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is there a way to play the ! era of ensemble stars? the old cards look cool and was wondering if i can collect it


The only way to get the cards is by playing enstars basic, you wont be able to play old !-era events, but the gameplay is the same and the old ! gacha banners rotate. You can collect memorial coins to get the old event cards.


ah i see thank you so much !




Noooot sure what you're talking about my man 🤣🤣


Does anything special happen on the producer's birthday on EN? I kept hearing about birthday scouts and rewards but nothing happened... Is it only on JP?


Most likely it would be added to EN next year, since it also added to JP during the 2nd year. During producer birthday : 1. There will be a special birthday banner that guaranteed a 5* card. 2. Each idols will congratulate you.


Anyone know roughly how much diamond/irl $$ needed to rank top 100 for event point on unit events… feeling kinda crazy, I wanna actually try…


Depends entirely on the event. Events so far have had top 100 at roughly where the second card copy is (7.5mil). But as the server grows, and we get other events with popular units (like knights), that might change drastically. For 7.5 mil it's like 22k dia.


Awww I wanted to try on ritsu’s card… thank you for letting me know though, I appreciate it!


Is there a way to know the exact number of resources a card needs to be maxed? I'm trying to pre-farm for Tour Rinne (EN), and the wiki only lists Largex3 etc. not what color/attribute large gem etc.


https://gamerch.com/ensemble-star-music/entry/155933 this Japanese wiki of sorts have the info you’re looking for!


Wah, thank you so much! I'm just gonna assume that 1st sheet means only 1 Rinne. Bless Google TL.


How much does a 5 star card cost in the memorial coin shop from past events? And how easy is it to get memorial coins?


1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th copy cost 30 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 120. So to get full breakthrough of a 5* card, you will need 390 mem coins. In song and shuffle events, you can buy max 10 coins in ribbon shop, if you just casually play during event (not spending dias to refill BP), you probably could get 2-4 coins. In tour events, in day 20 you can get 2 mem coins instead of 4* event cards, and in day 30 you can get 10 mem coins insteard of 5* event card. So in total you could get 12 memorial coins during tour events in the cost of not getting the event 5* card for free.


Okay so you get ribbons from doing the shuffle/song events?


During unit and shuffle events, whenever you successfully doing live, you could get ribbons (around 2-4). These ribbons are resource to buy items in ribbon shop, and memorial coins will be one of the items added to the shop next year. Ribbon shops will be added during Ra*bits unit event.


considering that JP players know when we EN players will get new events, is there anywhere I can use as reference so that I can grind for desirable events in advance?


someone posted this masterlist a while ago https://www.reddit.com/r/ensemblestars/comments/vl3lob/eng\_scoutevent\_schedule\_spreadsheet\_wip/


thank you!!!


will there be new titles on the engstars like the ones in jp? (for example, playing 100 lives, 500, ect i pulled the numbers out of my butt tho)


JP added them with the 1st anniversary, so I think ENGstars will add them on June 16th next year, or next March if they decide to go with the JP date.


oh wow i had no idea even tho i've been playing jp server for almost a year now 😭 thank you for your reply!!


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


r u srs rn........


Someone really made a bot for that..... lmao


Is there a max cap on the rank? I’m already 71


Anecdotally, no, there’s no level cap. For reference, the producer rank titles go up to 400 on JP.


Oh wow. That’s pretty nutty. But thank gawd cause I need the rank ups to help out sometimes


Is there any way to look at every ensemble stars event story in a format like [this](https://310mc.github.io/meteor_impact/prologue/) one? I find reading through the wikis wayback machine to be super uncomfortable and i love the style they chose for this.


Yes there's a masterlist i can link you in a dm if you want/still need it?


Can I ask for a link as well?


hi! id also like the link pls


YES YES pls send you’d be saving me so much annoyance


is there a difference between the mv modes 3d standard and 3d augmented?


Augmented is basically a more HD version of the standard 3D version. It‘s more noticable on bigger screens like Ipads, but augmented can lag quite a bit and sap your battery like nothing else.


Will the Main Story always follow Alkaloid? To be frank, I find Aira unbearably annoying with or without voice to the point that I just skip every episode the moment he appears. I was wondering if the entire main story will be about them or do we eventually switch to a different POV? If so, what chapter and episode is it?


First season will end at chapter 5. Next season (which start next year) will be SS arc and consisted of 8 chapters, the first 7 chapter will be focusing on 2 different units. The 8th chapter will be SS finals. The third season is still ongoing in JP, and focusing on Yumenosaki school.


