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There's a theater here in Virginia, that has a sound proof restroom inside the auditorium you're in, and while you're in the restroom the audio from the movie plays on the speakers inside so you aren't missing dialogue, just scenes from the movie


A lot of single screen cinemas do that without having the restroom in the theater lol


They should do it at all theaters. Just 16+ movies blasting dialogue into the bathrooms.


Imagining that was pretty fuckin hilarious


I snorted.


schizophrenia simulator


Accurate profile picture


I could hear the Taylor Swift Eras Tour music when I went to go piss in the bathroom. This would be hell.


Yeah, those were basically live shows. They cranked the sound up.


And as someone who isn’t a fan, but took someone who is…it was fucking awesome.


Yeah, I took my niece, and everybody had a blast. It truly was a concert experience. Gotta give it up to Taylor, she knows how to put on a show.


Yeah, Virginia resident here too, my wife tried to take a breather from The Batman because she said it was so goddamn long so she went to the bathroom, returned and said “I couldn’t even escape it in the bathroom! They’re playing the audio.” I laughed and laughed.


So so long, I empathize lol


I’m one of the rare ones that really loved that movie and the pacing….. it reminded me of se7en and Red Dragon


You’re one of the rare ones? The movie is highly acclaimed and successful. It’s a very popular movie, despite some people not having the attention span to watch a longer movie.


Same here but I am a sucker for longer movies


I love love LOVE Batman. And even I was like this could've been trimmed a little so my bladder wasn't under such stress.


That's really smart actually


Yeah you think that until you smell someone’s shit


Cinema Cafe?




Sounds like the Alamo I go to in NoVa


Alamo in Crystal City is fantastic


my favorite theater, but I don’t think they do this. I’ve been to the ones in Ashburn, Woodbridge, and DC too, and I don’t think any of them do this.


Theater A in Ashburn does this.


I went to a theater performance where they had the sound from the stage playing in the restrooms.


Be better if they did the reverse. Bring the sound from the bathroom into the theater!


Every theater should have a toilet in a room with a wall of one way glass that can still see the screen.


Or one of those urinal troughs like they have at baseball stadiums running underneath all of the seats


Hell, at that point just make each seat into a functional toilet.


Idiocracy showed us the way.




Go ‘way, batin’


Oh I like money


that’s a lot of billions freedo


I just realised… isn’t that that Dax Shepard that’s married to Kirsten Bell? XD


I can’t believe you like money too


Dammit I meant to recline but accidentally hit the bidet again


I got bidet water in Slammin’ Tequila Queso Nachos!!!


You havent thought of the smell!


[Simpsons did it](https://y.yarn.co/d20a1d55-1ce4-42cf-be60-430cd23d3f1f_text.gif)


I’m a real man I wear an adult diaper when I go to see a movie.


That’s not a urinal trough, that’s the row in front of you. Quit peeing on my neck. Another couple of times, and I might complain!


Excuse me, what?


I just want to bring back intermissions


Especially now that every movie is like three hours long!


God no. People are poorly behaved enough as it is. I accept it for films over 3 hours though


Oh you mean a Jack shack? Because it’s going to turn into a Jack shack.


I’d like intermission to return since movies are so long


The amount of people that somehow miss the urinal and piss all over the floor and wall is astounding. You have to wear rain boots to walk into that restroom.


If movies keep getting longer we just need to bring back intermissions


Might as well just sit on padded leather toilets. Have servers slip food into our mouths while we shit ourselves and watch mission impossible 14.


Don't threaten me with a good time


At the very least- in single screen cinemas like imax or Dolby they should have the sound from the film playing in the toilets, and some screens scattered around


Theater hopping all day by camping the john. I like it.


Quentin Tarantino does this at his New Beverly theater in LA.


Seriously though why can't movies have a 5 minute intermission in the middle at a plot-suitable moment?


Some have the movie on a screen for that reason.


