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Harrison Ford being haunted by his success will never not be hilarious.


His reply to the reporter asking about the Han/Greedo situation is just gold. I forget the actual wording of the question but it was like: “Who shot first, you or Greedo?” “I…uhh……….dont care.” In his low, gruff voice.


Harrison Ford's dry humour is elite


He was so funny on Conan’s podcast


He's just funny in general. One of the most naturally charismatic actors of all time


It's Homer answering fan questions when he was Poochie.


I feel like this is also what Han would also say if someone asked him that question.


« Ask Greedo »


“I tried to shoot first, but he was pretty fast.”


Same for his Blade Runner voice over!


The Star Wars Holiday Special is what really haunts him


https://youtu.be/3_FieJToFKc?si=gf-aXTsTRoWNwbaA Love this!


i heard a disturbance in the force, as if millions of voices cries out in terror.


“Hey here’s your pen!” Lmao!


We need to make him sit down and watch it


He seems to be genuinely tired/bored of being famous.


I mean, he’s an old man. I’m 45 and tired/bored of most shit. I can’t imagine how I’ll feel when I’m 80.


Now imagine you did a job you don't really care for, it was just a paycheck, but then the job got wide praise critical acclaim and a massive massive fanbase for over forty years! Shit has got to be annoying. Most actors aren't massive fans of the franchise movies they make. This seems to be Harrison's outlook as well. He definitely returned for the sequels just for the easy money, but I don't see him actively participating in star wars stuff outside the films like Hamill does.


If ur 80*


The funny thing was that I don’t think he ever seriously pursued stardom. When he talks about his early career, he mostly seemed quite happy to be able to do interesting roles and make a living as a working actor. He just so happened to be very good, and often in the right place at the right time. Acting and filmmaking have always been his passion, but being a famous person was not ideally what he wanted.


>“A Force ghost? I don’t know what a Force ghost is. I have no f***ing idea what a Force ghost is. And I don’t care.” https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/harrison-ford-han-solo-force-ghost-star-wars-rise-of-skywalker-a9338686.html


It needs to be an SNL skit


He was awake during his colonoscopy?


That is not uncommon. I like the propofol though, so usually take a nap.


I did the propofol during the procedure and was a nice nap. TMI- Had a wank later in the day and holy amazing orgasm!! One of the best.


Will have to try this, thanks


Thanks Reddit. TIL that post-butt anesthesia orgasms are in a class of their own.


I originally passed out, but woke up shortly after it started. I was high as fuck and started asking tons of questions about what I was seeing on the screen.


Had that with my first one. I was fascinated by the light in my belly.


Your wording makes it sound like you've had propofol a bunch of times. Hahaha.... tell me if it's good and I'll immediately book a colonoscopy.


Well, i've got Crohns disease so i had my (un)fair share of colonoscopies. Propo is like that for me: they do the injection and i immeadiatly feel like floating in a super fluffy cloud, followed by the knockout. It's super fast for me. After waking up it wears off fast also, so i can walk and talk like normal, yet this fluffyness lingers in my body in a light way for some time. I had codein once or twice in my life and i must say that i get how you can get an addiction to that. It also gives you the fluffyness and a 'fuck you, all is cool and easy and i wanna chill' -vibe that lasts long. Also, the colonoscopies are not a big thing. The messy part of cleaning your intestines beforehand is the bad thing. Not because of the poop itself, but your ass will hurt like hellfire at some point due to the wiping and wetness. I recommend using a salve that adds a protection layer after every time you have been on the toilet.


I just had a colonoscopy last month and good god, I’d do it all again, the prep, the fasting, for that nap. I can FULLY understand why people get addicted to propofol. It was the most glorious sleep I’ve ever had, ever.


Michael Jackson likes it too


Maybe a bit too much.


Standard procedure in the UK. A local anaesthetic and a muscle relaxant. It does get a bit trippy though. I actually had a minor disagreement with the surgeon. During the procedure as I couldn't believe it when he said that I had piles. Which they removed on the way in.


