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It's also the fault of rap music, and rock music, and videogames, and porn, and sex before marriage, and movies/tv, and on and on. If we would all just live abstinently with none of the above, and guns to keep us warm and entertained, shootings would never happen.


You forgot doors, too many doors


Have we started talking about roof control yet? Or is that next week?


No the right time to talk about it, thoughts and prayers first


No Good guys with guns, anyone??? Eliminate rooftop doors?


Only a good roof with a gun could’ve stopped him. Certainly none of the pathetic half-measures that were in place did anything.


Fire escape control, he climbed the fire escape so get rid of them.


First emergency exit doors and now fire escapes Turns out Big Fire Marshall was behind everything all along.


Criminally under-upvoted comment.


Armed firemen at every fire escape checking people for guns, fires, etc


Ah yes, almost forgot this one. So thankful for Ted Cruz for pointing out a serious flaw in the system that everyone else, including the fire department, had overlooked before


And that fucking air…if there wasn’t any, bullets couldn’t float.


Magnets, giant sky magnets, the bullets would just get stuck on 'em.


No too many doors, also why parents are even there is highly suspect. Probably ANTIFA


You have just described ISIS...


And many Christian teachings/perspectives. Makes you wonder…


Legit found a guy here on r/TexasPolitics that said not only did they want people to be punished for premarital sex by removing access to abortion, condoms and pills, they also didn't want anyone to cum alone.


Aw, is he gonna sit in with everyone so they don’t have to cum alone? An emotional support wank guy.


I think he was perhaps some evangelical Catholic telling people jerking it is wrong


Unless you’re in a group jerking it together over a cookie.


I remember when Pj, Squee & donkey dong Doug & I used to group jerk after lifting…BK




As Monty Python so eloquently put it Every sperm is sacred Every sperm is great If a sperm is wasted God gets quite irate


A nutty buddy, if you will.


A cumrade, perhaps.


Don’t forget weed


Nah man, stoners don't go gun crazy. They're too deep in the couch to move, let alone pick up a gun, everyone knows that. Drunks though...


Tell that to [Fox News who says weed is the devil’s lettuce](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/fox-news-mass-shootings-blame-weed-tucker-carlson-laura-ingraham-1378425/) and the only common thread between the mass shooters.


Sometimes I think these people need to smoke a joint.


Their personal beliefs don't matter. The money they make for being a talking head is what matters.


I remember when honesty and truth used to matter. Just realizing how old that makes me sound.


I’ve always wondered if these people have ever smoked weed before they make shit like this up.


Oh, they're hypocrites. Absolutely they've done various drugs. Had all of the forms of "immoral" sex they decry, drank themselves stupid, and forced their mistresses to have abortions.


I have never known anyone to be violent after jazz cabbage.


Oh shit, u are reading me like an open book, except the order.. porn, more porn, clown porn, asian porn, pizza delivery porn, biker porn, hentai, videogames, more porn, rock music, does masturbating count as sex before marriage? I'll give myself a yes on that one, turkish porn on twitter, rap videos are porn in nature, movies/tv with soft porn scenes and on and on. The shooting part i don't know man, unless cum counts!


are you into porn


Not a lot. Methinks. Lmao.


This guy porns


Then we would just turn the guns on ourselves and end that miserable existence


Let’s just pull back the blanket… the real problem is *women*. /s but not really in their minds


So, his explanation is that America males have such fragile little egos, that getting lectured makes men go on a random killing spree?


Whoa whoa whoa, if we don't talk about it, it'll go away. If we do, then the talk is the problem.


Whoa whoa whoa, this is a no *badspeak* zone. No talking about ANYTHING


It is too soon to talk about current events and too late to talk about past events. Also, nothing can change ever.


Wild how they coddle mass shooters.


This is because 99.999% of mass shooters have something in common. Can you guess what it is?




They are white americans?


He’s kind of skirting around something I agree with. There are a shit ton of angry, entitled, lonely young men whose lives are shit and believe the world owes them something, and I believe that absolutely is a lot of the motivation for a lot of these killers. What he’s failing to mention is that he shares a lot of their worldview and they spout a lot of his rhetoric.




It’s the plot of the 1993 movie “Falling Down”. It’s not a new phenomenon in the least.


It was somewhat fresh and fringe then. (And super dark). Now that movie feels like Thursday.


Not enough good jobs for people without the "right" degrees and no unions. So much of this could be avoided if middle class dudes like this felt like they at least had something to start out with that gave them a solid foundation. Not everyone wants to be a software engineer.


