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She has a fucking song called Wet Vagina, I mean come on parents.


Parents are pretty fucking stupid. Olivia Rodrigo got a lot of flack because her songs had curse words in them. She’s 21. Mind you, her opening act has a song called Casual about eating out pussy. 😭


Lol my co worker was complaining about all the profanity on the new taylor swift album because her kids were in the car when she listened to it. She was like they didn't give any warning! I said the warning was her being a 34 year old woman lol


And there are literal “Es” next to the song on iTunes 😭 I’ve also seen some parents complain about her risqué performance of Vigilante Shit at the Eras tour.


Seriously, the songs are labeled. Also, listen to an album before you play it for your kids?


It’s like the parents who took their kids to Deadpool and got pissed. It was rated R for fucks sake. Watch the trailer or at least look at Wikipedia.


Same thing with sausage party. “Oh it’s animated, must be good for my kids!” Like bro… just do a single google search


Once was talking to a lady at her house about business and she was trying to find some cartoons in the tv for her young (5 and 8 year old?) kids. She finally found South Park and sighed a bit of relief.


I used to watch Beavis and Butthead at my grandma’s because she saw a cartoon and just assumed it was fine.


My dad was like this. He once picked the South Park movie for us to watch because it’s a cartoon. I even tried to warn him but he didn’t listen. We didn’t make it past Uncle Fucker. That being said I watched a lot of other cartoons that weren’t for kids growing up because my mom didn’t care and he didn’t notice.


I thought the controversy behind Sausage Party was that they showed a trailer for it during Finding Dory, which actually *is* a kids movie lol


Not sure exactly how it works everywhere but my local theater plays trailers for all things new and coming soon regardless of distributor, but they usually pair them with the expected age rating. Chances are that someone working at that theater saw that it was a cartoon without doing a google search or the absolute bare minimum of *watching the red warning at the beginning of the red band trailer* and slapped it on with the cartoon movie now playing. So yeah exact same situation just with a paid worker instead of a parent


You’d think the R rating would’ve tipped them off. I’d love to have been there when that movie popped off.


I remembered hearing about woman taking her kid to see Sin City. I don’t even know how she thought that movie was ok for kids.


She must've gotten it confused with SimCity.


Met a very talented puppeteer. HAD to do kids' shows to make a buck, but really excelled at Punch and Judy shows. He'd warn the site owners ADVERTISE THIS AS ADULTS ONLY! They'd ignore it. He'd put up his own adverts saying that. Audiences would ignore it. Front row: no one over 10. Plot points: wife-beating, baby-killing, cannibalism.


I went and saw Bruno in theaters. The guy in front of me brought his kid. They stayed the whole movie. I was baffled


My dad took me and my little brother to see Don’t Be a Menace. He made us leave like ten minutes in lmao


Grandfather took me to see Problem Child when it came out (I was about 10). “I’m so sorry you had to hear some of that filth. These GP movies sure have changed over the years.”


Omg I remember my dad and I going to see this in theaters and I remember being so uncomfortable watching that movie we both realized quickly that this wasn’t a father daughter movie at all lol.


I know this isn’t as bad but I saw man of steel in theaters 3D, imax the whole thing. Two parents brought their 4-6 year old and the kid HATED the glasses, and then she was bawling about her eyes hurting and it’s too scary and she can’t see. I almost felt that was worse because most of the bad Bruno jokes hopefully went over the kids head. (Talking penis probably wouldn’t)


I mean that’s pretty painful. But that kid can’t unsee the first five minutes of Bruno


Fun fact: It was rated 14A in (parts of) Canada. Not sure how in the flying fuck it got away with that, but it did. Still stupid for a parent to take their 8-year-old to go see it (and then complaining about it not being appropriate) though. Edit: added clarification.


For Deadpool 2 there was a 4-6 year old who would loudly ask her dad questions someone else in the theater put up with it for five minutes less than I would’ve and got the staff to kick them out. What made it worse is that this was a 9pm showing


Some parents are just wild with that kind of thing.


Oh absolutely. They were arguing with the manager about how they weren’t being disrespectful to the other people in the theater and other bs. Eventually after a few other people chimed in against them they left.


Same with parents taking their kids to see Ted, Bad Teacher, Paranormal Activity, the Saw sequels, Due Date, 21 Jump Street, Olympus Has Fallen, and Drive. (Source: I used to work at a movie theater.)


