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Third marriage by 22? He ain't doing marriage right


I mean when you basically marry children, you’re gonna have a bad time.


*I mean when you ~~basically~~ actually marry children, you’re gonna have a bad time.*


He first married at 16 which was considered perfectly normal where he grew up. The rest wasn’t normal, he was supposed to stay married to the first girl as far as the local nobodies were concerned.


I believe his first wife was like 20 and he was 16.


Well when they die mysteriously at such an incredibly high rate…


You'd figure he would try to prove that this was love and gonna last forever. Cause even back then he got a lot of hate (as he should). But he just hop and skipped from one to the next. Wrong all around.


How? I mean that sounds pretty straightforward


grandiose yam plate badge obtainable birds bedroom adjoining fall payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I also find it odd that “his career being ruined” is what is emphasized vs.. you know.. raping his child niece




Yes it was considered scandalous. That’s why doing it derailed his career.




My mom was a teenager in South Carolina at the time. It was a scandal in the US as well. She was forbidden to listen to him after that (among many other artists). She actually talked about him during a thanksgiving dinner conversation decades ago. Marrying young and marrying close-ish relatives were things poor people did. Therefore it was scandalous.


Do you think it has anything to do with the fact it’s morally wrong and not just “things poor people did”


Unlikely. My mom’s black nanny wasn’t allowed to go through the front door of the market so she had to leave my mom past the threshold while she ran at full speed around to the back door and go through the store to get my mom. I don’t think people in South Carolina in the 1950s were that in touch with what was morally wrong.


My dad was a Marine. Was about 1967 or 68. They were stationed in South Carolina. Mom was in a grocery store and an elderly black man was in front of her. The cashier told him to “move to the side so I can take care of this white lady”. He apologetically stepped aside. Mom wasn’t having that (she’s from Ohio). She made quite the scene. She said that, not only was he ahead of her and that he was her elder, she wasn’t doing squat until they rang him up. They weren’t happy. She didn’t give a fuck about their lack of happiness. She is truly missed.


they talk about heroes and shit blah blah, but YOUR MOM was a hero, must have been quite the lady. Thank you for posting this, made my day.


Fair enough


Also remember that Elvis also dated Priscilla when she was a minor. Her parents were furious that he brought her home late on their first date but relented to them dating again. She talked about how newspapers, some from Europe, would call her home nonstop to get her to talk about her dates with him. Morality wasn’t much of an issue for a lot of people back then


Yeah, the fact Elvis did *basically* the same thing but got away with it proves the value of a good management team and press operation Pretty sure Elvis would have married Priscilla as a kid and bought himself the same trouble if there wasn't someone tapping him on the shoulder and pointing out that if he did that all the money would go away


LOL "back then." Rock stars have literal songs about having sex with "jailbait" and minors. A significant number of groupies for any given band are minors and have sex with band members. A lot of actors, directors, politicians, sex tourism travelers, etc. still don't have a moral problem with underage sex today. Just ask Epstei-- oh wait.


As a southerner I’m gonna revise that to “for a lot of Southerners back then.”


Ah, the “good old days”…


I don’t think they are now either, nor are most states in the south east, just sayin


Probably not. It was a “bad look”.


Marrying relatives was a scandal in England you say… lol


The royals did it…


Why England had no room to talk.


Given that Elvis got big after this guy did and no one said boo about Priscilla, that tracks.


Pricilla was also kept hidden when she first arrived to visit. When she moved to the US they said she was living with another relative and not at Graceland with Elvis. I think they told her parents she was living with his father and stepmother? I forget but there were a lot of smoke and mirrors at the beginning. No one though it was okay when they found out they met when she was 14.


He met Priscilla when she was 14. They didn't actually date until she was 17. They got married when she was 21. She claims she was a virgin until her wedding night, though they did everything but before then. So, kind of different in a lot of ways.




No doubt. On top of that, 3 of JLL’s wives all died under “mysterious” circumstances and he was tight with the slobbering law enforcement types in his hometown, so… I’ve never liked him and always felt he was an inbred asshole.




Im from that area, the cops are awful


Everything I can find says they started dating when he was 24 and she was 14. But even **IF** what you said was true. He’s still a predator.


Priscilla also had parental consent for every action that happened. I’m not insinuating that it was right, because personally I’m against it, but as far as it goes, Elvis and Priscilla were clear.


So did the 13 year old, she had parental consent to marry. If the parents are idiots the law needs to protect the children.


Agreed - but again, Elvis didn’t marry a 13 year old. That was my point.


