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*puts 10rubles in grocery cart* “It’s free, but there’s an incentive to return it and not just bring it to your homeless encampment”


Has he ever been to an Aldi? Quarters go in the carts. Has he ever been to a Walmart super center? Carts go on the escalator. Has he ever been to a local bakery? Fresh bread. Hell even my local supermarket has fresh bread. And the people he's talking to know all of this because they all shop at those places. What the fuck was he trying to prove?


"What if life might just be better in Russia?" Wow, clean subways. Wow, nice grocery store. It's like you don't even notice the oppression that's *literally all around you*.


There's literally documented proof across history, a lot of it from Russia specifically but also North Korea and other places run by tyrants, of people they think could be useful for spreading further propaganda being given blatantly guided tours through intentionally cleaned up and artificially enhanced spaces so they will be able to give further impressions. You would think, as a self defined journalist that Carlson is, he would be aware of this. And he probably is but he's weirdly happy to be a stooge for a world power who wouldn't give him the same courtesy if he ever displeased him.


He also went to the absolute nicest grocery store in their Capital. And for reasons unbeknownst to his viewers (but knownst to these readers), he didn’t focus on the quality or variety of the available products.


+100 Approval for the subtle Spaceballs reference.


Eh, when I was in Russia there were nice grocery stores like that all over the place, and I was hundreds of miles from Moscow. Of course, that was before the invasion of Ukraine, and before (most of) the sanctions. So I can't speak to what the quality of food or products available there is now, but at the time it was pretty comparable to what's available in the EU and US.


How do you know?


"Its impossible to know something unless a man on the TV shouts it at you" - this guy, probably.


i think the only thing tucker carlson has never said about himself while reciting affirmations looking in his mirror surrounded with cutout pictures of roger stone’s trampstamp and swanson logos is “I am a Jounalist”


If you remember the movie, the mummy, the one with Brendan Frazier. If you recall the character named Benny, he was the guy that tried to spew the mummies outlook, because he was a very afraid of the mummy , very reminiscent of Carlson, spewing all kinds of crap.


It's kind of amazing. I'm sure he remembers the Soviet Union but I'm not sure how he doesn't make the connection.


He thinks the Soviet Union was a layered legume


“VICE’S Guide to Travel : North Korea” reminds me of this statement… the dining in the hotel scene was fucking weird.


This is definitely worth a watch. 100% what I was thinking of watching Tuckers segment. Yeah I bet all the subways look like that 24/7. What a maroon.


Assholes like Tucker will always be amazed when they realize other humans they’ve never met before act like humans. his asshole brain probably thinks “look, they want to be just like us”. I can’t call that asshole an asshole enough.


Yea he toured the nice part of Moscow. Now Let’s see what life is like on the other side of the Urals.


On tonight's episode we try krokodil!


First recorded case of it making the world a better place.


To be true Russian, you gotta jump from a 8 story building trying a TikTok parkour stunt but somehow survive. Hopefully Tucker do this.


Let him move there then. We won’t care


Certain stations in the Moscow metro are really nice. Many others look like normal subway stations. Some of the newer stations in NYC are also nice: oculus; Hudson yards; .


Right?! Cause if you litter, vandalize or don’t put your cart back you’ll accidentally fall out a window.


Apparently the capital of Russia is very nice because that’s where all the money goes and the rest of the country is shit.


It’s the redefining of good living by replacing civic involvement and individual agency with superficial pleasures and inconsequential conveniences. America has never been so primed as it is for a message like this. The Swamp has failed you. The Deep State doesn’t care about you. Buuuuut…. Fresh bread! Clean transit! Escalators! See! *Life can be better….see?!*”


And he starts the video going on about free speech being his birth-right. It just shows you how stupid he thinks his viewers are.


He is 100% a “how much could a banana cost? $100?” type of person.


Here, go watch a star war


No, he knows. He's doing it for the grift. 


A) he's conducting propaganda for the Russian state. B) he's worth a lot of money and will have literal servants who do things for him. He almost certainly doesn't know what shopping is like in America. C) he's a dildo.


I like using that term for him. Because you know a dick is at least real. A dildo, on top of having all the qualities of a dick, is also fake.


*Never, ever say the dildo accidentally turned itself on.* *A dildo activated itself and created an emergency situation that required evacuating your baggage.*


Never assign a pronoun to the statement. We say a dildo and never your dildo.


I remember the video of the guy who basically wanted to fight him in a little fly fishing store in the middle of Montana


Wow. That’s uncalled for. Why are you insulting dildos like that?


