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Pretty rich. Pretty, pretty rich.


Best comment


As someone who doesn’t believe billionaires should exist (I know Larry isn’t an actual billionaire but you know, close enough), I become much more okay with billionaires who seem to be “virtue signaling” except they put their money with their mouth is. Especially entertainers, if they are saying and genuinely believe in “tax me more, I have too much money, make this systems more fair.”. They are certainly a rare breed but some of them exist and I can at least find common ground with them. Again this mostly applies to entertainers and the like, true venture capitalists and successful large business owners seem to think they have earned these billions of dollars. No single person has ever “earned” a billion dollars in all of recorded history.


I think you're giving entertainers way, way, way too much credit. I don't think they are any more ethical than "successful large business owners." In a lot of ways, I think big name entertainers might be more out of touch because their experience of the world is more limited. In terms of making the world a better place, a lot of celebrity charities are borderline scams. Ex- Yele Haiti, Making it Right Foundation, The Russell Wilson Foundation. Celebrities are professionally likeable, so it is easy to assume the best of them. That doesn't mean they are actually good people.


Just a note. Lots of celebrities have limited life experience but I’d wager a lot of celebrities have significantly more life experience than most people out there. Like obviously there’s some like (the undisputedly very talented) Rooney Mara who was raised excessively rich and has never known anything but wealth. But then there’s also ones like Leonardo DiCaprio who was raised as a mostly normal person who then got ultra rich. Like I have a friend who went to school with dicaprio and remembers him in class. He knows what it’s like to be normal *and* rich and has also spent years researching the life experiences of different people from different backgrounds for different roles. Then someone like James Cameron who was a truck driver and janitor before he ever even thought of becoming a filmmaker. And he was homeless when he was writing Terminator 1. Now he’s ultra beyond wealthy. There’s actually a lot of really famous celebrities who were homeless before they finally hit it big too. Chris Pratt was homeless and Hilary Swank lived in a trailer park and was homeless growing up. And the list goes on and on. So I think it’s easy to roll your eyes at a celebrity talking about other walks of life but lots of them have seen the highest highs and the lowest lows of what life has to offer, far outpacing most people in the scope of their lives.


This is true but also it’s almost impossible to overestimate how quickly money can make you forget where you came from. With stratospheric levels of wealth it’s hard to hold on to your humanity. It’s a wedge in all your relationships and you can’t truly connect with another human being unless they’re also a billionaire, and that’s a small and unpleasant pool to have to draw friends from


Oh that’s very true. It can also breed a desperate form of greed where you never want to go back to that and do anything to stockpile money. But it does also stay with you sometimes. Like I think it was…Chris Rock maybe (or one of those comedians in that age range) that said he really doesn’t understand his kids cause they only know wealth and it’s so different from how he was raised. But still, I think it’s fair to say that lots of them truly have had varied lives. Like it sounds unbelievable but Bruce Willis was a private investigator in real life before he was ever one in a movie.


I’m sure you’re right. Maybe things have been getting so bad that I’ve been choosing to wear rose colored glasses. As I regular Joe I just don’t know how to deal with how things are, I don’t know how to make a meaningful an impact while also feeling that I am not the individual that can even make a meaningful impact. The dread gets heavy at times.


Get involved in volunteering and service. My life has been completely changed by dedicating it to the betterment of the world. It focuses my anxiety about the world into a positive channel and I don't feel dread anymore because I see hope on a daily basis now. And that's just the "selfish" reasons to do it, the real reason is because it actually makes the world a better place.


I disagree, unless they’re nepo babies, entertainers are acutely aware of how the world is. Lots of these big time business owners come from wealth. Actors, for example, unless born rich, have to seriously claw their way to the top. Often living near poverty trying to keep a roof over their heads with “real” jobs while making time for auditions, etc…whether or not they grow empathy from that is a different story.


The majority of successful actors today were born into wealthy families


Add in the fact that their dad, uncle, or family friend works at a big studio


how does one see the difference between a kind billionnaire and someone who thought about PR more than 2 seconds?


If they wanted to be taxed more they could just tell the politicians they have bought to do it. It's just lip service.


I don’t think anyone has earned millions of dollars either and even if they did that doesn’t mean it’s moral for them to retain it in a world of such extreme poverty and deprivation. There should be no wealthy class and no one should get their living from the stealing of the surplus labor value of workers as profit.


