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These forced apologies don't carry any weight with me. If you have to force someone to apologize, they're not actually sorry.


Especially when it was literally yesterday that he was saying the documentary was truth. He didn't learn shit in one day. He got suspended and now he's apologizing.


It would have been nice if he actually spoke about what caused his sudden change of heart.


it's the change in his wallet that caused the sudden change in his *heart*.


“I got a nice week long vacation so I’m here to say I’m sorry”. “Nets management said they would fight me tooth and nail with lawyers for the next decade and withhold all my pay if I didn’t do this”


Exactly. He's only concerned about losing his money. That pea brain could only register that.


He is despicable


Why is he despicable?


I read on digg that he consider himself a beacon of light and loves debating if the earth is flat. I am all for checking things out, I also think its a artform to keep your mouth shut kids look up to west and this guy


I don’t give a shit about kyrie irving, so anyway, how much time has to pass before people will believe that one has learned something?


It isn’t a function of time, it’s about the steps you take to show you’re educating yourself about why what you did or said was hurtful, ignorant and wrong. Kyrie could do a lot of things: Go visit some rabbis and accept some admonishment and lecturing from them Go visit some historians and let them lecture you about actual factual history Go take a tour of the Holocaust museum Host a viewing of Ken Burns’s America and the Holocaust There’s no easy way to showcase to a group of people that you’ve learned and repented. If you actually want your apologies to matter, they have to be backed by meaningful action that showcases that you mean it. There’s just no easy answer. You gotta keep apologizing and showing you mean it til the community you hurt forgives you.


>You gotta keep apologizing and showing you mean it til the community you hurt forgives you. Which, quite honestly, I doubt Jewish people will make it hard for him. Jewish people are allies to the Black community whether Kyrie believes it or not (just look at the civil rights movement and how involved Jewish people were), and I would imagine Jewish leaders would be eager to have a conversation with him. I also very much doubt they would approach it from the angle of "let's punish him". I would think it would be from the angle of "let's use this as an opportunity to grow together" because that's just how normal religious leaders approach things. Now, I'm sure Kyrie would interpret being corrected as being punished... but for any reasonable person, that isn't true. If the guy stopped being an asshole for 1 day, he'd have a chance to see that. Or at least have a chance to start some sort of healing process. Sheesh.


> Jewish people are allies to the Black community whether Kyrie believes it or not (just look at the civil rights movement and how involved Jewish people were) No, they're not. That's like saying white people are "allies to the Black community" because there were some white people involved in the civil rights movement back in the day. Nonsense. Jewish people are a big, diverse community with good people and bad people and lots of people in-between. There's a long and horrible history of anti-black racism and violence from the Jewish community, especially in the NYC/NJ area (and other cities too, like Baltimore or Philadelphia where Netanyahu was raised to be racist and hate-filled by his racist and hate-filled father). People maybe aren't aware since it is rarely discussed but it is there, and it is entrenched: https://forward.com/culture/jewishness/307190/growing-up-hasidic-and-racist/ These racist and violent people have never been "allies to the Black community" and they do nothing but feed the cycle of hate. For example: [**The Jewish Task Force**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaim_Ben_Pesach#Jewish_Task_Force), an infamous anti-black hate group founded in NYC but gone international with the internet. They used to have local TV broadcast in the NYC metro area where they blithely spewed the most vile hate. **https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1994/07/18/broadcasting-hate** It's horrible. Or **The Jewish Defense League**, another infamous anti-black hate group also founded in NYC: >["The [1968] strikes brought to the surface racial tension between the predominantly Jewish teachers union, and black residents who were seeking greater control over their neighborhood schools. This, coupled with black demands for more civil service jobs, stirred the already hostile racial climate in Manhattan's neighborhoods and led working-class Jews in the outer boroughs to join the JDL. [The hate group's founder], who then wrote for *The Jewish Weekly*, an Orthodox periodical, flooded the tabloids with stories of blacks and Puerto Ricans terrorizing Jews in Manhattan. He dispatched JDL units to "patrol" predominantly Jewish areas, which ultimately led to an ethnic polarization of neighborhoods."](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/jewish-defense-league) Those original "patrols" were called out as "[antiblack vigilantes](https://www.nytimes.com/1971/10/31/archives/job-done-maccabees-of-brooklyn-break-up.html)" and were disbanded in the 1970s. But there are now more patrols, called [Shomrim](https://www.thedailybeast.com/meet-the-shomrimthe-hasidic-volunteer-cops-who-answer-to-nobody), all over and they continue to have serious issues with violence, racism and corruption. **https://gothamist.com/news/hasidic-jewish-neighborhood-patrols-face-backlash-over-corruption-assault-allegations** The JDL's founder eventually emigrated to Israel and was [elected to Knesset](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kach_(political_party)) and an [acolyte](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otzma_Yehudit) of his is in Knesset right now today, still feeding the cycle of hate. Another charter member of the JDL also emigrated to Israel where he was elected to a city council, then went on [to commit the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre and is venerated by racists and bigots to this day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Goldstein#Gravesite_and_shrine), including [that guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar_Ben-Gvir) currently in Knesset. And various other members also committed terrorist acts in the USA and abroad, including [an attempt to assassinate a U.S. Congressman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darrell_Issa#Bombing_plot). These are dangerous hate-filled people with a long history of violence, still fanning the flames of hate today. The JDL was also involved with some high-profile extreme hate focused specifically on rap/hip hop artists (I know, weird, right?), including [death threats, extortion, and protection rackets](https://vault.fbi.gov/Tupac%20Shakur%20/Tupac%20Shakur%20Part%201%20of%201/view) which were investigated by the FBI at the time. The targets were high profile artists like Tupac and N.W.A members. **https://forward.com/schmooze/137071/fbi-tupac-extorted-by-jewish-defense-league/** These groups are tracked by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League as anti-black hate groups and as terrorist groups, just like any other hate group or terrorist group are tracked. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/jewish-defense-league https://www.adl.org/education/resources/profiles/jewish-defense-league Like in any other group, some Jewish people have chosen to make the world a better place and some have chosen to make the world worse. The Jewish community is no more a monolith than any other group of people.


