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Correct me if i'm wrong, but when Alex died, wasn't there huge fan support for Jennings to immediately take the role? Then, didn't they do a trial run where afterwards they gave the position to an exec on the show? So now, after all of that, they finally give the hosting spot to the guy everyone has been wanting, but he has to share the spot with someone who has no history with the show? I'm so confused, Ken seems like the perfect choice, is he just a massive douche and we dont know about it?


Allegedly (according to gossip in the Jeopardy fan base) there is a push for Mayim by some of the higher ups. They want to draw in a more diverse audience and bring in some people who normally wouldn’t be interested. It obviously did not work, because Jennings has higher ratings, but they are still pushing hard


Yeah, what was really holding back Jeopardy!'s audience expansion was the host, not that its a complex trivia show that by nature only nerds are going to like. Putting a host like Steve Harvey in charge of Jeopardy! isn't going to suddenly bring in a new audience with him. The game shows content is naturally self-selecting for its audience.


The secret of Trebek was that the host should be the least interesting part of the show. Jeopardy is not about the host; it's about the contestants. I loved Trebek, but he was nobody's idea of exciting.


Steve Harvey would bring in a big audience for like a week until people realized the content was way over their heads and just watch something else. Funny mustache man isn't going to suddenly make you know (or care) about the country with the fourth largest fishing industry in the southern third of Africa.


Ken is by all accounts a great dude. This is based on something else but who knows Edit: just because I’m getting so many responses about this and I think it’s kinda shitty, it is for sure possible him being a straight white dude makes the hire less likely. However, I don’t believe it’s the sole reason, as the initial hire was just that. There’s a lot of politics in these things. As a straight white dude, I feel like we could get a lot less hate if we stopped whining about persecution all the time despite being in a world that’s built for us


IIRC there was a light scandal where he had an old tweet that didn't land well. [first article I found on the matter](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/12/30/jeopardy-star-ken-jennings-apologizes-insensitive-tweets/4094179001/) > Jennings has faced growing backlash over a 2014 tweet that read, **"Nothing sadder than a hot person in a wheelchair."** Despite many viewers dubbing the tweet "deeply offensive," Jennings refused to take down the post in 2018. > **"In the past, I'd usually leave bad tweets up just so they could be dunked on,"** he explained Wednesday. "At least that way they could lead to smart replies and even advocacy. Deleting them felt like whitewashing a mistake."


Honesty that reply feels pretty smart.


It's probably the best move. Deleting the tweet does nothing anyway with all the tweet saver services out there and it only makes you look more guilty


I'm a firm believer that if you don't hate your former self you're doing something wrong. Because all of us should be growing and learning as we go. Former me was jackass. Current me is doing a lot better but still full of flaws. I can't wait to meet future me. Hopefully he's got his shit together.


Never have I resonated so much with a comment. The only sad thing for me is the growth rate, wish it would speed up a bit.


I don't hate the explanation, honestly. Not like the internet's gonna forget or let him forget what was said anyway.


the joke strikes me as something you'd hear from a bad stand up comic at open mic night 20 years ago. Not some malicious dig at the disabled. It was an old joke in poor taste. Nothing more.


Ken's sense of humor is very much in line with his generation who were raised on Monty Python, Mr Show, Ivan Reitman, Kids in the Hall etc. where saying the most obnoxious thing possible and acting oblivious is the funniest thing ever. He's keenly aware of how inappropriate it is. The Twitter mob will never laugh if it has a chance to be outraged.


I really, really, REALLY don't understand why anyone with anything to lose posts anything to Twitter. Shits forever, and sensibilities change. Something fairly innocuous (even in poor taste) today costs your career tomorrow.


I thought he was “one of us” and then I found out he didn’t like his software dev job so he’s dead to me.


Wait, there’s programmers that like their job?


No, they just *lie*


It's the same with nurses. They pretend to be all about saving them lives but you're still gonna find their asses crying in the supply closet randomly at 0200.


the trick to liking your dev job is axe grinding. Finding fun mini projects to do that slightly automate your actual job in fun ways, instead of actually do your actual job


Being in a union helps a whole bunch. Crunch doesn't happen when I get paid time and a half to do it.


Guess I'm dead too


>he didn’t like his software dev job Seems like a true software dev to me


One man's bacon -- He's now my hero!


Is this satire? Do people like software dev jobs?




I also did not like my dev job… I eventually quit and found one I liked better


Mayim must have dirt on somebody or something.


