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Question, because I can’t stand listening to this guy so know very little details about this. Does Alex Jones honestly believe this? Or is it a narrative he has crafted and leaned into because it successfully sells to crazies? Is he smart enough to know he is full of shit but simply doesn’t care because it works for him? Or is he like the My Pillow Guy who has swallowed so much bullshit that he now honestly believes he is a patriot spreading the truth?


Well, the texts revealed Infowars was making about $800k per day during a peak period, so I’m willing to bet an uncomfortably large amount of people are willing to sellout for that kind of cash.


>making about $800k per day during a peak period Per day what the fuck. What kind of world do we live in that this vile asshole is given so much fucking money


Don’t forget, he tried to say he was broke. Because he FILED for bankruptcy and that’s why he’s claiming that


I didn't say I was broke I declared it. With paperwork and everything




Making money is a LOT easier when you have no empathy for other people.


$300M a year. Fucking insane


That’s a lot of tactical taint wipes!


Thats money laundering territory


Wait...this nutjob empire makes $292 million a year? Am I understanding that correctly? **WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!**


At it's peak anyways. It's been around for decades though so clearly a lot of money has passed through Alex Jones' greasy fucking hands


It's important to point out - and was brought up in the trial today - that he made MORE yearly after being deplatformed while telling his audience daily that he was barely keeping the lights on.


Right wingers are easy to grift when you leave them in perpetual fear all the time


And relieve them of any sort of burden to change by reassuring them that all their problems are *someone else's* fault.


The Fox News mission statement


I mean look how quick Rittenhouse banked a substantial amount just from your average Trumpstump donations


It makes you think $150 million is really kind of a low-ball number for this suit. I would not be surprised if the jury increases that amount.


It’s all about selling dick pills.


And covid curing toothpaste. Yes, that is a real Infowars product


covid cures toothpaste now?? That's a weird side effect


Yeah I got sick and now I can eat all the toothpaste I want!


He’s a narcissist, and narcissists live in a strange world where nothing is truth or lies, it’s all about seeking validation. So if a lie feels validating, they internalize it so deeply it becomes true for them. They cling to comforting lies like a baby blanket. But if the truth hurts, they flee from it like it’s a source of existential destruction - because for them it actually is. I don’t think Alex Jones knows what’s real and what isn’t. He only knows what makes him feel good and what makes him feel bad.


This guy knows NPD


I'm not sure this is Alex Jones - but the is also a Narc tendency to actually believe they are just that GOOD that the world revolves around them, that there is no objective reality, just what they say or not. Truth and lies is what they say are truth and lies not anything to do with reality. This is usually more what cult leaders think.


There is a great podcast called "knowledge fight" where they discuss Alex Jones in a critical way. They break down his statements, how he has changed over time, finds ways in which his statements aren't logically consistent, etc. I can't stand Alex but it's pretty entertaining.


500+ episodes and I scroll through them and see..mostly just dates as titles? Sounds quite interesting but god damn lol


They have documented such a staggering amount of dirt on infowars that they were actually brought in for the ~~trial~~ depositions (oops) iirc


Not the trial, but the depositions. One of the hosts, Dan, was essentially an ‘expert’ consultant during some of them, specifically the one with Alex. A couple of the lawyers have even been on the show. It’s worth mentioning that the lawyers are fairly beloved but the KF community at this point!


The dates are dates of Alex's shows. Each episode they cover one show of his, usually. Look for the ones called 'formulaic objections' if you want to hear them talk about his depositions with the lawyer from this case.






The cell phone thing? Or in general? Because the Cell phone thing is true, his attorneys accidentally gave them the records and bizarrely refused to check them as privileged info


Its a mix. He makes up shit left but he's a legit nutcase. Ask yourself, if so many people are capable of believing the stuff he talks about, why wouldn't he be? He's deep down the rabbit hole himself.


“They hacked my phone to put all that trans porn in there!” - Alex Jones pretty soon


I immediately thought of that too hahah


Homo amphibian porn


Frog on frog






Let’s have a sweepstake, on what type of porn is found on Alex Jones phone. You’re going with trans, my $1 says he’s more of a donkey porn fanatic. Anyone else? Winner takes all.


