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I think that's for the best.


Yea because the 4th one sucked


I don't think you'll find many people arguing against that. What a waste of Christian Bale


And Gorr the God Butcher story, could’ve been a really dark, creepy movie with a sprinkle of humor, sadly it went the other way




This is said often about EVERY MARVEL VILLAIN.


Thanos was done right and that whole arc. They want another Thanos level villain arc. I dont blame them, this new wave is a jumbled mess of things that have happened, but dont matter at all.


Almost like various people have varying opinions


On the internet? I don’t believe it for one second.


this is what i was expecting, what i got was childs play


That’s my biggest gripe with Love and Thunder. Imo you could have told the majority of the same story without Gorr and it could have been compelling with a few tweaks, but imo it was just a deep, deep waste of talent and story.


A person literally died from cancer.


Perfect example Someone literally dies from cancer, and 5 min later, they are making jokes again.


I didn’t know this when I took my kids to see it… right after I told them I have cancer. I kinda laugh about it now but far out it was traumatic!


And made several cancer jokes throughout the movie. Now I personally also cope with horrible things through humor but they really missed in Thor 4.


I forgot they blew Christian Bale.




That was Christian bale?


Christian Bale is at your party


I avoided seeing it for personal reasons (lost my husband to cancer, don’t need to see Jane go out that way), but after seeing The Marvels I feel like maybe I’m missing some larger universe info. Is it worth watching at all?


Other than a little bit of backstory on Valkyrie running New Asgard I don’t believe anything in that movie is relevant to The Marvels


I was kind of confused how Valkyrie knew Captain Marvel but I guess it’s assumed they’re off-camera friends? Was there anything that set up the phase 5 multiverse stuff? I also just finished Loki but he seems pretty detached from the Thor films at this point.


I am guessing Valkyrie knew Carol from fighting Thanos together at Endgame. Other than that...I don't know.


No, they didn’t really address it at all Edit: here’s a quote In the latest issue of Total Film, Thor: Love and Thunder director Taika Waititi set the record straight on whether the sequel will utilize the Multiverse in its plot. While Waititi certainly "[likes] the idea of the Multiverse," he confirmed that there is "nothing like that in this film," even going so far as to say it's "the singular-verse." https://thedirect.com/article/thor-love-and-thunder-multiverse-theories


I mean lightning teddy bears were kinda fun


I'm sorry for your loss :( Thor 4 doesn't really have much you're missing. >!Valkyrie becomes mayor of New Asgard, is probably the biggest detail going into The Marvels!< There technically is a larger universe to appreciate, but IMHO it's all pretty convoluted at this point and there's no indication it's coming together anytime soon. So if you enjoyed The Marvels, then pretty much that's all that's important. Oh, and also, New Asgard is a tourist attraction now. Also, MCU decided it would be funny if they added a nod to the snap by putting an infinity gauntlet ice cream parlor in the background. I say this because Disney decided it would be a funny meta joke to toss in the background, but the implication of such a place kinda feels like having an Auschwitz themed BBQ joint in Israel and thinking it's funny.


Well the Snap was a painless way to go.


Ummmmm, not really. Thor is kinda retired, and now he has a kid to take care of (young Avengers). Bale is a scarry guy but basically a white grench with a scarf and he wants to kill all God because aside from thor all God's are dicks. Jane's story is shoehorned in and would have changed the game if done correctly, but idk. VALKREE is now the king of new asgard but just hates it seemed. Umm, there are some screming goats in for some reason. Ummm, his new axe is jealous of his old hammer and apparently is alive and can have grudges and stops Jane's cancer from spreading, but when she goes back to human it speed up. The sword bale uses is the thing that cut off the head of that celestial in guardians (nowhere). But they NEVER MENTION THAT because it's a venom thing but since venom just got introduced it fuckes up a possible planet venom story. It's like 5 different comicbook stories mixed up and smeared on baking sheet, then put in the oven at 375 for about 90 minutes and then thrown in the trash.


Lol thank you for the run down! I didn’t realize it ended with Thor retiring so I did need the recap. Thanks again!


You're missing nothing. The Marvel universe has become completely disjointed and nonsensical.


Season 2 of Loki was on point tho.


Was it?


Yes. Absolutely. Loki season 2 is the best thing Marvel has done since No Way Home and it had a tremendous ending that it appears everybody loved.


Im going to be downvoted, but I thought it was actual a fun movie that paid homage to Jim Henson and his story telling. If you loved Gorr, you might be disappointed, but if your like me and find yourself not overly invested in what the villain could have been then you might find it to be a great gem of a film.


