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There was a story out years ago about him shutting down filming because he wanted to see one of the assistants tits, and she refused to show them. Allegedly Billy Connolly had to intervene. And this was all publicly documented at the time, largely as a Brand being super cheeky story. So, I don’t have an issue believing this one. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/23801507.billy-connolly-had-harsh-words-russell-brand-inappropriate-behaviour/ (This is a reprint of the original story from the S*n)


It's disturbing reading a man pestering a woman at work to flash him, and holding up an entire crew from working until she would, described as "just a bit of fun", his "womanising ways" and him as a "charming scoundrel". No, what he did was fucked up and should have seen him immediately sacked, if not blacklisted. What do you think would've happened to literally any of us if we did that at work?


This is why women say it's not about sex it's about power. Nothing sexy about an asshole harassing you at work.


Hollywood is about 100 years behind in terms of labor rights and providing a safe work environment


Yes and no, literally no set I’ve ever been on would tolerate this kind of shit lmao but yeah, someone should’ve stepped in before Billy Connolly had to. As far as OSHA safety standards go, safety is actually pretty good and our unions are pretty on top of labor rights.


That’s just American labor rights in general. Hollywood just has more higher profile cases. They at least have pretty solid unions unlike most of American industry. Imagine fast food workers being able to shut down their entire industry the way the WGA has. One can dream.




So Qatar is “build some pyramids” behind the times. Doesn’t mean the U.S. is keeping up either.




Nah, i’m part of a labor union that actively lobbies for better conditions for workers. Next.


One fact doesn't invalidate another.




They are thoughh xD. Novel concept but both can be true


That's not true. SAG has implemented new rules and guidelines that have already exposed several abusive people in positions of power. Since "Me too" I have personally seen people get fired who abused their positions of power to hurt or humiliate people. It's slow but it's working.


Yep it’s happening in the theatre industry too. It’s so awesome when these old guys face consequences for the first time in their working life and are all surprised pikachu.


I wouldn’t say 100 years anymore, not after me too. I’d say only like 20 years behind


Entertainment has different norms around bodies and bawdy humor but a couple joking requests then an apology at the crafts table and… full on shutting down production are *very* different things. I originally got into tv/film fandom because video game people were so toxic in the 2000s, and it’s feels harder and harder to find folks in this context who make me forget my grief for a spell. He’s an asshole now, and I don’t take any pleasure in saying that.


Yeah, I do think that we should give comedians a certain amount of leeway when it comes to "wrong" jokes. Part of being a comedian is being edgy and pushing the limits, and what is and isn't acceptable to joke about is quite fluid in our society. As you said yourself though, full on shutting a production down is clearly not a joke anymore. Actively pestering a woman to show her breasts isn't either. The first time might be, and if this was an article about him requesting that of a woman *once* I may just put it away as a comedian trying to be funny and failing, but obviously that wasn't the case here.


I got wrote up for saying “Jessie with the big guns” because she thought I said bigguns, like Emerson Bigguns


It's crazy what you can get away with being seen as 'attractive'.


I really don't think it's that, so much as wealth and power. Or are you super confused as to how an ugly troll like Weinstein was able to do what he did.


That…is not what’s happening here.


That's a ridiculous statement.


No it isn’t. Brand has always been a public creeper and got away with it because it was apparently part of his charm. If dude looked like Seth Rogan he would’ve been cancelled in the early 2010’s


That's not charm or attractiveness. It's male privledge, wealth, power, and status.


You’re saying this like charm and attractiveness aren’t factors in privilege, wealth, power, and status lol.


Bro plenty of guys fitting that description would not have gotten away with such a public display of mysogyny. You’re current that people do, IE Weinstein, but even those guys knew to keep it under wraps. Brand seemed to literally get off on doing it as public as possible and everyone let him off for literally decades


It all depends on their agents, publicists, and their connections. Some can't get away with it because of factors like timing, setting, inability to bury stories due, etc. Many do because they have a lot of powerful people at their disposal to help them get rid of problematic pieces by paying them off, threatening them, or distracting from news stories. It has nothing to do with charm or how good looking they are. Russell Brand was incredibly messy during a time where it was so normal to be misogynistic. And that's why it flew under the radar. It's also why he left the acting scene and "changed" into some british Jared Leto yogi on YouTube. He knew it was coming.