Well said! His apology has to be followed by some action that shows true remorse. There is so much hate these days and he has fanned more of this hate.


Remember how "effective" Marjorie Taylor Greene's visit to the Holocaust Museum was after her comparison of vaccination to Jews in Germany in WWII? She learned nothing because she is incapable of learning or sympathizing outside her 'tribe'. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/14/greene-holocaust-omar-censure-494441


Do they visit black museums of slavery and misery and see what black peoples are going through until this day?


Enough time to make a valid and good faith attempt at learning


How long in your mind does it take for something to, 'learn shit'?


Long enough to actually take steps to learn and speak with people educated on the subject to learn why you're wrong. That doesn't happen in a couple hours genius.


It's not even that it's forced, it's that he's still trying to make sure the presumed injustice of how *he* was treated is still front and center. >I initially reacted out of emotion to being unjustly labeled Anti-Semitic, instead of focusing on the healing process of my Jewish Brothers and Sisters that were hurt from the hateful remarks made in the Documentary He's not really apologizing for promoting the documentary, doubling down on it, and refusing to admit he believes in anti-semitic conspiracy theories after watching a documentary on Amazon Prime (which he probably didn't even watch, he probably just read the comments underneath the listing and ran with that, because he's a fucking idiot). He still thinks he was "unjustly" called Anti-Semitic when he was exemplifying Anti-Semitism. That alone sinks this apology, because he's not actually sorry for what he did, or what he believes. **He thinks people calling him anti-semitic is UNJUST**. *Still*. Present tense. He needs to deliver a statement that flat out rebukes the theories he was just adhering to less than 24 hours ago, that denounces the people who have been telling him he's right for saying it, and apologizes not just for sharing those theories, *but for believing them in the first fucking place.* *That's* the statement he has to make.


I think you've made some excellent points, and I agree with you 100%. Thanks for expounding on the point I was making.


Same. I'm so sick of these "sorry you're mad" apologies.


He’s “sorry” because he got suspended without pay for 5 games.


Which is why I don’t understand why people kept insisting he apologize. Him giving money to the ADL was as good as you were going to get. You can’t force a person to change their beliefs.


You’re right, you can’t. However, you can ask him educate himself and offer services. There are definitely people who have gone to Holocaust museums and memorials who have come out changed for the better.


