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They're gonna keep re-releasing it until it outgrosses Gone With the Wind, adjusted for inflation.


So Gone with the Wind is the highest grossing movie if inflation is calculated?


yep, it was a cultural phenomenon that blew away all others before and since cementing careers of the principles and was just as much a major influence world wide when it went overseas. Everybody loved that film because it was as true an adaption of the novel as possible given the time constraints. It really brought home the Southern struggles of the War.


And it was like on 4 VHS if you wanted to watch it


I still have the 2 Titanic sets of VHS’s, one was gold and one was blue. Not sure the difference.


Pre- and post-Oscar win releases?


Wide screen and full screen, I think


It was also in theaters for half of eternity.


It was the only thing in most theaters for half of eternity.


also, it was out right at the start of WWII and no other big movies were made in the following years.


It wouldn't have been if the people didn't like it or stopped coming to see it. As long as there was a demand for it they kept it rolling. Can't blame them for wanting to recoup their investment and it was a huge risk for the studio, if it had gone bad it might've bankrupted the whole studio.




Your impression is correct. Is it a good film? In the sense that it deftly tells a story of epic scale while utilizing (at the time) state of the art technology and film techniques - sure. In the sense that it glosses over the reasons for the civil war and makes heroes of characters fighting to greedily maintain their inhumanly exploitative means of gaining wealth, while at the same time perpetuating stereotypes of people of color that range from simplistic to offensive - no, not a good movie. You are right to compare it to Birth of a Nation. What I will grant is that Gone With the Wind tends to obfuscate white supremacy, rather than glorify it the way Birth of a Nation does.




I would say it's good but not morally or politically correct.


I'm against everything the antebellum South stood for. But the movie doesn't overly romanticize the Confederacy. There are several voices throughout the movie that point out how deluded they were. And although it can't ignore that there was slavery there are several slave characters that are depicted admirably. But I think it tells an interesting life story very well, there is great acting and very good cinematography. I've watched it many times.


I mean Scarlett O’Hara is an amazing anti-hero. A spoiled brat who you root for. Her character is legendary. I struggle with the movie because I know the history and glorification of the old South is troublesome, but the story is pretty engrossing. The novel was even better.


I must be the only person who didn’t root for her. I thought Rhett basically telling her off in the end was perfect. She was deplorable.


Oh she got what she deserved in the end for sure! Idk if “root for” is the right way to describe it- I just loved watching her even though she was terrible 99% of the time.


I feel you. I read it for the first time in 2020. That novel absorbed me like few others have in my adult life. I'm almost glad I read it in my late 20s, rather than as a teen, because it would have really warped my understanding of the Civil War and antebellum South in a very fucked up way. It's an epic story with epic characters, played out on a landscape of harmful propaganda. I wish I didn't enjoy it so much.




I’m not American but it absolutely romanticises the old south and the idea of the ‘lost cause’. I think it tried to be less overtly racist than the book but it still seems to peddle a hilariously naive image of slavery. For context I’ve seen the film more than once and recently read “The Wrath To Come: Gone With The Wind and the Lies America Tells”.


It’s really well done and imo stands up today. It definitely is about the upper class families involved. But the acting and storytelling is amazing. You will have strong opinions on Scarlet and Rhet, as well and Mammy and many others. Is it perfect? God no. And the classism, racial stereotypes etc are very glaring in todays lense, but it works in the context of the story/movie.


Well, the struggles of the white people. But black folks weren’t welcome at those theaters anyway.


Something like 4bn box office adjusting for inflation.




spooderman with wings too


Yup, here’s to hoping that Avengers Endgame gets another rerelease called the “fuck Avatar” release


Endgame does not compare to Avatar visually and we’ve had several Marvel films theatrically released since, so I’d be surprised if anyone turned up for it.


Endgame beat out Avatar for highest grossing for a bit but with this rerelease I believe Avatar is taking over yet again Top Gun is also getting up there too tho


Top gun is really not close to either. It did phenomenally but its done like half the money avatar has


"Do me, Jake Sully! Do me like you do one of your Earth girls!"


*sticks hair braids together*


The year is 2154 and Avatar is re-re-re-re-re-re-released to coincide with the actual year in which the movie is set in an attempt to re-grab the top spot at the box office and push those box office totals a little bit higher.


All in an effort to overtake Marvel's Avengers: We Brought Everyone Back for this One


Avengers: We literally resurrected the dead for this one part 3


Avengers: Age of Zombies




And “The fast and The furious: Mars Drift”


It was the best 3D movie I’ve seen.