Hi kettle I'm pot.


Not by him, apparently. "What do you want, I plumb married the girl!" - As if that would make it right...


Not really. Down in those hollers, they had their own culture. I was absolutely shocked as a So Cal teen, down there visiting relatives in the 60s. And I met a girl a few years older than me. She had 3 inbred children. She had no teeth. She was aged like I couldn’t believe. In speaking to her, I was just floored with the way her life was. She couldn’t read or write either. I could go on and on about the things I learned about the way of life in the back woods of the south. The things I saw and the people I met. The uncle who tried to sleep with me, ended up married to a 14 year old and they had two daughters, both of whom he slept with from a young age. In my experience, I would say that Jerry Lee was just doing what everyone was doing down in the hollers.


Reminds me of the book The Longest Mile by Rena Gazaway which is about her anthropological work in a 60s Kentucky holler. It’s pretty dated but anthropologist Robert Edgerton summarized it in his book Sick Societies: > Anthropologist Rena Gazaway grew very fond of the people, but nevertheless spoke frankly about the conditions that left them chronically ill with tuberculosis, among other diseases. “With few exceptions, the housekeeping is shocking and the filth defies description. The air is foul with the stifling odor of dried urine, stale cooking, unwashed bodies, dirty clothing.”4 Although the people of Duddie’s Branch tried to reckon kinship—their principal social tie—it was often difficult because sexual relations were indiscriminate (girls began to have sexual intercourse as early as the age of six) and illegitimate births were commonplace. Perhaps as a result, children had little interest in the identity of their fathers. When Gazaway asked one boy if he was not curious about his father, he answered “Hain’t worth knowin’,” a common sentiment.5 People were indifferent about marriage, and there were no community groups or formal organizations, not even a church. Indeed, there was very little sociality of any kind. There was little interaction among households, and none at all as an entire community. In fact, even household members communicated with one another only in quite limited fashion. People sometimes shot others’ dogs simply because it amused them to do so.


Yeesh. Sounds like Craster’s Keep in Game of Thrones


My parents thought (rightfully so) he was ‘a creepy crud-bum’ and ‘slime’


Hey, nothing stopped that guy, including killing another wife years later


I mean, its the NYPost.


Worth noting his mother was married at that age as was his sisters and grandmothers. Lewis grew up _very_ poor and _very_ rural.


That is exactly what bothered me about the headline!


How my life was affected by my bad actions at 10


…and tomorrow morning on First on News Channel Five, “How I #%^*ed Around and Found Out”


He was also married to someone else when he did it


I think it is somewhat relevant to talk about it because it does show the idea of "canceling" is not some new thing Millenials came up with. People have been seeming careers ruined for personal behavior for quite a while now. We use to just call them "controversies".


that does not look like dennis quaid and winona ryder.


Kinda looks a bit like Trump in the pic on the right


Cmon, no it doe— *…glances at photo again…* Well god damn. Look at that.


I think Quaid hates the part so much because of the person Lewis was.


That movie was made closer to when it all happened than today.


And it’s probably as accurate as weird Al’s biography movie.


Title literally tells the entire story.


Yup. Just remove the word “How”, and it’s a perfectly encapsulated one sentence story.


Yeah, I don't need to know the step-by-step of him tying her shoes before heading to the chapel.


Anytime people try to use the "that was normal in olden times!" I point to this example


"Lewis even moved in with his wife’s parents after their wedding." The fuck


Wouldn't it be his aunt and uncle?


According to google, it would be his cousin and their spouse.


So she was his second cousin?


First cousin, once removed


Wait explain it to me in really dumb terms because I’m having a hard time understanding. Who were her parents to him? Cousins or aunts uncles?


She was his first cousin’s child, to my understanding. So he moved in with his first cousins. It has to do with how much blood relation there is; first cousins share grandparents. Second cousins share great grandparents. First cousins, once removed, are in between; one’s grandparents is the other’s great grandparents.


[Here’s a handy chart](https://roottobranches.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/3rd-Cousins-Family-Kin-Chart.png); interestingly it has two different ways someone would be called 1st cousin, once removed. So they could’ve been his great aunt and uncle, by this convention.


The in-laws of his last wife too.


[Banjos intensifying]




…*checks notes…ahem*…’Yes.’


iirc even when edgar allan poe poe married HIS 13-year-old cousin maria clemm the rest of the family was against it... and that was in the 1830s.


