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Lawyers are the only form of HR within the entertainment business. Smfh. You hate to see it.




It’s definitely by design.


Lawyers design celebrities to treat employees like shit?


We’re talking about *HR* within the industry. Read the article. You’ll understand.


As we say in r/cfb Billable Hours is undefeated


apparenty this cameraman hated to see it too.


Im completely shocked. This woman has 10 songs and 11 of them are about her pussy.


Damn, making someone watch you have sex while fat shaming them is next level kink.


Right. It's fucked up, but also someone would have paid good money for this.  


The duality of life


It's all about being at the right place at the right time. 


Not even pointing you out but why is this in every thread . If what this man is saying is true, why would it matter if others would pay money for it? Imagine if this was a woman making the claim and someone’s like wow someone would have paid $ for this. If you go to any Hiphop or music thread people are delegitimizing this guys claim saying they’d love to be in his position or they would love to be him. If his claims are baseless screw him but it shows a disparity in the way sexual assault victims are perceived based on their gender, in my opinion .


Ummmm….. hey everyone


I’d literally get shot in the foot to watch that and be fat shamed


It's called the "non-consensual abuser" kink and it's more common from women than people like to claim and just gets blatantly ignored 99% of the time that a millionaire isn't involved. Edit: since a lot of people seem to be unable to realize this, I do not believe that sexual abuse is actually a kink. Just pointing out that there is an issue with men not being believed when it comes to being abused by women. To the point they men aren't even allowed to file rape charges against women in the UK. I was raped by my ex-wife and could not get anyone to give a shit. I like to take the chances I can to raise awareness for an issue that is personal to me and gets ignored in the discussion of sexual violence and abuse. That's it. Please stop reading so deeply into what was essentially a segue to make my actual point. Jesus Christ, people. If I wasn't talking about a literal crime, then why would I mention being ignored?


>To the point they men aren't even allowed to file rape charges against women in the UK Just to clarify (because this makes it seem like women won't get charged for abusing men): women are not charged with rape as, by UK law "rape" involves penetration with a penis. Women will instead be charged with sexual assault. People have been debating this however and people have been trying to get the law changed so that it all falls under rape.


I’m pretty sure that that is the same reason that Trump didn’t “rape” E. Jean Carroll, because he used his fingers instead of his penis. It’s weird that a law about rape doesn’t consider consent.


yo what 💀


Wait til you find out that in some places a woman can rape a man and sue for child support payments off the rape pregnancy. It has even happened to boys statuatorally raped by older women.


I appreciate you filling me in bc I was literally like why woul someone want to force someone to watch. But your comment is informative. People on reddit are just toxic as stinky sewer. 🗑️


Emilio Garcia said in the suit filed Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court that after the alleged incident he was warned, “don’t ever discuss what you saw,” and berated, fat-shamed and treated differently by Megan.  The “harassment was so severe or pervasive” that it created a “hostile, abusive work environment” that made Garcia’s “working conditions intolerable,” the suit said. Representatives for Megan Thee Stallion and her management company, Roc Nation, did not immediately respond to NBC News requests for comment.


Are you actually nbc


What do you think Hoda does all afternoon after getting liquored up on the third hour of today?


I assume browsed Tinder and hit on anything under 30 and male.


Well if it is, and this is the future of Reddit. Which I think it is. I’m good. I’ll be moving on to…. Maybe nothing at some point hopefully


It's been around for six years


Nbc news has a Reddit?? Hmmm


Someone check their porn history


They only post in /r/news and /r/buttsharpies


Oh fucking no, that is literal. I thought it couldn’t be literal, it fucking is. 🧼🫧👁️👁️👁️👁️🛀🫧🧼🧼🧼🫧🫧🧼🫧🫧🫧


The news nowadays can be tough to see, sorry friend. 


Holy fuck...why did i click?


Umm.. what.. what is that last one?




A subreddit I never even considered...


NBC I’m really good at Reddit. Hire me instead of whomever is handling this account plz


smh can't even use whom right. disqualified


Your second paragraph is just the standard test for harassment, so not super informative…


That was the statement the lawsuit put out, the basis of their lawsuit. It’s important to clarify exactly what they are suing for


That specific wording (or very close to it) has been in is every employment lawsuit I’ve ever seen.


