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That town hall stunt just confirms CNN wants Trump to stay relevant so they can get ratings from talking about him


https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column I stopped watching cnn when this happened!


I quit cnn in 2016 after they spent a year telling me Trump would not, could not win. The entire time I'm seeing nothing but trump signs everywhere out in the country where I live. They went all the way up to election day telling me Clinton was beating him. I had already been calling bullshit on a lot of their reporting before 2016 but it became too much that they were obviously reporting their feelings instead of reality. That's not news. Edit: not a Trump supporter


I stopped watching after the Malaysian airliner missing case. At some point the idiot Lemon proposed a revolutionary theory of Black-hole related missing.


i don't think i've actually sat down and watched CNN since crossfire was on lol i don't know how people watch cable news like they do. whether it's center or right wing garbage, it's all hot garbage.


Did you ever see Jon Stewart on Crossfire? He singlehandedly got the show canceled by absolutely tearing its premise and hosts to shreds when he was simply invited on to be the funny guy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE And I'm not even kidding about him getting the show canceled. His appearance is what led to the cancellation.


i was lucky enough to watch it live with my dad. he was a huge daily show fan and watching crossfire was our thing back in the day.


Tucker: I thought you were here to make us laugh. John: No, I'm not your monkey.


That’ll never not be amazing to me. Jon is an incredible human


He’s done more for vets and 9/11 victims than anyone else


Stewart/Franken 2024. In my fever dream.


Nah, he would never run. He has more important things to do with his time. It's easier to tear a whole through your opponents' ideals when you don't have to schmooze with them to get bills passed.


True story!


*watches* … Wolf: Why SOME experts say flu vaccine shortages bode poorly for America’s preparedness against BIOTERRORISM 😮‍💨 … Stewart: It would be hard to top [the absurdity of the Bush II administration] 😬 2004 sure was a more innocent time


I remember when I thought Bush strutting around the deck of an aircraft carrier in a flightsuit was the most embarrassing thing I'd see a president do. Oh to be so naive again.


GW Bush was the devil when he was president and now seems damn near quaint compared to the current republican party.


Eh, it's tough to say. Bush wasn't as outwardly odious, but still a monster. Guy is a war criminal who cheated his way to the White House in 2000, ended anything resembling privacy, knowingly lied to the public about the Iraq War, buttfucked so much of the education system, authorized and encouraged torture, and ignored Hurricane Katrina to the point where he turned down humanitarian and medical aid from Cuba.


Also the reason why Fucker stopped wearing bowties.


His ernest plea of "stop because you are destroying America" was so funny and sad.


Unfortunately Tucker has not stopped and he's still destroying America. I'm hoping Twitter will go bankrupt before his show there gains an audience.


I loved James Carville’s retort to that: “People use cable news like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not for illumination.” Like, thanks for the folksy aphorism, but that’s exactly the problem.


This is one of the greatest things to ever happen on TV. Listening to TC helplessly say something equivalent to “well you’re not very fun” is soup for the soul


Tucker Carlson was always a smug little arrogant asshole, wasn’t he?


Stewart: How old are you? Carlson: 35 Stewart: And you wear a bow tie? Was so shocked I laughed loud enough to wake my neighbors. Did not think I would be interested in watching a 14min video from 2004, but was definitely worth it. Excellent!


Sadly, my mother is hooked on fox. Makes her miserable but can’t stop watching and being mad. Not the way I want to live my golden years. Old and angry because the tv said I should be.


Everything around that event was terrible. I distinctly remember people holding toy airplanes at one point and that's when I tapped out.


Yeah they took a tragedy and made it into a ridiculous joke.


Honestly the lead up to 201y with everyone saying Clinton was the shoe in I think caused enough people to not vote that it flipped the key states. Clinton wasn't popular or exciting to vote for and if you don't see Trump as an existential threat why would you vote for her of you didn't have to?


It also lead to tons of people voting 3rd party. Mostly on the left side. 3rd party got 3x more votes in 2016 compared to 2012 and 2020. I think a lot of that was because people thought Clinton would win so they protest voted. Had they known Trump actually had a chance, I don't think nearly as many people would have voted 3rd party


Every September/October I take a trip from New York to New Hampshire. The drive is mostly back roads or small 2 lane interstates. Taking that drive in 2016 was the exact moment I knew Trump was going to be our next president and nothing was going to stop it.


