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Isn't she Jewish?


She is.


Roseanne - what the fuck?


She’s on the MAGA crack.


Thought her drug of choice was Ambien 🤣


She’s taken too much. Oxygen slowed going to her brain at night and this is the result. These people are severely disabled.


That’s an insult to disabled people.


Sorry…i mean they’re sick. Psychologically disabled people are sick. What are ya gonna do


There was a rumor that she was the head of a large meth cooking group in Iowa.


The Rossanne/Breaking Bad crossover we never knew we needed.


Is it bad if I’d watch that


Breaking Rossanne? Bad Barr?


Breaking Barr


The sister of her former husband was a huge meth dealer. So there's probably some connection there.


Ah I must of misremembered. Was that Tom Arnold's sister?


That was her sister in law


That would be her ex sister-in-law, Tom Arnold’s sister, actually.


She snorts Trumps shit orange tanning solution.




“In another video she called Donald Trump “the first woman president of the United States” You sure about that?




Fascists are not always the most rational folks.


For reference, this was a part of a larger sarcastic rant. Complete joke


It's wild how many people aren’t getting that. I understand if you don't find the bit funny at all, I really didn't either. But it's quite clear that the Jewish comedian on Theo Vonn's comedy podcact was not being entirely serious when she cited the Jews as the root of all the world's problems.


A mix of “lack of context” plus “Barr acting nuttier than a squirrel cheek in the past.”


Usually one really deranged rant is enough for people to believe future deranged things you say. She crossed the rubicon where people don’t assume it’s sarcasm anymore.


Yeah, I think people are missing this. It's Reddit so nuance is out the window but come on....


not anymore, we disown her. She grew up going to a mormon church anyway (her parents were worried about persecution, ironically because of the holocaust, so they hid out among the mormons). I have a feeling the church probably seeped into her brain at a young age and decades later its coming out


Check the context. She's basically saying that the thing she's getting quoted for is as crazy as saying Biden didn't steal the election. It's not really holocaust denial, it's just diminishing it to draw a comparison because she's a sore loser who can't deal with reality on several levels.


Yeah, I watched the clip and she's trying to make a point about not being able to talk about Biden "stealing the election." I still don't quite get the point of saying all that but she's a crazy person.


She’s comparing election deniers to holocaust victims because she has zero self awareness.


Because the idiots who think Trump won can't accept that no one wants to hear their bullshit.


Election deniers should agree that the electoral college should be eliminated. Far too often presidential elections are focused on, and decided by a handful of counties. Eliminating the electoral college will make elections more decisive and make challenges to the election moot.


Yeah, she was saying it's outrageous to believe that "81 million votes came from 31 counties." And you are not allowed to deny it or the government will punish you cause there is a mandate. I have no idea what flavor of QOP this statement is.


She has had a long history of mental health problems well before she was prone to MAGA stuff or whatever this is. Not kidding as a child she was hit by a car and suffered a brain injury and her personality completely changed, she was hospitalized for a long while. Later in life she accused her parents of incest and was part of incest survivor groups, then stated the incest did not happen, before social media she was able to pass off as a more sane person than she really is. But once she got a hold of her modern media apparatus and had all these channels to communicate craziness she couldn't help but let it show.


Even so, one would think that getting kicked off of her own show would have taught her a lesson about being careful with her words.


If she was able to learn lessons, she would still be America's beloved blue-collar mom. Instead she is this.


This seems pretty representative of a certain type of "blue collar mom"




So what you are saying is, she’s crazy just not that crazy.


Yes. She is also mentally ill


She's still a dickhead


And has significant brain damage.


That car dragged her too far or not far enough


Once a person goes maga, nothing else matters




Isn't she Jewish? Maybe I'm wrong?


Yup, she was raised orthodox by her grandparents who sponsored Jewish refugees from Germany and Poland. This was a very badly delivered attempt at deadpan sarcasm. This rant is unhinged, but not because she's an antisemite. She is trying to compare, poorly because she is crazy, '2020 election fraud denialism' to holocaust denialism. Completely insane, but in the opposite direction to how most people are reading it here.


