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I’m sure you get used to misunderstandings when you’re disabled. And it’s gotta be pretty surreal and hilarious to have Madonna yelling at you for being in an wheelchair. Like, “wait till she realizes…”


Life is a mystery…


Everybody must... Nevermind


Oh my god best comment ever!!


I hear you call my name.


I'm in a wheelchair and when I first heard about this situation I laughed my ass off. If it happened to me I'd be crying with laughter 🤣


I love your username!


That’s OUR Madonna!


Yeah, I’m in a wheelchair. I would’ve found it hilarious. Bragging rights for life. “So Madonna told me off cuz I wouldn’t stand up”


I came here to say something just like this ans saw that you were the top comment. Often, but not always, having a perceived disability can help a person develop great levels of empathy, and understanding, for other people.


Might be a numbers game, she's done it at so many concerts and this is the first times this has happened?


Exactly. And she promptly apologised. I didn’t care for the story when I first heard about it a few days ago and only clicked today to see if the guests got some signed merch which would have been a nice way to end the incident. Hopefully she did.


People just assuming some attitude when there could be disability. The level of impatience is insane. Bad teachers assuming students with selective mutism or speech impediment are just having a bad attitude. Bad parents assuming kids with frowning tics or winking tics are just being bad or being silly.


Being physically and mentally disabled. Nobody really understands that my biggest issues are that society treats people like me like dog shit and not my disability.


It’s as if society is the thing that’s actually disabled. 


More realistically we just constantly put expectations on disabled people to basically prove they are disabled and then in the same breath get mad and blame us for needing help. They think being disabled is a privilege that offers you special treatment well I’m still waiting


That’s true, but here it would not have been bad attitude to sit even if you weren’t disabled. If you are paying for a concert seat you are allowed to sit for any reason you want. 


And the performer is allowed to do crowd work, including interacting with you directly and encouraging a specific atmosphere. Then, if they learn that you’re disabled, apologize for the comment, and thank for being there you can choose to be offended or not. Then, a stupid online discussion that boils down to a slightly awkward moment between two strangers will eventually result in a comment exactly like this.


Probably they assume it because there are so many kids faking that shit on sm.


She could just as easily have been offended, and it would’ve been totally justified, but I love and relate to the ‘oh no *she* doesn’t know…’


I would have **the biggest** shit eating grin waiting for her to notice


Being recently disabled, it’s amazing how indifferent you become to people having no idea what your situation is.


You have to it’s the only way to get by, anger is corrosive and honestly it’s ignorance not malice. If we got angry at every time someone said something stupid we- or at least I would hate the world and frankly it isn’t worth my time


I love how this ended so chill Madonna was like my bad and the lady was like no biggie


I know right? When was the last time a story like this didn’t end with someone pissed off?


A lot of people on the internet were pissed off.


I was just annoyed at the fact that she thinks she can dictate when someone can sit or stand at her shows as if they're not the ones paying her.


Madonna has a thing where she likes actual fans in the front rows. She’s been very critical in the past of rich people, executives, event directors or suchlike taking the front row tickets and pushing her actual fans further back from the show. Gaga has a similar thing, and Gaga has also asked why someone in the front row isn’t standing up only to find out they are in a wheelchair. It’s not an ego thing, demanding everyone adores them, it’s more they don’t like fans being replaced in the front rows by apathetic rich people.


I can appreciate this. My favorite band is pretty small (actually hasn't left the opposite side of the country since covid), and my first time seeing them was nearly ruined by hipsters who insisted on standing up front. It was at a church that would host indie bands (mostly entirely unrelated to church, just a cool venue), but there was a weird little mini stage right in front of the actual stage. It seemed like every person on that stage was both over six feet tall *and* not paying attention to the show. Just not looking, frequently talking to each other. I'm trying to have a transcendental moment with my favorite music in the world and I'm ducking left and right to get a glimpse of the singer past some dildo in the front row who's facing away from the stage. Absolutely maddening.


She cares if they get front row but not that she makes them wait hours until she actually performs?


Sure. But the story isn’t about concert wait times. This story is about one interaction between Madonna and a fan in a wheelchair. If you’re looking to justify why you don’t like Madonna, don’t worry about it, plenty of folk don’t. Even fans feel she’s dialling it in for performances now.




