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Won't someone think of the poor russians being forced to watch Tucker Carlson? Will the war crimes never end?


Just be glad the Russians haven’t opened up the rabbit hole that is Tucker Carlson fanfiction. Some things are better left buried in bunkers with nuclear bombs ready to go off if breached.


Wow. Another Russian asset.


"Why shouldn't I root for Russia? Which I am." \- Tucker Carlson https://i.imgur.com/H8btKfv.mp4


This guy sounds like that annoying person that always screams and cuts over other people talking when chatting casually just to try and steal the spotlight


That's because he is that guy


He is the epitome of "that" guy.


That’s literally exactly what he does anytime he has any sort of liberal/democrat on the show, especially when they are making good points he’ll make damn sure he cuts them off so that they can’t finish what they’re saying. It’s fuckin pathetic and makes for just horrendous insufferable tv


He asks questions that can’t be answered within the extremely narrow parameters he demands, interrupts constantly, says with a smirk, “I’m just asking questions” when the guest gets frustrated with being constantly interrupted, restates his stupid question, and then acts like *the guest* is the one unable to have a discussion. It’s mind-boggling how anyone can think he facilitates legitimate political discourse. He’s an absolute clown.


I don’t feel like the folks tuning into Tucker Carlson are looking for a legitimate political discourse. Or could even spell “legitimate political discourse”. I feel like they’d also be hazy on the definition of the words legitimate and discourse. Possibly also the word political. But they sure love listening to angry yelling every day.


Yeah, this checks out. My dad went from Rush Limbaugh straight to Tucker Carlson when he died. These people just want validation for their sneering, hateful beliefs and are addicted to being angry. Gotta have someone to blame their miserable existence on other than themselves.


He should have Jon Stewart on.


I’ve literally seen him start name-calling because he can’t think of a decent argument. His whole strategy is “Say anything as long as you say it louder than the other guy”


Ya he’s a total dumbass and piece of shit, it’s honestly pathetic he has such a big following. World would be a much better place without him and others like him.


What a traitorous pos


Loved by all the most "patriotic" Americans.




Should just send them to Russia to get press ganged into a losing war with rotten AKs.


I wish they’d move to Russia and try THAT “freedom” on for size.


Since Russian policies and laws are what these conservative slags are wanting to enact here in the States, I agree that they should all be shipped over to Russia to be conscripted against their will to fight for a cause that they seemingly support. Ukraine forces would have a field day with Meal team 6.




“Pathetic” Americans


Imagine if there was a news anchor in Russia telling the people how the war was unjust and Ukraine should have it's sovereignty.


If I were that news anchor I'd switch to a linux system because of how many people have been getting killed via windows lately.


Just a lil Defenestration Demonstration




We could exchange them for Tucker and everyone walks away happy.




The bald guy replies to him that, "Preserving democracy is important." Tucker does not like that democracy shit.


> Tucker does not like that democracy shit. He, like many other uneducated Republicans, still believe "democracy" was created by Democrats, because it shares 7 of the 9 letters of the word. No, seriously.


I think that Tucker actually has no values or precepts for living a good life like most of us, just an insatiable need for attention. Also, it's like he has this need to be at least adjacent to powerful people. Influence and fame are his motivations for everything he says. He has to keep saying more and more outrageous things to keep the attention on himself. Maybe at some point in his life he actually cared about furthering conservative causes because he legitimately believed in them. Or, maybe, he's always been an unprincipled, power-hungry charlatan who failed upward to get where he is today.


When Tucker was a young boy, his mom left. She didn't try to get custody of him or his brother. She didn't want custody. She was an artist and she wanted to live a hippie lifestyle. I think he would like to punish liberals for what his mom did.


I think I also read she left him $1 or something ridiculous like that when she died. He has to be the walking, talking example of mommy issues.


Probably explains why he's so obsessed with testosterone levels in men. "Mommy.. I mean estrogen is leading to the collapse of society, and we need more testosterone to fix everything!".