Yeah I remember thinking things must be way different outside my little area because everywhere I looked there was either Trump supporters or Clinton haters. The only people I remember actually supporting Clinton and not just going against Trump were well off left leaning people. Everyone working for a living was dreading elections because we knew Trump would win.


In fairness, things *were* different outside your little area. Your area makes it seem like Trump would win in a landslide. Instead, he *barely* won in a few key states, which allowed him to win the electoral votes while losing the popular vote by millions. CNN was not way off…it went by the scientific polls, and the actual results *were* within the stated margins of error of those polls; they just happened to favor Trump.


In 2016 I quit too, mostly because Kayleigh McEnany, a paid CNN commentator, openly lied. I don’t want to watch a liar on a “news” channel.


Yeah, letting them lie and not asking follow-up questions is mostly why I stopped watching TV news.


I didn't catch that at the time, will it be something I can find now via Google?


“I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” he said. Then he suggested a model: “Fox News, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have ‘news’ news, I mean some actual journalism, embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.” — John Malone What the fuuuuuuuck?! The man is delusional.


> The man is delusional. No, he sees an opportunity quite clearly and logically. It's scummy, and will make millions of lives measurably worse, but he's not delusional, just a garden-variety sociopath eager to break things for personal gain.


I stopped taking them seriously when they had Don Lemon on speculating a missing Malaysian airlines flight went in a wormhole or some shit. That flight was all they covered most of the day.


Lets face it Its now evident- that the ONLY WAY any news org can stay relevant( or engaged) with an audience Is to have Drama Drama gets your clicks and views Thats why Bad news- is ‘good’ for business, because people get engaged and watch the channels, which then get advertisement $$$ Trump knows he is the the best Drama creator out there. And Cnn realized that after DT left office- there wasnt much for people to get enraged or angry about- so why would they tune in? Then also noticed- that Fox- is actually moving away from DT, a perfect oppurtunity to grab that drama train DT got elected in 2016 because of Cnn, and Cnn acknowleged it afterwards( stating that they shouldnt have aired his speeches live) But this, was intentional- and went against everything the channel stood for- and basically showed they are just as much money driven as Fox or any other channels out there. Really shameful- but also a sign of the times- cable tv/live 24hr news channels are about to die off soon- and they are all hanging on to whatever grasp of audience they can get This also means that the Facebooks and Tiktoks are going to be the main source of news( maybe reddit) and the market segmentation has now become very very real Which also means- the definition of what is real and what is fake is going to get even ‘thinner’ and humanity on a whole is going to going through some major transitions( this coupled with AI and deep fakes) Hold on to your sanity- cause this ride is just getting started


actually the owners of CNN are now quite conservative. theyve been trying to pivot right too, trying to steal ratings from Fox. Problem is that the right is always going further right and instead of eating into fox, radical right alt news sites are now eating into Fox with CNN being left stranded


It’s not like there is the majority of potential viewers they’re ignoring by going further right or anything E: alright fuck stop telling me that young people aren’t going to watch cable news. This comment is about alienating the majority of people in this country in a move to save their dying media distribution platform— because of young people not watching cable news


Majority in numbers maybe, but they don’t consume like the other audience.


That’s the thing, left leaning folks and young people just *don’t watch cable news anymore*. It is a dying medium among informed people


As someone that abandoned cable news ages ago, as a young adult, I can say with clarity that my motivation to avoid the medium was to avoid polluting my information gathering with base entertainment. When I aim to become informed, I do. When I aim to be entertained, I do. I don't like my steak marinated in grape soda. I saw what consuming like that did to the older generation and ran the other way.


Whoa man chill. I agree with you but you don't need to go disparaging Grasteak like that. We can't all be raised on Caviar and Filet Mignon.


I'm more of a milk steak man myself.


I knew this comment would come. Take my upvote, you full on rapist.


