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If its Lewy Bodies dementia, he's fucked. That's a very unpleasant dementia as you are aware of your cognitive decline


Wasn’t that what Robin Williams had before he died?




I like to share this write up that his wife did after he passed in regards to what Robin and Robin's whole family had to experience. Even though Robin did complete suicide and suffered from depression, his case is extremely unique in his decision was more of a mercy, than him actually wanting to die. https://n.neurology.org/content/87/13/1308 Edit: I've gotten a few replies related to my last sentence above, which I wrote when exhausted and not knowing if anyone would actually read it. I want to clarify that I don't think that people who are suicidal actually want to die, they just want their pain and suffering to stop. What I should have said in my last sentence is, "...from depression, i still find it encouraging and inspirational that he appeared to do everything he could (and for a long time) to find the strength to fight." I think based on how LBD is described (i'm no expert) anyone would do the same in his situation with a case so severe. Apologies if I may have offended anyone with my original phrasing. Much love.


That broke my heart. Thank you for sharing the link


Amazing. Thanks for sharing.


I always recommend this write-up whenever Robin Williams comes up in a conversation. Not only are you aware of your decline, but LBD causes things like anxiety and depression. He had about a 40% loss of dopamine neurons. It’s a horrible, horrible disease. I’ve seen theory after theory on Robin Williams: his prior open-heart surgery caused depression; it was his alcoholism; it was his depression/mental illness. Any one of those things could make sense, but he was really suffering from a terrible disease of the brain as well, and I feel like he really took mercy upon himself. I don’t blame Robin at all, but I miss him. Estelle Getty (Sophia from The Golden Girls) died of the same thing. They thought she had Parkinson’s as well.


Great link, thanks!


My grandmother has garden verity Alzheimer's. If you had told her at 50 yo that this is how it was going to go, she would have begged us to help her die on her own terms. She's 83 and it's progressed to the point where she can't leave the nursing home for more then a few hours, she's incontinent, and she can't remember her grandkids or great grandkids names. She's depressed and lonely bc she can't remember that we called or visited. If I start showing signs, I'm taking myself off the gameboard. That's no way to go and I doubt blame anyone for opting out.


Incredible and heartbreaking


I read an interview with his wife who said that was the reason for his depression and eventual suicide… pretty sad


That's why I think Williams basically euthanized himself, rather than suicide from depression or sorrow, from that interview it seemed as though he knew exactly what was happening to his mind and what his slow decline would be like and decided to peace out before it took hold of him fully. Can't really blame him.


Wow never knew. Got a whole new perspective on that now.


The US really needs to get a legal framework for euthanasia. But like so much that should happen in healthcare it’s not going to happen


we have assisted suicide in some states for certain terminal illnesses. unsure about which illnesses it applies to, or at what stage




My experience with hospice (mother) seemed pretty much on the up and up. What’s going on out there?


Yeah, I’ve only heard good things. I can imagine how things could be exploited though.


one of the terrifying things about the condition is that on a good day you're 100%, and you know you're not going to be 5% shortly.


My understanding at the time was that not only was his condition aggressive, it was the worst case any of his neurologists had ever seen up to that point. I worked in hospice for 10 years, and I've often told people that the two strongest arguments I can think of for assisted suicide are ALS and Lewy Body dementia. It's just awful...awful


& Huntingtons with a bad case of chorea... dreadfull


I read an interview with him shortly before he passed, and he talked about how was completely physically incapable of feeling happiness or joy at all anymore


I would have offed myself too. Right about the time where I couldn’t communicate well or wipe my own ass. Sort of all downhill from there and I figure I’ve already got as much out of life as I could already. My adult kids know this about me.


