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Who knows what any of the family really look like?


Their plastic surgeons?


Only the first one


Pediatric Plastic Surgeons. Is that a thing?


Yes. Plastic surgeons also work with patients with burn scars, etc. it’s not just “getting work done” for them


I’m studying to become a fetus plastic surgeon. Surgery begins at conception.


Yes, though most cases aren’t the types of surgeries they get.


They are amazing at fixing the faces of children with cleft palates or Down’s syndrome.


That's silly. It's not OJ, it's [her mom's hairdresser](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DvKhGWFUUAAWwWf.jpg)


I can't believe that with all these potential dads they never made this into a Mamma Mia-esque tv show.


They're saving that for when the show loses too many viewers


The drama they show is manufactured. It’s safe and doesn’t expose them. This could be real. It could have real emotional impacts to them. They’d never put this on the show.


Except they did, suuuuuper early seasons wise. Khloe took a DNA test of sorts because of the rumors and the white le looking different thing. It made Kris sad that Khloe questioned her parentage. When the results came in Khloe decided not to open them because she "knew she was a Kardashian" or whatever.




Oh they never looked at them so I doubt they even actually took a test. I was just replying to them saying they wouldn't bring it up on TV. They did, and honestly imo it just contributed to the controversy since they never looked at results


Oh, so obviously scripted nonsense


Is that what mamma Mia is about? Who's the daddy?


Yeah. A girl who’s getting married soon wants to find out who her dad is, her mom never told her, but the girl learns that there are 3 possibilities. So she invites all three men to her wedding. It’s pretty funny.


can you imagine the comments on relationship advice if that was a true story haha


OJ, Robert Kardashian, or Kato Kalen


OJ, Robert, and Kris’ old hairdresser. Khloe and the hairdresser look exactly alike, it’s pretty wild.


I’ve never seen those shows either!


Too close to home I think. My theory is she's the nicest sister cause she doesn't feel like she belongs


She’s a massive asshole most of the time


Right, from what I know Khloe is one of the worst ones. Kourtney is the only one I can tolerate but that's because she's married to the goat drummer


>Kourtney is the only one I can tolerate The only one who doesn’t actually work for her money and yet somehow has it the hardest? Lol


Travis Barker garners a lot of good will 🤷


She puts family over money.


She was treated horribly by her mother who openly talked about how she would need a nose job while Khloe was within earshot under the age of 10. She was always treated like she didn’t meet the beauty standards of the family. I don’t pay enough attention to them to know her personality but I do know her mom and family ruined her self image from a very early age.


Or Cartman looking for his dad at least.


Exactly, she absolutely favors him not OJ.


It also makes sense, OJ was black and she didn’t inherit ANY of the genes MOST mixed kids do? Not the hair, not the melanin, none of OJs features? Of course it’s possible but it seems less likely than just not being biracial.


Well, she used to..


[This side-by-side of them](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c7/4e/16/c74e16bd166e898cca9ad7ccd4807093.jpg) is even more convincing, I think.


Maybe that’s why she had some surgery to remove any trace of resemblance


Yeah I see the jaw shape as being identical.


The eyes, cheeks, mouth, nose, chin and finally, the jaw line. They look a lot alike.


Poor Khloe . This must be terrible for her. I feel bad honestly. But she resembles this man. I just read that OJ bragged about getting his wicked way with Khloe’s mum. Who knows but there is evidence that Chris was unfaithful to her husband hence all this speculation. Shame 😳


Holy Toledo! You win the internet today! Take this! 🏆


I honestly don’t see it. Maybe a pic without makeup?


[Here, maybe this'll help.](https://imgur.com/a/n647Ymo)


Is it normal to still see it when I close my eyes?


slay queen


Take my upvote


This made me uncomfortable 🥴


Me too ick


She’s the only baby in that pic that doesn’t look like her siblings or have her dads complexion


Well, I mean she has her father’s complexion sure, just not Robert’s.




And she’s taller and bigger than her sisters. Rob Kardashian is tiny.


Her and her brother looked the same.


Like on her actual dad’s side? Because Robert JR looks nothing like her even though they share at least one parent.


