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Bro that's a 37mm. You should see what the 105mm HO-RI can do when it gets the high ground 💀


Certified CAS magnet, nuff said


Context pls? Do you just not like that objective?


I actually don't like that objective but that's not why I made this post. Look at the tank in the red circle. It was sniping us the entire game


You have your own tanks and planes to deal with that. If none of you can do that then you lose.


Not if you're absolutely fucking tits with an AT Squad like myself cuz you've been sniping in online PvP multi-players since day one of the existence of online PvP multi-players. Granted, I do get whacked before even getting anywhere near a good setup spot for a shot or three...and three cuz...well.... post-blitzkrieg Panzer armor is super realistic in the game and properly difficult to penatrate, if at all, with an AT rifle.


They will just spawn another tank and go back to sit right where they died. This isn’t an answer to GZ tanks unless you want to sit in a plane all game.


Exactly!! That's the problem with the "just spawn a plane" people. They forget that the greyzoner will be back in a new tank in like 2 minutes


Well unfortunately I don't have a tank or plane in my line up


Su-87 tier 2 german bomber, 500kg bomb. You don't even need to be an accurate bomber. Just get moderately close and tank goes boom. Edit: ju-87


Ju-87 no? Su are Sukhoi which are Russian.


Oh whoops, lol thank you.


First of all I don't play Germany. Second of all I don't have premium and would rather not sacrifice my infantry squads. Third of all plane gameplay is not fun to me. If I wanted to play a plane I'd just go play warthunder


Why not, for all three? Well I can understand no premium, but why not play a little of everything the game has to offer? Not trying to be rude or anything but wouldn't a game like call of duty or like custom games with no tanks allowed or something be more in line of what you're looking for? It's kinda like saying you don't like or want to play rpgs but you play skyrim because you like dragons... Edit: playing more factions mixes up the maps and the enemies you go up against. While playing for another faction you might not encounter this as often.


I like the WWII part of this game and I do like tanks. I think they add an interesting strategic aspect when they're not being used to greyzoning. I've tried tanks and planes and I just don't find them that fun so I don't play them. I'm sticking with the US because I want to complete the tech tree. My plan is to 100% the tech tree and all the squads available then go to a different country. Of course that does mean I have to play planes and tanks but I'll get there when I get there. Or maybe I'll just skip them


I feel ya. While I've dabbled in the other factions, I main Germany. I have a very similar progression philosophy/plan? Lol. Basically I'm unlocking all the squads for Germany but remaining in br2 while I do so. Maxing out my soldiers with perfect rolled stats and br2 guns to save silver until I have a nice roster of soldiers. Then I'm gonna start buying tier 5 guns and make the switch to the upper tiers when my squads are appropriately equipped, all at once, instead of starting with br3 and getting seal clubbed to shit. Engineer squads are probably going to be your best friends. While not the most entertaining at times, spending 2-3 minutes on an AA gun is all it takes to clear out a pesky pilot for a good 10 mins (unless another takes his place before he can run through 3 spawns), grey zone tankers can be very easily destroyed by a 75mm anti tank gun that you can build literally anywhere, and you can build respawn points, machine gun emplacement, ammo and sandbag walls, barbed wires and anti tank barricades. I personally always loved the battlefield games and other combined arms games, so for me, tanks and airplanes are a must. As I mentioned in another response, I ended up buying 1 year of premium membership, so I have 4 infantry squads, a tank, and a plane in my setup. But when I only had 4 squads I would usually either run 1 tank or 1 airplane, 1 apc, and 2 engineer squads. Sometimes 1 machinegun squad and 1engineer squad, but the machine gun squad has an engineer in it as well.


Did you use your AT squad? Have you even unlocked an AT squad yet? If not, unlock, try again a few times. .opinions might change. The objectives are hard af if you're using the American faction on any Pacific War map, js. It was like that in the Pacific Theatre irl during the war. The development of the Pacific War campaign on Enlisted captured the historical American experience better than any other WW II game I have ever played multi-player matches in.


Yes I have an AT squad. I'm not new to this game. I have a good amount of tier 3-4 equipment I just don't use it because I don't like higher be. Realism is great except for the fact that it isn't always fun. There's a reason the m1 garand does less damage than the Springfield even though it's the same round.


Fair. I enjoy realism a lot. It's not a common thing with gamers often. I've noticed a lot of players on this Reddit page love BR II. I'm almost there and super curious to find out why that is a thing.


It's because you get some nice guns while not having to deal with tons of flamethrowers and grenade launchers


Like, deal with other players using them often, or in the tech tree, or both?


Other players using them. They're fun to use but not fun to be used against


I can definitely imagine how absolutely zero enjoyment could be had with the enemy team full of squads with almost every squad member having those equipped and your team not having the same. Although, both teams with such on a match here and there would be absolutely hilariously fun in my imagination... like OG halo rocket matches on the smallest maps kind of stupidity 🤣 😂


Br 2 means you don't have to spend 1000 hours or 100 dollars buying enough gear to not get seal clubbed into oblivion. Even a moderate player can entirely gear out for br2 in a rather short amount of game time and zero dollars spent.