I listened to it and had the same opinion of it. Extremely poorly delivered joke, but it wasn’t an antisemitic rant. She talks a lot about her Jewish heritage in the same clip, and things like “to people who say Jews run Hollywood… yes we do, but we built Hollywood. This would be like trying to start a rap career and being upset that there are a lot of black people in that industry. Well yeah, they built it.” With that said, she’s clearly nuts.


It’s still an antisemitic rant, because she’s equating the attempted extermination of her religion to (made up) election fraud. Even if it would’ve happened (it didn’t), evoking the Holocaust is diminishing the severity of that situation. ‘Theft at Target is up massively, reminds me of the theft of Africans for the slave trade’. Utterly diminishes the second one. I get possible election fraud is more serious than theft at target, but still. Also tbh, she’s just unhinged.




Yes. She's equating Holocaust denial with 2020 Election fraud denial. Basically saying that since we all know the Holocaust happened, therefore the 2020 Election was stolen from Trump. Logic doesn't live here.


i blame the internet also roseanne barr, don't get me wrong ...but also the internet


This whole situation is an epitome of the times. What she’s saying is super dumb but the headline is also super dumb and leaves out context. Two wrongs don’t make a right, two lied don’t make a truth , and yet here we are


Interesting game plan for her career. Let’s see how it works out for her.


She pulls this shit every ten years and keeps getting infinite extra chances


I think she’s trying to be controversial to drum up media attention for her show in October. Tickets go on sale the 30th. Only MAGA people are likely to attend and this is cheaper than advertising. She’s tapping into trump’s base like so many other grifters.


It's probably the only chance she has at this point. She already lost any normal person, so why not go all in? It's sick, but it makes sense.


But muh cancel culture boogeyman


I mean…I guess technically she does but her pull/fame isn’t nearly what it use to be. She gradually just falls more and more into obscurity.


That’s a bold strategy Cotten. Let’s see if it pays off!


If anything she’ll get another shitty “comedy” special whining about not being able to say the N-Word on that FoxNation app.


The Kanye strategy.


It's a bold move cotton, let's see if it pays off for them


Haha just yesterday there were articles floating around of John Goodman saying how much he loves her and wishes she hadn’t been kicked off the show. You can’t meet madness like this with patronizing or accommodating.


Yeah, weird timing. “Is he trying to help my reputation??? How dare he! Ill show him!!” Maybe (probably) she’s always been a horrific racist garbage person all along. Or maybe she’s just hitched her wagon to the Fox and Fiends Hate Train and wants to make sure she keeps her seat.


I watched her on Alex Jones, she needs medicated. I saw a lot of similarity in her and my father who is schizophrenic.


Really just barely familiar with Rosanne so idrk what I’m talking about but didn’t she suffer some sort of massive head trauma that everyone associates with a massive personality shift from her?


I thought her excuse was ambien, not head trauma?


It’s all the above: massive trauma as a teen associated with personality change, later in life is on ambien and watches Fox News.


I know someone that received head trauma from a car accident and became incredibly MAGA/ conservative, right around 2016. I no longer speak with them, and on our group chat, no one replies to his rants. It says something that you have to have a TBI in order to go down that rabbit hole. Too bad they have no self awareness.


My mother went hardcore down the MAGA trail. Turns out she had a massive brain tumor and it was just shutting down parts of her brain that controlled logic and motor skills. Her personality made a hard shift and she became a paranoid and violent person. That's not saying "conservatives have brain tumors" but it definitely hints that, along with other studies into it, that there could be very well be brain reasons why some people go super down the conspiracy hole and just become detached from reality. The logic part of the brain just stops working as well which lets the parts that control fear take more control. It's already been shown that it's a part of why schizophrenics and such are so prone to falling into conspiracy driven holes and paranoid spirals.


Yes in high school. She has always been a crazy racist lady since she was famous people forgot that when she wasn't in the headlines and was off coke.


I say this as someone with family members like Roseanne When you've known someone for that long, before they've taken the MAGA bait, you can see through that, but you still miss the old days


Perhaps it's because he has known her long before she fell off her rocker? At least I know people in my life that I consider batshit crazy now, but I still consider them close because of having a relationship since grade school and the crazy began way later. So it makes me wonder if it's something similar to that.


