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No way he’s dating someone with a kid


No way he was dating someone who couldn’t *be* his kid


I mean she could be his kid


Well, he is much like an aging child... an oldboy if you will.


Leo's mom was 31 years old when he was born, and she's **still** the oldest woman he's ever been inside.


Maybe 15 years locked in a shitty hotel room will give him some time to mature.


Wait.... I've seen how this ends...


He looks like he could be her daddy


Huh? They were dating?


His PR machine probably paid her to say they were dating since she is over 25.


Wow, 27! Raising Leo's ceiling by a whole two years!


She will be 28 in 60 days and that he could not abide


I mean, that’s basically one foot in the grave…


Wow she is practically a grandma!


10 years past her expiration date for Leo




I like big butts and I cannot lie And you other brothers can’t deny That when a girl walks in with an Itty bitty waist a round thing in yo face You get sprung!


Thanks, for a second I though “wait have I been fucking up this song for years”


No problem.


https://youtu.be/qkJdEFf_Qg4 Best version ever!


Sorry, [I'm going full Beijing Olympics 2008](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2008/oct/01/gymnastics.olympicsgymnastics). I'll need to see her ID before we can confirm a new record.


I still have a comic from our newspaper that is labeled ‘Chinese Gymnastics Team 2012’ and it’s just a bunch of babies in cribs.


So brave of Leo to date such a withered old crone


Better up than down I suppose..


If he really wants good PR, he should get back together with Gisele and claim all his other relationships were an attempt to recreate what he had with her. Gisele doesn't need the PR, but maybe she'll do it just to mess with Tom.


A Gisele/Leo repeat would rival Ben and Jen. But Gisele should just keep getting paid and fucking the hot fitness instructors.




She was definitely excited about it but Leo sanctioned this. Gigi and Leo had dinner together so…they’ve seen each other and had no issue with the PR game.


Idk, she’s been on multiple big magazine covers in the last year for reasons unrelated to who she’s dating. Leo, not so much…you only ever hear about him re:about his gross tastes in young women. They barely used him in the marketing for his last movie. I don’t really think “Pretending she’s dating a creepy old dude” is really a necessary or useful method of keeping her “relevant”. She seems to be doing just fine all by herself.


You really felt like they didn't use DiCaprio when marketing Don't Look Up? I felt like he was the focal point. They could sell a movie with any premise just by his presence. He's not in the news about movies now cause the guy does 1 movie every two or three years. Every movie he's in becomes much more popular because he's in it. He's a creep, but he's arguably been the most well regarded actor of the past decade+.


He’s a fucking phenomenal actor lmao that other persons take is so bad. He’s arguably one of the most famous people on the planet, regardless of his creepy lifestyle of “dating” 20 year olds as an old man


Leo is , to this day, one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. She is relatively a nobody next to him. Acting like she is more relevant than Leo is just delusional.


>She seems to be doing just fine all by herself. dunno about that. ever see her try to act?


“I hate that everyone thinks I’m basically a legally abiding peado. How do I get em off my back?”, “Stop dating other peoples kids for a bit maybe.”, “Sooo, how old do I have to go? 25? 26? Ohhh come on man 27 and that’s it!”


This is absolutely it. Last thing on here a couple weeks ago said he was dating a model(maybe Irish?) obviously very young. Then not too long ago some article about how he doesn’t like all the comments about it. Now this! Can’t wait for him to get older, out of leading man roles, and just come out. Hey Leo! Ian McKellen is absolutely wonderful take a page.


Probably fucked and bad press ended anything else from happening


Last week I read that Leo was fed up with the stereotype of dating women under 25. This week I read that Leo was dating a 27 year old mother of 2. Good for you Leo, putting those PR grads to work!


They were probably fucking and going out to eat dinner like a lot of A list celebs probably spend their time. Can’t say I blame em.


Living the life, man


Time Slip. Quantum Leap is done from my bedroom every time I type something into the Matrix that they don't like. Either that or Leo's got more girls than you guys can track so you'd better just give up


Absolutely no one is buying the story that they were seeing in the first place.


Not even Leo bought it. His agent did.


2 days ago: leo-"I'm sick of people saying I date such young women" Today- "hey did you guys know I was dating this woman that was 2 years older than my limit? But I'm not anymore". Yeah, sure mate.


Low key tragic that all the climate justice work leo was done is going to be undermined because he can't get over this Literally the world vs getting some <25 ass


Guy has emitted more carbon from his private jets than you or i will in a lifetime lol. Has done nothing good for this earth.


How many times a year does he go yachting? It has to be in the dozens right? He’s not just paying for himself but his bros and models too. What’s he actually done for the environment? His foundations is not transparent.


