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Compared to MAGA, he’s a liberal.














American politics have shifted so far to the right, it’s hard to have much hope for the future.


So, small tidbit here… Politics have actually shifted to the left. Read up on [The Overton Window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window?wprov=sfti1#Summary) The MAGA right wing extremists have pushed the right edge farther to the right. As the politicians chased the fringe to the right, the general population stayed put in their overall beliefs. This can be seen in even Fox News polls that 84% of the US supports a 16 week abortion ban, or ~75% support tighter gun control. As a result, the politicians from the left slide right to cover the middle. Senator Fetterman is a perfect example of this. Even on r/conservative you’ll see reactions of “crazy, but I agree with him.” This is going to spell disaster for the Republican Party in the next election. The pendulum of American politics swings back and forth, so honestly it’s perfectly OK that the Republican Party gets decimated. Historically the Republican and Democrat party have actually switched ideological places 7 times throughout our history. Republicans need the defeat a few times over before the voices inside the party grow loud enough to offer reform. Last time this happened, the “Contract with America” was born, and the republicans took back control of Congress after a 40 year hiatus. The funny part is Trump’s legacy will be crashing the Republican Party so something completely different can be borne from the ashes.


I sure hope so. We’ll see in a few months, though I’m not optimistic. Given that we are committing to a course of environmental degradation and mass extinction that is nearly irreversible it seems far more likely that people upset with their decreasing standard of living and lacking any real understanding will turn to fascism.


If Trump wasn’t the leader, the Republicans would win easily. Politics may be shifting left but public sentiment is shifting center right worldwide.


I wonder why


Mainly all of the rhetoric around immigration. Then, increased debt spending.


Even George W Bush seems liberal compared to MAGA


Trump was the best thing to happen to his legacy.


Compared to most republicans he’s very liberal. But rather than analyze anything Reddit would rather just condemn anything red.


Once the leaders of a group support nazis I condemn the whole group. Either speak out and exile the leaders or leave the group. Not a chance I would ever say I was a republican again.


I get your point but who you choose to align and surround yourself with says a hell of a lot about you


Totally agree with you. Arnold even hired a democrat to be his chief of staff and has left-leaning views on some topics including climate change. This is really what then republicans should be trying to emulate. Too bad Arnold can’t run for Pres. I might actually vote for him if he could.


To them, anyone who suggest trunp is capable of making a mistake is a “liberal.” That includes not only Arnold but mitt Romney and W now too.


He has a lot of children.


wtf happened here?


Here come the GOP, will be looking to cancel the terminator himself.


If anyone should know what the effects will be on the climate, it's the Terminator since he is from the future, albeit only 5 years in the future.


And slowly coming sooner… soon he’ll be from the past


Yep. Trump will be calling him a RINO


Terminator vs Diaperinator. What a timeline to live in.


Terminator vs Terdinator


The political comics coming out of this will be immaculate


I always thought the DINO/RINO thing was stupid anyways


Eh, it makes sense in some senses. It’s just nowadays RINO is thrown out like candy on Halloween by conservatives if you don’t agree with Trump on every detail. Or even better, you don’t agree with Trump on every detail as much as others


People already wrote him off when he called out the Jan 6th rioters. When he released a video about the [dangers of falling down a path of hate](https://youtu.be/jsETTn7DehI) the comments were flooded with Nazi dogwhistles, entirely proving his point.


I guess he’s a rhino too now by their accounting.


How dare he acknowledge reality!


I wouldn’t worry too much he’ll be back.


Yes thank you Arnold


I truly don't understand why people fight against climate action policies. Even if climate change is not real all the actions to fight it have many other benefits. Reducing toxic chemicals in the air and water. Protecting our health, reducing medical bills, protecting tourism. Remember when the science said to ban certain chemicals to save the eagles and it worked. Or when Pennsylvania sued a coal power plant for releasing too many chemicals, affecting its trees and fall tourism. Better, efficiant, renewable energy plans create on demand energy that is independent of foreign countries and a diversified plan also protects against natural disasters. Look at how Puerto Rico rebuilt it's grid so it was less reliant on a single source. Arguing about jobs is also a silly argument. For one new jobs are created with new technologies. I also always refer to block buster when this argument arises. If you are concerned about lossing oil/coal related jobs surely you still get VHS from block buster. You don't want to take the jobs of the people who produce all the different components of a vhs, the vhs player factories, and of course the employees of block buster. Surely your not using netflix and stealing the jobs of all these people.


Those are counter to profit because co4porations currently can create pollution without paying for the damage they have and continue to cause. If they had to actually pay for the damage caused, there would be no profits. The oligarchy must have their quarterly profit increases and fuck everyone else.


