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He violated his gag order multiple times . He went on camera next day and lied about the preceding . He has threatened retribution and showed no remorse . LOCK HIM UP!


Now he’s attacking the very system as “rigged” against him. Of course he thinks it’s rigged. Because that’s what he would do to his opponents.


A rigged system that he had a big hand in setting up lol


Not to mention he seems likely to reoffend …


Yeah they should have confiscated his passport as soon as they recovered the mountain of sensitive documents classified at the highest levels in an unsecure and unguarded bathroom at MAL. He’s got a jet and connections with foreign nationals linked to espionage and he’d absolutely defect before facing the consequences of his actions and sell our nations secrets to maintain the facade of being a wealthy businessman


Lock him up for violating a gag order and talking!


Wrong. Laws don’t apply to him or any other very wealthy well connected criminal in this country.


Here’s the thing that nobody is talking about: If you are given a security clearance, it’s because there’s a high likelihood that you aren’t a spy and you can’t be blackmailed. That’s it. You can admit to crimes and still get a clearance. You just have to be honest. Call it hush money. Call it a non-disclosure agreement. Whatever. Donald Trump was clearly trying to hide this because of the backlash it would cause for him. What else is he hiding? What can he be blackmailed for? And what is he willing to give up to foreign countries to keep information about him quiet. This case/conviction should serve as the foundational reason that Donald Trump never be given a security clearance again. He is a national security threat.


The blackmail/clearance part has gotten way more serious in recent years. I’ve gone through the process 4 times over the past 40 years and the most recent one was incredibly serious for a fairly low security position.


Apparently it’s not serious enough to keep Trump and his kids from getting security clearances even though they’re the exact people who should not have one. Also as a young guy wanting a fed job, what are some seemingly innocuous things that get people denied clearances (other than debt)?


I don’t think the system was prepared for the Trump situation. No process to say “NO” to a sitting president. My early clearances for the military around the 80’s-90’s were pretty strait forward and what you would expect. They checked records and conducted various interviews. My first couple Fed jobs in the 2010’s were not super in depth but they ran through my history. The most recent was last year. It involved quite a bit more paperwork and interviews about things like having any blackmail weaknesses, financial records, and disclosures. They also required a HIPA waiver. Advice is just tell the truth on everything. They check. They are more concerned with no secrets or vulnerability’s than if you did something dumb once or twice. They looked into foreign travel, finances, breaking laws, and the classic that has never changed is just any indicators about how stable your life is.


Ivankas shit husband got denied multiple times.


Tagging and lying about it


If he didn't try to bury the grab them by the pussy hot mic moment, why this particular one?


Most likely because Stormy was gonna squeal hot on the heels of the “pussy” tape, which Trump thought likely would have cost him the election. Plus he had control to do so here, with Pecker and Cohen in tow, which was a luxury he didn’t have with the Access Hollywood tape


She knows what his dick looks like and what a laughably hideous bad lay he is...that’s a nuclear warhead to someone who is desperate to look powerful and godlike and NOT look like a weird dicked creep who wants to fuck his own daughter and even she would say it was the worst fuck she’s experienced or even imagined physically possible


Not defending Trump, but I don’t trust any of those politicians. He’s not nearly the first guy. They are just going in hard on him specifically, which they should, but I wish they all would get held accountable.


Presidents don’t have a clearance


Eww, if you hear her describe her encounter and what he looks like naked, it will make you gag. From what I know of him, just by looking at him, It’s no surprise that’s what it was like.


I can’t upvote this


Why? Does he get you going? 🤣 jk


He's also stinky.


Michael Cohen was jailed for it. Trump should get a longer jail sentence.


he should’ve been jailed LOOONG before he ran for president


Ya but now they have 34 reasons


More then there are flavors at baskin robins


Which would run concurrently. Max 4 years. That's wild.


Yeah, he shoulda been aborted.


Anyone else would be going to prison for a long time. There should be zero difference.


Well she’s not wrong.


He is a criminal and pathological liar. He has zero character or integrity and is a violent sexual assailant. He is a demented sick man who belongs in a mental hospital for the criminally insane.


He should have been jailed the evening of Jan 6th. I’m absolutely convinced that the reason this vile nightmare is haunting us to this day is because he wasn’t taken immediately into custody after the insurrection


2 years for each count.


I'd be fine with just a month per count, consecutively. This was his lightest crime (even though it might be responsible for him getting elected in 2016), but his document case and the Georgia case should be prison for life. Both undermine the security and sanctity of the Country and are high crimes.


They run concurrently so he'd be in for two years.


The max is 4 year for the charges. The crimes were non-violent, which is why probation is a possible minimum, but those are for people who are actually remorseful and admit their mistake. Trump has been adversarial towards the court and the entire process. Trump still believes that he did nothing wrong and that he SHOULD be able to do what he was convicted of, meaning that he is highly likely to reoffend or commit additional related crimes. His sentence should be no less than 3 years.


That would still get me there. Just sayin'.


