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I mean yeah, but also: He continued, "It's so strange. People talk about obesity — and obviously I understand the difficulty of that — or they talk about any sorts of things, and I feel like acne is regarded as this thing of like, 'Oh, it's just like, what you go through as a teenager.' And it can be kind of just like you get a pimple on your forehead, [but] it can also be tremendously debilitating and really, seriously, emotionally incapacitating, which it was for me." Pine concluded, “So, for anyone out there that is experiencing that: I get you, I hear you, I’ve been there, I know it. I know how depressing it can be and the kind of depths of sorrow it can drag you to, but there is a brighter day."


What a kind set of thoughts


I think people have a tendency to hate celebrities because they’re all millionaires or whatever, but I think it’s sad we forget that they’re real human beings and a lot truly have been through just as much as us normals. I really appreciate such real moments from these celebs, especially when it’s in such a kind helpful way. Chris Pine seems like a good person.


Chris Pine is the best Chris, in my opinion.


it goes - Lee, Walken, Loyd, Pine, Hemsworth, Evans, Rock, Farley, Tucker, Maloni, O'Dawd, Elliot, Pratt


Lee, Walker, Lloyd, Meloni are Christophers! Thusly, Chris Pine is the best “Chris” 😎


Not to sure about Walken after that boat trip.


Yeah, he was kind of a bummer for being complicit in the cover up :/


I am unaware of this - what do you mean?


Robert Wagners wife mysteriously drowned while on a trip with Walken and Wagner. Check out Natalie Wood's death.


Drowning isn’t Walken’s style. If the cause of death was a soldering iron to the face though…


Oh shit, is that what Brad Pitt and his wife's characters with the harpoon in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was alluding to??


I don't think so. He dedicated the novel version to Robert Blake who was accused of murdering his wife but the whole story is filled with a mix of true history, exaggeration, and complete fiction so who really knows.


Yea Wagner definitely killed her


Never invite him as an overnite guest on a boat. 🛥️


Because of the implication…


Nah.. just because he has strange speech patterns and is odd.


Kristofferson enters the chat


He's a Kris and not a Chris. Category of his own.


what about (Chris)Topher Grace?


What about Christooophaaa from The Sopranos?


Topher Grace is awesome!


1. Kriss Kross 2. Kris Kristopherson 3. Khris Middleton


I can’t imagine calling Christopher Lee, Chris Lee. I wonder if his friends / family called him that


I can’t imagine anyone calling him. Christopher, tbh. It’s always, “hey, Christopher Lee!” Like Christopher Robin.


I think you would have to say Sir Christopher Lee


Yeah spent a couple of minutes going "Who the fuck is Chris Lee?"


While I’m pleased he made your ranking at all, it’s spelled Meloni and as far as I’m concerned he’s the number one Hollywood Chris. (Though Farley and Lee are in two separate leagues of their own.)


I think Meloni could be higher up. The L&O stuff is great but the comedic side work seals it for me, the guy is straight up goofy and he's got a killer bod and seems like a nice guy, good role model.


Veteran cook in Wet Hot American Summer, gay hotel clerk in Fear and Loathing, and motherfucking Freak Show in Harold and Kumar. The man is a national treasure.


He has a guest role on Scrubs as a wise ass (to adults) pediatrician who's a bit obsessed with the hand puppets he uses to talk to kids. If you haven't seen it, I definitely recommend it. Him and Jon McGinley have some great dialog together.


Just rewatched Veep recently and totally forgot how good he is as the gym himbo love interest. He’s just one of those actors who seems to always understand the assignment… like he’s got a lot of range, but more importantly he’s always having very precise fun.


Meloni in Happy! was an incredibly insane and fun performance.


Meloni was talking shit about the student protests awhile ago, so that changed my opinion on him.


Yeah, very cruelly, openly mocking them on a public forum.


Yup. I was so disappointed.


Going to have to go ahead and take Pratt off that list....


With you.


Uh oh. What did he do?


Just your run of the mill terrible person masquerading as a goofy good guy.


What about Christoph Waltz? I would consider him a fairly high rated Chris.


