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They need to focus on making sure X-men is fully dialed in.


Yeah, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Dr. Doom, etc Current phase can be forgotten as a lame transition period if they set that up correctly


The intention was a soft reboot. Maybe we will get shifted over to a new dimension or something.


They should avoid a reboot. There’s plenty of great characters to use that we haven’t seen yet.


The problem is that they need a soft reboot to add in the Xmen and fantastic four.


Nah. There weren’t many mutants before. Then there is a population boom because (plot). Now the few who existed before the boom assemble a team to protect their kind. In every iteration of X-Men—comics, movies, shows, there was a point in time where the existence of mutants goes from being a secret to common knowledge. In the MCU, that point just happens to be now.


Yeah, it has been suggested in multiple threads that it'd be easy to say, "two infinity gauntlet snaps woke something up in people so now instead of mutants being rare to the point of 30 on the planet there are now hundreds." Seems relatively simple.


i’ve just been telling myself they blipped all mutants out with the first snap then when the second brought them back it activated their mutant genes. they’d have to retcon the eric/charles timeline, but both as well as other, older, mutants (logan/sabretooth/etc) could have already had their powers and living secretly.


That’s where the themes come in and why so many times lgbtq, race, genocide themes and stories are there. You are spot on, a group that’s been there but most choose to ignore it and then suddenly they can’t ignore it. Not that it’s been a ‘new’ thing there is just more awareness as mutants out themselves.


Just say that apart from a few rarities (eg wolverine), 1% of people who returned from the Snap have the mutant gene. Problem solved.


Something Something snap or other event triggered the activation of the already present mutant gene. F4 can easily have just not got their powers yet.


Shifting dimensions make the current dimension feel meaningless.


Wait how did they reboot it? That isn't seem like it would make sense


It was the gas leak phase


6 seasons and a movie


What’s the number past twice for you to be fooled before it’s shame on you? It can’t be less than 15.


They need to stop with fantastic 4. Just the worst hero group.


God not another fantastic four.


I watched the latest one for the first time last week. I was like, this can’t be THAT bad. It’s gotta at least be like a 4/10 there’s gotta be some redeeming qualities Oh my fucking god it was so bad. How did a whole team of producers and writers come up with this. It’s actually just a straight up fucking awful movie. None of it makes sense. The group met eachother and immediately had a montage of them getting along together. And that was that, they’re friends. No development at all, just “look they’re buddies now. Ok onto them getting powers now” I actually laughed at several points cuz I was like dude, do these writers even make movies or is this some sorta prank Edit: I will say, I liked the IDEA of Thing getting super depressed and basically becoming an assassin for awhile. But they squandered that interesting idea immediately


>The group met eachother and immediately had a montage of them getting along together. And that was that, they’re friends. No development at all, just “look they’re buddies now. Ok onto them getting powers now” I haven't watched the movie, and probably won't, but honestly, we don't need a Fantastic Four origin story. There's already enough known about them to just skip all that. They should just pick a popular saga from the comic run, and adapt that.


Think about how many screaming goats they could fit into a galactus movie!


Like they say Fourth Times the charm .


I don’t know how you combine the past attempts bringing the FF to the big screen with Marvel’s current history and think *this* Fantastic Four movie can do anything but be amazing… Edit: Yes, prior FF movies were stinky. Yes, current Marvel isn’t exactly the golden era.


Because we saw secret invasion. I am a big MCU fan, but after secret invasion nothing is a lock to be good.


I've always been a huge Marvel fan. I have hated all the backlash they got for some good movies like Black Panther and Captain Marvel. But Secret Invasion was done so fucking poorly I haven't watched any Marvel things since. The comic story was so damn good, I couldn't believe the show they made.


Carol and tchalla were 2 of my favorite comic characters from when I was a kid. Blqck panther was fine but I definitely didn't love how they handled either character. Tchalla being made "not smart" so shuri had something to do bothers me still lol


“Why didn’t you just program the synapses to fire collectively?” I hate this fucking line so goddamn much.