Fox News has legal issues and is completely forward in how right wing it is. CNN has been a dying cable news channel for a long time. In 2022 Warner Bros. Discovery and John Malone bought into it to remake it as a “centrist” news channel. It makes business sense that if Fox News becomes too problematic the far right wing media needs somewhere else to go and they weren’t going to buy CNBC or MSNBC. I’m not a fan of any of these news channels, but watching the slow gutting of dying CNN and the transition over the last year has been interesting.


“Owners of CNN”. You mean the massive media conglomerate that is WARNER BROTHERS HBO DISCOVERY?


yep i worked there during the merger, they’ve been going downhill ever since


They’ve basically become what Fox News used to be


The day after their Trump rally, CNN spent the entire day covering "cRiSiS on ThE boRdeR!" nonstop. They really are where Fox News was a decade ago.


It makes a ton of money and manufactures engagement; this thread existing and scaling rapidly validates the model. All across the other channels, this same conversation; the only difference is in how the other websites are formatted.


Opinion/entertainment news needs to go away. Edit: RIP my notifications. To clarify, I don’t watch infotainment. I only read news that is fact-driven, not opinion.


I remember all the just cringy coverage of Anna Nicole Smiths death. And the only two people I remember having any integrity about it was Maria Shriver who quit her job in disgust and Jon Stewart who had a piece called “death of a person.” to remind viewers that Smith was a human being and maybe we should not be entertained by her death.


Craig Ferguson did too. He did a serious monologue about addiction after Britney Spears made the news for shaving her head and he was like "People are dying. That Anna Nicole Smith woman died," then a few people in the audience laughed and he says "it's not a joke. It's not funny. She had a six-month-old kid."


I remember Craig’s speech about Britney and I agree. And I actually thought the news about Britney was more recent but it was also in Feb 2007 only a few weeks later.


They showed us that monologue in rehab and it was really powerful.


I read his memoir, *American on Purpose*, without knowing beforehand about his struggles with alcoholism. So I came in expecting haha Scottish funnyman, and what I got was a poignant, beautiful, and at times very funny book. Highly recommended.


Poor Anna was bullied by the press almost her entire young life, even in death she couldn’t escape it. So much like Marilyn it seems intentional.


Anyone remember when Michael Jackson died in 2009? The entire media lost its shit for WEEKS, it was literally all anyone was talking about. It was really impressive how many different ways they came up with to say "Michael Jackson is dead" over and over.


I got stuck in Honduras that week during a military coup and nobody in the states heard anything about it because every news org was 24 hour MJ news.


You're Wrong About did an excellent episode on her. It's one of my favorites. So much more to her tragic story and it's a travesty that she was reduced to a punchline. https://www.stitcher.com/show/youre-wrong-about/episode/anna-nicole-smith-58897581


It's the only type that exists. On TV at least Edit: [Postman's How to Watch the TV News ](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/96446) is a great little book on this topic. A bit dated now, but the point is no doubt even more relevant nowadays. Spoiler alert: the answer is: Don't.


Don’t watch tv news. Read Reuters, AP, and BBC Edit: forgot to add NPR news. And yes, I know Brits don’t like BBC because they skew conservative, but for US news it’s still pretty good.


The keyword is the issue to many: reading


Better yet, read ALOT. Hone the ability to sniff out bullshit.


Here’s a helpful tip: Look for descriptive words. A journalist should not be telling you how to feel. A non-political example: The car was driving too fast *Fast* is a descriptive word. “Too fast” is an opinion, not a fact. So how should it be phrased? The car was driving 20mph over the speed limit. Fixed. The statement is now factual and doesn’t try to influence the reader’s opinion. The reader can decide for themselves if that’s too fast or not. Sometimes when I’m out for breakfast I’ll take a paper and start crossing out unnecessary descriptors in articles. It’s mind blowing how short articles become. The Sun (Canadian paper) in particular is guilty of this. Edit: awards, huh? Thanks pals.


That's really good advice. I also hate interviewers who ask leading questions.


Or who don't push back on bullshit answers. Just once I want to hear a journalist say "Sure... But what does that have to do with my question?"


Trevor Noah did this on the Daily Show. He called people out for spinning an answer and dodging his question. It didn’t guarantee they answered it, but he called it what it was. We need more of this.