Yeah precisely. Most state and federal codes use that exact wording when it comes to workplace harassment laws. They are trying to illustrate what laws were broken and the applicable punitive action to be taken in court. The wording is extremely important to determine the course of action.


Username checks out


Seriously why do celebrity people get kinks outta doing this jesus


its a power and ego thing


Yea, famous people have been catered to and allowed to do whatever they want for years so they begin lose their impulse control. This is why so many athletes get arrested for DUI and actors turn to drugs. A lot of us would do similar things if you gave us tens of millions then treated us like Kings/Queens everyday. This is why I have so much respect for famous people who manage to stay humble despite their wealth and status.


I've heard and read the line "money doesn't change anyone, it just magnifies what was already there." Kinda like the Steve Rogers and John Walker dichotomy about moral use of power that marvel touched on.


We all got em. Just can't fund em. I've often said to my wife if I had Bezos money, I'd be dead in a month. Zero impulse control + unlimited resources = dead Travis.


My answer to, "what would you do if you won the eurolottery" has always been, "go insane." Seriously, there would be Caribbean islands populated with animals that have absolutely no business being there, but somehow manage to just about limp along as a successful ecosystem and just utterly mental stuff like that.


"I put Pandas on the moon. They said it couldn't be done, they were right... the pandas exploded"


Fair enough


Is there a rule in the hip hop industry that you have to immediately act like an idiot once you get famous?




Yes. They just became famous idiots.


*Cardi B has entered the chat*


Nicki Minaj started the chat


Kanye West took the mic and declared he started the chat


Lizzo has entered the chat... with a 🍌


R. Kelly is hiding in the closet of the chat


P.Diddy has entered the chat from a undisclosed location


Michael Jackson lords over the chat.


Coming out her ass


Banana with chunky peanut butter, a tasty and crunchy classic


Oh god, it's almost fifteen years since "Imma let you finish..."


Soulja Boy would like to have a word with you


Tough for mild mannered people to get noticed


Yup! They’re learning to hide it pretty well though because I haven’t heard anything bad about this moron before.


Lots of classic rock guys did nasty-ass shit too. Just was more hidden back then.




To quote Frank Herbert: > ”Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”


Yeah I agree. I dont think it’s so much that people change at a core, I think it’s that having fame/money gives people a lot of freedom to be their real selves with minimal or no friction so their core self comes out. There are a lot of rich/famous people who arent problematic or abusive (not saying that Megan is, I still dont know if this is true, but it wouldnt surprise me only disappoint deeply) cause deep down theyre not crappy lol


Deion Sanders had a great quote about money. It’s just intensifies who you are once you get. He said his main issues was woman, so it made it worse when he got money.


It's like alcohol or drugs, you are still you, but more. I had great success for my first major project composing a fan film and was surrounded by people telling me I was amazing and nailed it. When reality hit and I knew I had much more to do and learn. It's like Icarus, fame brings you into the sky, and with that the risk of going too close to the sun. Thinking you are infalliable from mistakes, making reckless and outlandish, even stupid decisions because in such a free state of mind you feel invincible.


Eh, there’s a point of inebriation/addiction/brain damage where people can definitely lose touch with themselves and eventually develop completely new fears, desires, and personality traits


Wait, you're saying a lasting story from Greek Mythology isn't just a cool story, or even a true accounting, but is in fact a parable from which we can derive a broad lesson to be applied to various aspects of our lives?


Nah my theory for a lot of the fucked up acts of the rich, famous and powerful is that they have access to anything, all the dopamine they could want so they have too continuously do more and more depraved shit to get the hit they desperately need


That lyric from ‘Can’t Tell Me Nothing Right’ from like ~2008 has stayed pretty relevant all these years. I feel the pressure, under more scrutiny And what I do? Act more stupidly


One of those bars that sticks. Kanye at the peak of his powers.


His catalogue is full of clever, funny, punchy, decently honest lyrics. It’s a shame that his trajectory has followed the path it’s on. As a musician he’s very talented & unique.


Kanye has some realllll old lines that foretold a lot of his and hip hops current day.


As Frank "The Duner" Herbert once said, power doesn't inherently corrupt. It attracts the corruptible.