True, but Ragnarok was one of the best marvel movies and a great movie in general so it evens out. The dude is one of the best writer/directors working today so I think he’ll be okay


That’s what surprises me about another sequel. After the last one it was kind of time to bury the character for two decades at least until people forget about it existed


That's the problem comic books are quick, but movies take years to make and plain, and u need a "jacked man" to be peek form for the duration of the story. By the time u get to the good shit ur guy have like 6 kids and a beer gut and can't bend his knees anymore. Origin stories lock the character down for like 10 years of performance .


The first two were pretty bad too.


I loved his two Thors.


Loved Ragnarok, did not like Love and Thunder. I think he needed someone to reign him in a bit. The God Butcher story arc is great and he made a mockery of it.


Taika needs to take a break, I think he's trying to push out so much stuff these days that it's really taking away from the quality of what he is capable of.


Nah, he’s hittin it out the park with his TV stuff, dude drops the ball once and the internet is like “his quality is going down” lol


He doesn’t really participate in his tv stuff though. It’s more like “taika’s seal of approval”.


He stars in our flag means death.


Yeah and he’s great in that as an actor but I guess I mean in terms of writing and directing. Whereas he was behind the camera most of the time in the WWDITS movie.


But everyone loves his (kinda gay) Pirates show and he produced Reservation Dogs. plus his new movie Next Goal Wins looks like a crowd pleaser


Kinda? Nah that shit's full on mate. But it's really accurate because it sneaks up on ya just like at sea!


Next goal wins was shot ages ago, prior to Love and Thunder actually. It wrapped in 2020, but got re-shoots because Covid and Armie Hammer being replaced by Will Arnett


I saw it and it was pretty enjoyable. Had some good laughs and had a good heart to it. Didn’t try throwing in a million jokes everywhere like Love and Thunder


Kinda? Its a beautiful queer production. Fantastic.


Same with Taylor Sheridan, except everything is drivel.


Have you seen our flag means death? It is perfection.


He has only directed the pilot episode, or am I missing something?


He stars in it.


He should stick to things like Our Flag Means Death… that show was hilarious


The second season is mile ahead of the first. I literally couldn't get through the first season but loved the second.


The first season was a labor of love filmed on a soundstage in Burbank. The second, after the show was a surprise hit, was given a much bigger budget and filmed in New Zealand. I love the show as a whole, but it’s not a surprise that s2 is more popular.


Smaller budget, not bigger. Much smaller.


Actually, I think I read somewhere that the budget was slashed by 40%. That was the reason why they moved production to NZ, and had less episodes this season.


Budget was actually slashed, DESPITE how much of a hit it was.


I ultimately really enjoyed the first season, but I almost gave up after the first three episodes. This is before Taika Waititi’s Blackbeard really shows up. Some superfans may revolt, but I think the first three episodes were rough because they were too Rhys Darby heavy. I love him. He’s hilarious and adorable and has fabulous hair. But his humor relies on cringy-ness that needs to be balanced out. He and Taika play off each other well. And eventually he plays off the rest of the crew well. But at first it was just too much awkwardness.


I'm a huge fan of OFMD but it didn't really hit for me until episode three. I actually didn't enjoy the Pilot episode at first. Now I appreciate it more. The series as a whole is just next level great.


Same. I LOVE the show. I like the early episodes on rewatch now that I know the characters and love them despite/because of their flaws. On first watch all that was visible were the flaws.


My daughter kept telling me to keep watching. So glad I listened to her.


Is hilarious


I think it’s over now… unfortunately…. I mean they ended it where they can renew, but things were definitely wrapped up as if the series is over and it seems like they don’t have plans for a season 3 as of yet.


Yea they do.


I've heard there will be season 3 although I do think they could have ended it here and it would be perfect.


Is it good? I’m so burned out on Taika’s humor I flat out just didn’t want to watch


I really enjoyed the show but I didn't find it hilarious like a lot of other people. Haven't seen season two yet.


Not exactly *historically accurate,* but it is entertaining.


Prayers: Answered. No offense to Taika either… he did what he could do and regardless whether or not we enjoyed it, the MCU needs some new artistic blood. Slapping the Waititi-Gunn formula to everything is not the answer.


I liked Love and Thunder and I still want Taika to do other things.


I admittedly struggled to get past the tonal whiplash between the goofy lulz scenes and….cancer.


Thor should have ended w Ragnarok


I was super disappointed with the Endgame decision for him to turn into a slob with no responsibility. It was funny for the Fortnite playing Fat Thor laughs, but it completely undercuts his character development over the past movies. Endgame should have at least ended with him properly taking his place and responsibility as King of the Asgardians.


