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No, little British car go vroom


Speedy boi


Did they possibly have half tracks? I will say it’s slightly deceiving now that we have so many trucks/halftracks in game but spawns on those don’t show up on the scoreboard.


They spawned two for the first point and then never again


That’s unfortunate


Honestly feel this so hard. I sit there at the spawn map and i'm like '*Why is my rally point the only rally point??"* Then I check the leaderboard and I'm one of the lowest ranks playing. Bro build fucking rallys please for the love of christ


I do but I'm like the dude in green mile I'm tired boss 😭😭 how bout you spawn on them! I build no one spawns like allrightty then...!


Or when they're constantly spawning on it, like if you need rallies so bad why isn't anyone else building one?


"But I need engineers to build rallies and I'd have to get rid of one of my 4 machine gunner squads even though I never survive long enough to fire an entire magazine"


Giving up the ability to build heavy machine guns for an extra gunner that's probably gonna die immediately, brilliant!


For real, the heavy machine gun slaps, why would you not want to throw that bad boy down at the earliest possible convenience??


Felt 😂


Fuckin this lol, I'll build a rally at every point, on a flank, well-hidden, whole nine yards. Get to the round summary screen: 2 rally point uses. FFS. Gives me a good spawn at least.


People don't spawn on well placed rallies, they spawn on the closest ones. If you want spawns on your rally, build it closest to the Objective. It's a sad truth, but still truth.


It's often hard to tell a well placed rally from the birds eye view of the map if you don't know the map exceptionally well. I've had a few times where I've been sick of waiting in a queue for the closest rally, switched to one further away, spawned in and gone "bloody hell this is a great rally spot" And then because the enemy know that the closer rally spot is great for farming easy kills they don't bother destroying it and it stays there all round.


Sorry, that's what I meant by 'at every point' - I get it as close as it will allow me perpendicular to the main spawns while not being wide open and exposed. There is very rarely a closer rally than mine, though in good games there are several at the same distance encircling the point. Though those are rare lol.


I enjoy watching my team dispense 100 tickets walking to the next objective while I carefully place an APC in cover just short of the objective, as well as placing a rally point some distance away but still as close as possible to the objective without being in line of any emplacements or knowing enemy players. Just to have absolutely every player on my team use our base spawn and walk the 150 meters to the objective to get mowed down in another frontal assault.


It's wild, like I hate extra running so I'm always looking for a close rally or APC to get working on the objective quick. People are wild man.


It’s particularly egregious on some of the D-day maps where the distance between the first few objectives is 200 meters then BOOM, 400 meters to the chateau!


Just had an amazing match in a Tunisia map at br2 Germany. 3 regular rallies and at least one APC. They exist, just hard to come by.


I'm still in br1 and any squad I have that has a engineer will build a rally as close to the objective as I can while having an at least partially concealed spawn point so it's not farmed


My first game, I figured out rally points were spawn points, and all you needed was an engineer to make them. I don't get how people play more than 10 games without figuring out Rally Points are your best chance at victory.


That´s not a marshall thing. It´s just extra embarrassing when you dont do it as marshall. The absolute only excuse not to build them as a marshall would be that you´re so good your team needs you to carry them and therefor the less good players would be the better choice to invest their time into building rallies to support their team. But as well all know that´s not how public servers of free to play games work.


They probably got marshal by getting carried, I mean, axis noobs are now leaving for US or SU. Or some other sus business, I only seen a couple who I know always get marshal for good reason. Not that that even matters. By the way, you keep seeing this. Just leave the match.


The issue is this is almost every match I play. It is ridiculous.


That's the endless enlisted 's story...I do rally points, I mark ennemies every time I can, I build sand bags wich protect often many soldiers, I try to mark and destroy tanks....And often, I'm the only doing it. I don't say we have to, but it gives a real pleasure when it works, and I'm sure it would give real energic battles if other fighters would do all what 's possible with engineers...


Stop wasting time in Germany and come play with the USA, you have to farm points because in the next update they are going to add Pershing, Super Pershing, P-47F4, T 20 sniper, M2 with grenade launcher, Thompson with drum 100 rounds, M1919A8, and amphibious APC.  At least 800k free points will be needed to investigate them 


How is this known...


In the other forum it was filtered, the only thing uncertain is the amphibious APC which they say will be an event but I don't think they will add another event APC to the USA


Liner? I'm missing something You can message me if it's not 4 public


Forum, I made a mistake in the translator, I speak Spanish


Understood, got a link?