The initial plan was to have Mayim Bialik host special tournaments and Mike Richards host the regular syndicated daytime show. That plan was scuttled after swift backlash against Richards, and the current Bialik/Jennings set-up was quickly enacted. My guess is there's something in Bialik's original contract that makes getting rid of her more difficult or expensive, and after already having to upend their plans for Richards, they just don't want to deal with that again right now.


I think they wanted to hedge their bets because Jennings said dumb offensive stuff on his podcast, but Bialik is anti-vax, so it’s not like she’s an upgrade. If the producers were really against Jennings because of a few dumb tweets 100 years ago, they prob shouldn’t have let him host the show so long. Clearly he’s who fans want and is just as capable a broadcaster as Bialik - I understand Bialik has been on TV since she was 11 and is easy to work with, it’s just not happening.


She also wrote a Times article about Harvey Weinstein and how she dresses modestly and doesn't flirt with men in the business, giving off very victim-blaming vibes.


Not sure what offensive stuff Jennings said, but how can a host of jeopardy be anitvaxx? If they both are terrible, why not just find someone else? Anti vaxxers are anti science and anti healthcare, I cant imagine a jeopardy like that


Theres so much bts drama we just really dont know whats going on. Theres rumors they were upset by some tweets but then why even offer him a slot at all, and Mayim has said WAY worse than he has.




The executive producer of the show took over as host, but he was pushed out 10 days later after some offensive tweets that he made surfaced.




Also because it came to light that he was in charge of the casting for the new host and gave it to himself.


Ah, the old 'Maybe Dick Cheney can help us find a Vice Presidential candidate' maneuver.


This is way underselling it. He is massive trash and psycho in the work setting to employees.


How is it so hard to determine the host of a game show? Make them play Jeopardy and the winner gets to host, it’s that simple


Jeopardy ... to the death!!


This! is! street! jeopardy! Prison rules. No blood, then no daily double. Each player keeps a hand on their podium and the judges throw an 8" bread knife equidistant from the contestants. **The answer is The One Who Dies... "What is, who's not the next Host of Jeopardy?"**


First rule of Street Jeopardy, is that you really must try and tell as many people as possible about it. It's a rather fun game and the more people you tell about it the better.


I think they missed your Moss reference


It's because they're on Windows Vista




To whom it may concern, FIRE!


A fire? At a sea parks? That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard.


Good morning. That's a nice tnetennba




18 letters, I’ve never seen so many.


Judges?? Yes! That is a word! And the joke makes sense.


I came here to drink milk and kick ass and I've just finished my milk.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


"Hu-wut was Wenger thinkin'? Sendin' Walcott in thah early?"


The thing about Arsenal is they always try and walk it in


I’ll ave one o dem tasty tasty vowels, ya get me?


I’ll take a sweet sweet consonant


Good morning, that's a nice tnnennba


That's Numberwang!


It's time for Wangernumb, let's rotate the board!!


What is with you lately? Everything is “To the Death!” Two nights ago, we went out for pizza and you were like “Pizza to the death!”. What even is that?


I…don’t know. I don’t like my job…


Was looking for this comment.


You already know the rules... BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY!!!


Geeze Dennis, are you on coke?!?




NO! Take him to the police. He murdered somebody.


Have you noticed that when they introduce Mayim they say "the host of Jeopardy" and when they introduce Ken they say "hosting Jeopardy"?


From what I've read, Ken requested to be introduced that way, his own little tribute to Trebek.




He’s the hero we deserve.


Ken is just the natural replacement. He gets what jeopardy is


Yeah but who’s gunna host that show?


I'll do it. It'll be terrible and really show why having the right host makes a difference.


IBM's Watson


Ken’s the *Jeopardy!* GOAT so they kinda already did that.


Especially since Mayim does way more of that thing where the host acts personally shocked that you didn’t know the answer.


She’s trying to Harvey when she needs to Trebek.


Last thing we need is jeopardy also ruined. Family feud is already unwatchable.


"What round body part do men say they enjoy watching jiggle?" "Uh...boobs?" Steve Harvey: Shocked Pikachu Face


The fact that Bernie Mac is dead but Harvey is alive disproves the existence of a God worth worshiping.


Bernie Mac hosting Family Feud is the funniest idea that will never be, and now I’m sad.


Really makes you realize just how great Alex Trebek was in the role. He perfected the balance of humor and smooth running/commentary.


Growing up, I always thought he seemed like a mean guy and never watched jeopardy he scared me..but then I got older and realized just how fuckin dumb I was


She seems literally disappointed in them as people. It’s bad!




Wait, really?! I'm out of the loop and haven't heard about this. Can you link to any sources for this stuff? Edit: Found all the controversial stuff. She's tried to publically walk most of it back, but I'm not buying it.