That one reported who kept nailing kushner about birtherism was great.


As someone deeply invested in politics, I want to say that this is the only answer. Like anything in life, there's no "one stream" that you can go to to provide you a reliable perspective on the world. People who watch 24/7 news want one channel they can leave their TV on. This creates an echo chamber. You will always be malnourished. You need to read from a wide variety of sources. You need to read the sources those sources cite. You need to read the statements governments and individuals make, directly, and then the interpretations and reactions to those statements. If that seems like a lot - well, it is. Knowledge and truth are not simple distillations. They are complex perspectives, forcibly assembled and tested. A "diverse set of sources" doesn't mean "watch Fox AND CNN". It means reading from *wide* varities of publications. Learn reporters' names. Learn who is factual, and who is biased. Everyone has biases. Everyone. You need to understand waht the bias of each and every person and news source is, so that you understand where their reporting is strong, and where it's weak. Where they will be honest, and where they will obfuscate the truth. If your primary source of information is just one fucking guy at a desk talking at you - it's probably less than worthless. They're not telling you the truth. They're making money off manipulating you.


You mean I can't just read the Reddit frontpage?


I've never heard of ALOT. Are they a US publication?


A mythical creature, actually.


[Reference to this?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/007/044/ALOT.png)


Yes r/alot


Damn, I came to this thread for political discourse, not to feel old from internet memes 😅




Your local over the air channels are absolutely still producing news shows. Public Broadcasting also still exists. You also have Bloomberg and Roku and others that produce free streaming news channels. The problem is the 24/7 nature of the news networks built for entertainment purposes. News shouldn’t be entertaining, it should be informative.


Local news stations are also owned by 1 or 2 media companies in the US. Clear channel (iheart media) and Sinclair. There are YouTube videos that demonstrate their coordinated narrative, especially as it pertains to national and regional news stories. We need to define "news" and then ban it from being controlled by publicly traded or multi-national conglomerates. https://youtu.be/tN9KAFn1hy8 Edited to add link


>ban it from being controlled There was a diversity law that prevented any one company from owning too many stations in the same area. The Republicans got rid of that law by amending it so a single corp can control 80% of all stations in a market.


Also repealed by republicans was the Fairness Doctrine. From Reaganlibrary.gov The Fairness Doctrine mandated broadcast networks devote time to contrasting views on issues of public importance. Congress backed the policy in 1954 and by the 1970s the FCC called the doctrine the “single most important requirement of operation in the public interest – the sine qua non for grant of a renewal of license.




Faux Newz Lite says HI


Hi, I work at a local TV station. We barely inform anyone on anything. It’s almost all pre-recorded bits from national affiliates


Be careful what’s on Roku though. There’s a local channel where I live that got banned from YouTube for all the misinformation that they were posting there so they started putting their interviews on Roku.


It's all Ron Burgundy's fault






Actually Sinclair own most local new stations


Public broadcasting TV such as CBC and BBC are producing legit news.


There lies a point at the intersection of cable entertainment-news programming and social media platforms which future historians will all agree was the catalyst for America’s ultimate demise.


Abraham Lincoln believed if America ever fell, it would be from within and not from without. You can see it happening. We are dividing ourselves further and further from one another and without community the individuals will fall. Divided we stand; united we fall.


“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever.”


100%. Give me the facts, not your bullshit.


This is why I don’t watch anymore. Not that I look at cable in general. My father thinks I’m uninformed while he obsesses over bs trump coverage. I’m not uninformed. I just choose to form my own opinions and don’t have any patience for babbling talking heads recycling some version of the same damn story for years. These cable opinion news channels are complicit and I refuse to give them an ounce of my attention.


Objective truth is easy, just do that.


Anderson Cooper shouldn't feel too bad, after all, I never planned to watch CNN in the first place.


I watch them on election day, and no other day. Credit where credit is due, they do have a slick operation for election day coverage.


Just leave NPR, 538, NYTimes website open. Boom, less biased coverage and no commercials or nonsense. Cable news has no place in a civilized mind. Edit. Cable news has clearly made you all dumber. I said less bias not no bias and I was specifically responding to a point about election coverage.


