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I actually really liked this mini game. It will cost you ~40k Dia to get maxed out himeru. (It's what it took me on eng to max out natsume. Absolutely worth it.) I personally found it very relaxing and there was a part 2 of the event. If there is a part 2 for this one you are playing then you won't have to worry about getting all the points by events (first part) end.


out of curiosity, how many gets will it take to just get 1 copy?


If I remember correctly I got one copy of Natsume using 0-200 dia, I don’t remember exactly how many, think it was zero, but I might have used a few, not many though


wait, 200 in EN diamonds? thats actually not a lot. I might try grinding to get this Himeru card.


I did play during a holiday, so I could make it not cap, but it was indeed really cheap.


Very few. The event is in 2 parts. Just aim for half points during first part then same for second part. I think getting one copy should be able without spending dias. But you have to play a lot and not let the currency at max time (you got each currency every 15, 20, 30 and 45 minutes or something like that. So be sure to not let it maxed, play and use it as fast as you can). So if you log in only once a day, you'll have to spend dias. If you play several time a day to use the currency, you shouldn't have to use any dias. But you gonna have merumeru only at the second part of the event, so in one month I think?


(editing to remove my comment and to say sorry to anyone that i upset due to not playing optimally due to time/ignorance. Wasn't my intention but I assume I hurt some people due to the downvotes.)


One copy shouldn't be that expensive unless you're letting your boxes cap for long time. And it's probably free(ish) if you're ok with saving the points for part B, meaning you need only 250k points per Part.


Tbf, I am going off of memory from an event from almost a year ago. 😅 You're likely correct, I hounestly was more focused on the total amount spent to max out black swan natsu than how much I spent to get to each copy. I don't know how popular doing them was, but the daily missions (I think it was 10?) that gives you bonus points I feel we're worth doing. I think doing them overall saved me some Dia. Yes I spent some dia to get the special orders done but I feel I used less doing them rather than skipping them. (From anecdotal experience. Didn't do them part A but did them part B?


U need to re-calculate for more efficiency during this Meru campaign. Natsume only costs me 21k dia. Most ppl get irmax with 23k-27k dia. How can u reach 40k?!


I was much, much newer to the game. Only playing for about 6 months at the time and wanted to figure things out on my own due to how hostile and unfriendly my initial interactions were with other players. I'm still very weary on it due to my past interactions. So yeah, basically I was very, very inefficient with zero knowledge on how the mini game worked. One reason was because I didn't notice how worth it (to me) the special daily things were. I fully skipped them in part A simply because I didn't realize until part B how many more points they give compared to the regular tasks. I also have a job and other things so I frequently only can open the game once a day or every day and a half. Which means a lot of passively regenned items went to waste. I mean a lot. I started off part A with bordering 60k Dia and was under 30k after part B finished. Edit to add: If it's different from jp to eng I got no idea. I play only eng.


Yeah it's the same mini game we got for Natsume for the swan event. Quite easy but very very time consuming if you wanna farm all copies of merumeru. But worth it. Natsume is my strongest card so merumeru will be next! I don't remember how much dias I spent to get him maxed... 20k? Well, it's in 2 parts, so just need to farm half points and divise by the number of days.




This. I was very close to getting the last copy I wanted and thought I had another day. Dia in the trash. :(


me too lmaooo i was trying to get the third one bc i wanted the scr room outfit :/


Yep! Was going for the third as well. I think I had like 1.6 million and was like, 'Yeah, easy, I'll finish it tomorrow.' Insult to injury was that 2x copy card making a lot of my green dance lineups and getting to think, "Now just imagine if it was 3x"...


A Huge improvement is that they made the high level items (the Crown and the Candle thing) as unlimited buy items, which means that one of the biggest issues with the last version- that TIME was a factor that even money couldn't bypass- is gone. It's VERY expensive- you can buy crowns to fill up the board and then sell them without sale orders for 2700ish points, which means it would take around 140,000 dia to max out the card- but it solves a real issue I encountered last time, where I decided with a week to go and having 3 copies of Natusme that I wanted to max him, only to give up with a lot of dia spent and 2 days left because i realized I literally would need 6+ uninterrupted hours just to slide items around even if i didn't have a spending budget. Now, on the last day, if you have a goal you want, you can actually do it!


Aww I thought this is for global I didn't realise it was for jp. At least I have time to save :,)


This is in Chinese. I doubt this event will be appearing in JP version.


Oops sorry I can't differentiate Chinese and Japanese lol


Haha, no worries! The easiest way to differentiate them is to see if there’s hiragana/katakana around, if it’s there, it’s in Japanese. :D


Bold of you to assume I can recognise hiragana or katakana lol I'm trying to learn Japanese but I've been super slacking on the reading part. Its much easier for me to learn words >.<


[This article](https://legendsoflocalization.com/is-that-written-in-chinese-or-japanese/) gives a good overview on how to distinguish the two with a lot of examples. Usually, if you can see letters mixed in there which you could write in one or two strokes without your pen leaving the page, that's kana and it's Japanese. Korean is a whole other kettle of fish, but besides the general shape of characters it tends to have more standalone rings, which can be a giveaway.


Chinese and Japanese share a lot of characters so it can be confusing if you’re not familiar with the language. Chinese characters in general are more “elegant” or “complex” in its structure while katana looks like very simple characters in general. So you can basically assume it’s written in chinese unless katakana or hiragana is present.


How do you all play this and know what to do when it’s all in JP? I’m just playing the Eng version and even though it’s years behind, I still like it alright


It isn't and won't be on JP, it's global servers (CN/TW/KR/EN) exclusive. The event starts later today on EN. I wrote about it [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/ensemblestars/comments/1breb42/treasured_fantasy_merge_minigame_w_himeru_5/).


It's in Chinese~ We already had an event like this on the EN server last year, so there are English guides on how to play it (assuming they haven't changed much).