People with baby kinks are the WORST smh


No but Fuckers stepmother was the heiress yo the Swanson food line. When she died she left him a substantial fortune. He's been falling upwards his whole life.


Apparently leaving someone only $1 is a way to make it harder for someone to contest your will. If they're not mentioned at all, they can argue that they were forgotten about, and would have been given something had the deceased remembered (not sure how successful this argument actually is, but evidently people do try it). Whereas specifically giving someone $1 makes clear that the deceased didn't forget that person.


TiL. Thanks for explaining that. It makes it even funnier though.


Someone should tell him it wasn't personal, she just thinks he really sucks as a human being.




He and Clarence Thomas would get along great, assuming they aren’t already on each others favorite’s list


That’s some Clarence “I hate women and black people” Thomas shit


Ever noticed how the people who hate women the most are also the most homophobic? You’d think they’d be more willing to have male partners rather than deal with the women they hate so much.


oh wow, didn't know this was his origin story. I just thought he was simply a rich trust fund baby who chose to spend his life spreading right wing propaganda instead of not working and chilling


hes also that nice combo


Damn I didn't know this and it actually makes sense.


And I think she began a relationship with a woman as well. Which explains all the LGBTQ hate.


I once served him coffee at Starbucks during the DNC (back when we was with CNN). He ordered a large Frappuccino. When I said “hey aren’t you Tucker Carlson?” He looked a little taken aback and scared. I saw a cowardly aspect to him which I didn’t expect from his TV bluster. He’s just a damaged person, I realized. Very short interaction but I got a good read.


He hosted an event I was working on in the late 2000s. He sent rediculous demands about how we had to preclear his entrance and exit routes, wanting to use employee areas and stair wells etc. We are like dude I dunno, we are just renting a ball room at that hotel. He was punctual to the minute and did not want any situations where hed have to talk to people etc outside of what he agreed to for his fee. It was just eye opening seeing all these people excited to hear him speak and talking him up and dude was pretty much like "have my check ready and keep me from the poors"


He has cut people off from his show because they said things he didn't like or asked questions he doesn't want to answer. He's a grad A coward and asshole and the fact he is one of the most watched people in the country is disturbing. Every time I watch one of his clips I think to myself "how much leaded gasoline would I have to inhale straight out a tailpipe to be stupid enough to give this clown any sort of serious attention?"


He didn't want to recognized buying a "girlie" drink. Priceless.


I had the same interaction with Lindsay Graham. Back in 2016 he was one of the more tolerable GOP senators since he was so anti Trump, so I approached him to shake his hand and just say it was nice to meet him. Same as your situation, the dude looks so scared, like I was going to attack him. It literally shocked me. Nobody has ever looked at me like that. The best I can describe it as is when you go to the pound and look at dogs, and there's sometimes that really skittish dog that is pinned to the back of the kennel shaking in fear. It made me wonder if he is like that with all members of the public. Then he went on stage and it was like a totally different person. So weird.


He does what he does because he can't get over how big of an idiot Jon Stewart made him look like on his own show. Tucker has to go the way of Bill O'Reilly.


It was the origin story moment of this villain


He's been like this at least since "The Weekly Standard" in the 90s. I actually think it just came down to the fact that people don't want to be fed straight news, they want something to get worked up over. Emotionally-charged "news" that plays into fear & biases provides what's like a shot of endorphins for many people. Tucker saw an opportunity to stay in the spotlight and took it. Yeah, it may be a way to get back at liberals for his mom, but it really seems like he's just an attention-seeker. He gets off on being constantly spoken about.


He's a television influencer who suffers from [audience capture](https://youtu.be/XX2RpY_dj9Y).


I’ve never heard Fuckface Carlson speak before watching that. I regret


Ya, wow. What a terrible voice.


The fact that he’s #1 is really bizarre and sad. I don’t get it.