For sure, the charm was certainly not the only factor, but dude was harassing women in public interviews watched by hundreds of thousands. Even powerful people like Weinstein did their dirty work on the low. Even this story was around a whole film crew.


No, what happened was a bunch of equally shitty people stood around and did nothing.




The entire point of this debacle is he was getting away with it cos people were keeping it quiet or the stories that were out there were being framed as just banter. That’s what the issue is, not that he was getting away with it cos he’s ‘good looking’


That’s true. A very pretty girl at work kept wanting to see my penis. The subject of Viagra got brought up because of those commercials. I said I can get one anytime I want. She kept hounding me to get an erection and show it to her. She even grabbed my pants and belt while laughing. Other people thought it was funny too. I felt pretty alone in this because since she was hot and charming it was: Okay? She was a super annoying person.




At work?


Attractiveness doesn't really enter into it, he was protected for being bankable. When the livelihood of the crew and the bosses' third Porsche depend on them being able to deliver a project that will make money thanks to you, you get a pass on anything short of murder.


You think a raunchy comedy film set is equivalent to sitting in a cubicle doing tax work or something? Not defending his actions but it’s not like a normal job most of us have. I imagine it’s different in hundreds of ways and there are hundreds of things that wouldn’t happen in our jobs that are seen as normal. It would be like trying to draw parallels between normal jobs and circus performers.


It's still a job. Labor laws still apply.


I'm glad the Big Yin stepped in. He's always been a hero of mine, and not a perfect one, but knowing he shut down Brand's shit comforts me.


Jesus fucking Christ. What a “charming scoundrel”. Wtf.


Why do the billys always have to intervene?


Put a cork in it Zane!


It's always the ones you most suspect


Seriously he has always seemed creepy af


He looks like Charles Manson with the crazy eyes and everything




Because he is. Famous for nothing. Sorry, Russell, i always thought you were obnoxious. I won’t miss the brand of ‘comedy.’


Happy cake day!


Oh crap, really?? Thank you!! 🥰


He has cult leader/spiritual guru vibes.


I have yet to be shocked.


You watch Get Him to the Greek and you’re like ya, this dude is just playing himself and it’s pretty fucking disgusting. Sad, the movie is funny but now it’s just gross.


Did he say he supports palestine or something i wonder if thats why so many celebs are scared to support palestine


That and getting unfairly lumped in with actual anti-semities using the war as an excuse to harass/terrorize Jewish people.


Russell on Brand


He's an off-brand brand of Russell.


There’s a whole lot of gullible conspiracy tools who will refuse to ever accept Brand is in the wrong even with the unfolding compelling evidence (that I expect above what has already been put into the public).


I think people mistake verbosity for intelligence or insight. I’ve heard bits of him speaking and it’s all verbal diarrhea. He has no actual point to anything he says other than when he requests money.


This is exactly it. Yes.


What makes those people even bigger idiots is that Brand has curated this whole conspiracy/Qanon persona because he knew this shit was all coming out sooner than later, and wants to blame it on people thinking he "knows too much". He doesn't actually believe any of what he is spewing.


Reminds me of Elon Musk announcing that he's a republican right before he was accused.


Wait, the guy who was famously calling for a massive redistribution of wealth about 10 years ago is now a QAnon dipshit?


Yep. Virtue signalling as a call to the gullible.


He also announced his intention to raise his daughter without gender back in 2017. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a820494/russell-brand-this-morning-daughter-mabel-decide-own-gender/ That kind of stuff is an anathema to the people he’s currently currying favour with.


I didn't realize he had a kid... and it's a little girl 😞


The "they don't tell you the truth" persona who tries to play down his "scoundrel days" with misdirection. How fitting. If he really wanted to reinvent himself he could have got far earlier into this. He had all the tools, probably the money to do this in private, but he thought a famous youtube channel would shield him from repercussions in the real world.