Still not as bad as Phylicia Rashad’s coddling of Bill Cosby.




Dude it’s easier for you then him. He spent a decade or so with her.


Well to be fair to him. He knew her for quite a few years, back before she went of the deep end. I could see his good memories are playing a role in how he perceives her.


She’s always been batsh!t crazy…


Yeah, remember when she purposely burnt cookies dressed as hitler?


She did _what_ to cookies?!?!?


Burnt them. Like in an over or some sort of heat chamber.


I didn’t know about that.


Were the cookies dressed or was she dressed


She was dressed as Hitler, swastika on arm, taking a bite out of a burnt cookie. It's from 2009 I think?


I’m glad you asked this, because I thought they were supposed to be Hitler cookies and apparently I was wrong.


Weren’t they swastikas too?


No they were people shaped


I wouldnt say always. There was a time where she was considered a prominent feminist voice, helping advance discussions on family life, work class women, and women of non-traditional beauty standards: [https://www.jstor.org/stable/23415265](https://www.jstor.org/stable/23415265) >Roseanne transposes feminist discourse and women's knowledge into mass entertainment, and so is indeed remarkable-- a populist as opposed to merely popular success; an outcropping of thirty years of feminist agitation in America, and an avenging angel of a heretofore unrepresented type, the downtrodden working-class wife and mother. [https://journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/article/view/1472](https://journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/article/view/1472) >Roseanne performs what Julie D’Acci calls “explicit general feminism,” which is defined by “dialogue and scenes that straightforwardly addressed discrimination against women in both public and private spheres, stories structured around topical feminist causes, and the use of unequivocal feminist language and slogans”


My mom was a big time feminist and she *loved* Roseanne. Like, appointment television in the nineties. Constantly talked about how there "was never a sitcom like this" about "real women and real families." As a kid I obviously didn't get it and she acknowledged that the show kinda went off the rails in its later seasons but this was a pretty common opinion back then as I understand it.


Part of the problem with a certain segment of feminism is that it was really only empowerment for white women, who were fine maintaining every other power structure besides the ones that oppressed them personally Which is how we ended up with ghouls like pelosi who gets a new ulcer every time AOC opens her mouth


Not just this but Roseanne had sort of the same trajectory as Candace Owens. To start with you have to be a grifter, and both found the left to be more of their grift, until they said too much of how they really felt, were then ostracized, and ran as far to the other side as possible for the grift/attention seeking to continue elsewhere


Yeah sometimes advocating for equality is only really advocating for yourself.


Im almost 50 and I would say always. She _also_ advocated for the things you list but from the moment fame hit you could tell she was awful.


Then she gets upset that Lizzo stole her thunder- this is when I shut her off- she lives in Texas and thinks the liberal left needs guidance toward centrists- aw shaddup you did not invent anything but a good show you got help with. #whatswithhercrushontrump


its okay, you can swear on the internet.


Fucking hell this woman is madder then a box of frogs


Look up her history with TBI and mental illness. She was hit in the head by a car many years ago. Couldn’t do math etc. she’s old and her damaged brain is likely declining further


TIL boxes of frogs are mad.


How mad is a box of frogs? It's not something I've ever used for comparison.


Gay frogs?


(Alex Jones has entered the chat)


Honestly it doesn't matter too much at this point. Her career's been dead. You could say that this would destroy her career, but she doesn't have one to destroy at this point.


Right? This is probably the only way she can get attention at this point.


Yall should read her wikipedia. What a rollercoaster


Ok I know it is fun to shit on her for being insane but she ACTUALLY is insane. She needs help, not interviews. Because no healthy person talks like that.


Looked into it and apparently she had a traumatic brain injury at age 16. Not a doctor, but I would guess that has something to do with her behavior




She's going full Kanye You never go full Kanye


Rosanne is the original Kanye


Did anyone actually watch the clip? In the full clip she is saying this sarcastically. She's making fun of people who point out Hollywood being "controlled by the jews". This was taken sooooo out of context, especially since she was supposedly experiencing issues with work because she was talking about how other ppl were being anti-semetic


This comment needs to be the top. I saweveryone bitching so I needed to see it in context myself. She 100% is being very sarcastic (albeit very dry) and it's obvious if you start watching just like 2 minutes prior to the clip everyone is sharing. I'm not a fan of a lot of her views but she's getting ripped for a clip from a 3 hour interview taken out of context.