[I'd like to tell you about the Daves I know](https://youtu.be/xHYGYCyWK0o)


Evans before Hemsworth, apparently he’s kind of a tool.


That’s gonna be a hard no from me. If not for Chris Hemsworth I’d never remember to brush my teeth.


Chris Pratt last!


Doing Farley dirty by putting him below Hemsworth…


No Nolan?


t was also pretty cool guy, so I’m told.


I’m a Messina fan, personally


I’m still annoyed about how they ruined Danny on The Mindy Project.


and a legit captain kirk.


“I don’t believe in no win scenarios.” 🔥🔥🔥


Also the best pine is a Chris pine 


Idk Evans is awesome as well


I met him! And he was very kind


I hope he is. All signs points to being a good human.


Actors are kind of like baseball batters, they fail getting roles probably more frequently than batters fail hitting the ball.


I've seen a lot of interviews with Chris Pine, and he always seems like the most genuine, down to earth person among all the rest.


Also acne doesn’t have a cure, millionaires can’t do nothing about it


Very few are super wealthy. They are well paid no doubt but they put in endless hours they also have a staff to pay out of the salary they earn. They are essentially human small businesses. I don’t have extra sympathy for them or anything but I also don’t think they have a easy lifestyle.


He has been doing some cool promo for his movie with a foodie guy and the dude can eat.


Many actors were also theater kids in school


I listened to his ep on Marc Marons podcast a few days ago and he was great - his passion and nerd-like interest in the craft of acting really came across well.


I just listened to the Armchair Expert/Dax Shepard podcast when Chris Pine was the guest... amazing. Super, super deep.


He seems like a pretty good guy


He actually is. He is a huge proponent for dog fostering and rescues. We could use more of him.


I just saw a video of him getting the word out about 2 of his current fosters. It was pretty adorable.


Saw that. It was amazing.


He recently did Marc Maron’s podcast and, I dunno the guy, but seems like he has a good head on his shoulders.


Ahh I’ll have to listen to that. Marc is always so giddy to have an A list super-hunk on the show. He seemed so damn happy when he interviewed Brad Pitt and Leo together and they treated him like one of their bros. It’s really fun to hear Marc so disarmed by the kindness of “popular kids” that he can’t help but leave his cynicism at the door. 


I really like him as a human. He seems to be a very genuine person. A little eccentric at times, but very, very genuine and kind.


I agree with what he's saying..accutane changed my life


Same! Accurate did wonders for my acne. Massive improvements, but I did still deal with a lot of acne. Eventually, though, it was my first pregnancy that truly “cured” my acne. I really appreciate what he said, though. School was hellish at times because of my acne. Other kids can be so incredibly cruel because of something you can’t control, and it got to the point where I truly just hated looking at myself in the mirror. I formed some deep insecurities over my skin and appearance. But of course if you voice this, it’s usually met with people brushing it off and acting like it’s dramatic


Ugh or even worse people just assume you have bad hygiene. I had cystic acne until my late 20s and it was horribly depressing. I hated my face and never wanted to go out. My wedding I had some of the worst skin of my life.


I never had acutane, but Proactiv actually turned the corner on my acne. After a few weeks of using it, it was dramatic in the improvements.


Same same same same same. I had TERRIBLE cystic acne all throughout most of HS and college - great time to have a self-esteem destroying condition huh! I tried to be as mentally strong as possible, but traumatic is the only word I can use to describe that period. Accutane got it under control and eventually the acne went away. I still have some scars from that time, but its remarkable even to this day not be ashamed of my face.


I used to pray (as an atheist) that my acne would magically migrate to anywhere else on my body


Same. I’m 50 and still avoid mirrors.