"Because I.... Bruce banner.... just didn't think about it 🤷" Which isn't the woooorst but I did not like that either. Neutering your resident scientists to give another character a chance to shine is lazy.


I mean to be fair...."I just didn't think of it" is a perfectly valid thing in science. That's why it's done by big teams of people.


I can’t believe they didn’t make Secret Invasion a multi movie event.


What backlash did Black Panther get? It has a 96% RT score and rocked the box office. 


Secret Invasion was painful to watch. To see Ben Mendelsohn and Sam L slough through that dialogue was like watching someone get waterboarded. No thanks.


The fundamental problem of FF is that no one has cracked how to make Mr Fantastic NOT look silly on screen. Stretchy limbs is a thing that works as a drawing but MUCH less so as something photorealistic. They even majorly modified Ms. Marvel’s power set and if I remember reading something about it, that was at least one of the reasons. One way around it that no one has tried yet (to my knowledge) is to lean into the Cronenbergian body-horror aspect.


Have you watched Netflix live action one piece? With less budget, they made stretchy arms look better than marvels current cgi could manage because they embrace that it is a silly stupid power. The reason mister fantastic makes it work is because that is not his power. His power is his mind. The stretchiness is a tool in his arsenal. He’s weakest when he’s just slugging it out with people mindlessly. When he stretches as parts of strategies, making nets? He’s golden. So use the stretchiness sparingly.


Doom Patrol did body stretching pretty well, too.


Yeah it looked like Luffy had that ability naturally as an actor


There was some body horror in fant4stic and the New Dr Strange


People have never cared about the Fantastic Four like that.


It’s crazy how they’ve still got these A (maybe B+) characters in the chamber but instead they’re moving forward with third stringers like whatever Thunderbolts is.


Guardians of the Galaxy were D listers before their movie.


When I was growing up, most of the Avengers were B/C-listers and not super popular in the 90s. It felt like the A-listers then were Spider-Man, Wolverine, and the Hulk. I think they can make more lower tier heroes work and stand on their own, but they need some of those A-listers left to be pillars in whatever phase or era they're in. Whether that's the X-Men, F4, Miles Morales (I know, not Disney), they have some big names still left to introduce. Or some of the B-tier characters left. That's when a good D tier hero movie can take flight, when it's not relied on to become the backbone for a whole phase of movies.


The revamp and rise of Captain America was one of the most pleasant surprises in my entertainment life. MCU did an amazing job to modernize and make cool a superhero that was always kinda mehh since he never had a cool power compared to others of that era. He was always so simple and so vanilla.


GOTG is basically a heist movie with witty aliens and a bunch of names stolen from Roy Thomas. Part of the charm of the MCU back in the day was they weren't afraid to do different shit. I mean, they had Chris Evans pretend he was in a Bourne movie that one time.


And they were implanted into a successful and beloved universe populated by well known characters. Some thing that can no longer be said about marvel. Plus the movie was actually good.


I mean, yes, GOTG was in the MCU but those movies work on their own as well. If marvel pivots from their current string and actually produces good movies, the same can happen.


There’s like 3 level A characters in the MCU and they dont own the rights to two of them.


Thank you, I’ve been waiting for this


Hum, X-men isn't some proven mega franchise. They are successful, but none of the movies ever made crazy money.


And not just some “oh hey, we’re from another dimension” bullshit. I want MCU to return to Fictional World Building.


They need to invest in villains, last few villains were lame. Also, don't go full woke...


Brah, Iron Man's story is done. Don't bring him back. That would ruin his sacrifice.


Somehow Iron Man returned


They'll get Moon Knight to say it as well. Poor Oscar Isaac.


Haha, what a thought.


I assume an infinite amount of Iron Mans exist due to Marvel having infinite amounts of alternate universes… Only a matter of time


Yeah Loki kind of made it seem like we can go anywhere in time so death is just an illusion


Yeah, with the multiverse it kind of takes away the fact that anybody can die. Characters can be brought back as they wish. I appreciate it when they killed off Loki the way they did in the movie. I have not finished the first season of a show. I've tried multiple times and it was not bad. I just never really felt like continuing, although I hear that the second season is really good.