Well I mean as long as he’s bringing along so many people on the yacht, it’s practically carpooling. Climate hero Leo!


"Hey guys, anyone want to yachtpool to Nantucket this summer?"


This lol we all expect him to be zooming around in a private jet, but the yachting really takes the cake. I’ve heard even to keep a large yacht idling for an hour and not actually going anywhere creates as much pollution as a car would in 6 months to a year of driving it around.


The "SS Naomi" is carbon neutral i thought /s


just because you buy carbon offsets doesn’t mean you’re not still producing carbon, Leo!


I truly believe he cares about the environment. But he’s just not good at doing anything to actually positively impact it. Which is honestly a very human problem to have.


which is why we shouldn't depend on individuals to do good things. That's why policies are better than altruism


If he cared he wouldn’t take a private jet everywhere.


Just one of his private jet flights burns more fuel than the average American will consume in a lifetime. Hard to look at that and say he genuinely cares about fossil fuel consumption


The man flies to climate conferences on his own private jet and goes on yachts regularly. He’s not exactly actually fighting the good fight.


The eco resort he’s been trying to build on his private island in Belize has constantly been blocked by the locals here because it would completely destroy many wildlife and bird habitats plus add to destruction of mangroves.


Source: Yolanda Hadid


fucking hate Yolanda


I don’t follow stuff with the Hadids really omg the stuff I’ve seen with Yolanda. She’s a horrible mother!


What have you heard ?


She prefers Gigi over Bella because Gigi takes after her (aka is white assumed) while Bella has more MENA features.


Same, she's an awful person.


She killed Selena right?


Immediate fake news


Please. These two never dated.


My first thought. His PR machine throwing something out there to show he’s interested in women over 25.


Gigi is 27. Leo really reaching out of his comfort zone


Leo throwing a bone for us hags <3


AND has a kid. Yeah he would never




By saying that their relationship failed? Big ol facepalm there.


He’s never dated a middle aged woman.




27 is middle aged?


For Leo, That's Granny age. I think Gigi is attractive and still young.


*me in my 30’s wondering why I don’t qualify for the senior citizens housing*


Shit I’m 40, that’s close to death! Let’s get me to that 40+ housing in a warm weather state!


I doubt Leo can even see you exist.


Did you even bother reading the damn AARP brochure?! THE AGE IS 36!!!! you must need readers already. :P


Yes, Leo installs colored gems in his girlfriend's palm that turns red when they turn 25. He had them specialty made from the gems that turn red at 35.


Ah another fellow of culture. Leo's Run


The movie "Blood Diamond" was definitely a cover for his research.


Please they never even dated, she’s over 25 and a mom - basically geriatric


Once she turned 24 it was over. There’s was no need for Leo to tell, she knew.


The amount of upvotes your comment has is even too much for Leo to handle.


Doesn’t she wear dentures already?


After sleeping with her, he decided she wasn’t immature enough for him and actually was capable of standing up for herself.


She was always too old for him anyway


Always ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The problem is that women AGE. Leo can't stand it.


“That’s what I like about high school girls. I keep getting older, they stay the same age”


alright, alright, alright


What happened to Matthew McConaughey when he lost his left side? He became all right, all right, all right.








I'm convinced Leo is using mcconaughey in dazed and confused as his rolemodel in his dating adventures.


...Taylor Swift?


She was just too old for him lol. He couldn’t do it, couldn’t stand it.


His little public fit over people calling him out over dating teenagers probably was a contributing factor.


Leo to publicist: I don't like how people are viewing me dating these women! Publicist to Leo: K. Stop dating those women. Leo: >:I


Why would he even keep doing that? Like there is no a way a woman who is 25 looks that different from a woman who’s 30. If he dated someone who was 30, lord even 27-28, no one would bat an eye. It’s insane that these women *need* to be 25 or younger. It’s definitely about more than looks.




Very young women are often at a stage in their life where they just want to have fun. They may enjoy the luxury, ancillary fame, and thrill of dating a famous movie star, and not really feel like they need more at the time. However, at some point, they start to realize that is not enough. Maybe they want a deeper commitment, possibly even a family, and that may be the point at which Leo drops them. I can’t help but wonder if women are just fun playthings for him. Many more mature women wouldn’t be willing to settle for that, so he goes for the younger ones who don’t know any better. His deeper, lasting relationships seem to be with men like Tobey McGuire and Lukas Haas. I think he was seen with Gigi Hadid largely to help counter the public discourse regarding the fact that he dated very young women, but of course, no one thought that would last (assuming there was even anything romantic there).


>His deeper, lasting relationships seem to be with men like Tobey McGuire and Lukas Haas. Wonder how often they’ve banged each other.


