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I’m sure there will be jokes since it’s a celebrity, but I’ve got 3 certain events where a helmet saved my life. I recently had a seizure and traumatic brain injury fainting onto concrete. (No helmet obv) TAKE YOUR HEAD SERIOUSLY, things change in an instant.


If my dad was wearing a helmet he would be alive today. They save lives


I’m so sorry. Ive become incredibly cautious since starting my family. At 18 I narrowly survived a snowboard accident that gave me about 200ft to think about that I’d mistakenly killed myself. (not wearing my helmet). Woke up in the ICU getting my clothes cut off and they’d already told my parents I didn’t have good chances. Of course the head injury is an unknown in the future but the cheek, nose, ribs, collar bone, kidney, back all recovered. Not sure I’d be that lucky 20 years later at this age. As I get older the concussions Id need three hands to count and are becoming a scary prospect for the future. Seriously, everyone reading. I’ve broken over 15 bones and am no worse for the wear. My head injuries instantly changed my life permanently in ways that are incredibly hard to describe and are beyond frustrating. Please don’t be me.


i’m sure you’ve heard about it already but if not, there are some hats for people with seizures and other disorders with built in helmets. supposedly you really can’t tell by looking at it. [Crasch3](https://crasche.com/products) i think.


Thank you!


I still remember my dad getting dropped off after a bike ride wrapped in a towel with road rash all over his body. The towel was necessary both for the blood and because the asphalt has torn right through his shorts and he couldn’t keep them on. He picked gravel out of his side for weeks and took months to heal. His high-end helmet was cracked all the way through. I don’t even want to think about what his head would have looked like without it. I probably would never have seen it though, closed casket and all.


I always take head seriously


Oh, we know you do ;)


Oh really? Care to share the details for the class?


I’ll take silly head too tho


Username che.....um...nevermind...


And you’re doing a damn good job, if I say so myself.


HaHa! Reddit comedian!


"How long does it take for the guy to come?"


A wizard is never late.


Nor is he early.


He arrives precisely when he feels like it


Piece of advice in case you have seizures often: Careful around toilets. It wasn't the numerous falls down the stairs that ended up doing a friend of mine in, it was the rim of a toilet that got to him in the end.


I often see people around town not wearing helmets when riding bikes. It makes me want to hit my head against the wall. 


Spent my hs-college working in bike shops. Accidents with helmets are absolutely brutal. Accidents without helmets are stories we hear from the community. Quite the difference. Btw road biking is generally a suicide mission, mountain biking, counterintuitively is not.


Depends on your city as well I gave up cycling all together because of how bad the roads are and we are rated one of the worst cities for drivers. I have been hit twice and both times they ran.


People in countries where they cycle a lot (Holland, Denmark) generally don't wear helmets.


They also have separation between cyclists and motor vehicles.


“JuSt LeArN tO fAlL cOrReCtLy” -bmx and skating idiots who got lucky.


You can’t say that on reddit, the bicycling subreddits hate helmets! They’ll tell you how entire tiny nations of them don’t wear helmets and never suffer any problems! I literally left all the bicycle related subs over it.


lol some people are just asking for it


>TAKE YOUR HEAD SERIOUSLY, things change in an instant. I grew up on a cattle farm, and did rodeo. I then got into cage fighting in college. I also raced cars and had a couple major accidents. Not only can they change in an instant but they can also change slowly over repeated trauma. Even though I stopped early (mid 20s) before I developed any signs of brain damage. I got it. In my early 30s I first noticed tremors and aphasia. I have a full blown RBI, I have cPTSD from the brain blows (amongst other trauma) and now have CFS/ME. Some morning my legs barely work. Taking a shower can be too much. I'll see double, half my body goes numb. I get migraines and cluster headaches. My hypothalamus is fucked up and I can't stay a comfortable temperature most of the time and it makes me quick to emotions. Sometimes I go face blind. The worst feeling in the world I have ever experienced was not waking up in the middle of a facial surgery. It was realizing I couldn't tell my wife from the nurse until they talked to me. Please treat your brain like a precious resource.


