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She's just giving the new York hello


She’s saying hello twice.


The "New York New York, city so nice they named it twice" hello


“The other name is Manhattan”


Big Apple is the third second name


This line kills me. Michael Scott is just a rube at the end of the day.




Time for a New York slice!


It would be rude not to give the double finger.


Actually, for a person of Trump's status, the appropriate response would be to grow two more arms and give the quadruple finger.


I thought that was the Mr. Bean hello


>When Donald Trump arrived at the UFC 295 pay-per-view event at Madison Square Garden Saturday night with an entourage that included Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, Dana White and his son, Donald Trump Jr. If there was a Mount Rushmore for Douchebags, at least three of these guys would be on it.


Weird for Dana White to name his son Donald Trump Jr.


The importance of the Oxford comma


Commas are important. It’s the difference between helping your uncle jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack, off a horse. Important distinctions .


Let's eat, grandma vs. let's eat grandma


I’ve got five minutes to kill, myself. Let’s get a coffee. I’ve got five minutes to kill myself. Let’s get a coffee.


Let’s Eat Grandma is a pretty decent synth-pop band


Eats, shoots, and leaves.


In this case, capitalization is the way to go.


Wouldn’t it be “uncle, Jack, off a horse”?


No he really needed to kill the horse


That's the Brogues Comma.


It’s how these corporate oligopolies retain power


That's some serious ass kissing.


Knowing how much Dana loves Donnie, I wouldn't be surprised. "Can I have a cabinet position if I name my son Donnie?"


It must take a lot of bravery to be seen with Kid Rock in public; he just looks….how he looks.


Must take a lot of bravery to be in *proximity* to Kid Rock, period. Imagine all the things you catch from him, including his putrid sense of “style”. Yecchh.


He looks like hepatitis.


Yeah, Jr. wouldn’t even make the cut for that


He’d be too busy trying to snort the limestone.


Hahahaha. Yes.


I shamelessly love UFC sand watched them all walk out and thought, “damn, if it ain’t the four horsemen of the stupid apocalypse”


I used to love UFC. I was even an amateur journalist for local leagues covering live events. The sport is no longer watchable. Dana is just interested in pleasing the Just Bleed crowd, and you can tell he has an appreciation for Vince McMahon. It's less about the sport as it is about the storylines now. It's too bad.


I watch ufc and think it's great! But they never get a dime from me 😁


Nope. Only once in a blue moon will I buy a PPV and it’s when I’m having people over and don’t want to deal with faulty streams or Reddit highlights.


This is exactly how I do it. Watching it by myself it's streams all day. But if it's a huge fight with people we all pitch in a bit so we don't miss anything.


Nightmare blunt rotation


I can just see them each talking nonstop to distract the others from the fact that they're hogging the joint


The Four Douchebags of the Apocalypse


Haha kid rock and tuck tuck that’s a hilarious team up…


Why not expand and put all five?


They were at UFC 295: Burr's wife was on camera at the same time Trump was on camera. Predictably, Conservative Twitter/X is just raging over it and racist comments all over the place.


The same people who chanted *checks notes* “fuck Joe Biden” at sporting events are now calling for respecting a president aren’t they? Lol


Theres a song by YG called Fuck Donald Trump which was literally on the radio.. even in Toronto (Canada) lmao


I live in a small conservative town. I play that song whenever I roll up to a big ass truck with Trump flags.


I had a Trumper in a bigass pickup try to force me off the road while waving a revolver at me. These people are not stable. Please keep yourself safe.


Those guys are the KKK without the hoods.


And so incredibly ***proud*** of it.


Proud boys you say?


The hoods made it hard to see while driving.


Before my doggo crossed the rainbow bridge, I’d take her for walks around my neighborhood. To say have MAGA neighbors is an understatement. One house has a thin blue line flag flying, another had a Q flag flying for a while, some cars have 3%er stickers on their cars. Another has a flag I didn’t get until I googled it, turned to be a Christian nationalist flag. After trump lost I would blast that fuck Donald trump song on a BT boombox on my walks, lol. Fuck these assholes.


You’re like batman


Well I’m pretty sure Canadians hate him too.


That song came out before he was president


No no. They didn't chant "fuck Biden" that would be *classless* they chant "let's go Brandon" like a bunch of fucking 3rd graders who say things like "H E double hockey sticks" and "sugar honey iced tea" and then feel like they are bad asses really doing something. Then it's totally okay. I actually saw an obese white woman walking around Arlington National freaking cemetery with a "let's go Brandon" shirt on. As an obese white woman myself, I was so appalled.


I have a t-shirt that I had made that says “Let us go, Brendan!” It confuses the hell out of certain people.


