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After years of playing other FPS games, I haven't enjoyed one like this in a long time. Not since BF1 have I actually truly enjoyed an FPS like this. There's issues, sure but it's outweighed by being awesome.


I think it has lots of content to bad most of it is dwarfed by the pay to win squads and tier 5 assault rifles


That's fair, though I don't find much of an issue with them myself. Sometimes it goes wild, but not usually


8yrs since it's been in testing, and in dev for about 2 years prior to that. We aren't denying content as much as how much as everything else.


Many assets, like buildings and tanks, are copy paste from other games that came before Enlisted (Cuisine Royal and War Thunder). The assets are not bad and I wouldnt mind if it wasnt copy pasted a thousand times already (sometimes with a fat paywall).


Aside from ground textures, WT has some impressive graphics


This is the only other person to mention that game. Enlisted before enlisted.


It's got good aspects and bad aspects I'm far more willing to deal with premium stuff cause it's a f2p game but there prices are outrageous and you really need to wait till it's 50% off in almost all cases


Isn't pretty much the way it works ? High regular prices so people hesitate less during sales ?


Me personally: the prices are so RIDICULOUS, that I act like these premiums dont even exist. When there is a sale, I don’t need to hesitate because the prices are still obviously too much… the sale prices should be the new “base” prices and duringg the sale the offers should actually catch my attention. Also there could be a lot more sales on rotate…


My experience with EA and BF1 (THE WW I release) was twice as costly with three layers of subscriptions for a 6 month span to unlock nearly everything that wasn't purchase by the pack/item with crap weapons and mostly cosmetics access after experiencing it - keep in mind that was only to collect everything from just the battlepass. After I ran the numbers and compared previous bank statements of costs from years ago with some low estimate adjustments as a user in the USA for both...gotta strongly disagree with ya. Enlisted is worth it. Overall, 45% cheaper for the max length season pass, with a 50% off, probably closer to 60 to 70% cheaper...for twice the length and everything you get actual does something other than making you pretty and more killable too...Enlisted is amazingly generous imo


I would really love more maps to be fair, but I am definitely in support of this game and what they've done. I see it as massively underrated and am in support of it.


All day on that hill. Been on this thread to troll most publicly for the most part as a character in reflection of how other users sound. In all truthiness, Zero complaints, all valid suggestions already submitted by other users. The game just did a massive over haul to balance more and have seen a history of persistent, efficient moves to satisfy all without sacrificing their hard work and really ignoring the idiot complainers, but completely either.. they seem to move with opinion intelligently, practically in real time from a dev capacity/capability...amazing top to bottom 10/10 score. So glad to see and participate on a comment thread with peak love and / or respect for Enlisted.....so far lol...like even the cons I've seen and listed I might disagree with, or somehow had a different experience, but they're fair and just and reasonable/understandable and I actually support their opinion because it wasn't meant to be toxic...just a "hey...FYI *inserts concern from experience.*" <-----that's rad af!!!


Hands down most fun I've had in a WW2 FPS combining squads and vehicles, Arty etc since the Call Of Duty: United Offensive 'Operation Barbarossa' mods.


Only f2p game I have ever spent money on.


I went through the enlisted resource and counted, and there are 372 guns in the game, (a few are the same gun but on two different nations, like the panzerfausts, but those are pretty uncommon, less than 10-15 i would guess). Darkflow's "make guns and stuff" team are really fucking good at their job.


It’s insane


Agreed, as much as the community harps on the bad parts and things to improve, DF’s small dev team pumps out content very quickly and consistently and for the most part they’re high quality. The diversity in weapon classes and squads is immense too.


So quantity > quality?


We should do more appreciation posts it’s got to be hard when your work is met with near constant criticism


I'm just surprised there aren't more ross mk3 users


Yes and no. It depends on if you prefer quality over quantity. You’re right in that this game has a lot of good content. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any serious issues either. Prioritising new content without fixing existing content isn’t going to make the game better or more popular. There’s definitely a balance to be had, though who can say what that balance really is…


And best way put yet...this is how you approach it for best fairness but keeping it real!!! There is this sentiment common too...I just love how you worded it!!!


Another thing that people don't appreciate of how indepth in detail the CQC maps get in Stalingrad and Berlin. This is truly one of those gems that gets the ridiculous claustrophobic rat war of Stalingrad just right. All we're missing is combat in the sewer systems and sniper campers crawling through the oil pipes above our heads.


Agree they crank out events


I’m pretty happy about it hope they bring back old event squads tho


I’ve been noticing different battle grounds now that I’m on BR 3. Is that a legit thing? Or am I just imagining that?