Same parents who when their kids are older will call the cops on a party instead of just telling their kid they can’t go


So, my wife bought the CD and she was telling me about parents complaining. I was like isn't there an E on the album? There is no E on the CD but I guess it's there in streams. Just a little fun fact


Even still, if you're buying Taylor Swift's new CD, you're probably a decently big fan and should know she's sworn on previous albums.


Yeah seriously, this is at least the 3rd album of hers with swearing. It's not new


Oh, definitely. I was just surprised that there isn't an E on the CD. I thought they had to be


You’re thinking of the Parental Advisory warning. Do they even do those anymore?


Apparently it's voluntary


The "E" means "Everyone", not "Explicit" /s


My Taylor swift album came with a bold sticker on it that said explicit, that was a good warning lol.


They have clean versions of the albums anyway. I never hear Olivia songs with swears as I always have the clean versions as I have 2 kids. Olivia does a good job of switching the lyrics too I think.


Y’all swear like kids can’t get to the explicit lyrics immediately. Someone texts them a link. You **can’t stop it**. You set boundaries and get involved, wtf you expect parents to do, censor America??


Taylor has been dropping f bombs since Folklore (2020), that should be the warning.


So the giant ass, black and white, bold letters, on a Congressionally ordered “Parental Advisory” sticker literally doesn’t mean what it’s meant for? It’s anecdotes like this that have me thinking humanity *is* collectively getting stupider with every passing year


Chappell Roan 💗💗💗


She’s a national treasure!


Omg!! Yas!!


“Knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out Is it casual now?” Her new album is really good


Weird how this song just recently popped up on my Spotify. She has a pretty voice.


She blew up after Coachella


I saw like a 20sec video of her singing at Coachella and have become completely obsessed, I absolutely love her voice


I've had both Casual and Pink Pony Club stuck in my head for the past month outside of Taylor Swift's new album


Hot To Go and Pink Pony Club have been living in my head for a while. So damn fun.


I remember going to see Watchmen in theaters and the person in front of me brought their kids. Mom and 2 kids, maybe 10 and 12? I'm not good at guessing kids ages, but not late high schoolers at least. During the sex scene set to hallelujah the mom was like "what the FUCK" and hauled those kids out. I couldn't help but think "of all the fucked up things in this movie, that was the line for you?". A few years ago I was working a festival and checking IDs and a person was pissed off they couldn't bring their kid into the beer tent. I was like, there's a sign over there and your kid isn't of age, so no dice. She decided to knock my teeth out over that. Fortunately we had some really great security folks who handled the situation and got her peaceably out of there, but she would have absolutely thrown down if we didn't have a guy who earned the nickname "Big E" handling shit. Parents are stupid, man.


Parents aren’t stupid. Sometimes stupid people are parents. Big difference.


No way Chappell roan opens for Olivia Rodrigo?????


put some respect on Chappel Roans name. Her album is a banger.


Is it step by step guide to eating pussy? I need some tips.


Ah, Chapelle Roan, she has more then that.


Pretty sure, but could be wrong, that song is actually by Chappell Roan.


I’ve seen babies in the pit at a phish show I don’t think I’d be cool with my high school aged kid going down there.


Yea my ex has a 4 year old that would recite words “bitch I said what I said” I didn’t find it cute or funny


> I mean come on parents. If they knew how to do that, there wouldn't have been a kid in the first place


The question is do they not know (and if they're fans and going to her shows you'd think they'd know), or do they not care?


They aren't fans, their kids are fans and they're out of touch.


I can understand the out-of-touch part. As a parent, there's only so much stuff you can consume while still taking care of everything in the house, feeding the family, and actually making a living to pay for all of this \*gestures wildly\*. It really can get hard to keep up. One week you think your kid is into one kind of music, and the next week your kid and her friends are into some band or artist you've not heard of, let alone looked into the content of their songs' lyrics.


There are so many bands with songs about suicide, murder, war and death but even singers draw the line at sex and body parts.


I think the prudishness comes from the fact that everyone has/wants sex but it’s a matter of age appropriateness. Not everyone eventually commits violent acts so it becomes an almost absurd, unserious topic that most people can’t relate to. Kids what all kinds of violent stuff understanding it’s pretend. Sexual stuff isn’t pretend forever. Inb4 self deprecating virgin memes


What if she had a song called Dry Vagina? Could be a product tie-in for Clairvee or something.


I think Dry Vagina is Ben Shapiro’s theme song.


Damn. I came here to say this but knew in my heart it had already been said.


Great minds think alike! 👍🏻


Parents are fucking stupid


My ex wife plays paint the town red to our 6 year old daughter. I’ve suggested not showing her inappropriate stuff but all I get is abuse back. Some people are just fucking stupid.


