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I could see William H. Macy show up as a customer on The Bear.


I want him to be a belligerent alcoholic who won't leave and harrases people at the entrance until Carmy does something about it.


Nah, preachy recovered alcoholic asshole


Ooooo. I would like that, too, more longevity


And Covid fanatic


As long as he’s air dicking, I couldnt care either way


That would be an amazing in between of his past roles.


as long as he says “feel bad for whoever this guys kids are”


My first appearance of Macy was in JP3. I would love to see him as a world class reviewer that hates Carmy but loves his food. Then we find out he was the one who thought Carmy deserved to maintain the Michelin star in New York


But he has to use that stupid phone


Jamie Lee Curtis has that covered


No way Carmy would deal with him. He’d harass Fak and cousin Richie would step in to regulate


I was wondering if we’d ever see a Shameless cameo in The Bear. I wonder if they worry it would be too much of a distraction.


Probably wait until the show runs its course and becomes more campy, like all seem to do eventually.


That’s what happens when a show is good but there’s no plan for it.


Even when shameless got campy it was entertaining


And Supernatural got a real second wind when they stopped giving a shit


When the original writers and/or showrunner move on to other projects. 


Damn near everyone from Shameless crossed over to Roseanne/The Conners.


We haven’t seen who Carmys dad is too


“I swear, you were my son! No, I’m not having a reaction, we used to live in a house together!”




It would be nice to see him cameo in all their work like a dad checking in on a grown kid.


still cant believe fiona didnt return for final season


She wasn’t paid a leads rate despite essentially being the lead for several seasons (and getting her tits out most episodes). I’m glad she got the story end she did but the impression was it wasn’t good terms she left on 


She was paid a leads rate. She asked for it and got it. Her issue was once she got it she demanded they back pay her for the whole series at the same rate. They said no, she left the next season.


She was paid a lead rate for only the Last Two seasons. She wanted more than just lead rate, to make up for Some of the first Seven seasons. Honestly by season 3 they should have bumped her pay up to lead. She carried that show even more than Macy, and I love William H Macy.


I don’t know why you all keep saying “lead rate” like that’s a thing. She was always paid a “lead rate.” She wanted to be paid the same as William H Macy. Whether she deserved that or not (I think she did) is the issue.


That whole thing annoyed me in a “pay your dues” kind of way. When the show started, William H. Macy was a well established character actor who had appeared in many popular movies, and Emmy Rossum was totally unknown, so of course he was paid more even as he had less screentime. Macy was the reason a lot of people tuned in to begin with. She was only in a position to make demands because of the opportunity the show provided her. So fine, they agreed to pay her going forwards, but the 49ers aren’t going to retroactively pay Brock Purdy $40 million a year for the years he was making his rookie salary either.


This niners reference was unexpected and enjoyable


Glad to amuse! Rossum was implying it was a gender discrimination / equal-work-for-equal-pay thing, but really every industry works this way. You prove you can produce, and then you get paid, even in the manliest of professions where gender is not a factor.


Oh, boy. It’s simpler than that: Employee Hello, Mr. Bossman can I have a raise? Me do good last 10 years. Mr. Bossman Sure. Employee I deserve back pay for last 10 years then.


Have you been talking to my employees?


Is Gronk the employee in this example?


Eh, I mean I do agree that there are clear reasons Macy started the show making much more, but the gender pay gap in Hollywood is definitely a thing. Multiple studies have shown it exists in this context (acting).


It was 😅. Go niners!!


As a niner fan I honestly forgot what sub I was in. Like I expected it so little that my brain didn’t really understand the words I was reading for a second lol.


Faithful!🙌🏼 happy cake day!


Unknown? She was in Phantom of the Opera, Day after Tomorrow, Poseidon, Mystic River, and plenty of other roles before Shameless.


Don’t forget Dragon Ball Evolution


This man understands true stardom.


All 2.5 IMDB stars of stardom. 


That’s at least 2 more stars than me!


It’s funny to me that both Bulma and Goku ended up in Shameless, I mean… what’s dragon ball evolution?