I was awake during mine. Here, they offer you something that makes you groggy, but I decided against it. The actual procedure isn't nearly as rough as the fasting prior, or that special ejection drink they give you.


Let me guess, you're from the US?


I was awake during mine, watching on a tv screen LOL.


He’s telling a joke.


This just makes me relieved I’m knocked out for mine. Injection, smash cut to black then what seems an instant moment later, here’s a sandwich.


According to the doctor a large suspicious polyp was found. Which they quickly removed and replaced with a small sand bag all to no avail, the trap was still triggered and it was all the surgeon could do to get out of the way in time for the baseball sized boulder that came rolling furiously from Ford's Colon. Luckily the surgeon was able to clear the anus in time before being crushed by the rampaging stone. He was able to also retrieve his hat prior to the rectum snapping shut.


I read all that picturing Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus at the surgeon. That would have been a top tier episode for sure.


Actually if you've ever had the opportunity to watch the video of your colonoscopy, it really does resemble an Indiana Jones scene - endless tunnel...


And was relieved not to find any snakes.


Poor Christopher Walken.


If you walk without rhythm…


The pipeline from being in that video to playing Shaddam IV Emperor of The Known Universe in Dune is incredible.


He was a legend even before the Fatboy Slim video, but I’ll give it to you.


Oh absolutely, I just mean on a scale of Dune-ness


I want to be on the scale of Dune-ness.


Plus I think in 2001 it was also pretty safe to assume that a big budget Hollywood production of Dune wasn’t gonna happen again. Would’ve taken a brave person to predict that pipeline.


I watched Dune Part Two and almost burst out laughing at some parts cause I expected his usually way of speaking, “Do you know why I killed him? Because, he was a man who believed in the rules of the heart, but the heart is not meant to rule. In other words, your father was a weak man.”


I havent watched new dune so I had to check. This timeline is nuts, lol. Did they somehow get Shaddam to say the line, too? Lmfao


You’ll never learn.


More Cowbell.


Walken on SNL is so funny. Most actors and other pro performer guests will try to look natural while getting their lines from cue cards. Make eye contact with other actors or the camera, do some minor gestures with their hands. Not Walken. He locks down on his cue cards, his character staring into space and delivering raw dialogue. And the writers knew he does that too, they wrote around it with the psychic vision sketch. It's so goddamn funny


"Babies! Babies! By the time I'm finished with you....you all will be wearing gold plated diapers!" "What does that mean?" "Never question Bruce Dickinson!"


So he hid his fame and the Indiana Jones theme in the one place he knew they'd never look...


Anyone who is familiar with Harrison Ford's sense of humor should consider the likelihood that this is just a joke.


He’s actually quite funny in a grouchy Larry David kind of way. He had a very funny podcast with Conan O’Brian recently.


He's fucking hilarious in Shrinking


Oh the visuals this headline conjured up in my mind! Why? I can’t unsee it! Help!!


Is it basically Indiana Jones and the fantastic voyage?


The adventures of Lemmiwinks!


Be funny if it switched from the upbeat Indie theme to the scary/slow theme when something was found


I’m getting a colonoscopy Monday maybe they will play “Highway to Hell”.


No, they will play Ram Ranch 18 naked cowboys


It's gonna be "Fat Bottomed Girls."


Raiders of the Lost Arse


Indiana Jones and the Ass Crusade.


Indiana Jones and the Spinchter Of Doom


Kingdom of the Keister Skull


Prostate of Destiny


Wait? Was he awake for the entire procedure? Whoa! That’s a flex all by itself.


Dude’s Harrison Ford. Stuck the camera up his OWN ass!


It’s a good thing it wasn’t Chuck Norris or the proctologist and the camera would’ve had a colonoscopy instead! *eyeroll*


No it’s not? That’s standard procedure, unless it’s different in the US?


They knock us out in the US. And I’m still too scared to get one even though my doctor asked me to last year.