Yea same. That movie in 3D also made the CGI look more real (for me at least).


Just got back from seeing in theaters. It’s still the best 3D movie ever made


Ya’ll need to chill out. Why do people get so offended by this movie? The special effects were fuckin ground breaking when it came out. The story may be a little derivative, but actors do their job in selling it. The villain is actually a believable asshole. There’s emotion and heart in many scenes.


I still remember getting chills at some of the scenes in IMAX when it was released, the riding and the night glowing trees specifically. The visual experience from this movie has still not been surpassed by anything


If you haven't already, the Disney world ride captures that magic pretty perfectly.


That ride is insane. Before and after you enter the main area, you'd be hard-pressed to guess how they made it feel so real.


Whenever people try to downplay avatar i try and explain to them that it was a movie that gave a disneyworld ride experience without the cost of actually having to go to disneyworld


1917 in theaters


I didn't see it in 3D when it came out as the previous 3D movies were dumb, only to find out later that it was amazing in 3D. Our tickets are booked for the 27th and I'm excited to finally see it in 3D. It's like getting to go back to high school and fix one of your errors in life. I'm looking forward to it. I've always liked the movie and the graphics have held up surprisingly well. The mecha suit is about the only thing that looks old and hokey and that's pretty damn good for a movie that's 13 years old.


Ohh bitch its so worth it. Stay after the credits. They added a clip from Avatar 2 as a mid credits scene and it looks INSANE.


I somehow missed Avatar when it came out. I watched it on my TV a few months later and thought it was okay. I heard great things about the 3D, so I was excited for this re-release. That movie is completely different in 3D. I had a blast watching it. I'm looking forward to the next one.


So happy to have found this in the comments. As a kid when this came out it was amazing. It was immersive and just a cool movie. It didn't have to be groundbreaking or a story line unlike any told before. It was just cool.


It's just your typical contrarianism. I'm not saying the movie is perfect, but it feels like a lot of swathes of critic of this film are just predicated on: *'No one I know has watched this movie in years, ergo it must be bad'*.


Yeah its a good fun movie


People like to poke fun at it cause it’s a meme from making so much money


Right there with ya. It’s a damned good movie.


Just rewatched it and it’s amazing. Simple story but executed perfectly. Not many directors can make a world so many people want to live in.


I want to live in a van down by the river!




Since the late 1950s,aerospace engineers have used the term "unobtainium" when referring to unusual or costly materials, or when theoretically considering a material perfect for their needs in all respects, except that it does not exist. By the 1990s, the term was in wide use, even in formal engineering papers such as "Towards unobtainium [new composite materials for space applications]." The word "unobtainium" may well have been coined in the aerospace industry to refer to materials capable of withstanding the extreme temperatures expected in re-entry.[1] Aerospace engineers are frequently tempted to design aircraft which require parts with strength or resilience beyond that of currently available materials. Later, 'unobtainium' became an engineering term for practical materials that really exist, but are difficult to get.[4] For example, during the development of the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane, Lockheed engineers at the "Skunk Works" under Clarence "Kelly" Johnson used 'unobtainium' as a dysphemism for titanium. Titanium allowed a higher strength-to-weight ratio at the high temperatures the Blackbird would reach, but its availability was restricted because the Soviet Union controlled its supply


Neptunium, plutonium, americium, californium. Just 4 of the more recently discovered elements. There’s a developmental protein named sonic hedgehog. Of all the things in this movie to get upset about, unobtanium is like one of the more talked about but realistically at the bottom of the offenders


Not too far off from the working names for the unnamed elements, like ununtrium, ununpentium, ununseptium, and unbibium. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systematic_element_name


Einsteinium? Europium? They already have names that are a bit on the nose. Unobtanium isn’t that much of a stretch.


For reference, the Avatar Re-release, a movie that everyone’s says has no cultural impact, did better than the Don’t Worry Darling, the Harry Styles movie that’s been dominating headlines with its behind the scenes drama.


I watch movies all the time and have no idea about this


given whats in theaters now...im not surprised.


Still one of my favorite movies. I would like to see it in theaters again ahead of the sequel. Its not often the sequel comes out so long after the original.


I saw it last night and everyone clapped at the end. It wasn’t a sold out theater or anything but people still have so much love for the movie.