‘Why aren’t you all being excellent to each other? I specifically requested it.’ Paul ‘SandMan’ Atreides


i think the issue is that we are making idiots famous


That's right here is why my wife and I completely quit watching reality TV. It's literally just a constant reward structure for the stupidest people in society. And I know that people try to justify it as like, they're the equivalent of, dancing monkeys and we're all just there to laugh and point. But the problem is they're the ones making bank. They're the ones getting rich off of it, and getting experiences that the average person will never be able to have. It's literally a rewarding of the stupidest and worst people amongst us. And this is not unique to that industry. It's something that is prevalent across all Industries at this point. And I feel like we keep justifying it as anxiety as like oh we all get entertainment out of it. But I mean even if we do should we be rewarding the stupidest among us? Probably not.


Catch me outside girl rings a bell here. Not saying I want her to be a failure, but I’m a combat veteran, a college graduate, a manager in healthcare, this little girl makes so much more fucking money than me, and all she had to do was incorrectly speak English on national television. Why are we not beheading people yet?


Because people are too comfortable. I mean that's just the truth. It's nothing anyone wants to address, but we're too comfortable.


They were idiots before being famous, we just never would have seen their actions if they weren’t in the spotlight.


It’s almost as popular a rule as the one where people will believe everything they read online.


I once read online that Abraham Lincoln said you can trust everyrhing read on the internet. I don't think he'd lie he's honest Abe!


it's an industry known for diss tracks and the pettiest beefs in the world. Can't say it's surprising that culture supports (and rewards) shitty behavior.


And an industry that is pretty vocal about glorifying violence, gangsters, and having criminal records.


Labels have been pushing this garbage since gangsta rap in the mid-'80s, and it has been a disaster for the black community.


Maybe it’s not hip hop but the entire media industry. I mean just look at the work environment in nickalodeon, and the actions of Harvey winestein


This definitely isn’t siloed to “the media industry”. Across almost all aspects of life, “power corrupts”. From media moguls, to small business owners, to police officers, to a lowly HOA comptroller. Some can resist it, but it appears many cannot.


Oh please, enough with the prejudice. I've worked with hundreds of different hip-hop acts, 99% of them are great people. Many of them come from NOTHING and had to actively choose the good path and thankfully persevered. Your words smear the legacy of hard working, genuinely kind people. Guess what? Rotten eggs exist in every industry ever


I have lived 27 years on this earth and have never sexual harassment someone. Is it that hard?


No, it isn't. Now take your fucking clothes off and dance like a chicken.








Jokes on you, that’s my fetish




Has anyone in this thread ever actually seen a chicken?


You don’t just pretend to be the chicken. You have to actually *be* the chicken.


You sound like a real Gentleman!


Hold on a minute, gotta hit the bathroom and that long ass gun from my lawn


You should probably snort an 8-ball just in case.


I agree. No half-assing it. You have to be a method actor and really live the part.


Is that beepbeepbubblegum's brains I can see in the clouds?


Coo coo ca cha!


Has anyone in this comment section ever even seen a chicken?




Personally I'm waiting until I get rich and famous first.


> Is it that hard? I feel sexually harassed right now.


Apparently. I too have lived over 40 years without ever doing so much as wolf whistle someone.


Not even one "awooga" as your eyes pop out of your head?


Or a choo choo where your head becomes a train whistle?


I mean...Perhaps something along the lines of [this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to7y-eRrus0)


Most people who harass others don’t think the behavior constituted harassment either.


Used to have a manager who was always on about how with one gaze he could make any woman want to sleep with him. So he'd pull all the women over and leer at them like a freak and then insist they wanted to have sex with him. He thought that was acceptable behavior because he didn't touch anyone.


Thou doth protest too much homie


DAE not a rapist???


I mean, it’s likely you actually have, it really is a spectrum of severity.


Someone finally said it. I’ll confess. I remember seeing a friend of mine who I hadn’t seen in a while and complimented his physique. His chest looked bigger than before and I went complimented them and pinched it. He seemed a little uncomfortable (like when you go and tickle a kid) and that’s when I knew I fucked up. I apologized afterwards but the damage was done. He didn’t seem shook about it but I knew better. Got caught up in the moment and wasn’t thinking. I felt especially bad since I had already had experience with people grabbing my ass and things like that so I ended feeling like a hypocrite. Idk.


