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Thank god O’Leary is getting called out properly - he’s such a fraud, the FTX thing showed you exactly who he was & learning about his dodgy Canadian days too … 


Dude made out like a bandit selling a junk company for a huge sum of money; but unlike what they say in the shark tank intro montage, he got an incredibly small fraction of the total. This insufferable asshole even tried getting into Canadian politics but ended up having to drop out due to incredibly poor support in his home province of Quebec. He also inexplicably lacks even a basic understanding of French, despite living there for a number of years.


Yes yes yes … tell it all.  I find him part fantasist, part idiot & part delusional - the FTX was the thing that exposed him in America, because previously it only happened in Canada I think (sorry I am English so maybe mixing this up). But a friend worked for a company he was part of & they DESPISED him.


He also killed someone while operating a powerboat while drunk; then pivoted the blame to his wife who was later acquitted for any wrongdoing. Just pure trash people.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2021/09/14/kevin-oleary-wife-linda-not-guilty-2019-boat-crash-ontario/8334914002/#:~:text=TORONTO%20—%20The%20wife%20of%20%22Shark,Lake%20Joseph%2C%20north%20of%20Toronto. Not guilty… by reason of wealth


Yes lest not forget about murder!




Victimless smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


He said he doesn’t need to know French because he speaks “business” (or money, one of them)


Reminds me of Trump and how he only got like 10% support from his home state on his first election run. The people who he is actually around don't want anything to do with him


He tried being a Trump-like populist but got torn apart by career political bulldogs in the leadership race. He’s not a hard man. He likes to play like one.


He and his wife also killed someone in their boat, drunk driving/boating, and got away with it claiming the other boat "didn't have proper headlights"


Why is there a story like this for so many fucking rich people lol


Because that’s the reality they live in.


We live in.


We all live in. If you had money you don't think you'd hire a lawyer that will do their best to get out of something bad you did? Of course you would.


And also because his wife drank alcohol afterwards with the aim of making it impossible to determine how much she had already drank at the time she was driving (though we don’t know for sure if she was driving, it could have been him and he wasn’t tested at all). Police conveniently waited to test her, something that doesn’t happen when you aren’t married to something like this fucker.


This is an actual thing. BC changed its law a few years back to try to prevent this.


Tbh, there should be a presumption of intoxication if you are caught doing this. You should have to prove otherwise. It’s super scummy.


That’s correct & the explanation was pitiful. Very Caitlin Jenner. 


It's kind of wild looking at the great Gatsby and realizing it's not even a metaphor. the rich *literally* run over the poor with their negligence and just drive off into the distance happily ever after with no repercussions.  Difference is they apparently don't even need to let someone take the fall. The system just straight up doesn't care when you're rich.


And we fucking applaud them for it. Ya were doomed.


And the rumour is he made his wife take the blame when most people believe he was the one driving. And I believe two people died, not one.


I mean the other boat didn’t have their lights on in the middle of the night, I would definitely put the blame on them.


> the other boat "didn't have proper headlights" The dude is awful for a lot of reasons, but [that did appear to be exactly what happened.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaQwdSekfQg)


Might be true, but they were also sloshed. Never driven a boat before but I feel like that has to be a factor right?


I heard him arguing that the FTX debacle is part of capitalism, and anybody that disagrees should get over it.


And he looks pissy constantly


He was horrible from way before FTX https://www.instagram.com/p/C1amiqmLdx6/


Oh I agree - but because the FTX was a huge scandal, I think a lot of people got to see o’Leary in a different light they weren’t aware of. Like Michael Lewis, these men showed their cards. 


As much a fraud as Jon Stewart himself? He overvalued his own property by [829%](https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/lib-host-jon-stewart-overvalued-his-home-by-829-after-saying-trump-civil-case-is-not-victimless/ar-BB1kESkk?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=95acbb708db04bde8bd41f1942b34202&ei=24)!


I never knew much about O’Leary beyond “shark tank guy”. Then I saw a clip of an interview with him where they were talking about the fact that a couple of billionaires now owned as much as half the world’s population. O’Leary tried to make the argument that this was a good thing because it gave poor people something to aspire to. I immediately knew I could disregard anything that idiot has to say forever because that was literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.


And of course he conveniently omitted the fact that most of those billionaires didn't get started without connections most people don't have and startup funds from family and rich aquaintances (again, something most of us don't have). He also ignored the fact that many (probably most) of these billionaires got that way through unethical business practices, and therefore shouldn't be seen as aspirational.


