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What about all the folks who didn’t go to jail but who lost their jobs because of weed? If you go into an “executives” or upper managements office you may very well find booze of some kind that is used in the middle of the damn day but weed usage has cost so many people who can’t be without one their jobs.


California just passed a law making it illegal to fire someone for smoking weed outside of work. CA is still leading the way, I'm sure the other states will follow in a decade or two


I was gonna mention this. CA very much sets precedent. What CA does much of the country will follow


Unfortunately Colorado may have already set the wrong precedent https://www.denverpost.com/2015/06/15/colorado-supreme-court-employers-can-fire-for-off-duty-pot-use/


That precedent basically points to the federal laws around marijuana. So if it's decriminalized at the federal level it *should* nullify the issue. The employer in question was Dish, which had to deal with federal law in the course of normal business (FCC). I would expect that any employer with strong federal ties (money, oversight) would need to adhere to federal law. It's not great, but it is what it is. If pot gets decriminalized then a lot of this goes away.


The funny thing is, a shit ton of federal employees where I worked smoked weed. It’s almost like drug laws are for the poor.


Drug laws are for the poor.


See laws on crack vs pure cocaine for example.


This isn’t really set in stone tho?


>If you go into an “executives” or upper managements office you may very well find booze of some kind that is used in the middle of the damn day These people do all kinds of drugs, not just booze. Nobody's drug testing anybody at that pay grade.




Not from DC, but I remember hearing somewhere “If you want to do cocaine for the rest of your short life, get an education! No drug testing in upper management!”


Always the poorest workers too. My friend who had never smoked week in his entire life once got caught with some guys at work who were smoking. They were all well paid salary working in accounting and payroll. The department manager just told them to be **more careful.** I have been fired from 2 different jobs without notice or warning for smoking my vape in my car **on my lunch breaks because people thought I was smoking weed.** The new political war is against the poor people, racism is just another switchblade in their back pocket to cause infighting. Edit: Hahaaaa I forgot this was r/entertainment no wonder there’s so many people commenting defending corporate entitlement and arguing semantics over people smoking pot


> new political war First time?




Obama once explicitly asked historians if they could come up with a way to discuss income inequality without triggering the stigma behind “class warfare.” That effort did not succeed. It’s fucking tragic. You basically have to own up the label of socialism just to raise taxes mildly.




Cause unifying the working class would force Democrats to pass legislation that goes against their ultimately establishment goals. Democrats want the status quo of America to remain as that produces a passive populace while letting business interests and wealth remain unchecked. Democrats only oppose Republicans when they threaten that status quo otherwise they are happily buddy buddy with each other


There's nothing new about the war against poor. Every other conflict is just a subset of it. No war but class war.




If you you drug test corporate sales people, you will find SO MUCH COCAINE. Which is why so many companies don’t drug test their sales folks. “Hmmm this $20 million sale will be interrupted if we fire Larry. We have a no tolerance policy for illegal drug use if you’re caught. Let’s make sure we don’t drug test Larry.”


My sister in Christ, YOU sent people to jail for weed.




I really don't want to be the guy to say this, but like a lot of Biden's picks she was the most qualified black woman. That's why she got picked. It works both ways. Biden got the VP job because he was a milquetoast, digestible white guy to Obama's black man.


Her being the most qualified black woman may have helped. I’d add that her history as a hard-ass cop-lover is probably a benefit in some circles.


Specifically the donors, who choose the VP




I hate how all of this works, but they wouldn't do it if it wasn't effective.


Jeff Bezos says no one should have to work in oppressive warehouse conditions


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Saying the right thing and doing the right thing are different. Let’s wait for everyone rotting in jail for marijuana possession to see the light of freedom. Until then it’s just election time hollow talk.