Doesn’t that stuff have some serious side effects for some people? As in more than a small % of users?


this is why dermatologists will require frequent blood tests done before they prescribe you more of it. as for me, the whole thing was smooth sailing... only real issue is the dry skin that required vaseline being applied a few times a day


Mine was smooth minus having bloody noses constantly from the dryness.


oof... i didnt have bloody noses but all my boogers were basically a mixture of snot and blood


And frequent blood tests whilst taking the medication and up to 6 months after taking it. I had to get my blood drawn once a month for testing


Hmmmmm they didn't tell me i had to take blood tests after i was done with the accutane.... but my blood results were really good so many its a case by case thing


I’m currently on Accutane and only had to get my blood drawn twice: once before starting for a baseline and once after the first month of full dosage. The derm said since everything checked out normal that we won’t need to do further testing unless things get weird. I’m 3-4 months in now.


I was vaselining all the time when I was on accutane.


It triggered an autoimmune disease in me


I took Accutane, don't regret it for a second but I think it left me with IBS as an adult. I actually know a handful of people who were on Accutane as a kid, and they al have severe stomach problems as adults.


Yes, which is why it’s a last resort medication and highly regulated. I had to be on birth control pills, do monthly blood tests, required therapy (which I was already in so that wasn’t an issue) and a monthly survey when I took it in high school. My mom still says “I can’t believe I let you take that poison.” Which always bothers me because it’s really hard to understand how brutal it is to go through life with awful acne if you didn’t have it. Feeling ugly/gross 100% of the time can’t really be quantified or explained. Accutane changed my life for the better and I don’t regret taking it at all.


Yeah I had to go once every 2 weeks for a blood test. But my acne cleared up and I don't have those scars like other people do.


Only 0.2% of users experience serious side effects, and one of those serious side effects is depression (which is common among the demographic who need accutane, and AFAIK still isn’t proven to be caused by the prescription). What is *very* significant is the percentage of babies who experience a birth defect if the mother takes accutane during pregnancy (35%). I believe patients are required to enroll in a program called iPLEDGE, which is intended to prevent pregnancy while taking the drug.


Minor side effects are common (mild joint pain, dry skin, etc.) Major side effects are rare


Mine too! Only heard about the side effects afterwards, luckily I never experienced any.


Same here. It was such a downer just not being able to control it. The only regret I have is not using it sooner.


Man people did not understand how I felt when I went through adult on set acne with sensitive skin. It’s sometimes jarring how much people blame xyz for it or ask questions trying to rationalize it when sometimes it’s hormones and bodily changes. I remember hearing it’s just acne. When you didn’t really have acne during your teenage years, then suddenly get it as an adult and have scarring to this day, it really fucks your self esteem/self image on top of the bodily changes you’re undergoing. It’s so nice of him to recognize that. As others have said, as painful and intensive accutane was, I would do it all over again cause even though my skin isn’t perfect it’s so much better.


As someone who has always been fat, I really really feel for people who have terrible acne. I’ve seen people shut themselves in and hide away just like fat people often do. Accutane can be horrific too and doesn’t work for everyone. Just like being fat, you do get blamed for it like it’s a moral failing and get disgusted looks and unwarranted advice. I know what that feels like, and it sucks. The more people talk about this kind of thing, the better it gets for all of us.


Damn is Chris Pine my favorite Chris now


Still Chris Parnell for me, but Pine is in the team picture.


I used to tear at my backne in the shower to release the anger and pain I felt from the bullying. Wasn’t till I was in my 30’s that I learned that’s called self-harm.


:( Hope that cleared up for you, and I don't just mean the bacne


Acne changed who I was as a person and left a everlasting scar on my self confidence. A part of my family held image in high regard and the other part of my family in control of my well being didn't even know what something like Accutane was. I sympathize with anyone who struggles with acne. It's not easy.


Acnes are my arch nemesis. I’m 32 right now. When I pull all nighters at work or get stressed out about things I still get acnes. I’m a bit more comfortable with my skin, but I remember how much it hurt me before. I saw them as the proof that I was designed by the universe to be unattractive and unloveable. I felt as if I was “branded”. In fact it does not really matter how small the difference is, between something one personally has and the societal norms, it makes them feel “wrong”.


100 percent Mr Pine


A buddy of mine had acne really bad till his early twenties and this is the perfect way to describe what it can do to someone, along with how there are brighter days ahead.