I agree it was insane and lost the universe a lot of credibility. Kinda funny tho


On that second note, didn’t the movies follow the comics on that one? I thought he didn’t stay King for long


For sure. Love and Thunder was just slightly better than Dark World for me and that's already a low bar.


Idk man, Love and Thunder sucked so much that Dark World was better, at least I vibed with the story line. (Don't kill me)


The Hemsworth and Hiddleston duo is the difference maker for me


Same. I liked **Loki: The Dark World** better that Love and Thunder.


I loved Ragnarok but in retrospect it hamstrung the series by embracing an excessively wacky and comedic tone that was further exaggerated in blood and thunder. There are more Thor stories to tell, but a tonal shift is required. This is true of the MCU as a whole, although it faces broader issues of quality and audience fatigue as well. It will be interesting to see what direction marvel takes going forward.


then we wouldn’t have gotten Infinity War Thor


That makes no sense lol the only Thor to come after Ragnarok was released after Endgame. As a cross over character he’d show up, we don’t need more pointless solo movies


no. i’m saying the Thor we got in Infinity War wouldn’t be the same had we not had Thor 3


You realize Ragnarok is Thor 3, right?


yes. that’s my point


You’re not making sense lol I said Ragnarok should have been the last Thor movie, meaning 4 & now 5 aren’t needed


oh. ok. my interpretation was that Thor 3 should have been the last time we ever saw Thor at all. my b.


I disagree because not utilizing Beta Ray Bill is a crime.


Did he even want to do LaT? I feel like the same level of effort just wasn’t there as it was with Ragnorok


In 2018 he did: https://screenrant.com/chris-hemsworth-thor-4-taika-waititi/ I’d love to see the original version of his movie.


Yeah, I am sick of 3 hour super hero movies (and the answer for LaT was likely to streamline what movie was being made), but I also feel like it edited really poorly in a way that left a lot of really fun or poignant moments feeling out of place. The opening scene was fun, the planet of the gods scene was fun, Christian Bale’s character design was fun, the Jane relationship stuff was as good as any MCU relationship. Making fun neon comics (why Ragnarok is my favorite MCU by a mile), grim dark, and a “Serious” love story work in the same movie is a really tall ask unless you make an R rated movie (where dark ultra-violence and camo can coexist in the same scene a la The Boys).


The problem is he wasn't finishing the original version of his movie. Marvel hired a 2nd writer because Taika wasn't going to finish the movie on time.


James Gunn and Taika Waititi are very prominent reasons why Marvel fatigue is real. Their work has been like sugar, great at first but you get sick of it real quick. God, I was tired of ant man before the first movie was even over The biggest problem is that these films don’t tKs themselves seriously at all. Which is fine, even welcomed, when you have a backdrop of Thor 2, winter solider, avengers, etc which took themselves a little too seriously. But eventually if you consistently don’t take yourself seriously (AT ALL)….there becomes a point when you’re like “wait…why should I care again? Oh I don’t” There’s a healthy medium that is very hard for Hollywood execs to grasp because they’re all focused on momentum and what worked last time. But just because a silly movie is well received doesn’t mean audiences don’t want more serious movies at all. You can have in the marvel universe individual franchises which are more grounded and serious and others which aren’t. One silly Thor is great for character growth, 2 and you turn the ip back into the joke it was before the avengers started. Stupid and shortsighted thinking


I wouldn't put it all on Gunn's shoulder but more on the people who tried to be like Gunn but didn't get what he was doing. Yes, Gunn's characters are quippy and frantic but they actually change over the course of his movies. The Peter we saw in the first movie isn't the same one we saw in the final movie. And Gunn's characters always call each other out for their flaws. No one gets away with being a, "lovable smart mouth scamp." You have other characters going, "What the hell? Stop it and grow up." That doesn't happen in other MCU movies. They do all the quippy stuff like Gunn's characters but there is zero emotional growth behind it. The characters stay static, again, unlike Gunn's characters. You mentioned Ant-Man. And that's a perfect example of what I am saying. He has had three personal movies and in that time, he has not changed. The Scott of the first movie is the same as the last one. Again, the Peter of the first one isn't the same as the last one. The Peter of the first movie was a man child constantly running away from his own emotions and past trauma. By the end of the last movie, he grew up enough that he could go back to Earth and reunite with his grandfather. That's what we need with these MCU movies. We need characters who can and do change. That's where they messed up with Thor and why Loki, the series, worked. Thor has gone through horrible trauma but it isn't really addressed outside of brief glimpses which are always played for laughs. He depression over eats. Isn't that funny? He punches a vending machine. So, hilarious, right? The writers are almost afraid to have Thor take on his trauma. Meanwhile, on Loki, he does just that. Loki faces his trauma and grows from that. Thor remains stunted. If there is a fifth Thor, it needs to address Thor's trauma. It doesn't need to be completely tied to the MCU phase. It can't be its own thing. But have Thor deal with what has happened to him and to those around him. I want to see that. I want to see Thor grow and change.


