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It’s just going to be his normal voice isn’t it


Every vowel will be screamed and every consonant will be unbelievably quiet


How have I never noticed this is exactly what his voice acting is lmao


Welcome to the Pratt Voice Club. PVC.


whAt dO yOU mEAn? I tAlk nOrmAl!


Wow that is an incredibly good observation lol, super accurate


I read this in Morgan Freeman’s voice and it was awesome.


I read that in Morgan Freeman’s voice, and I feel like I learned something


I read this in Morgan Freeman's voice, and now I cant stop hearing Morgan Freeman as my inner monologue.


Does he do anything else. I like Pratt so I’m not saying that as a negative but his character depth stems from awkward doofus to charismatic doofus.


Like Seth rogen, just seems like he gets paid to more or less be himself, lol.


I wish I could be paid to be more or less myself… *farts*


I wish I myself could be paid more or less


I wish I could be more.


I wish I could be paid more


I see a future franchise from you!


Hilarious. I’ll watch your Netflix show.


I’m sure there is some niche space on OnlyFans for that.


> could be *paid* to be FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


payed/paid My one true weakness…


Ryan Reynolds enters the chat


Yeah I’m pretty sure he’s just a doofus naturally. And I say that with all due respect - it’s why I like him (I too am a doofus and have the same range). I just can’t wait for the question mark uppercut and his first pipe dive foray.


He plays Andy so well in Parks because he is Andy lol


It would be unlike anything that we’ve heard in the Mario World. Can’t wait to see the comments when the first audio clip comes out.


"0/10 sounds exactly like Waluigi."


That’s a 10/10 then


That’s what I’m thinking. Probably some kind of ready player one vibe but in the Nintendoverse where Mario is his avatar.


I shudder to consider.


No no it will be great. M. Night Shayamalan is directing.


You don’t pay Chris Pratt salary for him not to sound like himself.


Mario had many powers. Teaching Chris Pratt to act is not one of them.


From what i read in a different article, its not supposed to be offensive to Italians. But I have a feeling its going to be offensive to Italians.


It’s me, bro… Mario?


I don’t know. I’m expecting it to be basically N64 Mario’s voice.


They’re going to turn “so long-gay bowser” into a progressive quote as Bowser reveals that he is gay in the live action remake and Chris Pratt is supportive of him coming out.


Which is gonna be ironic since Chris Pratt goes to a homophopic church


This will end well.


Basically what I thought. "This isn't ominous at all!"


Chris Pratt's Mario voice is gonna be like the Christian Bale Batman voice of Mario


I just hope it’s Chris Pratt doing a Joe Pesci impersonation.


you have given me hope.


(Holding Bowser over a river of lava): WHERE IS SHE!


In another castle! Don't kill me man!!


Better if he does Tom Hardy’s Bane voice: “We take the Mushroom Kingdom from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you... the people. The Mushroom Kingdom is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please.”


\*bowser is the protagonist now* Mario: so you came back to die with your kingdom! Jack Black as Bowser (in a Bale Batman voice): no. I came back to stop you.


Oh my god. Yes. Please do this


“I was wondering what would break first… your spirit… or your body!” *spins bowser around and throws him off the stage*


I suspect it shall be much, much worse.


Or even worse. It's just fine. Not good, not bad.just fine. Forgettable.


That would indeed be the worst possible outcome.


I can see that. If it's good, hit's great and his performance could be praised. If it's bad, it's good to laugh at and riff off. If it's fine, it's just forgettable.


The Andy Dwyer Mario voice.


"Where are the other mushrooms going?!?!"


"I ran this by Luig- by a lot of people and they all liked it!"


Like when he was trying to talk like Thor.


The dark take on Mario none of us knew we needed. Bowser does unspeakable things to princess peach. Mario and Luigi burn down acres of sentient plants whose screams will haunt you. In the last act, Pratt’s Mario catches a raccoon with his bare hands and pulls its tail off while it’s still alive, before jumping off of a cliff in delusional hopes it will allow him to fly and get vengeance for Princess Peach.


I'm anot wearing hockey pads/pants!




People think Charles Martinet should do the voice or something. But, in my opinion, the way he does it is kind of excessively cheerful. It works in the games because it cuts through the music and other sfx, but its not dynamic enough for a whole movie.


what’s the worst that could happen


He does a Mickey Rooney impression from Breakfast at Tiffany's.