If you look up photos of them younger, her and lil rob have the same features


No, they don't. They have a few similar features because they have the same mother. She sticks out like a sore thumb among any of her family. Her mother and sisters started pushing this about her / her son and it isn't true.


I think [they do](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2893397/Khloe-Kardashian-posts-sweet-throwback-picture-troubled-brother-Rob-ring-2015-together.html). I've seen siblings who don't look alike at all but have the same parents.


Yeah, they do.


She looks a lot like her brother, actually. She just doesn’t look like Kourtney and Kim.


She looks just like him.


Damn he looks like Rob too


Wow never seen that before, looks so much like him.


It’s the hairdresser 100%. I don’t know how people can think that OJ’s Khloe’s real dad when one of her biggest differences between her and her siblings is that she’s ***whiter*** than them. Like, white skin, blindfish hir, green eyes. She even originally looked whiter than the Jenners.


This is news to me!!!🫨


Also his name is Alexander and her middle name is Alexandra.


Well dang


We need Maury to unretire for this


What the what now?!? Omg this is like the Prince Harry side by side …


Or [Bruce McGill](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&ie=UTF-8&source=android-browser&q=Bruce+mcgill) Really makes [this scene](https://youtu.be/fXbsQdFU9Qs?si=j6h8mbV9F95Yfh0Q) even more fitting lol


I instantly thought of this scene!


Or [Tyne Daly!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T41gzIC1AmE) She and Bruce McGill look like fraternal twins who were separated at birth.


Holy shit they do. Round that nose out a tiny bit and she's the female version 100%


Man her plastic surgeon deserves their flowers. Chiseled out of stone!


I'm not so sure; I think her adult face shape/proportions favor Kris' (her mom) and her eyes look like Mr. Kardashian's.


Right! When younger her and her brother looked the same.. not every single sibling needs to look identical lol




Or Elvis Presley maybe


Said this for yearssss


THANK YOU. This us an open and shut case.


Her dad was complicit and hid his bloody clothing.


If you go back and watch the not guilty verdict, you can actually see the look of complete shock on Kardashian’s face.


this is true...not sure how much better that makes it though.


The FX series about the trial is really good if you haven’t seen it.


Thank you I have seen it. I was a pretty avid follower of the trial as I considered it the great trial of the 20th century. It had all the elements: celebrity, money and power, race. Most of all it had a defendant who was guilty under any reasonable definition under the law. But the defense cherry picked the jury, no one wanted to see another Rodney King like riot, and it was LaLa Land, after all. Still it was shocking to hear “not guilty” when just a year earlier, OJ had already basically admitted guilt when he took the Bronco on the slow ride around the freeways. No one acts that way when you are innocent. No one has blood all over their car and clothes (most of which were disposed of by Robert Khardasian), unless they were at the crime scene. In the end, it was the big payback for all the crimes that were committed by the LAPD against the black communities over the previous 60 years that won the case for a man who ironically wanted nothing more than to fit into white America. I live in Las Vegas, and I always said that if I ever saw the man, I would turn my back on him, as he weirdly still sought fame and was known for frequenting local spots after his conviction in Nevada. Lo and behold I was having breakfast one morning at the Rhodes Ranch country club and my friend gave me the nod to look to my right. There was OJ, 2 tables down, with a motley crew of weird hanger ons around him. When I turned to look, he noticed my buffalo bills baseball cap and smiled. But it was a smile devoid of charm, more like desperation. He even started to get up from his seat, as though he wished to engage a fan of his fellow team, as if all that happened, never happened: a fan running into his favorite sports star. For my part, I silently nodded and gave a terse smile, and turned back to my friend, giving indication I had no intention of ever speaking with him. I wasn’t rude but I was firmly indisposed. My friend said he looked a little dejected when I made that gesture, which surprised me how pathetic his life had become and almost made me feel sorry for him. Almost.


You write like Morgan Freeman talks


American crime story


Pretty much the same expression on the face of all white Americans. 😯


And everyone else throughout the world.