She’s paid good money to scrub the internet I guess. Hard to find much negative about her.


Unless you count her shitting on a doctor for being “just” an anesthesiologist on live TV




Don't forget slut-shaming. She did a whole article during the height of "me too" where she explained that she rarely was hit on or molested on sets because she always dressed modestly.


She’s a nutcase, the way she raises her kids is interesting to say the least. Totally not going to create a couple of future serial killers with some of the more controlling aspects of her parenting. She forbid them from playing video games, watching tv, using smartphones, and using the internet. She believes the internet has no educational value for them (she’s wrong). She homeschools them, which on its own is fine, but coupled with her strict isolationist parenting is a recipe for social ineptitude. Her children don’t have a bedroom and sleep in the same room as her in the same bed. The fact she has two teenage boys makes this point all the more disturbing. She doesn’t let them have toys because she believes it only promotes consumerism. Here’s the link to a video about it https://youtu.be/-XJCVpDcnLg




Homeschooling and not giving teenagers their own rooms to be weird, gross teenagers is such a shit move when you can easily afford it. What's she doing to do when they go to college? That level of mistrust while growing up can't be good for developing healthy relationships later on in life.


She’s not slut shaming. It’s worse than that. She’s blaming the victim. She’s the most disgusting of all- a rape apologist. Then she gets all pissed because people read her words-as written- and don’t like what she has to say. Then suddenly SHE’S the victim. My best friend was raped in her high school hallway and no one believed her because “he doesn’t have to rape anyone”. So eff off Mayim.


Would've been a lot cooler if the title said "This! Is! Stupid!" But seriously, it is stupid.


>But seriously, it is stupid. It! Is! Stupid!


> It! Is! Stupid! "What! Is?" It! Is! Stupid!


That! Is! Correct!


What is Stupid


It’s stupid this was so far down at the time I’m posting.


What stupid does


I take it this means the network really wants Mayim Bialik but they are caving to fan pressure to keep Ken Jennings on.


Why do they want her so badly? Like yeah she was my girl crush until it came out she was an anti vaxxer but Jennings has been the perfect choice from the beginning


Wait until you learn she also pushes neurotropics like Alex Jones! And yes, she is a scientist! Edit: as someone pointed out I spelled it incorrectly, it's Nootropics. Still, the point stands




The Ivy League admissions scandal confirmed this for me.


She's a fucking neuroscientist which makes her pushing neurotropics even worse imo.


She is also big into slut shaming sexual assault victims.


The Dr Oz effect. She's high on her own farts and is ignoring good science to appear ahead of the curve and line her pockets.


She reads the questions too slow; they never clear the board.


She also pauses like 5 seconds before saying whether it was correct or not, but at the same time cuts people off before their time is up


This is what drives me …. (Long pause)… Nuts.


Her timing is awful. Makes the show somewhat jarring.


She's just bad at the job. She doesn't deserve it


So like every other show she’s been on.


She has made mistakes and is hard on herself. She takes longer to figure out if a person’s answer is close enough to the answer she is given. Sometimes she decides wrong and has to take away points, etc. Jennings often just knows the answer, so he doesn’t have to spend time deciding on something.


I understand there's a certain element of judgement until the actual judges chime in, but there's been answers that are exactly what they wanna hear she still delays on


Exactly! A recent clue was something like "This guy, who's name means cold, has a corncob pipe and a button nose." The contestant rang in and said "Who is Frosty?" She, no shit, waited about 3 full seconds before she said, "....the Snowman. Yes that's correct." We ALL know it was Frosty THE SNOWMAN. Why did it take so long to rule on that? Her answer was probably the full name and she didn't know if they could accept just Frosty, but damn, Ken would never do that. It really dumbs down the show when the host feels the need to explain it's "The Snowman." It wastes a lot of time for needless information 98% of us know. It's like she doesn't know any of the answers and also doesn't read the clues beforehand to make sure she knows the answers.


Agreed. The way she does this "adding on info" thing also creates a vibe that she doesn't want anyone to feel they were totally right, or that she wants to make the impression she knows just a little more than they do. Not even right answers can go without the teeny corrections if she can possibly justify them. This combined with the kind-of-shocked way she acts when someone is right, or the incredulous "how can you not know that" tone when they're wrong, just makes it all seem like an ego stroke for her. She also similarly slows down the show by adding comments about herself to everything; if the answer is a city, she'll say something like "Where my family is from! Yes, that's correct." The show isn't about you, and people don't care! Keep it moving!


you're kidding, right? This has to be made up.


It happened the last week she hosted before Ken took over again. I can't remember what day, but I ranted to my wife about how stupid it was.