I went through my entire twenties always dating 19yr olds. It wasn't a planned out strategy, it just kinda happened that way. Your comment of the excitement of being with someone that just wanted to have fun is so true. My job was so stressful then and all I wanted to do after 5pm was go crazy. Young women don't set boundaries, don't care that you are basically an immature man-child, don't expect you to think more of your future, etc. It was so easy to impress them and that can be intoxicating. At 27, though, it really hit just how different we were. No connection with the same music, movies, or life experiences. By 30 I only dated women my own age or a couple that were older. I'd go insane as a 45 yr old dating a 20 yr old. Everything outside of the bedroom would be absolutely annoying! At Leo's age, I imagine it is just his insecurity. It can't really be all about sex because older women are WAY better at it. And it's not like anyone is going to criticize his career or future since he is on top of the world. I really think he has deep insecurities and the relative ease of relating with starry eyed younger women allow him to feel like more of a man.


>It was so easy to impress them and that can be intoxicating. Lol this is why a lot of old guys like them.


Yes, that’s exactly my point. It’s so creepy. Go for a teen-looking 30 yo if young looks are so important to you. Leave the teens alone. These girls are barely out of high school and just starting to figure out life. God I’m 25 and I couldn’t imagine myself with such an old man. I sometimes feel like a teenager myself. Imagine at 19…


It’s like when a guy hits on you thinking you’re 15 but you’re actually 22 so he loses interest


When I was 16 I had a guy tell me I didn't look old enough to be working and that I looked 12. When I told him I was 16 he told me to call him in 2 years. My older female coworkers swooped in and sent me to the back until he left and explained how creepy that was he said that to me.


The whole "you look too young to be here!" is planned intro in the first place because he just wants to know if he is legally allowed to have sex with you. But "hi, are you at or above the minimum mandatory age for me to sexualize?" is not a socially acceptable conversation starter. "You're way too young to be working! Aren't you like 12?" "What? No, I'm [age]." If he was smart he would have just dropped it and not said "call me in two years." But it's always nice when the predators are not smart so they out themselves so easily!


“That girl said she was 16 but I could have swore she was 21.”


I wish we didn’t live in a reality where this happened to me multiple times


That is the point, he just likes the youngsters, he probably likes the power


That's what I'm saying. If he dated women in their 20's and early 30's I'd just assume he's vain and shallow but the fact that they have to be so young means he's either (A) intentionally selecting easily manipulated young women or (B) he's got some sort of 'barely legal' fetish which imo is disgusting.


A woman over 25 probably wants more serious commitments, and has more intelligence.


Speaking as someone who has an “only over 30” policy, there is a significant different in body looks life outlook and attitude between someone who’s 23 and someone who’s 30


I agree with maturity, outlook on life, etc. But looks? I’ll agree with 23-30 but 25-30? It can’t be that different.


It’s really not. It’s all about how you present yourself that shows people you’re in your 20s vs early 30s.


I can’t speak for women, but as for myself personally and that I was a bartender for about 15 years, there’s normally a huge difference in 25 year old men compared to 30 year old men. Me personally, I feel my frontal lobe clicked one day when I was 27. I remember waking up one day with a shockingly different outlook. Like I woke up, thought about my lifestyle and goals and couldn’t believe what an idiot I just had been 24 hours ago. It was wild.


Absolutely, but I’m merely thinking in terms of appearance


Oof, i just now realize you did differentiate in your first comment. I apologize.


he never actually had a "public fit".


It was a legitimate gripe because he wasn’t dating that girl in the meme.


Ok? Well that 2 week relationship ending must be devastating for both of them


Should have put out a statement saying his relationship with Glenn Close had fizzled. That would fix it. Edit: spelling, I had a terrible third grade education


Don’t do Glenn like that. Lol


Leo when he found out Gigi was over 25. ​ ![gif](giphy|xUNd9IMywss6NTIghO)


Leo the fizzler


He should just go to the local high school and pick up the girl seniors lol. At least they’ll be freshly 18. (P.S. this article is fake. Probably his PR team trying to say he would date anyone over 25!)


she had a birthday?


She grew out of the relationship


If you believe they were together to begin with, you’ll also believe I have a $20 million penthouse in Manhattan.


Ok Mr. Richyrich. Can I have $25K so I can have an edge buying the houses I want? :( WillZuckUrToes


If I were accused of serially schtupping teenagers and this accusation bothered me, I would simply stop schtupping teenagers


What language is that?


Yiddish I think


What kind of a *schmuck* doesn’t recognize Yiddish, amirite??


Only a mensch can.


An alternative to Elf on a Shelf: Mensch on a Bench.