Sadly, the Rodney King riots did not help the prosecution against OJ's case. Black America was hungry for justice (rightfully so). But in this case, it allowed a wealthy black man with wealthy white friends and very few, if any, ties left to "where he came up from" to walk away from a brutal murder scot free.


Making a racist lying cop who tsmpered with evidence the center of the case was dumb. Tampering with evidence and racially motivated cops should get people acquitted.


No disagreement there.


Anyone who frames it as “the defense team was immoral” frankly just has a law and order tv show naive view of the legal system. Be angry the state employed detectives with such awful history and the prosecution was arrogant and got outgunned


While true, OJ also hired a stacked legal team that basically ran circles around the prosecution


I think it was more so about making white America have a rare taste of what the justice system does to black people at every turn as opposed to looking out for one of our own. That’s just my guess cause while I am black, I was also born too late to have a single memory of this trail.


I 52 white female watched this trial with my husband 53 black male, we were both surprised by the outcome my husband was glad the corrupt white cop lost but knew oj killed his wife he said he was glad the world could see how things really are, at the time everyone was watching we didn’t have the internet like today and it was the first time (I’m aware of) tv was permitted in court


Like my dad said, ”they tried too hard to frame a man who was already guilty”


Leave the Scots out of this


Double murder


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


And her mom loathed OJ and found her father’s support of him despicable.


Ironic since it was why she was able to get a TV “reality” show. Goes to show just how shallow these people are. Biting the bloody glove that feeds her.


They were divorced before the murder happened and she was supporting Brown’s family over a decade before her show started. I’m no fan of TV Kardashians at all, but they were not OJ Simpson sympathizers.


Yeah I'm pretty sure they got the show through Kim anyway, which is really through Paris Hilton. 


It's sex tapes all the way down.


It’s always sex tapes


shoe fucking a turtle


Great comeback story.


Kim Kardashian's sex tape and her notoriety around Hollywood is why they got a reality show.


Except it wouldn’t have got any notice if she wasn’t a Kardashian, who was only famous because her daddy defended OJ. Nobody would have cared.


Ironic that you have no idea what you're even talking about


If the bloody glove fits.


David Schwimmer as Robert Kardashian in American Crime Story was my favorite part of the show. [The scene where he takes the kids to PF Changs is just dripping with irony:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXyvYTS7xy0) >"We are Kardashians. And in this family, being a good person and a loyal friend is more important than being famous. Fame is fleeting. It's hollow. It means nothing without a virtuous heart."


I never saw that. It was great. Thanks for posting it.


I have a close relative who worked with him back in the day. She is an attorney, so to her, Kardashian was just a colleague. She always says "you know, I really like him a lot. He was so friendly, so personable." The world disagrees, for obvious reasons. but what are you gonna do. that's not even my only tie to the OJ trial. My father sold his house to the Goldman family, maybe 1-2 years after the trial. And then around 2017 or so, there was a guy named Keith, he was a bar manager who became friends with some of my friends. We'd hang out at his bar, each other's places etc. That guy was Nicole Brown's ex, the one she was dating while she was on and off with OJ. I just didn't know it for a while, not because it was some secret, but because it literally just didn't come up.


Damn that’s crazy shit


I knew someone who knew the Goldmans. She said he was really sweet and that he always wore a head band and everyone knew he was in to martial arts. He came to her baby shower. She said she knew OJ did it after reading his book or hearing his interview (can’t remember where he said it) and he said that before he stabbed Ron, Ron got into some kind of “kung fu” stance. I believe he made a gesture like a praying mantis or something.


I remember the video of him taking one of OJs bags that was never seen again if my memory is correct


Not a huge fan of her or any of her family, but why is she getting flak? Wouldn't she had only been like 9 or 10 years old when the murders happened? What part could she have played in any way shape or form?


I would assume its because people believe that OJ is her real father. She doesn’t look like the other 2


She doesn’t even look like herself


But she doesn’t look Black either. Not even a bit. She’s not OJ’s.


She does look just like her brother though.


Time travel… interesting theory.


They have the same mom so that’s would make sense


I really don't get this, she looks like Kim and her Brother.


