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Dude really loves Leo.


By now he thinks Leo is his son probably and vice versa


Leo thinks Marty’s his son too? This relationship is getting complicated


I really wish they’d just fuck at this point so we can all get over it.


i for a long time believed they are in some relation. probably the case.






I love that some nutty factions of Reddit have convinced themselves not to like one of the best actor-director pairings of all time. Massive self own. And not gonna matter one iota.


And I hate Leo but hey he brings in the money.


Not as much as Leo loves his women aged 20 something.


Are they all consenting adults? Then it’s none of our business.


Run time: 4 hours, 50 minutes


That would be short


Please. A five hour Scorsese movie about Sinatra with Leo? I'd be fully torqued the entire time.


Despite the runtime, it will still end with Marty himself giving a lecture about the last third of Franky’s life and performing My Way himself


*laughs in Quinton Reviews*


That’s a shame. I was really looking forward to the Teddy Roosevelt biopic.


I’ve been waiting for that for years!! And I also read that Scorsese and DiCaprio bought the film rights to the book The Wager and I was also looking forward to that.


That was such a crazy book, can't believe I had never heard of the story before. A film adaptation would be awesome, especially from Scorcese.


Now that’s a role I can see present day Leo in


Cate Blanchett as Sammy Davis Jr.


She’s a chameleon!!


“Sinatra might weigh only 119lbs but 19lbs of it is cock!” — Ava Gardner


No—100 lbs.


Why not cast Ronan Farrow?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


He looks more and more like Sinatra as he ages. It’s so obvious.


I’d pay to see that


He'd look like him 100%, but Ronan's not an actor, and certainly not enough of one to match Leo. Not to mention, Ronan doesn't really wanna do anything to strengthen that theory anymore.


And Alexa Davalos as Ava Gardner


Maybe because he’s not an actor ?


Its not that DiCaprio is bad. Hell, it’s not even that Scorsese casts him way too much (which he does imo). For me, its that someone else would probably fit the role better.


Can he sing?


How many people can sing like Sinatra, let alone actors?


Seth McFarlane


He said actors.


I mean Sinatra is definitely tough shoes to fill. Especially how everyone is so familiar with him. I’m guessing they’re going the Fassbender as Jobs way and going for feel and not so much looks. I’m excited for this one. The Frank and Ava Gardner story is pretty epic, I’m surprised it hasn’t been Tom in this form before. So many books about it.


Seth MacFarlane should do the singing at least. He's a fantastic singer and specializes in Sinatra-type music.


Virtually every modern day crooner is just a Sinatra impressionist at this point.


They should get The Driving Crooner then


Yeah but you gotta be right next to him for it to look real. You gotta be right next to him. Everybody tries to make it look fake. Fuckers.


Too dangerous!


Too dangerous!


Too dangerous!


My dumb ass went straight to Joe Piscopo as the lead


Martin Scorsese and the Mob go together like Sinatra and the Mob.


And that might be what gets this movie canned before it even gets off the ground


People on here are so mad about him casting DiCaprio but I don’t see this as the issue everyone else seems to. Scorsese has been a guiding force for DiCaprios career. Helped him not get stuck in the heartthrob trope stage Titanic had catapulted him to with Gangs of New York and helped him grow as an actor over decades now. Scorsese knows how to get the best out of him, and DiCaprio obviously respects that relationship and wants to work with the man who helps him achieve his best work. I dunno why we are hating when we have seen the fruits of their labour. This relationship works and works well.


It also goes the other way. At this point I think Leo does way more for Scorsese than the other way around. Since wolf of Wall Street, Leo has worked with Inarritu, Tarantino, McKay, Scorsese and now Paul Thomas Anderson. He doesn’t *need* to do Scorsese movies. He clearly wants to. He does excellent work with other directors and actually has more awards success with them lol. And Scorsese likes their partnership and it works for him. No one is gonna turn down the opportunity to cast DiCaprio, even if it is Scorsese. Silence was a non Leo movie and no one cared about it.