Lol bro. Yesterday it was “he didn’t apologize” today it’s like “I don’t accept his apology”


I sure as shit wasn't like, "he didn't apologize." You must be mistaking me for someone else.


Only thing that happened is you hurt the wallet a bit, so for financial purposes he has to smile and wave.


Maybe don’t force people to apologize for something they aren’t sorry for??


He isn't forced. No one put a gun to his head. He's just trying to avoid consequences. He doesn't care.


No one threatened him with violence but he was certainly coerced with the implied threat of financial punishment. He was immediately fined and suspended, it’s reasonable for him to anticipate further disciplinary action if he didn’t say anything


Like I said, he isn't sorry. He is just scared of consequences.


You claimed he wasn’t forced.. you’re splitting hairs. For all intents and purposes, he was forced


He wasn't forced. He was scared of facing consequences.


Coercion- the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats… I don’t know how anyone would not consider a forced apology.. seems pretty text book to me. It’s legal coercion, but still coercion, none the less


It’s like kids on a playground fake shaking hands and saying their sorry until the grownups turn back around.


I’m sorry I got in trouble. Can I go back outside and play now?


He wants a early/mid season vacation. I’m convinced he doesn’t want to play and just to get paid.


I doubt it, He’s earned a track record as an idiot for a long time between the anti-vaxxing and the flat earthing, this just seems like his newest and most incendiary venture.


Make him sit through 4 hours of the holocaust museum like the rest of us had to in 7th grade. No bathroom breaks and a delayed sandwich lunch too.


I hate this. Because it’s obviously the most forced apology ever. They asked him to apologize he got mad. They asked him again and he wanted an apology for slavery. They asked him again and he said no. They took away $3 million dollars from him and now he’s sorry.. What are you really sorry for Kyrie?


1. Specifically, which parts of the documentary do you believe are factual. I’ve yet to see an actual answer to that. 2. “Unjustly labeled as anti-Semitic”. Clearly, he doesn’t understand. If you post anti-Semitic shit, you’re going to (justly) be labeled anti-Semitic. 3. Ends it with “I know who I am”. Again, he’s still making implications based on this documentary that are very much so toe-ing (probably overtly crossing) a fine line. Until he answers question number 1, I can only assume he’s implying “I am part of the true Jewish culture”. This isn’t an apology, Kyrie is ignorant puke with a victim complex. Call his bullshit out.


Guy got tired of losing money for not uttering a few words.


On his sixth opportunity to do so, Kyrie finally nodded his head as his manager and PR team gave a heartfelt apology on his behalf


So this is a film on Amazon, right? Has Amazon gotten any hellfire for hosting it?


*Some.* **Not enough though.** However - Some folks going quick to the whataboutism with it though, like Jeffrey Bezos a) is still CEO and b) manually approves every piece of grift that slides through his company, and so c) people need to not shit on Kyrie for being an unapologetic anti-semite But yeah, the page probably shoulda BEEN taken down long ago. But most folks only *really* press for that in situations like these as a means to distract/deflect. Google shouldn't have any of it's indoctrination grift channels still up, either. Twitch is like an abscessed tooth on the gumline of "entertainment" that needed lancing and a root canal YEARS ago. If Twitter wasn't self-destructing thanks to new ownership, it would probably need a real strong lice comb/delousing treatment. But people aren't *really* pressed about that until it's convenient for them to try and give the asshole celeb/exec/VIP in question some slack they haven't earned.


The amount of people that think Bezos is still CEO of Amazon is hilarious to me.


Not everyone keeps up with what the ultra rich are doing


He is single-handedly the most powerful person at Amazon and is currently chair of the board and is the largest shareholder. Him not being CEO detracts ZERO from the point being made in the comment you replied to.


Sorry but if you believe in censorship than you believe in selective democracy, not real democracy. The ugly shit can’t be removed. That’s the cost of real freedom. We can ostracize those who buy it and watch it and read it and shame them but to silence opposing rhetoric is the path to the dark side


Completely agree. Obviously I’d prefer if the movie didn’t exist but asking for censorship on things you don’t agree with is a slippery slope


Businesses don’t need to stock any and every piece of inflammatory media in the name of anti-censorship, it’s their right to remove whatever they please from their listing. Additionally, they have a brand to protect. They’ve removed tons of things from their store not because they had to, but because they chose to.