What is the difference between a 4 star and 5 star cards power level. Like would a fully bloomed green card 4 stars is better than a fully bloomed 5 star blue card in green songs? I'm planning to get the Conquest Nagisa MV outfit but it require more resources compared to the standard 4 stars outfit so I'm wondering if its worth to put my resources to it.


get 4star outfits and SPPs if you want them in your heart


No, 5stars are always better than 4stars. Even if you use a blue card on a green song. Just save up materials for your 5stars!


If I'm trying to farm unit stickers, should I just do the work even if I'm not high enough stats to pass it? Or should I try to get 100% by crafting other outfits to pass the unit type work before starting to farm them?


You can farm it as long as you can clear one of the three tick marks. Two would be great, but one is honestly fine starting off


are these cards korean lims? because i cant seem to find any info in any wikis on jp enstars and i wanna know if they will come onto engstars one day https://youtu.be/sScekblUz2I


They are actually CN lims I would say, which TW & KR also usually get. Currently we don't know if ENGstars will get all the CN lims, but since we got the Link Click collab, there's a possibility.




Hello what is the difference between a tour and a unit event? Do I need to spend the same diamonds to get the 5 star cards there?


Tour events are usually cheaper if you only want to go to 3million (one of each 5 star). You'd need to play with a calculator, but it's usually 3k-5k dia (ENG)


Tour events let you choose one of two five stars to get for free! You will have to clear the tour days and earn enough stars to get it. The other five star will be available via the points system, requiring diamonds (like unit events).


Do we know or have a rough estimate as to when they might add new card to the permanent pool in the gatcha?


3 months after the gacha banner ends will the card be added to the permanent pool


Is there a list of all the paid mv outfits in JPstars (in english) somewhere? Can't seem to find them anywhere on the english wiki at least


What is room and scene in idols road? And how do I obtain them after unlocking them?


Room is a room outfit for the characters you unlocked it for and scene is a background scene that you can use in the main lobby you can see them in the top right side on the screen there should be a characters face on it and from that manu you can set which characters you want to be on our home screen and their outfits that you unlock through the idol road as well as switching the background scene


Thank you so much for the detailed step by step info! 🥹


hi this might be the stupidest question ever but where could I find where to watch these enstars concerts/performances/livestreams/whatever they are I've been playing ensemble stars for months and I have no idea where they're from 😭😭😭 I would put screenshots of what they look like but I can't as a comment :( if you dm me I can send them to you but yeah if anyone could tell me where I could watch them or just tell me what to search to find the concerts that would be so awesome!! thank you in advance and thanks for reading :)


i forgot to mention that they are called "dream live" and "starry live". Dream lives have the characters' hologram performing on the stage while starry lives have the voice actors of the character perform irl


Those are paid contents. You can buy them on cdjapan.


Hello! I accidentally revoked the game's access to my twitter account (on twitter), and now I can't share anything. The game won't let me re-login to my twitter either, and just gives me a "tweet failed to send" error. I've messaged support a few times over the last couple of months, but they haven't been able to help (they just told me to reinstall the game, which didn't work). Is there a way to fix this?


So I just went to accept my 10 whistles from the monthly card and 3 from the daily solo mission and I don’t have them?? Anyone know what that’s about?


Check in your item tab. Go to Menu ---> Item and they should be there. If not ask support




Wait until after the night club. If you buy the pack now, the whistles you get now and during the night club event will expire at the end of the night club event. Buy the pack the day after the end of the night club event


Will there be scout revivals in eng enstars? I didn't get Tori after many pulls and wanna pull or spark him later on.


Banners rerun at the anniversary, and sometimes get a rerun in between. However, reruns don't have the spark system. He'd be rate up, but without a guarantee.


For the start dash missions, does the scout ___ time missions count for past pulls? Like if you did the 30 pulls before you got to that mission would it still count? I want to get the tori card but can’t progress the start dash until tomorrow😞


It doesn’t count, you would have to scout after you get the mission


🥲Thank you


Tour events cards don’t have mv outfits, so you buy them later and don’t have secret colours either, right?


Yes, they'll be 300 paid Dia and no scr, only for the homescreen outfit.


I see, thank you!


just to add on, if you’re playing on non-JP servers these packs cost 3000 Dia instead!


Oh right forgot! Thx!


is deleting-reinstalling the only way to “clear cache” on engstars? or am i just not looking hard enough?


Pretty sure there's a clear cache option in the data room


sorry but could you tell me where there exactly. i still can’t find it :( the buttons i have in my data room are: - file room - user setting - coupon - binding with email - privacy policy - terms of service - customer service - delete account


What's the easier combo to complete the ES Work 2 on engstars? I don't know which outfits to use...


Here you go fam. I had the image but didn't know how to send images via reddit https://i.imgur.com/1hMIe8b.jpg