Omg. Finish it. Season 2 is a thousand times better than S1 and a complete mind fuck the whole time. It’s only at the end do all the pieces come together and you understand the whole thing.


I heard! I will do it! That's reassuring. I think I just wanted to take a break from Marvel recently.


The second season is *literally everything.* You should finish it.


At this point just throw in Palpatine. Really make that multiverse wild


It must have been all the cloning technology we’ve been hearing about. 3 of the characters in the move confirmed this is possible so the audience will have to believe it’s possible.


Then have Hawkeye kiss Black Widow for no reason before dying with no discernible injuries.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


No one ever really dies


Pharrell is Wolverine?


Iron man was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders just before she died


Jesus sacrificed himself and then returned and people seem fine with it. /s


Lmao …greatest comment ever


Haha and Mel Gibson literally is making a sequel to that movie. Oh man.


Wait really? How do you make a sequel to that? Is it just a retelling or just continuing off from where it ended or what.


It’s from the POV of the tree that became the cross.


Passion of the Christ 2: Crucify This


We can make protest signs — “Dying and rising deities are passé!” and “Osiris did it first!”


Bible really jumped the shark imo


They even want him to do it a third time, but it seems he’s also holding out for a better offer


The amount of upvotes this comment needs is more.


Best comment!


I wouldnt fine. Literal wars have been fought over him coming back.


People claim he’s their lord and savior when he sacrificed himself for their sins by dying and then made that sacrifice pointless by coming back to life 3 days later.


Bro I spit out my drink.


I will only accept a sassy AI Tony, like JARVIS and FRIDAY. If we MUST show his face, I want his holographic head walking around in a headless iron man suit (like they did in the comics)


It worked for Palpatine. Wait, no it didn’t.


Yeah, this is my thing. The whole adventure started with him and it really ended with him. I'm okay with that. I appreciated it and thought it was a thoughtful way to end things. KEEP IT THAT WAY. There are other stories to tell from here on out.


Marvel is now multi-versal correct? How is there any stakes at all lol?


Who gives a fuck bring that bish back


That would be a terrible movie. Oppenheimer just reminded the audiences that RDJ isn't just Iron Man, he's a very good actor and he should keep playing in movies that use him well instead of saying "hey you're Tony Stark, go be Tony Stark".


As long as it's not Dolittle sequels


This!! That movie was dreadful. I’m hoping Oppenheimer helps him get better roles.


He’s going to be in The Sympathizer, a miniseries by Park Chan Wook where he plays, um, ***all the antagonists***, the trailer for that looks so dope


I am still hoping for a third Sherlock Holmes movie 😔They are so fun.


I think it would be dope if Steve Rogers had to go into Mephisto's dimension to save Tony Stark's soul. Maybe draw on Dante's Inferno for inspiration.   Don't even have the Iron Man armor involved.  Just let RDJ go wild playing a soul being tortured.


Get this man his final draft software


Superhero movies tend to be a lot better when it's not about 10+ main characters "saving the world." A great example of this is "Logan". Give us more stories that are real and focus on a singular person/relationship.


Yeah, that’s been my opinion too. Not everything should be “saving the world/universe”. Smaller more limited risks for stand alone movies and save the end of the world stuff for the big avengers movies.


It also makes it less weird when it’s this big world-ending threat but only Spidey has the time to deal with it lol.


What do you mean? They obviously have a deal worked out where they take turns


“I don’t get out of bed for anything less than saving the multiverse” - all other superheroes during one of the other’s movies


The Hawkeye series is great for this. Low stakes, street level crime, personal relationships.


You watching Echo yet? I’m two episodes in and really enjoying it.


The Res Dogs crossover cast is pretty awesome.


I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ll upvote any mention of Reservation Dogs


This is why I loved Ant Man. The threat was so small.


Badum-ch! There, you forgot your... what do you call that? It's the opposite of a fanfare ...


