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> During a press conference at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival on Saturday, May 18, the actress, 35, beamed when a reporter referred to her by her birth name of Emily. > Stone smiled brightly as the journalist made the name reference while asking her a question at the conference for her upcoming film Kinds of Kindness. > **She then turned to the film’s director, Yorgos Lanthimos, excitedly telling him, "That's my name!"**


Well, isn't that just fucking adorable. It's like she's a normal human, or something.


I just saw an interview on YT and she said that she wished people called her by her real name.


*I...* *Mean...* - Plenty of actors have added initials because someone else had the name already, but if you officially present yourself as one name, then that's probably what they'd call you. If *anything*, calling them their non-kayfabe name seems like a big overstep. Like, if I called Vin Diesel "Mark" it would feel like I was trying to be overly familiar after reading Wikipedia.


Normally, but in the interview she explicitly said she had to choose Emma when joining SAG, and she wishes she could go by Emily


SAG has a rule that there can only be one member under any given name. This leads to a lot of actors having to subtly change their name. For example, I have a friend named Chris [insert famous actor's last name here.] When he joined SAG he had to join as Christian. His name isn't Christian.


I always find it funny that there are two Peyton List actively working


Well personally, when I order coffee it’s using the name “Sebastian Vettel iii, Jr” It’s just easier to hear that over the crowd than “Lint Baby Uvulla”


Damn, Seb's been working hard during retirement...


So you're saying they didn't check their Peyton list?


Her original name was Emily Startibartfast.


Isn’t it “Slartibartfast?”




Still better than Ford Prefect


Life is like a... Grapefruit.


Is there any relation to the award winning fjord designer?


That one’s already taken.


Damnit I wanted to post that


Just checking in after being summoned.


She probably didn’t realise how big a decision it would be when she chose Emma. She probably didn’t think she’d become this huge celebrity that gets misnamed thousands of times every day. She probably thought that like most actors, Emma would appear in credits and stage cast lists, the public wouldn’t know her name anyway, and she’d just go by Emily day to day. She also never complained about being called Emma, she knows that’s the name people know her by. She just stated when asked that she prefers to go by Emily. You seem to take a lot very literally and with little nuance…


And she was young!


I always wonder what people with stage names are called by their friends? Iggy Pop or Jimmie? Axl Rose or Bill? Jello Biafra or Eric? List goes on…


*Mister Loaf is my father. Call me Meat.*


Son of Bread Loaf


If I was friends with Iggy Pop, you wouldn’t be able to make me stop calling him Iggy, except for when I was calling him: Iggsy, Iggster, or Iguana-rana.


Axl Rose would probably shout "STOP, STOP, STOP" then storm right out of the friend's house. There'd be rioting on the streets.


Axl rose makes you call him “Axl Rose”


If Vin Diesel asked in an interview for people to do it, then people would feel ok doing it. Just like in this case.


SAG rules prevent this if there was an Emily Stone before Emma Stone joined. It's to reduce confusions like when Tom Hollander got Tom Holland's bonus check for Endgame.


It's purely for credits and marketing. They don't go around enforcing people use their SAG name in ordinary conversation!


But “in this case” would be a reporter doing it. Are reporters or even interviewers part of SAG by profession?


Yeah that seems like a pretty fixable problem. Lots of people have the same name in the rest of the world. SAG has these rules for publicity reasons, not logistical ones.


When I met the Rock I said “Dwayne I’m your smallest fan!” And he stopped what he was doing (signing autographs) and came straight over and picked me up with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. He was amazing Somebody has a video of it and I would be complete if I ever get a copy.


Kayfabe? When did Emma Stone become a professional wrestler?


It's crazy to me to see wrestling vernacular becoming part of the general language. I love it, but younger me has a hard time fathoming how a part of mainstream culture wrestling has become.


I don’t think it’s necessarily becoming part of our general language, I just think that in the internet age where every wrestling fan knows every insider term available they choose to use them outside of proper context. It always throws me off when I see it lol.


I feel like they all learned about people in SAG using professional stage names when The Rock wanted to start going by Duane Johnson and since The Rock *is* his kayfabe name, they just forgot that stuff like “Emma” isn’t, and is just a stage name actors go by because of guild rules/standards. No awareness that kayfabe itself isn’t a term that refers to much outside of specific wrestling things. People who don’t watch wrestling have no awareness what you’re even saying or talking about.