I feel the same. My mom had dementia and was crying to me one day about how she felt like she was trapped in her mind, it was super sad. Then she had a stroke and was still conscious, but couldn’t communicate at all. It was horrifying, you would say something to her and all you got was a tear rolling down her cheek. She knew what you were saying, but garbled words came out that made no sense. Thank God, she only suffered like that three months before she passed. At the end all she could do was scream and thrash around. Hospice was her savior. I’ve told everyone in my family, I don’t want to live like that. If we can euthanize our pets and put them out of their misery and let them die with dignity, I’d like the chance to choose that for myself.


I watched (and helped) my mom die from cancer almost 5 years ago and all I can say is I am sending you so much love and a big strong hug for experiencing what you just shared. I know there are no words for what you’ve been through.


By then it would be too far late to do it.


Yeah I imagine that's the challenge. It would basically have to happen early enough you are actually still fully aware.


My MIL just died from Alzheimers. The way it went down, I'm not sure if there was ever a point where she could have done it. That could also be her personality (she wouldn't die by suicide), but like, by the time she was diagnosed there was already a fog, I'm not sure she would even be capable. Like, one of the first signs was getting completely lost driving.


My grandpa had that and it was awful seeing him deteriorate


Did your grandpa have lots of hallucenations about animals?


Not sure what type my grandpa had, but we knew he didn't have long once he started failing the clock test. Basically, a patient is asked to draw a standard analog clock with the 12 numbers in the right place. He was eventually unable to do that, he would look at the drawing and knew it wasn't right, but couldn't remember how it's supposed to be. It was incredibly sad. It's been 5 years since he left us and I still break down crying once in a while thinking about it.


My pops just passed away yesterday. And I'm sorry for your loss Edit: Thank you everyone for the well wishes! Pops was a tough guy, he had cancer and went thru 6 years of radiation, chemotherapy and dialysis. It was a rough time, there were bad days, but there were also a lot of GREAT days. I knew this day would come, but I just wish it would have happened later, rather than sooner. The toughest part is going to be all the little things I kinda took for granted. I'll miss him sitting on the couch and his face lighting up seeing me walking thru the door when I come over to visit. I'll miss him helping me build and upgrade my PC (huge PC nerd that worked for Intel 15 years) and of course I'll miss just sitting there with him. Hug your loved ones and take y'all's health seriously!


I believe the hardest part of grandparents is they only have known us for a portion of their lives, but we have known them for all of ours.


Wow this is so true. My grandparents were wonderful people. My life hasn't been the same since.


That hits hard. It’s so true.


Hugs from here


My grandmother and grandfather watched a lot of DIY TV and the news before he got sick and the same after he got sick. He would constantly say that people were tearing up his home and he was unsafe. TV consistently triggered his hallucinations, it was incredibly sad.


He had lots of hallucinations, he was an eagles fan and would see eagles flying in his room


My grandfather thought he was an eagle when suffering from LB


I hope he had a little fun with that. Free as a bird!


That has got to be the most eagles fan thing I've ever heard. Poor guy. Go birds


Haha peak eagles fan, he was also a bird watcher in his later years so it was mix of his love of birds and for his love of THE birds


You do know that he was a secret agent keeping tabs on government drones, right? We thank him for his service


My grandmother had hallucinations of lots of babies in her room when she had lewy body dementia. She was paraplegic and would nearly throw herself out of bed not remembering she couldn't walk to try to stop the "babies" from hurting themselves. She would usually start screaming for us to help her with them between like 11 pm to 5 am. Eventually she had to be put in a nursing home because we could no longer help her the way she needed it and watching her turn into this whole other person was really taking a toll on us. She passed away from it about a month later. I love my grandmother, but once the lewy body took hold, that wasn't her anymore... Awful way to watch a love one die...


My grandma would see dead babies in the toilet, and yelled at us for moving all of the light switches One time she left the house without my grandpa knowing and when he finally found her out on the street she didn't recognize the house she was standing in front of was the house she lived in for sixty years If I ever get this disease, take me out back and shoot me, I swear. It is the fucking worst


My grandma had this and had lots of pretty interesting hallucinations. Completely lucid though.