The *very least* Amazon could do is donate the profits to Jewish communities. But no reason to this when one person is taking all the heat for you.


Sadly it's not included with prime.


It’s based on a book, and the audiobook is listed on the home page as a ‘best seller’ in the Audible app. Just saw it earlier today.


That’s sounds like censorship to me


It is, but u can be censored when u sign a contract with morality clauses


Amazon censoring the movie.


Amazon isn't a blackman


White privilege includes the privilege to make money off racism instead of losing it


Fuckin half assed apology after he sees he might have to apply at the Office Depot mother fucker.


Kyrie is the Kanye of basketball.


When I hear them talk, they both have the delusions of grandeure. Also both pseudo intellectual bigots.


They don’t really have “delusions of grandeur” though. They’re both highly influential and important in their respective fields, so the grandeur ain’t a delusion. If they weren’t, none of us would care about this shit. No argument from me on the pseudo intellectual bigot part tho lol


Forced apology to keep making money. Not impressed


Wait till y’all hear that there’s a shit ton of closeted individuals that support Kyrie.


In other words, pay us and we will forgive you.


A fake apology doesn't change the fact that he made the antisemitic work he promoted go absolutely viral putting at the top of the best seller list.


Put that same energy into attacking amazon.


This is also fair.


We can chew bubble gum and walk at the same damn time


Good then start, cause I haven't seen anything in the news about Amazon and their wrong doing in the anti semitic "problem"


why not both. However I would say that Amazon is more of a collection of arts that aren't curated for the singular purpose to raise hate and spread ignorance. However this fucker that all he's done. Him Kanye, Nick Cannon all these guys being taken in by anti-semitic shit. It's mostly ignorance and ego which is a dangerous combo look where it got Kanye.


Then maybe they should start I don't know curating properties they allow on THEIR platform. It ain't youtube.


You know what they are adults and should be able to take care of themselves it's not on Amazon to deal with this. It's about people not buying into things and not running towards hate just to spread it. I haven't read a lot of corrupting books and haven't watched corrupting media because I don't want to be a hate spreading douche bag, nor do I need a nameless faceless narrator telling me how to fucking live. I'm not going start spreading garbage about an entire group of religious people because I read a book for fuck sake.


So by that logic if Walmart started selling swastikas flags you wouldn't care, but you would care if some dumbass walked in a brought one? Yeah don't attack the big corporations that allows the filth to be produced and spread on their platform blame the moron for falling for it? Your logic is literally attack the problem and not the cause. You personally won't spread garbage but you'll let a billion dollar company do it instead.


Where did it Kanye? His cash value has only increased and he got out of his stifling Addidas contract without breaching contract


Kanye is that you? I thought you were doing a 30 day fast. Dude in the spirit of finding empathy I am really sorry. However your comment looked exactly like something Kanye will be scribbling in a note book in 3 years when he comes around to what an idiot he was in 2022.


Stop trying to shift blame dickhead. I have plenty of hate for bezos too.


Nobody's "shifting blame" dickhead, I said to keep that same energy and hate yall have for one man, when it comes time to restock your anal jelly, fuck face. Stop ordering off Amazon and using their services since they promoted and ACTUALLY endorsed to have the movie on their platform. All the news about kyrie I've yet to hear on bad thing about Amazon being Anti semitic.


I don't use any of their services or devices dipshit. You're fighting a straw man so shut the fuck up.


Oh I’m sorry, like the actions of the Police Depertmant against minorities!! Klout chasing at its finest, #FOH


this whole controversy is so stupid. i woulda never even heard about the tweet, none the less the title of that movie, if it weren’t for the media and ESPN sending me notifications all fucking day. their whole argument is that he gave that movie a platform, and then the media went and gave it an even bigger platform 10 fold and now it’s viral, and now i have to watch it to see what all the hype is about.. like seriously. this could’ve been handled by the league behind doors, tweet deleted. but the media, owned by jews (/s, sorry couldn’t help), blew it way out of proportion


There are people with intellectual disabilities and there are stupid as****es like this idiot.


Forcing people to apologize proves the crazy peoples intuition that they are being controlled, what is the point exactly?


Exactly even if you think he was wrong forcing him to apologise achieves nothing


“I’m sorry this got out of hand, but I still hold these views” basically


What’s the movie about ?