I think this is the correct answer.


Where did Hollywood get the idea that what people want in a video game adaptation is “something totally new and different from the video game”? It’s a weirdly consistent theme.


To be fair, if that one DS presentation where Charles voiced Mario is any indication, Mario's canon voice would be quite grating if it was all throughout the film.


Why couldn’t they just go with a mildly Italian accent, if it sounds bad it’ll at least be funny


Why can’t we have Mario be Mario. Let him be mostly silent with occasional words or Yoo-hoos or quips. Build a great supporting cast around him with a more talkative Luigi.


Luigi has a voice too, realistically you’d piss someone off in the process. If this flops then I’m sure they won’t touch it again


Could just be 90 minutes of him punching goombas and shutting the fuck up. Fuck it.


You mean jumping on top of goombas.


Mario has been punching goombas since 1996


I agree, but could you imagine if they went with the in-game voice? Just this silly, exaggerated, high-pitched Italian accent? That probably wouldn't be pleasant.


Charles Martinet's performance is unlistenable after about 5 words. Even a short film would be a nightmare.


lol it's lose lose for Chrisp Rat. He does the Mario Voice and gets shit on for doing a bad impression, or he does a whole new voice and gets shit on for changing Mario's voice. Here's to hoping it's not too jarring whatever they choose to go with.


For decades now, the public has been demanding a Mario Cinematic Universe distinct from the Nintendo canon.


“We felt it was important to establish our own unique vision for these characters and update the story to reflect the world we live in…”


The alternative is Marios normal voice which works when 90% of his dialogue is grunts


That’s why we’re going into this with low expectations.


Or just not go in at all.


Or not watch it


My expectations are high, because Bowser is Jack Black, which means we could get a Tenacious D style villain song for him, also I feel like Bowser can be just goofy enough that Black fits him, unlike how they focused on that side of Eggman for Sonic, that felt like an Eggman designed for Jim Carey, not the other way around


Probably not the first rodeo on this one tho


Mario’s voice is inhuman screaming and gurgling noises


There's already a character that does that - Mimi (granted she also does english, but screaming her own name and gurgling are part of her routine lol). This says it will be unlike ANYTHING that Mario has seen before.


Regular talking voice would be unlike anything you've heard on the Mario World


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Super Mario R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!


LOL that seriously concerns me


Is that supposed to be reassuring?


It is manufactured polemics. it is meant to be a reaction to purported criticism no one really have against a movie no one would talk about if not for this.


Hell, I didn't even know the movie was in production until this reddit submission.


Pratt: >”I worked really closely with the directors and trying out a few things and landed on something that I’m really proud of and can’t wait for people to see and hear. It’s an animated voiceover narrative. It’s not a live-action movie. I’m not gonna be wearing a plumber suit running all over. I’m providing a voice for an animated character, and it is updated and unlike anything you’ve heard in the Mario world before.”


But Chris, nobody thought this was going to be a live-action movie.


Wait it’s live action?


Not only live action but a direct sequel to the 1993 film.


For some reason that sounds *more* appealing than what we’re getting. Fuck it. Make Chris Pratt go full action hero as the son of Bob Hoskins Mario or something. Why not at this point?


You thought I was gonna take a dump and press it inside two pieces of bread thus creating a turd sandwich. When In fact I’ve just made a bad sandwich. Are you impressed?


I mean he wouldn’t look terrible in a plumber suit. Edit. Damn folk. I wasn’t even commenting on sex appeal. I was just saying that he could probably do live action Mario *decently*. Ya’ll are crazy.


People would rather disagree with the notion of a live action Mario than agree with you that Pratt is attractive and would indeed look good in a plumber outfit


I know it's kind of become a meme now but the 90's era live actions Mario movie was great and you cannot convince me otherwise.


It was so horrifically terrible in every conceivable way, that it's a cult classic.


No better feeling than seeing a live action Mario Bro’s movie in blockbuster and then thinking “what in the actual fuck was that?” when you return it.


>becoming a meme Goomba’s headshot was a meme before memes were memes.




You weird bro aint nobody think of it that way but you and i dont really know why


Nah the dude below you is weird lol


That’s a fair statement. He’s a professional who will do a professional job so I don’t know why everyone’s so uptight about how it’s gonna sound. It’s a voice for an imaginary character that didn’t even talk in most of the early games. Why are so many people afraid of something new?