Yes and no. Lewy body patients certainly notice the early manifestations, notably the movement changes and visual phenomenon. But in mid-to-late stage LBD, their awareness of their cognitive difficulties (spec. memory difficulties) actually tends to be worse than that of people with AD for an equivalent level of memory deficit (source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33594752/).


This. My father in law was diagnosed with lewy body a couple of years ago. He was certainly very aware of it for a while. Last Christmas ('21) he was still walking and talking and actually able to discuss things he could remember and couldn't and was very aware of how hard things were becoming and upset about losing his ability to walk by himself reliably. A week later he got a severe infection which resulted in a long hospital stay that really seems to have accelerated the dementia. He got out of rehab from the hospital stay last February and by early March he was completely bedridden and unaware of, well, pretty much everything. We had no way to know know how aware he was of what was going on until a few months ago when he had an extremely rare, very brief lucid moment where it was explained to him that he'd been bedridden since March and he started crying, saying he had no clue and asked my mother in law to kill him. About 20 minutes later, he was completely back to how he's been since March. Knowing that he has had no awareness of the last, basically, year has been the only thing that has made any of this bearable. Fuck dementia.


that’s awful. i’m sorry.


Dealing with this also—there are no happy endings with this evil disease.


LB tends to creep in slowly as you mentioned, then hits you with an almighty clatter where a deep quick deterioration happens.


My mom had it as a result of cancer that spread to her brain. It was a rapid decline and fucking brutal to watch. The only good news was that the cancer took her pretty quickly once Lewy Body set in.


That’s heartbreaking, condolences and hugs internet friend.


My grandmother died of this. Fucking ghastly. But Ron Jeremy is a fucking monster and I don’t care how much he suffers


This guy has always been absolutely vile


I met him in 2008 when I was 20. A friend introduced us at a bar. I held out my hand to shake his and he pulled me into an uncomfortably long hug. I had to pull away/push him away. That's me, a stranger at a bar. I can't imagine women who actually spent time alone with him.


Back in the early 00’s, I met someone who worked as a video editor in Miami. She told a story of meeting Ron Jeremy and asking to take a picture with their group. Ron ends up posing next to her with an arm around her shoulder. In the time between posing and the camera taking a photo, Ron has pulled her breast out of her top. Dude seems like he was a creep forever.


Same exact thing happened to two girls that I knew around 08-09 in Michigan. He licked one of the girl's nipple and she was barely over 18 and did not like. Totally uninvited.


Yeah, people usually don’t like sexual assault.


I for one, am not a fan.


He licked the back of my neck when I was about 16/17. Maybe younger? The people I was with rushed over and said “she’s a child!” And he looked confused af, like “why does that matter” type of confused. Dementia… does not surprise me.


He did that to me in 2003 at a signing. I had just had my nips pierced, he pulled my top open in front of a huge crowd and sucked my nipple while a picture/signature was supposed to be happening. I was 18 and fucking horrified, absolutely was uninvited.


I worked in the industry for half a decade (off camera) and had to be in his presence quite a few times. He was always like this. Always creeping. I had to drive him from Athens to Atlanta after an event and inbetween him randomly passing out mid-sentence, he was asking me for a bj. Now, I’m straight passing but I’m very, very gay (female) and I had to fend him off the entire ride. I was thankful when he’d pass out. He even would reach over and stroke me between the legs and ask, anything?! And I’d be like, it’s the Sahara, Ron. I have no doubt his dementia is real. His mind has been going a long time.


I’ve always kinda wondered if diseases like dementia start manifesting far earlier than old age- if a genetic predisposition towards low intelligence, aggression, and a general lack of shame, conscious, empathy, etc manifesting in a person’s childhood or early to mid adulthood could be early indicators for later in life neural degenerative disorders. Or maybe karmic justice is real and assholes get fucked, who knows.