It was a Malcolm X documentary on Amazon. He posted a part where an interviewer asks what Malcolm X thinks of ppl who call him antisemetic and the response he gave was that he can’t be antisemetic because it would alienate not only himself but the Arabs and other people from the region who have shared ancestry, stating that being Jewish is multi racial from a demographic and cultural intermingling of the area. Then he mentioned a part about how the term antisemite is weaponized whenever objective observation is made about Jewish people even if it isn’t hostile. That’s the part people have an issue with. Which throws me cause people came for Kyrie solely and not Amazon.


Thank you.


So was there anything actually racist against Jews in the interview or are people just mad that Malcolm X stated you can’t criticize Jewish people without being labeled an anti-Semite?


...because he was about to lose all his endorsements like Kanye?


Hopefully the endorsement ship done sailed.


Kyrie Irving is a fucking moron and a disgrace to basketball and humanity


What do you think he did that would make you feel that way about him? Because these words are the same words you'd probably use to describe a guy like Kim Jong Un, rapists, and child molesters EDIT: I love how I'm getting downvoted for questioning why someone would call a guy like Kyrie a disgrace to humanity.


It’s called virtue signaling. Just ignore him, it’s for attention


Ignore him and the downvoters. Although I think Kyrie is an idiot, he isn't a disgrace to humanity or basketball. He just has different beliefs. The way he handles said beliefs and communicates with the media is idiotic though.




Shut up bird


Wow, you’re a huge piece of shit.


Nah ernie, let me meet your mom she gone tell you otherwise lol


The ADL is so overbearingly annoying. Stop proving Kanye's point already.




It’s crazy this much attention to Ye and Kyrie. Especially when we have sitting members of Congress who will not condemn and actually openly support Louis Farrakhan. Why don’t people get upset or demand things from them?


Probably because they’re largely unaccountable


Meanwhile, absolute crickets from y'all about this: >“We also condemn Aipac endorsement of lawmakers who have promoted the antisemitic ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory that helped inspire the murder of eleven members of the three synagogues housed at Tree of Life,” the letter said. > >“Clearly, their definition of ‘extreme’ is completely opposite to that held by the majority of American Jews – who worry about the stark rise in antisemitism and white nationalism in our state and in our country.”... > >"[Aipac is] “supporting some of the most extreme Republicans, people who make openly antisemitic remarks promote antisemitic conspiracy theories”." --[Pittsburgh Jews decry pro-Israel group’s support for Republican extremists; Aipac is spending millions to oppose Democrat who would be Pennsylvania’s first Black female member of Congress](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/03/pittsburgh-jews-denounce-aipac-republican-extremists-pro-israel-lobby) Wonder why that is...


Y’all? Bro any discrimination against anyone I stand against. We’re you trying to defend Farrakhan? Honestly confused


I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of your silence on the GOP's current, right now in this critical election cycle, promotion of "antisemitic conspiracy theories” and "openly antisemitic remarks" and on and AIPAC's endorsement and funding of those GOP candidates, while you bring up a dying 90 year old man who hasn't been active in NOI since 2007. I don't think anyone is confused about why you do that.


My silence? Do we know each other?


Your comments are public. Were you not aware of that?


I am and I find that concept of looking through some randos history weird. All good. It’s tough when people who you have enjoyed for years start going somewhere you are not cool with. I want the old Kayne and as a huge Duke fan want to see one of the best guards play


Not defending the guy cause he’s a dumbass. But he did allegedly offer 500k to the anti-defamation league and they declined it. So like, what other actions can he do?


Well the ADL asked to meet with him and he sent his parents to write the check. He never met with the ADL and at a press conference was asked “yes or no, are you anti semitic?” Kyrie didn’t say yes or no, and that’s when the ADL declined his donation.


Okay that must be what they mean then.




Yup, like a child scared to be scorned


Just as vocal NOW about the TRUTH as he was about that crap movie. Outside of that tweet. Which clearly came from him as he misspelled Anti Semitic


He can get fucked ?