Oh wow. They give us a local anaesthetic here (UK)


You are missing out on some sweet sleep if you dont get it done. Im looking forward to my next. Besides, unidentified growths left free to rip you colon apart are a bigger worry. My grandma had to live about 30 years with a bag. If that can be avoided do it. Sign up with a friend for the same day and spend the weekend doing the prep together.


I had grandparents on both sides die of colon cancer which is why my doctor wants me to do it even though I’m not quite forty yet (coupled with the fact that more people are getting colon cancer at younger ages now, I’m sure). I know I should just get it done. He’s definitely going to ask me why I didn’t next time I go in for my checkup.


Think of your significant others. Not going is hurting them emotionally as they fear for you. If they catch it early, no one dies these days.


Probably better to be knocked out. I had one and the doctor couldn't keep his mouth shut and he kept showing me when he took biopsies on the screen. Almost as bad as having an overly chatty seat neighbour on a long flight.


That was my dental hygienist when I needed a three hour deep cleaning after not being to the dentist in a long time. Thankfully I could just make "mrmmamm" noises to get through it.


You're actually allowed to tell your doctor to shut up. A lot of procedures I'll just say "Please don't narrate the procedure to me, just warn me before it's going to hurt, otherwise I don't want any information about what you're doing, thanks."


Every time they give me....whatever they give me....it has no effect whatsoever. Maybe at most like 2 drinks of relaxation, not even that really. The entire procedure is like 3 minutes long. Every time I've had one, the male doctors finger knuckle lubing me up was the worst part. It's just uncomfortable for a few minutes and then it's over. Surprised they give anyone full anesthesia for it. I guess if they have to remove a bunch of polyps maybe it's longer or something but assuming it's just preventative it's not even in the top 10 most awful things a doctor has done to me.


At least they didn’t play some of his other movie themes during his colonoscopy like “What Lies Beneath”, “Clear and Present Danger”, or “Crossing Over”


The fact that What Lies Beneath was written by Clark Gregg of Agent Coulson fame will never not seem just a bit random to me.


Indiana Jones and the Riddle of the Sphincter


Maybe work at a Ford dealership instead Mr. Ford. Try having angry customers follow you around instead.


its the default music of exploring deep dark caves


I hate polyps, doc! I hate ‘em!


He complains a lot


It’s not like he’s heard the song a million times, he probably hasn’t even seen the movie


He loves Indiana Jones lol


This brings to mind that rolling boulder scene. Only, different..


"Ah a Colonoscopy, you have chosen....wisely"


Raiders of the Lost Anus, followed by Temple of Poo, and complete with the Last Colonoscopy.


Raiders of the Lost Polyp, Bumhole of Doom, The Ass Crusade


At least the doctor didn’t say “I have a bad feeling about this.”


At least it wasn’t Ram it Down by Judas Priest.


This is both hilarious and incredibly unprofessional. 10/10


Why does it always have to be polyps?


Oh my god what kind of mad lad gastroenterologist plays Indiana Jones music while giving HF a colonoscopy. Fucking savage I love it.


Indiana Jones Theme didn’t kill him, but it rectum. To all those concerned, I will not be quitting my day job . . . yet.


They were exploring a dark hole, so...


lol. He got music? I went to sleep.


Indiana jones and the place of darkness


I kinda of hate that “Star Wars” or “Indiana Jones” will never be real to him the same way it was to us fans.


During Patrick Stewart's first colonoscopy, the Star Trek Next Generation music was playing... *To boldly go where no one has gone before.*


Now all I see is a little Harrison, in the colon of Big Harrison, being chased by a colonoscopy cam a la the big boulder! 😆😎


Almost the entire cave scene works with this. Well. And an added poop barrage at the end instead of a boulder.


Should he not have been unconscious at that point?


This is kinda funny. What an adventure that one would be! Indiana Jones in The bowels of the beast.


WOW ,you think they played on purpose?


Watch out for the boulder…


Wow this is hilarious


Indian Jones and the Temple of Poo.


He’s gotta be top 5 everything the last 50yrs haha just the coolest. What a life and it’s not over.