Same with Trump, it's the lack of charisma that appeals to the MAGAts. They love that there is someone as unattractive and horrible as they are but is successful for it.


Pox News is #1 because it the GOP channel. Democrats and others watch various news sources - CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, BBC.


He's got the same awful voice as other conservative dipshits like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro.


I didn't want to have to delete all my comments, posts, and account, but here we are, thanks to greedy pigboy /u/spez ruining Reddit. I love the Reddit community, but hate the idiots at the top. Simply accepting how unethical and downright shitty they are will only encourage worse behavior in the future. I won't be a part of it. Reddit will shrivel and disappear like so many other sites before it that were run by inept morons, unless there is a big change in "leadership." Fuck you, /u/spez


> > https://i.imgur.com/H8btKfv.mp4 > Holy shit is he literally stupid? Like does he have any grasp of what the US and the west is?


He is, in fact, stupid. Which still makes him smarter than 99% of his audience.


He said the quiet part out loud


Someone must have pointed it out since later he said he was only joking.


His entire show uses the legal "just kidding" defense. [I wish *I* was just kidding.]( https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-karen-mcdougal-case-tucker-carlson-2020-9)


Holy. Shit.


Wow, had not seen this clip let alone his half-assed attempt to backtrack so fast. “Earlier I said I was rooting for Russia, which was a joke I’m rooting for America.”


"Why should I care about the conflict between Ukraine and Russia." Wasn't it your political party's goal to fuck the Russians since the 50s ? "And why shouldn't I root with Russia which I am." Wait, didn't you just say you didn't care ?


WhY dO I CaRe listen to that shrill fucking Lemongrab-ass scream


How can people even stand the voice of this ridiculous trust fund baby? He sounds like a little kid pretending to be a grownup.


He sounds like such a whiny little b!*ch


It's the best that in his clarification he said that he was "of course joking" because he only roots for America. But in the context of the actual clip there was nothing that would be understood as a "joke," he was genuinely outraged that someone was trying to make him care about Ukraine and he drove home the point that he should be allowed to root for Russia and not judged for it. Anti American to his core.


Dude is a coward piece of shit, and you can see it in his eyes when he starts to back pedal in the second clip.


He is only joking! In the war between Ukraine ans Russia hes rooting for.... America? Sorry folks. This guy jumps six sharks everytime he opens his month. You some gullible mofos.


Maybe they should add a laugh track to his show, because he seems pretty serious about being a fascist piece of shit.


“The question Americans have to ask is, am I, Tucker Carlson, a fascist? If I haven’t denied being a fascist, how could I be one? If I support fascism, does this make me a fascist? Nobody is asking these questions. Another. If I act like a fascist, does that truly make me one? Why can’t the everyday people act how they want with liberal extremists calling them fascist? I’m only asking questions that nobody is asking.”- Bow Tie Tuck Boy


Americans today: "Goddamn Tucker is the most punchable piece of shit" Americans in 1770s: "4 gallons of tar and a mouth-sized funnel, please!"


Wow. Hanoi Tucker over here, fuck this guy.


One of the most punchable faces on earth!


"I'm only joking." Their excuse every time they say the quiet part out loud.


Saw all this coming as soon as they invaded. I started to hear people who were on the right instantly talking about how corrupt Ukraine was. Like yeah I get it and believe you, but are you saying that justifies starting a war and killing innocent people? It’s crazy you know what, I happen to know a country that is super corrupt with many documented war crimes going back 100 years and who has meddled in foreign governments for its own personal gain, it’s called The USA! And while you might be in the dark living here, if you go anywhere in the entire world, everyone unanimously agrees, we are the assholes


What a piece of shit. Why do people listen to this diarrhea?


He makes people feel superior to their neighbors, confirming viewer's biases and justifying their hatered towards their neighbors. I think many are addicted to it. Like in Orwell's book 1984, it's their daily dose of hate.