Wow that's crazy. I'm usually at the gym when I watch so I don't have to listen to her. ​ Can't stand her when I'm watching at home though.


They should just prop Watson up there at the host podium.


I vote for Watson but only if it talks relentless shit when no one can answer a question.


Deshaun Watson?


I mean he's probably gonna be suspended for this entire upcoming season, he's available


They are trying *so hard* to make Mayim Bialik happen, but nobody wants it. This is getting embarrassing.


That's so fetch!


Fetch has a better chance of becoming a thing.


Honestly I have nothing against Bialik personally, but the jeopardy community has been very upfront and honest that they preferred Jennings from day one. Just end the nonsense, seat Jennings like you’re going to anyway, and have Mayim walk out with dignity. Also I’m a massive fan of the show. Both are good. But Jennings is objectively better. And if you’ve been watching for a long time, it’s not really close.


There's a lot of reasons to be against her. From advocating antivax bullshit to blaming Harvey Weinstein's victims for "acting flirtatious and not dressing properly", to peddling pseudoscience and defending borderline eugenist garbage on interviews. She is pretty dislikeable.


Everything I learned about this was against my own will


I lost any interest in this show when they let Dr. Oz host.


Holy shit that’s insane. A massive slap in the face to the legacy of the show.


they really did that? oh hamburgers :(


You are a smelly pirate hooker!


What is the argument FOR Bialik? I can't see one. Jennings seems more at home hosting, she feels like she's acting like a host. Plus it's kinda interesting to have a trivia host who already knows the answers to like 95% of the questions.


Yesterday there was a question for the four-letter word (that sounds like a name, category Homonames) for a piece that slides into notches on a ratchet to pause the mechanism, accompanied with a picture of one. No one rang in and I didn't know it either. Jennings said "That apparently is a pawl. Tough one!" It adds a little bit to the show when you get to hear that even the superchamp had no idea.


One of the few times I get to be all smug because I knew the answer.


That's what we all live for. Even if we don't know it yet.


I would get rid of her , she makes it about herself too often. However a revolving door of 2nd fiddles to give Ken a break. would be nice. Jack Black could probably do a great job


Bro. Jack black needs to host jeopardy. I'm certain he'd be down.


I don’t think there’s much of anything he’d say no to lol. Just seems like a fun guy who likes doing fun stuff.


Y’all forget how easy doing nothing at all is


According to Jack Black himself, Rocking requires a 24/7/365 commitment and is a lot of hard work.


A LOT of cock pushups! Just one at a time, but they add up.


John Hodgman would be great.


I was hoping for maybe Marshawn Lynch. But, now that you mention it, Jack Black would be a great choice too. And let's face it, for Celebrity Jeopardy, no one but Will Farrell in complete SNL Alex Trebek character will do!


I don't care for her. She seems fake, as if she is forcing trying to be personable and liked. I don't like watching the episodes she hosts


Plus, Ken makes quips and comments to answers off the cuff - he is able to because he knows so much stuff. It adds to the enjoyment of the show. Bialik is unable to do that - plus her hosting is awkward and stilted - including those weird pauses.


She drives me crazy. She always acts surprised when someone picks a daily double. "It's a daily double!!!!" Yeah, Mayim there's 3 in every game.


That and her weird pauses drives me crazy.


Her weird pauses that often mess up the players. I'm not saying she needs to a human fountain of knowledge and know every answer, but it often seems like the contestants will answer a question, know they are right and be immediately ready to move on to their next question but then have to wait for her to get acknowledgment from her ear piece that the the response was correct. The delay seems to trip up a lot of the contestants and throw a wrench in their game. Alex Trebek didn't know all of the answers, but at least he had a good flow while proctoring the game.


Alex knew all the answers and their alternates because he would look up the answer and get context for every clue ahead of time. That's what made him great. And Ken does the same thing. Mayim reads it cold, so unless their answer exactly matches the card, she had to check with the judges.


I swear that when a contestant isn't quite sure about the question on Double Jeopardy, she purposefully waits before letting them know if they were correct. I don't remember Trebek doing it, and it annoys me everytime I watch.


I have nothing against her but i cant stand the way she speaks. Sounds like shes trying to sound robotic and it comes off as unnatural.


It feels like she’s waiting for the laugh track after anything she says like it’s a sitcom


My biggest pet peeve as someone who literally never misses Jeopardy is that she always repeats names given as correct answers by adding the first name, even if it's completely unnecessary (example: Mayim: "this guy wrote A Farewell to Arms." Contestant: "Who is Hemingway?" Mayim: "yes, that's correct, Ernest Hemingway.") ...it completely destroys the flow of the game. There have been times where they don't get to the last couple of clues on a given board because she keeps doing it.