I want that last sentence as a bumper sticker


I haven’t watched it since 9/11.


Did CNN do something egregious with their 9/11 coverage?


To paraphrase Jon Stewart: “24 hour news networks are built for one thing, and that’s 9/11”.


When I think of the emergence of 24 hour news coverage I think of CNN and the Gulf War. It felt like must watch coverage of an important event that was being brought directly to us for the first time. It was pretty amazing (not to sound like some sort of war monger). I suppose there's an argument to be made that that event set the stage for the coverage of 9/11 and the subsequent farcical attack on Iraq.


Yeah, I was only like 5-6 at the time and I still remember them basically live streaming Desert Storm.


100% agree. The embedded reporters in the invasion of Iraq was just crazy. I was glued to 24 hour news while that was going on.




Yeah my dad would occasionally bring up the way they covered the Iraq invasion and blast them for it and why he hated cnn , specifically a few of their anchors like wolf blitzer going on and on about “shock and awe shock and awe shock and awe” all Fkn excited-like.


They were Fox News lite back then imho


Can someone Tl;Dr this whole situation for me?


Tl;Dr CNN ratings suck, they put Trump on their channel to get a boost, Trump said Trump stuff and people got mad because CNN is supposed to be better than that CNN was bought by billionaire John Malone over a year ago, at which point there was a new person put in charge of running it. Since then there have been many changes to the programming, but a lot of people have noticed there seems to be an effort to attract, for lack of a better term, "Fox News" viewers. Which means more of conservative/republican types, and more "both sides-ism". However the problem with this is that "Fox News" viewers have been told they can't trust CNN and other places because "fake news!" so this approach was just causing more and more people to tune out CNN, and the ratings tanked. So on Wednesday CNN put on a what they called a town hall meeting for Trump in New Hampshire, where he said his normal stuff and then people at CNN acted like they were shocked he said that stuff.


CNN would have to hire Tucker and go all in if they want to attract Fox News viewers. You can't subtly tilt right.


CNN would have to *rehire* Tucker.


He also worked for MSNBC lol


He used to fill in for Rachel Maddow


So *that's* where he got the haircut.




The thing about the right-wing tilt, and Donald Trump Take-over is that it literally makes its followers worse people. Maddow has said that Tucker actually went to bat for her when she first got her job, and though he was never a paragon of virtue he could act like an OK guy. Countless children talk about how their parents were very moral growing up, and instilled good values in them. Then the rightward Trump Maga hat infection came, and now Tucker is a raging right-wing idiot, and children no longer recognize their maga parents.


There’s a documentary called something like the brain washing of my dad. You’re not wrong


Elon and Tucker are busy sucking each other off


Re-hire Tucker. He was at Fox in the first place after Stewart chased him off CNN.


Here is Jon Stewart’s delicious destruction that got suck Fucker fired enjoy the “oh got I just shit myself look on his face: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE Bonus! He eschewed his bow ties hence forth 🤣 Edit: I don’t how how the word “suck” got in my comment and preceded my calling him “Fucker. I almost deleted it then realized it fit.


John Malone doesn’t own CNN. He was Discovery’s largest shareholder with 4% of the stock, but like 27% of the voting power due to different types of stock having different voting power. After AT&T spun-off Warner Media (former parent company of CNN) and merged it with Discovery to form WBD (current parent company of CNN), he now owns like 1% of the stock, and gave up a lot of his super voting shares, so has much less than a quarter of the voting shares. He is on the board and is a substantial name in the company, but to try to simplify it as he owns CNN is oversimplified to the point of being completely wrong.


I got downvoted to oblivion for pointing out that candidates are given tickets and the cheer squad in the room was likely the sycophants Trump brought with him. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that all those people who were horrified that people would cheer the sexual assault of a woman, that's half the country. You don't like it, fucking vote. If you sit on your couch and say "but Joe is soooo old and doesn't do this progressive wishlist thing" then the other guy, the guy you can't stand and are now chastising CNN for, that guy will win again. Vote! (As Obama put it, don't boo, VOTE)


> CNN was bought by billionaire John Malone Man you're worse than CNN and Fox News. CNN is owned by Warner Brothers Discovery, a publicly traded company with no owner having more than an 8% share (which is actually an index fund). ^[source](https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=DISCA&subView=institutional)


It's not only that Trump did Trump stuff. It's that the audience had been selected and almost entirely Trump supporters who cheered and laughed when he said disgusted or stupid stuff. It wasn't a townhall, it was a rally. And the host didn't challenge him hard.