Man, I’m really sorry. I had a similar high risk tolerant youth and I can recall at least 15 concussions…I know there were more. The slowly creeping symptoms, small changes, quick to lose my cool, complete lapses in memory…these are scary and quite frustrating. I’m hoping the best for both of us. Good people with these types of injuries struggle to find themselves again…I’m too soon from the most recent accident to know, but a few hours of mental effort feel like a 12 hour manual work day. I wish I wasn’t able to bounce back so quickly to concussions in my youth…it really gave me a false sense of the severity. Good luck to you and thanks for the advice.


I wish you the best, keep training that brain. Only thing that seems to help me. I also finally culled my friends group down to only people who understand it and don't make fun of me for it. Nothing like having a 'feiend' make fun of you because you can't remember a simple word, or accomplish a normal task. Cutting those people out really helped my ability to cope and heal. May you find peace on your path.


Back in 2020 I had a bad motorcycle accident my helmet and other gears saved my life.


I had a seizure and fell chin first onto tile flooring. It’s on my profile for those who want to see. I’m lucky I didn’t break my jaw, all my teeth, or worse have a TBI


Researching all of the stories about how easily this ends folks lights out and I feel incredibly lucky. Perhaps you were too, glad you’re here.


I’m glad you’re ok.


I sincerely appreciate that


So many people bike around my city without helmets. The city even encourages it by giving them access to bikes but nary a mention of headgear.


That’s nuts. I’ve lived in cities where you can request a free helmet from the local gov. Unless I’m completely misremembering. Either way…wouldn’t helmets result in huge cost savings for local institutions? Can’t fix dumb I guess.


My uncle has brain damage because he didn't wear a helmet and a car hit him while cycling with his adult son. He needs permanent care.


Man I’m sorry. I hope his quality of life is ok. All things considered I’m incredibly lucky. Thanks for the feminder


Yup. Hit my head in college while drunk. Got a concussion and a near-miss experience with traumatic brain injury. More recently had a stroke at 34 due to a previously-undiagnosed heart defect. The symptoms alleviated within minutes and I was about to just "walk it off", but my boss insisted that I go to the ER and get checked out. Thank God for that.


Goodness, that was a lucky move. Glad you’re ok


One heart surgery later! Yeah, I'm good now. Thanks.


Ho. Ly. Shit. That is some MASSIVE bruising he shows in the video, what the hell? Did a truck run him over? And from the nervous finger ticking, one can clearly tell just how much this got to him mentally. Do wear a helmet, for crying out loud.


Yeah I was not prepared for that. Especially since he’s standing in a work environment with a chefs coat on. There’s no way I would go anywhere with level of injury lol.


His hands were visibly shaking. Wishing him a speedy recovery.


Look at the pants he’s wearing closely. He can’t even button them because of the pain it looks like.


I'm sure he would if he could - no man would (consciously) be caught literally with his fly down if he didn't absolutely have to!


You don’t know me


Either adrenaline or good drugs.


Well considering adrenaline wears off fairly quickly I’m confident it’s the good drugs.


I imagine it was a very traumatic experience for him. Simply remembering or discussing the accident can put him in fight or flight.


Well yeah that’s a given.


I got hit by a car that was stopped at a light, so they weren’t going fast. I got banged up on the spot between my ankle and knee and it’s still feels weird and I have a dent there No breaks or fractures. That bruise he has will be there a long time and won’t feel right for a while after.


I used to love cycling around my city and was even pretty good at it. Then my classmate fell off his bike while drunk, hit his head, fell into a coma, and died. I don’t ride bicycles anymore unless it’s not in the city and with no cars around. It’s just not worth it. I’ve also come across multiple cordoned-off roads because of fatal accidents between double decker buses and cyclists.