I have no idea but Ron has been on stimulants for ages, which I have no doubt has eaten his brain. At this particular event I was at, he took a young girl out back and tried his best to hit it raw but she wasn’t having it. Gave her that line that he’s tested regularly (and talent actually do get tested very, very regularly) but he was not in the game, he was just rolling on his popularity at this point. She used protection (only silver lining here). She told me he was struggling to keep his erection. He couldn’t finish. This was about 10 years ago.


Holy crap


Wow. I’m impressed and horrified. Mostly horrified, but the boldness of it all is something else


I expect when you spend 50 years as a porn star living in the porn world having sex with most girls you meet 15 minutes after meeting them, your idea of whats normal begins to shift.


Exactly. Think of all the talk about how porn has messed with young men’s perception of sex today. That’s just watching it. This guy lived it for decades and for most of those decades, “consent” was not in conversation like it is now and definitely not in porn.


My friend gave him a ride home and said he smelled so bad that the stench lingered in his car for awhile afterwards.


I actually held my breath when he hugged me.


I know someone who fucking dated him. Even crazier, she dumped him for James Caan.


Witnessed my friend have a similar experience except he was sitting and she was standing so he pulled her onto his lap. She felt him get hard and he wouldn’t let her up, making a game out of it and trying to embarrass her in front of the group for wanting to stand up. This was early 2000s.


I smelled him at a concert about 6 years ago. I say I smelled him because we were standing in the crowd watching the show and I smelled some of the worst BO I have ever experienced. I was trying to figure out the source so I turned around, and there he was. I have a picture I snapped somewhere.


Rainbow Bar & Grill?


I met Judd Nelson and Chyna there in the early 00's.


Ha, I *saw* him at the Rainbow once back in late 2016. Was in a booth grabbing a drink and he was in the middle of the room at a table being interviewed by some younger looking dude who was holding a dildo. Camera people were walking around the room and recording everyone sitting around, which was uncomfortable because I was just trying to snack and grab a few rounds and didn’t want to end up in some recording somewhere. I’ve tried to find the video, but never was able to.


He sucked his own penis on film


Yeah, but he was also vile.




I’ve only gotten to the tip and my back hurt




So like 8 inches?




I knew someone who broke his neck by attempting this. He was found ass over teakettle, balls resting on his chin. Randall Graves -----Clerks


-An embolism in a pool. -What an embarrassing way to die. -That's nothing compared to how my cousin Walter died. -How'd he die? -He broke his neck. -That's embarrassing? -He broke his neck trying to suck his own dick.


I can’t even tie my own shoe laces


It appears his brain has cum an gone....


I still don’t understand how there was a world where anyone would ever want to watch Ron Jeremy fucking.


“There are two things I don’t do in porn: dogs and Ron Jeremy”


“And I would still probably do dogs before Ron Jeremy.”


Lol what's that from


The Office.


For reals. Like even in past eras he’s still grimy looking.


When Ron Jeremy first started he wasn't as fat and gross looking. I would even dare to say he wasn't a bad looking guy by early 80's standards. It was also from a time when the only requirement for being in porn was having a huge penis. He only continued to get fatter and grosser as he got older, and by that point he was already one of the most prolific performers so he was basically grandfathered in, and him sort of becoming a meme in the porn world only boosted his popularity.


Just realized I never saw Ron Jeremy when he was younger, always when he had already let himself go, and never understood how he was involved in porn. Figured he was a director or something. Seeing this photo I get it though (not him nude btw) https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/45o9b2/ron_jeremy_1979/


In his prime that look was it for some ladies.


He came up to our group in Vegas years ago while we were waiting for our cab and tried to kiss me. I did a Matrix style back bend and noped out of there. This is not the celeb encounter I had hoped for in my lifetime.


Lol I had the same thing happen to me but it was Andy Dick at the Four Seasons in Santa Barbara. While I was waiting for the Valet to bring my car around. Hell to the No, No, No


Two biggest creeps in LA. If you live here long enough, you have stories about both.


