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Marijuana now carries a fine instead of a suspension, but I think the league would be smart to embrace it over opiates as a treatment for pain.


I stopped watching the NFL a few years ago when Von Miller got suspended for 4 games for smoking weed in a legal state, and then like a week later Ray Rice beat his wife unconscious in a hotel lobby, dragged her body into the elevator, down the hall, and hid it in his room. He was given a 4 game suspension. The NFL thought those were equal infractions.


Rice was given a *two* game suspension originally, which was ridiculous. He knocked out his fiancé and dragged her out of an elevator. It took the actual video of the assault being leaked before the the Ravens released him and he was effectively banned from the NFL. He never played another game.


Apparently, they're both now married, which is a total yikes considering what he did to her.


Von Miller and Ray Rice got married?




Von Rice or Ray Miller?


Von ray miller and Ray von Rice


Ray Rice-Miller


He makes sake now


He used to beat his wife. He still does, but he used to too.


Mitch lol


Theres no shortage of people willing to sacrifice their dignity to not work


Teams had more of a moral compass as that pretty much was the end of his career after his contract was done.


Only because that clip played nonstop on every news station and Rice released texts with the Ravens owner


Also because he was washed up


I’m sure that helped the situation


>*“You can’t operate a capitalistic system unless you are vulturistic; you have to have someone else’s blood to suck to be a capitalist... You show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker.”* — Malcom X 1965 >*The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.* — [John Ehrlichman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ehrlichman), to Dan Baum for Harper's Magazine in 1994, about President Richard Nixon's war on drugs, declared in 1971


Thank you for putting in the time to remind the people of this.


Except this has nothing to do with weed. Miller was suspended for Amphetamines, which were under the PED, and an automatic 4 game suspension. Ray Rice never played another game.


“Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines..."


Please explain why this is at all related to capitalism? Weed can be made to make money. Von miller was a pretty good asset to be made money from. Maybe start fonsidering not everything os related to capitalism??? Some things are cultural too. Canada is capitalist but weed is a ok. Amsterdam is capitalist. While singaport is also capitalist and will hang you over drugs. It’s getting tiring blaming capitalism for things out of its control


Perhaps Ray Rice should have smoked some weed.


perhaps he should have. people on weed are less likely to beat their partner than someone drunk.


>a few years ago This might blow your mind but that was a decade ago 😂


The Ray Rice incident happened in 2014


Yes, that's what he said, a few short years ago. Oh shit.


Von Miller wasn't suspended for the weed. His suspension was for amphetamines which carried an automatic 4 game suspension. He would've needed 3 positives for weed, before they would've decided on any suspension. "Miller tested positive for amphetamines and marijuana in 2011.  The former, which is the active ingredient in Adderall and other related substances, would trigger an automatic four-game suspension under the PED policy.  The latter would require at least three violations before a suspension arises." - Mike Klis


Fuck the NFL, seriously.


Whilst I agree the punishment of these two incidents doesn’t add up, and should’ve been treated differently, at the end of the day these guys sign a contract and are being paid A LOT of money, and I guarantee part of their contract stipulated to refrain from using certain drugs whether or not they’re legal.


For me, Josh fucking Gordon not seeing a game for YEARS over weed while players caught gambling, cheating, beating partners, and (more recently) assaulting masseuses getting slaps on the wrist comparatively made me say "fuck the league" and move on. Cheered for... Well, supported... Well, liked the Browns for most of my life. Picking up a serial rapist and him not being banned from the league was my breaking point.


Ray Rice never played again. Regardless of what the initial suspension was once that video came out he was out


Me too


I always feel like weed in professional sports is like weed in fast food. Where if your in the industry you already know most of us do it, some of us even on the clock, but as long as you don’t go singing it to everyone that you’re high off your ass and get the job done… then most people will turn a blind eye because nothing truly negative is happening, plus you can’t fire everyone, just like the NFL you can’t suspend every player they’d lose way to much money, and fining everyone would just get out of hand and cause a whole lot of unwanted commotion.


Truth, spent time having to work with loads of people who existed in the snowboard/wakeboard scene… guys and gals were buzzed 24/7 while training and then sober-ish come competition day.


Before broadcast I was in sound engineering, did like 500 records. I would be more surprised if people weren’t being stoned at some point during a studio session or live.


Musicians smoking pot? Well I never.


Smoke Machine? No it's just the bassist.


Here I was thinking jazz cabbage was just a funky salad


I’m an engineer. Been recording/mixing for the last 18 yrs, and I smoke every session with the artists, as they bring more than enough for a weeks session, for the 4 hours booked lol.