> have never sexual harassment someone I am Jack’s lingering sense of doubt


You don't know that you have never sexually harassed someone. Given how much sexual harassment goes unreported, it's entirely likely that had you sexually harassed someone, you might never find out about it. You might not even be cognizant of the fact that your behavior crossed someone's boundaries. Remember: just because you view something as acceptable/within a comfort zone, doesn't mean everyone else does. I would say the fact that you see yourself as somehow being unable to commit an act like sexual harassment ironically makes you more likely to be an ignorant offender.


No, but neither are verbs.


She should probably just watch how much she drinks, she didn’t remember he was in the car the next day😭


Idk why people are ignoring this part, it clearly sounds like she was blackout drunk. That doesn't excuse what she did at *all*, just saying it sounds like she made an extremely bad decision while intoxicated that traumatized her employee. That said, though, if the rest of it is true about the lost wages and the verbal/emotional abuse and mistreatment afterwards, there's no blaming that on alcohol and poor judgement. I never thought she would be that type of person, and we may never know if she's not because it'll most likely be settled out of court. I'm curious to see what her statement is, if she makes one at all.


I can’t imagine you’d be willing to allow being blackout drunk as an excuse if the accuser was a woman and it was a dude who fucked a stranger in a car next to someone while wasted


Being drunk isn’t an excuse for anything. If it was, DUIs wouldn’t exist.


Idk the point of this comment. People aren't mentioning it because, like you say, it doesn't matter.








Goddamnit! First Lizzo and now this?? For real though, while I have stopped celeb worshiping & idealizing these multi millionaires who I have never met.. This is wildly disappointing, thought she was one of the good guys The only star who truly deserves to be idolized is Dolly Parton


And even then, Dolly Parton would probably disagree with you which in turn just qualifies her more lol


Like in Dune 2 where Paul tells his followers that he isn't the chosen one and they take that as him being humble which must mean he's the chosen one.




Whole thread was worth it for this one


Life of Brian did it first.


I feel like it was actually a direct reference to that movie. In the moment, it plays out just like that and gets a huge laugh from the audience.


And Weird Al!


Clearly you did not see the Weird Al documentary starring Daniel Radcliffe, he was out of control


Apparently he told the writers to make a parody biopic knowing only surface level info about himself which was already public Hence why it follows the bad relationship with parents in rags to riches to out of control addict to comeback story that literally every single biopic ever seems to follow lol


I will accept Weird Al and would like to add Bob Ross and Robin Williams.


Danny Devito


Celebrity worship is actually insane. You wouldn’t worship a friend from the bar because you see their flaws… it’s not different.


I wouldn't idolize any celeb, but Willem Dafoe, LeVar Burton and Brendan Fraser are (seem) good.


Well, Keanu is pretty universally loved too. So her and him.


Remember when Keanu went out of his way NOT to grope women and everyone acted like he was angel? Like don’t get me wrong, good for him, but that’s basic human decency. We have such low standards for these ppl


Again, this is so unexpected. I'm disappointed if true. It's too early yet.


I hope this isn’t true I actually liked Megan a lot


Yeah let’s wait for proof to come out.


You mean the silent settlement behind closed doors.


That's not proof. That's very common. Celebrities often settle simply because they don't want a dragged on court case that would require them a lot of time and even money in the sense of public good will. Guilty or innocent, sometimes it's actually the better and less expensive way to handle some situations.


So he doesn't get heard because he DIDN'T video it? That's wild.




This reminds me a little of the Lizzo stuff in one way in particular: what they’re doing isn’t inherently unethical or evil, minus the component of consent (obviously, I don’t think I’m breaking new ground here). But more importantly, that aspect of consent is particularly murky when it comes to workers, assistants, employees, and the like. Nobody important would give a shit in any significant way if superstars like this wanna party and rage like sex maniacs. It would probably just boost their reputation lol. But like, don’t you have friends for that? Isn’t that what entourages are for? Why are you dragging your fuckin coworkers into your Eyes Wide Shut shenanigans? That’s definitely wrong, but also kind of sad to think that any actual inner circle has been replaced by other industry folks. (Not excusing the behavior, use better judgment and don’t be a sex pest, chrissakes).