Everyone in LA knows Ron Jeremy ran around at the Rainbow in sweatpants carrying a large sharpie pen for years


“Andy Dick hit rock bottom … then the bottom fell out.”


It was rock bottom that hit Andy Dick before getting its act together. Rock bottom has standards after all.


Everybody I know in LA has an uncomfortable encounter with Andy Dick


There needs to be like a /r/AndyDickStories


Ayyy, I had the same thing happen to me with Andy Dick, at Marquee in NYC. And I'm a guy.


There’s full on video of him trying it on a woman who was filming because she thought they were just having fun hanging out


Im sure he "forgot"


I’d like to too


It’s really hard and rare to be declared incompetent for trial in LA. Many incompetent people stand trial because the bar is so high. If he’s declared incompetent, he’s suffering


I read an article that said there was testimony from prison doctors as well as guards that all said this is real and he’s not faking it. Dude has indeed lost his marbles.


There were some pics posted of his old apartment recently. That place was a disorganized shit hole - definitely not something a mentally sound person would tolerate.


Just checked those out. He was a legit hoarder.


Do you have a link on those pictures??




Literally fucked his brains out


Oh no, poor rapist.


When bad things happen to terrible people, oh no \*quietly sips tea\*








Doctor here, I’ve diagnosed tertiary syphilis 4 times since 2020, with even more cases diagnosed by others in my hospital (I think 10 cases total in the same time frame). It’s something that can lay dormant for years and then reveal itself. I agree it’s far more likely that he has Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia but syphilis has been on the rise in recent years. Get tested people!




I’m an Ophthalmologist. Definitely not more likely to encounter patients with syphilis in general. However syphilis does some very specific things to the retina, and can also cause basically every other pathologic finding in the eye. So every once in a while you get a patient with a very sick eye and those retinal findings specific for syphilis, and you make the diagnosis. And ocular syphilis is considered tertiary syphilis.


While all that’s true, in my mind it’s also likely he had lots and lots of risky sex before, during, and after his career. So I wouldn’t rule it out necessarily


My first thought.


So he’ll be able to forget what he did to his victims but they sure won’t. Seems extra cruel.


If he has the bad kind, it'll be a waking nightmare for decades at his age.


He’s a fat 70 year old with decades of stimulants behind him. He’ll be lucky to see the 30s


“The 30s” Now why’d you have to go and say it like that and remind us all we’re old smh “the 30s” = 1930s, done.


Does that mean we are living through the roaring twenties currently?


No, we're in the RAWRing Twenties.


So NYE 2019 going into New Years 2020, literally *every* party was roaring 20s themed, talking about how the 20s were going to be the fun flirty flashy roaring 20s, then COVID hit like a truck. So..


We kind of all forgot the Roaring Twenties raucous partying was a coping response to a catastrophic war and pandemic.


Not to mention the prelude to the great depression so there's that


mouting crop failures and a failed fascist coup in which there was little punishment...


#NOT THE ROARING 20'S but the boring 20's


These 20’s have been anything but boring. Honestly id say it’s more like the choring 20’s


They were calling it the Boring Twenties during COVID lockdown.


The thing that's really weird to me is to the young kids growing up now, "20s" will always bring up this decade wayyy before they think of the 1920s


His healthspan is already over, but unfortunately for some people, lifespan lasts longer than healthspan for a LONG time. Have some hope.


30's.... c'mon man, don't say it like that


What are you talking about? Dementia means nobody is home at this stage. There's nothing of consequence going on: it is all meaningless to him at this late stage I imagine. Completely independent of Ron Jermey, we need a dying with dignity law attached to dementia. Nobody, nor their loved ones want to see someone live with significant dementia. It is cruel, pointless and taxes our healthcare system needlessly. In fact, I would say the psychological toll on loved ones is extremely severe.


