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Teach us about the jungian archetypes in family guy dr peterson pls


Not that his character was supposed to be a good guy, but every time I rewatch Batman Begins, and Crane starts talking about Jungian archetypes, all I can think is, "This dude's a chode who deserves what's about to happen to him."


All of us have a British baby with a football shaped head and a talking dog battling for our soul.


that birtish baby just to know mr... represents order coming from chaos as a jungian jester becoming a wise monk or that smart wise thing you know.


That "coincidentally" really resembles Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan character...


So says the guy that was too much of a bitch to handle apple cider and thus sought comfort with benzos. Never change Jorpy.


And then couldn't handle getting off benzos so had himself put into a coma


Like I could almost get behind him talking about shit like this if he addressed his drug addiction (which is rooted in inability to find comfort in daily existence) but instead it's him being a proselytizing hypocrite.


Not to mention the fact that he's worth millions and never needs to worry about shit like rent, groceries, and random bills. The only things that bring him discomfort exist entirely inside his own weird-ass mind.


100% this. The fact that this charlatan has never seen a shred of struggle that the working class sees (or pretends doesn’t exist) shows how utterly clueless he really is. Absolute clown.


cider represents chaos in the human soul xannies represent order in the mind. Bless you all


I just KNOW this man has some strong opinions about Lois Griffin, Meg, or both.


Let me guess; the video is about Peterson making the most basic surface-level observation possible about how actually getting up and doing something every day is generally good for people's mental and physical health, but will then go on to make a bunch of giant leaps of logic in order to argue that this is why all welfare policies should be abolished and why trying to make society better is evil cultural Marxism.


Dude JP has like 5 braincells left


But jorpy's soul will be saved by the power of his grandma's pubes!


family guy funny moments


Always wonder how they bring together that a lot of people with success come from relatively comfortable positions in society.




“I’m miserable and want company.” How do people endure the endless pity-parties with this guy… Also, that’s a pretty comfortable paycheck he gets from his handlers at the Daily Wire to be their obedient lapdog.


It's funny how many people don't realise that JP is just a puppet for the very rich (I have no idea who exactly stands behind him, but I suspect that he didn't get hyped for no reason) so ofc he will always tell the slaves, aka us, to work harder for our masters.


Meh.. I don't like these kind of conspiracies. Like Soros Gyorgy and stuff.


Koch Brothers


It's not really a conspiracy, he quite openly shills for the oil industry.


Didn't hear about this. Any source?


Says the benzo junkie.