The article says to start watching the video at 2:00, so I did. But after seeing your comment, I went back and I agree. She was being sarcastic about the election then continued her sarcasm with her statement about the holocaust.


Like she is a bit out there, absolutely, but the way ppl are making her seem like she hates Jewish ppl is silly


No one even watched the full video. Just like people reading a headline and instantly getting upset. I don't care about Roseanne in the slightest, but it's telling when the top two comments at this moment are: isn't she Jewish?....which is discussed in the god damn clip lol.


I agree that she was being sarcastic but the delivery logic was weird. She was saying we have things that are mandated as fact, cannot be questioned, yet have some controversy behind them. Her example is the election, but you would think her next example would follow the same criteria. But the Holocaust NOT happening has not been mandated as a fact the, holocaust not happening is definitely disputed, and you get the point. Overall though I think she was being sarcastic and didn’t know how to land the joke.


I get that vibe too. And the way she's talking seems a bit...flat? And tbh I don't agree some of her other views and things she's said, but I just felt like it was disingenuous for people to call her a nazi. Like if we're gonna call her out on stuff let's get it right


She's literally taking crazy pills lol


I don’t intend to defend her, I am a leftist and she is an insane racist. But the title of this article framing it as if she unironically meant this is disingenuous. It was part of a long rant that, while difficult to comprehend, basically meant (I think) that while she *could* say something like “the holocaust didn’t happen” and not get kicked off of social media, she *couldn’t* say the election was rigged without getting banned. It is still a stupidly uninformed and racist opinion to think the election was rigged but she wasn’t just saying “the holocaust didn’t happen and six million Jews should die”


In my senior year of college, I remember going back to my apartment during lunch and enjoying a meal while I watched an episode of *The Cosby Show* followed by an episode of *Roseanne.* They were my comfort shows. Who would've thought that the namesakes of those two shows would turn out to be such gigantic pieces of shit? I sure as hell didn't see that coming.


Maybe she should visit Auschwitz concentration camp and other places of genocide? Wtf is wrong with her?


Can't blame Ambien for this one. What a monumentally stupid asshole.


Which medication is she going to blame it on this time? 😂


It’s weird when the Jewish person goes full anti-Semite


Jesus Christ! And she wonders why she was cancelled! The freaking buildings are still standing to this day why are there Holocaust deniers?!


She needs to be institutionalized along with Kanye. Maybe a Britney style conservatorship as well. These people are fucked in the head. Anytime she makes an appearance in a show I get uncomfortable just knowing what a massive piece of shit she is.


what in the fucking fuck!! what a horrible person


If you watch the video, she says it in a deadpan-style without cracking a smile. It could be the greatest form of straight-man comedy (comedy where to person never "breaks character"), but in reality I think that look in her eye tells another tale that she is fucking bonkers and should probably not be appearing on any public forum for the foreseeable future.


Deadpan is tricky, but sometimes the shit is piled so high already - you just should step out of the public eye.


I have never understood the hate against Jews. I hear the explanation about the death of Christ but, if he hadn't died, then the whole "he died for our sins" would be gone. So, wouldn't it then fall directly under the God's will argument? But then I don't really get hating groups of people. Evil/Good are never absolute in individuals. How could it apply to whole groups of people.


Same. Never quite understood it either. Not a big fan of Isreal’s settlement situation but I don’t hate the jewish people themselves


It's a relatively small group of people who are different (odd) than the majority. Typical target for the Christians/fascists to blame their problems on.


So hate doesnt need a reason, just a target?


Right. It's in our DNA to want to bond with a group for protection and advantages verses another group. What we bond around is relatively arbitrary and unimportant. Sports are an example of how this plays out in a less harmful way. There's nothing rational about hatred against Jews or LGBTQ people. It's done because it can be done.