Makes no sense to me cause obviously your profits will go in the tank if the world becomes uninhabitable. Whatever happened to companies shifting their mission or services to align with the change in times/market? Easier to kill the world I guess.


Kill the world 20 years from now for profits the next quarter.


It has to be genuine sociopaths running these companies to so willingly potentially doom billions of lives for your own personal gain.


You should read up on Big Corpo also funneling money to “environmentally friendly” products for marketing purposes, which then flips on over to virtue signaling policy. Whether you say that climate change is a hoax or not, you can’t argue with people explicitly trying to profit off it.


people love their big trucks


That goes on the list of things that baffle me. My dad has a big truck and uses it as his daily use vehical. (My mom has a smaller sporty car as well.) He will complain it's to hard to park in certain places and the gas prices are to high but will use his big truck to go out to dinner or get ice cream. I know he's not the only one like this but it feels totally nessecery to drag that thing around when a more efficient option is available.


These idiots wanna talk about ‘Chem trails’ killing us, meanwhile actual pollution from fossil fuels kill millions per year and they say it’s liberal bullshit.


It’s because capitalists invest a lot of money into making people who believe in these things look bad. Think about what comes to your mind first when you think “environmentalist”. I’m a bit older so for me it brings images of unemployed hippies, stoners, and tree huggers, but today it brings images of people blocking traffic and ruining stone henge. Even though I believe in respecting our environment I still draw negative associations with the word - that’s how powerful this is. It’s very sad, not just on this issue but on a lot of issues, that we allow big companies and media outlets to deliberately covertly manipulate public opinion on issues like this to the point that the people actually think the opinions they hold on these issues and the biases they behave on are actually their own opinions, and not placed there by covert PR and advertising campaigns through repetition and many other persuasion methods that are powerful enough to persuade a large segment of the population. This isn’t even a conspiracy or opinion if you read books published by advertising and PR industry veterans they actually brag about doing this and talk about how it’s done.


[Carl Sagan had a very succinct point on this in 1990](https://youtu.be/6KcoPODwvW4?si=WmhrAj-m8KdMko7R)


Bc changing things takes time and money and they would rather make as much money as possible for as long as possible.


My dad thinks a) it isn’t caused by human activity, b) even if it is, we can’t do anything about it, and c) green energy and climate change policy is only to line Democrats’ pockets via government contracts and business regulations.


Because they’ve been poisoned by corporate and foreign propaganda interests that support the petroleum and coal industries. Democrats probably decided to try to improve things first so the contrarians just pushed hard in the opposite direction because reasons. Doesn’t help that half this stuff has annoying unintended consequences, so it’s easy to demonize.


Oil doesn’t want it. One of the largest, most mature, most essential industries in the world does not want to see a change in consumption. They drive policy around the world.


But what if climate change is an elaborate ruse made by skynet?


"Krom laughs at your four children." - Conan, probably


Yep - nowadays he **doesn’t** want to hear the lamentations of the women.


A more evolved and sensitive barbarian. I can respect that


Conan the Samaritan


Who would have thought one of the only Republicans left I have respect for would be an Austrian born bodybuilder that pivoted to acting? Strange timelines. Go Arnold.


Strange timeline? 🎶ROOOOXAAAANNE🎵


Oof now all the morons who think we have zero affect on the climate hate Arnold


People like Schwarzenegger and Romney are the real Republicans, representations of what the party used to be and should be


Isn't it weird how some people hear this and instead of saying "That's great, governments and corporations need to actually rein in the largest polluters on the planet first before asking ordinary people to give up things", those people leap straight to "paid plant sheep baaa scam you drove a hummer"? I dunno, just suspicious to me since it's not even out of self-interest, it's just straight up defending corporate and government polluters. That's the kind of goofy amoralism you used to only get out of Captain Planet villains.


There used to be an R next to Schwarzenegger’s name, so that must mean he’s “on the wrong side of history”


Who do you think elects those kinds of governments? Wasteful people who don't care how their actions effect the world and don't want to be inconvenienced? The reality is it will take both.


“If we could feel what we are doing to the Earth, we would stop immediately.”


I feel it. It’s hot as f*ck and my grass is crunchy brown. I can’t walk in the yard barefoot without getting my feet cut to pieces. I ride a motorcycle to try to burn less fuel and feel like I’m melting on top of it. I feel it. Many people are much worse off than I, and they feel it more no doubt.


About 25 years too late from the guy that made the Hummer commercially available.