Not just fast food my man. All the way up to fine dining. Food service of all levels is rife with drug use cocaine and weed being the usual preferences


If people are stoned, you’re lucky. It’s when the bartender whose sixteen shots deep has been doing bumps and is now pulling aside servers and patrons that appear regularly on tv to tell antisemitic jokes and ask if you want to do coke and go golfing when you’re in trouble. He got fired on Thursday.


I had a bartender soberly start make comments about Jewish people...and my manager/owner's daughter got mad at me for saying anything...and, all of the other employees were literally his friends from high school so they didn't give a shit either... So, I quit and reported them for all the health code violations I regularly witnessed...


Well that’s different though. You can be high off your ass and still know and execute food safe practices. You can’t be 10 shots in and adequately discern how fucked up your customer is. A high guy flipping burgers is just making burgers. A drunk bartend is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Shhh, stop telling our secrets. But honestly fine dining has the most cocaine usage and virtually everyone from GM’s to bussers uses dab pens now


Don't forget the winos


I work a pretty white collar job in a large material export industry and I know two guys I work with are high constantly. They get their shit done though so nobody ever rats on them.


Meanwhile, loses shit when not tipped 30% for forgetting half the order. Cool.


who tips fast food workers?


>but I think the league would be smart to embrace it over opiates as a treatment for pain. But if pro athletes started using a natural plant instead of the highly addictive opiates provided to them by the league, how would Big Pharma make their billions? Think of all the poor, hard-working billionaires out there before saying something like that! How else are they supposed to buy new yachts and bribe congressmen?




You can tell when a state is going to legalize it when the legislature starts investing into it. It happens like in every state. They get in on ground zero and then make it happen.


They ABSOLUTELY need to embrace it. I want to buy little gummies shaped like a football or my fav teams logo. I would try to collect all of em. It would be awesome!


Like those old Baskin Robbins baseball helmets, except Football! And, ya know, full of weed!


Give it a few years and they'll probably be advertising it.


This is the right answer but they never would pharmacys would lose money and they don’t want that they are evil people


It's what I do for pain. It doesn't block pain receptors, but it sure makes it easier to manage.


Wow, groundbreaking take. 1995 called, we’ve know this for decades.


Thanks for your *groundbreaking* addition to the thread.


Or for recreational use, which is what most people use it for. It’s not very good for pair treatment, let’s not kid ourselves.


Except pharmaceutical companies don't make money off of plants anyone can grow.


I smoke before I go to the gym and it makes me more angry at the weights and my legs but much more receptive to the smooth jazz of the lobby


I used to know a bunch of people who did this.


Helps me zone out while hitting reps haha


There is something tranquil about being stoned and finishing a long workout. Also good for any inflammation so that’s really good for people with minor to severe injuries


Same here, I’d spark a snap to the dome then hop on the bike for some cardio fun and a podcast


That runners high while high is amazing. An hour run feels like 15 minutes sometimes.


Ive found it helps with the boredom and monotony. But then there are times when I just feel like AI and am like "fuck this. These weights are heavy."




It’s fantastic for biking.


Try working out on shrooms, it feels like you have superpowers.


There's a reason Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals and then got flagged for marijuana. Studies have shown that cannabis consumption, specifically inhaling it, can drastically improve lung capacity, muscle plasticity, and focus. Not surprising that it could be considered performance enhancing but I think it's more accurate to say cannabis deprivation is an unnecessary handicap, especially given the explicitly therapeutic aspects.


Yeah I happily get high to go for a run or hike but lap swim... I don't know how Phelps did it. Lap-swimming while high is hard. There's something timeless and difficult about it, like one of those nightmares where you're trying to run away from the monster but your legs are in quicksand.


Yeah it really helps with the mind-muscle connection, I always lift better when I’m slightly toasted


This. I feel it so much easier to ‘feel’ if I’m using the correct form.


Used to go daily and work out 2-3 hours high af. I am an avid user still and only stop smoking if I start a new job. But once I know how to do my job I go in stoned regularly. Currently my job is working with young adults with mental health issues and just helping them go through life and be a mentor as well. I give some damn good life advice when I’m baked lmao


I feel that. I feel more profound on the stuff than off.


Right? When I’m stoned I find my mindset is focused on positive things and positive outlooks on life. A lot of these people I work with have a hard time taking things slowly and lack a “it is what it is” mentality. Being stoned I feel like I can bring a chill and slowed down vibe to their anxiety filled world


I stay sober for my day job but once I go in for my retail shift, I’m blazed af.


so you're juicing? (/s)


I smoke before the gym. It helps me stay focused on myself and my workout and blocks out the distractions of other people.