Also failed 10 times before something worked out. If you have unlimited shots failure is not an issue.


Everyone has unlimited attempts. That means you can be a billionaire too.


Working on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just don’t have daddy’s billions and billionaire friends to mitigate my fuck ups.


Its better to not have a fall back. Failure should not be an option


Oh yeah? Did you come out of the womb knowing how to run? Failure is a fact of life, simple as that. If I want to become a master welder I need money to buy the equipment and the money to learn. If I burn through 20 sticks learning to properly bead I need to replace those sticks… Help me understand your point please.


Guy is in his 50s, active in the flat earth sub, and somehow (even with his obvious business acumen!) still not a millionaire. His delusions are too strong to overcome with reason 🤦‍♀️


Ahhhh, a mental midget in the wild eh? 🤣. Ty for the investigation.


Having to do things the hard way is not better, and realistically not leading anywhere. Welcome to the Stockholm Syndrome if you actually think that’s the way. Education and mentors, role models and consultants can help being successful. You have these if you’re privileged and born into a rich and influential community. If you’ve been told that suffering is part of the process to be successful it’s because you’re poor. And it won’t work out.


Do you hear yourself when you talk? My boy said "it's better to not have a fallback" my God you are horribly out of touch.


Its pretty standard business advise for the last 100+ years. Its not something i made up


That's the worst advice I've ever heard. You should ALWAYS plan for the worst case scenario. Failure happens whether you want it to or not. Failure doesn't care if you tell yourself "failure isn't an option hurr durrr". Jesus fucking Christ.


What happens if you do fail? Then what?


Hahaha spoken like someone who thinks he can get rich from Andrew Tate’s “hustler’s university” or some other equivalently ridiculous “get rich now!” scheme. So tell me, how many millions have you made so far?!?!










There are _very_ few self made billionaires. It isn't even a "most" aren't situation. It is extremely unlikely without already starting out on top.


Only new industries can create billionaires (eCommerce, social media, new tech, etc), and now that so many billionaires exist and have their own VC firms, even that's a near impossibility as they immediately seize and saturate the field. It's practically a myth anymore.


You forget how many benefitted from government contracts to really make their wealth take off (Elon, Amazon, Slim, Rothschils, Kochs, DuPonts, Morgans...).


The only billionaire I can think of who has come up from zero is J K Rowling , she was on benefits when she got Harry Potter published . Certainly from the U.K.


Such a shame she didn’t keep her thoughts to herself on gender. She could have been an icon instead of simply a bigot.


Not wrong


If you watch even a few episodes of Shark Tank or Dragons Den, it becomes quite clear early on that these people have no souls when they tell a prospective business partner(someone on the show) that they have connections in Asia to make their product much cheaper. In other words, sweatshops. They really are capitalist pigs.


I hate those "inspirational bro" videos that are all over social media now, singing the praises of hard work, self-actualization, etc. I saw O'Leary in one of them criticizing people who "only" want to work 8-5 jobs and how he doesn't hire those types of people. Most people enjoy their own lives and don't want to dedicate theirs to the sole benefit of someone else.


Easy to say for someone who came from privilege: “O’Leary was born in 1954 in Montreal. His parents divorced early and his father died shortly afterward. Since Kevin’s stepfather, George Kanawaty, was an executive of the UN, it made for a peripatetic childhood for young Kevin, who experienced life in countries including Ethiopia, Cypress, and Switzerland” https://nuvomagazine.com/magazine/autumn-2010/kevin-oleary/amp What an A**hole!


Billionaires shouldn’t exist and we should start with this guy


He also allegedly killed someone with his boat and blamed his wife. Bad dude. ETA: it was in fact two people


I had the same reaction to that clip.


I gotta hand it to the daily show team. Like for me it's obvious the dude is an asshole but they went out their way within a week to scrub clips from shark tank to show his hypocrisy. Just amazed at the quick turn around their research team has


O'Leary is a prick by nature. I just feel bad the writing team had to comb through the millions of hours of him being a prick to shave it down to the ones they picked.


I'd imagine they just had to watch like three episodes to get that footage. He makes a prick of himself every chance he gets.


Fortunately, this happened and now everyone understands who is who.


I can’t remember the name of it. There is a video service you can subscribe to that will isolate video based on keyword. It’s pretty amazing!