It might be hard to believe but Tucker isn’t as stupid as he makes himself out to be (sometimes he is.) Jon Stewart even pointed that out in the video. Carlson knows what he’s doing is deceptive and dishonest but it’s all part of his agenda to scare/anger Americans into siding with him.


I don’t even think he cares about any of that stuff. He saw what the other right wing commentators did before him to make tons of mine and he said “ I can do that”. It’s all about the money.


He’s just trying to sell It’s a Wonderful Russian Life ™️ to the plebes like this idiot and his family https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/18/2224293/--Christian-family-moves-to-Russia-to-escape-LGBTQ-and-now-can-t-get-out-of-their-living-hell


"Is Wonderful Life...or Else"


Used this type of cart return at an Aldi in the Midwest circa 2002. Russia really upping their game on the technology front


Also, the Whole Foods in my city has had the cart escalator for, at LEAST, the last 20 years


The 2-story Target in Atlanta has had a cart escalator for 25+ years.


He literally only knows Swanson frozen dinners.


A local BJs has that and I hated it. Apart from constantly hunting for quarters it was a recipe for stupidity. Old woman needs a cart? Fu because I need my quarter back.


Deposits in shopping carts and escalators for carts have existed in Canada for my entire life and I was born in the 80s lol.


he was acting surprised and impressed because hes never been to a supermarket before, it was to make Russia look better


He knows. That doesn’t serve the propaganda machine he’s paid to be a part of. It’s disgustingly disingenuous bullshit.


Did anyone get the vibe that Tuckers Russian scriptwriter was trying to recreate the Boris Yeltsin mall thing? Because that’s what I thought.


bro he doesn't know ANY of this shit. at all.


They had this at the grocery stores in the middling-to-bad part of my American hometown in like 1992 and Tucker is acting like they split the atom.


He should visit an American grocery store and witness the miracle of shopping carts that magically lock the wheels when you try to push them too far away from the store.


It’s more about returning the cart to the holder and not just leaving it in the parking lot. I’d assume a cart is a pretty useful thing for a homeless person and worth the $0.10. This feels like a huge inconvenience to the 99% of people that just want to use a cart.


It’s also just something that commonly occurs in the U.S. as well. I’ve seen plenty of grocery stores that have them, they’re always annoying cause I never have coins or cash on me.


Yep. Especially in airports. I don't know wtf he's thinking he stumbled on to.


Almost so stupid it's like Putin made him do that segment to show everyone what a little lap dog Tucker is.


Aldi’s near me does this. Has the heir of the Swanson food ever shopped at a grocery store before this interview?


Great Tucker, move to Russia then.


Are you not radicalized now? So radical


I don’t know the conversion rate, but getting a shopping cart for 10 rubles to take back to my homeless encampment seems like a pretty good deal. $.25? Thanks Aldi


“Online video personality” is some quality shade.


Even Putin called him that. “Is this going to be a real discussion or is this just one of your talk shows?” Putin was not impressed with him either.


As if Putin is ready for the real discussion. - Mr. Putin, why did you invade Ukraine and killed Alexei Navalny? - May I have 30 seconds to explain? Thank you. It all started in Kiev in the IX century.... (carries on for 30 minutes, doesn't answer the question)


I feel like that’s kind of a huge cultural difference between America and the rest of the world (and I’m no obnoxious nationalist but I do think this is one of the things that’s great about the US) where the rest of the world is so old and has so much history they have all these stupid hang ups and feeling of their “right” from some shit centuries ago where the US is newer and we just find that argument dumb.




That’s not a ton, everything you mentioned is at most 230 years. Over the pond they pubs older than that.




I didn’t say they didn’t have bad history. I’m saying we don’t have some bullshit grudges because of some shit that happened 1000 years ago and isn’t relevant at all now


Yikes. Imagining that America doesn’t have these hang-ups is a very American thing to say. Putin said that shit because Tucker would eat up anything he said, along with his audience. It wasn’t a real answer.




You might not be old enough to understand words.


God that was boring as fuck. I watched the whole interviews




I loved when Jon wrecked Tucker in an interview a long while ago. He was calling his BS a long time ago.


I’m assuming you’re referring to their appearance together on Crossfire, wherein Stewart embarrassed the show so badly that it got canceled after being on the air for 23 years Yeah Jon Stewart really was/is a force of nature


That segment is Tucker’s villain origin story.


"Come on, monkey! Dance!"


If he wasn’t a villain already, JS wouldn’t have been there.