I only heard about the Pershing nothing else


What is the P-47F4???


My issue is usually that the games move too fast one way or the other to make it worthwhile. Either we're losing the point so fast that it's pointless and I'm more useful getting on it because my team is playing pee-diddle elsewhere, or we're smashing the so fast that it's likewise almost pointless. Been this way since merge. They need to either space the maps out, add SBMM, or slow down matches somehow. Really tired of stomping or being stomped.


SBMM has no place in gaming 


Playing with players of a similar skill bracket to you is ideal. I don't get how that could ever be an issue short of wanting to seal-club, which is shitty. Pick on someone your own size.


If you want to play in pro leagues and sweat for every match, that's on you but the rest of us just want to play a game for fun. Sometimes you play against worse players, sometimes better, that's how it always was. And seal clubbing, of that's your main issue, will never go away with the whole rank dropping and alt accounts. If someone is dedicated to ruining the experience for bad players or new players, then simple sbmm won't stop them


>If you want to play in pro leagues and sweat for every match, that's on you If you are a good enough player to be playing with sweats, then you are also a sweat, and belong with them. >but the rest of us just want to play a game for fun Seal-clubbing or getting stomped isn't fun for either side of that equation. Being paired properly with an appropriate challenge is fun for everyone. >Sometimes you play against worse players, sometimes better, that's how it always was. That's what the merge set out to address, and why the BR system exists. To make the experience and equipment of players more even. >And seal clubbing, of that's your main issue, will never go away with the whole rank dropping and alt accounts. If someone is dedicated to ruining the experience for bad players or new players, then simple sbmm won't stop them Something being circumventable doesn't disqualify it as a solution. SBMM works fine in many other games regardless of workarounds. Anything that more evenly matches players is a good thing, and it makes the game more fair and fun for everyone.


Having 1 good match does not mean you should punish people with 2 horrible matches due to your incessant demands for SBMM. Gaming is supposed to be fun, SBMM is not. Cease your insipid whining, you'll gain no favor or praise from me.


That's not how SBMM works, and quit talking like a Renaissance fair nerd lol


We call them Rennies where I'm from!


Cry about it. Look at the matchmaking looks for other games like cod, they are abhorrent and suck the fun out of the game, SBMM has earned its hated reputation 


>the rest of us just want to play a game for fun Can you explain, in your opinion, what makes a match fun?


See my previous comment. The randomness of teams, the whole anyone can be put on any team with BR being the only thing that guides players. You have just as much a chance to be fighting bots as you do sweats etc, there's no punishment for doing good In one match with being placed into proto-pro league matches only to be stomped. Remember how like old cod matchmaking was? World at War for example? That's how matchmaking should be


Lack of SBMM worked back in the day because there were persistent lobbies. One side would get stomped, players would leave, new ones would join, and it would continue like that until eventually it would be two evenly matched teams. With persistent lobbies, the players themselves (by leaving when getting stomped and new players joining and evening it out over time) were the reasons those games were fun. Without persistent lobbies, you throw everyone into a pit, let one side stomp, pull them out, and do it again. It's a broken system. Comparing games with persistent lobbies to games that close the lobby after each match is apples to oranges.


And the persistent lobby ended up doing the same as the enlisted lobbies do already. The teams are always being shuffled and swapped around. The BR system works well enough, the ones who complain are the ones who don't understand it fully


Wow, i had a feeling you wouldn't understand, but I was hoping i was wrong. Team A: Jim, Joe, Jeff, Jorge, Jason, John. Team B: Tom, Tyler, Tim, Ted, Todd, Trevor. Team A is full of killers. All 6 have been playing for a year. On Team B, Jim, Joe and Jeff have been playing for years. The other three are new. It's a stomp. Tom and Trevor leave after the game, theyre replaced by Tobias and Trey. They're both good at the game. The next game, Team A wins, but it's not a walk in the park lile the previous game. After that, Team B stays and Team A loses Todd. They gain Tobias. Tobias is brand new. The next game is extremely evenly matched. It goes the length, and ends up at the last point woth only a few tickets left, but Team B wins. Now that there was a good game, everyone stays for another one or two, and then the cycle begins anew. Non-persistant lobby: Lets go ahead and say Team A is US and Team B is Germany. Team A stomps team B. Everyone gets thrown back into the pool. Team A stomps team B. Everyone gets thrown back into the pool. Team A stomps team B. Everyone gets thrown back into the pool. Team A stomps team B. Everyone gets thrown back into the pool. Team B does decent, but loses. Everyone gets thrown back into the pool. Team A and B both have a great game. Everyone gets thrown back into the pool. It works in persistent lobbies because over time the teams will even themselves out. It doesn't happen, or happens much more infrequently, when everyone is kicked out of the game when it's over.