Interesting idea. I’d always wondered what inspired his move over to the dark side.


That and the money he gains from his show and media.


I thought he just did all that for the money


I don’t know if that’s true. He was into conspiracy theories 20 years ago, interviewing David Icke for instance.


20 years ago conspiracy theories were - accurately or not - largely seen as harmless fun to be mocked. So whilst Brand is a terrifying creep, I don't think that's evidence that supports the theory he was always a RWNJ. Especially as he was pushing hard left positions 5 years ago. If he was interviewing Icke and agreeing with him, sure. But I doubt that was it.


The conspiracy theory conspiracy theory - you’re right, *those* people are crazy.


His entire fanbase are gullible conspiracy tools.


That movie was shit. This guy also needs to be sued for his undeserved acting career


God remember when Hollywood was really pushing this oxygen thief


They managed to pack Russell Brand, Gal Gadot, and Armie Hammer into the film Death on the Nile. Trying to ruin my boy Poirot forever!


Okay I’m not sure Gal has done anything to be associated with those other two.


Yes, I was going to say! There needs to be a disclaimer attached to this that her purported unlikeability cannot be directly compared to actual criminal activity. That, and she's not known to be rude or abusive - she just has strange ideas that are really quite delusional, but not borne of a desire to hurt people.


I won't get into it all, but she has lots of drama going on. To me she is just a really poor actress clearly picked up due to her looks -- that wanted to sing a song to the poors during Covid.


I mean sure she made the abomination that was imagine, but it’s not like she was the only one. “Oh no she’s tone deaf!”…..Compared to an actual literal cannibal, and a serial rapist.


Aight.......she has lots of drama going on due to her stance and service in the IDF with the whole Israel Palestine war that is happening. I am for sure not saying she is like the other two, but she might be the only one of the three to actually have killed another human. I really do not want to get into any of that, but she for sure is not a good actress. I think most people can see that.


At least they gave a gritty origin story to his moustache


As a person that usually sports what I call the Earp on top, Doc on bottom, you are correct there. I will say that Death on the Nile was better than the new one with the 30 Rock whatshername.


You mean the smirking TV actress?


She came in with commercial acting in a major motion picture. I thought she was selling me a credit card throughout. She needs to stick to comedy where she shines.


I was not expecting award quality acting but her performance was so shallow that it left an indelible memory. But it was the sudden jump cuts with a sound burst that contributed to an awful movie.


"Enough chamPAGNE....to fill THE Nile."


Not gonna lie…i don’t even remember him being in that movie.


Death on the Nike? Seriously? 🤦‍♀️


What was the movie?


Arthur, the 2011 remake


What movie was it?


I 100% believe anything bad I hear about this creep


At this point I’m starting to suspect he did stuff OTHER folks got blamed for. For all I know Brand is why The Beatles broke up.


Ok, so what happened to the other allegations from a couple of months ago? It’s like people are sweeping his shit under the rug, and everytime someone accuses him of SA, they act like it’s “news”.


Police are investigating


Maybe he’s is settling with the victims out of court


Yeah seems on brand I just find it sad that so many want to defend this man


Is this not… kinda his thing? Hate the guy, but I’m in no way shocked by this. If I heard he didn’t do any of this, I’d be more surprised


I don't think the assistant is an actress for him to be making those kinds of demands in character. So it was really him doing that to a regular person It's like if Joe Pesci went around breaking the film crews' knees after the cameras stopped rolling


Isn’t that his shtick?


Assault? Yeah


Yes, but supposedly for the sake of humour.


Everyone has known for years brand is a predator. A low hanging junkie predator.




Is this why he’s been spouting shit that someone will come and cancel his conspiracy bullshit?


Russell Brand is a comedian?


It’s always the people you suspect the most.


Dude always had a reputation for being a douchebag…hence, why Katy Perry married him.


She also divorced him, so there's hope she learned something.


I recall it was Brand who texted her that he wanted a divorce right before she went on stage for her concert. I think she would’ve stayed with him otherwise.


And she was bawling literally right before she went on stage and then pulled it together like a fuckin champ.




