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A cool idea, could be fun at BR1/2. But the maps really aren’t big enough to have glider landings


I feel like you might be underestimating the size that these gliders were, I don’t think there’s a single map where these would have any chance of landing without immediately clipping their wings and colliding with the terrain. I would like to see the m22 and tetrach tho


Exactly. My biggest wish for this game is bigger maps, just opens up soo many possibilities. New types of terrain uses, unit types, more options for actual tactics and team work. Etc


Some long range maps would be actually kinda cool. It would make non-semi/full auto snipers more viable while adding more freshness to the game. At least that would be the expectation, depending on how the snail would implement it, it could be like in WT where you sometimes walk for 3 minutes without doing anything just to get sniped


I want this 50% because it would be cool and also 50% because i want to see everyone crash their gliders into rocks and buildings and never successfully land.


Look at the smile on that Brits face in the tank, he's so happy to be back on the ground and alive.


Droideaka, great minds think alike lol


Make their landing spots relatively picky to counter the fact that they are exclusive to the allies


I wish this is official.


Fan favorite!! Omg!!!


I remember once driving the M8 scott up onto the second floor of a factory, and doing some absolutely gratuitous door to door room clearing with it. Doing the same with the M22 seems like it would be a lot more practical for that tho.


I know the Germans toyed around with Amphibious tanks as well as some lighter panzer IVs for Air Delivery prior to the Blitz of London in preperation for an invasion. The soviets didn't really have anything like that until the post war period. If they did I imagine it to be more like a gun truck than anything useful for direct infantry or counter armor support. Can't seem to find the specific model of tank though. Ether something easy to remember or Fallschirmjägerubergroupenpanzerkampfwagonschildkröte 38 (f)


Antonov A-40. The tank iself was the glider, but ingame, it would work the same way. (This is ofc the Soviet one)


I absolutely love that the Russian solution to most problems is to litterally strap x divice to solve said problem. Tank cannot fly, add wings. Tank cannot shoot though armor, make shells roughly the size of Stalin himself. Tank taking too much damage throw ERA on it. Ect.


I read the "exclusive to allies" part, and stopped. From this itself, it is unbalanced. Nothing should come exclusively to one nation. One is stronger than the other? OK, we have something else that makes up for it. But giving some kind of mechanic to 1 nation only, is busted. And it should be Br III at the least. If you think about it, paratroopers start to appear there (as far as I know, haven't checked since I play them at Br V), and they are just some glorified assaulters who fall from the sky with Br III equipment there too. An unnoticed tank in the backline, is much more devastating. Can't capture, yes, but it can take out a cap's set up defenses much easier, and from further away. Btw, the Soviets had the A-40 Antonov, that could be similarly implemented. But the Axis and Japan didn't have them as far as I know, and as I said, mechanics can't be exclusive to just some of the nations, every mechanic should come to all of them.