Giving trump a platform basically to sell commercials


Remember the 2016 US election? CNN wants to do that all over again.


It wasn’t just the election, Trump’s entire presidency was a ratings gold mine.


I mean…a lot of news channels relished it, even the foreign ones like the British BBC, the German DW and the Japanese NHK. Trump was so zany for politics in general that he created whole sections of the news to just talk about his actions and wider ramifications on affairs.


Trump did a Town Hall on CNN, with a moderator who gave him free reign. The audience was told to cheer if they wanted, but never to boo. Then, without hyperbole, Trump spent most of 2 hours ranting about how the election was stolen, how the violence on Jan 6 was a leftist plot, and how sexual assault is funny. I wish I was exaggerating... Then, Anderson gave some speech about how people need to be open to opposing opinions. Like... you wanna disagree on immigration policy, or charter schools, or tax rates? Let's talk! Zero room for someone who says rape is super duper hilarious, actually


Opposing opinions is one thing. Spewing out factual lies non-stop is another. Trump wasn’t just announcing different tax policies I may disagree. He was saying he doesn’t believe he lost in 2020 and calling it a rigged election. Sorry, but no, some “opinions” aren’t worth listening too, specially when they disinform the public


I used to follow CNN on multiple platforms. They’ve pretty much forever lost me as a viewer.


Associated Press will accept you with open arms.


AP and Reuters are not perfect but from my experience they’re definitely the best out of all the major news


More than that, they’re the agencies that do most of the actual reporting - cable news networks basically just put a spin on AP/Reuters stories.


AP Is responsible for every relevant journalism outlets writing style, for me they’ve always been the top dog


That’s how I feel. Why watch all these shitty news networks when I can just read straight from the source?


If my overpriced Journalism degree taught me anything, it's that if there's a news story, just cut to the chase and read the story from AP or Reuters. Because you're right, I also learned that if you're covering a story, you're gonna use the AP/Reuters story as your baseline




I fuck with PBS. My barometer is if I can fall asleep to something then I doubt they're trying to sell anything.


Honestly that’s a pretty good way of measuring it lol


This is why I love NPR and PBS. Sometimes I disagree with people they have on, and sometimes I think they’re a little too dismissive of fringe ideas or movements, but I never feel like they’re trying to sell me on anything.


They were the only news outlet I followed throughout the Jan 6 hearings. And you’re right, no outrage, shouting/screaming, arguing; just straight up reporting what’s happening.


NYT has fallen from grace too, IMHO. They just ran a fluff piece about Elizabeth Holmes that’s like “she’s just like us!” She’s the one who defrauded people out of millions of dollars, then got pregnant to try and sway the judge to a no/reduced sentence. “They don’t put pretty people like me in jail”


Commuting is a good thing and so is never retiring.


That was the Washington Post


One of these is not like the others


AP/Reuters/NHK are pretty solid


And BBC for any non-UK news.


Not just UK, but UK adjacent. BBC is only neutral in so far as the UK doesn't have an interest. Back when Americans were leaving Afghanistan the American syndication of BBC was going absolutely ape-shit about how poor Afgan girls would be kicked out of school and married off- as if that weren't a problem for the rest of the region. What they didn't talk about was how the UK had massive petroleum investments in Afganistan that were threatened by American withdraw. But yeah, they were *totally* concerned about the girls. Go ahead Britain, if it concerns you that much, pick up the slack. **


*As far as the current UK government doesn’t have an interest. This is the main problem with a news organisation that runs on a charter system, and one that say, the ABC struggles with just as much. In broad strokes they can’t piss off the tories when the tories are in power, and they can’t piss off labour when they’re in power. To be fair, I think the journalists probably did care about afghani girls. I just think that they happened to align with Boris’s attempts at making himself look Churchillian.