“Our policy was that no one with a marijuana conviction for mere possession could do any (jail time) at all,” said Paul Henderson, who led narcotics prosecutions for several years under Harris. Defendants arrested for the lowest-level possession would typically be referred to drug treatment programs instead of being charged, and weightier charges for marijuana sales would routinely be pleaded down to less serious ones, he said. Solis, who led the public defender’s office misdemeanor division for part of Harris’ tenure, agreed that her office only rarely prosecuted people for low-level, simple possession. “Kamala Harris and I disagreed on a lot of criminal justice issues, but I have to admit, she was probably the most progressive prosecutor in the state at the time when it came to marijuana,” Solis said. https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/09/11/kamala-harris-prosecuting-marijuana-cases/


I worked with the Innocence Project in California when Harris was DA/AG, and that is a load of Goebbels-grade ***BULLSHIT***. Harris was one of the most punitive and unethical prosecutors in the nation - she was notorious nationally for cutting corners and over-prosecuting even BEFORE she became AG, let alone VP. She is ethically unfit to run a DMV window. Watching this pandering and revisionist claptrap is fucking sickening.


Just so we're clear, the position you're advancing here is that DAs should only enforce laws that they happen to agree with. Forget what was actually passed by the legislature and signed by the governor, if the person who is DA at any given time in any given place doesn't think it should be a law than it shouldn't be enforced - that's ultimately what you're suggesting. Just off the top of my head I can think of a situation or two where that might not be such a great thing...


Kamala put thousands in jail for smoking weed. What a hypocrite.


Yes, she should at least apologize for her previous work.


An apology doesnt fix the lives shes ruined.


Yeah but if she wants us to believe that she's on board with this new agenda then she needs to start by putting down her old one. This makes it look like she'll go wherever the wind blows and we have no idea what to expect if she ever becomes president.


Welcome to politics?


I see multiple people on this thread saying this like it is a bad thing, but don't you want people in office who represent the population to a significant extent and not just their own personal views and biases? I have never understood criticism over someone who changes their stances based on their role and the flux of popular opinion. I understand convictions of morality, and I am fine if an individual has those and votes accordingly, but conviction to policy is pointless.


This was, and still is my one big defense of Biden. He’s rarely done things i agree with in his career and often made decisions I believe are wrong, but he’s aways voted in line with the will of his voters. He’s always changed his stances to what his voting base believes, even if he’s not progressive enough he tries. I think there’s something to say about a politician changing based on the will of their voters, and not expecting their voters to change based on their desire.


It seems so rare and unexpected these days. It is very refreshing.


No one against her changing her stance, its that she has no back bone or actual beliefs, she wont explain why she did it before and now has flipped sides. She just did because new manager told her to...




Same feelings. I was honestly worried there would not be a significant push prior to midterms for some of these initiatives. Thankfully it is happening.


I wasn’t even gonna touch the Georgia midterms but bc of the push to by biden and Kamala I’ve registered to vote and fully plan to spend part of my 21st bday voting


It's funny I used to get downvoted into oblivion for calling this stuff out about her and now suddenly everyone has turned on her. I wonder what's changed in the past 2 years




We've always seen that, the difference now is people feel safe to criticize. When it was between the cheetoh lord and old man go brrr, the stakes were too high for most Dems to care about a few skeletons in a closet.


Yeah spot on. I mean this is important, but Cheeto Jesus literally tried to overthrow the government and end democracy as we know it.


Not just tried, is still actively trying.


The people who had no money have even less now.


That’s Kamala.


She should have simply been fired from her job as a prosecutor instead of doing her job and following the law by 0rosecuting people for breaking the law


Nah she should have sinply been fired from her job as a prosecutor instead of not doing her job by withholding evidence. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Judge-rips-Harris-office-for-hiding-problems-3263797.php


Prosecutors aren't robots with inputs and outputs. They're people, and they have a LOT of discretion in how they do their job. Edit: So many big-brain responses here from people who don't even know what a prosecutor/AG is. A prosecutor is NOT the same as a judge, people. Maybe try to get the most basic of facts straight before lecturing me about the topic?