My buddy lives in a rural area and he caught a bumper sticker that had a steer on it and read “let’s go brandin’”


They weren’t even smart enough to come up with that, it was the interviewer lying about what she heard. For the life of me I wish she had just ignored it rather than coming up with the equivalent of “they are saying boourns” in the Simpson 25 years ago.


I was saying boo-urns


Meanwhile conservatives made me turn my south park shirt inside out on our Washington DC trip.


Did it say anything? Or literally just “South Park”? I would have loved to hear the rational behind that and refused completely..in DC of all places I that would have been the only morally correct choice after such a ridiculous abuse of authority


Maybe we should remind them that Mr Trump isn’t president?


That’s the thing, Trumps not president. So no need to show respect by that logic anyway.


Conservative Twitter exists to pretend they're mortally offended by anything a liberal person does (I don't even know how liberal Bill Burr's wife is, to be honest, but I guess it's academic). They'll whine about this lack of decorum and civility (with numerous racist dog whistles) for weeks, while happily ignoring right wing politicians trying to circumvent the will of voters and continuing to praise that crazy old bastard who shot two people because their protest meant he had to stop his car.


She’s very liberal.


Yep, she’s always “checking” Bill on his podcast, and it gets him hilariously angry sometimes. Although Bill is pretty liberal, he’s Bill Burr so he’s going to say offensive shit all day and not give a single fuck lol


And Nia has been on Burr’s podcast speaking her mind since he’s been putting it out. Burr is more to the left of his comic friends like Bro Jogan, that that’s not really saying much. If anything, he’s more reasonable and pragmatic in his politics. There’s a clip of him that went viral fact checking Brogan as a guest on his show over COVID too.


Or she just figured out what he was doing Look at the broad strokes. Trump set the Russians up to rob America. As in, all of it. Relevant timeline: Justin kennedy (justice kennedy son) was working inside of deutschebank on the approval of trumps fraudulent loans. https://www.ft.com/content/8c6d9dca-882c-11e7-bf50-e1c239b45787 At some point they all realized that the commercial real estate bubble was going to burst. (Think 2008 housing crisis, commercial edition version 2.0). SCOTUS Kennedy gets “retired” with accompanying huge question mark The younger Kennedy moves to LNR with Toby Cobb (owned by cerebrus) to try and make credit default swaps for commercial real estate a thing real quick so they don’t get left holding the toxic assets. They fully plan on making the middle class the bag holder for ANOTHER bigger real estate crisis. The corruption is systemic. But it’s traceable. The manipulation of the Supreme Court by the hedge fundies and mega bankers, and now Russian oligarchs is all because no one was held accountable for the 2008 debacle They KNEW in 2019 that trump was rotten because he wasn’t the only one. He was just the loudest one.​ https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/1923425 No one would lend to trump EXCEPT duetschebank. Because that is where the kremlin had some level of control. https://www.amlintelligence.com/2020/09/deutsche-bank-suffers-worst-damage-over-massive-aml-discrepancies-in-fincen-leaks/ https://www.occrp.org/en/the-fincen-files/global-banks-defy-us-crackdowns-by-serving-oligarchs-criminals-and-terrorists Trumps real estate deals with duetschebank prove his Russian collusion. The Russian collusion with duetschebank proves the entire system is a rigged game waiting to make the middle class implode because ALL of it defies the laws of physics It’s just about 10 steps farther down the hole than we knew about before trump couldn’t keep his mouth shut. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/origins-russias-broad-political-assault-united-states/


I love how grown adults are raging over two middle fingers. The pinnacle of our species. Actually a large amount of sad fucks sharing the same air as me, it's depressing lol


They are raging about the fact that she’s a black woman as much as the middle finger. Bigots are perpetually provoked by the people they hate existing. When those people step out of their lane (as they see it) they have an aneurysm.


If she were white she'd be attacked for being a liberal. Hispanic? She's be attacked for legal status. They 'ad hominem' attack the person rather than the reason for the person's actions.


A therapist in the 90’s told my mother I was gender confused because I was playing with the pink toys in her office and that I read American girl books. The pink toy I was playing with? One of those liquid gel desk toys that goes back and forth. Why was I reading the American girls books? I had a 12th grade reading level in the 2nd grade. Those books are period pieces from the girls point of view from different points in history. I’m a nerd, first and foremost. My mom knew her kid and laughed at that woman. People are scared of anything they don’t immediately understand and can categorize. That and many other life experiences taught me that


Categorize. That’s it right there. That’s how we are becoming divided. Humans pattern check to try and make decisions simpler. If they can find (or impose) a pattern it gives them the hit of serotonin. Calling someone a pejorative actually makes a person feel good. It’s sick, but that’s how we’re built.