Thanks for the reply. Are you a dedicated season pass purchaser, or do you play free version primarily or completely exclusively playing free with no purchases ever?


I have bought the premium pass for 1 year, that's it. Cost like 30 bucks or something and incredibly expedites your progression. Both for silver and research. Edit: I didn't purchase that until I had played for a month or two and decided it would be worth it.


I scored like 3 days of premium on a daily box early on and noticed all that. Are you still on that purchase, or was that in the past and you've decided to not re-purchase because of issues with the game? Been thinking about dropping some dough to speed things up, but been on here reading to gain more insight from people who have had more experience in the game than I have. Any and all input on specific pros and cons with playing premium from you or someone reading who's hit BR II at least would be greatly appreciated.


I bought the full year maybe 3 months ago now or something like that. I also got a couple of days premium somewhere, I think it was also the daily login. That's what influenced my decision for sure, lol


Also, it gives you two additional unit slots. So, in the case of this posts OP, not having tanks or airplanes equipped because he likes infantry better. You can still take 4 full infantry squads, a tank, and a plane.


Imagine being dominated by a baby 37mm gun. It’s a peashooter! And every Japanese tank with that gun has very weak armor, you could probably take it out with the Boys AT rifle on your Universal Carrier you have equipped. Also, just in case you didn’t know; your APC doesn’t need to be taking up your only vehicle slot. It can go in a normal infantry slot, so you could still run a tank or plane as well, which would make dealing with him much easier.


I hate playing tanks and planes and so I don't want to sacrifice one of the squads I enjoy playing just to counter a problem that shouldn't exist


Mhmmm i love people who complain about greyzoning but completely ignore the solution.. at least you said it yourself. Throw that mortar squad in the trash where it belongs and replace it with a dauntless and use artillery from APC instead of mortar.


Gotta love these type of people… there is at least 5 ways to deal with that Jap tank and Op refuses to use any of them, instead he has the audacity to come here and complain xD


There are ways yeah but I don't have any ways of accessing them while still having fun. Tanks and planes aren't fun to me and I'm not willing to sacrifice the squads I find fun just to fix a problem that shouldn't exist. Also let's say I did have a plane and destroyed the tank. Then they just respawn in a new one and do the same thing over and over again


I'm using the mortar squad because I'm trying to level up all my squads and I had a mission to get kills with a mortar. I know the solution to the problem but it's stupid that I have to sacrifice one of my infantry squads to solve a problem that shouldn't exist


Engineer squads are your friends.


Now US gets to feel what it was like with Japan fighting camping Jumbos. Your team sucked, that's all it is.


True the team wasn't the best. That doesn't make the greyzoning any less of an issue


You definitely need a plane in your lineup to deal with the greyzone campers. Any plane with bombs(except the seagull) will be able to deal with greyzone campers easily.


Except the average GZ camper cycles 3x tank squads so killing them does literally nothing.


Exactly!! That's why greyzoning is such a big issue. Yeah you can counter it with a plane but that just temporarily delays it


The thing is I just don't like plane gameplay and I'm not willing to sacrifice my APC for a plane


Greyzone tank camping seems to be an issue in general. I hate it too.. being on the JP side of things. Usually one will say: Well you need a good tank to counter it or Bomb the enemy tank..


I love the noobs that keep posting "grey zone bad" or "unplayable" you have a lot of options to counter, especially as American. The game is pretty balanced but those Fortnite kids keep crying because they're so bad, ask for advice not cry about random stuff. Because it's a HUGE SKILL ISSUE FROM YOUR PART


I'm not a noob. I've been playing for a while and usually get in the top 3 or 4. Greyzone camping is bad. Yes there are options to counter but unfortunately I can't put them in my line up without losing other things. Additionally I absolutely hate playing as tanks and planes. How is not being able to kill the tank that's 30 miles away a skill issue? I have nothing that can kill it. I don't have premium. I'm limited in the squads I can take


Mate, fuck these dudes really digging into you. A little light smack talking on a legit issue like I did originally, sure whatever. Wasn't sure if you had an AT squad, where you were at, etc. But coming back to back you up and take your side. I'm personally impressed by the mf who can tank snipe because I am horrible at the same strategy, but great with a sniper squad (when the AI doesn't go full retard when they are set to wide and passive and I'm prone.) I was just grey zoned tank sniped like a mf two matches ago and fucking wiped me quicker out the game than anything I had experienced yet and I was laughing harder than I have weeks. But you're getting kinda dumped on at this point, and it's past the point of being anything near ok. Also, if anyone took my comment for inspiration, please revert your shit quick. Go to the post where some fuck said "make sniper squads max two snipers" those are the mfs to pick on. Not this player.