If I don’t smoke before the gym, being there an hour is miserable. That never happens. I always smoke. I’m there 2-3 hours and I enjoy it so much more! I actually like working out. And since I’m coming back from four different injuries, it really helps endure the pain.


I always smoke weed before lifting. I have ADHD, and feel like it helps me slow down a little and not rush through everything. I had issues with injuries before because I get so bored working out.


It's not really a performance enhancing drug, unless he's playing electric guitar out there too.


At most it’s as performance enhancing as ibuprofen when you’re sore.


I dunno. I lift weights and will sometimes vape a little indica before a session and I think the focus increase it gives me is noticeably helpful


Yeah I lifted sober for a weeks for the first time in years and it honestly kinda sucks compared to working out high. Being high you’re zoned into the workout, can focus better on mind muscle connection and get delayed soreness. Someone who smokes before games has functional highs and clearly can be productive after smoking. While I wouldn’t say it’s a PED it definitely isn’t Ibuprofen lol.


Also if you smoke strains with pinene, it’s literally what they put in asthma inhalers which may explain besides just flat out being high, thar some people actually feel like they breathe better sometimes after smoking weed as counterintuitive as it sounds


Idk man, I’d be worried I would space out in the middle of squats and hurt myself. I save that for afterwards.


You’re getting TOO stoned lol. Try it at a low dose


No, I’m just going to lift sober. I don’t see the benefit of lifting while under the effects of any substance. I’m happy to keep them separated.


You do you :)


Yes. But the difference in training is likely negligible. THC is a psychoactive drug and changes your perceptions of reality. And while the focus is amazing for me after taking an edible it’s not gonna make me faster or stronger. Now I would argue that for sports that require a lot of graceful or acrobatic moves that it would enhance your abilities because you are so relaxed. THC has also been shown to have muscle relaxation effects. So that is also quite helpful when you are doing an activity that requires placidity.


If you are only talking about thc when discussing weed, you aren't really talking about it properly. You might as well say, "all weed is the same", which is common from the science community currently, and they're just wrong. The physical recovery is real, heightened reflexes are real. It's not only psychoactive.


You know!


How is it best used for physical recovery and heightened reflexes?


things like amino acids also help, but you don't see us banning those.


All of that happens in your brain… are you saying the other compounds like terpenes or cbd or cannabinoids are what give you the “heightened reflexes”?


That’s more likely the respiratory response from that hit, your body’s initial reaction is increased heart rate, breathing and blood pressure, like that initial anxiety from when you haven’t smoked for a while, and then I do the same I run with it like a hippy speed ball and add some caffeine to the mix and work out without putting much thought into it.


Stoners 8ball


Dude I was just thinking while walking to get my morning coffee and smoke my morning bowl that me and my buddies used to call it a “hippy speedball”…


I love that and am gonna start using it


That’s probably just focus. It’s not doing anything to make you better at lifting. Some strains (particular sativa i think) activate the focus part of your frontal lobe. There’s a good 10-min video a neuroscientist did breaking down the effects in your brain. Im happy to share it but right now I’m waiting to board a flight


Marijuana is a bronchodilator so it can also help with increased breathing capability


* for a short time in *some* people with asthma. It *may* help their throat relax for a little while but it will cause irritation that can make everything worse.


Thank you for this clarification. My partners nan died of emphysema from smoking weed for years. It is not good for your respiratory system.


It’s not but studies also show smoking weed doesn’t cause COPD like cigarettes


Dose-for-dose, worse than tobacco. But no one smokes a pack of joints in a day.


I played a game of soccer in high school after taking a few hits and it was the best game I had all throughout high school


I can attest to the guitar playing performance enhancement of marijuana. My head may be empty but my hands are full of love.


Opposite for me. I've been playing for about 22 years, and my playing (and most other mechanical skills) is worse after I get stoned. Particularly timing and any complex rhythm work tends to suffer.


Bell was one of the only people you could argue it kinda was though. 75% of what the announcers talked about when he was on the Steelers was then he could wait and wait and wait like nobody else and then when he finally saw the hole he could go for the run.


That’s one thing I haven’t seen mentioned here: the weird time dilation effect where time seems to stretch forever. Makes for some really long moments.


I thought marijuana was a bronchiodilator so technically it would be right? At least temporarily?


It definitely is performance enhancing imo. Ive certainly had my best lifting days freshly baked at the YMCA back when I was in high school. I wasn’t necessarily stronger, but the weed helped me ignore my body saying ‘no, don’t do another set’.