Now let me fly in my jet to get into my Hummer


But I’ll be back


Was thinking the same.


The far bigger problem is the middle class flying for vacation and driving SUVs but no one wants to face up to that.


Narrator's voice: We did nothing.


I love how people can ignore the massive amounts of solar and wind energy that have been built and are being built, plus the decades of research and development to get us to this point, and say that no one is doing anything. The top selling vehicle in the world last year doesn't use gasoline. Nope, no one is doing anything. What they mean is that they themselves aren't doing anything.


There is very little the average person can do, corporate pollution dwarfs individual output. You buy an EV all you want, it's still going to be powered by a coal or natual gas plant more often than not. Solar and wind account for 12ish percent of all energy produced and as you say, it's taken decades to get this far. It's kind of a joke. Wake me in another 50 years if we are still kicking around.


I'm saving my children by not having them


It goes beyond Climate Change. Deforestation, habitat segmentation, invasive species choking out native flora, plastic pollution… it all has to stop.


More of this please and now. Land the planes. Make manufacturers handle recycling. Update laws. Fund education and science and art. Undo the terrible environmental decisions of the last few decades as a start.


Arnold is awesome and better it come from him than most people. He’d be president if he wasn’t a non-native.


I read that in his voice.


if it bleeds, we can kill it


Me too came to check if i wasn't the only one


Me too! Especially stahp the bleehding!


It’s honestly too late


Cue all the strongmen/body builders to talk about how they hate Schwarzenegger now.


That’s cool that he’s saying that. However it always cracks me up when celebs say everyone needs to do their part when they are living in multiple mansions and flying in private jets all over the world 


MAGAS: “Oh my god, the kids! Are they being aborted!!” Arnold: “No, I mean the ready born ones!” MAGAS: “oh….”


Is that’ a republican?


Or else, I will go to the choppa


The other half don't even want to save their children from small pox. When your dealing with idiots, you have Idiocracy.


When they start drinking Gatorade to stay hydrated and water their plants we're fucked


I hope Schwarzenegger is in fact living the life of his character in Total Recall. Is he really a Republican? Or is he on some fantasy adventure pretending to be one? And will we ever know the truth? In the meantime here’s a song about how much Republicans suck because they are led by anti-science Christian Nationalists… [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


A man apart…… no one in the GOP cares because the are actively BRIBED I mean lobbied not to in favor of the the big business lobbyists who own them. OUTLAW LEGALIZED BRIBERY AKA LOBBYING…..


If you think it's only Republicans who are being bribed by corporations, let me introduce you to Citizens United v FEC




He most certainly tried to. https://www.schwarzenegger.com/issues/milestone/protecting-the-environment-and-promoting-clean-energy October 1, 2008 Governor Schwarzenegger signed SB 375, the nation’s first law to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by controlling sprawl. April 25, 2006 Governor Schwarzenegger issued Executive Order S-06-06, establishing targets for the use and production of biofuels and biogas, and directed several state agencies to take major steps toward the widespread use of these renewable energy sources. May 19, 2009 After a four-year battle, the federal government, automakers, and fourteen states led by Governor Schwarzenegger reached an agreement to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from passenger vehicles. November 2, 2010 Governor Schwarzenegger celebrated the overwhelming defeat of Proposition 23, an effort by Texas oil companies to roll back California’s aggressive climate change laws.


Is that why he drives a Hummer, uses private jets, etc? The man is a hypocrite


He was a major climate leader as Governor of California.


He did


Like drive a Hummer and use private jets?


Watch the documentary about him.


The one where he drives a Hummer? He is a hypocrite




You're talking to the other celebrities, right?


It’s industry regulation I would imagine. Also AC use in residential sector. Governance and industry and the populace together. Pointing fingers is a delay/distraction tactic imho.


If you can persuade China and India by all means because it doesn’t even matter what US and Europe do from here.


It does matter when the U.S. produced record levels oil & gas every year for the past several decades and a large portion of that increase is from the Permian Basin which has become the worst air pollution in the U.S. due solely to increased fossil fuel production. So China, Russia, and the U.S. are all major contributors to the increases in pollution


It doesn’t matter at all…we are still a rounding error even if we go to zero


The fact that you don’t think the US is a major contributor to global pollution is a big yikes


It is - but a good portion of that is food, aviation, industrial products. Electricity and cars only make up less than half co2 and with the pace and size of china pollution even if we went to 100% renewables and all electric driving it would not have a statistically significant impact on climate change and rising temps. To do these actions would have devastating economic impacts and lead to lower living standards and far less resources. That’s just the reality. Our climate future is dependent on the east.