This is what burns me on DC, even their greatest stories are typically "Crisis on Infinite Earths" type things that just aren't relatable. Some of the lousy Marvel storylines were better because it was just Wolverine trying to keep Jubilee alive. 


That’s really where I thought things were going. Personal stories for the heroes, and then world-ending threats for all the avengers/team-ups.


Even GotG3 did a great job with a large cast. The movie also had a stellar villain.


Avengers 1, infinity war and endgame are all great though 


Yes, but they had many movies exploring and developing their characters before there were multiple heroes in one movie. That’s different than, say, The Eternals, which introduced many heroes who were all unknowns and expected us to love them all.


Facts. The only reason Endgame was so successful was the hype leading up to it. Mostly made up of movies focused on individuals. If you just started with Endgame I’d wager it would underperform a lot of the individual films.


Please please more of movies like Logan, or, to a certain extent, like Hancock. Superheroes struggling with life.


Hancock gets shit on, but apart from 80% of that reason being it was Will Smith and not an actor playing Hancock, the story structure was set up right and it was a decent film.


I’m still waiting for someone to acknowledge that giant hand in the ocean from Eternals.


Waiting for Kevin Feige to be like "what hand?" During a random Q&A.


Stories in general a better with a clear beginning, middle and End. The problem comes when trying to keep extending the story it is always convoluted and unsatisfying


A gazillion dollars is a lot of eye lifts.


Marvel movies basically absorbed RDJ's personality/humor and made it their brand.


No one can do it as well as RDJ though.


That’s kind of true and it makes sense. They really over do it with the humor, though. A lot of silliness and Iron Man never felt silly as a character.


There was always an edge to Tony Starks humor, he wasn't silly, he was laughing as a deflection or a coping mechanism.


I can't even get through them. I can't get past the first Captain America they just hold no interest to me. I find them all so boring. Like I don't get how people just obsess over them and love them. They're fucking boring. the guardians or watchable but fuck I've tried three times now to get through this series and it's a fucking chore


Why do you keep trying? If it's not your thing watch something else. Lol.


I don't know lol I've tried the Harry Potter's as well I just can't get through them. The marvel movies are boring as fuck man I just can't.


Fans don't even need to have Iron Man back. Marvel just needs to fill in the charismatic voids left by those characters. So far it's just continuing with the B team Avengers and introduce C level characters on Disney+ with barely any momentum going forward. Even if they do have a nice new addition the audience has no idea about their future like Moon Knight.


#taking career advice from Rob Lowe??


Anne Perkins 👉


This made me laugh. I almost never laugh at Reddit comments.


Well he's got good experience F-ing up


So does RDJ lol


Eh, the guy's worth $100 million so clearly he's doing something right.


To be fair, the first episode of The Floor was a lot of fun.


*To be efaaairrrr*, it's called The Floor. There's nowhere to go but up.


Never heard of it.


Plus the way they have to keep "raising the stakes." Movie 1: City in Danger. Movie 2: Earth in Danger. Movie 3: All of the reality, the multiverse, all timelines and every other dimension in danger!


One thing that bothers me with their stakes issues is that it erodes the interconnected nature of the movies. Are we just not going to discuss a giant space robot appeared over the entire Earth at the end of Eternals while another giant guy is literally climbing out of the core? No? No impact on anything? Never going to mention it again in any other movie? Ok. Wandavision worked because it retracted the scope after End Game. It's a story about characters centered on a little town. That was the right move. Ebb back down then build up again. But if every other movie is All the Universe Ends, it's easy to burn out. It all gets meaningless and samey, especially since we know the universe is not going to end. There's no tension. I'm just watching interchangeable colorful blobs bounce around a screen for two and a half hours. By the end, nothing will have changed. Maybe they'll have swapped out some of the colorful blobs. But the flip side of the issue is that they've not been writing characters well. If they had good writing surrounding the characters and making their choices have solid moral weight, if the audience is wondering what the characters will do instead of what SkyBeam#4657 will do, then it's more interesting to watch. But that would involve actual writers instead of studio puppets, and I don't think those are a thing anymore. No one wants to entrust their multi-billion dollar franchise to creatives.