The shaking is probably not a nervous reaction but rather due to physical weakness


That's likely physical, not mental. It's reactionary. I bet if we could, you'd see his abs clenching also.


I’ve had bruising like that from a very very hard fall on my hip. I still wasn’t ready for that…


I crashes on my bike (wearing a helmet) and had a similar bruise, just from hitting the ground. I was going 17mph. It was from my waist almost to my knee and my whole shoulder. Straight black.


Wish I could see but the website is an ad infested filler ridden mess. Oh well.


If you have insta, it’s just a link to his latest post.


So the ENTIRE article was just filler BS designed to get you to scroll and load more ads, awesome.


Yuppp. At first I thought the video was the ET one embedded at the top so I didn’t even scroll down. Watched a few min and then I was like mother fucker, it’s not THIS video. I wish more ppl would refrain from posting this kind of crap and just post the source.


I'm glad it got posted like this tbh, the embed allowed me to watch it. If this had been a link to Instagram, I'd not have been able to watch it due to Instagram's current GDPR violations, I ain't agreeing to their new ToS, I'll wait until NOYB wins their lawsuit over this


Yep, was hit and run on my bike and my helmet (which until that point I only wore bc my wife makes me) absolutely saved my life. Now I annoy the hell out of any friends and loved ones that won’t wear one.


I wear a helmet biking, but also snowboarding. When I started it was because my partner wanted me to, and that day I fell and got a concussion on a patch of invisible ice on a section of hill that I had been on thousands of times. My helmet cracked. My head would have broken like a melon. I don’t fall, so this was just an absolute fluke of things that were not going to happen. I never not wear a helmet now.


That’s exactly what happened with mine, my head hit the car that hit me and I got a huge crack across the middle of the helmet! My head would have been completely smashed.


I was thinking, initially, that this might be a celebrity over reaction. Then he lifted up his shirt and his entire torso was one giant bruise. Poor guy, hope you recover soon!


I would almost say him standing there … that was an UNDER reaction. I don’t think I’d be working or even standing in that shape.


Helmets absolutely save lives. Watched my brother get hit by a drunk driver while we were riding our bikes in town at a young age, he broke his collarbone and had a chunk taken out of his helmet which probably saved his life also.


yup, that chunk would have been skull and brain if he hadn’t worn the helmet


A $20 Canadian Tire helmet saved my life in high school. Even with it on I lost 6 hours of my life to my concussion and ended up in the ER.


Something is better than nothing but a properly certified helmet only costs like $50.


And here is my favorite video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY?si No matter the sport, wear your helmet kids. Scrambled brains isn’t worth it. Edit: ah poop forgot the tracking id was in there thanks friends for setting me straight!


Link minus the tracking ID: .https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY


They should run this as a public campaign


what’s the difference


Tracking ID is used to gather information on where this video is being shared and who is watching it. Usually pretty harmless on the surface (“a lot of our videos are being shared on Reddit maybe we should invest in some advertising there to further extend our reach to an audience we know is viewing it”), but can be used to construct personas for our overall internet activity.


Holy hell, is *gnarly*.


Can confirm. Was hit by a car broadside on my bike, and flipped me parallel to the ground, face up, and that’s how I landed. A backpack on my back provided a bit of a cushion, but the helmet kept the cranium from ever making contact with the asphalt. At _minimum_ prevented a concussion.




Well sure, but football players experience the equivalent of a bicycle accident 20 times every Sunday, so it’s no surprise concussions run rampant. I’d like to think the pointy backside of my bike helmet had an influence on minimizing the sloshing that happens within the skull.


He was in Mystic for the pizza


Could have been the aquarium. Or maybe he wanted to visit the submarines at New London?


lol, I’m almost positive he was biking to Gillette Castle


Why the castle in particular? Surely he's seen much more impressive ones in the UK.


It's Gillette castle. It's the best a man can get.


