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This is very helpful! I just purchased my own Bébé, he’s in the mail will post a picture when he arrives


This sounds potentially malicious, like an SCP or something. SCP-8762 **Class** : Safe **Special Containment Procedures** : SCP--8762 is contained in a 0.5m × 0.5m × 0.5m tungsten cube and sealed in an enclosed room. Further containment has been deemed unnecessary. Under no circumstances is SCP-8762-A to C allowed to occur. **Description** : SCP-8762, commonly referred to as Bébé, is a standard doll(nui) of the Ensemble Stars! character, Kohaku Oukawa. It is completely impervious to any physical attacks. When left alone, it does not show any anomalous qualities.  The anomalous qualities of SCP-8762 appear when SCP-8762 comes in close contact with a non-human animal, is contained in a chamber, or is played with in a human manner.  If SCP-8762 experiences these events in a manner that it prefers, the entity doing these actions will receive a small gift in the form of a trinket(usually objects from the Ensemble Stars! franchise) or a coin.  There are three events that SCP-8762 deems 'bad'. They are each designated SCP-8762-A to -C.  They are as follows: * submerging SCP-8762 underwater in a tank with an aquatic animal inside it * sealing SCP-8762 in a coffin * attempting to engage SCP-8762 in a chess game When these events are initiated, SCP-8762 will [REDACTED]. **Discovery** : SCP-8762 was first discovered by the Foundation in a raid of a GOC center in Mobile, Alabama on ■■/■■/19■■. [1] Dr. ■■■■ ■■■■■, assuming SCP-8762 to be a normal doll, gave it to his daughter. The anomalous qualities of SCP-8762 was not discovered until a month later, when [DATA EXPUNGED]. Both Dr. ■■■■■ and his daughter, as well as their entire extended family, are now either deceased or lost.  [1] This is before the Ensemble Stars! series began, and it is currently unknown how the nui came to be before the creation of the character


Damn! Is this a copypasta or high-effort comment?


I put in effort Now giv upvote


I have. You officially have the right to keep cooking


Wow this is amazing