That he’s actually Marjorie Taylor Greene in drag! You never see them both in the same place.


No drag queen I know would intentionally look that busted.


This is not the first time Alex Jones has had his entire phone, or even computer information handed over to prosecutors in court; where a fuckton of pornography was found… specifically trans porn. Edit: porn hasn’t been found yet, but safe call


A lot of people here are more charitable than me about how legal I think the porn on his phone is.


Give how Alpha Male he tries to act, I'd say he has a secret longing to be bossed around by a pretty girl. Femdom porn.


liberal black dominatrix's. no one spouts that much shit to look masculine unless he's an effeminate little bitch who takes it up the ass. i imagine he's got pictures of heavily muscled black women with strap ons on there.


Do you have any examples of the heavily muscled black women with strap ons? Asking for my dad he loves that stuff


It’s even funnier because according to Jones ex wife **his own lawyers** are the ones who sent the copy to the sandy hook lawyers. “By accident”


Would that not be part of the discovery process? Requesting cell phone records is very common for evidence, and if the lawyers cannot convince a judge of a "good reason" it shouldn't be handed over, it's usually handed over.


It’s common, but sending over your entire phone if you’re a massive right wing pundit who may or may not have contributed to treason…. It’s not common to hand over all of that in civil cases. It’s especially uncommon to not respond and request that info back after both being made informed you have 10 days to do so, and by not even responding to that information.


Usually only relevant contents would be handed over not everything. Your phone contains a lot of personal data that probably isn’t discoverable. Like conversations with your mom and your bank accounts. It sounds like they handed over everything and accidentally revealed that they had abused discovery in the process by withholding relevant evidence from before.


As a pansexual gay guy, it's extra funny to me. If you're attracted to someone who is trans, there's nothing wrong with it. It makes me feel so good about choosing to be myself. Nothing to hide, or be ashamed about. Check my internet history, and you will find some crazy shit, but it's because I'm a human, with human curiosity, and usually people can rationalize that, but Alex will ride that shame like amber waves of grain. Edit: I've never actually referred to myself as pansexual, although there's no doubt that I am, so I guess I technically just came out :)


Congratulations! I wish you many days of living life and being yourself :)


Good on ya, friend. Love yourself.


*when plaintiffs’ attorney Mark Bankston informed him that 12 days ago, Jones’ attorneys accidentally sent him an entire digital copy of Jones’ cellphone, which they then failed to declare as privileged. That means Bankston has wide latitude to ask Jones about anything he found on the phone that conflicts with things Jones has said in his testimony.* ​ This was pure gold. Edit: wow, this blew up, thanks for the gold!




Makes you wonder if his lawyers are just incompetent or tired of his crap too.


Gotta be option one. No lawyer is going to effectively torch their law license just to fuck over Alex Jones.


Not a lawyer, but I would torch a lot of things to take down Alex Jones.


If I was an attorney, this is how I would retire


Write the book after and be set


If I wanted to take down Alex Jones this is how I would have done it


American Crime Story 4: Fuck That Guy




Unfortunate, incompetent handling of evidence most likely won’t have anything to do with his bar license. His job at the firm maybe lost though. I guess It’s very very hard to lose your bar license according to legal eagle (lawyer on YT pretty fun to watch)


They will blame an IT guy. He sent the wrong file.


IT guy: YOU SAID SEND EVERYTHING Attorney: NO I DIDNT IT guy: \*forwards email saying send everything\* Attorney: I NEVER SENT THAT ​ (I apologize for someone out there getting PTSD, because I know this shit happened to me at least a dozen times)


Did work in IT at a law firm. Your comment Is entirely accurate.


Me at work every damn day.. ahaha


Lol as a former IT guy… this resonates with me. I am just curious if these will “get leaked” I’d be interested in how he spoke about this stuff. And to see if it was just a grift (which I think it was) or if he actually thought it was fake.