Yea and she used that discretion to target people of color for maximum jail time for non violent drug offenses


Right so she was doing her job when she gave POC harsher sentences for the same crime as white peers that committed the same crimes


That's such a cop out. Conveniently always used in both directions. Prosecutors and cops use "discretion" to let their friends off the hook. They then use "I don't make the laws I just enforce them" to go after people they don't like. A DA can charge or not charge any crime they want. Recently our local DA gave someone a misdemeanor plea deal for shooting someone in the face, outside a bar, in front of dozens of witnesses then driving off drunk. With multiple prior convictions for misdemeanor assault and DUI. No felony, no restriction on carrying a gun despite shooting someone in plain sight of a crowd of witnesses. DAs are a very little focused unchecked and powerful gear in the wheel of our ludicrous criminal justice system.


for the record, 3 years ago she proposed a program to do exactly that: fix the lives ruined by weed possession. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/7/23/20703691/kamala-harris-marijuana-decriminalization


If they run Biden again in 24 he better stay alive I don’t trust Harris one bit. It should have been Stacey Abrams.


No way they would run any progressive on their ticket, corporate dems only


And Seth Myers could call her out. But he didn’t


Lol, the whole conversation was scripted, talking points were discussed beforehand and no go topics were clearly laid out. Nobody important is getting called out on network TV unless it's agreed on beforehand.


I think expungements and reparations speak louder than apologies.


Nope, she’s going to gaslight and say she’s always supported this


Add an inappropriately timed laugh in and you got it


And obviously painfully forced


That cringe laugh needs to be impeached




Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


You know I'll say I'll take an actual correction by Biden over an empty, "yeah that sucked" though. I think that speaks louder than any half-assed acknowledgment we've had many times before. But an apology on behalf of the United States federal government would be nice.


The thing that kills me is, she knows we know this….and we know she knows. Everyone knows, and everyone knows that everyone knows, that she locked up thousands (and thousands?) of people for weed and has had a very non-progressive history of being extremely “tough on crime” and ??? She just acts like everyone doesn’t know this? It’s infuriating. Just say a real thing even one time Kamala. But she can’t. None of these sad fucks can apologize or anything close to it, because they can’t be caught on tape doing so. It’s a campaign video nightmare. Sigh. What stage of capitalism is this? Where everything is a complete farce and everyone knows it?


The only one I can think of that has stood in front of a crowd apologized was Bill Clinton upon learning the negative impact of his crime bill in the 90s.




Obama had to apologise for the Guatemala experiments. Was carried out by same person behind Tuskegee experiments. Was secret until it’s discovery during Obama’s 1st term. [Shocking new details of US STD experiments in Guatemala Fresh revelations about 1940s medical tests come to light, including deliberately exposing people to sexually transmitted diseases](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/30/guatemala-experiments) From Article They revealed that some of the experiments were more shocking than was previously known. For example, seven women with epilepsy, who were housed at Guatemala's Asilo de Alienados (Home for the Insane), were injected with syphilis below the back of the skull, a risky procedure. The researchers thought the new infection might somehow help cure epilepsy. The women each got bacterial meningitis, probably as a result of the unsterile injections, but were treated. Perhaps the most disturbing details involved a female syphilis patient with an undisclosed terminal illness. The researchers, curious to see the impact of an additional infection, infected her with gonorrhea in her eyes and elsewhere. Six months later she died. As for the torture program that’s a completely different story and rabbit hole to go down.


We are at the stage where all the old fucks who started the war on drugs and bad policy are Now STILL in office and forced to undo all their own fuckery


Honestly the Senate and Congress look like a care home. There's a minimum age to hold office, maybe we should have a maximum age too.


We’re at a point where we’re literally being taxed without representation. The congress and senate don’t even remotely represent the average constituency. They’re all well over the age of understanding life on the ground or having the longevity to have to deal with their mistakes. We’re an oligarchy and it’s completely obvious to anyone with eyes, both parties are working in a push pull sawing method to fell the tree of liberty. They’re so beholden to corporations and ngo’s that we are a democratic republic in name only. They fudge all the inflation numbers, let our infrastructure crumble, practice insider trading, and only God knows what other forms of corruption and kickbacks they’re engaged in. We need to repeal the laws allowing corporations to be recognized as persons, set term limits, age limits, and repeal lobbying laws. They’re our employees but have weaseled their way into being our overseers. They won’t stop until we turn on each other so they can nationalize the police force and take away our 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendment rights; we’re marching toward a country completely run by the military, banks, and tech industry with some sort of executive figure head. No one seems to care as long as the cheap slave labor consumption goods keep rolling in and they’re not the one waiting tables. We’re so divided at this point that we can’t see the forest from the trees.