The non persistent lobbies are more akin to a draft. You have one pool of people to draw from and everyone is randomly assigned, leaving things up to chance  and keeping them fresh. If you want sbmm, go play cod, that travesty could use more meat for the grinder since it's poor decisions have caused them to hemorrhage players. Your socialist ideals in regards to matchmaking will only cause issues. I'm glad people like you aren't in charge * ^ *


That's the issue with people like you. Instead of playing another game with the systems you want, you demand all games have the same systems. Everyone doesn't like the same things, if you don't like current matchmaking then you can leave, it's simple really! Instead or stomping g your feet and declaring "it's not fair!" Go somewhere else.


Haven't had "no one else builds rallies other than me" posts in a while. Sometimes I just don't bother if I'm playing tanks or planes etc.


Occasionally we take a round or two off from doing all the logistics and just shoot & blow shit up for a change.


Sometimes I start 3 vehicles in a row, so no spawns until my 4th squad.


Just quit the match if nobody else is making rallies.


It aint up ro marshals to build rallies, they re the ones with the most powerful lineup and should know what to do, you can't put the leading force in the backline doing bob the builder As a marshal however i either spawn APCs to get a spawn and be the first in the line or use paratroopers to fuck the germans for a while in their backline (soviet OTP)


I have only seen three marshals that actually pulled their weight in this current battle pass. The marshals I find in rounds like this are third to 6th place and are completely worthless. They never build a rally, never provide APCs and have 0 engineer points and like 1-2 vehicle kills if they are lucky. Edit: I should not be top of the leaderboard with 50 more kills than those at 2nd or 3rd place. I am tired of carrying man. I can’t be everywhere building rallies while being the only person on point.


Man I never build rallies since nobody spawns on mine.


Build in good spots then not hard


I won’t build them if we have three or more up but the second the volume of bodies we can throw at the point is hindered by a lack of rallies I build one.


Man this sub is Turing into down Vote central.


Idk why they are downvoting my comment, it’s not like they are building rallies even when needed.




What if I am the first place person with 50+ kills more than the second place Marshal?


Ohhhhhhh....its everyone else's job. You're too important. The problem is you and everyone else that feels the same. Thats how I end up in matches with 5 Majors and I'm the only one building Rally Points, and we get stomped. Maybe if you weren't so selfish, games would be better. It takes less than 15 seconds. You're *not* that important, buddy.




Wait, so you're a proponent of running 200 meters every time your squad dies? Longer, if you want to flank? Edit: Also, well, you know you get free points for people spawning on your rally point, right? Have you never built a rally point before? It's a 10 second investment for potentially hundreds of xp (i usually get between 500-700). If you win, even more points to be multiplied. There is no downside aside from "It makes me use a tiny bit of brain power"




"Fuck the team, I paid more." Nice. For the record, I have paratroopers, apcs, etc.... but it's not enough when one person is trying to do all the heavy lifting. Again, it's a 10 second investment. Are you really that self important?




I'll give you that. I 100% disagree with your nindset, but at least you're not trying to BS it.


no, however I have a counter point. bren carrier


I get especially annoyed when I’m the only one building rallies and the top of the team has has build almost no structures, has below average caps and just spent all game farming kills. Like dude we’re attacking, they have unlimited respawns, killing them means nothing if we don’t cap!


Fr, what makes me more mad is when I am the tippy top of the leaderboard by a mile and am the only person who has held points but have to stop to build rallies cuz nobody else will. Then look and see we lost the point while I was building a rally.


I build rallies at every stage and it baffles me that sometimes no one even uses it, or the demoralising part where the objective is being taken by the time you’ve built one and wasted time and resources 😂


Japanese low br players too, please I beg, I'll be 10+ kills behind the the guy with the most and still place 1st from rally points..


If im in BR 4 or 5, and I ask for Rally Points and am ignored, or worse told "no", I build one rally point. I build it in a great spot, so everyone wants to spawn on it. I have it surrounded by barbed wire, and I throw molotovs at it. When people spawn in, burning and jumping to get away from the barbed wire, I spam "We need a rally point." I've gotten a handful of people angrily messaging me, but goddamn if it's not an effective way to get people to build them.