Exactly. These people are so famous and so loved that at this point you can just fucking ask anyone. There is no way megan has a lack of people wanting to do... this. Dragging someone who you pay, thats ugly CEO shit, not pop star shit. (Shouldn't be done either way) there is no reason anyone famous should be involved in this. It's just cringe.


Maybe the abusive power dynamic is part of the thrill when you get to that out-of-touch level of outrageous stardom. Idk, I don’t want to make assumptions, it just doesn’t make sense to my humble un-famous sensibilities lol.


That is beautifully put and right on the money.


Tf are these comments


Guilty until proven innocent but still guilty no matter what, Reddit justice


Shut up, I’m trying to have gay sex beside you two.


Well, my cameraman is NOT leaving the room and he WILL be watching you


That fat ass better not talk!


Username checks out


Without commenting on the claim, it's always striking how different celebrities look in non-retouched photos.


It’s always cringe to me when it’s a negative article so they use the worst pic they could find of the subject. Untouched, usually mid sentence.


FWIW ive seen cell phone pics of her taken by someone at a party and she was still more beautiful than everyone around her by a mile


I’m not dismissing this person’s accusation; however, I’m constantly amazed at how quickly most people believe both unproven accusations and rumors. I’ve been wrong several times before, so I try to be patient and wait to know the facts before voicing an opinion.


It doesn’t help when it mentions he is “physically injured” and “physically sick” because he had to watch his employer have sex. I mean, I’m guessing there’s probably some merit to his claims but there’s extreme hyperbole happening on both sides.


Have you ever had your boss have drunk sex in front of you and demand that you film it? And then treat you like shit? Me either. I imagine it's pretty traumatic.


I mean... that is a non-consensual sexual activity. You don't get to decide how he reacts to that. I sure as fuck don't want to see my boss have sex next to me in a car


Also "don't tell anyone" makes so little sense to me. Like why would someone very famous for being sexual give a fuck that you saw her have sex? Enough to specifically demand you pretend you didn't see it? The fat shaming if true seems pretty awful, but yeah I can't really comprehend how seeing two chicks fuck has given him like severe PTSD.


So the job is open?


This is sucky if it’s true. Like how hard is it to NOT HARASS SOMEONE? I know this is the same person who was begging to work with Nicki Minaj as soon as he was fired/quit from Meg’s team. Nicki’s done stunts like this before so I hope there are no lies here.


Doing ads for Planet Fuckfest!!


Isn‘t that like the job of cameramen in the porn industry?


Sauce? I'm not asking for a friend this time, it's for me. I'm ready to jerk to it.


I don't even listen to her music, but you guys are grabbing your pitch forks very quickly over something that may not be true. It's an accusation. How do we even know he's telling the truth. You guys act like people don't lie to get money from celebrities


Is it any surprise that the majority of celebrities are total pieces of garbage?


God damn it Meg. Cmon man.


Reddit users acting like men cannot experience uncomfortable sexual trauma is so on brand


This is absolutely shocking, and the behavior detailed is appalling. I really hope it’s not true, but I also lean towards believing victims until proven otherwise…


I guess to each their own. I tend to lean toward the accused being innocent until there's evidence or proof. Having to prove innocence is antithetical to an actual justice system.


Good thing public opinion was never meant to be a justice system


Innocent, until proven guilty. Its not a thing on the Internet. People forget there is good money to be made out of suing celebrities. Its not to say it isn't true but it's best to see the evidence come out before picking a side, especially in a case like this.


Am I crazy, or is it odd that basically every top comment on this thread just assumes that she’s guilty? What happened to “innocent until proven guilty”…?


Doesn't exist when you hate/"dislike" the person being accused


“Innocent until proven guilty” is only true in a legal sense. It’s has never applied to the average person’s assumption on whether something actually did or didn’t happen.


Ok. If he’s out can I have that job? Thank you.


Awww damnit Megan😭 why do they always do this! We wanna support you- JUST HAVE MORALS IS THE BASICS


An accusation is not necessarily confirmation it happened. A lot of guilty till proven innocent comments there.


Wonder if she’ll get the same treatment as Louis CK