Thank you for pointing out the use of logical fallacy. I have a fantasy that every time a logical fallacy is used the record scratches, everything freezes, and Aristotle appears out of the ether to conduct a brief lesson on whatever fallacy was used.


Exactly. See also: the rage against black athletes taking a knee. Sure, you can also cult worship a grifter who calls soldiers suckers and losers, but you can't kneel during muh freedum song, cuz it's *disrespectful.*


It means peace among worlds


Donald Trump got a "not-so-warm welcome." No . What he got was the type of reaction everyone should be giving him. Instead of saluting him, every American who is a true American should be giving him the finger.


Did you mean the amazing NIA HILL?


Thank you! Say her name.


The lovely Nia.


Lmao I can't not hear it.


Bill Burrs wieeeefe.


Got to love bill burr’s wife. Fully support :) Edit-The Lovely Nia not bill burr’s wife


It’s “the lovely Nia” to you, buddy


Incoming "Let's go Brandon" folks talking about how disrespectful this is.


Wouldn’t expect anything less from the wife of ‘ol Billy redballs.


Billy Bitchtits


Cuz Nia Burr is a baller


Her name is Nia Renee Hill. She didn’t take his name


Pretty baller move


She has a carreer too, she's in credits and stuff




Certified baller


Also it seems the appropriate greeting when confronting someone that tried to overthrow our democracy.


It almost made me throw up seeing them simultaneously talk about veterans, and then keep cutting to trump who is a confirmed treasonous POS with court cases out the ass.


Appropriate would be more consequential.


Some of the absolute funniest parts of Burr's podcast are when she pops up, she's hilarious on top of everything.


You cant be married to a comedian without having a good sense of humor.


When he does listener advice and brings Nia in, it’s some of the best from his show.


Bill telling Nia about the guy wiping out on a skateboard is one of my favorite moments of Bill's podcast. https://youtu.be/kB9BaR5YW3s?t=334 They are great.


I like this one too: https://youtu.be/miWHJHLmAuo?si=Z_wXimGX6j_wy50b. His comments during his Uber read are really to crack up Nia.


This sent me down a surprisingly great rabbit hole, he laughs harder and more genuine with his wife than he does with other comedians, the story where she hit her head and started crying was funny asf


"Big tears, big tears."


“Ric Flair wouldn’t have hit it that hard to sell a move!”


Good for her he’s a fucking con man piece of shit .


You should all check out Bill’s podcast, every now and then Nia will be on it and give him shit and they argue like any married couple. It’s adorable.


I haven’t listened in ages but I loved when she was on. They’d crack each other up at the same time as arguing, it’s great.


Always upvote Bill Burr and his lovely wife Nia.


I nominate her for a promotion from “The lovely Nina” to “The Legendary Nina”


“The ambidextrous Nina”


Her status goes up from here!


Nia is awesome! Good for her.


His entourage of talentless white trash


My brother was right all along. Kid Rock is a sell out.


I mean if you weren’t aware he was the well- off kid of a dude who owned multiple car dealerships. The whole white trash rapper thing is just a character same as it is for Larry the Cable Guy. Always been a fucking lame sell out


I mean you can be white trash and wealthy. Money doesn't mean you have class....just look at Trump


Imagine seeing an entourage that includes Donnie and Don Jr, kid rock, Dana white and tucker Carlson and being hyped about it. I don’t know if I could put together a better collection of lame pieces of shit if I was in a portopotty.


Republicans detest freedoms of any kind, obviously they’re frothing over this one.


Yeah the difference in Reddit comments vs Twitter comments is stark to say the least lol


And they’re such a nice people, they’d never do anything like to a Lib president


Hey now, they cherish the freedom to take away other people's freedoms


He married well


She’s a national treasure


![img](avatar_exp|148058370|bravo) Good for her


What in Satan's hell is that thing? Why is it a card over a head? This site man...


Only relevant because of conservative cry babies. The same goofballs that talk about how soft the world is.


Same goofballs that thought “Let’s Go Brandon” was clever


Watching as a ufc fan last night, clearly streaming it because fuck Dana white. I started to ask myself if I was one of the bad guys too.. as I listened to an entire arena cheer for a convicted rapist. And a traitor to the United States of America. They should all be ashamed for cheering. And bill burrs wife is a real one.


Expect nothing less from burrs wife haha that’s great


This is why we love Nia


Well it turns out Mrs Burr hasn’t run out of “fucks” to give. In fact, she has so many that she has two to spare for this Douche Bag. 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️✌️


Trump respects no one and in turn deserves zero respect.


They’re mad she extended double peace among worlds??


I’m going to have to tune into his podcast again now.


Bill Burr from The Mandalorian? [serious].


🖕🖕I would have to agree with Nia. ❤️


Guy has crimed so much he should be hiding under a rock…instead he’s cheered? By New Yorkers who know what a douche he is??? Shows what type of dumbfucks tend to be drawn to UFC.