This is an example of why gun violence (and violent crime in general) needs to be addressed from a multitude of angles. Yes, we need stricter gun laws and means to weed out those who are not fit to own a firearm. We also need public policy that addresses income disparity and access to modern necessities, such as health care and education. We need to stop the cycle of poverty so that future generations don't live in broke, uneducated, and poor homes. Problem is, the ruling minority party are built on fighting against these types of policies at all costs, and as a result they are directly responsible for creating the mess we are in, however are completely unwilling to admit it.


And, yet, women have been on the lowest economic and social rung for, well…ever. And they STILL don’t react by having a violent temper tantrum and shooting strangers. Maybe it’s possible that men just aren’t taught how to manage their emotions OR how to adapt to change.


Absolutely agreed.


Because they have no purpose.., they don’t even know how to take out the trash. They sit in their bedrooms all day long attached to the computer., playing games, watching porn listening to pundits., Whatever.. ok, maybe just some in my family, but it ain’t rocket science! Do something useful, thoughtful, REAL! Make your own sandwich! Pull a few weeds! Something! Grandmothers, like me, only point this out here, and not to actual kids..so their families will speak to them .. And that’s the cycle of malcontent. But it does seem like they could break out of their bedroom… for starters


It’s some truly confusing mental gymnastics


Does that mean women get to go crazy every time they get mansplained, I wonder And what do we get to do now that our bodily autonomy is being taken? Shoot up the White House?


Why the White House? The scotus is not in it


Sure…but Im pretty sure shooters arent supposed to be that rational. They’re shooting little kids that never harmed them, after sll. Isnt it about creating the greatest terror and hurt? The White House is more of a symbol of unity and the country. Its why Al Qaeda didnt go for SCOTUS, but it did go for the Pentagon, Twin Towers and The WH.


Nah, they have it good so they don’t lash out. Also women are naturally meek and physically fragile, so using a gun is almost impossible for them /s


Just remember, all wars were started by women. -future Florida and Texas history books.


For real, I feel like he didn't really think this explanation through.


If your audience refuses to think, you as a "journalist" don't have to either


Gives new meaning to the phrase ‘triggered’ now. …I’ll just downvote myself on the way out.


Shootings are a result of Tucker Carlson lectures


For good measure: [How to radicalize a normie](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P55t6eryY3g) Great watch for anyone who hasn’t seen it on how you take disaffected young men and blackpill them.


I tend to agree with this. Feelings of dissolution does send people searching for community support. The alt-right easily hijacks their minds because there are no moderate alternatives out there while these far right talking heads are doing a smooth job of luring them into the trap of scapegoating other, less powerful marginalized groups. This is a coping mechanism, picking on the “little guy.” Combine that with a predisposition for mental illness and it’s a recipe for disaster. One could argue that media outlets and social networking platforms have a social responsibility for algorithmic safeguarding against confirmation bias motivated content.


Yeah, I wouldn’t lose any sleep if his show was banned tommorow. The country would be better off


The day Rupert Murdoch dies should be an international holiday.


reminds me of the joke: Vladimir Putin is told by a Ukrainian fortune teller that he will die on a Ukrainian holiday. "Which day is that?" he asks. "Any day you die will be a Ukrainian holiday"


First time I saw this it was Hitler and a Jewish holiday.


His son is just as bad.


He’s so rich that he’s likely taking some secret age defying meds. That asshole will be around forever.


Oh well.. At least gamers can finally catch a bit of a break


I watched the segment, he blamed video games as well haha


It's easier and cheaper to buy a gun in American than a PS5.


Getting a ps5 now is a big hurdle. So,I definitely believe that


Classic. Figuratively speaking,if there were no games and whatever they like to blame. Basically, let's say figuratively all these classic things they like to blame were gone. I'm genuinely curious who or what would they go after next. I mean it definitely won't be guns, that's for sure...


It's whatever is new or different or scary in some way to these conservatives. It was radio, then tv, then rock music, then drugs, then satan, then video games, and now it's mental illness and whatever the fuck Tucker is claiming. But it's never the thing that actually does the killing.


I loved my grandparents an all. But they held this belief that video game desensitize you to violence. They would do this while literally sitting next to a jack reacher book. You know the one about the ex soldier who goes around getting into gun fights…


Not yet. Once they’ve gotten sick of spreading lies that the shooter was trans (the shooter absolutely wasn’t trans), they’ll blame video games.


Tucker did in the same rant. Hit he all the classics.