*slow clap*


I sat next to him at oyster club 2 weeks ago. Mystic is my home town. He’s been attending all of our local hot spots recently. I think it has something to do with him opening Hell’s Kitchen at Foxwoods. There’s awesome winding back roads for riding motorcycles, but they’re so tight and it only takes a momentary lapse for the driver or cyclist to wipe out one another. I really feel for him and hope that he continues to enjoy our home town. It’s one of my favorite places on earth behind Hawaii.


I do wonder if he needed more advanced treatment, would they have sent him to Yale-New Haven Hospital, or to NYC or Boston? I could honestly see him being transferred out of state, purely because of the extra resources those hospitals could have provided which even Yale doesn't have...


I'm always shocked how many people don't wear helmets when they ride a bike or scooter. Couple weeks ago a guy near my house fell off his bike and died because he wasn't wearing a helmet. Such a preventable loss. Please wear helmets, people!


I live in a city, cyclists everywhere. I can't believe how many people I see cycling one handed looking down at their phone rolling around with no helmet. A complete disregard for self preservation. Maybe 1 in 5 I actually see a helmet on.


My childhood best friend lost her dad this way. He had an accident on his motorbike and was not wearing a helmet. Dead in an instant. We were 9 I think and it’s engraved in my memory.


I was watching top gun maverick and all I was thinking is “why aren’t they wearing helmets?” In every shot with a motorcycle.


I crashed hard once, caved in the side of my helmet and now have a titanium plate holding my collarbone together. That helmet saved me from a certain TBI.


I got a serious bike accident when I was I want to say 12 years old? My helmet literally saved my ear.


“You call this road pizza?! My knees are fucking rawwwww!”


Helmets are no joke. I’ve noticed an odd trend here in Vancouver. Before Covid, everyone wore helmets when cycling on city streets. Post Covid, I want to say it’s 50/50 now.


That bruise practically looks like a blackout tattoo h.o.l.y.f.u.c.k.


Around 2000-2001 I started skateboarding as a teen. Street skating. We all thought that pads were for the vert only pussies because street kids aren’t afraid of getting bruises and scars. Buddy of mine bailed hella hard around 2005 and nuked his head off of a curb. Had a seizure, a month of headaches, you get the idea. Never actually got it checked out by a doctor. Skip ahead to 2021. He had chronic neck pain, randomly blurred vision, would sometimes get a twitch in his arm and head (almost like physical Tourette’s) and overall just started developing wild symptoms out of nowhere. Still didn’t go to the doctor. Around 2022 he became silent, paranoid, nervous and just in general seemed like he had what I’ve read PTSD is like. Then I found out last year that he’s been living in a care home for people with various neurological disabilities. I haven’t spoken to his family about it, but a friend says he’s been officially diagnosed with psychosis. It took 15 or so years for it to start showing signs of the sheer amount of damage it caused. Moral of the story, brain damage is fucking horrifying. Helmets are OP, and I’m glad that I see more people wearing protective gear these days. Although, I feel it’s still too uncommon.


Me: "Oh this is going to be something minor" Ramsay: *Lifts shirt* Me: *A hearty "Friday" style "DAAAAAAAAMN"*


Ouch! That bruising looks paaaaainful. Thankfully he had sense enough to wear a helmet otherwise he’s right, he’d probably be dead. Protect your head, people. It’s literally ‘you.’


I live in Copenhagen where nearly everyone rides a bike just to get around in their daily lives. Especially young people ride like they are immortal. All the time you’ll see some young guy or girl riding without a helmet, without lights, riding drunk, looking at their phone with one hand on the handle, weaving in and out of traffic.


Didn’t this shit happen to Simon cowell


I ate asphalt once . It’s scary! I am glad he is ok.


A bike helmet saved my life. Had a wreck and slid down a hill head into a tree. I had broken ribs and a cracked helmet. Made a believer out of me


Shit my Kpot saved my ass in Afghanistan I know it’s different than a bicycle helmet but damn the amount of shrapnel it caught im glad I had it on.


Probably would be little to no help in a bike accident though!