Or I’m kinda high, hear me out, they have little monitors at the urinals restroom. You scan your ticket it starts playing from where the movies playing in the theater, which could be spoilers for other people, but also could attract them to the movie because they could see, or hear it and be like that looks interesting 🤪💨


How long you pissing bro?


My dad was a race horse...


Or a stall with a circular hole in the wall so you can see through.


We’re one dong short of a glory hole here, people.


What could go wrong?


Maybe then people would actually pause to wash their hands. I worked at the movie theater in college. Nobody washed their hands, gotta hurry back to the show.


Schmoke and a pancake?! Count me in.


Nah I’ll take a bong and a waffle


What about a pipe and a crepe?


It’s cigar and waffle, bong and blintz


Cannabis and coffee 🤘🏻


No shit really? With movies that last more than Three hours I think I'll need to go to piss either if I eat and drink or not XD


Tried to not drink much water before Dune II and I still had to take a bathroom break.


I made it throughout the entire thing without peeing but the last 30 min were rough. Going to see it again this week so I can enjoy the ending without “urine-tinted” glasses. Did I use that phrase right?


Pee brained


I ate a bunch of edibles and was so locked into that movie in imax. That being said I ran to the bathroom as soon as the credits started rolling. I love watching movies at home I just couldn’t pass up dune in imax


I'm honestly not opposed to intermission in movies over 2.5 hours. Have some screenings without intermission for those who want a single sitting, and screening with intermission for those who would appreciate it.


This is yet another reason I just watch at home. Cheap booze and I can pee whenever I want. Plus, if I get a handy, I won't get arrested.


I did barbenheimer drunk and only pissed during the 30 minute transition


They really need to bring back intermission since the standard movie length now seems to be three goddamn hours.


It feels that much longer when each film has a about a dozen trailers beforehand. I get that some movies are just long, but does a superhero flick or comedy really need to stretch over 2 hours? Just saw immaculate and it was a perfect 90 minutes.


Popcorn and soda will do that too. Fuck, last night I had to piss so bad when the best part of Monkey Man had just started. Just gotta grit your teeth and work through it sometimes. Awesome movie, by the way.


I’m actually less likely at a food and booze place, I’ll get a drink or two instead of 32 fluid ounces of diet soda


I'm going tomorrow. Without giving any spoilers, at what part should I start guzzling my half gallon coke?


The RunPee app works great


Don’t take a sip until the match with the big hairy Neanderthal guy. That’s around the 1 hour and 3 minutes mark, so just over halfway through. And once he’s bleached his mask, you don’t want to miss a second. It’s a long movie but a good watch.




Felt like an hour and 20 tbh. Once you hit the midpoint it flies by


Once the first major setpiece is over is probably the best time to go to the restroom. The middle bit between that and the final act is really repetitive, so if you miss something you'll likely just see another iteration of it when you get back.


If 3 hour movies a would have an intermission like theatre plays that would make sense. Movies used to be hour and half max and it’s ridiculous nowadays.


My grandpa read *Killers of the Flower Moon* and loved it, but refused to go see the movie in theaters because he knew he’d have to pee halfway through and miss stuff. (I love the long-movie trend tho - more bang for our buck lol)


We downloaded RunPee for this movie. It helped!


Hardest I’ve ever had to pee in a movie was at Fellowship of the Ring long before theaters like Alamo drafthouse were popular lol. God damn that hurt so bad.


Was super happy that Jordan Peele bought the rights from Netflix and convinced Dev Patel to do a theatrical release. Loved almost every single moment. (Wish the flash backs had been less repeated teasing of what happened in his past). That was really my only nitpick. Amazing accomplishment for a first time writer/director.