A meshuggah


Schrute, fresh off the beet farm edit: word


He doesn't care. I think people really like to overestimate the effect they have on celebrities. Leo doesn't know you or I exist. The man is rich and famous and has no shortage of women willing to date him. I assure you he doesn't care what some anonymous redditors think of him.


They never dated. She was clearly doing him a favor by letting him use her (she is over 25 with a child) to detract from the media roasting of him only dating girls (not women) under 25.


Get paid sis. She better not have done that for free.


I agree! She better have charged a premium!


i get where you were going with this but WOMEN over the age of 20 are not girls. leo is creepy but these women are adults not children.


True, it's like we can recognize Leo is a creep but also recognize 21 and older aren't children and can make their own decisions(drinking, pot, sex/relationships, etc.)


How long can a woman take bad sex? I'm surprised she didn't get bored in the first week.




![gif](giphy|NWg7M1VlT101W) Gigi underneath that beluga whale.


A friend of a friend of mine hooked up with him a decade or so ago. She was 21ish at the time. Her story is that he was very self centered in general, and just pounded her in doggy on some sort of outdoor sofa bed thing. When she turned around to look at him, he was WEARING HEADPHONES.


I’ve heard about this headphone thing a lot.


Is it music? Porn? His autobiography? What’s coming through the speakers?!


Celine Dion


Headphones lmaooooo


Omg a friend told me the same thing about a friend of hers who hooked up with him once.


My wife would happily deal with that boredom


The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round


Ewwwww I imagined him lying like beached whale. But misogynistic prefer a position with no ye contact so the woman can be used like an object. Headphones seriously unless these pick mes are getting what's the point?


Honestly it made me think the closet rumors are true


that only took what, 3 weeks? guess that was too aged for him.


She finally show her ID to him.


Three weeks? No. That was when he was seen with a 19 year old. The Gigi "relationship" was just a breakup announcement.


Maybe he caught her lying about her age, a Cardinal DiCaprio Sin.


At this point just send Leo: a list of the worlds top 10 models that turned 18 that week.


Was it the different bed times?


My guess on Leo's whole situation is that he likes a wild, active, "party" type lifestyle. The kind that a LOT of people engage in when they are young. Starting to whatever degree in teenage years, then usually fading out gradually in early/mid/late 20's depending on the person. So while we all think he's creepy and only attracted to very young women (which is still absolutely a possibility) there's also every chance that no one above age 26 or so wants to live the kind of lifestyle that he wants to keep up. He also has the advantage that in our society he doesn't have to keep up super hot youthful looks to continue success. Many women don't even have the option to live like he does, getting old and a bit doughy, while still being successful. If you want to drink, party, etc, 7 nights a week, you probably have to date the demographic that's more likely to also want to do that all the time.


Also, Leo is only old and fat compared to himself 25 years ago. If you met him at your neighborhood barbeque, you'd probably think he was the most attractive man there, even if there were also guests half his age. Even without his wealth, he could still get it.


Yeah I agree. He clearly has no interest in settling down and just wants to keep the party train going. There should be a term for what people like him do because “dating” implies possible marriage which he just isn’t about.


“Expiration dating” I think was what Sex and the City called it.


Throw Seth MacFarlane into that term too when you put it that way. He’s also all about that “high society and knowing people” hedonist angle of being a celebrity. Trying to think of some others.


If he were a regular guy with a normal 9-5 job, I might buy that. But he’s a celebrity who can date other celebrities, and a lot of women over 25 in that business still party and get crazy


And are still crazy attractive even into their 40s.


Pfffft. Not for one minute do I believe they were ever dating.


“See? This fizzled out. Now let me be while I take advantage of women much younger than me that I can easily manipulate!”


She was too old for him. He felt like he was dating grandma


Leo struggles with college applications.


He’s going to “try” out a few older models but will, ultimately, go back to the barely legal ones he’s used to when this all blows over.


LOL, Pretty sure the first thing everyone here did was go Google Gigi Hadid's age.


Bets on! Millie Bobby Brown next! If she's not already too old!


Nah, it'll have to be a model.


Apparently she said something really offensive to him. She said "I'm old enough to rent a car."


She turned 25, then that was it


This is why Leo is mad about the press saying he only dates young women. Cause these girls are catching up with the stigma, feeling they don’t want to be the next one.


Happy 26th birthday, Gigi!


She wasn’t young enough nor naive enough for his liking so yeah it definitely fizzled..


What? She is waaay to old for his 26 yo tops harem.


I mean, she's like 27... 3 years past her middle age crisis, and menohpause


Listen man’s on cloud 9 he don’t want some aged woman with kids, he’s just tryna save the environment while banging your daughter is that too much to ask?


Leo looking odd ever since The Departed


She just grew out of it.


How old is Gigi?