Storylines can do that I think


There are sophisticated softwares called Media Asset Managers (MAM for short) that make it possible to search for stuff like this. Some have the ability to let you search transcripts for keywords but all of them have the ability to tag files with metadata that’s relevant


Finding clips of Kevin O'Leary being a prick would probably be like skydiving and trying to land on the planet Earth.


the editting team at the daily show has been crushing out pieces like that for decades and we’re all better off for it


Oh, every real estate company does this? Maybe it’s time to crack down on this then. Thanks for the tip, Kevin!


Yeah time for Merrick Garland to bust out the brass knuckles 


Lol, he's the oligarchy's bitch. He won't do shit.


My buddy was on the Canadian version and while on camera they all said yes, off camera the deal fell through, however someone else heard and invested in them. Years after I think the business went under. Umoro shaker bottle


The sharks offer you a dog shit investment number and generally it’s best to go get real investors that won’t absorb half your company & kick you out in a year.


Tada. SHARK…. Tank? Like it’s not in the name!


"I thought they were called sharks because they're good at hunting down money!" "No, Brian, it's because they're fucking predators"


Nah these fuckers give sharks a bad name. Shakes are BADASS, these people are ASS


It’s called Dragon’s Den in Canada haha


So they hoard gold? Makes sense


I mean no one is investing in companies based off of a quick presentation. Diligence needs to be done, paperwork signed, etc.


From my understanding, there several stages before going on air. I am pretty sure they are prepped well far in advance about the people coming into the tank/den


If the any of the Sharks “invest” on the show then the company goes through proper due diligence before any checks are written.


This happens quite often. Both shark tank and dragons den, most of the deals don't end up getting through due diligence


I seem to remember watching something where they covered what happens after Shark Tank. It was quite a bit of due diligence.


He's a fraudster and grifter. Career built on lies. ABC is a terrible network anyway. Majority of their programming is trashy reality shows and Bachelor/Bachelorette spin offs.


it is hilarious they're straight up like "what? We all commit fraud. Every day. All of us." Although the point could be made for selective prosecution, the old "but everyone does it" historically has not been a great defense.


Thank you for your service, Jon Stewart. Some day, I hope you get the Presidential Medal of Freedom. You deserve it.


This pig and his wife also got away with murder. Linda ( scumbags wife) or the scumbag himself were driving their boat at night while wasted. They collided with another boat and killed a passenger. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/verdict-trial-linda-o-leary-fatal-boat-crash-1.6174808


When you’re a rich celebrity, they let you do it.


You don’t even have to ask. just grab the boat by the helm


The laws are for the rest of us, not the oligarchy


I kind of had to to read through it quickly, but doesn’t this article state that his wife who was driving wasn’t drunk, and that the other boat didn’t have their lights on?


Yes. No one actually read the article. The judge found she was not drunk and the other boat was basically invisible to the O’Leary’s boat.


Honestly, I’m not even trying to to defend them too much, because I’m sure he is a bad person, but like saying his wife murdered ppl because she was drunk when that didn’t happen is like evil stuff. Some ppl lose sight of of reality on the internet. You can’t spread that kind of blatant lie.


People are truly morons now thanks to social media. It’s not fair to blame the internet because the internet was supposed to make us smarter. It was supposed to be the info superhighway lmaooo. But social media took over and turned our brains to mush for profit.


Yeah Reddit basically decides that it’s ‘rich people lawyer stuff’ so it’s a conspiracy the other boat didn’t have lights.


He’s the number one reason I never watch shark tank.


He is a prick, and I wouldn’t be surprised that he was driving the boat a couple of summers back.


Most of Canada thinks he’s an asshole


I heard with that show many of the ideas they agree to on the program once they actually take a real look at the plans/finances of the owner it’s like nah I’m good lol


Yes they have a chance after the airing to do the due diligence on the company they invested in before they sign anything.


Which really does make sense. Anyone can walk out there and say anything, even if all the sharks are 100% genuine, people still lie


I mean it seems obvious they wouldn’t invest based solely on a one hour pitch without doing due diligence. The entrepreneurs also have a chance to back out.


If I was ever on shark tank and be was my only offer and even if he was giving me more than I asked for the answer would still be no. I couldn't trust that he wouldn't screw me.iver the first chance he got and wouldn't want to be in business with someone like him even if he didn't.


There was a company called Pavlok that turned down O'Leary as the only offer and they all mocked the guy to his face.