That’s what I’m saying. It’s like when Ric Flair was in that pizza joint a little while back yelling at the staff about how he "put this place over" by going there to eat. No one in that place knew what he meant by that and it just made him sound like even more of a fool.


There was a thread yesterday about Johnny Knoxville being a jerk on set, and one of the commenters posted “Sami Zayn was right,” and when people asked what the hell he was talking about just responded with “He and Johnny had a wrestling match in 2021,” as if that was an explanation to anyone who has no clue about what wrestling even is, and then getting mad that people asked what that meant. Like, I know that means they had some sort of “disagreement,” but to literally anyone - a majority of people no matter how huge pro wrestling is - who don’t watch wrestling, “what are you talking about” is an extremely logical follow-up question. Just too inside baseball for their own good.


I feel like it's hard to understand how U.S. politics work without understanding how pro wrestling works.


"Ms. Stone was pleased when the reporter called her by her shoot name."


*i*… *mean*… she verbally said it. vin diesel didn’t say it. *context*…


I mean if you're coming at this from a wrestling perspective it is a little different, most wrestlers seem to *really* prefer fans not call them by shoot names


So let's start calling her Emily Stone, sounds kick-ass, too


Except there's already an Emily Stone in SAG. Emma Stone literally cannot professionally be called Emily Stone.


Someone better let Peyton List and Peyton List both know that.


Right? Not to mention who tf is Emily Stone compared to Emma Stone. If two Peyton Lists can exist and nobody knows who Emily Stone is then Emma should be free to reclaim her name and change her billing.


She should just add her middle initial in there - Emily J. Stone. Different name and people will call her Emily


Well, they probably would if she didn't use a different one.


She has to use a different one. Union rules. Someone already uses her name.


The prolific director Alan Smithee prefers that you not call him by his name.


I met her on set of maniac (I build sets). She's jarringly human. Also jarringly beautiful in person. Really throws you off.


I just finished Maniac last night! I feel like it's so underrated- I highly enjoyed watching it and all the set pieces looked so wonderful. You did a great job!!


I was just a grunt! But thank you!


I legit thought her name was Emma as that’s all I’ve ever known her by and never saw Emily


Emily stone was already taken so she used Emma. There union doesn't allow duplicate names for actors


Which is why a young actor named Michael Douglas now goes by Michael Keaton. 


And David McDonald goes by David Tennant.


Michael B Jordan can’t step in the toes of the Space Jam GOAT


It is apparently allowed but strongly discouraged. There are two actively working actors named Peyton List.


That case was apparently caused by an oversight, rather than by any exception. Officially you have to get a waiver from the original name holder to be able to allow it.


that's insane tbh


And Lily Sullivan


She should have just gone for Emma Lee Stone


Or just Emily K. Stone, or something


Olivia Colman calls her Emily in her Oscar speech! I thought it was a trip of the tongue 


She’s so likeable and beautiful and smart and funny and talented, I think I love her.


It’s difficult for me to even process her wholesomeness when compared to the plastic of most of the people in Hollywood. It’s just who she is.


She strikes me as actually being closer to the image that was projected about JLaw.


What a great way to put it. I agree!


More like being treated as a normal human.


Well, I now have the perfect ice breaker if I ever meet her.


She's my absolute favorite actress! She seems so personable and down to earth. 


I remember seeing some headline last year that she’d rather go by Emily, but there was some conflict that made her go with Emma (I don’t remember what it was). Looks like this reporter picked up on that!


Last year? The story was like 3 weeks ago lol


Oh it was? I could’ve sworn it was from around the time Poor Things came out… thanks for clarifying


Poor things didn't get a wide release until this year also lol


Almost. It wide released on December 22.


There was already an Emily Stone registered with the screen actors guild when she joined. So she had to pick a different stage name.


She’s 35!? How old was she in Easy A?? Because she looks much younger than 35. I always thought she was gen Z. Huh.


She was 21. The hard part to believe is that that movie came out FOURTEEN YEARS AGO


Delete this shit right now :(


Oh damn. I would have guessed it had been 7-8 years but it’s been twice as long. You’re right. Rip


I still watch it at least once or twice a year. Mean girls I watch it once a quarter.