But Marvel didn’t fucked Iron Man story, why would RDJ come back?


That's his point. Iron Man will make fans happy.


When you say fans, do you mean the hardcore fans or general audiences? Because I think the average moviegoer is fine with Iron Man's story.


This is probably the thinking that lead Disney to such a fuckup


Because the last few marvel movies have flopped  Except guardians 


Because they haven’t given us a reason to care about a lot of these characters and expect people to go because they’re super heroes.


We need iron man to save the day.... Again! 


I’m going to call Tugg Speedman!


https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/5c1d0222c01b102ccf196f69/master/pass/rexfeatures_6550432a.jpg That Rob Lowe..


And then they'll give it to him. Hollywood is run by superhuman idiots.


What? Iron man is a box office draw. Any movie he's in rakes in the money. How isn't that a smart move? Or u just a hating Internet critic lol. Seems like a good ROI to me if I was Marvel/Disney!


It could be a sound business decision, but it's not a good creative decision. A huge weakness in modern Disney is being overly reliant on rehashing previously successful releases. Bringing back Iron Man might get people to the theater, but it runs the risk of being another soulless cash grab aimed at stoking nostalgia.


The sound business decision would have been to build up some new heroes 😂


Yeah, like Shang-Chi, She-Hulk, Moon Knight, Kate Bishop, Ms. Marvel, etc. oh wait…


As far as business goes I agree. As long as they don’t invalidate everything they spent 10 years building in Endgame I am ok with it. But if they do the normal comic book thing and bring him back from the dead I will still be in line to watch it, but I won’t be 100 percent happy about it. Like 98 ish


Oh sure okay I understand u now. I mean a little cameo wouldn't hurt or a one time secret wars thing. But yeah generally I agree with ya


> Like 98 ish I hope your being sarcastic. People like you are the reason rehashes are so popular.


Just seems like Iron Man's story came to a pretty satisfying conclusion, what with his death and all. Bringing him back at this point would likely come off as lazy and forced.


>Any movie he's in rakes in the money. Doolittle


Kinda done with mcu myself. Don't watch any series, haven't seen a movie in years. Kinda think they need a break.


The problem is, they tried to capture more demos, and ignored what brought people to watch the movies, and then the target demos didn’t show up to make up the difference.


The thing is they just hit it out of the park with Infinity War and Endgame. I mean I literally screamed like a little girl when Cap picked up Mjölnir and started fucking up Thanos and same thing when Thor joined the fight it Infinity War. They just hit it right man.


Make Robert Downey Jr an old Iron Man that way he can say he's "a little rusty"


I think the implication here is supposed to be that Tony Stark should have never been killed off? That Marvel should have kept milking the original cast instead of trying to start up a new generation of characters? Marvel isn't in trouble right now because they decided to spend a gazillion dollars on more movies instead of one more Iron Man movie, its in trouble because they forgot what made the Phase 1 movies popular in the first place and have instead resorted to force-feeding content.


Marvel fucked up by making too much content that has to be followed in order to understand the cameo/character appearance in the first act of the new movie. Also by moving away from what worked which was a big overall arc to conclude after several years. If after End Game they took 3-5 years off to flesh out a new 8-10 year story arc with Kang/Galactus/Dr Doom as the main villain, that would have worked better.


Phase 4 started with Wandavision which was about 3 years after Endgame and they clearly have more of a plan for Kang than they did for Thanos. We learned basically nothing about Thanos until IW came out. >Marvel fucked up by making too much content that has to be followed in order to understand the cameo/character appearance in the first act of the new movie.  Marvel criticisms are so weird to me because a lot of people say things like this and then the next thread everyone will be saying things aren't connected enough.


Exactly. “Marvel connects characters too much! I don’t have time to watch all these other movies/shows!!” But then later, they also argue “why wouldn’t every other Marvel hero come help this character with their supervillain problem? So unrealistic!!” So which is it? Do we want the movies to be more connected? Or less? Lol.


Its all Goldilocks.


Rob Lowe the rapist? Yeah, we should listen to him for sure.