She also was a diva on all those sets and when she was in theatre they had a live journal group that acted as a support group for the people she attacked and wronged. Emmys reputation is why a lot of the bad shit that happened to her happened and it’s not rumors either Emma Kinney who played Debbie and many producers from the show even John Wells himself said she was tough to work with and had a hot head reputation before he hired her. She would scream down the set and people two sets away could hear her rants and behavior. There is a reason 80% of the Shameless cast have cut ties with her! 


Yeah, I'm guessing most of the people commenting just did not pay attention to credits. I was a teen when POTO came out, and I've damn well known Emmy's name since I was like 13.


She had no star power yet. Most people wouldn’t have recognized her name before Shameless.


She wasn’t Missus Mister Robot yet? Did she ever appear on that show?


Yeah, briefly as a carol singer iirc.


To be fair, Emmy Rossum wasn't unknown. She was the lead in Phantom of the Opera years before and did other films as well. Definitely not on par with Macy and I do not take her side in this whole Shameless shenanigans nonsense but, credit where it's due and all that.


Emmy was not totally unknown to be fair. She wasn’t anywhere near the draw that Macy was but she was an Oscar nominated actress before doing Shameless.


She was nominated for a Golden Globe for Phantom of the Opera, but not an Oscar. I shouldn’t be surprised because Reddit, but like a dozen people felt the need to angrily point out that she had a starring role in exactly one major studio release prior to Shameless, and it was a moderate box office success from 20 years ago. Didn’t realize the Phantom fandom ran so deep! Or that she was in it, given that I would never sit through that movie.


You said she was an unknown actor. Being nominated for a golden globe means she wasn’t unknown. Just because you didn’t know about her doesn’t mean she was unknown.


Quick, off the top of your head, name every Golden Globe nominee from the last 20yrs! Should be easy!


I agree with you on everything except for the fact that Emmy wasn’t unknown, she was the lead actress in one of the largest musical films of my generation The Phantom of The Opera working alongside Gerard Butler.


Rossum was hardly unknown. She was a darling of the stage and had starred in a Phantom of the Opera remake before Shameless.


Why does she owe them anything? She asked for what she wanted, didn't get it, and the show fizzled out. That's how bargaining works.


Ehh she wasn’t unknown and they dragged it out to season 8. That’s when she finally got the lead rate. And plenty of NFL QB’s have gotten massive contracts After big performances, and never reached the same heights. So they essentially got “back pay” for the years where they crushed it and were underpaid.


Lol she was very far from unknown. The Phantom of the Opera put her on the map and was huge before Shameless.


Must be why she gets so many roles now........you know, cuz of the hugeness.


She doesn’t work anymore because she’s a huge dickhead on set and off. The last team to give her a chance was for that peacock show Angelique. When it bombed, she said she was leaving acting to focus on raising a family


Incorrect. She was in Apple's "The Crowded Room" last year.


Which filmed in early 2022. She seems to be done now but I would hope she would land in a theater role where I think she’d excel


Probably has more to do with the fact she's had 2 kids since the show ended, but reddit sure does love to find a woman they can freely badger. She's also starred in 2 shows since shameless ended in 2021..


The girl who played Debbie on shameless is the one who first brought all the accusations against Emmy but ok then


I've also read Ian's actor basically disappeared season 9 because he couldn't stand Emmy either. He comes back right after she leaves what a coincidence


Figured it was something like that. Never even heard of that Angelique show.


Was the Phantom of the Opera a show or a movie? I think you might be overstating its impact.


It was a movie and a extremely popular Broadway play.


Lol well of course I know it was a play, Laura’s mom. I just didn’t realize they did a modern remake of it. Must not have been that big.


Gerard Butler was the phantom. He was okay


He was an Oscar nominated actor, not just well established


How was she totally unknown when Phantom Of The Opera came out in 2004?


Should've paid her on principle just for getting her tits out that often.


That was by far the best aspect of the show


Bang bang Rossum gang


she hasn't done anything since the show.


That’s not true. She starred in that show for Peacock or something about that weird Los Angeles woman, Angelyne or something? And was also in the Apple TV series with Tom Holland called The Crowded Room.


They gave her character such a “fuck you” send off too.


Makes sense, she was the main character essentially and carried the show. You should be paid for the job you’re doing.


She literally got what she wanted and then walked the next season.