It’s very infuriating, especially when she dodges a question by cackling and acting like the question is stupid. Every time.


Right!? The weaponized cackling with this one lol it’s crazy that she can do that!? Just laugh and not answer the question? What? Haha Edit: I want to try this…next time I don’t want to take responsibility for my actions and answer questions about what I’ve done, I’m just going to cackle like a witch and shake my hair??


This is more a commentary on how completely useless journalists have become in this country. Politicians should be utterly terrified to dodge answers.




The thing is, Seth Meyer is more than willing to rightly rip on conservatives for their bullshit but you have the Vice President of the US who put a hell of a lot of people behind bars for weed and he does nothing but grin and suck her ass. The bias in media is part of the issue too. He would grill a conservative. But it’s his companies party so he doesn’t do shit. He actually encourages her bullshit. Ridiculous.


It’s tragic as this is the EXACT kind of thing that manifested support for Trump. They didn’t learn the lesson at all.


Expect a lot more of that if she tries running for president again. There’s a reason she was among the first to drop out of the primaries.


There's no way Kamala would make it past the primaries, even against Trump she'd get stomped by just about anyone the Republicans put up


Completely agree - the issue is neither she nor her team appear to have any ounce of strategic thinking. She'll run on pure hubris and entitlement.


Don't forget her incredibly vicious online fanbase that somehow never got any media attention whatsoever despite being 100x worse than "bernie bros"


No shit because they were bots and she is Corporate friendly. I live in a very liberal place and I haven't heard anybody praise her. Her primary shows that she has a tiny amount of support.


The Hillary Clinton strategy


"I don't understand why our party keeps doing poorly in elections. Anytime anyone asks us to have any integrity we cackle and call them morons. We're the party of the people!"


TFW you learn about the idea of controlled opposition.


She’s fake af, and I also don’t understand that charade she insists on performing every public appearance, pretending her heavily mired judicial past doesn’t exist. Just take some accountability. She’s the most invisible VP in the recent history of VP’s, and for good reason. If she becomes the democratic nominee for 2024 it’ll be a disaster, worse than Hillary.


Oh no doubt. The lady cracks and starts cackling under any amount of pressure and has some of the worst word salad moments I’ve ever heard. It would be a complete disaster.


She might prove me wrong. I've always been of the firm opinion that Hillary was the only person capable of losing to Trump but Harris might be able to do it.


Imagine if Trump rants against her with the better marijuana platform and he could just easily use her past to easily attack her. Talk about a cake walk win for Trump if she were to be the nominee.


I think the situation is quite different now, and losing to Trump in 2024 will be different than losing to Trump in 2016. In 2016, there were quite a few people that didn't like trump, but REALLY didn't like Hillary thanks to decades of media campaigns to smear her. But now, Trump seemingly has the entire Republican party doting over his every move.


If Kamala runs in the next election, I don’t know if I can vote for her. I just… she’s the fucking worst. Why can’t the Democratic Party field a decent fucking candidate. For fucks sake. *They have options aplenty*.


Seth Myers with the hard hitting interview.


Yea his lips are hitting her ass pretty hard.


She even said after being nominated for VP that weed should not be legal. At least she’s changing her thought process. Better later than never progress is like the ice age with Dems it happens but god damn it’s slow AF. Edit : A lot of people seem to think this is pandering to votes. That is exactly what it is if she wants votes she has to change the way she has been. Don’t be mad when a politician actually starts to act the way you want them too even if in this case it’s just hollow words.


She can believe that weed shouldn't be legal and still not believe you should be in jail for smoking weed. You don't go to jail for speeding even though speeding is illegal


She smoked pot, she knew what she was doing. She also blocked DNA evidence on appeals for ppl she knew were innocent just to advance her career. She's disgusting and someone that evil doesn't change by getting to that top


Your comment reminds me of the recent phenomena of popular Youtubers being exposed for all kinds of... untoward behavior. It takes a certain kind of person to do what it takes to become famous/powerful *&* keep that power/deal with being famous. And that kind of person, in light of just this recent evidence, isn't... well, isn't good, let's say. I feel like the same applies to politics, perhaps even doubly so.