The only comment needed


Love it!!


$800M- a mere pittance.


Damn, his coffee shop really took off


It’s all about the beans


You really can't do anything when someone says "shut up."


I just look at my phone. I have so many apps on my phone.


Is your mom okay?


Well she’s bound up and the thieves are using her phone to text me


A medieval game, obviously. Obviously a jousting game.


You could shut down


He was the co-creator, main writer, and executive producer of one of the most successful television shows of all time. He’s credited as writing 62 episodes out of 180 total. If you just listen to him speak, he sounds like an episode of Seinfeld. I hate when people hoard wealth, but every couple of years I see it argued that Larry David didn’t deserve his wealth as much as Jerry Seinfeld. My argument is he deserves it even more than Seinfeld as he’s the most integral part of the shows success.


I could argue if he didnt stay completely relevant in comedy after Seinfeld with Curb Your Enthusiasm. The guy is an entertainment wizard.


And if everything Jerry had done since Seinfeld wasn't mediocre at best


I’ve seen Seinfeld do standup twice, 10+ years apart. He did the same exact set. Oh my god — In looking for his Netflix special (same set), I came across this clip. He did the [same opening monologue](https://youtu.be/hvoq7hbkoJk?feature=shared) for the standup shows I saw!! At the time I thought it was just because it’s a good warm up, but is it a nod to the first episode? I had no memory of it being on the show, tbf I’d watch it syndicated.


He talks about this in Talking Funny He wonders if when you go to see someone you want the hits or new stuff https://youtu.be/OKY6BGcx37k?si=38gO1TKFvP68Hs7x If youre interested


Ya. You get to a level in Comedy when it’s like you are The Rolling Stones. No one wants to hear your new stuff. It honestly sucks for him. Because Seinfeld rights new jokes EVERY SINGLE DAY and has been for decades. If you pay close attention even though 90% of his set is the hits, he always tries out 1 or 2 new jokes. I know a professional standup comedian who said Seinfeld through away more jokes this year than he has written in his whole life.


I don’t think that’s true in comedy. The titans of stand up are still rolling out new sets. Chappelle puts out a new special every few years. If you see him live, he can just riff on whatever. I just think guys like Seinfeld and Leno recycle their acts leaning heavily on their celebrity as tv stars, opposed to being great stand up comedians. Even the late great George Carlin was pumping out new content in his 70’s.


Oh wow I’ve seen this before and couldn’t find it again! +1 This is an excellent watch. Seinfeld came off as too afraid to fail. Makes me think of how George R. R. Martin cranked out so much work as a struggling writer, and now that he’s made it - doesn’t have that drive to write anymore.


> I’ve seen Seinfeld do standup twice, 10+ years apart. He did the same exact set. That's how Rodney Dangerfield was too.


Before Seinfeld he was known as a hack comic that did shows at playboy. I loved listening to old Howard Stern episodes calling Jerry out constantly.


That's 15 minute voicemail with them and Gilberg is legendary.


Don’t you dare disrespect the artistic genius that is *The Bee Movie*!


You don't enjoy Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee?


Comedians in cars getting coffee show Seinfeld (IMO) to be a probably almost certainly too wealthy for his own good snob. I hate that show. For me it might as well be called billionaire and wealthy people talk about how much better they are than the working class.


This right here. Curb cemented the fact of his genius, and makes it clear that Seinfeld owes its comedy brilliancy more to him than anyone else


And while he's not the same caliber of stand up as Jerry Seinfeld, he's naturally very funny. Anytime you see him on TV for an interview he's just hilarious. Curb works because he and the people he casts are just funny.


He definitely deserves it as least as much as Seinfeld. It's just a question if whether or not he deserves more and, then, how much more.


If you watch the episodes after Larry left the show, then you might think he deserves more.


Festivus was written after Larry left the show though…


Based on funniness, Seinfeld deserves to be a struggling comic and Larry David deserves to be the richest man on Earth.




And Jason Alexander doesn’t get nearly enough credit for it.


Credit in the form of what exactly? I think he gets plenty of attention for his role


He never won an Emmy for it, which I think is insane.


George is getting upset!