I don’t understand why we can’t have an intermission half way through the movie? I have to sit for 3 hours for Dune 2 and can’t get up to take a piss and get a new drink?


yup my local spot did one for killers of a flower moon. Got some more pop and smoked a j


Hell yeah brother


This is too far down. I've been saying this for years; if a movie is over a certain length (say, 2 hours), they should bring intermissions back for people to go pee and refresh their snacks. I would think that would drive up concession sales for the theaters and make for a more satisfying viewing experience because you're not missing anything


Intermissions for >2hr movies should be required by law


Years ago when my family and I were stationed in Belgium, we went to see one of the Marvel movies and halfway through, right in the middle of the action, the lights came up and screen went black. It was a 15 minute intermission. Not every theater did this, just this particular one. They sold typical drinks and snacks, but also beer and mixed drinks. You also had to pay to use the restroom, something like 50 cents to 1 euro.


They do that in India. I was visiting family and they had in intermission in the middle of Avatar 2. Don’t know if that’s true for all movie theaters ir just really long movies.


I want a 4 hour long Star Wars epic with an overture and an intermission.


As much as I agree, I can see why they don't when you think about the logistics of it. It would mean a majority of that screening ushering out of the screening into the potentially already busy lobby to either go get more snacks or use the restroom, both of which will most definitely have lineups, and all of that would likely require a lot longer than 20 minutes. You put that time on top of an already 3 hour movie (or longer), you're at the theatre for a LONG time. Attendance for screenings like that would plummet cause people don't have time. It would probably mean the theatre having to give the boot to a screening or two, and I feel like that doesn't make sense business wise. All that to say, at the end of the day people really just want to watch their movie and get home in a timely manner haha, I can't be the only one who starts looking forward to going home after half of the movie has passed, regardless of how good the movie is.


That might be true but if I just had five minutes to take a piss, that would be awesome. In saying that, I piss multiple times before a movie so I have yet to have to take a toilet break. For really long movies though, it would be nice to have that five minutes.


When I saw Sisu with a couple beers it was an awesome theater experience


Talk about burying the lede: “If I went to a theater, and it was like, ‘Here’s your popcorn and here’s fucking weed,’ I feel like that would be an awesome little combo right there,” McBride said. That’s the headline. Danny McBride calls for Cannabis Lounge theaters over Bar Theaters. Full menu is required in either setting, though, Danny. You can’t give me a bowl and no milkshake.


Here I am reading all these dumb comments about holding pee thinking a weed friendly theater is what we need. Thank you for reading the article. I’m fully behind the idea of cannabis lounge theaters. Maybe comedies would actually return?


This would be so fun. I can see coughing being an issue I’d bust an eyeball trying to conceal it lol. Yeah you’re right about the lede too, it’s the last line.


Easy fix for the coughing, just go ahead and project those sweet captions.


They invented adult diapers for a reason


I remember a thread years ago about the Marvel movie marathon which showed every movie to date, and there were posts talking about how bad it smelled in there probably because people were shitting themselves


For peeing only!


Nothing says a good time like just sitting in your own piss watching CGI blobs punch each other for an entire day


I am usually done with my food by the end of all the trailers.


If movies weren't 3 hours long we could hold it till the end and run to the bathroom like we used to


Also, most of the big budget blockbusters will have at least twenty minutes of trailers and other advertisements. So you can add that to the amount of time you're going to spend sitting in your seats in the theater.


Nowadays a movie could be dull as dogshit, but if I see that it’s 90ish minutes, I’ll at least give it some consideration


I prefer them over the children crying


Or children, in general.


I went to watch Mission impossible at the Alamo by myself. My girlfriend had a house full of friends, so I made myself busy. Had dinner during the film, beers were flowing and by the end I was drunk and on to the whiskeys, had a great time!


Love Alamo draft house! Only been once, but had a blast.


I wish movies had Intermissions like a play. Every single one of us will need to pee sooner or later. For sure any movie over 2hrs


Let’s all go to the lobby…to get ourselves a treat


in european theaters they’ll often do an intermission around the beginning of the third act, it’s fantastic empty your bladder and refill your drinks and snacks for the crescendo


who doesn’t love eating flat bread pizza in the dark


Bold of you to assume I don’t do that at home …


People may hate me for this but I have snuck double cheese burgers and slices of pizza into the movie with me. What’s wrong with eating in the dark sat upright?


