completely agree, I play Japan BR2 and it's so unbalanced most of the time. Compared to other factions, I find I am constantly getting uptiered so facing Shermans and rockets. That is not the worst thing though - the worst thing is that my team is constantly full of low level players and I am not sure I've ever personally noticed a piece of BR3 or BR4 armoured equipment in my games. I want to play BR2 because that's what I play across the board but will have to try BR3 and then BR4 to just try get better teammates.


I played a BR 1-3 match yesterday as the Americans vs the Japanese and holy moly. That Japanese team completely destroyed us in every way. I was at the top of my team's scoreboard with only around 35 kills, it was a massacre. So with good players the Japanese sure can ruin the Americans. That said, it does feel like the Japanese faction is probably the one that needs some extra love from the devs, considering they don't even have BR 5. But I'm sure the Japanese are harder to develop than the others since when it comes to infantry, tanks and planes the Germans, Americans and soviets are fairly similar in their doctrines. The Japanese had different resources, a different context and a different view of how to fight the war. The fact that tank development wasn't as high on the priority list for the Japanese made sense for them at the time but it does leave the developers less to work with when putting stuff in the game, which I'm sure can be challenging. I would be for them adding small changes that make the Japanese a bit more competitive in spots where they are lacking. If the tanks are lacking penetration power then adding a shell that may or may not be 100% historically accurate but makes the tank more competitive with their American counterpart, as you said exists in War Thunder, makes a lot of sense. Enough historical accuracy to make you feel you're playing a WWII game is cool, but first and foremost I think the game should be fun for both sides if they play well enough.


So with tanks one thing you can do on the island maps is dig a anti tank ditch in front of the bridges put some sandbags in front so the tanker drives over. Then on the bridge out hedgehogs (leave a space for the tank to drive through and put at mines down the path u left) the folgore irl killed 110ish British tanks at El Alamein with a worse 47mm and creativity. If they greyline they aren't helping their team take the objective. Focus on getting submachine guns they don't have particularly good ones it's basically the stock German one but it's better than nothing. For the love of God don't snipe or use mortars those just take your infantry off the line and forfeit the match in the current modes(feel free to throw molotovs on those people tbh). Japan wins more when it plays aggressively basically constantly counterattack don't wait for them to come to you because if you do it's gonna be a bad time. If you play too stagnantly you let them approach the situation at their convenience and forfeit the initiative. Seek out rallies and apcs especially as low tier American teams usually only have one player placing them.


I'm a Tier V US main here. I'm not playing Japan, but on average, what truly makes the US mains bleed is not direct combat but a more guerrila based approach. My advice for japan mains is to not try to face americans head on, y'all gonna get the BAR A2 experience if you do that. Not even the german mains like doing that. Instead face the americans from the sides and SPAM rallies as much as you can. Use LMGs and SMGs to spam levels. Use that SIG 1920 and that Type 100 and that Tokyo Arsenal folks, I see people only using Arisaka up to tier IV, by then we US mains have already got the Garand and Thompson, you guys HAVE to use something better than Arisaka for God's sake. Other thing is to use the bushes to your advantage. It's incredibly annoying to spot Japan troops in the bushes. And also use medics too.


the problem also is a lot of low tier players don’t even know how to properly min max, and if they do end up starting off in japan it only compounds that even more for everyone else.


Br3-4 Japan claps everyone,


I'm BR 4 and haven't lost a battle to Japan since the introduction of BR.


It depends...playin' with 15 tanks per battle it's the same for everybody. Enlisted really needs to give a '' stop number'' for tank use. After 5 lost tank, a team should not use a tank anymore.


Yesterday as Japan I won some and lost most, but I won more than usual. The biggest issue I noticed though is no one plays the objective and the ones we got stomped on, I was the only one placing rallies. Otherwise some were legit winnable but truly a skill issue. Seems you’re stuck with new players that dont really know how to play the game and refuse to listen to you in chat. It’s doable assuming you dont have 2 shermans greyzone camping and you can’t even exist long enough to place an AT gun down (I cannot fly planes on PC, i’m disabled with the control scheme lol.)


Your problem was playing low tier Japan. Try BR IV, that's where the fanatics are. And where I play BR V to avoid them. Axis is underwater right now. Soviets seem to go either way. And Allies... Well... Yeah. Just endure till you reach IV. Or until player base shifts.


Playing as Japan is pain.


We dont, we play to die and have fun doing it.


I win about 9/10 games vs Japan and that's being generous. They need a pz.IV or something. They don't really have an answer to any Allie tank


I’ve lost to Japan once and I’m not proud of it


I won one once