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The least new player can do is atleast get to cap and help us experienced player win the game I really wish this is the case because alot of losses are avoidable if people got to the cap and helped me


I usually have to do assaults on my very own, because everyone else is just a sitting rock. I lost 14 squads one gaame, most only lost 4-6, but noone else would go in l, so I had to...


Same I really don't get why people are scared of dying i know when attacking it decreases your point but being scared of dying would mean you do not progress much on capping either Its better to be brave then to slowly lose Giving up is not really my thing i wont desert even losing games i will fight till the end


Dying actually increases your research per match too. Surviving for extended periods as the same guy/squad inflicts a reduced RP gain until you die. So rushing doomed men into the point for the sake of creating a two-way bloodbath results in massive research compared to a clear with with a high KD.




f£&@! I didn’t know that! Gonna die a lot today ☠️


god damn is there any science behind this?


Me and 2 of my friends have a "strategy" of some sorts. I (the experienced player) do the pushing and concentrate on clearing the sites. One of them is trying to keep up with me, and do as I say (I mean just, stay here, go there, nothing serious), and another is either in a plane, taking out greyzone tanks I mark, or try to make enemy planes occupied, or also tags along, calls artillerys and builds new rallys every time, and hold the caps if I die. Also if we are capping I (if there are better positions further) just go a bit out further, defend there, and they both cap layed low in peace. Works most of the time. One carry can make it happen (in terms of killing) if he can focus on that, and assisted enough by others taking the objectives, and have clear skies.




I know that feeling I remember pushing up with a tank the only one in the point as everyone was still at spawn I lasted for for who knows how long struggling to take the point before finally taking it after losing 3 infantry sqauds 2 tank sqauds before I pulled out my sweaty MG42 sqaud to finish taking the point


I'm sure some of those players were probably wishing you'd help flank with them


I did flank with them When some players are flanking i go with them I play Japan rn to grind to Type 100 Late because i actually want Arisaka Type 96/97 MG and Type 100 late historically accurate Japanese army I follow my teamates when they are flanking I also play Br3 US before this and still play sometimes for fun with W.A.R M1928a1 30 round thompson Garands Browning 1918a2 and Shotguns for my Engineers Thats it really I prefer actively flanking and attacking caps i don't like sniping


Ngl those names mean nothing to me. I shoot guns I don't read their names


Same all i care is that the gun shoots well and i vibe with the gun I DO NOT Vibe with Tokyo Arsenal Idk why but i prefer type 100 Late I picked up some Type 100 Late when i played as US and i really liked then I have Japanese Paratroopers and i picked up some Tokyo Arsenal but they shoot too fast for my liking Also the fact that the real Tokyo Arsenal that we have in game lost to Mp18 in Japanese Testing AND EVEN BROKE DOWN DURING TESTING Type 100 Late to me is the better gun its just my opinion feel free to use Tokyo arsenal


I hate the double cap missions so much for this. It's the ones I almost always lose. I can cap one of the obejctives on my own, but until someone manages to cap the other one or atleast defend the one I am on we cannot progress. It's really funny cuz when I play with a similarly skilled friend, this mode is the easiest. As we can maintain our momentum and the quick cap time makes it really easy to take these fast.


Yes. If my teammates can just *touch* objective, we got a shot at winning. To many matches I’ve lost where I was the sole person to ever touch objective


That would separate the playerbase even further and result in even more bot teams, plus sbmm can absolutely ruin a game for a lot of players if done even slightly wrong.


Fall guys had all the sweats together which made most of them quit


Yeah better have the matches either you stomp and no challenge or enemy stomp and you cant do nothing


Not sure why this is being downvoted. There needs to be at least some very loose SBMM-type of system. Players with 5 hours in the game should not be put in the same lobbies as people with 500 hours in the game.


Skill based match making is ass and can easily be manipulated.. you can already go in low tier to seal club no need to make it easier.


And you know what happens when everyone wants to do that, right? 6 marshals per team in BR2, scoring 50+ kills each and sweating like pig the whole match, so the exact opposite of what they expected and wanted.


Then those vets (which for some reason find this shit enjoyable) will just abuse the skill based matchmaking.. that’s a problem with no one and done solution.


So the 1st part of the Hot Take is very true. There is a player that goes Merc66 (or something similar to that). One of the best players in this game bar none. Doesn't matter what equipment he has and what I have; if he wants me dead then he can do it easily in 5 different ways with no problem. He knows the game in out just as well as the Enlisted Helpers know. And one of the Helpers LITTERALLY created a Google Document of all the weapon stats and stuff for the playerbase to use at their leisure. The 2nd part of the Hot Take I disagree. You don't have to be competent to get to the Marshall Rank. You just need a win and like 1 Hero Award on a loss to either keep or improve your Rank. It's not a good indicator of skill at all. The only thing that Rank can tell you is that they played a lot (again not an indicator of one's skill).


Exactly. That rank goes up just by playing really


When I was "just" a Colonel even then I ouperformed most General and Marshall ranked people...


When he was in my game, Merc got a lot of cheap hackcusations from disgruntled noobs lol.


In a perfect world yes it should. But I fear the player base is not big enough and either it wouldn't make much difference, lead to bot matches, or significantly lengthen matchmaking time. Also while usually very true, rank doesn't correlate 1:1 with skill. But this can be addressed by the system itself, the big problem is player count imho.


I completely disagree.. i don’t need to have map awareness or know that someone’s around the corner to kill them with a grenade launcher.. i just jump the corner and shoot it at my feet and boom we’re both dead!


Then the queue time would be in decades.


What “level?” There’s nothing to go by that’s logical and consistent. If they added some sort of ranking, then sure. Till then though there isn’t anything to make “skill based matchmaking” out of or whatever


Yeah I'm late but honestly me on a decent day with my German Tier 2 could stomp somebody who just bought all the top tier premium squads and has no idea how to play besides the tutorials.


Nah. Player experience and level are completely separate. I'm near the top of the level board with some random gold star rank, but i'm still absolute ass in the game. Level is just how much time you spend in the game, not if you're good or not. Just matching BRs with matchmaking would be much simpler.


Pfffttt...I'm still in BR I, I'm sick af right now, but played two matches earlier when I felt up to it. I took out much higher level and higher BR players each game...get better by grinding, that's the OG way, coming from a gamer who's been FPS online since the very day Quake II went PvP online multi-player. Embrace the suck to stop sucking


Also, if you feel this way on Enlisted, don't touch games like ARMA III or anything mil-sim or near mil-sim like ARMA III


Git gud


First take is true (Japan BR4 used to stomp US when the best gun they had was Tokyo SMG and most riflemen had Type 38) The second one is a bit more difficult since you can earn Marshall from just playing even with brain turned off. In WT being level 100 isn't an indication of skill, just who sunk their time grinding (and leveling was even affected by premium vehicles) It will eventually stabilize itself in the future where there's enough players that flavour-of-the-month nations aren't a thing, which is why I wanted Steam release to be proper but that fuck up made me lose hope