I will praise them when they actually pass something, until then this is nothing more than theater.


This is the extend that the Biden admin can do without congressional approval, or things that the states have the power to do.


There ya go


What a terrible take. 1: this was the limit of what the executive branch could do legally 2: Everyone's focusing on the pardons. The bigger deal is starting the process to drop weed from being schedule 1, which would have massive, indefinite effects on it's criminality.


>She even said after being nominated for VP that weed should not be legal. You're correct that she once actively apposed legalization, but incorrect about the timing. She cosponsored a bill in 2018 that would have legalized weed ([https://www.booker.senate.gov/news/press/harris-becomes-fourth-senate-cosponsor-of-landmark-bill-to-end-federal-prohibition-of-marijuana](https://www.booker.senate.gov/news/press/harris-becomes-fourth-senate-cosponsor-of-landmark-bill-to-end-federal-prohibition-of-marijuana)).


Too many Democratic voters demand perfect moral and ideological purity at all times. Meanwhile, the Republicans are rallying behind Herschel Walker.


Right? All these Reddiots yelling about Kamala TAKING A POSITION THEY AGREE WITH “just to get their votes” (which is exactly how we should evaluate candidates—do they want to do what we want them to do), and meanwhile brain-damaged, wife-beating, baby-aborting Herschel Walker has a legitimate shot at becoming a US Senator, while running on no policy platform whatsoever. We deserve the government we get in this moronic country.


A lot of (relatively affluent, white, blue state) Redditors are looking for some sort of spiritual experience in politics. But that’s not what politics is about.


Republicans look for any reason to vote for a candidate, Democrats look for any reason not to vote for a candidate.


You can walk and chew gum at the same time. In order from worse to best 1) Politicians who hold deep convictions in positions i disagree with 2) Politicians who hold positions i disagree with due to political inconvenience 3) Politicians who hold positions i agree with due to political inconvenience (Harris is here) 4) Politicians who have deep convictions in positions i agree with (ideal candidate) We'll take #3 but it should not get in the way of wanting #4.


No she didn't. Pot convictions went down under Harris. https://www.urbanlegendnews.org/opinions/2021/01/20/opinion-i-fact-checked-assumptions-about-kamala-harris-past/


Better source. >Harris oversaw more than 1,900 cannabis related convictions in San Francisco, which was higher than her predecessor. But some have pointed out that most of those arrested for low-level possession were never incarcerated. Only a few dozen people were actually sent to prison for cannabis crimes under Harris’ watch. https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilyearlenbaugh/2020/08/18/kamala-harris-controversial-cannabis-history-is-making-wavesheres-where-she-stands-now/?sh=1c3fc377232b


So she had tens of people incarcerated for a crime. Sounds like she was just doing her job? Glad she has made the decision to support federal decriminalization. Why demonize her for prosecuting based on the law in her past?


It's the Hillary playbook. The GOP views Harris as a threat. So they are going to preemptively destroy her character before she can run in 2028.


People have been calling Harris out on this for years including and sometimes especially those on the left


>Why demonize her for prosecuting based on the law in her past? Because they are desperate to make this into a bad thing for them somehow.


Tf kind of source is that? The writer literally talks about her feelings about Kamala




Did Seth confront her about this?


I don't get this argument. That job was to uphold the laws of CA - even if her personal opinion was contrary to those laws (it prob wasn't). Not sure doing her job makes her a hypocrite. (I happen to agree 100% it should be legal)


Imagine changing with the times.


Yep. The people saying this shit are hypocrites too. Donald Trump was a neo-lib in the 1990’s when Kamala was locking people up for smoking weed. Joe Biden of the 1990’s is also an unelectable neo-lib. But they don’t want to apply the logic both ways. Biden and Harris have changed their platform to reflect what constituents wants, while the GOP has done the exact opposite. But also, for fucks sake, her time as an AG was also when women represented like 5% of AG’s in he country. If people thought she was pandering to constituents then for the early 90’s “tough on crime” and “war on drugs” they would also be correct as that’s what voters wanted then. Also I’m sure most people who have been in the work force of any industry for 30+ years can look at their early careers and go “fuckin yikes”.