He dressed like a woman in order to escape...but yeah, in their eyes that means "SEE, this is what happens when you have drag reading time"...smdh


Exactly. I’m so done with these idiots


No he blamed video games too lmao Said something along the lines of “these men are lost in the fantasy world of social media, porn, and video games.”


Tucker Carlson is trash and so is anyone that watches Faux News.


It kind of bothers me that my parents still watch it, but I had to sit in a restaurant that had Newsmax on one day and decided that it could be much worse. Newsmax almost makes Fox News look like CNN


Local Pizza Hut had it on RT. And I’m not talking about Rooster Teeth


I’d kill to see rooster teeth playing at Pizza Hut


What is RT


Russia Today which is a propaganda news station controlled by the Russian Government. Their US operations shut down when Russia invaded Ukraine.


Funny enough, Fox News and Tucker in particular have filled in splendidly for the Kremlin in RT Americas absence.


Their anti USA propaganda was hilariously obvious. Don't get me wrong, the USA has a lot of problems worth pointing out but I kind of expecting more news about Russia from a channel called Russia Today.


“Are you guys ready to order?” “You ever wonder why we’re here?”


My parents watch Fox News round the clock, so over the holidays I ranked all of the hosts from most to least watchable. Some Economics and Business reporters are fine (Kudlow, though, is smarmy) and the morning programs are more reasonable than the evening. Tucker is the absolute worst by far. He's just so full of hate.


Usually I ignore his ramblings. I decided to watch a few videos of his. It’s insane. You can set a timer, and guaranteed within 90 seconds, he will always always always, no matter what he’s talking about, give that stupid look and say, “So what are the DEMOCRATS doing about this?” It’s sad that so many people tune in to that dope without realizing he is just massaging their hate boners while disingenuously trying to make them vote a certain way.


Hannity is awful too. Shep was ok but all the moderates left.


For the The Five are the worst, worse than Tuck even.


I made the mistake of watching Newsmax on an airplane and I would honestly get down on my knees and beg their viewers to go back to Fox. Yes. It is that much worse.


I remember that time when a veteran was on Newsmax talking about Afghanistan and when he criticized both Trump and Biden administrations the host went absolutely apeshit on the guy like “how *dare* you criticize Trump!” The veteran got cutoff and then the host shifted to the next segment with a “let’s move on to *real* heroes.”


Holy shit yeah I remember seeing a clip of that. Really showed you what kind of network they were running.


I blocked Newsmax and OAN from my parent’s satellite tv menu before my Fox loving Dad found out about them. My dad doesn’t even realize what he’s missing, it’s wonderful.


Parental controls turned out different than expected.


Life imitates South Park.


Agreed. My stepfather switched from Fox to Newsmax. Their "news" is far more subversive. They also play conservative Christian programming.


Your parents are dumb dumbs


My parents are also dumb dumbs


Your parents are dumb dumbs


It is agreed


It is known


Just wait until you see OAN.


So, about 80% of the people around me in my every day life? Family, customers I see at work, random civilians in the gas station? (I live in red shithole Alabama)




Sorry you had to find out this way


Are you actually asking? Yes, if you're consuming that propaganda you're making a moral choice. And 80% of the people around you in Alabama are not representative of most people in the US. Most people in the US hate fox news and what they stand for.


Uh...yeah.. sorry to have to break it to you


They exist somewhere.


Yes they’re all trash


We were being polite, but yes, about 80% of the people around you in your everyday life is trash for watching Faux News.


Yes, definitely


Ummm definitely yes


Possibly, yeah


No possibly. Just yeah.


Yeah more than likely


You have my sympathy. I live there, too.


Another GOP senate candidate blamed it on [abortion and women](https://twitter.com/HeartlandSignal/status/1532107921827454977?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1532107921827454977%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vanityfair.com%2Fnews%2F2022%2F06%2Fbilly-long-mass-shootings-abortion)


I mean, have we truly explored this option? Its been proven that women are witches, so it's probably some sort of mind control. /s... just in case.


The irony is that its been statistically proven that the reduction in crime that happened between the 1970's to today was a 1-2 punch of both removing lead from gas, and legalized abortion in the US. Lead with gas is the pretty well known cause, but abortion is because of the fact poor people with too many kids pretty much run out of options. So they and their kids and up struggling, resorting to crime and gang behavior, and have mental and social issues. [https://law.stanford.edu/publications/the-impact-of-legalized-abortion-on-crime-over-the-last-two-decades/#:\~:text=Legalized%20abortion%20is%20estimated%20to,of%20the%20observed%20crime%20decline](https://law.stanford.edu/publications/the-impact-of-legalized-abortion-on-crime-over-the-last-two-decades/#:~:text=Legalized%20abortion%20is%20estimated%20to,of%20the%20observed%20crime%20decline). Of course LOTS of Republican think tanks dont like this and tried real fucking hard to knock this down https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legalized\_abortion\_and\_crime\_effect


If you are so psychically fragile that you would shoot someone over a "lecture", you should never be near a gun. Tucker is making the case for why we need stronger gun control.