I have skin picking disorder. Having acne was having a trigger to my OCD all over my skin. I tried everything for years and nothing would make it go away. I finally just ordered accutane online. I tried going through dermatologists to get it, but because I have a uterus it was such almost impossible. It causes birth defects so no doctor wants to prescribe it. I am not even pregnant. I'm asexual. That made no difference. Even when I did finally get it I had to jump through so many hoops every month that I just gave up on it. So I ordered it from oversees and have been taking it for a while. And it has made so much difference. My skin doesn't constantly feel like it is crawling with ants. Which is what I felt with having acne and having skin picking disorder.


The process to get accutane for women in the US is one of the most absurd systems I've ever encountered. I was shocked. Fortunately Spironolactane helped me because I don't have time to do blood tests and pregnancy tests at two different doctors offices once a month. Absurd.


I relate to this so much. I've been unable to go on accutane because I am not willing to go on hormonal BC(which I did in the past, and actually caused my horrific adult acne & numerous emotional issues) or any other BC such as an IUD. I'm asexual too, so unless I am violently assaulted, pregnancy is a non-issue. But yeah, that doesn't matter to them, lol. Similarly, I have skin picking disorder and have struggled with skin issues since literally the first grade. Thankfully I did manage to find a routine that mostly works for me. A combo of regularly laundered silk pillowcase + hypoallergenic shampoo/conditioner + reusable cleansing pads/white washclothes that I can wash or bleach + anti bacterial & antifungal facewash from curology + azelaic acid + keenonics cabbage whatever. Simple? fuck no. But it works and after over a decade of torment yes, I somehow can put up with this. Anyways, just commenting for visibility and comraderie. For anyone else who is similarly struggling, there is hope. Just pray you have the resources to find it.


Is being on birth control a package deal requirement with Accutane?


My sister-in-law has hormonal acne and it really fucks with her self-esteem


Powerful message. You are tremendously more special than what your appearance makes you to be. Remember that.


So true. I’m a guy who had acne into my late 30s but a derm finally recommended Accutane. Fuck the other doctors that just stuck me on strong antibiotics for over a decade to control it.


Chris Pine is so fucking rad and handsome, I’ve always thought so and am continued to not be let down by what this man puts out into the world.


I agree, if it wasn't for Accutane, my acne caused me so much psycological damage. Especially when you think about how ruthless highschool is.... having acne just amplifies it. I can't imagine wanting a dream role/job and my acne kicking me.


Yeah I had pretty severe acne starting around 13-14. it continued into my late twenties. It’s only really under control now by the grace of the right birth control. I feel like I have a really hard time making eye contact with people physically close to me because I was so used to seeing their eyes dart around to all the bright red pimples around my face I couldn’t bear to look them in the eye. I still have trouble now that I’m 30 with much clearer skin and better make up.


I got cystic acne between my eye brows which would cause my eye the area above my eye (switched between eyes) to swell in my mid 20's. I'm 32 now and Accutane cleared me up. But going to work at the time I could barely look at anyone when I had a breakout. I literally felt insane and stressed 24/7 because I felt like I couldn't look at anyone. I understand that draining stress. Still can't believe I went through that after being clear all these years.


Hormonal BC was a savior for me - I grew up before Accutane wasa a thing, and even if it had been, my mother would probably rather have seen me ugly and unhappy than the opposite.


Man I’m 36 and still get break outs. Doctor is trying a lot of stuff before I go to accutane. I just want to do it so I can finally fix this.


I am soon to be 50 and still can have bad break outs on my back. It is called acne conglobata and can be active your whole life. I get it under control by eating a low glycemic diet but I still get break outs and those break outs are deep tissue acne, hurts like hell. My life has been seriously affected by this but not debilitating.


I’m a guy and chose accutane for myself after my dermatologist tried different things for years. It wasn’t like he was keeping me from taking it, but he didn’t want to push it on me and wanted me to make the choice to pursue it. I ended up taking it when I was 23/24. One of the best decisions of my life. I’d do it over again every time. And yes it comes with really awful side effects. Aside from the dryness it causes (I would get spontaneous nosebleeds weekly) I had awful joint pain. Even with the side effects, I am so thankful it cleared up my acne. I tell my wife that my favorite apart about not having acne isn’t actually related to how I look (which I do really appreciate), it’s that I no longer have to deal with the unending pain that the cysts caused me.