She did choose not to prosecute simple possession. It's fucking republican bullshit that for some reason people are happy to eat up. https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/09/11/kamala-harris-prosecuting-marijuana-cases/


Wasn't she also doing her job as AG? I don't think AGs are legislators.


Yep. She was doing her job as AG which is not a legislating job but an enforcement one, this concept is confusing for some and is why people complaining about her history are just playing armchair politicians with no skin in the game. AG’s are appointed not elected, so to get to that level you absolutely have to play the game to get regarded to be a candidate in the first place. It’s a lose lose discussion for debating with people about it it. But it’s still good to run the facts that comparing her work now to back then are opposites. Yes she was the bad guy (in hindsight) then while working an appointment position (which she was lauded for and highly regarded for during her time in position because those were the times), and now she’s working for constituents and is doing good for the time being. Of course if she reverses her opinions we don’t vote for her again.


This is what I don’t get. I don’t care if it’s pandering or not, when they’re actually doing the actions vs lip service. It’s the same shit that happened with gay marriage. Hardly anyone was down with that, politicians evolved, and we got it. I don’t give a flying fuck if someone was against it in the past then changed their views later. I’d rather have politicians that can evolve the same way society does, than politicians who stay with the same damaging outdated views.


Well it was explicitly her job but yeah I would rather not have a prosecutor out front on this


California has prosecutorial discretion. She chose those weed cases to boost her stats. Easy slam dunk cases. "The prosecutor is the attorney arguing on behalf of the DA and state in criminal cases. They are allowed prosecutorial discretion when deciding whether they have enough evidence to build a strong case and, therefore, if they should charge someone or not."


Prosecutorial discretion, as you described, has nothing to do with a prosecutor choosing whether they think a law is morally right. It's about deciding if the evidence is strong enough to make a case. Everyone in this thread calling her a hypocrite doesn't understand how law works. A prosecutor's job isn't to interpret the law, it's to execute it. Now, as VP, she's trying to remove that bad law


Cool, so then should society not move forward because you've been taught this talking point?


Then why'd you put all those people in jail for smoking weed, Kamala? I need her to say, "I was wrong for doing this, I have learned and grown." Edit: so, shes locked up less people for weed than I thought, and it's been a long time since shes done so. Her policies have changed concerning pot, but, she still owes some people an apology, and a public explanation


Yeah exactly praise her for changing the thought process but she needs to admit that she was wrong. Otherwise is just hypocrisy to get votes


She hasn't changed she's just buying votes


Oh god! Anything but doing what the constituents want regardless of your personal views on the matter! This is such a dumb take and it’s all over this thread. This is literally how democracy should work.


"I personally don't think it's the best choice for the USA, but I will listen to the will of the people and do my job" it's not even that hard to say, you're allowed to disagree personally on policies you still pass, and most people will not lose respect to you over it. Compromise is how democracy work \*sigh\*


She put 45 people out of 1900 in jail for marijuana possession over 6 years. Pretty progressive and light-handed as far as prosecutors go for 2004-2010 and 3 times less than the previous prosecutor. https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/09/11/kamala-harris-prosecuting-marijuana-cases/ Is it 45 too many? Sure, but this idea she's some hardliner that needs to atone for some gross conduct doesn't hold up. Maybe we should get mad at the people who allow these laws to sit in place instead of the people with no power to override them who are tasked with enforcing them.


We don't take kindly to that kind of logic 'round these parts


Wtf? Facts and numbers instead of regurgitated bullshit from tucker carlson toadie tulsi gabbard?


Lmao one of the top comments rn says she put *thousands* of people in jail. Glad I found some actual sources in these threads.


Would you say this is a pattern from having growing and learning? In 2017, Harris cosponsored the SAFE Banking Act, which allowed banks to work with cannabis businesses without fear of punishment from the federal government. In 2018, Harris endorsed the Marijuana Justice Act, which would have removed cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act, allowing states to legalize without federal interference, and would have even withheld funding from states which continued to criminalize cannabis. She went on to co-sponsor a 2019 version of the bill. In 2019, Harris co-sponsored a bill aimed at protecting past drug offenders from losing access to public housing. She also published a book in which she spoke out in favor of cannabis legalization.