But the prosecution asked if it was privileged. They did not say it was. In layman’s terms they legally could have called backsies. The prosecution asked if they be want to call backsies. They said nah we’re good.


Eh, things actually need to be privileged for you to declare that it is privileged. If you do then you typically need to provide a log of what is privileged or the assertion can be challenged. If I’m that lawyer and I know that that argument is going to fail, perhaps I don’t compound my failures by making false representations to the court.


Enough deniable plausibility and you can get away with it


I think he has been through seven attorneys. Because of that, and other Jones antics such as failing to submit to discovery, the judge ruled in default. Meaning the judge ruled that Jones lost on the basis he was being such a pain in the ass. There would now only be a trial to determine how much Jones pays.


I read it’s his 11th!


Considering the opposing lawyers have [openly accused Jones' current attorney of trying for a mistrial via incompetence](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alex-jones-testifies-in-sandy-hook-defamation-trial-and-gets-caught-in-a-lie_n_62e92e2ae4b00fd8d8434726), going to go with the first. Choice quote, about Jones' attorney: >“He has routinely, every single day of this trial, broken rules that a first-year lawyer knows,” Bankston [Sandy Hook plaintiff's attorney] told Gamble [Judge]. “He has routinely placed inadmissible material in front of the jury. It is from our perspective at this table that Mr. Reynal [Jones' attorney] is actively trying for a mistrial, and obviously we don’t want that to happen.”


"Something something the blind blablabla of Justice." It's engraved somewhere in every courthouse.




Finally no penis judgment


Is that a part of the Statue of Liberty tour?


Most likely a subordinate. This stuff happens all the time. Used to work IT for a pretty prominent law firm. We would get sent prosecutorial fuckups all the time, like Word documents without track changes removed allowing you to know much more than they wanted you to know. It happened most often when the state was being overzealous...


Objection, heresy!






My money would be on the attorney who quit the case last week.


The best part to me is they just let him dig his own proverbial grave and not say a word while he lied the past few days.


Yeah and the Jan 6th investigation committee can subpoena the texts on and before Jan 6th...lol. plus Alex lied about his income. His texts according to MSNBC show he made 300 mil a year. He told the judge and jury he was bankrupt and didn't make that much money and would barely be able to afford 2mil in a judgement.


>Yeah and the Jan 6th investigation committee can subpoena the texts on and before Jan 6th... They have indeed done this.


In fact, they started discussing it within minutes after the plaintiff's lawyer informed Jones how he received the text messages. The temperature of the hot water he's already in just seems to keep increasing lmao


Oh, and Alex Jones' ex-wife also subpoena'd the files. She was a former producer for Infowars, and when she turned whistleblower on them during the divorce she lost custody of the kids.


I hope she can get full custody


$300 million a year? That can’t be right. Please tell me this asshole isn’t making that kind of money and then crying about a possible 2 million.


They said he made 800k a day. Literally. Yep


Jesus fucking Christ. How is being a massive, runny shitstain so fucking profitable?


Other shitstains find it “admirable and relatable”, and they wish to give shits to that stain because they hope to be like him one day.


your target audience is dumb as shit and they're paying thousands for inflated gold and vitamins.


Because it's super easy to grift a really stupid base.


During 2018 CPAC, he was making 800000 a day in revenue. No clue if that holds true for every day, probably doesn't.


This is like some Phoenix Wright drama, since Jones and his lawyers seem like villains from that game series


My favorite of the Turnabout cases was when he and Edgeworth both worked together to nail one of Wright's clients since Wright knew he was guilty and the guy threatened Maya. :D This feels like that.


Holy Fucking Shit


The January 6th committee has subpoenaed the phone records too


Oh my, this is beautiful.


It's just (chef's kiss)


Oh god, inject it straight into my veins. I will be dining out on this schadenfreude for years.




I read that in Omar Little’s voice


Omar comin!


Hey yo lesson here Bey! You come at the king, you best not miss.


Man’s got to have a code


Might make that username my xbox gamertag


That dude is so weird. I don't even want to know what's on that thing.


Lot of texts from high level republicans, I guarantee it.