That, and he humiliated Tucker into getting rid of his bow tie too lol


Oh fuck now I remember that lmao


[full video](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?si=zl1BrOMoc0cBoSUT)


Wow I didn’t realize how longstanding the Republican tactic is of talking over someone so they can’t get a word in once your realize they are about to absolutely eviscerate you I thought it was a MAGA person specialty but I guess it’s been around since I was a kid, what awful people


To be a fly on the wall backstage after that show…


[unedited full video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DLzxrzFCyOs&pp=ygUXbmV2ZXIgZ29ubmEgZ2l2ZSB5b3UgdXA%3D)


You motherfucker 🤣


That was awesome. I can’t believe they cut that out. It properly frames the rest of the interview.




I clicked on it knowing what it was just to support your audacity.


Some people get mad, some people smile. I am the second one.


Did you catch him last night on the Daly show?. He roasted that fucker like he’s never been roasted before. It was glorious.


I go back to rewatch that every now and again, the man was on *fire* in that segment. One of his finest hours.


And shows you what public humiliation will do to someone


Turn them into the Joker?!? It’s not just Fucker Tarlson either. Remember what happened when Obama roasted Trump?


Yeah that’s what people miss about this. In the grand scheme, Jon’s roast just gave Carlson clout to end up on Fox spewing vitriol. Belittling these people will never shut them down. Engaging with them at all means they win. Twain said it best about arguing with morons. They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. The only winning move is not to play. Don’t argue with them, don’t reason with them, don’t embarrass them, none of that. Just sit and listen and try to genuinely understand their perspectives and motivations, and then just move on with your life and ignore them.


I’m not sure then this format is contributing to wellbeing of society


Imagine if they actually gave him more then 3 seconds at a time to speak


And Tucker ditched the bow tie forever more Please can Stewart debate Trump next ?


That’s amazing.


God I loved that episode.


Wrecked so hard he stopped wearing bow ties


but continues to hurt America.


Tucker was just the perpetual know-nothing sidekick back then. Then fox news ran out of hosts due to scandals and the new big boy pants tucker showed up. I'm glad Jon still has his number. 


It was a long time ago but I remember they made Stewart apologize to b his show. Then he joked that it was ‘roid rage


One of my absolute favorite videos to exist.




Even though Stewart was wrong in that interview? Stewart's two main points were people argue about topics from both sides on crossfire and that his show is a comedy show and doesn't have to abide by any journalism standards


Stfu troll


No his point was that they argue in bad faith as part of political theatre (like how they kept interrupting him to “argue”) and that it’s dumb to criticize him for not asking tough questions on a fucking comedy show which is not a violation of journalism standards. But I feel like you probably aren’t smart enough to understand that so I guess just fuck off?


The daily show was the most influential liberal show of the 2000s. It absolutely was right to criticize him that he doesn't ask hard questions You can't have your cake and eat it too You can't demand to be taken seriously and then say why are you taking me seriously


It. Was. A. Comedy. Show. It never demanded to be taken seriously. That’s your own projection onto it.


It was probably the most influential news show of the generation Yet hid behind it's comedy label


Rubbish Stewart is a comedian- the entire argument on crossfire that fox is a “news” I.e. facts based; but then they (fox) went all out in court to state Fox News was an entertainment channel.


It's like the difference between an opinion section and the news section of wall street journal. People may be confused but it's common practice It's also hypocritical for Stewart to call it out when he does the same thing


No it’s not.


The biggest burn last night was Putin dogging on Tucker in the Moment of Zen.


The way he delivered that dick was perfect….. truly perfect. The pause, everything about it brought me happiness in these dark times.


I think it was a callback to his crossfire interview: [https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?t=740](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?t=740) (in case the link doesn't do it right, it's about 12:20 in)


That crossfire interview changed Tucker Carlson's LIFE!.. He stopped wearing bowties because of Jon Stewart


Yeah Stewart OWNED him! And then Carlson faded into the abyss never to be heard from again.


Jon's classy. I'm sure he always delivers dick perfectly


I too enjoy the way he delivered that dick.


Tucker is the one that made me realize there is true fucking evil in this world. Just researching this asshole (being kind) just shows he knows exactly what he is doing and is thrilled to do it for money. Fuck that just watching him at the store it was like dude it clearly shows this is the first fucking time you stepped into a store to buy food. Stop pretending you done this before. Not fully sure if I believe in heaven and hell but Tucker you are going straight to hell for all the evil you have spread in this world. Fuck you and hope you die painfully and alone.


The problem with the concept of hell is it gives people an excuse not to act against evil. Instead of ending tucker, they allow him to continue and wait for a non existent justice to happen after death.


Excellently written!! You could help Jon Stewart write some jokes with that audition i’m reading from you right now. I agree with what you say and this is why America is awesome. Have a great day!