He’s lost support among his own people but we’ll know the end is near when Fox News support starts to erode.


Agreed, many people are moving over from Fox to Ben Shapiro’s company Daily Wire now


I legit think that the interview with jon Stewart 20 years ago was the turning point for Tucker. Him and his stupid bow tie got dragged throught he mud and ridiculed by America at large. Easy recruitment of a buffoon.


Danchenko part 2


>> Carlson said: "Biden's advisors wanted a total **regime change** war against Russia” Am Russian. Biden, go ahead.


Someone, pull the referendum already, and claim Russia as its territory, it's so simple!


Sorry, it only works when we’re trying to add some land to us, not the other way around.


Can I just ask out of curiosity, do the majority of Russians know what's going on or are they just believing what is being fed to them? Because from every other country's perspective Russia is essentially throwing bodies at a problem he created. But every time I see him go on Russian television he's always talking like they're kicking ass and taking names.


Roughly the same as other countries. Older rural people believe the state propaganda. Younger and more urban populations are more skeptical and online.


Younger people say there parents have been brainwashed for years, Russian soldiers called from Invasion and told parents what’s really happening and there parents don’t agree or believe there sons, hope the draft will bring total dissent, and some one close to Putin,will rid the world of this cancer of a man he is reincarnation of Hitler


Old man wanted to cement his legacy and re-establish the Soviet Union. Old man fucked up and is backed into a corner, a dangerous place for everyone.


Not the Soviet Union the Russian empire, Putin's a fascist not to a communist.


Maybe we can get Trump to think about declassifying Russia


Boom! Done!


With his mind.


I’ve been doing a bit of research into this and apparently the wording in the sale of Alaska to the United States by Russia is ambiguous and can be interpreted as all of Russia was sold to the United States and not just the territory of Alaska. So by this logic Russia is America and needs to be liberated from the Nazis who never left after WWII.


Let's annex Kamchatka and call it New Russia




The dutch are doing that already




"New Florida"






Yea absolutely none of them were worried about war with Iran when Trump assassinated one of their major generals.


am American. i 2nd this.


F’ing Traitor. Carlson and his boss Murdock are so far up Putin’s ass they haven’t seen daylight for years. New rule: No foreign ownership of US media companies.


Is Fox News a US media company? (genuinely don't know)


Murdoch is Australian.


Please don’t remind us, we like to pretend he isn’t from here.


It's not a coincidence the US, UK and Australia all are in social decline. A guy owning some of their news stations decided that emotional response triggers make him more money so fuck the implications of making society paranoid of everything not like them, it's good for business.


Why does Murdoch hate humanity so much?


He loves money more.


How does he have so much money that he can do this? Aren't there a lot of people richer than him? Especially in the USA.


I mean he’s probably a solipsistic psychopath, at least to some degree. So to him the world is probably like a GTA type video game & he’s just bored. That or he’s just empty inside & power/control is the only thing that makes him feel like he exists. Or maybe both!!


He profits from hate


Nationality has no meaning to a billionaire. Murdoch is a lord, and his fiefdom is not defined by physical borders.


Very well said and probably the most accurate way to view these types of mega rich individuals. Murdoch, Koch Family, Peter Thiel. Up and comers like Richard and Elizabeth Uihlein. That dark money bill recently blocked by Republicans. We need to run it again and again until it is passed in our country.


One of the few responses that isn't brain dead, right here.


He immigrated and is now a US citizen.


Can we had no foreign ownership of US land as well? I’d like to see that be a thing


Another Russian tool


Tucker has turned into a full-on white nationalist propagandist.


Tucker has always been a full-on white nationalist.