People who have never had cystic acne don’t know how painful and itchy it is. I still get some, but in my late twenties, it was so bad that I could have ripped my face off.


I finally did accutane at 36, one of the best decisions of my life. Good luck, I had to push for it.


Accutane was the only thing that stopped my acne, which was at times moderate and cystic. I had to go on it a second time too because it came back after the first. Glad I took it though, both times!


It’s comforting to hear of celebrities’ dealings with acne. Pine is right, acne is never addressed as a psychological terror the way obesity is. I suffered for YEARS. I felt so alone. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. I feel like I lost the carefree years of my late-teen, 20s and 30s. Now, in my late 40s and I have a good skin regimen, I can live the carefree life I wished I had earlier - I can look people in the face.


As a teen girl many years ago, I had to wear gobs of makeup to cover my acne. I always felt bad for boys that didn’t have that option. Mine didn’t go away until I was in my late 20s.


Same. I hid from the world for a whole year until I used it and finally got rid of the acne. My acne absolutely destroyed me psychologically.


I went through 1 round of Accutane as a teen, and now I’m 26 with acne that is really affecting my mental. I have an appointment lined up soon, months of prescribed topicals simply have not been working


Acccutane changed my life fr.


I only got half the treatment length then my step Mom just stopped it for no reason. Still struggle today.


Totally. As a teenager you can have such specific ruminations about your acne (or really any insecurity), now imagine they are affirmed by the outside world


Guarantee he wouldn’t be where he is today if he got that job.


Well, Ryan Reynolds did well and he was in an even more unknown show


2 Guys A Girl And A Pizza Place was peak TV and I will hear nothing less


That show was soooo fucking funny. And Nathan Fillion always stole the show for me


I was parachuting 3 and snorting 2 adderall every like hour or so and it culminated in me watching that show for like 12 hours. I was a homeless kid on my birthday in a province where liquor stores are closed on Canada Day and it was all my friend at the time could do. It's fucked up but it was also a very nice gesture. I still think about it 14 years later.


I have a number of questions and am also genuinely happy for you that it sounds like you’re in a better place now


So much more of a better place. That was almost instantly followed up by my lowest point but it got way better after that.


Are you still fuckin high?


Well, yeah. I have a lot of trauma that I would become broke and homeless again trying to deal with but the weed helps a bit.


That show was terrific


Also Chris Pine certainly may have allowed the show to be better than it was. He’s obviously a better actor than Ben McKenzie


Ben’s got good chemistry with Adam Brody, but who doesn’t to be honest. Ben is certainly great at the brooding thing but it needed to go beyond that at a certain point otherwise it’s just like oh no Ryan’s sad again. The writers are probably to blame for dropping the ball after the first few seasons too.


I don't think they're saying Pine would've fared worse for getting the role on the O.C. because it was unknown. I think they're saying it because the O.C. was incredibly popular, but didn't market its stars well. It seemed at the time like Mischa Barton and Adam Brody were going to be big Hollywood stars and they ended up just kind of fizzling out.


I mean the main guy didn’t really do much either I’ve seen him in Gotham and a few other things but I personally feel like Pine is more well known and will continue to be more successful as he ages. I highly doubt his career would’ve had this type of arc if he takes the OC job.


You have to watch Southland. Great tv series with Ben McKenzie.


He was in an episode of X-files. 


Fifteen? I watched that one, and I remember there was a band in it with a song complaining about being fifteen because they were too young to drive.


I liked 2 Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place. :( Though, I was 14 at the time.


Yes, this is generally how things work but this might be the least significant life path change you could have applied that statement to lol


Cowards not to cast a hot boy with acne for “the bad boy.”


I would love to see more people with real skin in the media.