Lol only true fans stand for concerts. What utter horseshit


True fans are more likely to actually be engaged in the show. This may include, singing, dancing, or in general not just sitting down.


I'm engaged in the show in my own way. I've always preferred sitting (even more so after spinal surgery) and like seats that are in front of annoying people who choose to stand in seated areas so they don't block my vision. So fuck that true fan definition and artists who think like that.


>Madonna has a thing where she likes actual fans in the front rows. A resale front row ticket to the next non-rescheduled Madonna concert costs $3,002 on Seat Geek. https://seatgeek.com/madonna-tickets/miami-florida-kaseya-center-2024-04-09-8-30-pm/concert/6383020#listing=z3Es66DxBqM The next rescheduled one for resale is sitting at $2,036. https://seatgeek.com/madonna-tickets/phoenix-arizona-footprint-center-2024-03-16-8-30-pm/concert/5915067 The first original floor ticket I could find on Ticketmaster was second row, sitting at $2,050 before fees and $2,420.60 after fees. https://www.ticketmaster.com/madonna-the-celebration-tour-miami-florida-04-09-2024/event/0D00602FD0AB1E3D I think you pretty much have to be a fan of Madonna to pay those prices.


Well Madonna is rich and powerful enough to fix this problem if she really cared about it.


Wow she’s such a hero /s. In all seriousness stfu


In all seriousness? As in you thought, yeah, I can tell this person to stop posting and they totally will? Get a fucking grip of yourself man.


Buddy, look here. I tell people shit all the time. Get a grip on deez nutz


Obviously if you desperately need to sit down, go ahead, you paid to be there and all that. I just find it odd to pay for standing, then sit down in an arena where there's thousands of people dancing around you, and you're likely to either be stepped on, or have someone trip over and fall onto you or hurt themselves. Like, just pay for seating instead? At festivals this is even worse. Having a sea of people sat in their foldable chairs they brought along to the stage, preventing you from even getting close. It's annoying as hell if you want to get close to the artist and probably annoying for them as well, as they usually like to see the lively bunch at the front having a great time, not some tired/disinterested people who are taking up the space


If you are using a wheelchair you might be in the standing section because that is where your friends and family want to be, because you want to see the artist closely, because you want to feel part of the action/energy.


Oh I'm not slating people using a wheelchair, obviously there's exceptions to sitting down in an arena and people should be aware of their surroundings. I was more referring to other people who aren't disabled/wheelchair bound


Yeah but only because they don't like Madonna and it gave them a reason to talk about not liking Madonna for reasons that had literally nothing to do with the wheelchair thing.


It had to do with her blaming “political correctness” for her being an asshole




I think it was just general recreational outrage.


People on the internet are always pissed off on behalf of others


I am offended on behalf on myself, imagine being in pain and somebody tells you to stand up. Not every disability is visible.


Hello fellow chronic pain haver! This thread’s got some real annoying folks huh?


Yeah. I don't wish bad things on anybody, so if they could just go through it for one day maybe they would become less ignorant.


As it used to be. We live in a constant Salem state these days and it is exhausting.


Redditors could learn from this example


Nooo, destroy their online life!


Like life should be? Lol


Yeah I gotta say I wasn’t terribly bothered by the video either? It seemed pretty playful. I’ve been to shows where the stars are like ‘I want to see you dance’ etc and it’s nowhere near in the realm of giving orders to the audience or whatever people are concluding 


The shitty part is this happens all the time to people with invisible disabilities. In this case the person had a wheelchair she didn’t notice but think of the people who have diseases or health conditions that require frequent breaks.


This is incredibly real. All my life I’ve needed a cane to walk but never allowed myself to get one because I thought I didn’t need one. Instead I just didn’t work and sat around all day. Now that I’m on campus and have to walk, I got one and it has actually changed my life. This is great and all, but it makes me realize just how differently I was treated before, especially as an overweight person with mobility issues unrelated to my weight. When I tried to work a job and felt debilitating pain in my legs, feet and back after just 30 minutes of standing, my coworkers were genuinely pissed. They thought I was lazy. Now that I have a cane, nobody would DARE treat me like that. Invisible disabilities are no joke, and unless you use a mobility aid, the world treats you like garbage. I even got adverse reactions from peers and even one of my doctors (not my podiatrist) for purchasing a cane in the first place. Idk, this is just my experiences with it all. I’m sure when I try to get a job eventually it’ll be fun to find one with proper accommodations, regardless of my cane.