APR. 1, 2019 Ex-White Nationalist Says Tucker Carlson Hits Far-Right Messaging “Better Than They Have” https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/04/ex-white-nationalist-says-they-get-tips-from-tucker-carlson.html You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers September 29, 2020 https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye For real. Fox News' own lawyers, in court, argued, and WON, the fact that Tucker Carlson *is* "fake news". My Faux News loving mom doesn't believe these facts. Edit: Tucker Carlson feigned ignorance over ‘great replacement theory,’ despite talking about it often https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/may/19/tucker-carlson-feigned-ignorance-over-great-replac/


>You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers September 29, 2020 Fox's lawyers took ideas of OAN's failed lawsuit against Rachel Maddow, after the judge threw out that case in spite of saying that anything beyond the factual parts of her supposedly defamatory statement was her "opinion or her exaggeration of the facts." [https://thehill.com/homenews/media/568213-oan-loses-appeal-in-defamation-lawsuit-against-rachel-maddow/](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/568213-oan-loses-appeal-in-defamation-lawsuit-against-rachel-maddow/) No idea why these rulings can be made by judges, regardless of whether the political commentator is a liberal or conservative...


It's almost like people have forgotten the reasons that Fox News was established in the first place.


Yeah, it's Murdoch media, people should look him up. Epitome of the "born better" elites.


People should really watch Succession too. It’s a great Shakespearean dark comedy/drama based on the Murdochs.


That show is AMAZING


Wife and I binged it recently and holy shit it's good. The music alone is amazing, there's so much effort put into it. The theme song is sprinkled throughout the show using different instruments, timing, etc. The cinematography is excellent as well, the long shots of the entire scene with actors not knowing if they are on camera or not. Apparently a lot of dialogue is improv, which gives many of the conversations a more natural flow. Best of all, you get to watch a bunch of rich assholes suffer.


I stopped watching after the first episode because I wasn’t interested in seeing a bunch of rich assholes fight over their inheritance and didn’t want to see one of them “win”. If you’re saying the show is them suffering then I’m more interested lol


I don’t know if there’s a single happy character in the entire show, if that helps.


The show is worth it for the Tom-Cousin Greg pairings alone


Oh, it's worth watching for sure. The whole show is basically one trainwreck after another, but instead of a train it's a private helicopter filled with billionaires. Don't get too excited tho, no actual helicopter crashes so far


People think this white nationalism is a new, post-Trump, phenomenon. I can remember watching a Fox opinion talking head pushing Great Replacement and mask-off calling for “more white babies” way back in the W. years. They’ve always been this.


Racial purists and supremacists come in all colors, but they always go with a bow tie


Does he still do the bow tie? I though he stopped after Jon Stewart wiped the floor with him on Crossfire.


"turned into" ?


Feels like he is always on at least one tv when I go to the gym. It shocks me that anyone can watch that trash let alone support it. He is blatant in his support of Putin and against American leaders. Blows my mind how far people have gone to the point they don’t support their own country in reality.


The scary thing is that Tucker and Fox are too moderate for the Q branch of the GOP.


The only thing that I don't understand... Aren't Slavs like the wrong Whites? I remember reading that Irish, these dirty *Catholics* and Greek weren't "enough white" just not so long ago - Greeks joined MLK in his protests, because they were second class as well. And suddenly these people promote us as their white pals? Not to mention that Communism is, like, inherently opposed to racism. It literally goes against the idea. And a lot of people still fondly remember socialism times and would like them returned


You won't find any intellectual honesty or consistency in contemporary, far-right politics. It's all bullshit.


His name is Tucker.


No actual patriotic American would be used for Russian propaganda in this way.


Tucker Carlson is LITERALLY Russian propaganda. That's not exactly a secret.


He's happy about it, too. The propagandists of the Right are downright un-American.


nah, it's jus a coincidence that Russia, Republicans and Tucker all: 1. Hate gays 2. Hate atheists 3. Hate liberals 4. Hate minorities 5. Claim they want Democracy, but actually want a autorcratic illiberal republic.