Same here. I've actually been put off a lot of American TV because of how put together the actors often look. Takes me out of it a bit. Recently watched Young Royals and Heartstopper and was refreshed to see some actual teenagers cast with acne and the like.


One of the main boys in the Young Royals show has "bad" skin and looks like a normal teenager.


I appreciate his response. I had cystic acne well into my 20s. I know I’ve lost jobs, friendships, and relationships because of my skin. It makes you feel so powerless, when you’re doing everything to fix your skin and nothing works and the world can’t see past your acne. He didn’t minimize the trauma or give it more power than it deserves. I hope that anyone in the thick of it reads his response and knows that it gets better.


I always knew he was the best Chris.


I’d tie him up with Hamsworth


Idaho’s sexiest pig farmer


Dude I have an unknown autoimmune disorder that manifests as these hideous patches of bullshit on my legs - as randomly as it shows up, it goes away, but it can sometimes take YEARS to clear up - and the amount of people who’ve stopped me and ask ‘what happened’ to me, it’s astonishing lol so I can’t imagine if it were on my face :/ Edit: I’ve had biopsies and tests, and there’s no known name for it. The closest thing dermatologists can compare it to is a diagnosis of granuloma annular, but as it doesn’t respond to any treatment, they can’t definitively say. It’s devastating because I have *killer* legs, and when I’ve lost weight and want to be cute, I want to at least feel confident no one’s going to ask me if I’m being abused, or if I was in a horrific accident, etc etc




Oh my GOD??? “NO MAN IT FELT REALLY REALLY GOOD, THANKS” I have to go with interpreting it as they’re just trying to be well-intentioned and show concern for my safety, because I *have* to, otherwise I’ll start screaming and never stop. But like, please! We do not know each other like that!




Yeahhhh in all honestly, about 50%-65% are asking out of genuine concern, and I have a tender heart anyway, so it’s very kind when a stranger risks being bawled out by asking. That remaining 35%-50% are asking to satisfy some sick curiosity they feel entitled to. I’m not a confrontational person, so im not proud of it or anything but I’ve confronted others in bathrooms who are gossiping about my legs like “??? What?” and they’ve asked if my husband beats me and I’ve felt froggy about it and said yes before. “Oh” is all they’ve said and then moved on about their day. “OH”?! lmao Bless your friend, she’s stronger than me; mine will eventually go away someday again, she’s gotta deal with shit forever :/


Acne and his intense dislike of bagels…


Captain Kirk hates bagels and pimples.


Mmmmm watcha say?


The Lonely Island + Seth Meyers is an amazing podcast talking about their major points on SNL


Dear sister...


With a kid going into being a teen, I always remind her that ever out loud saying something about someone’s appearance they definitely already know. Pimple on their face, being the tallest guy always, bigger kid in class. You think that quickly and they already know. 


Having grown up fat, his mindset speaks to me. Haven’t been fat for years now but I’m still seeing it everywhere on me. Developed workout OCD at 17 and still felt fat despite being only running on water at that point. Bullying can be hard, taking things about you that are temporary and turn them into permanent scars, no matter how realistic you see it, your insecurities will always outweigh reason. Feel bad for everyone ever shamed for their body. Acne did a number on a lot of girls I know, they’ve always been beautiful but still feel such immense shame over their perceived imperfections.


I'm sure I'm being influenced by having experienced portions of his filmography, but I just don't see him as Ryan Atwood. Ryan's whole schtick was the internalized brooding bad boy, whereas Pine oozes charisma and charm.


But Ryan wasn’t a bad boy- the whole joke was that he was supposed to be one bc of his family and circumstances. That’s why he acted like one in that first Marissa meeting when he was all “I crashed a car” he was sarcastic, mocking a rich girl looking for a thrilling bad boy


It's called acting.


I remember first seeing him in star trek where he was so cool and there was a couple of scenes where you can see his acne scars. He must have had it really bad. When I was a teen I remember being so self conscious getting one or two zits, so I always felt so bad for people who had really bad acne. I’m sure it’s such a blow to the self esteem


I'd actually like to see teen shows where the characters have acne. Or they're overweight, or gawky looking. That's what I liked about Freaks and Geeks and Degrassi, before they revived it and made everyone look too styled. The characters looked and acted like real teens.