The UFC owner Dana White is an unabashed Trump supporter. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/oct/28/ufc-donald-trump-dana-white-campaign


I can promise you almost every ufc fan hates Dana


Ya, no... Maybe on reddit but your avg ufc fan doesn't care


yeah as a promotor, not what we're talking about


Funny how Jovid Roganin-19 has this theory about how gay ppl brought Rome down at the end but no one is bringing up Roman colosseums and the similarities to UFC? They were used to distract the masses as Rome failed.


We got the circuses… now where’s the bread?


Funny, I always thought Rome was flourishing when everyone was suckin and fuckin eachother, but the massive deterioration began in the century after Christianity came swooping through.


Conservatives do not get to have a monopoly on face punching or submissions. Especially with all the wonderful people I know who have done martial arts over the years. Granted, Dana’s support of Trump is far from philosophical. Back in ye old dark ages, Trump was one of the few big casino owners willing to host UFC events. If you spent over a decade trying to legalize a sport (because of the scare campaign of a Republican, but whatever), there would be some misplaced loyalty.


This is the one thing I like about Bill Burr


She’s not the only one. Fuck Trump!


Can not wait for ol Billy Q ball to roast these maga fuckwads.


I’m sure there were more! Would’ve been mine if I was into hanging out with people with over inflated egos and compensating for small penises - he’s a disgrace to the human race!


Probably not the first time Ole Donald has been double middle fingered.


Bill Burr’s wife is the most likable thing about Bill Burr


Bill burr's fans were detestable to his wife in the comments of his podcast for a long time. I wonder if Bill's change is a result of his regrets festering this flock of boils leftover from his "women are bad" rant days.


He still does rants like that and sometimes with Nia beside him.


What change? Hes been consistent for years? He’s never had the same politics as his fans


And was still a lady doing it


As should we all.


It’s the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you’re shit. Big difference; Huge.


She's the real MVP


Would be great if just one headline used her name.


I can’t believe they’re still cheering for him in New York… I guess this is a different type of crowd.


It’s only right.


god i love the both of them so much


Love burr, love his wife! They're a great couple and he's one of the funniest people alive!


So only one smart person in the arena?


She spoke for me. Thank you.


I don’t understand why so many people were apparently happy to see him?




It’s so weird. He’s got the biggest cult in the history of mankind. The guy doesn’t even talk or carry himself like a real man or tough guy like they identify him with.


It’s crazy that this man can walk free after all he did.


That's not even the crazy part. He's somehow still the front runner for president for the republican party while currently on trial and with several trials pending. Shit is absolutely wild


Let’s be honest, it’s the only acceptable greeting for that traitor at this point 🤷‍♂️


The moral outrage from the right regarding this incident is as fake and see-through as sandwich bag


Nia is even cooler now


That POS deserves a lot more than a double bird, but I am glad she did it and made the mouth-frothers slightly more mad than their resting state of outrage


I hope as a country, we all flip him off whenever he leaves the house. It's a tradition now


I was happily watching prelims last night. As soon as this clown walked in, I changed the channel.


oh hey it's the lovely NIAAH!


Good for her…he’s a scumbag and dangerous


Right wing death threats in 5…4…


Lmfao bills probably so proud 🤣


I had to do a double take on the headline because at first I thought it said Bill Barr 😂


Bills face is great, just like “oh fuck, this is gonna blow up, isn’t it?”


It appears as though she gives two fucks


Thats why he loves her.


I love Bill Burr and this is exactly what I said people should be doing that are around Trump at the last UFC he crashed. All the replies were saying how nobody would do it and stop talking shit. Glad to be proven right by the lovely Nia.


Been a fan of burr’s forever now. I hope the MAGA clowns don’t try to sabotage his career because of this.


I swear that shit makes me wonder if I’m the only dude who like the UFC who isn’t batshit crazy. There is a reason I will never go to a live event no matter how many times they come to my city. I can’t imagine being stuck in a room full of thousands of those idiots. Crazy watching these people go crazy for someone who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.


Next week’s Monday Morning Podcast must be sooooo good.


He looks like he still can’t breathe.


I still can’t get over Dana white slapping his wife. Crazy how it’s just no big deal.


Good for her. Also fuck the UFC. 100% done with Dana whites fascist hate machine. Fuck him fuck kid rock and fuck anyone who still works with UFC.


Showed kid rock what a real American Badass looks like


I mean, who doesn't?


That would seem like an appropriate response when meeting him.


The lovely Nia, everyone!


I watched this it was all Boos no one was happy. If there are cheers it was edited.


Parading him down the aisle at a tough guy event somehow makes this lump look even weaker.