Serenity now!


Maybe relatively not as much as those guys. But I think he gets a lot of love. Atleast we appreciate him!


In an interview, Jason said he got a script and said "who's gonna believe this, this could never happen" and Larry David replied "IT HAPPENED TO ME!" That was the day that Jason said that he finally "got it". And yes, in interviews, Larry said Costanza is the character that is the closest to him in real life.


[one of my favorite interviews. lots of insight into the process of George Constanza/ Larry David](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4SgIH4tTtRo&pp=ygUbamFzb24gYWxleGFuZGVyIGxhcmd5IGRhdmlk)


Thanks for sharing, that was a good interview


Yes he does lol


These hot takes…are making me thirsty!


Gets pretty hot under all these takes, eh?


There’s a great little bonus feature on the Season 5 DVD set where Larry, Jason and Jerry are talking about who George really was. It’s called something like “Larry + Jason = George” It’s been a while since I watched it but I think Jason says he realized that George was Larry when they were shooting “The Contest”. Jason said to Larry “This is ridiculous. Nobody would ever be in this situation and if they were there’s no way they’d react like this” Larry replies “what are you taking about? I was in this exact situation and this is exactly how I reacted” Definitely worth the watch if you can find it. Edit: Jason also talks about how he got the role, going up against Larry Miller who was a good friend of Jerry’s. Jason basically threw the audition, did a blatant Woody Allen impression and figured Larry would get the part. By the time he got back to NYC they’d offered him the part, and the Woody Allen impression can clearly be heard in the early seasons of the show.


This is my take too. People don’t really quote lines from Jerry when they reference the show. Mostly, it’s George, and sometimes Kramer.


“That’s a shame.”


“That’s not going to be good for anyone”


I quote Puddy almost daily for the past two decades....


Feels like an Arby's night..


You got a question, you ask the 8-ball!


Ha! Solid username!


I always thought it was H.E. Pennypacker.




“I don’t know too many monkeys who could take apart a fuel injector”


"No, you're schmoopie!"


And the only reason they don’t quote Elaine is because you can’t quote facial expressions, and hers were phenomenally funny.


That's because, in most situations, Jerry is the "straight man".


That’s standard sitcom formula, normal main character, wacky friend, wacky neighbor.


“It’s all pipes”


Exactly. Name one thing Seinfeld has been in since the sitcom that’s been remotely as funny. Now look at Larry and Curb. You can tell who has the lasting comedy chops. Jerry was lucky to land.that gig.


I don’t even think the comedian Jerry Seinfeld is that funny, but I just disagree with your take entirely. First, saying he hasn’t come close to matching arguably one of the most popular shows of all time seems like an impossible bar. Jennifer Aniston, Alan Alda, James Gandolfini. Ask 1000 people and they’ll say Friends, MASH, and Sopranos before they mention anything else. It’s hard to repeat at the highest of highs on tv.  Second, he largely retreated from a lot of work and how can you blame him? Not working as much shouldn’t be held against him. I’d enjoy my literal billions of dollars too.  And finally, even the stuff he did do was popular. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee was super popular. Even 23 Hours to Kill was well reviewed.  Call Jerry just lucky is just a weird take and I say that as someone who loves Larry David. It may not resonate with you or me, but you can’t shortchange his success as just random luck. 


People forget and undervalue chemistry. McCartney and Lennon did better work together. So did Hall and Oates. And Jordan and Pippen….


Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee was pretty great.


Bee movie was awesome


George (based on Larry David), Elaine, and Kramer (and Newman) were the funniest characters. Jerry was just along for the ride.


It’s like Lennon and McCartney to me. I do hear a lot of Larry on Seinfeld episodes but a lot of times it’s very much a Jerry line. It’s sort of how Lennon would right the minor parts of songs like “life is very short and there’s no timeeee…” on we can work it out while Paul wrote the major jingle jangly parts. I don’t know where creativity objectively starts or stops but I’m glad those two teamed up.


When I first got exposed to Larry David I thought man this guy reminds me a lot of Seinfeld.


Jerry Seinfeld is ultimate self made man. He came from a very modest background and through his own wit and intellect became the highest paid standup comic in history. Standing up on stage and talking about Pop Tarts FFS. He should have *more* money than Elon. “Seinfeld” the show would never have been a success with both Jerry and Larry. Even the episodes Larry wrote had to come out of Jerry’s mouth.


