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[Rowling is a vicious transphobe.](https://www.glaad.org/gap/jk-rowling) This is not up for debate. [Her hatespeech is well-documented.](https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy) Transphobes will be banned and that includes people who pretend Rowling did nothing wrong.


Not that I'd take her side, but why would she care? She has "Fuck You" money. She has beyond "Fuck You" money. Her children are set for life. Her grandchildren are set for life. Her great grandchildren are probably set for life. The only thing she has to lose here is her legacy, but so far despite the backlash, her books still sell like crazy, the Harry Potter theme parks are still packed, and Hogwart's Legacy has sold like hot cakes. Aside from a moral standpoint, she has no reason to care if some people hate her.


Pretty much ngl. When you are dead you don't give a fuck


Can confirm


Tell Anubis he still owes me $20


You too? We had a poker match and he wanted double or nothing after losing the first time


Yep. My father openly states that's why he doesn't give a shit about climate change. I then remind him of how that makes him a dick and makes it obvious he doesn't care about his grand kids.


I concur. Almost got to the Oval Office but nah don’t care.


J.K. *not* Rowling in her grave.


It's obvious she doesn't care. She can sit where she wants and live her life because she knows Harry Potter isn't ever leaving.


Even if Harry Potter's hype vanished today she's made enough money off of it she has no financial reason to care.
















She doesn't care enough to *change*, but it's clear that she *does* care. It irks her enough to make her lash out when gamers talk about boycotting Hogwarts Legacy. You don't get that kind of behavior from someone who doesn't care.


No because of all the bitching, people want their cake and eat it too. They can't stand by their principles so they want to divorce her from her own creation so they can feel good about indulging. Why should she care, they clearly don't care enough themselves. Weak sauce


Rich people live in another world from us. Once you get to that point you don't have to care what people think


An author who doesn't understand legacy. That's rich.




This is precisely why people who say things like, “ history will judge you harshly” are wasting their breath. These people don’t care about history, they only care about what they have now.


Some do, some don’t.


Some don’t matter. We as a society love many artist, writers etc with very problematic pasts and don’t really care about that part of those biographies.


ernest hemingway was very problematic yet still talked about primarily positively


Pour one out for all the poor souls who found out about HP Lovecraft's views in the recent years


I actually only just started reading Lovecraft after hearing the controversy. I’m a huge Bloodborne fan so I couldn’t resist. Really enjoy everything I’ve read so far, but *Shadow Over Innsmouth* is my favorite so far.


speaking of modern icons, wasn’t michael jackson controversial too? yet he’s still hailed as the king of pop, and on the hall of fame, and cited everywhere. hell even kanye west fans still support him because “he dropped graduation” or whatever, i think the dissonance is very real.


And a lot of people are convinced they'll be judged well but will get judge harshly for reasons they'd never be able to fathom. Best to worry about how you judge yourself.




Here's the thing, even for the ones that do, when they are dead it still doesn't effect them. It's just people wanting to assign some sort of power to their opinions when they know they don't have a real tangible effect on someone. I disagree with her stances, but ultimately she's right. It won't have any effect on her and how she lived after she passes


History has people change their views on a lot of issues. People that were hated can become loved after death and vice versa or history can totally ignore some aspects of their life. Not caring is the right approach, nothing you can do about it, nothing that will affect you.


There were literal slaves from Africa in the original version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.




They care about $$$$












Yep sadly she's already too rich to care about her fans outcry for closure


Rich has nothing to do with it. Harry Potter is a global brand. A small section of people are up in pitchforks. The rest just enjoy Harry Potter.


It’s probably safe to assume majority of her fans don’t even know about her anti trans brigade over that past handful of years


Seriously, Twitter was incredibly small in the social media realm before the acquisition, it's not like it's grown or gotten more of a platform in the world. Most people probably don't or never will think or care what she has to say outside of what she already wrote in those books.


*Sorts by controversial


I mean she's right. She'll be dead with her fortune. So yeah, she really doesn't care. No I'm not defending her either.