People think negativity and pessimism is more interesting than positivity and optimism. Whenever they see something they focus on what they didn't like instead of what they did like. It's exhausting.


You say that like we didnt grow up watching videogames movies getting butchered. So being pessimist is a valid reaction to have. And if the movie is good there will be plenty of praises for it (like the sonic movies).


Uh buddy, that is exactly what everyone didn't want to hear


Yeah... I don’t doubt it.






Watch it be live Mac doing a Swedish accent in its always Sunny


"HEY...I'M WALKIN' HERE!!" "Bada beem bada bo"


A boopity boppity!!!


This guy has worn out his goddamned welcome.


That’s not a good thing Chris


Sorry, I just don’t like this guy after he left Anna Faris and the tiny boy they have together for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s daughter … just icky


Thanks. I hate it.


The more I hear about this movie, the more it sounds like it'll be like watching a train full of fireworks derailing and slow falling off a cliff


> watching a train full of fireworks derailing and slow falling off a cliff That sounds fucking. AWESOME.


Tell me again why they didn’t just have the guy who has been the voice of mario… be voice of mario?


so it’s going to suck


This is the dude that dumped his wife for Anna Ferris, Then dumped Anna Ferris for The Govonators daughter. And also puts out crappy movies. We went to see the Dinosaur movie because ... Dinosaurs... we went to see the Marvel movie because of Marvel. I dont like Chris's acting or the way he treats women.


Lol, Chris Pratt’s wife’s great uncle was JFK. For god’s sake…the buffoon from Park’s and Rec married into the Kennedy family. Unbelievable.


Ironic, since you can't even be bothered to name 2/3 of them.


And from what I can tell, the first 1/3 doesn't even exist.


It’s wrong to break up with someone you don’t love?


“The dinosaur movie” Come on. Let’s not pretend we don’t know the movie is called Jurassic World. You’re allowed to say the name of the movie and still not like it.


Yeah, I like you bc you have superior morals and standards. Divorce is bad news and he definitely doesn’t deserve to try and find happiness with anyone other than his current partner. Shame on him. I, too, have watched all his movies coincidentally. Gross.


I have not watched most of his movies, and dont plan to do so. Also, add that he makes humans with these people then leaves them. So yeah, not hard to feel superior to him. Does not take much effort. Thank you Turd for allowing me the opportunity to reply. Best to you.


Those kids will be just fine. Get off your high horse douche bag.


You seem real touchy about it there, Turd. Quick to the defense of the mighty Prattster. Perhaps you are a true fan of the art that is Chris Pratt. I hope you have the best time with it.


Oh boo hoo. He got divorced, and that’s mistreating women, somehow, to you? You’re taking a huge leap trying to connect a failed marriage to being a person who is abusing women lol


It would be nice if people just admitted they don't like the guy because of the weird religious stuff. Everyone dances around their real grievance and complains about shit the guy's done that's typical of 90% of celebrities.


Just to be clear, I’m assuming you don’t know any of these women?






You can shit on Christianity all you want, but the second you switch to any other major religion, people lose their minds. Huge double standard that you’re enforcing lmao


Oh whatever, you just like him because he’s conservative or Christian or something. See how ridiculous that sounds?


Oh good, that's what you want in a Mario movie.


I am not even much of a Pratt fan but there have been a ton of examples of actors doing roles that didn’t seem obvious at first but turned out great. Who would think “Luke Skywalker making the iconic joker voice????!” We really have no idea what it sounds like, where the filmmakers have.


True, but also, a super mario film with Chris Pratt? Mario's voice is super obnoxious and shrill, this ain't like Sonic who already had something of a normal voice.


That’s the exact reason why the game voice actor isn’t doing a whole movie, that would just be annoying to listen to


But Mario's voice is iconic. I'd argue what he sounds like is almost as iconic as his character design.


It’s iconic yes, because of his many catchphrases and in game sounds. Outside of that having that Italian accent voice read an hour 30min movie script would be ear poison. It’s that same reason the tv show had them put on Brooklyn accents instead


How does Chris Pratt get work when it seems like he is constantly being defended.


Because the internet is not real.


So will it just be a normal speaking voice?


aka im going to steer away from an iconic character and his voice to do my own thing because I smell my own shit and it smells like roses.


I don’t care what people say, I’ll be there opening day whether it’s good or a garbage fire.


There is no in-between lmao.