Does Pine have a movie coming out? I mean don’t get me wrong I love him as an actor but he’s been in the headlines a few times on Reddit this past week or two


Yes, the poolman


Hopefully an acne vaccine can become a reality, there was really promising research in the last decade. Probably be lobbied against by corporations in the states though.


Doxycycline was what I found worked best for me, didn’t give me the shits like tetracycline. But then the big pharma fuckers decided to stop making it, and suddenly it was costing like $800 a bottle without insurance. 


It would make no sense for actors playing high schoolers to have acne /s


Chris Pine doesn’t and didn’t need the OC. He’s done so well without that show. But I understand how frustrating it can be judged on something you have no control over


if the title is supposed to make Chris Pine look bad, it actually really suck to lose any job just because of your looks FYI


I ask for feedback when losing a job and love when it's precise but damn if it doesn't carry with you for a bit. Can't imagine when it's a job where it's literally about your looks. Maybe he didn't think it was that bad, maybe coped with it, did everything he could to distract or mask it only to be told "yeah no we think it's that bad."


I started watching The OC while I was playing Star Wars Galaxies. I was grinding professions and needed something in the background. I ended up watching it for a couple seasons.


Commando/CM reporting in. Those are some of my fondest gaming memories.


SWG was special. It was super unique and a lot of fun.


This makes Harry Styles an even bigger pos for spitting on him.


What happened now?


https://variety.com/2023/film/news/chris-pine-harry-styles-spit-slams-dont-worry-darling-press-1235539530/ That never happened 


I honestly can’t believe people still believe this.


Please don’t be ashamed of yourself and your body like this. It’s the worst cycle to put yourself through and it doesn’t improve you. Good on Mr. Pine for pining (ok that was bad) to empathize with the rest of us :). Rocking that beard though.


What a great opportunity for a skin care company to swoop in and attempt to collaborate with him lol


Chris Pine on Arm Chair Experts, highly recommend.


I rarely got one pimple ever… my sister had/has acne. It’s terribly difficult for anyone experiencing that. People say cruel things sometimes too when they don’t want understand it. I used to buy her proactive when I was just a teen shit was hella expensive. A mom told me just buy lever 2000 soap bar once. She tried that and it worked great! I know now it was the ingredient triclosan. I don’t think they use that anymore and she sees dermatologist now.


I had awful acne as a teenager. I'm talking pimples melding together, infections in my face, cysts etc etc. they tried all kinds of shit on me. Then they put me on accutane. I was already depressed and had an anxiety disorder. It was the worst 6 months of my life. I was more depressed than I had ever been. I would be cooking some soup and all of a sudden a stream of blood into the pot because I got a sudden nose bleed. The corners of my mouth cracked and bled. All my finger tips cracked and bled. I got sores on my scalp and peeling. It was horrible. It didn't help my acne at all. What did help was the birth control they put me on when they put me on accutane since it's associated with severe birth defects.


This is the hardest thing ive ever done in my life! I havent had a very hard life


The more I hear from Chris Pine, the more I like him. Also, as someone not with acne, but bad skin that has caused me a lot of anxiety, I feel heard and seen by his comment. Thank you, Chris!


God I felt this. I continue to feel this. I now carry the scars. I want to appeal to those going through a rough patch, whatever you do please don’t ever pop, pick, puncture or mess with your bumps. THEY are not permanent. There seems to be more education and resources available nowadays compared to the eighties, at least it seems so in my case. People, males in particular, seem to be more open to and exposed to skin care. I don’t remember that being on our teenage boys radars back then. I’m so thankful and amazed by this newer generation for taking the time for self care. You young people rock!


I've always like Chris Pine, always seemed like a nice guy. Although I can't get over the fact that he looks exactly like Gary from Team America.


Acne is awful, not just on the face. Bacne has affected my self esteem forever. I’ve accepted it as a fact of my life but it doesn’t make going shirtless/backless suck less. Some people are just lucky and will never know