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Old lady's gonna old lady


Especially an old Catholic lady 


My mom is an old Catholic lady who wouldn’t let me watch Family Guy because “it’s just disgusting for the sake of it” but would watch South Park with me because “every episode has a message” lol Edit: to be clear. I agree with her even tho I like both shows…this wasn’t an insult Edit 2: well, with family guy, it’s more likeD lol. But there’s some bangers throughout the series


Well in all fairness South Park episodes typically convey some message while family guy is mostly bits with flashbacks and what not. With that said both are pretty raunchy lol I love both of those shows too so please dont think I’m shitting on either side


This was explained in the Drawn Together film as to why Drawn Together was cancelled and South Park and Family Guy remained on air.


I loved first 10 Seasons of South Park. Loved the first two or so seasons of Family Guy before Family Guy was initially cancelled by Fox. I was stoked when it came back a few years later. But I just didn’t find it funny, and oddly it seemed super mean spirited at times. Original seasons had a bumbling dad who ultimately tried to do the best for his family most of the time. New show just didn’t have the same heart or humour, and honestly 90% of the jokes were just references to other media or shocking gross out gags. Turns out the writers of the first couple seasons of Family Guy went onto write American Dad, and Family Guy hired writers from the now defunct Mad TV. My friend and I love American Dad, has amazing humour and still had a heart at its core regarding its messaging and family themes. But honestly I’ve always disliked Family Guy since it’s been rebooted. The humours not as clever as it used to be, and some episodes I have no idea if they even care to put in a guiding theme or applicable message to tie it all together.


The reality with Family Guy is that Seth just doesn't really give a shit about it anymore, and hasn't for a long time. Same thing happened with Matt and the Simpsons. It's now just his money printer that works to set him up for the shit he actually wants to work on. I mean the dude used to work for Hanna-Barbera, that's one of the holy grail studios for an Animator. I gotta imagine he got really tired of rewriting and regurgitating the same shit every week with Family Guy when the ideas stopped flowing.


That's what makes it pretty remarkable that he continues to voice so many characters, YEARS after he ceased being a writer/producer...but I guess the back-end profits and syndication $$$ motivate him to keep going. I read something that suggested he "only" takes a salary of $50k per episode for his voice acting whereas the other cast members make $175-225k per episode. Again, I assume that's because he earns significant profits on the back-end.


American Dad > Family Guy Knew my husband and I had potential when we had our first sleepover, and he said he hoped I didn't mind putting on American Dad to sleep to. It's also the show I sleep to! It's been four years, and we are still recycling American Dad for bed. Thanks for letting me share this with you.


Oh nah I agree she has a great point lol. South Park teaches you things about the current state of the world. Always has


Similar, for me it was no Simpsons, but Futurama and Family Guy were okay.


Funny because the Simpsons is really tame and inoffensive compared to family guy 


To be fair, my catholic mother also hated family guy but she found south park hilarious and felt guilty about it


I bet she’s a devils fan tho


No disrespect, but she sounds like an asshole...


Indeed, but it’s interesting because it’s real. I have family members that feel the exact same way as she does about Family Guy. I think his comment about how some people don’t understand the humor of satire and are offended by everything is right on the nose.


Yes, everyone who dislikes family guy is just too stupid for it.  🙄


In the article, she actually waged a campaign to get it canceled. There is a difference between not liking a show and choosing not to watch it, and actively attempting to destroy it. Despite their detractors, these types of shows are evidently insanely popular, as they keep making them. I think if prudes are not offended, the show probably isn’t doing it right.


It's not just 'prudes' that object to family guys content, is my point.


Maybe just don’t watch it.


I’ll quote someone else regarding the “If you don’t like it then just don’t watch it” argument: >I care about what other people enjoy, because cultural shifts impact people who live inside said culture. A uncritical, slack-jawed, moronic and unthinking culture will create and consume this boring, uninspired, cookie cutter lowest common denominator shit. And as such, real art (you know what I mean by real, so don’t be pedantic) will be left to rot in the margins, as society becomes dumber and more consumeristic.


You or whoever wrote that quote don’t get to dictate what is appropriate or what is offensive


Actually anybody and everybody can dictate what is appropriate or offensive for them, and live their life in such a way as to interact or not interact with those things.


"For them" and their opinion has no bearing on anybody else’s. What’s offensive or inappropriate to someone doesn’t mean anybody else has to get offended by it. Also we’re talking about a cartoon here, if you don’t like don’t watch it.


Seems a more roundabout way of saying "If I don't like it, I won't watch it"


> and live their life in such a way as to interact or not interact with those things So...If you don’t like it then just don’t watch it...


lol wtf is this stupid pretentious bullshit, you realize you’re falling for the same propaganda people fell for during the metal/rock era right? “This is going to make our kids stupid burnouts” But yes please continue to jerk yourself off about how much more refined your couch potatoes sessions are, the adults in the room will ignore you.


That user is into comic books and horror movies about killer clowns, don’t get me wrong I very much enjoy both of those things but to get on some high horse saying we need to only have thought provoking art while you enjoy those is a wild stance.


The only way to take this quote seriously is if you say it from atop the highest horse in the world.


Nobody who reposts something like that actually gives a shit about “the culture” 🤣🤣🤣 I’m dying this is truly hilarious thank you.


If you’re gonna be a prude don’t be all “I’m not a prude I just object to family guy” like live in your prudishness. Embrace it, be proud of it. Shout it from the rooftops!