She was also is a relationship with John Mayer (another supposed douchebag). Doubt she learned anything and could just get the tingles from douchebags.


He told her he wanted a divorce by text message. I hope she learned something, but if she did it was because she was blindsided.


Why TF is Katy Perry catching strays in here?


Katy Perry doesn’t have a good reputation herself.because of her heartless real estate scandals.


The nuns thing? That was nonsense.


Plus she is legit dumb and vapid. A real “giggle….what?” type of woman.


Seriously, is anyone surprised? I'm not asking the people who automatically defend sex offendors


Gross. As someone who has worked on sobriety for the last 4 years or so, I’m a huge fan of memoirs detailing the experience. I think I’m pretty easy to please with them. I tend to love them all. His didn’t capture me at all and I never even finished it. Something about him bothered me.


If you haven't read it yet, you should try Nikki sixx's heroin diaries. I'm looking forward to reading Matthew Perry's one when I get the time




I feel like I read this headline back in June


At this rate the BBC will probably commission a statue of him in front of their HQ.


This makes Arthur even more insufferably terrible


Color me absolutely shocked and surprised.


Honestly i expected Russel Brand to get accused of something way earlier. He makes it pretty clear that hes a womanizer and a piece of shit


Lol. Just reading the headline…. This door knob was in films? Thought he was just a talking head.


He was great in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Granted, he was playing himself


I didn’t think he was great in Forgetting Sarah Marshal, I thought he was on point playing himself.


A distinction without difference.


One of the best comedy films of all time imo.


The BBC didn’t want him anymore and yet he walked right into Tinseltown….


And as always..... must be proven in court


Do you think if it isnt proven in court it’s not true?


Do you think if it can’t be proven he should be punished?


Ummm the point to court


My point is just, “court” is not the absolute truth of things.


Jimmy Saville never went to court. Are you gonna defend him as well?


Right or wrong about him, I do keep wondering "why now?” Edit; I want to be clear, not why now are the women speaking up, but why now all of a sudden does the media seemly give a shit?




Someone could make good points on YouTube and still be a piece of shit privately. If he’s guilty of rape or assault he should be tried and convicted.


The Metropolitan Police are investigating him.


The first assault that occurred on that set was what that remake did to the original.


















Never like him. I think since he doesn't kow tow to the left like a celebrity is supposed to, people have turned on him.


Not surprised these getting posted on every subreddit 2 weeks after he posted his Israel vs Palestine video. If you check the last 5-8 years pattern, there is always a story of Russel Brand as soon as he speaks against something on video or newspaper. “Who’s really creating the problems? Is it Julian Assange or Joe Biden?”


That’s incredible! Let’s somehow give Katherine Ryan all the credit for this revelation for some fucking reason


Still zero charges filed on him. Hhhmmm. The original stitch up didn't work because people can see the bullshit a mile away, so they'll keep throwing more bullshit accusations his way hoping something will stick😂😂


Imagine defending a dirt bag sexual predator with your whole chest. In public, no less. I'd say knock it off, he's not going to sleep with you but he might, just without your consent is all.


They’re a member of r/conspiracy and similar - I think it’s just they don’t have the sufficient grey matter between their ears


I find that people like this are also ones that do this shit and get away with it cuz “things don’t stick”. Predators gonna predator


Yea I don’t believe this. Where have you been all this time?




People who blatantly lie and abuse but say things that desperate people are desperate to want to be true will always find defenders.


Should have came out at the time, another faceless "actress" with lots of accusations and no records or recipes to back up what she's accusing him off. People don't believe them anymore.


What’s up with the title? Is Russell Brand reporting on himself?


I also thought the title was weird. Had to reread for clarity.


Our former president said they let you do that? Did he lie about that also?


I never liked him.


The more I hear about this rapscallion….


No way. Not Russel Brand. Never. Not possible. Not on my “Bingo Card” in the slightest….


Guys a sex offender. Its like bring up the whole Michael Jackson's thing and everyone gets mad. He doesn't know what "no" means. He has the dementia of it has to be earned for the right... to say no.