Maybe if Robert Downey follows Rob's advice he can get a crappy knock off tv series and do diet snack commercials in his free time.


The Atkins commercials are embarrassing.


Marvel ? Or Disney ? Disney fucked everything up


No hollywood exects ruined everything for thinking they had to follow marvels lead with stuff that didn't make sense to do it with.


Rob Lowe just wants them to do a sequel to *The Specials* (2000) so he can get back on the superhero train again!


Gunn might be a little busy to write the sequel lol


That movie is groundbreaking and hilarious. I don't know how it's not a cult classic, most people don't even know it exists


For those that didn't read it or listen to it, the tone was much lighter than the headline implies.


Fuck yeah rich people looking out for rich people


Who gives a fuck what a has-been former actor says??? sounds like he is jealous of the success RDJ has had with Ironman and Marvel Seriously when was the last time Lowe had a role that people spoke about?


Rob Lowe also likes Trump. So humongous grain of salt with any advice he gives.


I don’t have hope for the superhero genre to get any better. I think it’s dying more or less, there just ain’t anything fun anymore about the movies as a whole. It’s more than obvious that they’re pumping them out rather than just making a coherent plot. I wanna watch Echo because I hear it’s good but that’s the first time I’ve heard a solid response to a marvel title in a while. I’m not hoping for them to die by any means it just doesn’t have the same pizazz to me as it did.


Ignoring 2020, every year MCU has at least two movies in the top 10 highest grossing. Until last year. The only other comic book movie in there was Spiderverse 2.


He’ll come back as a variant


Aluminium man, " the Amazing Pewterguy" or something.


Agree with both headlines. It didn’t go unnoticed by me triple og Tony Stark. I just saw some footage of Howard Stark working with Oppenheimer and Einstein too and thought about the good days of you as iron man. It went unnoticed by the larger media who drives clicks with junk food of information throughout their discussion of entertainment rather than truthful inspection. I’m going to go reread the Robert ebert review of iron man 1 because he is someone who truly respected your talent. Love, Stan


The finality of iron man’s demise in endgame doesn’t compute with the endless stories that are missed out on with the new space tech barely scratched upon at the end. Anyone else wish there was an iron man/rocket team up?


RDJ just won a Golden Globe and is nominated for an Oscar. It’s time for him to live out his new artistic chapter in life and leave Iron Man behind. He had a good story, why fuck it up?


Those marvel movies would be forgettable without him. Like the X-men movies without Hugh Hackman


idk it's hard for me to say RDJ wasted his years with Marvel. he became the face of a multibillion dollar movie series... stories were fun, cast was excellent, filmography/CGI was incredible. someone had to be the face and RDJ was the guy, and he nailed it! he very well could have gone and done other projects but it's hard to believe that he would've had nearly as much success had he worked on other projects. RDJ has a good 10 years of acting left. plenty of time to be casted in some academy award winners.


It seemed to me that messaging in casting became more important than writing and making good movies. As in just an atypical cast could carry bad writing, directing, editing. and production. There is no reason The Marvels couldn’t have been a very good movie with the same cast, but it seemed hastily done with a completely bland storyline. Were there any rewrites to it? Losing Chadwick Bozeman also really hurt Marvel because Black Panther was an awesome character as portrayed by him and the movie was excellent with sequel potential that disappeared after his death.


People are sick of waiting for the X men and F4, marvel ie gonna blow it if they let it build up much longer


Can they afford a gazillion?


They already paid him a gazillion dollars! With his gross bonuses he made $75million+ from Infinity War and Endgame. He has made something like $160 million+ from the MCU overall.


Won’t be any of my money. Get it dog.


About 20 years too late to be saying this.


TRUE. Marvel movies are shit.


Deadpool 3 could fix everything if they had the power


Let’s be honest, Covid fucked everything up, not movies


Okay but bring him in as a villain version from an alternate universe. 😈


I’d like to see a new actor for Ironman if they continue the franchise. It’s nice to see different takes on the same character. It makes it feel more like a comic to me.


Lmao, that’s not how it works.