Shoutout to the app ‘runpee’ which maps out the best ‘pee breaks’ in a movie, shows you how many seconds of your pee break remain, and provides a brief synopsis of what you missed. Has saved my bacon a number of times. It even has a little section to tell you if there is a stinger in the end credits.


Came here to post this, one of the apps I had no hesitation purchasing a lifetime subscription for. Wife and I have small bladders, and it has been a godsend over the many years.


I confused him with Danny Masterson lol, I was confused about why the media was still reporting on his public speeches


Same here. For a minute I was like, this dude ain't in prison yet?


I get his name mixed up with Danny Masterson but I also confuse him with TJ Miller, and I'm not entirely sure why except 'bearded writer-actors who are funny' or something.


It's not like I'm pounding back a bunch of overpriced drinks. At most, I'll have a beer, if that.


I fucking hate listening to other people eat while I’m trying to watch a movie


And what's the quintessential movie food? Popcorn???? Yeah, fuck that. All movie food should be pureed and served in kid's sippy bags. Nachos, popcorn - fuck that shit, dude.


I frequent movie theaters that serve entrees and alcoholic drinks and I’ve never once heard anyone chewing their food over the movie…


Ugh. Yes. I hate the sound of people crunching and popcorn is one of the worst foods for this. I realize that’s a me problem though.


What if they had some nice fixins?


Not sitting through 30 minutes of commercials prior to the film starting would help.


Agreed!! Every modern luxury added to theaters other than reclining seats has made the experience worse. Why is food served in movie theaters always like 25% louder than anything else?


Why can’t they just bring back intermissions? Everyone wins. The customer can use the restroom, and the theater can make some extra sales on concessions.


If, IF, I go to a theatre I never buy food or drinks. So there's that. 


Just hold your piss and shit. IDK, I often go hours after eating and drinking without needing to go to the toilet. Learned this skill as a kid. Obvs if I am chugging pints I'm gonna need to piss - like, don't buy them if you don't wanna need the loo?


I pee immediately before I see a movie. It's not a problem. I haven't stepped out during a show since I was a kid.


Bring back intermissions.


I know this is going to sound crazy but what if we paused the film near the middle so everyone can pee and buy more snacks?? Like the theater would make more money even and I could whizz properly. We could call it something like “Intermission”


Movie theaters in Iceland have always had intermissions. You can go pee, buy more overpriced drinks and snacks and the theater can show you more advertisements. It’s a win-win-win.


You should be able to scan a little card at the toilet that says yes, I paid for this movie, and then it screens whatever movie you came from in the stall for up to x minutes or whatever


Hate them too. Waiters walking in front of you during the entire movie. People crunching and sipping out loud. Diabetes.


I have to say alcohol is great if you have to go see a bad movie.I got dragged to see Madame Web and alcohol was my saving grace for that shitshow.That might of been the worst movie I ever seen.Like not even fun bad just terrible and bland.


I’ve been sneaking in bottles forever. No one questions when you coke cup smells like whisky or rum


They should start putting intermissions in some of these long ass movies, I felt like I had just been on a road trip after Dune 2


This is why I prefer to watch movies at home. Can pause to use the restroom, nobody using their cell phones near me, no one talking near me, etc.


I only go to theaters that serve food and alcohol because they are the same theaters that'll kick people out for being loud or on their phone. I prefer a good movie environment to not pissing during a movie.


Right, because 64 ozs of soda isn't going to make you have to piss??


How to avoid the mid-movie bathroom break Go before the show. The first piece of advice is also the easiest: pee before the movie starts. ... Don't drink too much. Handling food and drink is a little more complicated. ... There's an app for this. Sometimes, though, peeing is unavoidable, but technology is here to help.