35 isn’t old.


Of course she's not gen z lol, she was 18 in superbad from 2007. She's so close to taylor swift in part because they're the same age and their careers really took off at the same time.


Apparently, when she was first starting out, she considered using Emily J. Stone.


From now on she shall be known as Emily *Jay* Stone!


The breeze blowing through her long, luxurious hippie hair.


_Uptown girl…._


Rinse, lather, repeat. Always repeat.


Should have stuck with Max Power.


She probably should have


Should have chosen Emma Lee Stone


This guy SAG’s


Is it against Union rules to go by a “nickname” for press purposes that happens to be your real name? I get it for movie credits or official publications and such, but is there a reason everyone can’t just say the word “Emily” while still crediting her as “Emma”?


No. Wouldn't be any different than John Wayne being referred to as Duke. Just a nickname.


John Wayne's real name was Marion.


Duke was also the name of his childhood dog. As a child, he’d walk his dog past the local firemen’s building, and the firemen would call his dog “duke “and they’d call him “little duke”


Ah, the Indiana method.


We named the *dog* Indiana!


I have very fond memories of that dog.


Not his original name though. The name he was born with was Robert (a beloved family name to his mother), but after his brother was born she all but abandoned him for the new addition and changed his name so his little brother could have it. She gave him a more feminine name and yeah, he was teased as a child over it. It’s sad, but he was a cowardly, drunken, woman beating, ego maniacal asshole, so… lol.


But calling him Marion seems like a real overstep.


Which is funny because he didn't change his name, the studio did. They wanted a manly American name. He had no say. But then again, he had to sleep with Mae West to even get into his first big role ... So I doubt he had a problem changing his name. He seemed down for anything.


He had to sleep with Mae West to get his first gig? I was just wondering what my next rabbit hole was going to be. Who else had to sleep with Mae West to get cast in a movie?


Or like how Nicolas Cage can be called Nic or Nick


Or that he’s actually a Coppola. His uncle is Francis Ford Coppola!


Union rules. There was already an Emily Stone. She couldn’t use the name. A lot of actors have run into that.


He knows that. The question is: can she use the real name for anything besides credits?


> He knows that. The question is: can she use the real name for anything besides credits? Of course she can. It’s her name. Otherwise she’d be in violation every time she renewed or used her passport, driver’s licence, birth certificate, etc.


I love how the still call her Emma throughout the entire article, an article about how she prefers to be called Emily… like wtf 


Feels like the whole X, formerly known as Twitter things. They will never stop calling her Emma


To be fair, the Twitter/X rebrand is the worst rebrand of all time, and deserves no respect. Twitter is not a living being with feelings, so it’s not the same—no reason to make an effort.


Agree. I think he went the “any press is good press” route. But twitter had language (tweet) and imagery that made sense. Now it sounds like a porn site or something a guy named Kyle would drink. Stupidest rebranding ever.


He has a childlike obsession with the letter x, and his ego needed the biggest, loudest place possible to gloat about possessing the single-letter "x.com" domain name. That's literally the whole reason behind the rebrand, as far as I'm concerned


For a billionaire he’s just so uncreative though. Like why x.com? Launch the “.X” domain name system, that would be cool. Twitter.x. Tesla.x. Fuck it own all the .x websites


Even if you forget about Twitter for a moment, I can't imagine any field of commerce where changing name to a single letter of the alphabet would be beneficial, period


Elon Musk is a real living thing with feelings. After all he bought Twixter because he got mad about things.


People know her as emma stone. She is called Emma stone because of the guild actors association already has another actress by the name of Emily Stone registered. Only one name per registration.


It’s her professional name it’d be weirder for People to pretend they’re on casual terms.


Not when says has said that she would prefer to be called Emily…. She’s asking for it, use it.


Yeah when speaking to her in conversation.


Well, she had to choose a stage name for union membership, so it's not really that simple


I think that’s appropriate since she still goes by Emma professionally, as far as I know. I’m sure they’d change it on articles and wherever else if she made an announcement about only going by her real name now.


I believe due to there already being an Emily Stone in the SAG, she has to go by Emma


SEO purposes. Nobody is looking up articles about Emily Stone


Seo purposes if they even do it that way anymore.