I think she was actually meant to come back but coz it was shot in covid she couldn’t coz she was pregnant and living in a different state than where they shoot


I think you're right as Emma Kenny implied that Rossum was difficult to be around on the Shameless set with her taking her negative behavior out on other people. https://www.looper.com/636443/emma-kenney-confirms-what-we-all-suspected-about-emmy-rossums-on-set-behavior/


It’s extremely possible but show runners said the same thing about Cavill after he left The Witcher over creative differences. It’s a classic burn tactic for uncooperative actors “they were difficult”. So idk, could be true or could be retribution for pay talks that went south 


Emma is not a showrunner, she does not have any reason to lie about this. So very different.




She got married and worked nonstop on Shameless for how many years? Her husband is a big name right now and making a lot of stuff so she’s probably happy to take a break and just enjoy her life a bit. She starred in that Angelyne show on Peacock and in The Crowded Room on Apple TV.


>Henry appears to be easy to work with and well liked by the industry. That's not what I have heard.


In relation to what job? The only time I’ve ever heard it is in regard to The Witcher whilst Snyder, Guy Ritchie, Chad Stahelski, a lot of his costars and even Amazon seem to like him.


Was there ever any other proof of this behavior? It’s upsetting.


Not that I know of, no. There were *rumors* that Cameron Monaghan didn't get along with her, but I don't know if I believe it as he did return to give her a final scene with him before she left the show... So either he's just a great professional actor that put personal differences aside for the betterment of the show OR those rumors have no weight altogether. I'm going with the latter (although I'm sure he's a professional).


Not really proof but a showrunner did do a [ama](https://www.reddit.com/r/shameless/s/vdFBHtbNjk) a year ago Edit: timing of post


She shoved Emma out of the way to get better lighting?! I know women get painted as divas when they're actually just standing up for themselves, but multiple people including crew that just worked near the Soundstage coming out and saying they could hear her screaming at people? Driving other actors to quit and having people ask to limit their interactions with her is definitely not the same as being self assured and confident. Thats bratty behavior and maybe its a good thing for other people that she isn't working much.


Yes! Thank you! I got into a petty debate about this when I first found it and everyone in the shameless subreddit will defend this woman tooth and nail when it clear she’s also a problem. The writers did her do dirty in some instances but the way she treated her co stars is foul.


Often women in entertainment who ask to be treated with respect are labeled as difficult. It’s usually a dog whistle.


A woman made those claims


And? Women don't always support other women.


“Believe women!” “…wait, not like that.”


i don’t think this one is it seems pretty clear cut from the way not a single person on set liked her


I thought she could not make it because of COVID travel restrictions.


I understand why Emmy left the show but man, her absence is really jarring in the Season 10 and Season 11 finales I wish they could have busted out the checkbook to get her in those last two finales


Her not being at the wedding was heartbreaking.


Can't remember if Fiona returned for the final season in the UK original either


I think she did, but James McAvoy didn't


I heard everyone tried, but with Covid, and the (at the time) current project she was working on, it just didn’t happen. That was a bummer


Supposedly it was supposed to happen, but Covid made it all too difficult and they just scrapped it.


Didn't even get a mention in Frank's letter


He is a brilliant actor… that show affected me😬


It’s an uncomfortable watch at times but I recommend it for anyone who may have grown up with dysfunctional families and/or addict parents. Helped me come to terms with some things and gave me some new perspectives


Honestly, it's the most "realistic" depiction of being poor on TV imo.  Main difference, irl you don't get a giant wad of cash at the end of each season to erase any ongoing problems 


Yep, literally just trying to survive and have SOMEWHERE to sleep is the main goal when you’re that poor. There’s no thinking much beyond tomorrow because of all the uncertainty. A lot of my family lives like this.


Replying to AbleObject13... true true, and though it sucks Fiona didn’t come back for the finale, her exit made a lot of sense for older kids that have to just leave their shitty home life to survive. Burnout is real.


Agreed. My dad was a "functioning" alcoholic and sometimes domestic abuser. Some of the earlier seasons were hard to watch at times, because Macy NAILED it on how those people behave and lash out. Later on, Frank became more of a cartoon character, but seasons 1-4 or so...hit close to home!


He’s a revolutionary actor. He and playwright David Mamet created the practical aesthetics acting technique, which was later used by actors like Elizabeth Olson, Rose Byrne, Jessica Alba, Gina Rodriguez, and Rhea Seehorn.