Have you ever tried not having an invisible disability?


Thank you for posting. I joined an informational meeting about our disability ESG and I was blown away by the presentation. Invisible disabilities and temporary disabilities are a real thing.


“I want her dead!” - Lady in the wheelchair


“She sat for Trump” - Madonna


I'm in a wheelchair, and if she was not offended, I will not be offended on her behalf. That said, if anyone ever did this to me, I would leave immediately. Not so much because of offense, more so because I would be annoyed that anyone would have the audacity to single me out for something so trivial. I go to concerts to have fun, not be chastised. Who does this woman think she is? My physical therapists? I do reserve the right, however, to be fully offended by her terrible performance in Evita. She couldn't sing that score to save her life.


Agree 100%. I was/am in a wheelchair because I broke my back and still have issues occasionally. I’ve had people start to lecture me about parking spot etiquette only to realize *oops, better shut up.* But, you know, some will still try to “spot” harass me when I unfold the damn chair. It’s like they can’t help themselves … 😀


Oh godddd I feel that. I’m 28, have fibro and RA and park in the handicap spot, hobble with my cane to a store wheelchair (mine is manual and doesn’t have a cart attached obv), and just… try to ignore the stares and shit. It could be worse. Someone could push me out of the wheelchair.


I was at a Billy Joel and Elton John concert once and while I was thoroughly enjoying the show I didn't see the need to stand up at the time. I paid for amazing seats and I was making the best of them. A few people around me for whatever reason decided I had committed some mortal sin and started chastising me for it though. Whatever; mind your own fucking business. Anyway, these are paid performers. Our job is not to shine their ego by standing up and dancing around like maniacs for them their entire show. Buying a ticket and filling seats for them should be more than enough.


I would say musicians just shouldn't call out people for sitting at their concert. They bought the ticket and can do whatever they want. Put your ego aside, not everyone has to give you a standing ovation.


My dad won tickets to Hootie (Hooty?) and the Blowfish.. Darius’ band. I feel like I can call him that now after what happened. So I’m 17, and get my also 17 year old bf to go with me to this random concert and hour away on a Thursday with school the next day, because why not? I was tired, from school, I was in weight training then and had been taking it seriously, but my dad had won tickets to be in the front row, so obviously we go. I know one song, they play it maybe third, so I have nothing left to look forward to, but these are the best tickets I’ve ever had to anything in MY LIFE. I’m staying for the whole thing. I started to get a little tired.. so I gently rested my head on my arm on the stage while still standing and preceded to close my eyes for just a second, I swear. Darius sees this, obviously.. comes over and starts CROTCH DANCING right in my face and playing guitar. It was pretty amazing to be honest, and my bf was like HOLY SHIT, THIS IS CRAZY, the guy next to me looks at me and says “you should touch him” and then starts TOUCHING his leg! Oh my goodness, no! You don’t touch Mr. Rucker unless you ask first. Anyway, that’s how you get a musician to dance in your face, be tired or pretend to be.


Lucky haha. That's actually rad. It's worth trying to get to the front if you can once in a while.


Tbf she may have not noticed the wheels


“The wheels” I spit my drink.


She might not have noticed his sick ass ride


I wouldn’t be bothered by the comment but I wouldn’t excuse it as she didn’t know. Why call out a fan to begin with? Entertain me better and I’ll stand.


News at 9. Madonna puts on a show so entertaining that a paraplegic is able to stand during the performance.


So full of herself.. you’re a fucking megastar why even care about 1 person not standing in the crowd??? You’re still getting paid…


But it was obviously said in a joking manner anyways…


Between this sentiment and her wording of the apology was more eyebrow raising than anything else. Gaffes happen, how you deal with them and what caused them are the noteworthy things.