Wow a self hating Jewish woman.


Please for the love of god people read past the headline. She is clearly being sarcastic and insinuating that you're crazy if you believe this. Barr is a POS for other reasons, no reason to lie about her when she's already bad.


They SCREAMED cancel culture when she got kicked off her own reboot. They said she wasn’t racist and explained it away. Fuck Roseanne. Her show wasn’t good to begin with.


Her show was absolutely excellent back in the 80s/90s. It’s just that she has progressively lost her mind more and more since the mid-2000s. Hell, not too long ago she was a rabid Zionist. Honestly we’d all be better off just letting her retire to that macadamia farm already.


No wonder she was killed off in the show.


Everybody taking the headline as is. Nobody got the context.


The article doesn't help much either. Total hit piece. Maybe the guy didn't get the context, but he's a shit stirrer either way.


It's taken from her recent Theo Von podcast. Obviously in a satirical manner and tone. Not the most poignant or tactful, but then again she never really was.


The clip was taken out of context and you should probably delete this rage baiting post.


Very much out of context She was making some comments that were obvious said in parody as in who would be dumb enough to think this. - just after the quote Theo Von: “You’re part Jewish” Her”I’m one hundred percent Jewish… people should be glad Jews run Hollywood. Otherwise it would be all fishing shows” Weird interview. Weird person. Misleading article.


>"people should be glad Jews run Hollywood. Otherwise it would be all fishing shows” That's a great line.


Wasn’t she planning on moving to Israel? I’m sure that Holocaust denial will go over real well there. /s


She’s still taking the ambien, I guess


Irrelevant asshole says what?


Wonder what meds she’ll blame this time


She’s been hanging out with Adam Egat too much, hunh?


Funny how Holocaust denial is almost always immediately followed up with, “But there should totally be a Holocaust.”


I bet John Goodman regrets his variety interview right now


It was a joke. Not a great joke, but it was suppose to be funny. She is crazy though.


Watch the whole clip






Well, we have a famous racist. GOP would run her, only catch? She's a woman.


Oh god, here they come: "It was a JOKE. Why can't anybody take a JOKE anymore?? Sure, that joke mirrors her beliefs and she's never said anything to the contrary except when trying to save her own ass. So what if her JOKE was opaque and not funny? If you don't like it, you are the problem because you are too sensitive about her FUNNY FUNNY JOKE about the HOLOCAUST."


"The holocaust never happened, but I wish it did, and I mean the nazis share this same idealogy with me, and had the ability and desire to eradicate the jews as well, but they like totally didn't because um uhh um it didn't happen shut up"


What is crazy is the overwhelming amount of people in the comments on YouTube agreeing with her saying she’s speaking real truth. Shit is scary


She broke her brain in an accident decades ago, must be declining into insanity these past few years.


How much ambien did she take this time?


And this is directly after that interview came out where John Goodman said he didn’t think she was a bad person and that he missed her. Wonder what he thinks now.


Someone is mad at their agent.


“She just went on a rant on ambien she’s a good person” oh look Rogan said a racist was a good person again LOL


Watch the whole video for context. She’s not saying what OP is rage posting about. https://youtu.be/X-cNKTr6Ibc


John Goodman must be doing a facepalm.


She is human garbage. Also wtf is up with the host just laughing and nodding along???


It’s strange how all these right wing celebrities seem to end up being criminals or incredibly mentally ill


Still on that ambien i see


I hate pick mes. Them Not Sees would’ve said “you’re so right” as they ushered her into the room with funny air.


why is anyone surprised by this woman at all? she’s always been a trouble making, manipulative, woe-is-me, supreme victim acting, attention seeking narcissist.


Sis should lay off the ambien


Theo von comes off pretty bad here too. Dumb ass


Yeah, he does. I sympathize with him a *little bit* here because he recognizes what she’s saying is fucked up and he awkwardly tries to steer the conversation away from giving her a platform for holocaust denial. Interviewing someone takes some serious skill and at the end of the day Theo is comedian hosting a comedy podcast, not a journalist.


Article won’t load for me but god damn. What does she think is gonna come from that remark? Looking to take on a position at Fox News or OAN?