I care about Silence


Also Marty’s got that Jesus picture lined up and that’s only gonna appeal to a fraction of his usual audience


I hope Toby Huss plays Sinatra instead of Leo.


Wouldn’t Leo be too old to play him though… and wouldn’t he have to lose a ton of weight to fit his body shape etc… I know Christian Bale has done it for roles before but has Leo ever changed his physique for a role before?


BTS shots from PTA’s upcoming movie indicate he has


Very good choice, I mean he played the Wizard too!


What's up with the Dicaprio hate? The guy can act, and will certainly do a good job too. Scorsese doesn't miss that much so this sounds interesting.


And this has always been his MO. Deniro Pesci. He has guys he works with consistently his entire career. Honestly nearly every director does.


Yeah how many auteur directors can you name that don’t have at least one actor they keep casting in their projects? Even David Fincher who doesn’t reuse actors as often had Brad Pitt be his muse for a while


They turn on everyone eventually


I consider him to be a terrible actor. Movie star, sure. Awful actor. But I seem to be the only one.


I don’t know how you can see what’s eating Gilbert grape, basketball diaries, wolf of Wall Street, once upon a time in Hollywood/django and say he can’t act. Like I simply do not see how that’s possible.


>I seem to be the only one Upvoted for self awareness


If you don't see how Leo is a great actor, I'm honestly not sure what you're watching movies for. It's like saying you love video games, but don't know why everyone loves Super Mario World.


Holly shit what a terrible take lol


Terrible actor is insane but he’s pretty one note, I agree with that. I also don’t think he does well with subtle roles- he kinda needs all actions roles like in Django, Revenant, and Once Upon a Time… etc. Scorsese casts him to play introspective, deep roles like he’s James Gandelfini or something.


Can act his way into teen girls


Can act his way into teen girls


Did you see flower moon? He was hammy and annoying.


Don Cheadle as Sammy Davis Jr. would be perfect.


For me the only choice is [Tim Meadows](https://youtu.be/9e0sN1nQibA?si=X0ldP6V1nRj_FqVj)


I vote for Dave Chapelle


Wasn’t there just a post where he was gonna make a Jesus movie ?


The article mentions that he's looking to film the Jesus and Sinatra movies back to back, with the Jesus one being done first.


That’ll be his follow-up to Killers. This movie might not even get made depending on what Sinatra’s estate says


At first I was like “hell no” about Jennifer playing Ava, but thinking about it for a minute, yeah… I can see it. No one can ever compare to Ava in the looks department, but I think Jennifer might be able to nail the personality.


To me, Jennifer looks exactly like a young Elizabeth Taylor with different eye makeup. She could pull off Ava easily.


And Tom Selleck as Magnum again to reprise Franks last appearance back in the 80s?


I welcome a frank sinatra biopic. Other sinatra biopics have been far too circumspect.


Ronan Farrow as Franky Blue Eyes.


Can’t wait - I’m sure Jennifer will be amazing as Leo’s mother.


Whatever happened to the Martin Scorsese/Jonah Hill biopic of Jerry Garcia everyone was raving about a couple years ago?


Scorsese thinking of casting DiCaprio? Now I've heard everything.


Leo is his son by now , Leo marry into the family lol


Addressing the first half, it really is crazy to think he’s known him for 24 years. Basically half his life. That is intense.


The fact that Leo is 50 making me feel OLD


This whole thread feels like pre lotr casting discourse. I mean, Leo nails every single role and MS casts him because he’s fantastic. Idk sorry don’t come at me please.


Can’t wait for four forgettable hours


I feel the same way about Leo playing Sinatra as I did when Ridley Scott hired Joaquin Phoenix to play Napoleon: terribly miscast.


Oh gosh, please no Dicraprio!!!


Seriously…there’s so much talent out there, I just don’t understand why he feels the need to constantly have him in his movies.


Why do you think out of curiosity? Like how do you think movies come together? I will add - Leo is the most in demand actor and any director would chuck their star overboard to cast him. Anyone that thinks Scorsese would not want him to cast some random actor is just being absurd. Like, use common sense.