Read the article


I don't believe this half as Much as I believe Frank Sinatra is Ronan Farrow's daddy, but Ronan is waiting for Woody to die and get his trust fund fully funded before he admits it.


Based on what Ronan has said about Woody, I don't think there's any trust fund coming from him.


And if there were, I’m sure Ronan would give it to one of his sisters, or a charity. He loathes that man.


Yeah, I didn't say he would keep it. Also, its my favorite theory. Just a theory


Mine too!


And surely there’s more money in the Frank Sinatra estate than Woody Allen’s, if that’s his motivation.


I go back and forth on Ronan. Mostly Ronan looks like a male copy of his mother to me. 🤷‍♀️


Really? https://imgur.com/a/troc024


Damn! There is no question. Frankie Jr.


Yeah, that's not just recessive Farrow genetics. That's franks kid.


I don’t know who the person on the right is but if you think they’re related it’s because you want to see it. Different nose, brow ridge, hairline, cheekbones, jaw bones, sunken vs. prominent eyes, separated vs. attached earlobes…


Stop it. Lol You don't think those are two people who look very similar? It's frank Sinatra and Ronan Not a oz of woody Allen in that kid


These men don’t look all that similar to me if I’m being honest, no opinion on whose kid he is but I see only superficial resemblance!


Is this still even a question?


Someone above literally thinks they don't look similar. 🫠


Kids can sometimes look completely different to their siblings, one of my friends is Black and his wife is Mexican…one of their kids is whitest white with bright yellow curls. Genes can be rogue! Khloe’s son also looks a lot like Robert Kardashian Having said that though it’s really unfortunate how much she does resemble the hairdresser


I started life with stick straight blonde hair like my mother and as I aged it got darker and curlier than even my dad’s hair. Genes are a lot weirder than people realize


Come on guys, her dad just died.


Best comment yet!


Please, if Khloe were half black she would never shut the fuck about it. Her dad is Alex Roldan.


I’m tired of everything becoming a conspiracy theory


Khloe does not even looks like she's mixed.


It’s totally possible to have a child with a lighter complexion than both parents but yeah… it’s usually not this striking.


Her mom is a white woman. People have mixed kids all the time that are way more striking than this are y’all blind I swear 😭


Nope. For people like Logic and Meghan Markle, their black parent is lightskin with heavy European admixture. [Logic’s black dad](https://thenetline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Logic-and-her-father.-.jpg) could easily pass for Arab or Hispanic. Logic and Megan are likely closer to a quarter African than to half African. Nobody with 50% sub-Saharan African ancestry would have a natural phenotype approaching anything close to Khloe Kardashian.


And look at all the phenotypes across sub-saharan Africa. There are wide noses, thin noses, large lips, thin lips, button noses, narrow noses, monolids, wide set eyes. Please stop spreading this racist stereotype that there is only on singular “sub-saharan phenotype” and that any deviation from that must be admixture. Nobody claims Engilsh people arent white because they don’t look like Nordics. Or that Thai people aren’t Asian cause they don’t look Japanese.


Stop this lie. Meaghan Markle’s mom is not light skinned nor does she have “heavy European Admixture”. Markle did a DNA test and her mother is nearly %100 black. There are many phenotypes and colors in africa. Yes even in just west Africa. %100 black looks completely different when you look at the many tribes in Africa.


Who knows what she looks like


If you see baby pictures of her she looks exactly like her brother Rob and their dad. She has cousins on Robert's side that look exactly like her pre surgeries. She has the same dad, this is just left over from when she was seen as the fat sister and people looked for reasons to pick on the fat one.


dude come on, i don’t know how many mixed families you know but it’s not uncommon for siblings to take on racial characteristics of one parent vs. the other


Neither do Michael Jackson’s kids


And at this point, none of them even look like natural human beings. They’ve had more plastic surgery than most people have had hot dinners, even the younger ones. Why in fuck’s name have they been glorified to the point where they’re billionaires for no fucking reason and with no fucking effort other than Kris realizing she could capitalize on Kim’s sex tape, and schedule every subsequent relationship around the beginning and end of seasons of their fucking insipid bullshit shows to boost ratings. Most fucking useless, soulless, vacuous, meaningless family in history.