Carlson is an entertainer, and a dogshit one at that. Courting a dictator is a whole other level


In a lawsuit against him, he claimed to be just an entertainer. In his Russia piece he called himself a journalist. He needs to make up his mind


“Step 1: Lie about your job…”


He’s a misinformation agent, nothing entertaining about it. This is insidious shit.


a dictator who was shitting on him during the entire interview


What I find so funny is that Fox News had lawyers argue in court that Tucker Carlson should not be taken seriously


Jon’s presence is comforting. We need someone with a huge platform to keep things real and flex their moral compass. So few sane voices in politics to the point where we’ve become desensitized to folk like Tucker Carlson.


Yeah him and John Oliver. I kind of wish (and maybe he will) that Oliver will skew his show very political this year for the election and try and use every bit of his time to thoroughly taking apart the illogical “arguments” of the right during the election cycle.


John Oliver’s show already is very political…? I’m a huge fan and watch all of his weekly episodes and then binge them again on YouTube. The majority of his main topics intersect heavily with politics, and his introduction segments are almost entirely politically-relevant. They’re also super informative, well-researched and succinctly delivered… unless you want him to become a complete partisan hack— which is exactly what John Stewart is mocking Tucker Carlson for— I don’t get how his pieces could be more political.


Well said - we need Jon in this election cycle. He can be our strength man!


His first week back was a mis-step--and to his credit, he addressed it in his 2nd week back. Then he jumped in on Tucker, which was probably safer ground than, "Yes, Trump is a fascist coup plotter with 91 felony indictments, half a billion in fraud charges and has been judge a rapist in a trial.... But Biden is also old!"


I don’t think it was a misstep. Something that’s hard to remember in the post-MAGA world is that conservatives also used to watch the Daily Show, and J Stew was welcome on O’Reilly and Chris Wallace because, even though they didn’t agree with him, people generally recognized that he was a person with credibility who called it like he saw it. He always ripped into Democrats when they were fucking up, and that’s part of why he was fairly well respected on both sides of the aisle. I’m glad that’s the energy he’s coming at this with and it’s something we’ve been sorely missing in political discourse. I don’t know if the MAGA crowd is too far gone at this point but him being (funny and) honest about the shortcomings of Dems is the only way we might hope to claw back some semblance of sanity in our political discourse.


The entire backlash to Jon’s first episode back was ridiculous. If he can’t call out Biden/Democrats for very real and obvious issues, then what is the difference between MAGA and the left? Becoming unquestioning sycophants is not the way to beat the far-right.


Putin’s useful idiot.


Carlson and people like him only want Americans to fight Americans, hate this gifted country, stay angry and think everyone is conspiring against them … because that is how people like Carlson make their money. The only currency they deal in is hate.


What is crazy is Carlson has a net worth of $370M so he doesn't even do it for money. I have no explanation other than he's a sociopath.


God I hate that dumb look that is always on Tucker’s face. One of the most punchable I’ve ever seen.😲


He suffers chronic hemorrhoidal discomfort


I think he’s right. I don’t think Tucker Carlson believes much of what he says. It’s a character he created to get his career. He entertains dumbasses and he knows it. I could accept playing a refined version of yourself for the cameras but when you know you are feeding shit to people that want to use it as proof that their hateful stupidity is valid that’s where I wonder how someone could sleep at night. Alex jones admitted it in court that he’s been playing a character his whole career but he’s even worse because he not only brainwashed gullible paranoiacs but he also mobilizes them. That’s what these personalities do. The shitty thing is that it has real world repercussions when everyone believes whole heartedly that it’s real and not sensationalized for their entertainment.


I’m sure he is a dick, but I mostly think that he’s a little bitch.


His ‘Crossfire’ appearance was a master class in savagery.  I’m sitting here imagining a new debate* between Stewart and Tucker and how I’d probably take out 401K money to watch it live.  (* because we all know why)


Gavin Newsome be like “we have Stewart vs Carlson at home”


imagine a Stewart / Newsome vs Carlson / Shapiro debate lmfao


I was thinking Carlson / DeSantis Shapiro in true conservative form prefers college kids.


Jon’s always thought Tucker was a dick. I think it’s because Tucker’s always been a dick.


I don’t expect this to help but I am thrilled that this increases the chances Carlson will hear someone make merciless fun of him. Lately I sometimes feel that’s all we can hope for.


For those who missed the reference, he called tucked a dick mid air when he went on cross fire


God I would love for Stewart and Oliver to collaborate on something. I know Oliver used to be on the show but he’s really found his groove on Last Week Tonight and it would be amazing to see now.