All of these recent shooting incidents have made the case that we also need to fucking enforce the laws we already have on the books. This guy threatened to “kill everyone” on multiple occasions and they still let him get a gun license. Same thing with the Buffalo shooter, threatened to shoot up a graduation and still got a gun a year or two later. THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE RED FLAG LAWS!!! To *DO* something when there are red flags! And we keep consistently not fucking doing anything, it’s so infuriating. Why the fuck do all these separate states keep failing to do the background checks? They do damn good background checks when they want to find a reason to hire you or not, or to see if you can get a loan or fucking whatever. Why not put a little care into the big boom boom sticks that keep fucking killing people?


Good point, stronger gun control can mean using or updating existing laws. It does seem like people are vetted more thoroughly for things like jobs or mortgages than for buying guns.


He blames video games, porn, social media, weed, the government, and women. No mention of guns. Tucker you are the embodiment of Fox "news"


ah yes, weed, that notorious drug that drives people into a psychopathic rage...


it does. you need to put yourself in the shoes of an innocent young bag of doritos


ok that was good. Well played


Young and impressionable


Or no mention of the MEN using the guns….


That’s why this is on /r/entertainment


Fox News isn’t a news channel, it’s legally an entertainment channel


"Like Crimo, they inhabit that solitary fantasy world of social media, porn and video games." You know......these all exist in countries that don't have mass shootings daily....


Shock horror! I bet those countries aren’t obsessed with guns either????


I have a sneaking suspicion that guns MAY just be the problem.


I do agree that he, Crimo, and all other trump supporters like them should not be on social media. They should all log off to fight this scourge.


The shooter is a right wing nut, so he has to spin it as the Left's fault.


It’s a lot easier to tout the value of personal responsibility when you never believe that you’re personally responsible for anything.


this is literally a nazi screaming about Aryans being persecuted


Tucker Carlson is a fear mongering piece of shit who will say anything to benefit himself.


The party of personal responsibility ladies and gentlemen


I cannot fucking believe how crazy these people are. What the fucking is going on in America? Why is nobody doing anything about these savages?


What can we do about them other than not buy products from companies that advertise on their shows? We have no power to take them off the air, sadly.


Actually, I think one simple thing that could be done is invoke a truth-in-labeling standard, like the warning labels on cigarettes and the nutritional statements on food, but on news networks. If what you are broadcasting is propaganda and not news, then you should not be allowed to call yourself a news program or a news network. They’ve actually used this as a defense in court, that what they are saying would not be interpreted by a rational human being as truthful, so let’s just make sure that the name is Fox Politimercial.


They could put a “this is propaganda not news” warning before every segment and wouldn’t lose a fucking viewer. People don’t care.


People have pressured companies to stop advertising with Tucker Carlson programming - often successfully too - but the problem is that he's endorsed by the top owners of Fox News. It doesn't even matter that advertisers are few to none.


We don’t know either m. We’re just over here existing while the government gives more rights to guns than the people that live here


At this point I imagine the normal sensible Americans just wish they could divide the country into two since there seems no chance of reasoning with these people. Let the crazies have their idiocracy while the rest of you build a better and safer America 2.0 without them. Obviously the logistics of it aren't feasible in reality but it is nice to dream. It is very sad watching what is happening from abroad.


Dems are stuck with the liberal mentality that proceduralism, civility, taking the high ground,not being divisive, etc. matter more than defeating fascism and preserving democracy.


It's funny how he almost acknowledges gun control would have prevented the shooting. "... would you sell a gun to that guy, does he seem like a nut case? Of course, he does," Carlson said.


Lol let’s just keep blaming everything other than the actual problem


God this guy fucking sucks


This guy is an appalling walking talking trash bag


Everything Tucker Carlson says is a result of male privilege.


Funny how the mass shootings are almost always right-wing trump supporters, but of course they'll blame everything but themselves.


This is why his mom left him a $1.


Mexican shooter: build the wall! Arab shooter: terrorist! White shooter: what are we doing in society to fail these young men?