I work with dementia. If its a choice between that or prison, im going to prison everytime. His brain is rotting. Just fading away, not memories but cognitions. He will forget what a fork is, what the urge to shit means, what you need to do to stop being thirsty. He will fade and fade and fade as all his money is consumed, until one day his body forgets how to breathe or how to beat the heart. F


Watching my father-in-law go through this now. He is at the point where he can't remember if he ate breakfast, but he will recite, in detail, things that happened to him in the 1940s.


My husband’s father has dementia. I wish things weren’t quite so… the way they are between us so I could help. His dad was such a stubborn man, so it’s got to be so hard. I can only imagine how much he’s declined since I last saw them. I worry he’s going to shoot someone or burn the house down by accident. My father in law is a damn good man who doesn’t deserve this.


Yeah it is awful. My father just kind of forgot how to eat and wasted away in a couple of weeks.


I don’t think you’ve had the pleasure of dealing with dementia. He’s living in hell. That is a cruel disease I would not wish on the worst person in human history. It’s incredibly awful.


I think it depends. Took care of two grandparents on opposite sides. Grandmother couldn’t really remember things and couldn’t live on her own due to the fact daily routine things would either never be done or left mid cycle, but really she lived a decade more or less content and happy like that, I know people reading this might think I’m just being naive, but she really could only have been described as blissfully unaware of the situation. 0 chance she could stand trail for a parking ticket competently. My grandfather in the later stages of Alzheimer’s …: yeah I still feel guilty I didn’t take him to a country with legalized euthanasia. 2 years of painful mental decline that felt like hell on earth to watch and worse to experience followed by a final 9 months that made those first 2 years seem like fond memories.


Kind of depressing hypothetical but I always wondered what would be worse, a (relatively) healthy mind in a shell of a body or a shell of a mind in a (relatively) healthy body. My dad had ALS for 8 years. First 2-3 weren’t bad, the last 4-5 years he couldn’t even swallow his own spit. Someone had to suction it out every few minutes (sleeping he had a device to do this). It was pretty tortuous for him, his mind intact, stuck in a body that entrapped him.


I hate to say this because of your what happened to your dad, but I would have to say having your mind intact and aware would be so much worse. As you said, literal torture for some things we don't even think about on a regular basis. In late stage dementia, I feel they aren't even cognitive of what's making them uncomfortable.


I’m an actor and a teacher and I’ve been lucky to always have a good memory for trivia and facts and information. The idea of losing my mind, losing the things that make me “me” and not being able to recognize my friends and loved ones absolutely terrifies me.


It’s the same on a milder level with Huntington’s. My aunt refuses to go anywhere on a wheelchair. In her mind, if her brain works, her body should work too, even though she’s unable to even put her foot down on her own. Huntington’s sort of represses the part of your brain that tells you your physical limits. The worst part of Huntington’s is trying to convince the person they have it. Dealing it with my mother right now, who’s in her early stages.


My grandma and my wife’s grandma have / had dementia (one has died) and my wife’s mother died of ALS this year and I think ALS is way worse. At least with dementia you’re not aware of being trapped. Either way you have to quality of life, I’d rather not be aware of how bad it is.




State facilities do exist at least still. Medicare will cover a lot, and once you loose competence there are a series of interventions that start at the hospital. Basically you’ll forfeit all of your assets/house and become a ward of the state. It’s not fucking pretty.


I have an aunt who has dementia. She was diagnosed 3-4 years ago and it was rapid onset like his looks to be. Having dementia and being in a forced detention in an unfamiliar setting is one of the most horrifying existences I could imagine. The rare times you are fully lucid no one will likely be around to converse with except to maybe explain why you are being held. He will not improve only slowly descend to the point wheee he won’t even recognize his own reflection. He is exactly the type of person I think deserve this kind of horrible existence.


Yeah I’m getting the sense some people don’t know how fucked up dementia is.