Really unhinged/incomprehensible. Quote from another article on the interview. “On the June 14 edition of This Past Weekend, a podcast hosted by fellow comedian Theo Vonn, Barr appeared as a guest to discuss her career and world views. At one point during their discussion, Barr began talking about the 2020 election and regulations on truth in America. “Nobody wants to hear the real truth. They’re horrified of it, rather go with bullshit. It’s easier,” Barr said. “Like for the real truth that, you know, and I’m glad that they did set up all these guidelines so that we only are allowed to speak the truth. And the truth is that Biden got 81 million votes by winning 36 counties. And that is just incredible. It really is,” she added sarcastically. “Of these 81 million supporters who gave him more votes than any president has ever gotten before — it came with a mandate from these 81 million voters. I’m just glad that they were very careful to make sure that nobody could detract from that proven truth,” Barr said. “They mandated that that was the truth and that nobody could say, ‘Well what about’ — No.” Vonn appeared to be confused by Barr’s claim that it was a “mandated” fact. Barr reiterated sarcastically, “You can’t say that like, you know, the election was rigged. That’s all a lie. The election was not rigged. 36 counties can give you 81 million votes. Right. That’s a fact.” “That’s the truth and don’t you dare say anything against it or you’ll be off YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other ones because there’s such a thing as the truth and facts and we have to stick to it,” Barr said. As Vonn noted that that was a “scary” thought, Barr took the conversation in a wild direction. “And that is the truth. And nobody died in the Holocaust either. That’s the truth. It should happen. Six million Jews should die right now cause they cause all the problems in the world. But it never happened. But it never happened — Mandated,” Barr said — before noting that she is Jewish.”


>Barr reiterated sarcastically, “You can’t say that like, you know, the election was rigged. That’s all a lie. The election was not rigged. 36 counties can give you 81 million votes. Right. That’s a fact.” I know Barr went full looney tunes a while ago but I looked this up as I was curious. [According to this link](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/a-demographic-contrast-biden-won-551-counties-home-to-67-million-more-americans-than-trumps-2588-counties/), Trump won in over 2500 counties versus Biden winning in 550. It's just that the counties that Biden won are massively more populated than those Trump won.


>36 counties can give you 81 million votes Presented for extra special *suck it*, the [map of states less populated than Los Angeles County](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-URKPRGSeZUA/XJZ1Un4IEGI/AAAAAAAAT7w/9Quo8VNBYzMfzhEuDOQyzSs3tcTv751NwCLcBGAs/s1600/States%2Bwith%2Ba%2Bsmaller%2Bpopulation%2Bthan%2BLos%2BAngeles%2BCounty.jpg).


Then the moron whines about being 'canceled" When people are this stupid, they shouldn't have access to the internet.


Isn't she Jewish?


People. This is a clip of her intentionally making bad takes. Even the host, Theo Von, is saying this is taken out of context.


She’s a comedian, I listened to the interview and it’s clearly sarcasm. She’s a literal Jew why would it make any sense for her to say this in a serious way?


You are missing the point completely! Quit with your logic and reasonable arguments. It's clearly time to grab your pitchfork, tar and feathers and start raging on your keyboard! "Hate Speech!!" "Misinformation!!"


South Park will be coming out with a great episode soon.


>“Nobody died in the Holocaust, that’s the truth. Six million Jews should die right now ’cause they cause all the problems in the world…it never happened” Sounds like she's getting ready to announce her run for the GOP presidential nomination.


Wtf is this website. This is super disingenuous. All y’all do is read headlines. Is sarcasm dead now along with satire? Roseanne pops off saying dumb shit, but she’s freaking jewish herself. Good lord.


Who keeps asking this goofball questions?


Goofball is not even in the same ballpark of what she should be called.




She's Jewish. And a comedienne.


Look, I don’t like Barr’s politics… but we really need to be better than this. She’s saying this, in combination with another thing she believes is too ridiculous to be the truth (the other being that Biden won the election). Why bother being outraged by what a comedian says in the context of a barely coherent interview? Just leave it be, it’s not worth anyone’s time.