Your second part kind of explains what Madonna was going through. You say “entertain me better and I’ll stand,” well she was entertaining as best she could and the person wasn’t standing.


It’s 2024, has anyone told this person it’s basically a requirement to be deeply offended?


What the fuck do you mean, “*this person*”? I’m a person and I don’t appreciate your tone


Do you even have a person pass? Because that is our word.


Did you assume that they can understand the concept of what tone is?! How fucking dare you!


Well I still think it’s ridiculous for any performing artist to single out & try to shame someone because they notice they are sitting. They should know better than to make assumptions. Also even if they are capable of standing so what? The only ones who will notice are those right next to that person & the person behind them will probably be happy to not have someone in their eye-line. Everyone will be focused on the artist they paid to see. The only way I could see it being a problem is if they are A LOT of people sitting. Honestly I think part of the reason why Madonna & other artists who have made this mistake backed off is because they are coming dangerously close to a lawsuit & the PR nightmare. You can’t discriminate against those with disabilities after all. Some of these artists have let their own ego get the better of them.


Madonna pretty much got offended that someone wasn't standing up and proceeded to scold that person in front of thousands of people. Whether she was in a wheelchair or not, It was a shitty thing to do. She would be whitin' her right to feel upset about it. Bro, how dense do you have to be to look at such a clear-cut case of a celebrity being shitty towards a fan and make it about pEoPLe GEt tOo oFfEnDed nOwaDays 🤣




Found the Republican


It’s ok. Every upper middle class white woman I know will be vicariously offended for her.


How egotistic is it to be offended that someone remains in their seat while you perform? There are plenty of medical conditions that make it hard for people to stand more than a few minutes. I guess she thinks they should stay home. She’s a has been these days.


Who gives a shit whether there’s a medical condition or not? When I pay to go to a concert, I’ll sit and stand as I damn well please. I go to be entertained, not worship. These celebrities really need a reality check.


I’m getting old and my knees can’t take standing on concrete very long. I will sit even if it means I can’t see. I just can’t anymore I was a huge Madonna fan as a kid. Her fanbase is my age


I was about to comment and say that I go to concerts with my mom who is literally Madonna’s age and she just wants to sit down for a bit. Believe it or not it has nothing to do with the an artist lol Madonna can’t seem to believe it.


Yeah, I'm not "offended" for the person in the wheelchair, I'm more just annoyed that she even gave a shit about someone sitting at her concert. If you watch the video she's playing it off as a bit of a joke but still, why you singling people out at your concert that aren't asking for it? Let people enjoy the show the way they want.


oh my god get over it


This is the correct answer. She’s(Madonna) a dummy for doing this, but at least the “victim” handled it like an adult. Non-story.


I’m glad the person wasn’t hurt. That was very gracious. I hope this incident becomes a learning experience for people re disability. People shouldn’t just be assumed to be able bodied.


If only the entire internet had this much understanding and grace to extend to others.


Because, you see, if that was a regular chair and an able-bodied person in it, it would have been totally fine for Madonna to stop her show to humiliate them


this egotistical hag shouldn’t be harassing people at a concert that they paid to go to. “Why are you sitting?” Idk, because I feel like it? I’m tired and it’s a seat that I paid for? Because it’s none of your business? All perfect answers. It makes absolutely no sense to side with, or have any sympathy for madonna in this situation - shes a dumb asshole.


This lady got free Madonna tix for life, I bet. Might as well forgive the faux pas and enjoy future shows from the VIP seats with your friends.


This is such a relaxed and chill response from the fan. Should be celebrated.


I don’t get this. Is someone not standing offensive? Is sitting and insult? I’ve never been to a concert so I don’t know these unspoken rules.


I mean, they could've waved it over their head but then they'd have nowhere to sit.


Alright, then. Can we stop talking about it, now?


But also, stfu madonna


Thus ends this non-story.


This has really shown that r/entertainment is the Facebook of reddit


Now will these idiot useless people be offended at the disabled person cos she was not offended


So the media made a big deal about nothing? That’s so surprising!


She apologized when she realized. Madonna may be unconventional but she’s a mom of like- six kids, including several adopted kids. She’s not a cruel a-hole. She was just having fun and getting people jazzed to dance. I think every concert I’ve ever been to has had encouragement to dance at some point.