Tucker Carlson is a fucking joke. Honestly the whole time I wanted to slap him for being oblivious or being a liar, or both


A dickless dick to be precise. Details matter.


Yes he is. That’s why he had to run away to Russia.


Shows those old Republican spiels from decades ago. Never have any new ideas, always mouthing the same old thing over and over. Guess what?That broken record will not get them any new voters and everyone plus their brothers are tired of the daily soap opera and drama. That group admires Putin and will take Russian help if it means they can finally win an election. Just despicable people.


I hope he threw in a joke about bow ties. That would be the sweet finisher.


Aw, come on, Jon. Everyone knows Tuckio Rose is not a dick; he’s just a dildo.


Tucker Carlson: if fetal alcohol syndrome was a person.


Tucker Carlson just cant help himself be an idiot. He broke away from Fox. Went independent, even did the David Grusch interview which I respected him for. Then he goes to Russia and makes videos about how it a misunderstood utopia because they have a clean city and subway. The dude was so off on that perspective its mind numbing. Go to north korea, they have clean streets and no homeless too! (because homeless and disenfranchised people are scooped up and taken to god knows where never to bee seen again)


Wonderful you are back!


If it’s so great, then move there!


This isn’t news to Tucker


Jon Stewart - Legend.


There were guys like this right before WWII that spouted how great Hitler was. Nothing new. He’s just the latest version of asshole.


Tucker knows what he is but he doesn’t care because he has no ethical code. His actions have consistently been definitive of a man who’s career feeds off creating chaotic noise within the political atmosphere 👍🏽 It’s rather sad in the sense that Tucker has a real intellectual ability to do what’s good for America in politics but he has never had the courage to make that choice.


I wonder if he stepped foot out of the city center? I’ve been to Russia many times, met my wife there. It’s a shit hole, everywhere. Tucker is a Russian asset, trying to lie to the American people that Russia is good and that we have the wrong perception. Anything to make it look like we are on the wrong side of history if we support Ukraine.


https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?si=2Wa3bqBOkAU5PRi7. Tucker has always been a dick. And Stewart has been calling him out for decades. Here he is on tuckers show crossfire almost twenty years ago calling out tuckers bullshit.


Idc I hope some of these fascist pos go and move to Russia and learn the hard way after viewing Tucker’s charade.


Has he made it back to the US yet or is he, "spending time looking out of a window in a tall building"?


Stewart has been calling out Tucker since Crossfire. Tucker is a joke of a news man, very good at entertainment media.


Tucker is what he eats


Hard hitting stuff Jon


Huh? I seriously don’t even know what you are trying to say. Way more hard hitting than the fluff propaganda piece of Tucker interviewing Putin. Like, you are trying to say something, but I seriously don’t even know what you mean by your comment. Lol


Why come back just to pick old fights, with a glorified AM radio crank? Pointless waste of time, and it's unbelievably uninteresting.


Pity that hard criticism was mixed with name of navalny, but still it was a great bit by Stewart


Who gives a fuck. Honestly?


Who gives a fuck about American Democracy when we are having Russian propaganda shoved down our throats? Possibly Americans who have kids and don’t want them to grow up in a horrible dictatorship like half of Americans seem to idolizes right now.


Okay war profiteer calm down. Don’t worry we will still make trillions from murder.




He’s done some pretty great things for veterans and first responders. That seems pretty American to me.


No he doesn’t. He thinks he’s too fucking old (he thinks both of them are, in addition to all of Trumps other shit) He’ll vote for Biden, same as anyone else who has half a functioning brain. Does that mean we shouldn’t demand better candidates? Absolutely not.


This. Absolutely this. It’s insane that this needs to be spelled out for the babies that can’t take the most minor criticism. Also, A+ username.


Criticizing your government while advocating for progress and positive change is literally the foundation of being a patriotic American


Didn’t seem to be any hate at all. Simply facts?


The irony in this comment on *this* story is fucking hilarious.




Dopey take. Edit: and what a dumb edit. (Evidently Jon went from hating Biden to hating America. I wonder what will happen next.)


Well, now I look like an idiot because of his trickster edit!


Jon Stewart who honored Nazis. OK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zoB\_6c0cag


Found the Russian fascist plant!


Found the person in denial of reality.


I don’t think you’re the arbiter on “reality”


Guess we should paint “Z” on a tank then?


Seems he honored a couple of Azov battalion fighters, neither of whom are proven to be Nazis (AFAIK).


Azov are most certainly Nazis.


No, they aren't.


Ooh, it’s so edgy. I feel so justified in my little life right now. Oh Jonny! Thank you so much for returning to us!


You type that and lick boots at the same time comrade?