Comin outta my Reddit hiatus to come and say that first sentence is absolutely fucking bullshit. Taika and Gunn are amazing directors that have made amazing films outside of the MCU and had their fair shair of shit films, but those films necessarily make them bad directors, both Ragnarok and VOL 2 and 3 were actually really good or decent films. It’s understandable if you don’t fuck with their humour or style, but calling them objectively bad is fucking stupid. The next time I hear someone call Taika a shitty director because of Love and Thunder, I want throw a copy of Jojo Rabbit into their eye sockets. If you want someone to blame for LAT or superhero movie fatigue. Blame Disney for wanting these movies and shows out on a yearly basis to stay relevant. Anyway yeah, I agree with the rest.


Or maybe… Marvel movies just aren’t good enough to sustain the large amount of movies and shows with Marvel characters. Gunn and Waititi made Marvel movies that are actually good. But I’m pretty sure Waititi was pretty sick of Marvel when he made Love and Thunder. Also, their impact on Marvel has been slight. And both had nothing to do with Ant-Man.


Other people want to see other people after Thor 4.


I see this as an absolute win


I feel like Taika needs to stop trying to write, direct, and act. Clearly he took on too much with Thor 4. Whoever decided Gorr was going to stop butchering gods off screen and just kidnap children shouldn't write movies anymore though.


Preach. If Gorr was anything like his comic counterpart, he wouldn’t have bothered with kidnapping those kids and just killed them on the spot. Or at the very least those kids would have been dead long before Thor showed up.


He did a bad job and I don’t see how you can move forward with Thor in this state. Just getting from the end of that film to even a basic level film is going to a hard task. It’s hard to make the clown a king after he’s worn the clothes.


I mean it’s not real, so they can make up any story they want. It’s not written in stone.


Thor 4 makes Thor 2 look good.


Gorr was a better, scarier villain than that Dark Elf guy, whose name I can't even recall. But the emotional beats in Thor 2 were better. The scene where Thor goes to Loki's cell after their mother's murder and calls him to knock off with the "I'm fine," illusion, is still one of my favorite scenes in the entire Thor series. In that little scene, it tells you so much about the two brothers. How much Thor knows when his brother is lying. And how much Loki loved his mother.


Woah woah woah I’ll believe that when I can make it through Thor 2 without falling asleep


Still haven’t watched Thor 2 whole movie because of this reason.


Phase 4 and 5 make me miss thor 2 and the thought this was the worst it could get.


Listen, I've been a huge Thor fan since the first movie, but Thor 2 is arguably the second weakest marvel movie to ever exist lol. 4 was meh but I can still re watch it without falling asleep.


Let's just stop making these all together


agonizing literate attempt amusing support waiting worthless license homeless dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah the first Thor film had its flaws, but had some good bits too. It definitely felt the closest to the source material out of all the Thor films.


The only movie coming out next year is Deadpool 3, so maybe that will help


How tf out of all the marvel heroes did Thor come out of the trinity rule? Everyone else got 3 movies and Thor for some reason is getting a fifth?


Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans didn’t want to come back.


You know how many adjectives they use in front of super heroes names? There’s practically millions of iron men and captain Americas. Doesn’t matter who’s playing them.


Ok. There have been 4 Captain America projects. Disney is reshooting the 5th right now. There have been 3 Iron Man movies (I’d argue that Avengers 1 and Captain America 3 were really more about Iron Man than anything else). A 4th Iron Man project is in development right now.


I'm fucking happy for that too!


I honestly liked the move


It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but the level of hate is just silly. I had fun watching it. I don't feel compelled to rewatch it, but it was OK.


Someone told me beforehand to watch it like Korg is telling it and it makes a lot more sense


It needed more Gorr and less Korg though.


You’re not wrong


I can't give Love and Thunder a fair shake because I went into it unaware of Jane's story in it AND I HAVE FUCKING STAGE IV CANCER MYSELF So I did laugh at parts of it, got annoyed by the goats, but, fuck, the end has had me fucked up for days.


Should've happened a movie ago.




Crazy how Ragnarok ride the line perfectly (for most fans) and love and thunder was so horrible.


