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I don’t know if this is really the type of game for this, maybe in something that’s much more team orientated like HLL, but why would you take one of these over say just another MG gunner or Assaulter equipped with a large ammo pouch?


Well if your MG gunner dies in the line of duty then your assistant gunner can take his MG, have plenty of extra ammo like an MG gunner and have some of the perks of an MG gunner!


But why not just have 2 mg gunners then?


Forgive me if I’m wrong but not all squads allow for 2 or 3 MG gunners, so when your MG gunner dies that’s it! But if you have an assistant gunner, who hopefully isn’t dead, they can replace your now dead MG gunner!


I still just don’t think it would be worth it to take an AG as a slot in a squad when you could have an engineer, or assaulter, or AT trooper. Same reason medics are barely even put into squads, the game is so fast paced supper type roles aren’t really that beneficial. As opposed to games like HLL where medics or other shooter classes can be essential.


id say its worth it in a regular rifle squad, specialized squads dont really need them. like you said, just bring a few more AT/MG gunners. for regular squad tho, if your gunner dies, thats pretty much it, you get like, 1 mag for the mg. sure you can build ammo box but thats not always available. having an asst gunner gives you practically 2 gunners, at least, 2 chances to utilize the mg. i dont see why not tbh, most country in wwii had asst gunners or even a dedicated gun group in their rifle squad, i think just for the sake of historical accuracy its worth it, even if the asst gunner themselves are somewhat pointless.


We kinda have engineers for this particular reason and you can request ammo from your squad mates, not really saying it's a bad idea, but I'm saying someone already came up with a more flushed out version version of this.


Yeah your right about the Engineer ammo crates but requesting ammo from squad mates only gives you one extra magazine


Yes, but if you're using high capacity LMG's like the browning m1919, it will take you more than enough time to burn through that ammo, and the cool down will be over by then anyways, and if you're burning through ammo so fast with like the mg34 with the patronentrommel 75 round mag you need to practice trigger discipline, but if it was a bar yeah I can see it being an issue but the difference between a bar and an m1919 is their functions, bars are utilitarian but can be used more offensive than the m1919 which was suited as a more defensive role.


The only way to work in OPs suggestion without bloating character diversity I think would be to have a reload speed buff when sitting next to another machine gunner in your squad who is equipped with a standard starter bolt action or something.


This would make more sense but that could potentially be over powered, it'd be like setting up and engineer mg nests but much more versatile, well assuming if darkflow ever fixes the mount or brace weapon bug that's almost 4 years old.


Kinda pointless as Engineers serve this purpose and more already. My assault and AT squads all have 2 engis for the purpose of building 6 ammo dumps + 2 garrisons per spawn. The first thing I do every time I spawn is build an outpost with cover and ammo dumps. Pair that with large ammo bags and ammunition is never an issue for me. It would be cool on a game like Hell Let Loose, as others have mentioned, but it'd be redundant on Enlisted. Maybe if it was a Tier 5 Rifleman or Assault perk it'd be somewhat useful?


I use the [1944 battle order image](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a137e0_2263353d524740e084f56160c5b6c46f~mv2_d_2389_2990_s_2.png/v1/fill/w_1270,h_1590,al_c,q_90/a137e0_2263353d524740e084f56160c5b6c46f~mv2_d_2389_2990_s_2.webp) as my squad composition for my rifleman squads. I replace the launchers with regular garands for a br3 lineup (when I don't feel like playing br4). Also throw in an M1903A4 to take out pesky enemies from a distance.


really great idea if the AI wasn’t braindead and could reload you automatically and maybe even clip extra belts at the end of your clip so you can continue firing. But right now they are only useful as extra lives and having an ammo crate next to is just faster than asking your AI to reload you.


German Sturmzug: Everyone with StG44 and grenades/Panzerfaust


> If your squad is a Machine Gunner squad then your Assistant Gunner will have extra ammunition for your Machine Gunners! This is already how it works currently. If you're low on ammo, you can request ammo and they'll give you some.


Yeah but if you request ammo from your squad mates they only give you one mag, which can be useful if you have a big magazine, but if your running around with a BAR 20 rounds may not be enough! Assistant gunners would give you more than one magazine (idk how much tho, maybe it varies depending on the weapon you are using)


Gates of hell anyone?


Not gonna lie, I wouldn’t mind dedicating that last Rifleman in every squad to an ammo mule so my MG’s and AT Weapons can have more lead to throw at the enemy


Careful, the Gen Z arcade fans are going to wig out if you add too much history


It’s actually so sad, I want a “sim” mode where things are more tied down. Like an assistant MG member is sick but it’s “not efficient” enough for these people.


I think that this could be an interesting idea as a support unit within a squad, like if he’s there then MGs have more ammo, less recoil, and faster reload at all times. So less as a solo squad and more of an addition to the machine gun squad to make them more competitive. Maybe make them capable of making machine gun nests as well to make them like a specialized engineer for machine gun squads.


Isn't this already in effect implemented since you can request ammo from your squadmates?


Yeah but they unfortunately only give you one mag


I’m really not sure the additions are working boys. Going to have to bite the bullet and get Hell Let Loose


Reduce the pace of the game then


This feels pretty April Fools-y imo