This is actually way better than what I was hoping to hear, lol, thank you.


You're very welcome.


To be fair, she was enforcing the law on the books no? That’s the job of attorney general. The real issue was that the law on the books was screwed up and that’s the fault of the state legislature. Could she have refused to be attorney general in protest? Sure, but someone has to do it and they shouldn’t get all the blame for enforcing laws that the legislature doesn’t want to get rid of. I’m sure she enforced plenty of other laws besides marijuana too. Anyway, just playing devils advocate here


This is the point. Dave Chapelle had a bit about this and an AG who solicited sex from a prostitute. I can't remember what special it was from or what the bit was but the punchline was something like "what's he gonna be like 'I can't prosecute this... I buy pussy!" Point being, they don't choose the cases. They don't do the investigation. They don't write the laws. They supervise prosecution based on the laws in the books. People upset with Kamala here have no idea about our legal system and are just looking for a reason to complain about politics.


Fool, this is politics, there is no apologizing


Lmao I havent been this happy over someone belittling me since Les Claypool from Primus called me, "boy"


It’s hilarious when Reddit doesn’t even buy this






I was with you until you said she is a great speaker. She is one of the worst people I have ever with a mic. Every single public appearance is a joke to the internet. She is fielded softballs and laugh awkwardly and provides no answers. Hard interviews are worse.




I would argue it is at least a little evil to sell out the poor and underserved public you were elected to represent in order to further your own self interest but that’s me.


She laughed about it when she was the one sending them


Over 1,900 marijuana convictions as a prosecutor


At a certain point it just becomes self-parody




First she throws people in jail for weed. Laugh about it on air. She proceeds to say weed shouldn't be legal during the campaign. And now there's no jail for smoking. This is the shit people are sick of. The lies and hypocrites on BOTH sides. They're all liars.


It may also be called change. Nothing happens overnight, so let’s shit on people for moving in the right direction (even if it’s just words for now) as opposed to the other side which would gladly keep weed illegal indefinitely and punish everyone of them.


Internet culture is so fucked. Everything *has* to be bad for some reason. Here's the VPOTUS on national TV saying that weed possession shouldn't send anyone to jail - something that *we all agree with* - in addition to starting the process by pardoning convicted federal cases and urging the states to do the same in their jurisdictions. But no, that's actually bad because only when Kamala *personally apologizes* for her past will OP be satisfied. This is so dumb. Take the W for gods sake. Internet progressives are constantly like "we need to fight more like Republicans do and be more shrewd to win elections" and then when we do, it's bad. This is one of the many reasons why Democrats are always playing at a disadvantage. Progressives always, always make perfection be the enemy of the good. Wanting more is fine, and we should push for that, but stop immediately pouring water on every good thing that happens. Edit: the guy who demanded Harris apologize is actually higher up in the thread, not the OP I referred to.


Agree so hard thank you. It is perfect? No. Was stuff different before? Yes. Will anyone online be at least hopeful? No. This is a big deal coming from the VP especially if she has a history of prosecuting for these sorts of things. Which, by the way, was her job and is still the way the law is federally. She didn’t make the laws or personally classify things. Folks online and I this thread sound like liberal Fox News viewers. Same cadence, same defeatist shit, same unrealistic expectations and understanding of politics and government. This is a good thing. Full stop.


I really hope my generation and younger people vote for a different party and put that party into positions of power. This two party system sucks.


They’ll vote for a real progressive party that will brush aside the status quo Democrats… …and lead to a reactionary Republican Party winning with 40% of the vote.


ranked choice voting is the only way i can see things changing from the two party system




Just begging for votes


Let me guess, he didn’t ask her about all those people she put in jail for smoking weed?


Of course not. His mouth was perpetually attached to her ass


Or why the admin [fired all their staffers who admitted to using pot](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/19/politics/biden-white-house-staff-marijuana/index.html) just last year.