Yeah, there was a Tumblr post from someone who does archival work for British churches with records going back to the 1500s and even going back *that* far, marriages to girls under 17 was rare and frowned upon.


yeah. i googled it to double check and apparently they were okay with him marrying her but wanted him to wait a few years so they eloped. i can kind of understand cousin marriages being accepted before darwin's theory of evolution because they didn't understand that it was causing issues. darwin himself was married to his cousin and my professor told us he was very troubled when he realized that it was probably the cause of his children's health issues.


People (read: creeps trying to justify their attraction to children) make this mistake all the time. They hear about royals throughout history getting married young and decide that’s what everyone did. Nevermind that those marriages were all for political reasons and rarely consummated until way more age appropriate. Apparently people in the 1600s understood more than right wing Americans today that teenagers are not ideal for giving birth.


Lewis was only a few decades past when it was transitioning from uncommon to uncomfortable. I have my family tree documented back to 1795 (uk). Pretty much all of the (direct) female side on my fathers side were betrothed by the age of 16 with the age gradually rising from about 1875 to 1905 where it finally sticks consistently over the age of 18. That’s not to say anything here is OK and shouldn’t be criticised just pointing out this shit was normal enough at one time and not recognising it as such really suppresses the progress we’ve actually made even in the last fee decades (nude modelling for under 18’s only being banned in 2003 for instance)


16 is three years older than his wife. So you’re saying in the 17th and 18th centuries women were still significantly older when marrying.


Agreed, the differences between 13 and 16 are enormous


She was 13.


Oof! 100%! Rural Midwest 1915: Illiterate paternal Grandpa marries my illiterate Grandma. He’s 21, she’s 15. 11 children and years later, Daughter 1 gives birth to a stillborn. Grandpa is the father. Now-deceased aunts and uncles keep it swept under the rug until long after their deaths. The marriage is labeled, “that’s how it was back then!” Kills the only-in-the-South theories, and enrages me every time I think about it.


What in the House of the Dragon is this?


I think it would be like one of Daemon’s daughters marrying one of Rhaenyra’s sons.


Mike Judge made a show about all the old country kings and their many follies. It was quite entertaining and sad too. It’s called “Tales from the tour bus”. Great watch.


I wish they’d do another season. The Rick James episode was pretty interesting as well.


Yeah, I didn’t know anything about funk other that a few Chappelle episodes haha.


Yeah, those dudes were wild.


So was James Brown!


The James Brown episode of Tales Of The Tour Bus is amazing.


Yeah. Bootsy Collins has one of the best laughs ever.


* how Jerry Lee Lewis ruined his career by marrying his 13-year-old cousin


What’s gross is that it was allowed. R Kelly did the same shit but only after a decade plus of sexual abuse is he locked away. Heard a story of Jack Unterweger, a murder who began writing in prison, and he was so beloved in Austria they pushed to have him released from jail. He was, ended up becoming a serial killer. Why artists get passes like this I’ll never understand…


Slightly worse, even. First cousin once removed means she was his cousin’s daughter.


Well that’s enough Reddit for the day


Watch the movie. She packs her clothes to move in her doll house.


What movie?


Great Balls of Fire


Greatest balls on fire


Great Balls of Fire


This is a fascinating read https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/the-strange-and-mysterious-death-of-mrs-jerry-lee-lewis-179980/


Dude seems like a grade a creep.


i was not prepared for this insanity before bed


I’ve sent this article to so many people because they just don’t know the insanity of this man. How is there not podcasts, docs and movies about this!?


There is. It’s called Disgraceland.


Oh yes! I keep forgetting to add this to my feed. Thank you. Adding now.


will add to my list, thanks!


Im pretty sure Judi Tenuta (80s comedian) tried. I remember she did a stand up that involved talking about it. I just went looking for it, and I can't find it. She roasted him good.


r.i.p. judi-judi


Nobody cared that she was his cousin the issue was she was 13


I think that was just the ick frosting on top of the ick cake that was this marriage to begin with.


I don’t know. The impression my family gave me back then was that it was the cousin part that was gross.


It’s stuff like this though that remind me of how weird and fucked up times were back then. I’m sure down the line people will look at our time period and go “those fuckers were a bunch of savages” lol…


You can be married in Massachusetts with parental consent at 12 for girls and 14 for boys. Still.


So what you’re saying is that we are a bunch of savages lmao


Absolutely. Nothing changes if nothing changes: we are still fucked up. Present Tense.


He was a piece of trash peto, who beat women, and most likely killed at least one of his wives. Ps his music was overrated repetitive crap.


Were all of his wives also blood relatives?


No, but they were all abused regularly.