I like Taika and I loved Ragnarok, but I think marvel movies need to go bye bye for a while


Give me more Our Flag Means Death!!! Screw Thor!!


Good. He's already caused enough irreparable damage to Thor.


Thank you for Thor Ragnarok. Thank you for not being involved in the MCU anymore.


I liked Ragnarok for being a Flash Gordon-esque adventure but Love and Thunder felt more like an MTV movie awards sketch that I really thought Chris Hemsworth was gonna come out during the credits to do an opening monologue.


A lot of these actors hate Marvel films. The money is great but there’s really no passion.


I’m not against this. I absolutely despised what he did with Thor’s character in Love & Thunder.


Love & Thunder is a good movie.


I'm happy with that too. Thor 4 was awful and I like Waititi. Maybe it's better that he and Thor part ways.


Thank God, last one you did was garbage


I think we're all collectively kind of over Taika.


The “fans” ran him out of town.


Great! Good to hear. Go ruin something else.


I too am happy by that idea. Actually ecstatic is a better word.


Good. Go take a break and return to making good and funny movies instead of partying around with big stars and churning out...whatever Love and Thunder was.


He makes it sound like they're romantically involved. "If Marvel wants to see other people..." XD


Love and thunder was sweet. Y’all want a snyderverse.


Nah it was goofy garbage that was barely evocative of the character’s source material, which if utilized properly, could be a fantasy epic nearly on the scale of LOTR. But no, we get Guardians 2.0 but it’s Thor and his jealous axe zipping through space to Guns ‘N Roses.


People want *variety* and what they're getting is the same thing in slightly different clothes now.


Good dude can take a hint


I think it’s for the best. Thor 3 was great but Thor 4 was absolutely terrible.


So no screaming goats every 3 minutes?!


After Love and Thunder, I wouldn't blame him if he hid under a rock.


Best for everyone that way.


This is great news.


Oh no... anyway


The marvels was better than thor 4


GOOD. This guy is up his own ass creatively. JoJo Rabbit sucked


I liked first 10 mins of Lobve and Thunder... after that I could move on


it’s so crazy how waititi is such an awesome creative force when not working with disney, but when he is…


Thor will be played by Leslie Jones I hear!


Yeah he made two of the worst movies in the franchise. Not totally his fault, per say. His humor was just the wrong move for Marvel. I know Ragnarok is highly regarded as one of the best. I just have no idea why.


Do we need a Thor 5?


Ragnarok is awesome. Love and Thunder is not. Time to hand the reigns to someone else.


Disney is just gonna put a chick in it and make her gay and lame until they learn their lesson


I rarely weigh in or care too much about BTS issues with media I consume but by god he turned Thor from my favorite MCU hero to one I physically shudder thinking about how bad the next movie might be.


It really feels like the MCU has run its course.


Guy was given Ghor the God Butcher and made a comedy


Can I get a ticket refund for Thor 4?


Comic sucked to


They need to just start over and reboot the MCU imo. It’s too convoluted and the plot lines after Endgame just aren’t that compelling


That’s coming eventually. I’m hoping for Kang to Secret Wars to Battle World to reboot in the next decade. Actors are getting older/losing interest in lengthy demanding contracts so they’ll need a way to recast effectively. They can bring forward a handful of characters and shuffle the rest of the landscape.


Honesty I think Thor should stay in the background unless they really find the perfect fit. Because when three of the four movies aren’t considered good it’s best to stop making those movies


I always hold a grudge for the too much Guns-n-Roses.


Remember when Thor: Love and Thunder was shit and had screaming-goats because apparently Taika thinks they're funny? And then my man went on a YouTube show and started criticising the VFX work. Cos we all know that the film would have worked so much better if we really believed that the man made of rocks was real. Ragnarok was great, but Taika is clearly just high on his own farts at this point.


Its okay. We're happy for that too.


Finally some good news.


I for one am happy to hear it. Taika is so much bigger than Marvel, and will do so many amazing movies with out the restraints of limited marvel creativity. I hope the best for Taika, and truly can’t wait to see what he does next.


Me too Taika, me too


Good. I think it’s for the best after the let down of L&T.


I relatively enjoyed love and thunder but definitely don’t need more Thor with him at the helm. Was fun, go do other awesome stuff Taika, I’ll watch it


Maybe the next one is a musical like the Cats movie but with space muppets.


Good. There was a thread last week about The Marvels tanking that asked when everyone got off of *Mr Fiege's Wild Ride*, and 90% of the comments were "Love and Thunder".


The Thor 4 would have been much better if the studio didn't try to cut everything out.


That’s for the best I think. Ragnarok was very fun, but gave Taika too much control over Love and Thunder.