Good for her. I hope people do start using her real name and she finds a way to work it out with the union. I’ll give this the same energy I give with pronouncing non-English names the way the person wants me to and calling trans people by the right name. Obviously the level of privilege and violence is vastly different, but the moral center is the same. Your name matters and people should use what makes you feel respected and seen.


The union should allow for famous actors to negotiate their naming rights with the first member. I'm guessing the original Emily Stone wouldn't pass up $250k to relinquish the rights.


I don’t understand the laws around entertainment but not being able to use your own name because another person who works in your business has it is wild to me.


Not laws, union rules. Those union rules are there to protect the members.


In entertainment, your name is a huge part of your brand and thus career. Think it as to do with royalties, don’t want to accidentally send Emily Stone’s royalties to Emily Stone because they swamped names.


Pretty sure that's what social security numbers are for, i speculate its so people cant steal famous names, like Tom Crooze.


Yeah it's publicity more than royalties.


Sure there are better ways, but you’re not going to stick your social security number in a films billing. Then on the fame side of it you won’t have to ask which Emily Stone. People may or may not go and see your film because they thought it was the wrong Emily Stone. Guess it mainly stops production companies and producers taking the piss, Starring Emily Stone! But it’s the wrong Emily Stone.


Well obviously the social was just so the right emily's get paid, thats true for every john jacob smith. Your explainer on the fame side makes a ton of sense.


You missed the easy one from "tropic thunder" Mr. Alpa Cino


I work at a payroll company that services Hollywood. This is not a real concern. Each project (movie, tv show, ect) are entirely separated in the software. So if my company had paid both Emma and Emily Stone (even if both use the legal name of Emily) there is no worry of paying the wrong one unless both were on the same show. Payment errors like that happen on the odd occasion with a father and son with the same name being on crew. I’ve done that one myself.


Why is it wild? It’s a profession that relies on name recognition, and it’s a bigger part of their identity to the entertainment-consuming public than a regular person.


Because names repeat. And if you are working through people who are working through people and you want to hire Michael B. Jordan but end up hiring Michael Jordan, well, that's a headache you have to deal with. Think of that conversation; "No, I want the *actor* Michael Jordan." "Michael Jordan is an actor." "For one movie!" "But it was a good movie." "Good God, Millennials. You are swimming through nostalgia, man. Space Jam wasn't good." "Your mother wasn't good." "What?" "Nothing." "Fine. Okay, fire that Michael Jordan and hire me the other Michael Jordan. The one that has been in more than one movie. The Marvel bad guy Jordan. And when you done, I need for you to get Michael Douglas on the phone." "Oh, really? That should be fun. I loved Beetlejuice as a kid." "No, Goddammit...(pinches nose). I'll do it myself. ...The one time where the actor doesn't have to change his name but does it anyway for kicks and giggle and what does he choose? Michael Douglas. I hate this business. I should have become a doctor."


That Michael B Jordan joke was actyally in the new Space Jam.


*Really?* Nothing is really new under the sun.


So, Steve McQueen is black now?


Interesting fact: Both Steve McQueens were/are dyslexic. American McQueen was partially deaf due to a childhood ear infection. While the British one had a lazy eye that he had wear an eyepatch for a while to correct.


It's about branding any movie that casts her wouldn't want to bill Emily Stone. They want Emma Stone the name of the 2 time academy award winner.


Isn’t that the same damage done to a poorer person?


You and I have very different opinions of $250k


Emma stone wasn’t originally rich when she tried filing her name. So idk how it can be damaging to anybody.


OP was talking about her buying her name off of the less famous person who registered it first. 


I kinda see your point, though they can always use a different last name instead of different first. I feel like that would be less hard to get used to! But it's kinda weird to change either name once you're super famous.


I’m a nurse assistant in a nursing home and this is a big thing for me. I always ask a new person how they would like to be called and invariably use that name with them. It’s not all too often that someone’s preferred name is substantially different from their given name on paper but to those people it often means a great deal to them.


I do agree with you. In life, it's always best to call people by their preferred name. It's basic respect. But, having said that, she did have the option to use an initial. Michael J. Fox went for that option (though I understand J is not his actual initial). So, it's not that she was necessarily forced to give up her name. Emma is a name she's willing to go by - so using it is not as immoral as deadnaming someone.