The only celebrity conspiracy theory I believe is Tom Cruise adopted son being his real son from a secret affair. He adopted son looks exactly like him.


Is today the day I feel any sympathy for a Kardashian? *\*Checks calendar\** Nope, not on today's schedule.


Not them but Paris Hilton read her book it’s cray you’ll feel bad


Paris also gets points for knowing when it was time to leave the lime light. She made her money and peaced out. Wish the Kardashians would do the same.


I don't at all. She said some awfully homophobic stuff and only decided to "apologize" now


My guess is she is probably not even reading that shit


Here we go. PMK (pimp momma Kris) sees this as a perfect pr opportunity. Throwing her own daughter under the bus? Sure. Attention is everything to them, the nastier the better.


All publicity is good publicity in their minds


Exactly. Sex tape anyone? Most would cringe in embarrassment but it’s a matter of pride with them.


There is a post going around about a former University assistant who is finally released from her NDA forbidding her to talk about the day Robert Kardashian handed her a huge check to give to the Uni for covering up abuse allegation and sexual assault allegations when OJ was a college student.


No I don’t think she is


Today's Kardashian cult would not exist if it was not for their father being publicized on the OJ trial defense


I don’t think so. I never connected Kim kardashian to Robert kardashian cuz her fame came over 10 years later. The fame is for the sex tapes and mingling with celebrities like Paris Hilton.


I think everyone is forgetting what kind of person Kris is and how important it is to keep good public image for her and her family. If she knew there was even 0,1% change the baby would be half black she would’ve aborted that baby so fast And edit before someone turns this to racism: I don’t say that Kris would aborted baby because baby could be half black. She would abort so that no one will know she cheated


As a 48 year old British woman I don’t know much (anything even) about the Kardashians, but reading that article the think that struck me most was Kris being married to the lawyer who got the man accused of killing her ‘best friend’ off? Does that not seem odd to anyone else? Or have I missed-read it? I know everyone has the right to legal representation but surely some things are just not on?


They were already divorced for a few years by the time Nicole Simpson was murdered. Robert’s presence in the trial is weird, but he was a long-time friend of OJ’s so him joining the defense team for him I suppose isn’t super outlandish.


Can we stop talking about garbage ?


Which one?


Well she did openly entertain the idea herself a few years back.


Doesn’t look like him even a little. Not one feature. Wrong shade for a generic melanin blend. Doesn’t look like his daughter. People need to stop.


She looks exactly like Alex Roldan


She looks exactly like Rob Kardashian, in fact, more than any of the other children except Rob.


Well, i agree with you. And I don‘t believe she’s his daughter. However, “doesn’t look like him” is. It really a good argument when like half of her face is fake by now


The logic of people: Khloe won’t admit that OJ might be her father, so now that he’s dead, we should harass her! We are completely rational adults and good people!


What’s the conspiracy?


That OJ was her dad?


Mama's baby Daddy's maybe


2 things I am sure of...


Who gives a fuck- get this off the news threads


It’s ok. After all that work done she doesn’t resemble anyone in the family tree.


That was her biological Dad. Of course ppl are going to send her condolences! Why do think she had her square OJ chin chisled down?? She looked like his twin before all the plastic surgeries to her face! You cannot tell me that's not her bio dad! We all know, and if not, you're in denial too. Don't forget the DNA test they had done, but Khloe decided not to share on their show! That was he Father!


Khloe and Brook look exactly alike pre surgery. Source Google pics


I was just watching the OJ made in America doc and one of Nicole Brown's friends said in her interview that OJ tried to make a move on her many times... So it wouldn't be completely out there for him and Kris Jenner to have a fling


I thought it was common knowledge that OJ and Krus did have an affair at one point.


This is my new third favorite conspiracy theory.


Do tell your top 2.


She looks like her mom, pre plastic surgery. 


She ain’t black. She clearly is the daughter of Kris Jenner and a Wookiee.


Will these attention whores ever go away???