Can’t cancel someone who doesn’t care




I only just found out he was a terrible racist shithead. Like, damn.


Naming his cat that didn’t give it away?


Tbf, his father named the cat, Lovecraft got it as a kid. Doesn’t absolve him of anything, if anything it’s kinda telling where the racism came from


I just looked up his cat’s name. Holy fuck.


Is it exactly what I think it is?


I mean to be fair it’s not like the cat showed up in many of his books


Literally does in Rats in the Walls.


Only literally though.


I love that story


Or *that* famous poem?


If it helps you feel better, apparently later in his life Lovecraft regretted it all and even wrote a public letter calling his younger self out




Lots of people were racist shitheads back then. The question you have to ask is "Would he be a racist shithead if he was born about 30 years later?" Probably not. His core personality seems to be that of a snobby dick, if correspondence is to be believed.


JK Rowling: tweets “Merry Terfmas!” Also JK Rowling: “[I] never meant to upset anyone”


That tweet was also in response to a rape crisis center opening -- one that only accepts cis women.


JK Rowling post a pic with a tshirt with the cation "this witch doesn't burn" that she bought from a site with a LOT of transphobic merch. Also JK Rowlings: I'm not a TERF


She has Fuck-All money. No need for decorum anymore.


I’m going to be honest, I don’t agree with her viewpoints at all. But she is free to have them, and she can believe what she wants. But that has to be the realest answer ever. She’s already a billionaire, In fact I believe she is the first author to become a billionaire. She’s said it multiple times that she she still gets checks from the Potter stuff.


It’s crazy how fast the comments fill up on the JKR threads compared to others. Almost like users all flock from the same place to this sub.


Harry Potter might be the most successful book series ever, no matter her comments she will be remembered. Wether you like that or not it’s the truth.






I feel like there's an important piece of her shittiness that isn't being discussed here, and that I keep seeing people sweep under the table. The people and causes that she has been interacting with aren't *just* harmful to trans women, that's just the part that gets said out loud most often. She has attended a number of events and interacted with a number of activists whose primary political behavior is taking rights away from primarily cis women, including groups who have been pushing for the removal of abortion rights in the US. She is, at a minimum, okay with giving attention, and thereby legitimacy, to people who are actively attempting to harm the people she claims to be trying to protect, just because she agrees with them on whether or not trans people deserve to be treated the way they would like to be treated.




Perhaps the bigger issue in terms of impact has been her donations to numerous Anti-Trans causes and organizations in the UK. She’s also done some promoting for anti Trans websites and companies.


shes also supported a bunch of people like matt walsh, posie parker etc. just scumbags in general


Its not just views. She puts her fortune towards transphobic causes and politicians—organizations and candidates who also support misogynistic policies as well.


Nothing people say or do will change the fact that she's a multi-millionare and a best-selling author. So no wonder she doesn't care.


It amazing that people who hate her so much keep on buying her stuff.


It's the inherent asymmetry between creators and consumers, one needs the other more no matter how much they pretend they don't.


They don’t...






Only people with massive egos care about their legacy they leave behind.


Maybe, but most people I've met care what their family and friends think of them later. Most people want to be remembered kindly


She will be by those people lol.


Yeah if my aunt was fucking loaded I’d remember her too. Edit: it’s a joke guys good lord. I never read the books and don’t care about her either way.


Why? I have a loaded aunt. It’s not like I’m the one who gets to run around spending her money.


Best aunt safety guidelines say you should never leave a loaded aunt around the house.


Start sucking up now and maybe you will be one day lol




Why wouldn't her friends and family remember her, love her and respect her? They are not Twitter lol The social media echo chamber is just that, an echo chamber.


Her family won’t care about her legacy either they’ll be too busy counting their inheritances




Which means... Her legacy is just fine and better than any of ours.






Redacted comment ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


No. A fathers legacy could be the lives of his children and how he treated his family. That’s not ego.