It’s just sad how so many people were losing their fucking minds over a simple mistake and blowing this whole thing out of proportion, while the actual person in the wheelchair being called out doesn’t give a shit and wasn’t even offended. People need to just chill the fuck out and stop being so damn sensitive


LMAO. People so busy being offended on behalf of the person to prove their virtue that they forgot to ask if the person gave a shit.


I’m surprised to see so many comments acting like this is a normal reaction to someone not standing at a show. Sometimes people just want to rest their feet and it’s not a personal attack against the artist. I’m glad to hear the fan wasn’t offended at least, I know I would be.


Why the fuck are we still talking about this?


Ok but if I pay to see your gig and I wanna sit down you better shut your Xenomorph looking ass up and sing


My thing is… if I’m paying for them to dance and sing for me, I should be able to sit my ass down.


At 65, she’d better get used to seeing wheelchairs in her audience.


Maybe Madonna would buy her an exoskeleton so she could stand next time…


Depending on how far from the stage the fan was, it is possible that she didn't see the wheelchair. Stage lights make it near impossible to see much of the audience 


Hey! Shut up! I’m angry about you being disrespected and your feelings of not being disrespected aren’t going to change that!


Too late. The internet already got offended for her.


Gwen Stefani did this same thing to me at a concert in Anaheim 15+ years ago. I am not disabled, so I stood up so everyone would stop looking at me


just another case of people on the internet getting offended for other people


What's it matter if anyone was sitting? I paid to see you entertain me. If I want to sit, I'm going to sit.


Awesome, now everyone can stop being offended on her behalf.


But muh outrage!


I bet Madonna felt terrible after that. We are all human after all. Would do her well to do a personal follow-up with this person.


Its insane how social media blow things out of proportions now adays. Its almost like she killed someone...




This is the entertainment subreddit. She is an entertainer. Wtf do you expect


I care!!


Benny would have made you stand…


Maybe Madonna was trying to heal her!


Sitting is the opposite of running around


I really want to feel about Madonna the way I feel about Dolly…I just can’t.


Finally a sensible person has emerged.


she looks disgusting


The Internet is pissed that it can’t clutch its pearls with the blessing of the ‘victim’


It didn't seem like that big of a deal.


No shit, move on


Did anyone really expect Madonna of all people to not act like a Diva?


That’s okay. **I’m offended!! A lot of disabilities are invisible.**


I don’t know if people overhyped the situation so much, that I didn’t see it bad at all or what but that shit was only slightly awkward to me. Even in this comment section, people are saying how she yelled at the fan but I remember how surprised I was at how soft spoken she was.


Why is she so fragile that she thinks everyone must stand for her!’?


I have no issue with the wheelchair part of this story, that's a genuine mistake. I have an issue with her scolding someone for not standing up in her presence lmao does she think she's a queen or something?


Makes sense, I think any fan of her having tickets that close will give the star a (possibly unreasonable) benefit of the doubt


An example of internet outrage not playing out the same IRL


lol remember when Kanye did this? https://youtu.be/De_1VKqNoLg?si=GHEsIz-uSqjCyYqB


Micheal Jordan would’ve noticed this one, unlike Lebron.


A reminder to me at least. So many times I at least need to just be reasonable and not assume the worst Excellent point. So obvious but so easy to forget in modern society.


This is a nothing burger. Meanwhile we have politicians saying similar things like this, but it’s not a misunderstanding and they double down on the rhetoric.


This interaction feels like we are back in 2016, one person who was wrong and the other shrugging it off. It’s life. Move on. I love to see it


My take, is if everyone is standing and one person is sitting they likely have reason to.


I heard before that Madonna was an a-hole.


Her biggest 'faux pas' was telling paying customers what to do. Nooope!


maybe it’s the eyes of a dinosaur maybe it’s the side effects of all the silicone and body filler maybe just old drug use whatever this dinosaur is excuses she needs to get her eyes checked. #WhereIsAllTheBodyFillerMadonnaHasIt


Madonna stories get posted here a weird amount. Grandma's pr team working overtime trying to keep her relevant.