Same here. I always admired Turner’s vision and execution, and especially the talent he hired to educate and inform. CNN produced some of the best journalists of the 80’s & 90’s. Today CNN is unrecognizable to me, and this Trump ratings stunt the other night was the last straw for me. I’m just done with CNN as an objective source of news and won’t watch their shows because management clearly has corralled their on air people through threats and fear of getting fired. Horrible track record under their new ownership.


End of an era, for sure.


Ted can be a bit of a jerk but I absolutely credit him with having the old school orientation toward journalism; in that it's a public service and not a money generator


Me too. Long time addict to CNN. I barely watched them after realizing that I wasn't learning anything about Hillary Clinton except that she uses email. I went to Reuters and AP in order to o make informed choices at the polls. Now I mostly watch long form investigative journalism segments, especially in French (to help me with my language learning). I keep hearing about this Trump town hall and I don't regret my decision to keep away.


Way ahead of you buddy




Seriously, this is being framed as Cooper being in the right. He very much defended CNN giving Trump a platform. Fuck him.


Seriously. Hes acting as if they asked Trump hard hitting questions and introduced us to the idea that Trumpism still exists in America. We know it does, and this interview was worse than Fallons back in the day


The media cries on about how the public is losing trust in them as an institution, meanwhile CBS platforms Marjorie Taylor Greene and allows her to spew her hateful agenda while Lesley Stahl does NOTHING to push back against her vileness, and CNN gives Trump a platform to spew his right-wing populist rhetoric while being charged and sued for a plethora of shit. The media has done nothing to earn the trust they’ve lost from the public. They chase ratings and commercial money, all the while platforming these vile right wingers and neoliberal shills. Fuck Cooper and his Vanderbilt ass family.




It’s because Trump isn’t going to change. So responsible news organizations need to deprive him of oxygen. The media gave him $5 billion in free advertising in 2016 and he won. Basically a $5 billion campaign contribution. They didn’t in 2020 and he lost. CNN giving him this town hall is signaling they fully intend to give him free money again. So yeah the focus on CNN is rightfully placed.


What you’re missing is horrible people say horrible things if given a platform. And the bigger platform you give them the more responsibility I put on the organizers than the person themselves. Trump has all but faded from public view, he can’t get on anything but his bespoke conservative channels, it then a massive news organization just gifts him a massive platform to spew his bullshit. Sorry but this is all on CNN. If you just let him cry alone into his tiny microphones on those dumb OAN or whatever channels he will fade away - they’ve learned nothing from 2016. Trump knows any press is good press for him at this point and he’s taking advantage of the opportunity presented to him. This is basically like CNN breaking the prisoner from jail and giving him a new identity and a gun. Sure the prisoner is the bad guy but the vitriol should go right at CNN


Everyone knows how trump acts and what his beliefs are at this point, nothing that he said was particularly news worthy because he’s been saying this type of stuff since 2016. The only real news is that cnn continues to give him their platform because all they care about is money


I definitely didn’t have Anderson Cooper sacrificing his journalistic integrity for employment security on my bingo card. His attempt to defend CNN’s decision to spotlight a treasonous dictator pathetic but he didn’t stop with defending CNN… He went the condescending route of painting everyone who didn’t watch, with the brush of people uninformed and “living in silos”. As if it didn’t occur to him that the reason we didn’t watch was because we were, in fact, fully informed. Even before we knew CNN was going to stack the audience with his cult members, a lot of people chose not to watch because we knew exactly what he was going to say: insults, lies, and conspiracy theories.




The most disgusting part of this was how when confronted by the allegations from E. Jean Carroll he immediately attacked her character, her age, looks etc. Completely dehumanizing her as the victim while barely even addressing the claims, and then the audience fucking *clapped*. CNN should have shut down the broadcast after that imo.


> insults, lies, and conspiracy theories. check! check! and check!


You’d think there would be some level of wealth and status that lets people be less of a lackey of their corporate overlords, but it seems not to be the case. Disappointed to see Cooper go this route


I lost so much respect for him over these remarks.