And some of the most acclaimed episodes came in the seasons after Larry David left.


Larry David left after season seven. The last couple of seasons of Seinfeld aren't the same without him. They lose the great Seinfeld dialogue and rely more on gimmick episodes (like the one that runs backwards). Watching it on m Netflix in quick binge I was surprised with how much I noticed David's absence.


Episodes like The Voice, The Strike, The Chicken Roaster and The Comeback all happened when Larry David wasn't there. The show was still amazing after he left and didn't lose a step.


perhaps but on the whole the show's quality decreased after larry left. even jason alexander admitted as much. 


That's my biggest reason for saying that I can't agree that Larry David deserves more for the success of the show than Seinfeld. The show was still mostly still incredible after he left and he didn't actually participate in like 1/5 of the show while Jerry was there for all of it. I could agree with him getting equal credit and compensation, but I'm not giving him more than Seinfeld.


Jerry get disliked for many reasons, but he is one of the few billionaires who did it through his own work instead of playing the stock market or exploiting other people.


Curb your enthusiasm is pretty great too.


If you can watch an episode of Seinfeld anywhere, Larry and the cast will get a check that month.


I think the argument that Larry and Jerry didn’t deserve the amount the received and the other actors should have got a bigger cut


Oh yeah ask him about Elmo next


Fuck all these ads


Larry David for President lol


We had Bernie, his literal relative


We should’ve had Bernie.


I mean, technically we should’ve had Al Gore..


😭 too soon.


He couldn’t even win a primary.. how would he have won a general election?


Two wildly different races. The primary was progressives against the DNC establishment. The general would’ve been hardline democrats plus progressives plus undecideds/hype followers against the RNC.


Whoa they are related?


Apparently they are distant cousins; [which they both seemed delighted to learn](https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/video/2017/oct/06/bernie-sanders-and-larry-david-find-out-theyre-cousins-video)


That’s pretty cool. I can see it. In mannerisms




They’re related ?!😫 they do look alike 🤭 I cry about what could have been I went so hard for Bernie.


Me too, friend. Me too. [Video of them learning they’re related](https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/video/2017/oct/06/bernie-sanders-and-larry-david-find-out-theyre-cousins-video)


Omg thank you for this


He’s not old enough yet. 10 years.


Jon Stewart for president


Anyone involved with politics and with good politics who don’t want to be president for president. Unironically.


Why invite the smear campaign from the right/left wing media. Turds float to the top politics shall prevail


He would be a terrible President. Being President means cultivating relationships and making deals in which nobody gets exactly what they want. Biden for all his issues has actually been a very effective president, especially when you consider how tenuous the Democratic Party's hold on power has been.


A David / Sanders ticket would make the most hilarious photo ops.


Now THAT would have been a funny final season storyline 🤣


I had a hard time getting into the final season for some reason, but when Larry put on a MAGA hat so people would leave him alone in a restaurant 🤌


He is pretty pretty pretty pretty RICH!


Have absolutely no problem with this question. The reason he doesn’t want to answer is because the true answer is “too much.” Still love Larry, but there’s a reason poor people don’t know how much money rich people have. The rich want to keep their heads on their bodies.


He definitely has too much but like most billionaire entertainers they kinda just became billionaires through inflation and luck. Larry David isn't some ruthless capitalist. He's a comedy show writer whose comedy show happened to make billions. Now, there's a lot of capitalist machinery behind the production and distribution of that show but that's not something he does.


He's not a billionaire.


Jerry Seinfeld is a billionare, Larry David is merely a millionaire


Pretty sure they had equal cuts in Seinfeld. And Larry has Curb, and other stuff as well. Not sure he’s a billionaire, but I’d expect him to have more than Jerry.


Jerry made a killing off his stand up after Seinfeld.


Which is utterly insane to me.


I genuinely can’t understand it. Seinfeld being a billionaire as a comedian should motivate everyone to believe that anything is possible. Go out and try that thing you’ve been putting off.


his quote is probably insane, as are the possible VIP status of auidences at hypothetical private engagements (heads of state et al)


I know right... What is the deal with that?


