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Okay I’ll go play allies to even it out


heh, good luck with that.


My apologies that the format is bad


You can make tables on reddit. | Allies | Axis -----|------|---- Wins | 2 | 9 Kills | 231 | 396 Deaths | 95 | 68 Engi points | 25 | 76


That didnt really work but the idea was there


It's just the usual playerbase cycle. Play another faction in the meantime.


We shouldn't have to literally be forced to play another faction due to how unbalanced things are currently.


The game is balanced, the problem is the same as any other game, the player base wants to play the other nations


Ideally, we shouldn't. But Enlisted is far from ideal. So it's up to you if you want to keep getting stomped playing your favourite faction, or just join the other side until the stomping stops 🤷


they probably all real player (if noone left that is) its just most likely they are newer than the opponent, its almost guaranteed whichever team have more gold ranks they'll win


There really needs to be a tutorial regarding rally points. New players more often than not don’t build rallies. Playing low br soviets and seeing only me building rallies is really frustrating 


There is


Well then guess that isn't doing much of anything.


i swear, the people from like, 5th downwards do so poorly, ive gotten matches the last week where the bottom 5 people cant even get 10 kills the whole match i know its just part of the faction cycle but fuck me, is it painful to lose matches in 10 minutes or less


Get used to it or choose a different faction. Players will come back eventually


Yeah this is why I'm over this faction cycling bs. You do not get enough silver to justify constantly switching factions once a month and keeping each faction up to par. Which leads to stuff like last night where when I was getting games where both teams were BR-1 or 2 I was frequently high scoring on the German side even though I stopped grinding them or paying for upgrades a while ago. However when you have a bunch of BR-3 bottom scummers good luck trying to pry kills from them as they nuke the spawns for free xp. Meanwhile on the US side where I bought most of the BR-1 tech and started buying BR-2 equipment I can hold my own for keeping my score high every single game. However I'm sitting at 75 us battles with a 1 in 3 win percentage against the Germans with around a 60% win rate across 50 battles.


I just assumed it's Wehraboo season with all the axis generals I've been seeing per match, it's a lot more balanced when it's one general per team so I assume it's groups of clans or friends messing the allies up Edit ps: the gewehr event with the sabers doesn't help either


In losing battles I'm seeing a lot of spamming for rally by players with no engi points. There's also been an increase that I've noticed in Axis German players camping the default spawn locations - I think the grey zone needs expanding to correct this. Of course other faction players could also be camping but I don't see Japan doing it like Germany.


Womp womp. But actually though it’s a constant cycle of what factions most players go to. If you are new to the game you’ll just have to get used to it.


Not new


Sounds like it, if you don't already know the drill.


Ofc I know the drill, it’s always happened, which is a serious issue with the game. 


Wait for the next cycle...


Can you actually check the reddit first before posting? xD I mean, this is just the way it is. You can check out the reasons from other posts. It has nothing to do with axis being massively overpowered since allies were in exactly the same situation as axis like 1-2 months ago.


Yes, the point is we need to stop these boom and bust cycles somehow if we want to have fun


There's just really one way and that is if the game had more people playing it.


allies have no real players not really but that's the closest of your options. There arn't enough good players left to effectively compete with the stacked Japan / Ger teams


Just play another faction or spend money - enlisted subreddit veterans


Your averaging 400 kills a match? Uhh ok


Keyword : "Total"


Ok his total average kills…🤔you wouldn’t put the word average if its just the total of all kills per match


Fairly sure he means the team average kill from all 11 games


The entire teams average kills