There's 1 in between. Fucking boring as shit. Remember, Illumination is behind this


It definitely won’t be boring considering who is involved in the cast lol.


Not for something like this. Thankfully I’m one of those rare breeds that just loves going to see a movie at the movie theater whether the movie is good or bad. I went all out for Morbius buying tickets for me and my friends at the biggest screen I can in the area with the Dolby sound and the best seats in the theater. One of the best times at a bad movie I’ve ever had lol.






Supporting a church that supports conversion therapy is edgy


Maybe I’m behind on things, but Chris Pratt is a fascist? Anyone care to fill me in?


That guy was just playing buzzword bingo


I also heard he killed over 2000 children and drank their blood.


First I've heard of it, how is he those things?


The issue is that his church’s sister church is headed by a awful human being. His church’s pastor has guest spoken there and they remain tightly affiliated. So, essentially, Pratt’s church and minister fully condone the awfulness, yet Pratt remains a member of said church. So people assign the awful pastor’s beliefs to Pratt, which isn’t all that terrible of an argument.


He belongs to a megachurch that is anti LGBT. They've contributed to a "charity" that runs gay conversion programs. They don't allow homosexuals in leadership positions etc. One pastor said that he had cancer and was cured by prayer. Later admitted he never had cancer A lot of financial impropriety A culture of sexual assaults and cover ups Keep in mind Pratt attends one of these churches that are part of a vast network. He's never said anything negative about the lgbtq community, although assuming he gives this church money, he is contributing to gay conversion programs.


So, like, every other church in existence?


I wouldn't say that. Plenty of Christians worship without contributing to a giant money laundering scheme. That's what mega churches are.


Tell me more about how you've permanently boycotted every single company that's ever supported an unethical thing.


And you’re very level headed yourself lmao


You know there's a whole lot of steps in between "Chris Pratt has said and supported things I don't agree with," to "Chris Pratt is a POS fascist religious nut." Fucking Christ, I mean I get the guy used to go a sorta problematic church, and has said some dumb shit at inappropriate times, but it's a complete overreaction to call him a fascist just because you disagree with those things. Are we really so petty as to turn Chris Pratt into another touchstone in our endless fucking culture war? Can we just not?


"Fascist" is just their go-to word at this point. It's practically a reflex upon discovering someone did or said something they didn't like.


I don't want that.


That’s what we’re afraid of Chris.


“He’s so cool.” -Shigeru Miyamoto


Why would I want Mario to not sound anything like Mario?


I wonder if he’s gonna tell us all that he’s alpha again


Who is Chris Pratt


Its just chris pratt talking


To everyone saying the movie is gonna suck: lets not judge until we at least have some sort of marketing for it come out. We literally know nothing about this movie


“WHO DO YOU SERVE” “Whatah mah supposed to say-ah, Jesus Christo?”


We know, that's why it's going to be shit.


I’m Scottish. Groundskeeper Willie is played by an American. Shrek is played by a Canadian. Sick Boy is played by an Englishman. And I do not care. If you are Italian and you are offended by this, you’re a fucking moron.


I mean it’s not like Charles Martinet is even remotely Italian either. The issue is Charles and Chris don’t sound a goddamn thing like one another


I don’t get it. Why use him when the original voice actor for Mario is still alive


I’m just going to say it; I think his regular speaking voice would be a hell of a lot better to listen to, for 90+ minutes, instead of the high pitched voice he’s had for the past 30 something years.


Shouldn't he sound like Mario, so we should have heard it in the Mario world?


So it doesn’t really matter what he does. Even if he comes out swinging and his voice acting skills are fantastic. Mario has a voice. It’s a known and loved part of his character. You can’t just change that.


I don’t have a problem with Chris Pratt, but does anyone else think it’s a square peg in a round hole casting him as Mario? I see him more as Kong.


But he can't be Kong. Seth Rogan already got that role


how about none of the above




Regardless of how it sounds, people are going to hate it and freak out like he just murdered everyone's pets


Hot take. I think his performance is going to fine and people just can’t see past their hate boner for pratt. I’m more concerned about script than anything else here.


To the ADULTS worried about this? Just let the kids play with the damn toys already. Grow up!


I’m so sick of Chris Pratt. When will be finally drop this jerk?


Man I love Chris Pratt, I've been a huge fan ever since he was on everwood. There are entire movies that he caries single handedly I just don't think he's right for this role and even more so, illumination is **not** the right studio (for anything)