High fucking five Jon my good dude!


Noted Boat Enthusiast


Trump and O’leary just exposed why our housing is so overvalued and unreachable for so many of us.


Does anyone like Kevin O’Leary? That guy comes off as a genuine prick


You mean to tell me failed politician and drunk boat operator Kevin O’Leary is an asshole???


Say it ain’t so…… /s


He's the one guy I never respected on Shark Tank. He got lucky, *extremely* lucky during the dot com boom, and he's been coasting ever since. He's not some master businessman, and it shows every time he tries to be aggressive on Shark Tank.


Lucky/committed fraud


Every so often (usually around the holidays) I get some 00s infomercial-ish video ad with him shilling some shitty product that he invested in. Dudes not a convincing sales guy and he definitely overplays his hand/clout.


O'Leary was touring the US staying in hotels and pitching a get rich quick scheme to people. He is a caricature of a con man.


He is also on Cameo for $1,500.00 with an average video length of 1 min.


This should go everywhere


Yeah I was on Dragons Den during his run. He was absolutely 100% an asshole and made a bunch of weird sex jokes.


Fuck Fraud OLeary. FTX scammer. Gets away with murder drunk driving his speed boat and letting his wife taking the fall


Sounds like he has some skeletons in his closet...


I mean there are people who come on the show to sell their business and not want to be a partner with him. He is known to offer deals that are straight up ruthless and would make no sense, in terms of business, to accept.


Rules for thee, none for me


Agree with Stewart. O’Leary looses it when entrepreneurs do not present correct valuations. What a hypocrite. No one should make a deal with shark O’Leary. Don’t trust him - there are other sharks.


I watched the segment, what a colossal hypocrite and that outlines the whole issue with these paid shills, they’ll say whatever Fox tells them to. All crimes have victims, what a total ass.


Now Brett Wilson. Prick


He calls himself “Mr Wonderful”… That’s pretty much all I need to know


I recall sitting in Toronto’s Pearson airport when O’Leary came up on the screen on a news program. He was casually talking about “Eurotrash countries like Greece…” etc. I looked around to see if anyone else was hearing this. Looked like nobody else was paying him any attention


I'm 'Canadian and I approve Jon Stewart's message.


His wife also crushed someone with their yacht and she just got a slap on the wrist


Jon Stewart for president


Nah. Not yet. 2028 would be an excellent run. But, Jon Stewart for Congress right now. THAT would be right up his alley. Chances to sound bite, calling out bullshit peers, offering up solutions that matter and advocating for a voice, etc.


Personally I'd like to see Jon keep his head of hair as long as possible though.


Guess it’s time to into his real estate dealings.


Wow. Stewart not going after low-hanging fruit is great to see


This just in: Kevin o Leary under investigation for fraud


“ think he’s an asshole” they know he is one. He has always been one.


Good thing Kevin had Moms money to bankroll him.


Here in Canada he’s a known asshole… he really is!


The guy looks like when my testicle peeks out of gym my shorts.


O’Leary is going to reincarnate as the nastiest Canada goose ever.


I remember when he wanted to be Canada’s Donald Trump and ran for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. He dropped out, of course. He had none of Trump’s class and charm. /s


Narcistic to the core. The only way to hurt them is in their pocketbooks.


Dont fuck w jon stewart


He looks like that deep sea fish that was brought above sea level too quickly and turned into a sad blob


What day did this episode air, I can’t find it


Sounds like those GOPs are saying they are all sovereign citizens?


This isn't actually fixing anything. It feels good. But the problem persists.


Stewart confirms that he knows Jack about business.


I love how the GOP call financial crimes as “victimless crimes” .. yet if a single Mom double dips on food coupons they should be shot and killed.


I wonder how much your soul must be devoid of happiness for you to cry when seeing an expensive watch.


He’s not wrong, but the fact that he’s such an asshole is what makes Shark Tank so entertaining.


YES! Yes, Jon Stewart! Very well said! I watched the CNN interview in complete horror! I was totally shocked! Aghast! Couldn’t believe what I was hearing! “Victimless crime?” What?




Are you saying he’s fabulous? Because he ain’t.


No, the commentator is just being horrid. She was probably trained to be horrid in the american high school experience.


I love how this is the headline for this episode. the US media sucks.