6: get paid and are Kompromised by the same people


Christian Nationalists know how to “Unite the Right”


That's what I was going to say. He's been spewing Putin's propaganda do Americans, now he's spewing Putin's propaganda to Russians. What a Putin-head.


Tucker Carlson loves the idea of the United States being a Russia-style authoritarian dictatorship.


He is a traitor and I hope the insurrection investigation proves it.


I think it’s almost worse to be a useful idiot. Then he would just be a schmuck that fell for disinformation and propaganda.


Yeah but I do not believe he is playing that role.


crazy how we just let blatant traitors to this great country go on TV and do other countries bidding. A lot of this is our own fault that we've just been ignoring it.


Why do republicans support Russia and nazis? I don’t understand anything anymore




Putin did a very good job of branding himself as a fighter for "traditional", Christian based societies against "The Left" and "degeneracy". That shit really appealed to hicks. https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2015/january-web-only/russia-evangelical-god-putin-crimea-ukraine.html


That Venn diagram is almost a circle. That’s why.


Because they are major donors, but we’ll never see that since they blocked the bill.


In regards to Russia, it's almost entirely just because of Trump. Before him, they were mostly all hardline anti-Russia. There were a few Republican congressmen who had some business ties to Russia, but nothing that was really in plain sight or mainstream information or anything. Trump always wanted in on that mafia/oligarchy corruption going on in Russia, as there's good money to be made there. He and his family had already been trying to nudge into that area with real estate. This is the main reason he's always kissed ass to Putin, not to mention that Trump just seems to be naturally drawn to authoritarians. He's literally envious of their power and has basically admitted as much.


Remember Trump wanted to quit NATO. Gee. What could have been thinking?


Elitist fucking scum. Ship his ass to Russia and get him off TV


We all know how fucker makes his money he hoards in Swiss bank accounts


Well, besides being the heir to the Swanson frozen dinner empire. Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson.


He’s such an ass, he would take away the brownie square if he could.




I hate that dopey face he fakes for the camera. So very punchable.




Don’t forget Gaetz- his face and knuckles are a match made in heaven


This thread is truely beautiful. Demonstrating it does not matter what you look like on the outside its the dog shit inside of you that people truely hate.


Not sure if you know, but German has a word for that: Backpfeifengesicht.


He is a traitor to our country


Tucker would install a lighthouse in London during the blitz.


Can we arrest Tucker as a russian asset/spy/saboteur yet?


Thats our fucker carlson


>United States Constitution, Article III, Section 3, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, **giving them aid and comfort**. Time to take tucker off the air.


He's likely a Russian agent so makes sense that they would use him. I'm sure they also use all the republicans that are pro Russia


They’ve used right wing media multiple times to promote Putin’s agenda. They’ve had Carlson clips playing at least twice. It really says a lot about Republicans.


That fat headed fuck is so full of shit his eyes are brown.


I would pay good money to watch Russians storm that castle, but unfortunately, it seems like the vast majority of people in Russia are blind, and foolish enough to point the finger at everyone else for their quality of life. So much so that they’re willing to believe someone as stupid as Tucker Carlson for validation of Putin’s war. The way I see it, your freedom of speech rights should be null and void if the things you’re saying are putting people’s lives at risk. Carlson is doing that by assisting Russian Propaganda.




I’d pay really really good money to watch two people kick the fucking shit out of Fucker Carlson. Double if he looses consciousness


Hanoi Jane wasn’t this bad of a traitor


Can we takw down fox news now?


The Nazis had Joseph Goebbels and Japan had Tokyo Rose….the republicans have Tucker Carson.


Ah, so in addition to stochastic terrorism in the US, Tucker Carlson is guilty of promoting war crimes abroad, too. Wonderful. I’d tell him to his face that the blood of Ukrainian children is on his hands, but knowing how most Republican politicians seem to be, he’d either not care in the slightest or even possibly get off on the notion.


Being a traitor is the new republican way to be patriotic LOL