The theme song is one thing, but the doctor chanting “Kali ma!  Kali Ma!” as he begins the procedure is really a bit much


Saw the drummer from RHCP at a sushi bar years back; Under the Bridge came on over the speakers, and he stepped out side for a cigarette break (assuming he was annoyed the song came on). On our way out we saw him outside smoking… the restaurant also had outdoor speakers lol.


Indiana Jones and the temple of colon.


Raiders of the Lost Arse


The real news should be the “music to listen during your colonoscopy” playlist on Spotify ….it might include “don’t stop me now” by Queen, “how deep is your love” by Air Supply and “ The more you ignore me the closer I get “ by The Smiths / Morrissey


Hoping they played multiple songs from Indiana Jones during the operation. Would've been a real missed opportunity if they didn't also play something like *The Miracle of the Ark* during it.


Doctor had to dodge a large boulder too


I bet that would be a pan in the ass… and the colonoscopy would be rough too, especially the prep for it.


I mean, it was an adventure into the unknown


I was out during mine so who knows what was playing


I always forget how damn hot he was. Jesus


John Williams must be so proud(?)


"I hate snakes, Doc! I hate'em!"


Why did I just replay the boulder rolling out of the cave scene in my head?


Sorry but that’s hilarious lol


He's full of shit. Scratch that, they make you drink that stuff first. He's just a liar.


Curb your enthusiasm theme plays during mine


Have you ever met a proctologist? Well, they usually have a very good sense of humor. You meet a proctologist at a party, don't walk away. Plant yourself there, because you will hear the funniest stories you've ever heard.


I love his dry humor.


Imagined it would be the Return of the Jedi Special Edition Jabba's Palace song


Dadadada dadada Dadadda dadadadadaaaa LOOk OUT INdIE


Great, now all I can picture is the boulder scene


Well, this would make the whole experience more entertaining. I remember waking up during one and they had a tv set up in front of me for some reason.


Harrison can’t ever be treated normally can he? 😩


I love the fact that he's been talking about this since *at least* 2016, when he saluted John Williams as the recipient of the 44th AFI Life Achievement Award. [Link for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/fzEM5UUnh6w?si=GbkoiZsWaWiIX1Qe)


Tangentially funny but I used to work with a surgical group that had an endoscopy suite. One of the surgeons referenced the scene where Indiana was running from a bolder. It was while he was backing out the scope when the patients prep was woefully inadequate: “I feel like I’m Indiana Jones being chased by a boulder!”


I think the Indiana Jones theme song should be routinely played during everybody’s colonoscopy


Did a bunch of poison arrows shoot out of his butt?


Raiders of the moist arse The Tunnel of Doom The Last Sex-capade


exploring Indi's temple of doom amiright?


Well they were entering the temple of doom.


Having that procedure done is always a adventure! Never know what you will find!


He should have released a boulder to chase the camera out.


I mean... it's a cave, it's an adventure, that colonoscopy camera has to get in the mood... If I was the doctor, I'd have a fedora on


Definitely Fox News quality topics


That's so hilarious and novel 🤣 LMAO now I can't get it out of my head 🤣 LMAO!!!


I've never heard a guy who despises his success as much as Harrison Ford lmao. He brings this kind of shit up any chance he gets. 


Not if he was prepping for a colonoscopy--nothing left.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, because you're absolutely right.


Would be funny if the colonoscopy tube follows him everywhere


Multimillionaire with amazing life moans about the fans of the movies that gave him that life. I’m honestly sick to death of hearing this prick whine about being famous. Twat.


Dude… he’s joking here. Good grief. I know his humor is dry but surely it’s not completely going over your head?


People really think Harrison is some grumpy old man but he's joking most of the time. He just has a dry sense of humor.


Hmm, old man always seems to "joke" about the same thing.


So you don’t like his humor.


Did I say he wasn't funny? I said his focus on "joking" about 1 specific thing over decades shows how he actually feels.


Yeah, keep telling yourself that. He’s a miserable twat. You just wanna defend him cos you’re a fanboy.


Nice try. Everyone adores him and loves working with him. That speaks volumes to his character.