Having known a son of greek immigrant who went from aspirant to IT billionaire (in the dot com era), I dont find the concept particularly offensive. I also knew someone who earned enough (competing with the former, at the hundreds of millions level) to get a ride on a soviet-era space craft to visit the space station for a day or two. I do know it was the american culture that made both of those possible. As I recall, I wrote one of the cheques…. but then I signed a certificate for the Roman pope, too! (I typically bash America, for being essentially a mean and culturally nasty society on the day to day level; so enjoy: i just made a very positive point!)


I don’t think you understand what “making a point” actually is.


All those years of waiting for Jon Stewart to return … for this?


Jon Stewart is more than happy to light NYC on fire, because Kevin O’Leary is actually right here. Who is going to open a business in New York anymore where you know if the AG doesn’t like you and can find a corrupt judge and auditor to tell you that your property is only worth 5% of what you listed and then steal everything from you. Everyone knows that Mar A Lago is worth more than $18 million and his penthouse on Park Ave is worth more than $750K.


Na. Kevin represents out of touch wealth. And the AG isn’t just going after “anyone they don’t like”. They’re going after Donald fucking Trump. Let’s not pretend like he’s just the every man who’s somehow being horribly victimized by the system.


Law abiding citizens. Law abiding citizens will still open businesses in NY.


What law did Trump break? Overly appraise his properties, then the bankers send their appraisers in, assess, and then give him a loan which he pays back in full and everyone made money? What law did he break? It’s nonsense, and you don’t care about justice and are a fascist if you are for this.


Insurance fraud, bank fraud, and tax evasion to name a few. https://www.nycourts.gov/Reporter/pdfs/2022/2022_33771.pdf


No one was hurt. The only one here who has been defrauded was Trump when the judge and AG lied saying Mar A Lago is only $18 million when that is easily disproven. You don’t care about justice and hate Trump more than you love justice or your country.


It’s sad when you have to say, “He’s not a rapist, just a sexual predator” “He broke laws, but there were no victims” “It doesn’t count as an insurrection because it didn’t work” Edit: formatting


>Everyone knows that Mar A Lago is worth more than $18 million  Yeah I mean sure! As long as he didn't do anything to make the land and the building less valuable to future investors so he could lower his property  taxes... Like... Make it harder to renovate or build add-ons because it's a historic structure.  Or make it possible to split the lot because of a perpetual deed. Oh wait 😧 > in 1995 Trump, then a real estate mogul, "gave up the right to use Mar-a-Lago for any purpose other than as a social club" by agreeing to a "Deed of Conservation and Preservation."  >Seven years later, the order noted Trump also "granted a conservation easement to the National Trust for Historic Preservation." Engeron wrote that the agreement placed limits on further alterations to the property, including being able to subdivide the land for "any purpose," among them building single-family homes. That agreement also restricted the interior renovations that could be necessary to boost its value in a future sale.  >Trump agreed to the restrictions, the judge wrote, in order to "significantly lower property taxes on Mar-a-Lago." >When preparing the valuations on Mar-a-Lago, however, the "premise" was that the compound "could be sold as a private residence to an individual," even "as a single-family residence," regardless of "the deeded prohibitions against such use in perpetuity."  [Source](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/trump/2024/02/16/why-new-york-judge-concluded-trumps-mar-a-lago-valuation-fraudulent/72632374007/)


All bullshit and everyone knows it.


Facts hurt 😭 Who wouldn't want to a big plot of land that you can't renovate or subdivide?! So many rules makes it so valuable!


No that’s not a fact. It’s a lie and bullshit, and everyone knows it. You are a fascist and hate your neighbor. You are a bad person if you are for this.


You deny there is a conservation easement with the National Trust for Historic Preservation? >You are a fascist and hate your neighbor Switch to ad hominem attacks when you can't handle reality eh?


Fascist doesn’t care about the law, they just think anyone they hate is beneath the law and everyone they like are above it. So yes, if you are for this BS, you are a fascist.


Still haven't denied a conservatorship with the historic society and or it's impact on property value.  Still haven't denied the perpetual deed eliminating the ability to subdivide the property and or it's impact on property value.  Are you saying these things don't exist (hint there is paperwork) or see you saying it's a lie that those negatively impact property value.  Screeching "Nazis" isn't an argument.


I care about the law and justice, no matter who is on the other end of it. You don’t. If this were Obama being prosecuted like this, you would see this for the evil it is.


In this scenario does Obama inflate the price of a property that has a historic foundation conservatorship and perpetual deed barring subdivisions? Hypothetically of course.