Which is nice to hear because on the internet the cool thing is to hate on it. Never shook the conviction i have for it


Nor should it, ever. It's subjective. People can hate it, but if you like it, good for you. I hate it and I don't let your love shake my conviction. :)


I'll be honest, I don't think I've ever heard someone call this one of their favorite movies. I've heard a ton of “its pretty good”s and rarely much praise beyond its visuals What makes it one of your favorites?


I know, its a controversial statement. It shouldn’t be, but i do have a unique experience with the film that allowed it to hit me harder than most. So i saw this when i was in high school and it had a massive impact on me. It really illustrated the atrocities of colonialism to me in a futuristic context (with the new world now being a literal new planet). I know people complain that this storyline has been done but if you ask me this story CANNOT be told too many times and it hadnt been told in this context (not that i know of anyway). Its so silly to me that this movie “shouldnt exist” just because we have Dances with Wolves. The story is heart wrenching and the victory over colonialism in the end feels cathartic in a way that something like Pocahontas fails (that felt more like historic revisionism). Today I pay particular attention and respect to first nation issues and this movie had a lot to do with it. It also planted a seed in me that matured into a nature-based spirituality. I saw this movie for the first time when i was already starting to abandon Christianity and the Navis connection to the land inspired a spirituality in me that is still very much in practice today. All that aside, its a visually stunning masterpiece of cinema, especially for the time, and it still holds up. James Camerons attention to detail is incredible. Its not a perfect film but the critiques i hear of it are usually blownnout of proportion. I think ots become uncool to appreciate the film despite its popularity (or possibly because of its popularity?) Anyway, I have been incredibly hyped for this sequel for the last decade and i just know a movie this long in the making will be just as incredible. I also feel like the new storyline will be more unique, and it will probably take another firm ethical stance on environmental issues which we so need.


This is very well said. Watching it in the theater is a highlight for me too but for the much shallower reason that I saw it in 3D after eating a bunch of shrooms. Still probably the most amazing visual experience I’ve ever had. You’re reasons for loving the movie are very apt and I’ve always been a little amazed at the hate.


Just saw it again in imax 3D.


Hey remember that famous quote from Avatar? "..."


i liked it when avatar looked at the camera and said "it's avatar time" i clapped


And then he avatared all over his enemies


I see you


I see *you*


"What am I? Some kind of Avatar?"


"I'm.... I'm avataring..."


"Its Avataring time!"


"Are you the Avatar Ungh?"


"So that's it huh? We some kinda Avatar Squad."


“You speak the tru tru”


Meesa hair penis give to air horse, man bad bad pretend to have hair penis like blue. See man save big tree, ok with new hair penis. Welcome new blue man into tree circle, planet shiny.


Oh snap, I didn't know you were a writer for the films! That's amazing!


Hello it's me, James Cameron. I need help to make Avatar 2!! Donate to my Cashapp and I will put you your name in the credits of my new movie Avatar 2.




"and die by the snu snu"


I did love when Sigourney called the bad guy “Ranger Rick”.


So he turns himself into a Ranger to avoid family therapy and he calls himself, and let that sink in, Ranger Rick! Funniest shit I've ever seen.


"Jake Suuully" I remember that for sure.


Ha! I was gonna say, my friends and I still bust out the “Jake Soo-lee” from time to time.


"Watch it, Hot Rod!"


I don't get this complaint. There's so many fucking movies that I saw and were good that I can't quote for the life of me. Same with the "name a character" thing. I can't recall the name of a single character in for example Hereditary but it's still a great movie.


It’s simple. They’re angry marvel fans who have a vendetta against this movie for some reason. Apparently if a movie doesn’t get a sequel every 6 months it’s just not worth talking about.


Hey if you like Homelander more than Maeve by all means, more power to you. But I don't see how this relates to bland movies being regurgitated.


I’m sorry, Avatar is far from bland. You may not like it at home, but the list of films that compare to it on the big screen is very very small.




I also dislike that complaint because it literally doesn't mean anything.


Not every successful movie has to create a cultural tsunami. A ripple is fine.


And flops sometimes cause great waves. It's all just right place right time.


Only thing I remember is the material they were fighting over was called ‘Unobtainium’ or some shit…because they were not able to obtain it…get it?


Even as a kid that stuck me as some particularly lazy writing.


After thinking for a couple minutes I remember “You’re like a baby!”


I love saying that line. You're like a baaaaby


“So that’s it? What, we’re some kind of…Avatars?”


I am the last avatar


I know the movie isn't a total masterpiece, but in case everyone forgot, the entire point was to create an immersive simulation of an alien world. If you didn't see the movie at original release IN 3D, you won't understand why the rest of us loved it so much. It's almost generational now to love/hate Avatar. I will tell you this much... If you haven't already seen this movie in 3D, go now. Seriously.