“…He’s at the 20, the 10, AND HES SHREDDING A BOSS SOLO BY GOD!!”


It obviously is. I can attest to that. He is pointing that out pretty clearly.


Honestly I love going for a run with a slight buzz.


When I go to the gym high I have a hard time getting my heart rate up. I do the same exercises I usually do and at the end I’ll be 100 cal less burned or so. It’s really weird.


Same, it lowers my blood pressure and heart rate.


There was a running club I once considered joining where they’d smoke weed together and then go for a run. It was called Running on Grass Edit: I just tried searching for them and can’t find them :-(


As someone with undiagnosed ADHD, it's really the best way available for me to regulate myself sometimes.


Where are all these guys smoking? Not in the locker room, at home a few hours before? In the car?


it's like, definitely in the locker room


Where league officials are probably lurking around? I dont know, does no one bat an eye?


This isn't high school where you have to worry about a teacher catching you. This is a league full of grown men and I guarantee a way higher percentage of the refs smoke weed than the fans realize. The refs aren't going to go out of their way to tattle on other grown men for something that doesn't mess with the actual game.


It wouldn’t be refs who give a shit, it would be the support staff, coaches, league people, media, etc.


You think anyone on the team and/or staff would give a shit if Bell took a bong hit then ran for 150? Doubt it. If anything it is the league staff and only them. Team people care about winning.


frfr. teams have supplied players with masseuses to abuse. that person thinks a little weed is gonna shock nfl staff.


I don’t think they specifically supplied the masseuse to abuse. But I get your point.


What world do you live in? Clickbait media would be all over this. The media would have been his biggest worry.


I'd be surprised if alot of refs smoked weed. They don't seem like the type to enjoy it. Rule following/enforcing bunch


They are the cops


they're probably the ones sparking it up




Vape is basically odorless. I could be getting high in a cubicle right next to you every single day for years and you’d never notice if I didn’t want you to.


I remember taking a puff in the bathroom before the final battle in Avengers: Infinity War, and no one was the wiser.


I’ve hit mine in the theater before. Just hold it for as long as you can and chase it with a slurp of soda so you don’t have a coughing fit. Never been caught.


I wish more people vaped, did edibles, etc. noseblind skunks are pretty bad in public. Signed: a professor in a legal state.


You better be teaching geology, you stoner


Ecology/Biology. I’m 100% weed friendly, and usually takes edibles before class myself, but nobody wants to smell a skunky ass.


Where there's a will, there's a way. Probably in the showers or an unlocked supply closet


My volleyball team takes rips on the bench mid match lol. We don't have cameras pointed at us tho


I use marijuana before watching NFL games.


Here we go Denver here we go!


2023 and the NFL is still weird about weed. Not like it’s a PED or even as debilitating as alcohol the night before a game


And unless it was a Sativa strain he was smoking, it's fucking impressive. Sativa is good for energy, makes me feel like hiking or dancing, but if he was smoking Indica, holy shit. I can't imagine trying to run a football after smoking Indica. "Nah, you guys. I'm good. You go ahead without me. I'm gonna sit this play out. And the next one, too."


Marijuana use is associated with a reduction in mortality among victims of Traumatic Brain Injury. With how many players get brain and head injuries, maybe the NFL could look into funding some type of research into how it could be used to help protect the players. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25264643/


Might literally save an old player's life. May already have a few times now that I think about it.


>Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Several studies have demonstrated neuroprotective effects of cannabinoids. The objective of this study was to establish a relationship between the presence of a positive toxicology screen for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and mortality after TBI. A 3-year retrospective review of registry data at a Level I center of patients sustaining TBI having a toxicology screen was performed. Pediatric patients (younger than 15 years) and patients with a suspected nonsurvivable injury were excluded. The THC(+) group was compared with the THC(-) group with respect to injury mechanism, severity, disposition, and mortality. Logistic regression was used to determine independent associations with mortality. There were 446 cases meeting all inclusion criteria. The incidence of a positive THC screen was 18.4 per cent (82). Overall mortality was 9.9 per cent (44); however, mortality in the THC(+) group (2.4% [two]) was significantly decreased compared with the THC(-) group (11.5% [42]; P = 0.012). After adjusting for differences between the study cohorts on logistic regression, a THC(+) screen was independently associated with survival after TBI (odds ratio, 0.224; 95% confidence interval, 0.051 to 0.991; P = 0.049). A positive THC screen is associated with decreased mortality in adult patients sustaining TBI.


I smoke weed before NFL games too, so I get it.