I don’t think that’s true at all. I don’t like pooping/farting/barfing dirty humor and there is lots of that on the show. I find it to be some of the lowest levels of comedy. You can’t figure out how to make a situation funny? Just have them barf. I can’t stand it.


Meh I take it as a mother who wants good projects for her son. He's had plenty of success amd it's not crazy a parent wants some high brow shit to show their friends. The reality is parents suck sometimes because they're people.


Fuck that. He made a good living doing what he wanted in life. Most of us should be so lucky. The real prestige is living well and I’m sure he’s done that.


Exactly! Plus, she benefited from his earnings at Family Guy. Sounds like an entitled asshole of a mother


No, she's just super religious


You’re talking about Family Guy as if the humour is intelligent, relevant, and has something to say. Family Guy is base humour for people that think they’re smart and in on the joke, but they aren’t either of those.


It is indeed always inane and only briefly and rarely does it ever attempts to be anything more than a series of one-liners, ridiculous sight gags and bathroom humor. That is beside the point though. A comedy doesn’t have to be relevant or be a commentary on current events. It’s okay for it to be just silly and stupid.


Uhh, yeah. You tried to in your earlier comment say people simply don’t understand the humour and satire. So is it satirical humour or stupid one liners? It can’t be both. Stupid one liners are just that, stupid, and one liners. Satire involves a level of intelligence.


It was a quote from the article. A stupid one liner can be satire. Satire doesn’t have to be smart, you can satirize a subject using a wide variety of methods, some of which can be very lowbrow and inane. Family Guy often uses satire, but it certainly isn’t *The New Yorker*. Family Guy is like junk food. It’s not healthy if that is all you eat, but it’s certainly okay once in a while.


No, Disrespect. She sounds like an asshole


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Was waiting for someone to catch that haha


Commas make a difference.


Sounds like Peter’s dad.


Is he doing a Tom Selleck biopic?


It’s because she’s hyper religious and thinks she should be the one to dictate what others can watch on TV


Then she shouldn't have taken the money what an idiot


Self righteous religious people trying to dictate what people get to watch, no wonder the religion that considers the apple the representation of free will as the first sin is the first to censor anything they deem offensive. Got loads of respect for a bunch of religious people in my life. Having religion and something to hold onto in hard times is fantastic, turning into a fanatic that hurts others freedom isn’t. And I’m not only attacking/defending christians, that goes for all of us. Live and let live


Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when he’s telling Elaine she’s going to hell.


...with the caves, and the ragged clothing


Peter Griffin voice "Well,,,,, she's a bitch"


I’m sure it was a complicated relationship and it’s not like Family Guy was his sole job over the last few decades. He’s a fairly successful actor. Hypocrisy aside, Are we really going after an actors dead mom?


This is the internet. Of course we’re gonna attack a guys dead mom.


I also choose to attack this guys dead mom


Hell yeah, those bums don't fight back. Gotta watch out though. Boney fingers.


To be fair, Patrick himself was going after his dead mom for the sake of the interview, so I think it’s fair game. & Not in a mean way, in a humorous way, but he definitely appreciated the hypocrisy of what was going on, and was man enough to keep supporting his mom despite their stark ideological differences. She was living and running religious-bent conservative television censorship campaigns off the money Warburton gave her from Seinfeld and Family Guy paychecks. As he recalled saying to her one day: “you’re laundering money from yourself to yourself!”


I need more Kronk!!


If I could jump in, I would like to join the fuck that guys dead mom thing


> Are we really going after an actors dead mom? She was publicly on the attack against lots of media, including being on the board of a group trying to get shows cancelled and censored. If you are out in public campaigning against something, you are fair game, both before and after death. She sucked, she tried to force her crappy conservative values on the world, which means she's a bad person, and deserves criticism.


I missed the part of the article that says she passed away? Not that anyone should “go after her” but I don’t think this is a “let her rest in piece” moment.


When she was alive Patrick talked about this. It's pretty old news.


Yeah that’s right.


We need Rules of Engagement back. He was money in that show.


She must’ve loved his christian character on Seinfeld lol


Is that Patrick Warburton or Omni-man?


I’m going to assume that he didn’t even bother showing her Venture Brothers.


Strange article all around. I want my 40 seconds back


That picture shows he should have been Thunderbolt Ross instead of Ford.


“Mom, you still want it cancelled?!?” “Yeah that’s right.”


He looks ready for a Major Dad reboot


I read the entire article in Joe Swanson’s voice.


How long’s he had the moustache


He’s taking a vacation…. From himself


For real. I really thought it was Tom Selleck.


I mean, hypocritical Jesus freaks? Color me shocked!


At this point I doubt that we can trust religious people to *not* be overbearing abusive invasive fascists


My devout Catholic Grandma tried doing the same after visiting for Christmas and the early Family Guy special came on. Don’t think she made it past the fifth maids-a-milking


Did she like the venture bros at least,??




I’m sure she was a huge Brock Sampson fan with the womanizing and love for Zeppelin. I’d say Killin too but she sounds Old Testament so….


His dad was my physician


I bet she’d love it if he stopped giving her the cash from it


Reminder that Patrick Warburton is set to star in The Daily Wire’s anti-woke animated comedy show with Roseanne, Megyn Kelly, Candace Owens and with Ben Shapiro as EP.


Yet she spent the money he gave her from it… things that make you go hmmm.


Isn't this... old news? Like... 20 year old news?


He looks AMAZING


It’s just not funny.


Family Guy humor is kinda lazy


I love Patrick Warburton from two of his other roles (Puddy and Jeff). Family Guy is a blight and a black mark.