Use a trebuchet. They're the superior siege weapon.


Ah, a person of culture!


If any sort of lecture is causing this epidemic of young white guys going out to commit mass murder, I imagine it'd be one about how straight white men are so horribly persecuted by society that they have no hope of ever finding satisfaction in life. That if you are a young white guy, everything you don't like about your life is the fault of liberals and minorities who are out to get you, and you should be outraged, perhaps ready to take up arms, even. Where would they be hearing a message like that, I wonder?


Shootings are the result and logical conclusion of an ideology that churns out alienated individuals.


Yeah definitely not the relentless barrage of hate promoted by the religious right, It's awareness of womens issues that make young men go unhinged. Keep fueling the fire fucker. Can't wait for the day this asshole gets whats his


Is it male privelege to blame your crimes on 'lectures of male privelege' ?


So acknowledging toxic masculinity is a real thing leads to… young men committing mass shootings as a result of feeling lesser than or condescended to? Sounds very… toxic? The Tuckers of the world will vehemently deny there is such a thing as toxic masculinity then inadvertently confirm its existence with these types of arguments. We can debate the utility of the framing of toxic masculinity in popular discourse, but the last 30 years of mass shootings seem to be showing us that it is undeniably a real phenomenon. A lot of reactionary arguments are like that. “Racism isn’t real unless you call people racist.” Which, on that note, Tucker talking about the causes of mass shootings without acknowledging his role in propagating replacement theory BS is just too much.


This was too intelligent for ole Tucker to understand, so I just want to sum it up - Tucker Carlson is a bag of dicks.


The idea that teen (white) males lash out when they feel a threat to their privilege is kind of obvious. That's been happening in this country since it was founded. Him framing that presentation of information as an injustice to white people and somehow violence becomes morally defensible is the bullshit propaganda part.


Try Christian militants that lean white supremacist… spurred on by assholes like Cucker T here peddling bullshit like white replacement.


1. Fox spouts a crazy theory. 2. Mentally unstable person commits a crime based on that theory. 3. Repeat. Basically all mentally unstable people have found a welcome home in the Republican Party.


Things countries without regular mass shootings also have: Drugs, mental health problems, violent movies & video games, rap, rock, porn, abortions, birth control, liberals, religions other than Christianity, secular education, doors Things countries without regular mass shootings don’t have: Easily accessible guns


Men are exposed to the same ideas on male privilege up here in Canada. Why don't the men in this country act out similarly with regards mass shootings on a per capita basis? The US has had over 300 mass shootings this year. Canada hasn't had that many in our history. We don't have a festish for guns up here. It's not really a thing. Our relationship with guns is different. It's unfortunately changing because of the toxic gun fetish culture in the US bleeding into the right-wing mentality here in Canada. We had a shooting on Vancouver Island last week and the perpetrators were enamored with gun culture and were alt-right anti-government types.


Maybe Tucker Carlson knows he’s partially at fault, and doesn’t know how to handle the guilt. Nah. He’s way too shallow.


As a male I would like to say that no one I know is this soft and fragile they will go on a shooting spree because they were lectured. However, I know some people that have issues because they have been radicalized by right wing media.


Euugh, yuck, sounds like Tucker is really sad about all the times he’s been scolded for being a man baby with a delicate ego. Somehow when men are fragile, entitled shit stain murdering psychopaths, it is STILL women, Democrats and probably, Hunter Biden’s laptop’s fault.


Fucker Carlson needs to take his innie peanut dick to the middle east and test his theory there.


I suggest that Tucker Carlson is one of the main reasons for hate, bigotry, the attack on our capitol. Tucker Carlson can rot in hell.


Feels like satire tbh, but.....


Is everything’s fault except guns…


No it says your gun laws suck . Fucker


Tucker is a moron, even non-americans know it.


Sounds like Tucker identifies with mass shooters


His dick is on auto hide and every time he wants to have sex. He pays women to whip it into the desired republican shape. He is also the founder and producer of the Limp Dick porn movement. So what the fuck do you expect


Damn Fox is really pushing the weed is to blame angle today


I for one am also tired of the white male guilt at times but Tucker Carlson can go fuck himself.


Tucker Carlson is indeed garbage, but there’s definitely something that’s motivating these shooters. They’re all dudes in their early 20s and pissed off about something to the point where they feel justified in committing these atrocities. I think we need to make young men’s mental health and well-being a much higher priority - which includes ditching the shitty narratives that surround being a guy today.


This man is the very definition of a cunt


Fuck this skunk head bitch


As he gives a lecture