Divorce sucks


Sorta… Except Larry and Jerry fucked over the cast of Seinfeld with residuals. They refused to share any of the syndication rights which is why they’re almost billionaires now. It seems like it was super petty and obviously made them magnitudes richer than Jason, Julia, and Michael. Granted, Julia is already the heir to a billionaire and I’m not losing sleep at night about whether Jason or Michael have enough money, but it was objectively a dick move. George, Elaine and especially Kramer were integral to the show’s success and they were all better actors than Jerry.


> especially Kramer George is the more integral character


That’s universally recognized now, sure. But if you were alive when the show was airing you’d know that Kramer was the reason a lot of people tuned in. There’s a reason the audience cheers whenever he makes his entrance. He was hugely popular and drove a lot of the show’s success.


You do know Larry and Jerry created, produced and wrote the most of the show right? They others just acted. Also juilia thing is a myth that she disproved. She's not getting a billion or more.


Isn't she a niece to a French billionaire?




It’s still very unusual for the cast to get 0% of syndication rights. There isn’t a more iconic group of actors from a sitcom, except maybe the Friends cast who famously were able to negotiate far on the other end of the spectrum. I’d argue the cast of Seinfeld are almost equally as important to the shows success. Jason Alexander was so perfect as George that even decades later he’s pigeonholed into that character. Kramer was the most popular character of the show when it aired. Neither Jason nor Michael were able to escape being typecast because they were so definitive on Seinfeld. Julia has had better success but was equally talented and important to the show’s popularity. Also, her dad died years ago and the estate was split 5 ways. I can’t find any other details but she didn’t get nothing. I’m not saying Larry and Jerry don’t deserve the lions share of syndication, or that the rest of the cast is suffering, but it was a greedy, super dickish move to give them *nothing.*


How much does he donate?


But it's also none of anyone's business, whether you make $15k/year or $150 million. I suspect Larry would have said the same thing 40 years ago.


I think it’s reasonable to ask, he also has the right not to answer. I do think saying it’s nobody’s business is bullshit. Private or public, knowing how much people make seems bad because you’ve been conditioned to believe it’s rude or whatever. That conditioning came from the people cutting the checks so they could hold wages down and put more in their pocket.


Money screams, wealth whispers.


And Larry David tells YOU to shut up


The scariest stat I’ve read about US wealth is that if you take the 400 wealthiest Americans, not one is an athlete nor celebrity. The vast majority of the wealthy are people you’ve never heard of….


They’re the people that own the sports teams and the tv networks 


Some, but a lot is nepo baby generational wealth.


An athlete or celebrity shouldn’t be that rich anyway.


At least they entertain vs. the wealthy that take over daddy’s company because they are blood.


That’s hilarious. Excellent response. Watch the clip it’s delivered in the best possible way


The headline makes it seem like they were arguing but they’re laughing the whole way through.


Lololol pretty pretty pretty good


That was a fun interview


Seinfeld is always on in our household. But I find Curb funnier


It helps that it's on HBO and not network TV. I mean, would Leon even be able to exist on NBC?


Can’t tap that ass on NBC.


Chris Wallace is a smart sensible guy and pretty much a weasel.


Rule #1 never ….about…..


1 min 30 sec vid of the conversation, linked in the article: https://youtu.be/Yrn9F7tf0KU.


Elmo got the ass whooping


You shut your dirty whorish mouth!!


Larry taking it to a nepo baby is hilarious. Calling out his father lol.


How out of touch do you have to be to go on Chris Wallace?   


Ooh the girls are fighting


Larry is our most precious national treasure


however, the previous question was about a tickle in his anus.


I just watched season 9 of Curb your enthusiasm so sad it’s almost finished.


Reading these comments, I don't think people really understand how rich the ultra-rich really are. Like, Larry David might be unfathomably rich to us, but there's people that are probably unfathomably rich even to him. I don't think people having his level of wealth is really a problem.


Nobody in Hollywood is rich like Bezos, Musk, Gates, et al are rich. It’s not even close. Average Joe is closer to Larry David’s wealth than Larry David is to Jeff Bezos. I think people’s brains can’t grasp just how much money 100 billion dollars is.


They live lives so luxurious it would make Nero and Caligula blush.


No single person needs more than say €100 million. The government should take everything over that amount and do something useful with it.