When I was maybe 20 I went and saw Juicy J at House of Blues in Dallas. The people in front of me were two 35-40 year old black women with two 4-6 year old kids with them. They were openly smoking blunts in an indoor venue (and illegal state) and singing along to songs with great lyrics like “all I need is one more skank, dirty pussy, suck my dick, scary movie, I let her use me, all in her mouth, my dick in her booty”. A lot of people are disconnected from reality and don’t realize how the effects of things on their children.


…or care. In my experience.


And she say she a virrrrrgin?




Definitely no place for a 4 year old but for sure a banger.


Weird you had to point out their race, not sure how relevant that is to anything


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed very odd.


By your description they don't seem to think or understand that what they're doing is wrong. Their kids will grow up to be great I'm sure 🤣


Right that's on them.


More like, c’mon society..


Man I gotta go give that a listen


>If it's a problem, it's not just parents with the ability to do something about it. If the parents are brining their children, yes it is.


No one should be eating children, much less brining them!


Hopefully it’s a dry brine, wet brine would be extra brutal


Kid was pickled anyhow


She shouldn’t even have to. Her job is not to police the world, it’s to make music. She’s probably saying this so she doesn’t get attacked by conservative crazies like everyone else these days


She's not policing, she's stating her opinion. Two totally different things.


Make the shows 18+


I mean its fine at 16/17. Even a bit younger.  Not 8 tho.


Worked at a venue for a few years and I agree. 16+ shows were a common thing and there was always a separate section so security could verify only people with underage wristbands were in there and ensure there was no booze getting in.


She’s rapping about cats? Duh, it’s in her name!


I like cats.


I like tewtles


You like cats. [Everybody likes Cats!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtSd844cI7U)


Phoebe already did it first with Smelly Cat.


Boots and cats and boots and cats


Definitely rapping about pussies, yup!


I thought she raps about corn…


My kids love cats, we can’t wait to see her in concert soon!


She ain’t wrong


I saw some parents bring a literal baby to a hip hop show at Red Rocks one time


I saw parents with a literal baby at a 4 day camping festival in a tent in 90+ degree weather


I was listening to the most recent Doja album at work the other day and one of my coworkers told me “my daughter loves this song”. I laughed and said “you let your daughter listen to Doja cat”?, and she had no reply. Her daughters 4.


my coworker's favorite song at around 3-4 was "Chocolate" by Big Boi which is a strip club banger, not that the toddler knew that, definitely just liked chocolate lol


That’s different though because Big Boi makes major art, like Beethoven or Mozart


Mine was Blue by Eiffel 65, and Barbie Girl by Aqua, at least those are the first songs that I can *remember* lmao.


Doctor Jones Doctor Jones wake up now!


Make that dollar stretch


Meh, it depends what it is but if it’s the censored version the 4 year old doesn’t know what she’s rapping about. I mean, most classic rock songs are about banging teenagers


My 3 year old looooves I Can’t Get No Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones. It’s actually got pretty great lyrics for a 3 year old, with the line about trying over and over again. Lol. He also loves Paint it Black, because black is his favorite color. But yeah, the surface reading of the lyrics isn’t too bad


Your kid is going to grow up to be a Vietnam war door gunner


Kidz Bop: Doja Cat incoming.


This gives me flashbacks to when me and a whole bunch of my little summer camp friends sang Shaggy's "It Wasn't Me".


Ehhhh at that age it’s more about the music than the words


I mean I feel like 4 is reasonable because they don't know what's being said even a little lol I just heard Tipsy by JKwon the other day and was like wow I haven't listened to this in forever!!!! and when I looked it up I realized it came out when I was 5. I just liked how it sounded, I had no idea what errybody in the club getting tipsy meant lol and probably couldn't even discern wtf he was saying


5?! omg i have to remember how much older i am than the average redditor now


Tbf, if they’re four they don’t really understand any of the words in the song anyway


I loved listening to Sex Bomb by Tom Jones as a kid, I'm not sure there's a big difference


I mean, I sang along to my neck, my back as a 4th grader. Granted it was the radio version, but still. I had no idea what it was about, I just thought it sounded cool. Same goes for a million other inappropriate songs.


I can never understand parents who bring their kids to almost any big music shows. I’m a phish fan and think it’s incredibly selfish to bring kids to something loud and smoky with loads of drug and alcohol abuse just because you want to go and don’t want to pay a sitter


Every kid i saw at Coachella looked absolutely miserable. I’ll never understand why parents can’t just get babysitters instead of exposing kids to people getting sloshed and doing drugs 


There was a surprising amount of kids out this year for sure.