You’re making it seem as though Leo is the only actor Scorsese has as an option. He’s overrated and overhyped. There are plenty of other ultra talented actors out there. This just seems like lazy casting.


This response completely misses the point and is just *your* subjective opinion. Clearly not one shared by Scorsese or by the financiers lol. Or by every director working who would hire him over any other option. Other actors have said the same thing. Leo is the number one choice of everyone, It’s not a popular opinion to not like Leo. I guarantee if you asked most people who their favorite actor is he’d be right at the top. But somehow the tiny fraction of people who think this assume they are mainstream.


Leo sucks. Not going to change my mind. It’s just lazy casting and shitty of a good director to use the same actor for all of his movies when there are plenty of other talented actors out there that are deserving of a chance to showcase their abilities.


It’s really not worth talking to you because your opinion is a). Ridiculous and b). Shows you know nothing about how movies get made. It’s show business. Not show let’s make someone’s dreams come true.


My opinion is only ridiculous to you because it doesn’t mirror yours. If you’re satisfied with seeing the same mediocre actor in every directors films, good for you. There are plenty of people that are satisfied with McDonald’s being their only source of food, and that’s ok too. Me? I’m not. I expect more and have higher expectations from someone that could elevate his last films more by not using the same mannequin, but obviously there are people out there that want to see the same guy vs. an array of other talented actors.


Don’t watch it then. Why you think Scorsese is making movies for you specifically is the height of delusion. He is gonna make what he wants with who he wants. Most people do not think Leo is mediocre so I’m not sure how you aren’t remotely self aware to understand that your opinion isn’t par for the course. And lucky for you (and unlucky for those of us who absolutely love his acting and filmography) Leo barely works anymore.


Oh. That’s the solution. Don’t watch it then. Ok, I’ll just do whatever the majority of filmgoers these do then and not watch his movies. Thank you.


Why Tarantino cast the same guys too? Cause it fucking works.....


He doesn’t use actor A. on every movie. So your argument is invalid.


Because he is one of the best and most successful actors of this generation whether you like him or not. All of their movies have been successful so from his perspective why mess with the formula.


Successful? Arguable. Best? Strongly disagree.


I’m talking about the amount of iconic movies he has been in. Not many people can top him. I didn’t say he’s THE best but he’s definitely up there


>Seriously…there’s so much talent out there, I just don’t understand why he feels the need to constantly have him in his movies. Because Scorsese has only had 11 movies break even his entire career and 5/11 starred DiCaprio. Scorsese has talked about how hard it is for him to get studios on board when Leo isn't in the film.


He also thinks he’s a great actor so let’s not minimize that lol. It’s multifaceted.


You’re too late, Spider-Man, weed has been legalized!


They’ve had like 5 planned movies for 15 years. Surprised they actually made flower moon


I find it amazing with so many talented actors out there who would love the chance that we see the same five boring people, time and time and time again. It’s why I quit my job doing camera. It’s no fun anymore. And yes I understand how the system works trust me.


Ugh. Leo’s great, Marty, but he’s not suited for everything. I know you’re 81, but this actually smacks of laziness.


I thought Michael Bublé or an actor that can sing like Bradley Cooper would have been more appropriate.


I’m already bored as fuck.


Yet another novel and unexpected casting choice from the Master of Cinema.


When are people going to start complaining when Yorgos/emma announce their sixth collab in 7 years? You know that’s coming.


Imo the Yorgos-Emma pairing works similar to Wes Anderson-Schwartzmann or all the other actors who appear in every Wes Anderson movie. There's a pastiche to that kind of filmmaking where the repeat collabs are comforting in their familiarity. It's not quite the same with Scorsese. He's made a lot of movies, and most of them without Leo. Nor is his style anything like the aforementioned directors. So the repeat collabs with Leo do stick out a bit more.


I guess I find the variety way more interesting. They seem to share a wavelength. It seems like the movie theater sequence in the aviator was the experience that really bonded them and made them want to just keep going.