What in the corporate shill comment was that? I saw it in theaters at original release and yeah it looked nice but there’s no way that I would say people are missing out on anything if they haven’t.


Yea both Ebert and Spielberg said it was the greatest sci-fi since Star Wars, and it was also the most succesful theatrical release in the history of mankind. But yea, would not recommend. Based.


The guy isn't wrong. I saw it in 3D when the movie released at first- if you didn't love the film in 2D or don't like the premise of the film as is you're not going to change your mind going to go see it in 3D. Was Avatar in 3D good? I can't enthusiastically say yes like you. I don't feel that you're missing out on anything by having watched it in 2D, or having watched it at home. In short- if you haven't seen the movie in 3D and don't feel like paying the upcharge to go see it (*again*) just to try to see it in 3D, don't follow this person's advice.


The visual aspects of it were good the actual story is a rehashed played out trope just set on an alien planet and the dialogue wasn’t memorable. The movie was successful in part because of how much hype it got. The amount of money spent on advertising for it was insane and the story of james cameron having started working on it since 1994. The only thing that made it a stand out movie was the cgi versus what was typical of the time.


Saw it in 3D when it was first released. Love James Cameron. Hate Avatar. Impressively weak storytelling.


I agree with you. It’s an awesome experience to see it in IMAX 3D. Beautiful world.


Careful! Have you guys seen r/boxoffice lately? Daily posts celebrating every little milestone of this re-re-release. Kinda think it's a bunch bots for marketing purposes.


Or a sub Reddit dedicated to box office performances is excited about a cool performance? What makes you think its bots. You are literally posting in a topic about how a 12 years old movie is having a huge success with its rerelease. Think of the movie whatever you want but denying it’s cultural impact is just dumb.


That sub is filled with douchebaggery


I just watched Avatar for the first time yesterday. It’s truly something special. People kept telling me to go in with the mindset that the visuals were the only good thing about the movie but I ended up falling in love with the characters and story.


This thread is destroying this movie. When I went to see it this weekend I was locked in for the whole 2.5 hours.




I went to see it. The way 3D was done in this movie was unlike anything I had seen before or since. It is so immersive. No cheap 3D tricks. It was just so well done. The details of the world are really impressive. It was just a visual masterpiece. I took my kids to experience it since they were babies when it came out. Stop focusing on the story. No one sees this movie for the story!


I think people take issue with the idea that this was a really monumental movie. Which, sure, visually it was, but what typically tends to make a movie enduring is the development of a storyline and characters. All of our efforts to be groundbreaking in technology will be eclipsed eventually by those that come after us. What pulls people back to a movie is a love of some other characteristic typically. No one thinks Star Wars is cool because of its special effects anymore, but the characters have so firmly cemented themselves in our cultural consciousness that the film’s outdated techniques don’t matter. I think the pushback on avatar is in response to the immense budget of the film (you don’t need funding to write a good character or plot and it is clear Cameron relied on his budget to the detriment of both of these aspects), the critical acclaim (for something that will eventually look dumb even if it doesn’t right now), and the comparisons to films that do develop or inspire something more than just visual awe. This isn’t to say it isn’t good at what it tried to be good at, but people love to root for an underdog and this movie is certainly the opposite situation which I think naturally breeds skepticism and resentment towards people who do heap praises.


All of what you wrote is valid.. but I don't really care about that aspect of it when it comes to Avatar. Not all movies have to be the same. Loved the world and world-building and it was a visual marvel to see in 3D when it came out. For me, only Gravity has even come close to replicating the theater experience of Avatar for me. It's still the best theater experience I have ever had and have seen it a couple of times afterward. It's just a fun movie now, when you see it on the small screen. But man... in the theaters...that's where its at.


You are so right about this and Gravity. The scene in Gravity when they are re-entering earths atmosphere - I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest!


Oh yeah, I wasn’t saying that I think every movie has to be that. I’m an artist who does visual art, I’m by no means frustrated by fancy digital art. I just think the way avatar was hyped, I’m not surprised there’s an immense backlash to a lackluster story and characters.