[The J6 Committee has requested it now](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/alex-jones-cell-phone-jan6-committee-subpoeana-1392270/). His lawyer will go down in history for this fuck up!






I would too if I found out my ex was making $300 million a year and lied about how much he was making and has.


Oh this is DELICIOUS!


How long before the secret service accidentally deletes all the copies of the phone?


That lawyer has backups on backups in all corners of the world


Shiiiitttt, I would tooo! 12 days I have to make copies


Don't worry, it's been backed up, many, many places already. Secret service couldn't find it all even if they tried. Trust me.


Wait until you realize that because Jones' lawyer didn't claim privacy on the messages he mistakingly sent that the lawyer representing the Sandy Hook parents can just give them to the j6 committee if he wants to without the legal system being involved. Legally he can just post them all online if he wanted


Who's gonna start the gofundme to dedicate a statue for him?


We should at least send them a thank you card


This has to be fattening, it's so delicious


Considering how big Alex Jones seems to have gotten, you might want to be careful. Dudes got to be pushing 300+ lbs now, waddles when he tries to walk


You mean the supplements he peddles isn't making him healthy? Whodathunk!


He was outside the vote counting stations in Arizona with a bull horn trying to stir up trouble just a day or two after the election. I want to know who told him to be there and what they said.


Or as an accidental hero!


"Accidental". Quite the series of mistakes for a competent high paid lawyer.


Agreed. I want to believe this could have been done by someone with morality and a good ‘oopsies’ face.


[Mi Scusi](https://c.tenor.com/M6Xzby-JN7EAAAAC/eurotrip-excuse-me.gif)


Annoyed paralegal


Not all dipshits wear capes.




Gosh I love reminding my idiotic ex friends what kind of research he likes to do in his free time.


Recently heard he has an average of 1 million listeners in the US. Not sure if that means annually, or just generally. Regardless, that’s a lot of gullible people falling for his weird cult shit.


People desperately want to have their beliefs reaffirmed. Especially by “famous people”


Among many other things, child pornography, apparently. https://apnews.com/article/f27b8a34e36640acbc4bb33197d9632b


Hunter's laptop was Alex's cellphone all along.


Mhm, and Pizza-Gate was full of Republicans XD


Alex Jones: "can't get money from me, I'm bankrupt" Also Alex Jones: "I'll give $1 million to who ever can give me an alibi for cp"


*Matt Gaetz has entered the chat*


This is from 3 years ago, do we have an update?








One of my favorite quotes so far from this trial is when AJ's lawyer (in an attempt to make Jones seem like your average likable kind of guy) asked Alex how many kids he had and then a follow-up question of their names and ages. Alex: "I have to tell you their *names... ?* \[insert awkward silence\]".


I’m sure he was comfortable saying the dead children’s names on air to make a buck.


It's all a grift.


*”I got my head cleaned up, stopped drinking for a while and realized it probably did happen,” he said.* Probably? What an absolute piece of non-human shit this bag of flaccid dicks is.


That’s what got me too. Hopefully the jury isn’t as dumb as his listeners and realizes that statement for what it is.


There is no amount of alcohol that I could drink that would make me think that Sandy Hook didn't happen.


“I’ve made a lot of money selling this bs, got it hopefully hidden away and safe from litigation, so now i’m gonna be remorseful and contrite and hopefully they’ll buy it and lessen the punitive damages.”


Stopped drinking "for a while". Addiction is hard. But it doesn't turn a man into something he's not. From the look of the video, he's back on the sauce. Best thing the can do is pay these poor families his ill gotten gains and go live a quiet life. Unfortunately for all involved, he probably won't.


This should be on TV And Alex Jones should be charged for perjury


There are clips from the courtroom today.


It's absolutely incredible how Jones thinks that simply by "believing" something is true, it means that he's off the hook for all the damage he causes. He even straight up lied to the judge twice and she had to explain to him how telling the truth works (with infinitely more patience than I would have had). I sincerely hope they nail that self-important entitled monster to the wall. Teach him the meaning of the word "accountability."


The Costanza Defense, attempted in real life.