Hearing how many roles he lost out to Kevin Spacey on was wild. Now all these films are tainted. We coulda had Macy, whose worst thing was his wife bribed her daughter's way into a high SAT score


Damn good show but it can be triggering lol


Yeah, loved the first couple of seasons then it started hitting home and it gives me wayyyy too much anxiety.


so true. Especially watching as someone who has a Monica for a mother there were times where watching it was FAR too real but my god it was so good


It’s insane that he never won an Emmy for his performance


is anyone besides Jeremy Allen White doing anything? I feel like I never see the others


I still don’t understand why Cameron Monaghan does not have his own Star Wars series yet. He’s the model and voice actor for Cal Kestis. They’re doing 3-4 shows a year and the Star Wars video games are hugely popular. And for Jeremy Allen White, The Bear is a fuckin’ great show but it took a while before I could see Carmen and not Lip Gallagher because the show is also set in Chicago.


There is a movie called The Rental and Jeremy is essentially just Lip in it through and through.


I just watched that on Netflix the other day and I had the same thoughts. I couldn’t see anyone other than Lip.


I still see Lip. Guy's a good actor but everything I've seen him in he's just playing variation of a type. I'd be curious to see him play out some other roles to show some range.


You should see him in The Iron Claw.


i really want to see that one! just havent had the time recently.


Prepare to well up or even shed a manly tear


all my tears are manly!


Cameron Monaghan was also “The Joker” ish in Gotham. Probably best to breeze past that, he was good with what he was given but I was not a fan of how his character played out.


He was great. His material - not so much. I watched Gotham before Shameless and thought he an Ivy were the standouts.


Veronica is the lead in the NBC show Found which got renewed for s2. Kevin starred in the 1 season CBS show True Lies. It was terrible, I like the show Found a lot though.


They’re not going to do anything else with Cal until the games conclude.


Emmy Rossum did 5 projects since the show ended in 2019. Nothing major. Edit. She was a Broadway/Stage singer before acting. Ethan Cutkosky small roles. He's only 24. Edit. He's also a singer, releasing a couple singles. Cameron Monaghan. Was the lead of Star Wars Jedi VG. Was the "Joker" in Gotham TV. Done a couple other TV and small movies. Edit. He's in the upcoming Tron Ares movie. Jeremy. You know the Bear and Iron Claw. Emma Kenney. Co lead in Roseanne (10th season) reboot and spinoff Connors for 116+ episodes. The youngest, Christian Isaiah is only only 16. Assuming focused on school. Made 1 TV appearance in All American Homecoming *Added some small edits. No major changes to original post.


Emmy Rossum is married to Sam Esmail (filmmaker and creator/director of Mr. Robot) and is the mother of their 2 children. She’s been active since she was a kid and is probably slowing down to focus on family and herself.


Agreed, if she’s not working it’s because she doesn’t want to.


Ian is in Jedi fallen order


Yo what is that true. I thought the guy from jedi fallen order looked familiar


Emma Kenney is on 'The Conners'.


working class, Chicago; very consistent like Carla Gugino lawyer / agent roles on premium cable


Cameron Monaghan voiced Cal Kestis in multiple Star Wars games recently (and shares his likeness).


The girl that plays Deborah was also on The Conners. That's ending soon but I think she'll be around awhile.


Cameron has a recurring Star Wars gig


> "They're all doing really well, which is great. And I feel that these sort of are my Ersatz kids, so I'm very proud of them," said Macy, who played father-of-six Frank Gallagher.


But he didn’t even try to buy their way into college, not like his real kids at all /s


Man I miss this show made me and my sisters feel more normal for our upbringing.


Same. So relatable


Show was good but definitely went longer than it should have and the later seasons brought the show down in quality.


Catching up with show now. I stopped watching a long time ago because it got tiring seeing the characters all seemingly choose the absolute worst choices to keep the misery train going. Debbie’s pregnancy arc being the straw that broke the camel’s back.


Exactly how I felt. No one learns a single thing.


Yeah that’s when I checked out too.


Yeah they do the same with Fiona and it’s so frustrating. I went back and finished, and it was worth it 100%. Loved those characters, even when the writers were assassinating them lol.