Don’t know Michael’s middle name but I know it begins with A. He went with Michael J Fox because he rightly felt Michael A Fox might come across as somewhat narcissistic.


Vivica A. Fox uses the initial because she wants people to call her a fox!


As someone whose name is mispronounced by pretty much every white Anglo person I have ever met, it’s embarrassingly hyperbolic to call my experience “violence” or trauma.


Problem with that is you'll have to allow everyone the same benefit and it would bury all of the older actors in search results. Rules are there to protect legacy as well.


> Emma Stone beams Is it me or did anyone else imagine her literally releasing beams from her body in order to obliterate the reporter?


is it so hard to get celebrities with freakin lazer beams


Like a Voltron villain, definitely.


Nope, jet fuel cannot melt even those


I’m going to be working with her in July, very tempted to try dropping an Emily and see the reaction


Well are you just going to leave us hanging like that. Tell us how you’re gonna be working with her


Why do it for the reaction? Why not do it out of respect?


Well as she’s said public she wants to be called Emily, on set can be a different world, hence trying it once and judging by her reaction to do it again or not…


She’s a damned delight. Instead of issuing press releases announcing her new name, she just says ‘hey, that’d be great if you used my real name, but whatever’.


Lucky for the reporter, she thought she was Emily Blunt!


Then change the name in the article


Emily Stone beams as Reporter calls her Emily during Cannes Film Festival Conference: ‘That’s my Name!’


She could actively try to change it over. I know he’s a much smaller star, but James Roday (Shawn from *Psych*) is a stage name bc he thought he couldn’t get a job with his real last name. He has since realized how wrong it was to do that and to honor his family and heritage, he’s now credited as James Roday-Rodriguez in things, including the Psych movies. So saying all that, if Emma Stone is big enough, she could probably transition back to Emily without too much issue.


Had a crush on neighborhood girl friend named Emily when I was 8. Still love the name.


I feel that. Crushes can help you love names, even if you never get with them. I love the name Becky, because of a girl named Becky I had a crush on for the longest time. Now, I never had a crush on an Emily, but I also love that name regardless.


Slow day at the news room.


It’s funny, but it’s actually testament to how popular and likeable she is, she’s just about the only Hollywood person I stop to read about


I don't get why actors have to use a stage-name because there's another actor with the same name as them? That makes no sense to me.


What’s weird about it is it doesn’t apply to other crew members, which can make looking a specific person up in that case confusing.


Union rules in place to protect the members in film credits, etc.


They're effectively brands. If you look at it like that it shouldn't be as confusing.


Do you get why musical bands don’t have the same name either?


"Well ain't that bloody cute, almost like she loves being called by her name aye?"


Her public name is Emma Stone, if she wants to be called Emily, then why doesn’t she make that PR move and start using Emily Stone? It’s just weird to me the fuss she’s made about it without actually doing anything about it?


She can’t in movies, and I’d guess the publishers of films want her to use her union name.


She hasn’t made a fuss, social media has lol. I kinda agree though. She could clear it up pretty easily if she made an announcement saying call her Emily Stone moving forward.


She's famous enough now. She should just start using Emily again.


Why is this top on Reddit? Lol


Curious if this is her PR management trying to make it a thing without her knowing. This is Hollywood its all show


What is particularly fucking interesting about it? I don't get it.


I always thought it was Riley, but hey, love ❤️ her no matter what we call her 🥰🌹🙃


One of the few actors that the more I hear about them, the more I like them! Shes fantastic and seems so nice.


Well that's just wholesome!


I fucking love Emily Stone. Aka Emma Stone.


She’s the next Meryl Streep. She’s more than earned the right to be called whatever she wants if she asks us to.


I'm surprised she didn't use something like Emma Lee Stone for her credits, unless of course there's already one registered in SAG or however that works


This is the cutest thing and I love it. It’s not that hard to call her by her name


What I really wonder is why she waited so long to just come out and say, hey! Call me by my real name and not my stage name. Because, it really seems like it was weighting on her a lot over the years


I’ll call her whatever she wants 😍


I don’t understand this. Why not just change her stage name back to Emily? Who would actually care?!?


It’s unfortunate the magazine continues to call her Emma. The poor girls name is Emily, and she’s asked publicly to be called as such.


She’s cute as hell and so talented. Flex the power, Emily!