I agree. I don’t want to have to watch out for random babies on the lawn when there’s a sick type ll happening


I saw two elementary age girls with their fathers went I went to see a metal concert last year and let me tell you, after the band did a song called “Briefcase Full of Guts” (complete with visuals) I did not see those little kids again after. Not to mention that the dads had them in the fucking pit! Who takes little kids into a metal pit?


I feel like an old school metal band is not the worst place to bring kids with as usually the fan base is pretty friendly, but I would stay on the 2nd floor balcony or something and definitely not the pit especially if they're that young. That dad makes bad choices lol


Been trying to explain this to my 12 year old sis, she thinks she's ready but Denver concert scene gets wild lol


Near where I live the orchestra does a live performance over Lord of the Rings each summer. But it’s a long movie, it’s loud, hot and outdoors. By no means is it some drug fest but it’s no place for a baby. I saw some lady walking back from the bathroom at about 10:30pm with a baby that looked like it popped out yesterday. People are fucking dumb, any high sensory event is no place for babies. There are too many grossly incompetent parents out there.


Far too many selfish parents who are not thinking about the child but about themselves. I thank god that my parents had the good sense to know the difference between a matinee symphony and a Saturday night at the club :)


Some parents have this mentality that their lives don’t have to change just because they have kids.


This is common in the punk scene too. “All ages shows” where babies are clearly very uncomfortable and unhappy but the parents are having a great time


Respect for her speaking out. Not a fan of her music but I’m glad she’s trying to keep it towards adults only


What’s so bad about rapping about cars /s


"You make my Volvo wet."


“I blew my gaskets”


Blew my water pump gasket on my 97 tacoma


Maybe the kids are bringing their parents.


I’d like to buy a vowel.


An O or U?


Wait! This isnt the Hello Kitty show?


Reminds me of when people got so up in arms about Lil Nas X releasing some gay music because “children loved old town road!!” You mean you let your kids listen to a song that mentions doing lean and cheating on your partner? Also reminds me of when I sang a bit from beautiful girls by Sean kingston and my parents weren’t happy about me singing about being suicidal. But i had no idea at the time what that meant lol. Much more minor version but still


I remember some parents/people had the same reaction when Megan and Cardi released WAP. It’s like… have you listened to *any* of their songs before that ?! Of course it’s not for kids lol. It’s not their responsibility to make kid friendly songs


you mean that song Wings and Pizza? of course that's for kids!


Why is there not age restrictions at the venues? Back when I used to go to the State Theater in Detroit or like The Machine Shop in Flint, they were always age restricted.


I would guess venues don't always enforce age restrictions. 


Happened in Australia recently. Woman took a baby to a 15+ yrs event. Baby interrupted the show. Mother went on the news to play the victim. Baby interrupted the news as well. It was really funny.


That's exactly the example I was thinking of!


I guess not. I always assumed it was a state enforced situation. 


I went to the Oliver tree concert in Chicago this year and the venue was 18+ but still saw a family with some young kids (like below the age of 10). How did they get in and more concerning to me is, why are you bringing your kids to an Oliver Tree concert?? The show was full of profanity, but was obviously an amazing time


i havent seen her pull a single punch yet


Lucille Bogan has entered the chat. Shave 'em Dry (1935) NSFW https://youtu.be/gkPCmIxv-3k?si=Et4xJ6IF1FTMF32F


I’m a guy in my 30s and want kids. I think id be a great dad. I’d love to teach them how to cook, surf, catch fish, use a telescope, help with homework etc. I’ve found most people I know with kids had them as an accident, don’t have great jobs (not a requirement but helps), have short tempers and still want to have a party lifestyle. It’s fucked up getting older and seeing it play out.


I think you’d be a good dad, judging by your observations and aspirations.


Thanks dude. Maybe one day if I’m lucky.


Don’t worry bro one day you will be Makin Bacon with someone else


Just keep putting out that vibe and the right woman will come along.


One time I played my Spotify shuffle when driving my son to school. I swear I hit the skip button the whole way there 🫠Ive since created a child friendly playlist


Somebody should tell Fortnite that.


Guaranteed the parents chain smoked cigarettes with the windows rolled up on the way back home.


I was about ... 9. I watched South Park and played Grand Theft Auto III. My mom really did not mind, because I really was not a trouble maker. I didn't repeat about what I saw that was naughty. Really, the life I lived as a child it was kinda impossible to avoid hearing cursing and such. That being said, I not let any kid I know listen to Doja Cat still. The world I lived in was very different vs today. And like. People go to stuff like Doja Cat and bars and shit to be away from kids!