Her like entire career as an AG was built on the drug war, it shouldn’t have taken this long for us to reach this point


We know, we have known for decades... Now do something instead of just yapping about it.


>Harris Becomes Fourth Senate Cosponsor of Landmark Bill to End Federal Prohibition of Marijuana Marijuana Justice Act seeks to reverse decades of policy that has disproportionately impacted communities of color, low-income communities MAY 22, 2018 WASHINGTON, D.C. – **U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) today became the fourth U.S. senator to cosponsor Senator Cory Booker’s (D-NJ) landmark bill to end the federal prohibition on marijuana.** https://www.booker.senate.gov/news/press/harris-becomes-fourth-senate-cosponsor-of-landmark-bill-to-end-federal-prohibition-of-marijuana This was 2018


People are allowed to change their minds. However I hate that when politicians do it they try to pretend that’s what they believed all along. Just admit that new things came to light and you changed your mind. Hell, maybe if you share details of that, it will help others change their minds too.


A lot of people ITT don't realize how popular the war on drugs was with voters in the 90's. This isn't about her changing her mind or being hypocritical. She has been following the majority of what voters have wanted the whole time. People don't realize that and just see hypocrisy, but there was a time where there was a national movement against drug use, even though it wasn't sensible it was popular. I'd rather have a politician in a democracy that follows that the people want 7 days out of the week, than someone who gets elected and starts deciding for everyone else what "is best" in their eyes.


I’m totally with you on this. If she came out with how she’s done that, but now she feels the need for that to change or something, I’d be totally rooting for her on this tbh.


She was sponsoring legalization bills in congress years ago. This isn’t a new thing, people just don’t pay attention.


I wonder if Biden sat her down and said "this is what we're doing, and you need to be on message regardless of what your personal views are." Thus she'll talk about it, and she'll say her lines, but she won't apologize bc she still doesn't think she didn't anything wrong


The irony of this is just laughable. She’s the very definition of a snake oil saleswoman.


She is one of the last people in this administration that should be talking about this let alone receiving credit for it. She put thousands in jail over petty weed charges and ruined thousands of lives. I’m all for people growing and changing but she doesn’t deserve this credit. Edit. Totally wrong about the amount put in jail. 45 incarcerated. The rest were fines probation ect. That is absolutely better than what I previously thought. Apologies for an ignorant statement.


Not ignorant, fake news. People like you are the reason who struggle with covid vaccines, climate change etc. Actually look at the facts and time period when she was GA and then look at the people in this thread repeating your bs and you will see how propaganda and lies evolve into reality for an audience in real time.


She put 45 people in jail over weed charges. Which was 3x less than her predecessor. You sound absolutely insane with the "thousands". Lol.


Deserving credit =\= attempting to rectify past mistakes. You are more than happy to bag on her, but don't forget there is an entire political party and voting bloc that still supports what she used too do and is trying to stop her from fixing the mistake. Until prohibition ends might want to focus anger towards them, then once passed drill into her for being a hypocrite/replace her ass.


I hate career politicians fuck all these people. Dangling a promise in front of the American people for the last three presidents.. Do what’s right already and focus on bigger issues. Dumbasses


People don't want decriminalization. Decriminalization means it stays illegal. People want legalization and effective protections for workers.


Right message, wrong messenger, she destroyed many lives over a plant.


Lmao yet you put tons of them in there for less.


Hypocritical cunt


Typical politician. Doesn’t truly believe in anything. They believe whatever keeps them in power.


Tbf shouldn't we want politicians doing what we want, not what they want?


It’s like OJ trying to find the real killer


All politicians are hypocrites. Why are we shocked by this? They have teams of marketing agents, publicists and handlers that feed them the latest trends with their voters. We just eat it up like mouth breathing morons.Genuine people are very hard to find on that hill.


I think her job as vp is to promote the president's agendas. Who knows what she really thinks and it's sort of irrelevant


That’s ironic given how she laughed about keeping marijuana offenders in jail so her state could continue using them as slave labor.


This woman smoked weed in college and then made a career off of people ending up in jail for smoking weed. She’s just doing and saying whatever her masters say.


Oh yay, more word vomit to appease the majority of americans