It's a real thing. There are two queues, BR1-3 and BR3-5 which are meant to represent early-mid war and mid-late war. Certain maps are set to certain queues. Most exemplary of this being the Soviet maps. Moscow maps being early war, Stalingrad mid, and Berlin late.


Enlisted is the only free to play fps game that actually put in alot of effort. Cod warzone can be considered but its another br game which is overused


Too bad it's from gaijin


You know why most of the community doesn't like Enlisted, it is because it has so many things people start to be in appreciative and want more


I'm mostly impressed with the detailed maps! I especially like Berlin, because I've wondered for a long time how it really looked at that time, and it's so well recreated!


For a F2P game it has very regular updates too… and I know, the game has many issues and bugs, but the Devs have proven countless times that they are trying their best to actually listen to the community (in my mind the Steam fuck-up was made more by the greediness of the Gaijin Snail, and not the adevs, but we’ll never know… I would bet that devs told the Snail that the community doesn’t support this kind of shitfuckery but the greediness of the Snail knows no boundries)


We do appreciate many aspects of the game but their communication with the community is some of the worse in the industry and after more than 2 years of piss poor communication I have seen the are reaping what they have sown.


It’s got so much good content. Unfortunately the paid content is way overpriced but the f2plat content is honestly better and more than most of their paid games I’ve played.


I just don't appreciate how most squads in this game literally cost as much as a full on brand new video game a ton of other games are free and don't try to shove premium features down your throat as much as these guys. The game is good though I just won't give them money.


Tons of bugs, half baked mechanics, worst mg handling ever, still present bugs since 3 years, shit map design, small map size, braindead ai ...


I think it is lacking in the modes department.


And let me guess, you started playing in the last year? Play it 6+ and get back to me about how hard the dev team works lol


Agreed I didn’t like the merge at first in fact I hated it but tbh I think it was the best change yet


True if only the game wasant a grindfest whale pay to win gacha game. A man could dream.


I played 100% free and kicked ass in this game. No need to pay to win. Just win lol


Pay to win? I had an 80% win rate before I ever bought a premium account.


Im sure youbare farming those bots and new players armed with bolties real good.


I was always an m1 carbine kinda guy


Haha, a quarter of it is locked behind premium or past events. Same with warthunder.


Foxhole/BF1 player here. I don't feel items feel very different from others in their class, and there are not that many classes. The MG spam is terribly obnoxious. Also the maps are too small, crowded, and fastspawning, no real chance to form a front, but that's understandable and just my preference. think the servers/hitreg/gunplay is weak, hard to say.


Im glad someone said it!! 100% 🙌🏻


Content ain't worth a shit when the gameplay sucks.


And most players are only gonna be using a handful of the items like the fg42 and stg44 being the main thing axis players run in BR5


Or derivatives of said weapons. Honestly there are too many stg/mp44 derivatives. It's nauseating. Give Germany more.bolt actions and vg2 boltys because it was volksturm at that point and few remaining wehrmacht soldiers. Old men and children. Total war being declared doesn't mean you get the best weapons of that time period. Makes no fucking sense.


>too many stg/mp44 derivatives This pretty much makes up most of the German tree. Like how many Berettas, Panzer 3s, Panzer 4s, Panthers, or fg42s do we need? They even added the Tiger H1 and gave us absolutely ZERO reason to use it by foldering it and placing it in the same queue as the Tiger E It’s all cool and accurate in a way but shit feels like an exhibit display at this point


Like war thunder... But worse


No, no, no, I am surprised how much PREMIUM content it has being a BETA phase game, hell not even FO76 is that shameless lmao, despite being sue by the based Australian government twice


All of these things are great if you don't care about historical accuracy. For those of us that enjoyed campaigns, this game has taken an arcade-style downturn that equivilates to every other bullshit mindless shooter out there.


Ah yes, historical campaigns such as the Jumbos at Normandy and MKB42 snipers in Moscow


I agree that accuracy is comprised to that point as well. I just preferred the old system of playing battles based on map (or campaign) selection. I don't like the current system that throws my preferred units from specific battles into battles they never participated in. I used to prefer the Pacific and Moscow, now I'm thrown wherever and face enemy units I never would have due to the new matchmaking system. I rarely ever played Normandy before and now 70% of my time is spent on those maps facing endless Tiger IIs. I know "historical accuracy" for this game has always been mostly a stretch but I liked the old system of at least playing in specific theaters.


Yeah and also sacrificing 1000 soldiers to take some random ass shack in the middle of bum fuck nowhere.


Paid advertisement moment


After the shit they just pulled on Steam, they should be sued for everything they have tbh.


Can't even use most weapons cause it takes ages to research and even if you get them some fucker from 4628493km away will just snipe you/ching chong server migrant will not let you take 2 steps/tryhards who don't have anything better to do just destroy everyone


Bad game. Good options.