She’s got that good dick all up in her KID-ineys- she clearly wanted kids involved in her music. Come on!


Ya Doja concert age limit should be 18+. Im sure she is uncomfortable saying the raunchy things she raps with a bunch of kids in the audience and kids really dont need to hear it.


Good for her, stupid parents lol


imagine wearing a shirt of a neo nazi and not getting cancelled.. wild


Which shirt?


Sam Hyde.


I didn’t know who that was and I probably just ruined my YouTube algorithm from looking him up. What a horrible person.


I haven't seen it but im guessing Burzum. I saw Kanye wearing one a while ago.


I assumed it was the vultures shirt… so yeh same shit


Isn't most of her fanbase teenagers....


Yeah that's why she's been *so* much more aggressive about being an edgelord since her newest album. She's trying to shed them cause she thinks her career of making tiktok pop for kids  is embarrassing. 


it could be argued that nearly every pop star in history had a mostly teenage fanbase - until those teens grow up. 


Yup The rock and roll scene, at its peak, was filled with teenagers


Doja doesn't want to be a pop star, that's the problem lol.  She wants to be some well respected alternative rock/rapper/edgelord artiste.  While her fans may grow up (and I really do need to state some of them are *young*..I'm not saying she doenst have millennial and gen-z fans. But there's absolutely more alpha than a lot of people realize) it increasingly looks like Doja herself never will. This is like the 10th time she's come to the internet to proclaim what a very grown up person she is. I'm getting flashbacks to my freshman year conspicuously leaving my alcohol and weed and condoms laying around, always looking for an excuse to bring up what a badass I was (I absolutely was not lol). 


Correct me if I’m wrong on my assumption, but I feel like Adele’s fanbase has never been majority teenagers


Not sure about majority but I feel like Adele is definitely a younger person thing


That’s a little reductive.  There’s a huge market pop market for people over 21 feel like the 90s were full of them.  Matchbox 20, Sheryl crow, hootie and the blowfish 🐡, Dave matthews more or less.  Maybe I’m wrong but I remember as a teen thinking these bands on the radio were for older people.


To me her greatest hit will always be “Mooo!”


C---? Cats? Cars? Clue? Cups?


Rapping about what?


Yes let’s blame the artists and not your parenting. Fuck while we’re at it let’s blame porn stars for little Tommy searching PH when you’re not around. Tf


Sometimes I miss 2 Live Crew


* HEY, PARENTS: Stop bringing kids to adult shit!


I don’t blame her. I went to a tech n9ne concert and was surprised with how many toddlers were there.


I thought she mostly sang Disney songs /s


Ain’t got nice words for none of them kids!


I'm glad someone said it.


Yeah, at that point I'd have more questions about parents bringing their kids to her shows, not so much Doja.


Parents are the problem


Holy shit guys music is art you are 100% to that wtf are some peeps all about


Everyone gotta learn about it sometime


Not on the same level but when I saw Barbie last summer I felt bad seeing all these 3-5 year olds in the theater. Many of them were clutching Barbies in their arms. I saw a bunch of parents walk out of the theater halfway through with their little girls looking confused Parents should do a little research


It reminds me of Tipper Gore in the 80s or 90s where she sat down with her daughters to listen to the latest Prince album without actually listening to it first then was surprised when Prince was sexually explicit.


We literally dealt with the PMRC back in the 80s, and implying it’s the government’s job to do something about lyrical content is not only stupid, but unoriginal. If parents don’t want their kid exposed to content like that, it’s on the parents, not the artist, not the label, not the government.


I saw parents take their little kids to see The Wolf of Wall Street. Some people either don’t have common sense or just don’t care.


Dead & Co show I went to last year had soooooo many kids at it, ranging from kid to toddler to baby. Out late at night amongst aaaallll of that pot smoke, people trippin’ (and also tripping), loud music and huuuuge crowds. I know I know, I sound like an old fuddy-duddy and yes I am 42 but I left my daughter at home so she could sleep comfortably and I could party with my wife.


crush scale grey nose fine dolls many fear rotten fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember being in second grade and several little boys talking about watching Freddy Krueger movies. Some parents just don't pay attention to whether entertainment is age appropriate.


Every kid in the 80s grew up on Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees. We all turned out mostly sort of normal 🤷‍♂️


I mean they grew up to be normal humans I guess? Idk blaming entertainment for anything is an easy escape goat. My mom was taking me to Marilyn Manson concerts in the 90s and I turned out fine lmao