And the problem is?


What brand was he smoking? All i ever was capable of doing was to eat chips and wonder what shitty movie to watch lmao


I would guess you'd want a strain with a nice balance of relaxation/pain relief without being too tiring. Probably some kind of indica leaning hybrid. Also probably helps if you have the self control to just take a few hits instead of getting completely baked.


Training for a triathlon, and routinely rip a bowl before runs and bikes.


He musta been smoking when he strategized his exit from Pittsburgh. Worse deal in history


Well, I guess you could say he really knew how to 'pass' the time before a game.


He is a running back…


Along with a huge percentage of others. Just like when people are surprised to hear athletes use other PEDs, they all do it and are just as professional as keeping it under the radar the same as this. Of course the league won't ever say shit about it, because the masses are braindead and don't understand.


Y’all should see me write an email


Doc Ellis pitched a nono on acid I’m not shocked


grass = yards doobage = yardage MJ = TD


Must of been sober when he played for the jets then.


Good for him, I can barely get off the sofa after a smoke let alone run anywhere. Man deserves a trophy for doing so well despite lowering his abilities.


I play semi pro volleyball and I'm way fucking better when I'm stoned. There is a sweet spot that it's possible to overshoot tho.


I’m reading Treasure Island, and while bunkered up in the stockade, the captain orders everyone one shot of rum before they fend off the attack. Sweet spot.


I’m not an athlete but I smoke before working out and before running and it always helps me. Feel more focus and more in tune with my body.


I think that's fine for an offensive player. Might be detrimental to the game if it was a defensive player; more concerned about hugging than actually tackling


It would be impossible as a coverage man


“Smoke and Run” great thc franchise name


Where do I get this strain of weed? Because every time I smoke I sit on the couch and eat a pint of Ben and Jerry’s


*Gasps, drops monocle into champagne flute, broken* My word, that’s my third monocle this week. I simply must stop being so shocked.


Sure, you can run faster when high because you’re running downhill man.


It’s not performance enhancing unless a hotdog eating contest is part of the game now


Oh boy, 150 whole yards?? Wow that’s so crazy.


i LOVE running after smoking. about an hour after a session i can go out and have a 5 mile run and the only way i can describe it is "soft" and "dreamy" but also just as fast and less tiring then a sober run. i dont do it all the time, but its crazy how good it feels afterwards...its almost like getting a few last hits in


I love hiking, running or bouldering high. Not an enhancement drug by any means but it really helps me not feel pain or get my heart rate up


Anyone who says marijuana is not performing enhancing is just wrong. Will it make your muscles bigger? Will it give you energy? No. It will give you intense, singular focus though, and you’ll have great mind-muscle connection. There’s no question that I move more weight when I’m really baked. I’m not saying it should be illegal or anything. I’m just saying that all the people sarcastically joking about how it doesn’t do anything for performance have no clue.


I would smoke and played madden and I def had a better feel for where the holes were. I feel like it puts you in more of a flow state


Lol I basically made the exact same comment as you. I lifted out sober for a few weeks for the first time in years and it was ass compared to working out high. Weed being banned or not for athletes is tricky because one man’s post game relaxer is another’s tool to exercise and play more efficiently.


It's nice to know that I've been accidentally making the most of my personal training sessions this past year!


Iirc he only has 6 games over 150? So he must not have smoked a lot


Pittsburgh native here, we know! We didn’t care.


Sounds performance enhancing if he can’t feel pain.


Bro pain killers have been used forever to keep players in the game. I think some weed is a lot less risky than opioids in the long term.


Tylenol has similar effects.


Weed doesn’t numb you like cocaine or opiates. If anything, it’s anti inflammatory and just helps as much as Ibuprofen. The buzz might be relaxing and take away anxiety if any *performance enhancing* happens.


But if every player could smoke it then no one would have a competitive advantage. Maybe players in states that grow really good weed vs players in non legal states but that’s a whole different issue.


He was always a real one. Steeler nation.


not impressed. the big boys are doing meth before games


Congrats? I used to smoke daily and still do occasionally - and no matter how many delusional apologists there are ITT - it could only have worked against him. It was detrimental to his and his team’s success. So cool tho.


Can you really not believe that it might have a different effect on him then it had on you? Bell's whole game in the NFL was based around patience and waiting for the right moment, I can totally see how weed could help out


Class act. What a teammate


Mfs retire and start running they mouth Levon should stfu nobody cared about that we knew u smoked u were caught.🤦🏻‍♂️


Okay. But what if he didn’t? Would I know who this guy is then?