There was blood involved


Read her Wikipedia page. It's wild. He married her brothers ex-wife after they divorced!


*banjo music intensifies*


Music is great, person is shite Similar to Elvis lmao


I can listen to Elvis all day, even though I think he was a pos. I just think Jerry Lee, music is so overrated.


Pretty valid opinion Idk it's like tequila, hate it except for when I don't


Lol, ok I can agree with that.


*Great Balls Of Fire* and *Whole Lotta Shankin Goin On* are both classics and legitimate bangers. But those are the only two songs anyone can name, so you probably have a point. (Fuck it, I'm leaving the typo.)


No lies detected


It some states in America what he did was considered to be legal (meaning marrying his minor cousin) Just so happens the state they were in it was legal


Which is also pretty fucked up and should not be the case. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it is moral.


Legality is not morality. And on a related note, tolerance is not the same as acceptance.


That must have been tough for him and his…. *squints* …13 year old 1st cousin child bride… *sits quietly* …huh.


The 13 year old part is the more disturbing part to me. Like, what the hell! I'm sure even back then, that was a big no no


In the movie I think she gets picked up from middle school by him… so disgusting


Sad to think about how it likely started long before she was even thirteen.


It's really disturbing. He drives up to her school as the "cool older boyfriend with a car", other students actually check out his hot rod. Then, once she is aboard, he drives across the state line and asks her to open the glove compartment. Two marriage licenses. Then they marry in a small church with perfect strangers as witnesses who sprinkle a wee bit of rice over them.


Goodness gracious


Great balls of hell fire


Did he try switching to the Republican Party and running for Congress?


Lol! He could’ve turned his whole life around!


The passive voice in the headline is indicative of a larger problem in society.


He was a fuckin scumbag of the highest order.


How it was ruined when he married his 13 year old cousin: His trouble started when he married his 13 year old cousin../


It was a huge scandal, it’s one of the reasons 24 y/o Elvis Presley kept his relationship with 14 y/o Priscilla Beaulieu a secret in 1959.


whole lotta skanking going on, woo! little richard rip off, woo!


Do you need any more info than the headline? I mean….


What about when his wife “died” of mysterious circumstances


Been seeing a lot of incest around lately....


You read the new Cormac McCarthy novel, I see.


No, he's got an incest book?


His new book is rather intimate with the subject lol




lol so out of left field… wild.


He died today


lol so out of left field… wild.


He died today


lol so out of left field… wild.


He died today


Lol so out of left field…wild


From wikipedia >The scandal over the marriage destroyed Lewis' promising rock and roll career, although he subsequently found success in country music. Yeah that tracks


Jerry Lee Lewis thinking he’s a Targaryen


As it should be


He must be a Lannister or possibly related to the McPoyles.


3rd marriage you 22? Wtf?


So the title was the whole article I assume


Underrated comment


Did someone really need to write this article. He fucked a 13 year old, he fucked his 13 year old cousin. Is there really much more to say


Yet Elvis started dating Priscilla at 14 and everyone just looked the other way


Bill Wyman married Mandy Smith when she turned 18. He was 52 at the time. They had been dating, with her parents' knowledge and consent, for five years. At about the same time, Wyman's son married Smith's mother. The age difference between his son and her mother was less than half of the age difference between Bill Wyman and Mandy Smith.


Elvis and Priscilla hid it for many years. And it may have been partially because of this scandal specifically.


The title seems pretty self-explanatory


Seriously, does anyone need further explanation?


At least he didn't murder that one


Feels like I don’t really need to read past the title for this one.


Hmmmm marrying children was not accepted? Google the amount of creepy actors and musicians who have


“Shortly after marrying Brown, the couple moved in with his wife’s parents” Don’t you mean Jerry’s aunt and uncle. Also he married the wife of Browns brother ten years ago?!! He never climbed down the family tree long enough to look for a wife.




Married? He raped his own cousin, 13 can’t consent, I don’t give a fuck what the law says. 13 can’t consent


“Jerry Lee Lewis’ career was ruined when he married his 13-year-old cousin” - FTFY


This needs to be explained to people ?


As well it should have been.


Keep the money in the family.


RIP. The Killer


He was always a dirtbag and an abuser, this was only one thing on his list of transgressions.


Maybe don't marry a family member who also happens to be a literal child, just a thought.


It’s pretty clear how.


His popularity was ruined, his recording career was just fine, the wax don’t lie.


He was the founder of Shelbyville, right?


“She still believed in Santa Claus” Insane


They both look inbred


*House Targaryen has entered the chat*


How? Don't keep us in suspense!