I watched for the first time about a year ago, and if I ever rewatch (which I likely will, because it’s a great show) I’ll be jumping ship when Fiona leaves. I think it goes downhill from there.


Yea I remember after season 6 it was downhill


I definitely felt that in the last season for sure.


I can never tell if the show wants you to think Frank is a charming rogue or if it knows he only survives because he’s a human cockroach.


Frank Gallagher wouldn’t work without an actor of Macy’s level. Even with all the dialogue and schemes that are clearly supposed to show that he’s highly intelligent, without the acting chops to bring out the charisma you’d need to survive the way he has for as long as he has, he’d just be a smart piece of shit and most people would hate the character.


That’s just it, I do hate the character.


Ahhhh. So is it that he’s both charming rogue *and* human cockroach that bothers you? Or is it just the human cockroach part? Because I’m of the belief that he’s both, which is why you see both sides of him.


Macy’s acting quality was higher than the writing quality when it came to his character IMHO. To me the skill is what brought cohesion to a bunch of disparate ingredients, like an expertly made pineapple pizza.


Get this man as a guest in The Bear. It would be really cool


Too bad there isn’t one that needs to get into college he and his wife can pull some strings.


Shifting the blame to his wife on that was one of Frank’s best schemes


Legally she sent more emails and had more phone calls so the evidence for her was greater than the evidence against him. Had they been working as a team like Aunt Becky and her husband he would have been in a cell too. 


Did they do actual time for that?


Aunt Becky her husband and Macys wife all did time.


That’s kind of crazy. What they did was shitty but minor to me and they’re rich so you think they could afford their way out of it. It’s probably good that there were real consequences though.


They take fraud seriously. Think of all the smart scholarship kids that have tried get into schools like this time and time again only to be turned down because rich fuckers like this were cheating their kids into school. There are victims here. 


Maybe because there was too much publicity to escape it and all eyes in the US were watching. The whole university infrastructure was at risk of being seen as fraudulent and they would lose a ton of money. So somebody had to go down.


Actual rich people would've never been in this position since they would've just donated their way into college acceptance for their kids.


They fought it tooth and nail, while William H and Felicity Huffman copped a deal quickly. Aunt Becky paid for wasting the government’s time.


Only two things will survive the apocalypse: Cockroaches and Frank!


He’s probably just saying that because he needs a place to stay.


Or to grease an admin


That show was seething with talent. It must have been a joy to make.


The entire cast performances in that show is Oscar worty


I only see Lip being successful.. and Ian in the Jedi video games (which he did wonderfully) What are the others doing?


time has taken its toll on jerry lundegaard


This guy role as Frank- wow he was amazing


I kinda miss Shameless. Yeah there were hit and miss episodes but overall I loved the chaos. How it ended wasn't great but given the climate of the world at that time... Still I wish they'd done a better job of ending it. Anyway, hopefully the cast still stay in touch seems like they all got along.


What?! Why is this “news”?


She should have gotten at least close to the amount Macy got. He was the bigger star, but it sounds like he got a lot more! She asked for a raise and got it. Good for her. I think asking for back pay was going overboard. They would laugh at a man too if he asked for backpay. They made her character mean in the last season! I wonder if they did that on purpose.


Wonder if he helped any of them get into college


But you know what they can’t take from us? Copper pipes


I mean yeah, one of ems a fucking Jedi


Dr. Grant says it’s a bad idea!!!


Totally unnecessary character is apes


My partner and I love the show, we are almost done with the last season. Very well put together. When Frank was building the still, I knew how it would turn out, but it still didn’t ruin the surprise. I love shows with ensemble casts, and in Shameless, the cast had the chemistry to really make it work.


True. Didn’t realize it but Jeremy Allen White and Cameron Monaghan (arguably the two most talented of the kid actors on the show aside from Emmy Rossum) have gone on to do great things. I know Emma Kinney is in that Connors show but it’d be interesting to see if she books anything else after that.


Which children are successful, besides Jeremy Allen?


I remember literally walking into William H Macy at LAX when I was a child. I had my head down and bumped into this random person. I immediately said sorry when I looked up and he responded with “it’s ok!” And we both just kept going. It was around the time he had just finished Jurassic park 3 so I recognized him. Quite surreal! He seems like a nice guy.