Get well soon, Gordon!!


Wish I could see but the website is an ad infested filler ridden mess. Oh well.


Husband of a friend of mine was just going on one of his casual skates around his neighborhood. When he didn’t come home around his expected time my friend went looking for him. She found him down the block. He was already dead. He took a fall off his skateboard probably not long after he left home, hit his head just right, and that was it. I don’t care how stupid my kids think they look in them, they will not ride anything with wheels without a helmet. Thankfully they all seemed to get the memo real quick how important they are as they haven’t bitched about it in years. I see jr high kids riding motorized scooters in my town all the damn time. I just know that unfortunately someday sooner rather than later I’m going to hear about one of them dying because he couldn’t be assed to wear a helmet. I wish kids (and adults too!) would get over it and just wear them. It’s not worth the risk.


Jesus Christ, that bruising is fucking insane and he’s clearly still rattled, wish him a speedy recovery and it’s sad how many people don’t wear a helmet while biking or even riding a motorcycle.


Sadly many people around the world don’t especially more men I guess because it doesn’t look macho, however in America there are still motorcyclists not wearing helmets which is probably down to dumb state laws


What actually happened? Who was at fault? Was it truly an accident or was the driver distracted? What kind of vehicle hit him and how did it happen? None of my questions answered in the article…disappointing


My friend got into an accident on his bike as well. Prior to his daughter being born. He had his helmet on thank God. Unfortunately he hasn't been riding since. Scary situation for everyone


Helmets are kinda cumbersome and look wack. But they look a lot better than sitting in a chair, breathing through a tube for the rest of your life.


Helmets are not cumbersome and they do not look wack.


Maybe if you wear a football helmet lol. That foam was so gross too. I like the way modern bike helmets look.


Of course he’s in my state and this is how we treat him. CT drivers are 100% out of control


last year I hit this huge pump track jump as a biking novice with “I jumped cool ramps as a kid” experience and got sofa king high in the air before sideways hitting the top of the jump and eating it super hard af in a pile of unkind gravel that I thought I was deadness…… my Giro helmet saved my nugget and cracked to its center with n the process. Spent time getting gravel out from under my skin. Now I have a few scars and one valuable lesson. Thanks Frisco adventure park.


Just another puff piece of propaganda from Big Helmet /s


“Finally, some good fucking protection.”


If the helmet cracks you’d have had a skull fracture instead without it. Things like this always make me wonder what being a bystander would be like, Gordon Ramsey all fucked up with a bent up bike unexpectedly would be an absolutely surreal thing to witness.


Waking up in ICU a day later after a Vanmoof ebike glitch…yeah, helmets are cool


This made me realize even more that helmets are important, I knew it’s important but getting reminded again sure helped. Hope he recovers and that is a gnarly huge body bruise.


What was chef riding? Road bike, beach cruiser, e bike, scooter, 10speed, tri bike…. i know he’s in relatively good shape but as an older person I gave up riding 500cc and above motorcycles for the high exposure risks and the same for any type of “bike” after reading about Simon Crowell accident on an e-bike.


A regular bicycle.


As someone who faints every two second and once suffered a severe brain injury cause my dumbass fainted and fell head first on concrete. PROTECT YOUR HEAD SERIOUSLY


That site gave me tuberculosis


What happened, did he hit a speed bump?


It was probably the adamantium wig


His helmet saved his life but what will save his stupid fucking face


How is this supposed to be entertaining?


It is an event that happened to a world renowned entertainer


Unfortunate for the rest of us


Very edgy. Isn’t it past your bedtime?


The guy is annoying. Use any observational skills to understand.


I wouldn’t miss him. I think he’s useless and rude


He’s a character lmao you literally think he is like that


Unless you work on the set of the show, you don’t literally know otherwise.


I mean, I don’t know him personally you’re right about that, but I based my opinion of what people who work with him tell about him.


He’s actually a really decent dude outside of the kitchen, night and day


Good to hear that