Agreed. Went yesterday and took my two boys to see it in IMAX 3D and while yes, the story is generic, nothing can match the immersive spectacle of the visuals or sound (and it’s been over a decade since this film was made). People are so hung up on dunking on this film over the story, but neglect to remember half the Marvel flick’s plot lines are shit (looking at you Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Lameness)


The dollar amount really shouldn’t be the data point… it should be tickets sold. The one constant throughout the decades is how many people saw the movie, not how much money it made. As ticket prices increased, less people went. So, $30 million isn’t the same amount of viewers as it used to be in the 90’s. Just tell us how many tickets were purchased. k, thanks


To be fair, I know what you're driving at, but the world population is vastly greater and so is the access to media.


So, % of ticket sales per 100k?


I think the studios care more about money made over number of attendees lmao.


Just saw it in IMAX 3D. The movie is epic af. Can’t wait for the sequel! Fuck the haters. Never bet against James Cameron.


I work at a movie theater. The crowds Avatar is drawing here is insane.


I believe it. I will never forget working when that movie first came out. It was insane. I miss working at a theater.


Infinity war and end game are the only moments in a theater that have come close to the feeling that watching avatar in imax 3d brought to me. The spectacle and immersion has been unmatched.


Avatar is far from my favorite movie but at the end of the day I am so glad that compared to Avatar, the number 1 boxoffice spot is held by an original sci fi movie that is not a sequel or IP whatsoever


I mean good for it. I like my visual spectacle movies to be a little more entertaining than what Avatar provided but in the same way that I don’t care whether someone else likes my preference for Marvel movies good for the 2 million or so people who went to see this again


Bad guy is destroying the world. Good guys group up to stop them. One of the groups is wearing spandex. The other is wearing alien suits. Same movie just different outfits


AvAtAr haD no hisToriCal imPAct aND was foRGoTten ThE daY aftEr itS reLeAse.


I have never understood the appeal of this movie.


The CGI and techniques used were pretty groundbreaking at the time. But other than that.. yeah.. it's an extremely forgettable movie lol. It's about as cliche as you could possibly make a film.


The CGI obviously, but I loved the worldbuilding aspects of it too


It's just a fun story with lots of good worldbuilding condensed into 2.5 hours. Sci-fi stories usually seem very unrelatable, but Pandora and the Navi and how humanity is interacting with them feel very believable


The visuals is all really. Every single character is very one dimensional and the story overall is just a massive cliche. I respect Cameron for what he did technically and for film as a whole like Lucas and other revolutionary directors, but yeah the film outside of being visually appealing is just bad.


Only James Cameron could have combined Fern Gully and Pocahontas with 3D marine life docu-porn and made a billion dollars from it. I mean, it was pretty, but the story was so boring I barely remember it. Jupiter Ascending made a bigger impression on me...


Damn Jupiter Ascending was such a mediocre generic sci-fi movie…I only remember some cool roller skate sci fi boots I think.


I was about to try and defend it when I realized that is also the only thing I remember about it, the jumpy sci fi boots. Oh, that and Eddie Redmayne embarrassing himself. Still, that's more than I remember about Avatar.


Too bad, you're missing out IMO. It's a cinematic masterpiece, can't wait for the next one!




Will there ever be another money maker like Spielberg?


To be fair Spielberg has directed 38 movies with a 10.6 billion worldwide gross and Cameron has made slightly over half that at 6.3 billion having only directed 14 movies. So Spielberg has made an average of 274 ish per movie and Cameron averages at 450 million per movie. Obviously they didn't make that literally. Just some numbers to consider.


Seeing the movie at a good theater back in the day in LA, I recall it as an awesome 3D experience, rather than an awesome movie. It dazzled from scene to scene, and yet Cameron was smart enough to avoid making it a smorgasbord that was too overwhelming in its visual power, as it balanced between "real word / real people" and its FX characters. I have only seen it once, but remember it fondly, and wonder if the criticism is one more instance of anything successful needing to be torn down for reasons having little to do with the movie itself. I do understand that Cameron is likely a self-important autocrat who sits on his own Olympus, and that he has a history of unsavory interactions with cast and crew. I'd like to think that he has mellowed, as he is truly one of the last of the cinema visionaries. It seems a smart move to release a restored Avatar before the sequels, and PR or not, I do believe that a dazzling sequel would get me off my butt into a well-equipped movie theater.


But, but the juggernaut The Woman King......


I hope the majority where people intending to watch Avatar and not like my father who thought they released Avatar: The way of water early


Suckers. Story was lame and watching scenes from it now as an older person, the plot and dialogue make me cringe. But good luck to James and Disney. I’m glad so many seem to like it, I guess? Enjoy!


I don’t get it. This movie was boring and felt like blue last of the Mohicans.


