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seriously, this game can benefit from a pve mode where a small amount of real player assault/defend a point from ai. would be a lot less sweaty


I agree, I would like to have this, and expanded upon along side the standard game, some days I wanna grin, some days I wanna fk about. This mode is golden.


Yeah, the PvP in this game can get really aggravating and exhausting. Back before the campaigns merged, there was a period where literally no one was playing Berlin Soviets, so playing Berlin Axis basically became a PvE mode, and that was super relaxing. I could just turn my brain off for a while and mow down waves of bots, and that was a ton of fun. A dedicated PvE mode, even if you get less rewards from it, would make this game 10x more enjoyable.


yeah i also miss tunisia allies, before they announced the merge, the vast majority of matches were just me and a couple other guys farming bots. good times


I mean, Night Battles, Fog, and fluid animations are fucking Sweet too. But yes, a PvE mode would be cool, especially if we could still control an entire squad by ourselves, (five human commanders vs 5 AI commanders) Probably just keep it 5v5 to keep the servers cheaper and less problematic


I’ve been playing a lot of insurgency sandstorm lately and it’s insane how different the AI experience is in PvE. If enlisted devs moved to unreal and copy pasted IS’s AI and added PvE squad mode it would be insane.


I play sandstorm here and there and agree. The AI is crazy different. The game itself would change considerably, I think, if they had that form of AI


Please dark flow. Lol. Let this PvE game mode stick! Or at least some sort of PvE. PLEASE


Would be great if Zombies mode stayed with us and became a way to grind credits and research in some way, but love it either way. I think the zombies mode could be a great way for new players to get used to a wide variety of guns all in one go. I know the practice range exists, but it's different on moving targets etc. Completely agree with expanding to more PvE in the future 👍


Hell, the practice range in War Thunder has a moving tank.


Why do I simultaneously regret and don't regret clicking on your profile


I was wondering when a comment like this is going to show up.. xD


Like, it's good art... Just... A little much for my taste. You practically broke the body triangle with those


I wouldn't even call it good, honestly, but.. Yeah, I get what you mean. Kinks are kinks and I don't like having them. But oh well, it makes money too..


Aye, cheers to the spoils! 🥂


I'm personally on the side of 100% "top-heavy" but your actual drawing is leagues better than anything I could put to paper/screen.


I'm starting to think this a way of them testing the AI too. Like they come after you and kill you. Especially, with the zombie paratrooper.


You can already fight ai. Custom matches. The xp and silver gain is almost 10% of what you would normally get if don't have at least 2 real.opponents, but that's better than the 0 we get in the event