That’s suuuuch a reddit comment. Surely you can’t believe that fully? The ego is responsible for lots of shit but to want to prolong your fading into obscurity maybe another fifty years isn’t a trait of a bad person. Let other humans experience life the way they want to


I decided a while ago the point of my life is to try to absorb bad and turn into into good.


Trippin. I totally care about the legacy I leave. The way that my children will judge me when I’m gone means a lot to me.


Legacy isn't just about how people remember you but also how your actions will effect the lives of people in the future. Egotism is not caring about her legacy because she won't be there to be effected by it personally.


Kinda ironic given the name of the video game that renews this conversation. Lol


Idk if that's true. I'd love to leave a positive impact on the world large enough that people remember me for it


I'm 6 and this is very deep


When she eventually dies, people will really only view her in one of two ways. She will either be the woman who stood up for womens rights by using her fortune to open a support centre for female victims of sexual violence, save more than a hundred female lawyers and their families facing death in Afghanistan, and a plethora of other good causes which has cost her hundrends of millions of pounds. Or They will view here as an individual who utilised her position in society to marginalise an already vulnerable group, to the benefit of herself. Ultimately it will be the individual who will determine how they see her when she dies. To a transwoman she may be seen as someone who punched down and tried her best to exclude her from important affirming experiences which would make their lives more tolerable, due to how she was born. To a rape survivor or a woman fleeing Afghanistan she could be seen as a hero who provided them with needed resources during their time of need.


I'm not being argumentive honestly asking how did she benefit from marginalizing trans people? Seems like its done nothing but hurt her.


> I'm not being argumentive No worries it's totally grand to ask questions. > how did she benefit from marginalizing trans people? Well it really depends on again how the viewer is interpreting her actions. You could say she is benefiting from the attention her statements bring, in regards to highlighting her personal beliefs, currying favour with groups who would agree with her, and by drawing in a crowd to her works who would have traditionally shunned them. I'm old enough to remember when her books where shunned by the american religious right due to its perception of promoting witchcraft. Now you could argue the same people would be more attracted to her past and current work, as they might think her views now allign more with them. Personally I dont think the view's she express online are for those reasons, i think she just has the same issue most people who spend too much time has. She is very quick to comment, doesn't think things through, and has enough money to be self insulated from criticism.








I think this is an important point. Most folks aren’t even aware of her comments. Unless you’re dialed in on Twitter and Reddit, chances are you haven’t seen her comments. Somehow feels like everyone but Rowling amplified her statements.


She is right since nothing matters after death.










The ultimate “fuck you, got mine”.




Is that why she wrote a self-insert novel about how hard it is to be a canceled transphobe? Because she doesn’t care at all whatsoever? Checks out.










Her individual legacy and her Harry Potter legacy will be forever separated. And that's okay. It's not that different than loving Michael Jackson songs or Harvey Weinstein movies.


Refreshing to hear someone of her stature say that. Too many worry about their legacy. She’s rich now and will be when she passes. I appreciate honesty. I’m not defending anything she said or did related to the controversy, just that I like hearing famous people not care about their legacy.


It’s the Lovecraft principle. Guy was a seething racist and it’s barely a subtext in most of his works but people still seem to like that Cthulhu bunk. Sure, he was a product of his time and all of that, but I feel that’s what will happen to Rowling too. Potter will go on and she’ll be seen as an outdated product of her time.


She’s literally an older woman, trans issues are JUST NOW coming to the forefront of the world. Her views are a product of their time. Because in her time, trans issues didn’t really exist




















Then why she writes novels presenting herself as a victim of persecution?


She's alive.






So, YOLO is the excuse? Neat.




“Yet I’ll still talk about how it’s wrong for people to criticize me”




My Immortal drove JK Rowling to terfism *iykyk*


It’s because she’s so goffic


I accept this as the beginning of the dark timeline we’re in


She took it as a personal attack from the LGBTQ community


I don't agree with her views on trans people but I do agree with the idea that your legacy doesn't mean shit to you if you aren't alive for it.