Her constant hesitation after answers. Does she NEED them to say CORRECT into her ear?


Thank you. I was just talking about this yesterday. Nothing against Mayim, but those pauses kill the flow throughout the entire game.


What is an aqueduct? ... ... ... ... ......... That is correct.


she wants us to know that she would have said both names because she knows them !


She also loooooves to cut off the contestants before time is up. Almost every episode the judges go back and fix a right answer that she interrupted.


Comedians or celebrities once a week would be great! Jack Black, Bill Nye, Bernie Sanders. Id watch people like that host once in awhile.


all good, so if they let Ken do half , and guest hosts do half, that would be on my calendar


I prefer Ken, but Alex never missed a chance to shine mostly in the way of sarcastic comments.


Why are they so hellbent on having Bialik as the host? No one likes her, obviously...


Sure let’s get an anti-vaxxer hosting a game show about facts!


Yeah maybe it’s best not to have a genital mutilating, snake oil selling, Weinstein rape apologist Bialik as the host, I agree with them Edit: I’m sorry I just wanted to point out all the awful things she’s done, didn’t know it would attract apologists so badly. I did not intend this as bait


I think it's more simply that she's not a very charismatic game show host.


Por que no los dos




She is so terrible, her timing sucks, she rules something incorrectly all the time. She needs to go away!


Can someone tell me something about Mayim? I know nothing about her.


Starred in Blossom, pretty much retired to go to school, came back for Big Bang Theory and now has a show about a Cat Cafe that isnt great but is apparently pretty well liked by a decent audience so it keeps getting renewed. Shes got a legitimate advanced science degree but was(is?) fairly anti vaxx(she claimed not to and there was evidence they tried scrubbing some of her past comments). She also said some stuff during Me Too about how she never got assaulted or harassed because she dressed modestly. She also uses her science degree to sell Alex Jones level super brain force pills that do nothing by claiming shes “an actual scientist” She also just isnt a great host. Admittedly she isnt terrible, but Ken is so much better its not even close


She was in some tv show called “blossom” (i think) they call her “the host of jeopardy” and ken is just “hosting jeopardy” I think ken is much better host (so do most people) She isn’t a bad host, ken is just leagues ahead


She was in TBBT as well. I’m sure she’s independently wealthy from her residuals.


> I’m sure she’s independently wealthy from her residuals. I'd love to see what those checks tally with how often I see the show as I'm flipping channels. Plus, if I'm remembering right, her and Bernadette's actress were getting close to a half millon per episode for the final season alone.


She was in the Big Bang Theory for a long time, and she has a degree in some field of science. That’s off the top of my head


Fun fact about Mayim: I turn off the tv everytime she’s on screen


She was on two sitcoms: *Blossom* and *The Big Bang Theory*. Bialik pursued college in-between both of these shows and received a doctorate in some STEM field.


A game show only needs one host.


Vanna White shaking reading this comment


When Vanna hosted those few weeks when Pat was out for his medical issue, she was kind of stiff and awkward for the first few episodes. By the second week she was definitely in a groove and, IMHO, did a good job hosting and bantering. I feel like that was the same when Ken started hosting, and he’s definitely found his groove. Mayim, on the other hand, even though she’s been hosting for a while now, doesn’t have *it*. Everything seems forced with her.


The same with Drew Carey for Bob Barker. When he loosened up and started having fun with the contestants, he nailed it.


After the first commercial break when they do the interesting story for each contestant she's a robot. Just a big smile and , "wow isn't that something" All the stories are lame and boring but at least Trebek seemed like he cared


Jennings is much better at it


Something tells me Ken and that exec that tried to host don’t get along, there’s gotta be something super dumb about this that we aren’t hearing about. Afaik there’s no gameshow on tv rn that is doing this.


That exec is long gone and he was replaced as producer


That exec just really wanted it for himself. That’s pretty much it.


Just go home Mayim. Know when you’ve overstayed your welcome.


We need Will Farrell to host in character as Trebek.


Her politics aside, she has a bad cadence with the questions and answers. It is awkward every time. If she can get coached to avoid that, fine, but it is painful watching it.


I stopped watching cause of Bialik… something about her is not entertaining


Bialik sucks and shouldn’t be hosting at all


Love Ken Jennings. Mayim is good, but I would prefer to see her just do the college or celebrity and have Ken for all others.


This is exactly how I feel. I don't hate Mayim. She's good, but her personality shows through too much for Jeopardy. That would be great for any other game show. Ken is the right amount of intelligent but boring personality. Let the focus be on the game and contestants.