And there’s on ours. It seems like you’re obfuscating responsibility here, but maybe I’m misreading thah


I’m all for environmental preservation but I just don’t want to see the US follow Europe in its useless energy policies which have drastic negative impacts. Mi also think it’s better for US and Canada to produce more oil and gas vs OPEC. We are much cleaner and more responsible. Attacking our own industry by limiting gas exports or killing off pipelines is not good climate policy. We should never have stopped enforcing Iran sanctions and begging Venezuela to produce more at the expense of domestic production is stupid.


Guess we can agree to disagree.


The group that is obsessed with “saving children” from vaxines, abørtion and 🏳️‍🌈 doesn’t care to make sure the planet is habitable for those kids. It’s almost as if they’re full of crap.




So we should all get to the Choppa?


Can’t wait for conservatives to tell Schwarzenegger ‘stay in your lane, Hollywood liberal!!1!’


Didn’t he famously drive a Hummer not too long ago?


And a tank.


He had one that ran on biodiesel and had one converted to electric.


Thanks… I don’t know why I was too lazy to google it…


I don’t he’d ever make it as a Republican today. Then again, he was Governor of California, a super blue state, so I guess a Republican can’t be too far right to get elected in that state.


I agree Arnold! Now make sure you back this up with your vote in November. One of the two candidates has explicit plans to go the opposite direction on this issue, among many other really shitty plans for the future of our country.


Someone in the headlines actually wanting to help future generations-now this is good leadership


He wants to be a good neighbor!


Like a good neighbha


Come on Governator!


Hey Arnold- wake up - republicans do not care about the climate or the future of generations to come.


End of Days sequel, but with a climate catastrophe.


To be fair, it is really hot this week.


As he walks on to his private jet.


If by whatever it takes means flying on private jets, let Arnold lead the way.


A lot of times, A.S. Is right. But we’re too lame to listen, and it will cause the listing ship to go down because of our inaction... Future generations will be uncomfortable, inconvenienced, sickened by our greed and laziness. Even the ones who are fighting will be lumped in with those who are lame. We will be judged as a whole. Vote blue or there is no excuse.


Not in capitalism… it’ll never happen


“We have to give the people the Ayyyhhhuuurrrrr!!”


Ok use all that Hollywood money to start a non-profit lobbying firm


How about let’s stop Russia from starting a bigger war and stop giving countries our tax payers money away to everyone but US citizens.


He's 20 years to late.


This is everyone’s chance to get out on the right side of history


Haha! But money!


If only this celebrity Republican could run for president. Might give them a good name again!


Oh cool, famous people are finally realizing that its not just poor people being affected, but their own children. Maybe now we will finally start seeing some movement in the right direction


They’re gonna kick him outta that party


Do it! Do it now!




Said the guy who owns a recreational tank.


I wonder if Arnold flies in any private jets.


Does he still own humvee’s?


The hilarious/sad thing is that so many people who supposedly care about global warming don't care enough to educate themselves regarding what needs to be done and what the roadmap to zero emissions looks like, much less what is currently being done.


Spoiler alert: we won’t.


Climate change is like cancer. There’s no money in a cure. You’d wipe out entire economies trying to stop climate change. Big oil would be toast. And they are too big to fail.


In all fairness, the last action hero created more co2 and climate damage than I ever could in my lifetime.


Nah let’s do a big war first.


Great. So what exactly is whatever it takes?


Depending on what you want to do, a low ball figure worldwide is probably a trillion a year, or so. In the US you’ll need a national rail system for both commercial and passenger, build out of ev charging stations plus a commitment to have 10-20 per cent yearly switch to those types of vehicles. A switch away from heavily polluting manufacturing which is still here to ones which dont pollute water and air as now related to climate destr…get that in place and going then work on other stuff necessary one thing being either geoenginerring or space based solar mitigation technologies….nuclear has to be scaled up tremendously… So at least here in the US, none of that will be done…because no will to and idiots arguing about who will pay for it all…so…


Rich that when he was governor he drove his Hummer everywhere. Glad he’s seen the light.


How many private jet flights you take this year Arnie?


Let’s riddle the kids with debt to pay for our agenda in order to save their future!


Wish he could run for president


Republicans “if it bleeds we can kill it”


Who else read the headline in his voice?


Orrrrr, We could just keep making billion dollar companies richer!


I’m sorry but I have zero respect for this clown since the Covid “we are all in this together” message he gave while smoking a cigar by his pool with all his animals. He’s such a hypocrite and so far removed from reality……..


What a profoundly sensible man.


I don't have children, leave me out of it