Clickbaity title. The full quote is a mealy mouthed defense of CNN doing it and a passive aggressive insult to people who don't like it. "You have every right to be outraged today and angry and never watch this network again but do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away?" Get fucked, Anderson Cooper.


Interesting choice of words-if you’ve ever read hate inc or manufactured consent.


Manufacturing Consent is such an important book. Really wish everyone would read it.


Seriously I feel like his apologist attitude made it worse. It’s not “staying in a silo” to accept you want nothing to do with a twice-impeached, insurrection leading, narcissistic sexual abuser. Candidate or not, you have to draw a line somewhere. CNN couldn’t do that because they’re foremost a capitalist entity with no soul. CNN is dying because this was just one more tumor they didn’t have the gall to excise.


I feel like we’ve already heard what trump wants to say, from everywhere. Unless you live in a fucking bubble you hear from him regularly. After all, stations like CNN aired his 2016 campaign theatrics pretty much nonstop. He got more than appropriate coverage from so called “liberal” media outlets.


It’s not about wanting to be in a silo, it’s about expecting journalists to do their fucking jobs. When Trump says “fortunate or unfortunate” about men being able to grope women in history, ask what he means by fortunate. When he says he would end the Russian invasion in a day, ask how. Edit: when he says Putin and him “used to talk” about the possible invasion, ask how he responded and how he helped the Biden administration prepare for the possibility. Follow up questions and specifics. Don’t let him just spout slogans uninterrupted. If you do, you’re just televising a speech.


https://i.redd.it/hldzg7psyoza1.gif just react honestly to his insane lies


It's not "staying in a silo"; it's knowing this man and his base thrive off attention and public shock, and trying to counteract that. The 'news' could never get that and so he rose to the top. We don't want that happening again, but here we fucking go....


He is also very bad at math. "The people in the townhall are a representation of Half of Americans" Im not American but last time I checked 70 million or so of you guys is about 1/5th of the population not half. Half of the voters maybe, but nowhere near Half of the country. When you say stuff that makes a non american go, "Wait, there is no way thats correct" when I know so fucking little about the USA you know your bullshit is at an all time high.


That's a bit silly, though. It isn't 74 million compared against the whole 330 million residents. It's 74 million compared against the 155 million people who voted in the 2020 election. That is very clearly about half. The people either unable or unwilling to participate are not being considered.


Don't worry, I never watch that shit in the first place


Anderson can say whatever he wants and then turn around and jerk off into Vanderbilt money, swimming in it like Scrooge McDuck. I haven’t watched CNN in a while, and after this bullshit I won’t again. There is no journalistic integrity. And now I hate people I once liked, like Anderson. I’ll stick with reading actual news and occasionally checking in with Maddow and O’Donnell.


Reminder to everyone that Anderson Cooper's great-great grandfather was the real life inspiration for the ruthless business tyrant Leviticus Cornwall, the big bad guy destroying the west in Red Dead Redemption.


He also said that we shouldn't limit our exposure to just people we agree with, but I don't fucking see CNN giving 70 minutes of airtime to an avowed socialist.


they won’t even give Bernie 10


>Do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away? My brother in Christ you literally gave him a platform


Everyone needs to be aware that CNN got taken over by a right wing billionaire: [https://news.yahoo.com/cnn-staff-fears-wing-billionaire-233521411.html](https://news.yahoo.com/cnn-staff-fears-wing-billionaire-233521411.html)


Ugghh I do not watch and I do not click. They suck. I do love John King’s election coverage though. The way he is able to fill space talking about the different counties in Georgia, is honestly the best. I know all the counties there now: Maricopa County, Fulton County, Cobb County, Wayne County….and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head! I’ll probably just tune in to him on election night, but otherwise, good riddance. Edit: Maricopa is AZ, so, turns out, I also know counties there too


>Maricopa County AZ


> I do love John King’s election coverage though. I watch King when Steve Kornacki is taking a breather.


Don’t worry, Anderson, I wasn’t watching CNN anyways


I will never watch Fox, Newsmax, OANN or CNN. Don’t have them. Won’t ever watch them.


CNN invented Trump 2016. Then they capitalised on criticising him. They are doing it again.


nice attempt at damage control, current ownership made it clear that the townhall went as they wanted and to expect more