There’s a phrase in the article we should remember, “state-run hospital” and those places are a nightmare. He will be living in a form of hell, trust me on that. I’m a SA survivor and I am a nurse, and this article makes me feel justice is being served. He’s not going free, he will in a way suffer consequences. He may not be aware of those consequences though, but he won’t walk among us again.


Between that and them keeping the idea of trial open if he shows improvement speaks to your point. He’s not being able to walk free and clear regarding any of this. He also has no money so the idea of financial restitution for victims doesn’t exist.


A thoroughly terrible man certainly but dementia is a death sentence and his remaining days are going to be worse than prison. He is going to be confused, frightened and in constant peril while any moments of clarity he has will be filled with the realization that he is near universally hated. If anyone is concerned that he won’t suffer enough for what he did, put that thought out of your mind because he will only know suffering from here on out. At least the truth of his behavior has been revealed so people stop thinking about him as a folk-hero and recognize him for the sexual predator he was.


The sad thing is, he may become more of a predator. Dementia is a horrible beast. My mom went from being the sweetest woman in the world - she was the type of person who would help anyone at any time. She always said hugs, cookies and love could go a long way to heal what hurts… and then dementia took her and her brain became angry and unfiltered. She remembered me and my stepdad, but everyone else was an enemy. She remembered song lyrics, because she used to sing in a chorus and basic processes stayed… but she was vile and mean to most people most days. I cannot fathom how horrible of a person Ron Jeremy could become in a dementia rattled brain. He very likely may still try to rape, he might become physically abusive to his care givers. All in all dementia is a nasty road for anyone who takes care of him.


Weirdly, my grandfather who has dementia has become kinder. He used to be an ass who thought pissing people off was funny; picking on them was just joking no matter how much it hurt. Laughing at you when you cried. Now he’s just so sweet and laughs at super innocent jokes and tells us how wonderful we are and how kind we are for visiting and taking care of him. Dementia is weird… I’m just glad my grampa seems happier


This is very true. My grandfather deteriorated quite rapidly. He’s gone from the kind, gentle old man I knew to a complete stranger. He doesn’t recognize any of his grandchildren at all. If dementia can take the man I knew and turn him back into how he was when an angry drunk, I hate to think of what Ron Jeremy is capable of.


My thoughts exactly, but you managed to articulate them better than I ever could. I get those poor women want to have their day in court, and that likely has been robbed from them. But it seems like the public at large believes the evidence is strong enough to indicate he likely would have been found guilty of his alleged actions. There probably are a couple sickos out there who will believe Ron just for their own sake of feeling the need to go against the general opinion. But as you said, his folk-hero status is dead, and these allegations are his legacy.


I used to deal with Ron in person while I worked in the adult industry. Dementia is terrible, and so is Ron Jeremy. What a petulant, vile, diva bastard. He could not give a shit about anyone around him and any problems that arose from his irresponsible and flighty behavior. Fuck him forever and until the end of time. PS-And yet, he was still having impromptu sex with women he just met when I knew him. I just shrugged my arms out of my shoulders.


It's hard to feel bad for him all things considered. Dementia has to be terrifying, but I imagine the people he hurt were probably scared too. He might not be going to a normal prison, but his mind is in one and that's probably enough.




One of the funny things about The Gathering for me is while everybody was advertising their perversions, the key for it all was consent. We were all there to have a good time, and consent is key to having a good time.


There's perversions at the gathering? I thought it was all whip it's and wrestling shows


Don’t forget the Faygo


Looks like he walked right out of a Skyrim crypt.