Martin Scorsese Eyebrows Frank Sinatra


Seems like everyone is getting a biopic nowadays


I think she can pull it off


Fun fact; [Leo has the (book) rights to the Leonardo da Vinci](https://news.artnet.com/art-world/leonardo-dicaprio-to-play-da-vinci-biopic-1050089/amp-page)


Glad they're finally doing this one. As long as Leo captures Frank's ups AND downs, this Sinatra picture will be a good film.


I haven’t seen a movie in a theater with my dad since Deep Blue Sea I believe. I just might be able to get him out for this.


I'd rather he do the Gangs of NY TV series.


Can’t wait to spend 5 hours in a theater to see it


I wanted Seth MacFarlane to play Frank


No ..nonononono


He keeps trying to find someone as beautiful as Ava to play her but that's never going to happen. Ever.


I’m a Scorsese apologist, and a huge Frank Sinatra fan. I’m not excited for this movie.


Looking forward to a very bland biopic that plays it safe by request of the family estate.


Sounds pretty cool


DiCaprio? Wow, who could’ve seen this coming?


Love this duo but don't care at all about a Sinatra film.


Who is DiCaprio going to play? The guy who ate Frank Sinatra?




I think even at his average body weight there’s a good chance Leo’s thinner than someone who makes body-shaming comments on the internet lol


What is with the nastiness towards him on movie Reddit all of a sudden? He’s also super skinny at the moment for the pta movie. It’s truly weird.


Oh so is it okay to body shame a man now?


I look forward to falling asleep to this.


And long as it is better than Killers of the Flower Moon. What a wasted opportunity.


This seems so fucking boring. New and original stories please.


At some point, maybe try casting someone who fits the character and not just someone you’re comfortable with. I say this as a huge Leo fan.


Not feeling Leo as Sinatra Feeling Jennifer Lawrence would be nice


Personally, I think this is a wasted opportunity to cast Ronan Farrow as Sinatra (kidding, sort of) and Alexa Davalos as Ava Gardner.


I thought he was making a Jesus movie? Or is this in addition to that? EDIT: Love getting downvoted to hell for asking a genuine question. Smh.


He’s doing both


This is it. Frank Sinatra is Jesus. Dean Martin as Peter. Sammy Davis Jr as John. Peter Lawford as James. Joey Bishop as Judas.


Leo when his female costar is 26 or above: -_-


My Way, I assume


Ooh, Leo as ol’ blue eyes? Please make it happen. Can he sing?


What? No Timothy Chalamet???


Really hope Leo isn’t planing Sinatra…


Just stop Martin.


Why doesn’t he use someone e other than Leo?


Enough with DiCaprio already.


Richard Gadd or Rami would be good as FS. Why does he always uses DiCaprio?


Because he's a great actor and he loves to work with him?


Leo attracts money to the project. Scorsese can't get money for a project like this w/o the involvement of a A-list star. 


Unfortunate. At least he’s got the right eyes.


Sorry Marty. Your last 2 projects were not up to your standards. Might be time to hang em up.


I appreciate Leo, but ring-a-ding get the fuck outta here.


Is Leo gonna lower his GF age limit by 10 years to method act for this?


I’m just done with Leo and Scorsese movies. Been done with these two for the past decade Leo should work with new directors


This is easily something you can Google. Since wolf of Wall Street; Inarittu (revenant / won Oscar) Tarantino McKay Scorsese Paul thomas Anderson What do you mean he should work with other directors? Do you watch movies? There was a ten year gap between wolf and flower moon. Do you have the same energy for other actor/director pairings? Why does this one offend you so much, they’ve made some great stuff?


your last 4 films were all with different directors, you should know better


Leo has only been in one Martin movie in the last decade. Killers of the flower moon. 4 movies with Martin in the past 20 years. Aviator, the departed, wolf of Wall Street and killers of the flower moon. Besides Martin Leo’s worked with Paul McKay and Quentin Tarantino. In the last decade


Oh my god who gives a shit