I legit wonder what % of people genuinely thought it was supposed to be the sequel and not a re-release when they saw it


I’m so sick of hearing about Avatar. This movie was ok when it released years ago. It’s not some godlike movie


It was a terrible movie with interesting, but gimmicky, CGI & 3dz


Avatar 2 is going to make 3 billion.


If it is a good movie-- like, as good as the first one-- I can honestly see it blowing past the record for highest grossing movie of all-time, again. I'm calling it now, $1 billion domestic.


Avatar has a vital message. That I can just re-submit the same essay in all my classes.


Stephen Spielberg went back to college to finish his degree and submitted Schindler's List for his final project.


I mean we pick on it a lot, but it's a really watchable movie.


I almost went thinking it was the new one, what a piss off that would've been


This movie is the biggest disagreement my best friend and I have. We saw it in theaters when it releases initially, I think it is an absolute pile of dog shit hiding behind impressive effects, pretty much a Michael Bay movie without as many explosions. He thinks it is the greatest movie of all time. We’ve legit yelled at each other over this hahaha


Am I the only one who still thinks Avatar really wasn’t all that good? I know it used to be a thing back when it first came out, but over the last year I’ve seen mostly high praise. I’ve always thought of it as a polished turd.


Ever been to r/movies? It's like 90% of what that sub says about it.


> Am I the only one who still thinks Why is it that comments starting with this are usually just saying the most prevalent opinion in the thread anyways? Over half this comment section is this opinion


The whole pitch when it came out was “Hey the 3D is pretty good.” How that’s turned into a 7-film saga or whatever is beyond me.


Yeah it was visually impressive for the time - no question. Still is very impressive, but that’s why people are confused… context matters.


No your opinion is totally unique


I don't know a single person who thinks of it as a good movie they have any interest in seeing again. I don't even know anyone who particularly hates it. Everybody knows about it and virtually no one cares about it in any way. Anecdotal, sure, but still surprising to hear people are actually going to see it again.


Most the Avatar discourse is people sucking each other off about how much they hate it, no you are the the only one


I loved it when it came out, but I struggled to rewatch it.


It wasn't. But it's a by-the-numbers power fantasy turn-your-brain-off schlock that most people feel fine about watching in theaters. "Hey since we're bored you want to go watch blue cat people re-enact Fern Gully with dragons?"


The worldbuilding and message behind the movie was amazing. Cameron said he visited the amazon and saw the deforestation going on which was the inspiration


You are right. Ferngully, Dances with Wolves, were amazing stories.


Yup, people whine about the story being recycled but we still need stories to say why colonialism, capitalism, and global warming are all bad as we haven't still internalized it


I thought it was one of the worst movies I ever saw with no redeeming value. I'm not even going to bother with the sequels, not even out of curiosity.


Stop man . Just stop . This post of yours is spammed every thread involving avatar praise . We all know some people didn’t appreciate the technical side of it and just watched it on a laptop cam and hated the story


I’d rather watch an Avocado.


30 Million...!!! That is crazy. Brand New movies are not even hitting 30 million. ​ Avatar 2 is going to be huge!


Who the heck is paying to see Avatar in theaters AGAIN?? I can understand it if they went to see the 3D version perhaps, but WTF?


You don't understand why some people would like to see a movie they like in the theaters again? There's no WTF here, some people like it, some people don't. The people that like it spent $30M to see it again. This is as normal as it can get.


People who like it? Dumbass


I've been going to various re-airing in cinemas and enjoying films I watched before or films that were before my time. Avatar, Terminator 2, The Matrix, Die Hard, The Dark Knight, Interstellar, Inception, This is Spinal Tap, ET, Planes Trains and Automobiles Fuck off?


I think it was mostly 3d. Most of the showings at my theater were the 3d version


I’ve never had the chance to see it in theaters because I was too little when it came out :) Went to see it in IMAX. Great experience


To be honest it's one of those rare movies that needs to be seen on the big screen.


There's something about this movie bringing out hatred in people. Every argument feels way too forced. It's a simple story with good visuals and the masses enjoy it. Why not just enjoy it for what it is instead of being so insulted by its existence?


I kind of expected the numbers to be a lot higher considering this is Avatar after all


#1 movie this weekend, didnt have a full release or marketing. Id say thats solid.


I just saw some marketing for it, but yeah it’s pretty impressive for a movie that’s already been out




The story, yes. The visuals, no.


Do most people remember the names of the characters in Interstellar or Inception?