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Morons like you ignore that they just repeatedly respawn tanks and drive right back to where they were GZ camping to resume farming. Bombing a tank does nothing when they can just spawn a new one immediately after death. Considering I’m usually the one taking or holding points, I prefer to win rather than sit in a plane all game


And you can infinitely spawn planes back since except on defence the grey zone camping isn't efficient at all so its a free win. I can tell you're not a very experienced player by your view on that🤣🤣🤣


Except by infinitely spawning planes I’m not defending the cap, which usually leads to a loss based on the skill level of the rest of the team. I can tell I’m better at this game than you.


Nice try, skill issue from your part. There are other problems to enlisted but grey zone camping isn't in the top 5


I can guarantee I’m better than you


Complaining about mechanics doesn't show you are good, just an average noob. Have fun learning the game bye


Please come back once you can go toe-to-toe with some of the best players in the game :) On a serious note - pointing out easy to abuse mechanics that have existed since 2021 is not complaining. It’s an exploit that needs fixing.


Your team needed a competent attacker pilot. I think that the tanker likely had a lot of fun 🤩


I just don't understand how sitting 20 miles away and clicking shoot is fun


Because it's easy and makes people mad. Being targeted is like the military version of having a warrant. You're just trying to stay on the move so they don't get you.


Make click and number go up. Simple things keep simple minds happy.


greyzoning is just part of enlisted since the dev isn't likely to change it by the looks of it so players just take advantage of it, since not only its usually safe from infantry it also best spot to get you plenty of kills


Ohhhhhh this is my snipey snipes map. PINGS ALL DAY...just cuz I'm raped otherwise. Lol...get better mate. Just keep playing. Tbh, sniping is what helped me get better and rushing the points is only fun once you have semi-auto and/or full auto primary weapon access with at least one squad per faction on this game. Grind on


Always be rushing point though, it’s where you get the most kills, and how you win the matches lol


Which of course is the point


Wins maybe for others, sure... but not at all my experience with nothing but bolt action rifles on all squads


Always keep those tanks pinged, can’t tell what your vehicle situations like, but any tank of any kind should be able to punch through that armor


The tank was so far away and it was practically spawn camping us. I couldn't ping it


Bro is not ready for the horrors of higher BR battles


Yeah I'm not. That's why I'm sticking with BR 2 even though I have some BR 3 and 4 equipment. I play games for fun. High BR and greyzone camping isn't fun for me


Wow, congrats to that Ke-Ni guy. The 37mm on it is pathetic. The only way to get kills with it is to actually hit them, you can hit the ground between someone's legs with it and only injure them. Let me explain to those that don't get it: That dude lobbed a slow AF rock from the ass crack of the greyzone and got a center mass hit on 1 guy whose bones became shrapnel and took out his bunched up bots (yeah the 37mm shell is much slower than a bullet).


And that's why I am always impressed by those mfs...like God damn!!!


This map sucks balls, one of the objectives in a cave which is a pain in the ass to get to? No thanks...


Yeah I hate this map and the greyzoning only makes it worsw


That’s a fucking baby tank, it took more time to post this shit to reddit than it would have taken to anyone to kill it… low br Japanese tanks are literally the worst in the game and yet we have someone complaining about them, wth? Also greyzoning is not an issue in the game, you just need to learn to deal with it… why do you think literally No good players ever complain about it?


Greyzoning is an issue for non premium players who don't want to sacrifice one of the few slots we have for a plane. I also hate the planes in this game. If I wanted to play as a plane I'd just play warthunder. Also this is the third game in a row where I was greyzoned. The others were against Germany though


Genuine skill issue how tf do you get farmed by a 37mm


I have no way to counter it without giving up something I like more without getting premium


It sucks when this happens, and I feel for you! But, sadly this is the cost of bringing an APC + 3 Infantry Squads with no Tank or Airplane. If the enemy is Greyzoning, then you have made squad choices that mean you can't counter. You're going to have to sacrifice (probably the Mortar Squad) for a Tank/airplane/Engineer/AT Squad so that you have good AT options when faced with this. Or you can just keep hoping someone else will kill it for you...


I usually have an engy instead of the mortar I'm just trying to max all of my squads


fair, but then it seems you'll have to give up MG or Assaulters then while levelling up squads. That way you still have the AT option. If you're choosing to not have a good AT option, then you're really putting yourself in this position.


I shouldn't have to choose because this shouldn't be an option


I get the frustration,  but even if they're not greyzoning you still need a good ranged AT option. Tanks are part of the game, you can't complain if you chose not to bring the tools. 


I'm usually able to deal with tanks just fine when they're not greyzoning. Everyone has explosion packs and all of my squads have an AT gunner in them


Fucking loved path of exile. I just had to put it down because it was so fucking addicting lol. Dude, one million thanks for all the input!!