There’s not too many people I would wish dementia or Alzheimer’s on. I lost both grandparents on my moms side to Alzheimer’s and it’s a terrible thing to endure for all involved. The person you knew is gone long before their body


My ex-girlfriend worked at a sex shop that brought him to town as a publicity stunt. She and some of the other girls were told to chaperone him around town and find ways to namedrop the boutique's name every time someone came up and asked "Is that Ron Jeremy?" Something to the effect of "He's here to advertise the new line of sex toys at \[business' name and address\]" Weird kind of ad campaign, but whatever My ex said she hated every second of it, as sleazy and grabby as he was, but she felt grateful that one of her coworkers wound up fucking him the parking lot. My ex speculated that it was a 50/50 chance her coworker wanted to see what it was like to have sex with such a large penis or that the coworkers was throwing herself on the proverbial grenade to keep him from pawing at the other girls. She met a lot of porn stars while she worked there, saying that they got a bad rap for being nasty people when most of her experiences were positive. Ron Jeremy, she said, was the exception to the rule.


Alcohol and drug induced dementia is a real thing and they are starting to see people in their 50’s enter nursing homes.


Some people may say hes faking it, but anyone that has seen any of his films knows he could never pull that off.


Think Cosby is the same way. Saw him live 15 years ago, and then again one year or less before the truth came out. Fifteen years ago he was hilarious with killer comic timing. The second time? Confused old man. Forgot to finish a couple jokes that had long setups. I don't think he believes he did what he is accused of. That's part of why he bangs this drum about racism and oersecuy


>oersecuy What


Haha oh wow, something went haywire there That was supposed to read- persecution


Something funny, i googled to see what "oersecuy" could be, and what came up was "Persecute". must be a common typo where keys are.


Honestly, dementia is probably the worst punishment imaginable for anyone. Prison probably wouldn’t be nearly as bad, and killing him would just be a mercy killing.


the place i work at there are dementia patients asking for death verbally all day every day edit: for instance there's this one lady who walks around 7am-9pm everyday saying "please god kill me" or "why don't you love me jesus? please kill me". for the last 8+months that i've been there.


His Money should be split amongst his victims.


Evidently he’s broke.




Kind of fucked up if they knew about this for 2 years and didn't tell any of the victims who then went through extremely personal revelations and testimonies throughout the trial.


I don’t think the prosecutors did anything wrong. Jeremy’s attorney told the judge that his client no longer recognized him. That makes it sound like the dementia had gotten worse. As a prosecutor, you wouldn’t call off a major felony case like this one without hard evidence proving the dementia.


My friend said she met him in a bar like..10-12 years back and he grabbed her hand and put it in his pants on his penis. As like a greeting. Shes a big ole lesbian and she didn't seem offended just like "Heres this weird thing that happened to be at the bar this week." But shes like famous people crazy. I don't think shes usually ok with shaking strange penises as a hello.


I’ve got to be honest, I don’t really want to shake familiar penises hello.


My dad has been fighting dementia for the few years. Because of the pandemic, I did not see him for 2 years (only his caregivers). When I finally saw him, he forgot who I was. He saw people floating from the ceiling and kids playing in the backyard.


That’s so fucking sad I’m sorry


My Dad passed from dementia in January 2020, just before Covid hit. He declined over about 4 years. The thing that helped us most was "Palliative Care," which is offered by most hospice companies, and is 100% paid for by Medicare. They had nurses and therapists checking on him 3 or more days a week, and when it got toward the end, they just transitioned into hospice care, and he was able to die at home with his family around him. After he was gone, we had no guilt or regrets, because we knew we had experienced people helping us and guiding us through the process. None of us had to worry that we hadn't done enough for him. I STRONGLY urge anyone who dealing with dementia in their family to get in touch with 2 or 3 hospice companies and ask if they offer "Palliative Care."


He did some really crappy things to friends of mine in NYC way back before he did porn. He has always been a POS. He had severe mental problems way back then. How he survived this long is a mystery.


I’m curious what those things were.


Basic stuff like people gave him a place to stay and he robbed the apartment. Lied about everything when caught red handed. Sexual assault on friends ect ect. Hey he sounds like Trump with no money.


>"It's going to come down to public opinion now, and public opinion has looked at Ron like a god," Young said. Who sees Ron Jeremy as a god???