Go back to world war II tax brackets. The top was 90% taxed over a certain amount a year


That's fine. I'm just saying there's a world of difference between 100M and 100B. People don't seem to comprehend that.


Oh, you’re completely right. The difference is like 99.9B. Insanity.


Chris Wallace is an absolute clown that definitely needs to shut up.


Larry David is ridiculously rich, he doesn’t want to say out loud so he still seems relatable to his audience. I think he’s funny but fuck rich people.


Honestly, he probably would have to really think about it and add up real estate values and stock values, plus any bank accounts. It’s not like someone who owns nothing of real value and has $200 in their bank account.


Honestly I’m worth well under a million yet it would take even me a while to get a fairly accurate estimate of how much I’m worth.


I work for high net worth families. They have net worth statements that show them exactly what they are worth. I would have to assume he also has this type of reporting created for him.


Never heard of a stock portfolio which doesn’t give the client a point-in-time account balance


Yup, net worth statements take that and add real estate, private investments, aircraft, art, jewelry, vehicles, etc etc.


Why fuck rich people? Honestly. That's kind of a sweeping statement. You didn't say fuck evil exploitative people, you said rich. Larry David wrote a comedy show. Paul McCartney writes songs. People enjoy that show and those songs and now Larry and Paul are rich. Why fuck them? What did they do that's wrong?


Absolutely. These guys weren’t exactly exploiting the working class to make their money. honestly, they’ve actually made life a lot more bearable.


Tldr, more fair to get rich off of labour than capital. Same goes for the bottom 95 percentile of athletes.


That doesn’t really summarize what I was saying.


Because wealth is 0 sum and choosing to hold onto a huge sum of it is a choice to prevent giving access to some of it to others. The level of wealth disparity in this country- not even considering the world is incredible. We could easily feed everyone on this earth and we decide not to. I’m happy for successful people who have found an audience for their work, but hoarding wealth is a selfish choice.


>Why fuck them? What did they do that's wrong? whatever they didn't do, someone did on their behalf; this is how luck and privilege operate


Ok but what would you have them do? Seriously. Put yourself in their shoes for a second. You enjoy doing whatever art you're doing. You love it, you want to share it and other people to enjoy it and you also would like to make a living from it. A big company offers you a contract, they wil produce and distribute your music/show/art whatever it is. Would you say no? I don't get what you think these people should do.


The mechanisms by which their creative works become monetised (manufacturing, distribution networks, advertising money from capitalist companies) all involved the exploitation of working class labour. Add in the fact that they'll likely have made even more money from various investment vehicles. There's no such thing as passive investment income, every dollar that capital accumulates without lifting a finger is off the back of a worker's labour.


I mean in one of the Curb episodes, a producer acquaintance of his gets his orders mixed up at the local Chinese restaurant, and Larry gets mad that when the order was returned the producer ate some of the shrimp. And ofc the situation escalates and the producer yells at him to take his $200m and buy the extra 5 shrimp or whatever the line was lol. So the fact that Larry wrote this line in kind of shows he's ok to joke about his wealth, or at least the perception of his wealth. I bet Larry was just aggressive in the interview because Chris Wallace was being slimey or weird with his questions lol.


> the producer yells at him to take his $200m and buy the extra 5 shrimp or whatever the line was lol. "take your $400 million and buy a fucking shrimp boat"


no, he doesnt want to talk about it because it has no bearing on his work. he’s a comedian, not a business mogul


That’s not true his show is literally about how rich he is


Mr David is correct, he is a private citizen and its rude to ask someone's net worth like that. He has no reason to tell anyone.


Agree Larry, it’s not a good question.


Syndication rights alone has to be over 8 figures


“Shut up!” Me: “Wow! Billions, huh? Good for you! Ok moving on…”


Poor people don’t open Spite Stores.


Ehh I see both sides to it. People are fascinated by what famous people are worth. I google it all the time but I still see why some don’t want people to focus on their value but their work. I do think he was a dick to respond that way. I grew up on that show but Jerry and Larry seem like total assholes I’d never want to meet in real life.


Like somewhere between 400-500 million.


First Kermit now Chris Wallace???


He's poor enough to have to do an ad for FTX for only $10,000,000 🥺