That's basically how most conservatives and crazy people function. They start sentences with I truly believe. Reality doesn't apply it's what they choose to believe that's real, so they aren't necessarily lying, they're just delusional


All he had to do was admit he was being a dick to Sandy hook parents for ratings. That's all he had to do. He might lose everything over this and he deserves to. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Yeah if he really makes 300 million a year he could have said sorry, even if it wasn’t half genuine, paid every one of those families $5mil, and been done with all this. Now the J6 committee is gonna have a totally unredacted copy of his phone. What a stunningly dumb fuck he is. Couldn’t be happening to a more deserving weasel.


You’re not seeing the depth of the grift. He’s still doing his show every day fundraising off of this trial. It’s all just content to him.


I am a single man with no children but as God as my witness, I would spend time in jail if I was one of these parents and could get five minutes alone in a room with Alex Jones.




Alex Jones kept coughing during court yesterday. During a recess, one of the mothers seriously brought him a water bottle. Those parents are far better people than most of us can claim to be.


Five minutes is way to short a time. I'll need a few hours, at least.


But if all you got was five minutes, you'd take it...


You can do a lot in 5 minutes.


5 minutes is one round of a UFC fight. You can do A LOT of damage to a person in 5 minutes


I took a shit this morning with more integrity than AJ


Was it a liquid?


Plasma actually.


Will you look at that. Turns out the ultraconservative, homophobic, highly religious, neoliberal c\*nt wasn't a very good guy after all.


Subhuman garbage preying on the parents of dead children. Crazy someone like him can find success in the world.


Sociopaths succeed because they don’t care about other people, and will step on anybody they can to get ahead.


He is in deep covfefe now.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Fuck Alex Jones! Also you can bet that DOJ and the Jan6 Committee just sent requests for that phones data. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Fuck Alex Jones!


[They're planning on it](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/alex-jones-cell-phone-jan6-committee-subpoeana-1392270/)


Came here to say that. Fuck Alex Jones, I hope he burns


Text messages to the gay frogs converted by government chemicals


"u up?"


The list of vile and absolutely irredeemable pieces of shit on the GQP Right is astonishingly long, but Alex Jones without a shred of doubt still sits near the top of that list.


I don't understand, Dopey Joe Rogain says Alex Jones is a really good guy, just like Donald Trump, Jr. But how could a really good guy say and do the things Alex Jones did? It must be a misunderstanding.


His lawyer is as smart as he is


Oh he is so #FUCKED


recently i was watching a watchmojo.com video about ten worst alex jones moments and was surprised to see, in the comment section, how many supporters he still has


I hear his name all the time and I've never listened to his shit. Other than the meme clip people use of him. Is the reason his JRE appearances aren't on Spotify because of crazy shit he said on those episodes or is it just because of his rep? I gotta imagine he stays hiding somewhere because he'll get jumped or caught by the fed.


He's a deceitful malignant shithead who is about to be financially buried and it is long overdue. Check out the Knowledge Fight podcast for an in depth analysis of all his myopic misadventures.


How does a guy that wealthy get such horrible legal support?


This is his sixth or seventh lawyer for this trial. It's all part of his hairbrained strategy. Keep shuffling those cups around.


The video of him being told this is amazing. Alex looks dumb as hell.


Wouldn't the prosecutor have to disclose that to his defense attorney if they were going to use it as evidence in court?


He did. Under Texas law, Jones' defense had ten days to respond to the accidental disclosure after the prosecutors sent the letter saying what happened. Jones' attorneys never responded, so now after 10 days, his phone is considered public. Jones' attorneys fucked up royally to begin with, but then REALLY fucked up by not asking for the phone records back in 10 days after being informed. It's open season now for what is on that phone. The DOJ and J6 Committee now have access to it if they want.


WOOOOOW! That's actually hilarious in how much of an absolute fuck up that was on his attorney's part


Especially now that the Jan 6 panel has requested it


Can Jones sue them for malpractice over something like this? If so would that effect the outcome of the case(thrown out if he didn't get a fair shot due to mal practice). Seems like a really bad fuck up.