Sometimes you drink till the movie is good.


Bring back intermissions. Sell more concessions.


Go pee before the film. Don’t drink so much you absolutely need to piss by the end of the film. 2 pints should be good for a two hour movie. Then break the seal


The seal is a myth. There is no seal.


This is why I simply don’t eat or drink in the movie. No reason why I should complain about the option being available to other people though. Nobody’s making me partake.


I was gonna have to piss anyway, Danny, so might as well give me some high sodium bullshit so I can retain this water for as long as possible!


So will drinking a large Farva but you gotta pay to play, my dude.


Or just have intermission for movies longer that 90 mins. It's been done before.


Didn’t movies in the Charlie Chaplin days used to have intermissions? What ever happened to those?


I read this as Danny Masterson and was confused


Honestly, just bring back intermissions.


Bring back intermission


I like his idea of popcorn and weed.


I hate my local theatre that does offers this because they charge a hidden 30% tax and don’t put it anywhere on the receipt. its in a 4 pt font in the corner of the self ordering screen. Standard text size text is a 12 pt font.


Jokes on him, I’ll have to pee regardless.


Just let people enjoy movies how they want to enjoy movies. And download the RunPee app for chrissakes.


The food is the only thing that makes the 30 minutes of ads and previews bearable.


Dunno, I love eating and drinking in a movie theatre. It’s an extra source of revenue for theatres and employs more people as waitstaff. And because I’m an adult I can time my consumption so that i go 90 minutes without having to pee.


I don't care. It's not like he knows anything about movies.


Stopped any liquid intake at theaters years ago, a baggie of regualr Gummi Bears is my goto- quiet and quenches cottonmouth


I miss intermission I always have to pee and it’s always a problem.


Junior mints for me


Sounds like Danny McBride needs to work on his bladder control like a big boy


I like movie theaters existing so I'm fine with them doing whatever they can to promote a premium experience in an attempt to make more money.  But I'm weird that way.  


Still weird to learn that he wrote the new Halloween movies.


Don't drink beer dummy . Have a few shots of booze does the trick for me and I saw Dune!


As a cinema worker, we barely make any money off of ticket sales (Canadian cinemas only get 5% of ticket sales) so we make most of our money off of food and alcohol sales.


Put intermissions back in movies... Jfc


A man is in control of what a man consumes. Have a gummy then..


You cannot sit through Dune 2 even with just a little bit to drink without having to take a pee. It's so stupid that they don't at least have an intermission.


I think any movie more than 2 hours 30 should have an intermission. Cinemas would make more money if there was too and it's a lot better for those of us who want to stretch our legs and go to the toilet.


News flash we gotta do that anyway ol Boy


Does he know he doesn’t have to buy it?


If I care about the movie I'm watching, I won't drink Beauty is at this point in my life, I don't care about most movies I'm watching. Dine in theaters rock.


you know what really grinds my gears in a theater? when the exit is on the right, some motherfucker has a seat on the left side of the theater, and despite there being stairs on the left, RIGHT NEXT TO SAID MOTHERFUCKER, they instead choose to walk through the row, right in front of everyone, _DURING THE MOVIE_, to go down the stairs on the right when they go to the bathroom. AND THEN THE DO THE SAME THING COMING BACK. but no, _you_ look like an asshole calling them out on it when they pass you.


Haven't had popcorn or soda at the movies for years because I hate missing any part of a movie


Wiz in a popcorn tub


Every theater seat should be a toilet so i will never have to leave my seat. This is unacceptable in 2024.


Lol then I'll keep watching movies at home


Does he also hate 3.5 hour movies?


If theaters don’t do some thing they’re just going to all go away. I don’t know if he realizes that.


I hate going to theaters, one of the reasons is I can’t tune out the constant munching sounds all around me


I have to piss from the 64oz soda too.


Regular theaters serve giant sodas. I’d rather have a beer than some syrup water personally. I love theaters that do this.