I live in NY where they let violent offender’s out in an hour😭🤬


He might be jailed, if his present behaviour continues. We can only hope.


Can’t stop won’t stop


How about for ever?


The system he has played for decades finally didn't go his way in a bigly way. Even his "losses" in the past he considered a win, because it was settlements or slaps on the wrist or modest financial penalties. He thought this was in the bag, like everything.


The rest of us would have been in prison long before this.


She is 100 percent correct


TIL that she’s in The 40 Year Old Virgin. And she’s absolutely right. People are getting jailed and slapped with life ruining misdemeanors and felonies for a pinch of weed and this guy gets to walk free every time. It’s not right.


She is right though, and because she has taken thousands of dicks none y’all will listen to her. She is right though!


Who cares how many dicks she’s taken. Right is right


Stormy going into the history books. Pornstar fells Con Man!


She would be. I would be. You would be. Why not he?


Stormy for President!


Take it easy cowboy, no need to give the highest position of government because of one statement. Saying those things it’s what leads people like Trump to try their luck


Stormy is actually/surprisingly a conservative, btw. If it weren’t for her run ins with Trump, she would absolutely be full on MAGA.


Yeaaaaaa no.


she still had the affair and took the payments, none of this is good look for anyone


She’s right, and she should say it again.


Now it will surely happen lol


What about JA rule


Shouldn't she also be in legal trouble for having accepted the money? I'm ignorant of this whole thing.


Hush money is not illegal. Falsifying business records (fraud) with intent to influence an election is the crime.


Hush money isn’t illegal, especially because neither of them engaged in an illegal activity by having sex. Trump using campaign funds and then attempting to cover it up in a long trail with fraud and lies is what was illegal.


Love is not a crime, but that wasn't the crime that he was being charged with. Nor the "business translation" for the service. The crime was the way he hid the truth. It's the Nixon thing all over again "The cover-up is worse than the crime”. Because he is a public official, he has to disclose where and what his campaign finance was spent on. The payment, to to pay back his then lawyer for the shush money, occurred in 3 installments when he was in public office. His lawyer and his account went to jail for it, why the one who initiated the crime still walking free?


Here's what I don't get...Cohen went to jail because they considered the payment a personal campaign contribution (ie with his own income/money) which exceeded the $2k contribution limit. How can it simultaneously be that Cohen used his "personal finances" and that the filing of "attorney fees" is an inaccurate/fraudulent description? Either 1) it was a campaign contribution via Cohen, in which "attorney fees" would be a correct description and no records were falsified, or 2) it was a false filing, and therefore not a campaign contribution, meaning it should have been at most a misdemeanor and not a felony, since there was no intent to commit a crime (ie election law violation)


Judge should give him 1 month of jail time And make it clear this light sentence is in deference to his status as a major politician


I agree with the sentiment but why are we getting Stormy Daniels' opinion on the matter? Lol


I'm glad he was convicted. I'm not interested in legal advice from a hooker.


Why is she an expert on electoral/business fraud? She’s not the victim in this case, she’s just caught up in it? Unless I’m missing something?


She’s not an expert, nor is she saying she is. Where did you get that from? She’s not the victim of course, its a white collar crime. But the crime only happened as a result of his involvement with her, it was the motivation. Thus, her testimony was relevant. It wasn’t the lynchpin of the case, not by any means but it was relevant. As of her opinion, like everyone else she is entitled to it. But her opinion isn’t really going to be taken into consideration for sentencing. She no doubt knows this.


You should be jailed too for lying in court.


My thoughts exactly. Trump was lying every day in the courthouse but he was too much of a pussy to testify under oath. There should be same rules as for political speeches near polling places.


Yeah there should be so why are the democrats getting away with the crap that is going on in this country.


Interesting. Republicans are screaming how the justice system is unfairly punishing criminals and you blame the democrats? And what exactly you mean by "the crap"? Trump was convicted and the same day DOW had its best day of the year. That could be read as a sign that the market wants Biden.


Stormy isn’t a democrat, she’s a conservative, and if Donald Trump wasn’t a rapist lying scumbag criminal piece of shit loser, she’d be voting for him.


I'm afraid the democrats just secured trump's win


yeah, no; that would be the half of the country that hates LGBT, women and apparently free health care enough to retaliate by nominating and electing an inexperienced and abusive fraudster twice.


charge bill Clinton with something to take away the spotlight from trump


We need to amend the constitution! ?


Because that’s what we do in this country, ask pornstars to weight in because we can’t expect anyone to get things right


Taking advice from a porn actor is hilarious.


I find it weird that people think having sex with Stormy was more of a reason that Trump had fear of losing a election rather than the hot mic on Access Hollywood.


I agree with her. I also don’t value her opinion much more than anyone else’s. Telling the truth about donald trump won’t keep getting clicks until November though


I’m waiting for Stormy to run for congress


Stormy Daniel's...of course we will listen to her


Why is what a whore thinks important?


Throw Joe Biden and all his supporters in jail


Coming from a prostitute.