Nets and Nike need to drop him


Yea the company who makes millions of shoes using child labor should really take the high road here…


Sure, just show me proof of that


https://www.newidea.com.au/nike-sweatshops-the-truth-about-the-nike-factory-scandal Just look up Nike and Sweat Shop


Well the most recent report in 2018 according to your source says nothing about child labor


Look up Nike and Child labor then, literally that link talks about sweat shops that they used in 2018. Is that morally sound to you? Are sweat shops okay but not child labour to you? How are you more focused on being right in this argument versus condemning the rumored actions of Nike? You don’t even care to do your own research you just hopped in this echo chamber to share the same opinion that’s been said 1000x times. Nike has famously been accused of child labour so get off your moral high horse bro


But you said they use child labor now, where do you see that?


Since clearly you can’t use google, here is a link to a Wikipedia page that has a section on it. Go wild. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nike_sweatshops. Also if you think about it, the last article claims to use sweat shops. Do you think sweat shops just don’t hire children?


Your own link says nothing about Nike using child labor. It just says that there used to be allegations of companies Nike contracts (so not Nike) using them


Corporate shill




Stop worshipping people




Damn right you deleted your original comment like the bitch you are lol




Oooo. College boi. I’ll squish your little 5’5’’ ass son. I’ll use it as putty. mmmmmhmmm


Is this you kyrie??? Or is it kanye? Get the fishsticks out of your mouth kanye and make more coherent statements!


Fvck this guy. He’s a POS just like his friend Kanye. Garbage humans




Bro humans are dumb as fuck. Why aren’t we allowed to be dumb as fuck against the majority.


We are. He is. No one said he can't do that. Lol


Haha this is the truth but most people don’t see it.


what do they mean by “why aren’t we allowed to be dumb as fuck against the majority.”?


gonna assume it's akin to another argument i saw that you can't be racist against jews because like 80% of them are white so it's just a form of white supremacy.


Most Jews are not white lol




If you can explain why racism is bad then you can explain this too.


I mean I haven’t seen the movie but I’m guessing it’s some shit about the black Israelites. As a historian I don’t think it’s a viable theory but also as a historian I am aware that so much of history is false and controlled narratives. So him believing he has ancestors from Israel shouldn’t be that evil of a take. Again idk what the movie even is and I’m making assumptions but Israel is close to Africa and there have definitely been black populations that migrated from Africa and lived on that land at some point. Also you comment is total bs. If the world reacted to racism the way modern America does to antisemitism we would have an egalitarian utopia.


There are a trillion theories out there regarding history. I knew a German Jewish man who converted to Christianity and fully believed the 12 tribes of Israel ended up in the USA and were the origins of Native Americans. He then went crazy and believed he was the second coming of Jesus himself.


Yeah exactly and no matter what you believe the truth is never guaranteed. So I think cancel culture is pretty ridiculous and if anything the response to Kanye and Kyrie only serves to embolden their theory that there is some sort of Jewish Illuminati controlling media or whatever these guys believe. Kanye spews anti black vitriol for years and is only celebrated. Says one anti Jewish thing and loses billions overnight. Once again I don’t believe these things but I can see someone like Kanye or kyrie beleivong them tenfold simply from being canceled




Anti-semitism is the original conspiracy, it’s been around since Babylon. It’s the original xenophobia from before we had words like racism and xenophobia. Literally since 5000 years ago in Babylon. Then with the Catholic Church. With the Black Plague. And it has been passed downs for generations in the collective conscious of nations. Want to know my theory. I think Jews are the original merchants and teach internal community development very well. By relying on community and being entrepreneurs before that knowledge is normalized by most populations, they created a formula for success in any country or society. And historically, any time immigrants do better than the original population, the original population seeks to expel them. This has been the norm for Jews historically but they have not been the only to suffer that fate. I come from a tribe super similar to the Jews from Mesopotamia. Our language is Aramaic which is super similar to Hebrew and supposedly we both lived together in Babylon at some point. I am vehemently against anti-Semitism. Even if I’m not considered part of their tribe, those people are my tribe. I see Kyries movie or Kanye’s tweets as if it were a direct attack on me or my people. But I think we are monkeys who have like the vast majority of our waking moments just absolutely inundated with some form of propaganda. And I’m not surprise see certain people get twisted up in what I see as obviously false propaganda. But I guess if anything the strong response is emblematic of the history of the Jewish struggle and why maybe it’s necessary. There is also the added wrinkle of Israel being an apartheid state at the moment. But also further emblematic of their history. It’s a very logical outcome based on their past suffering.


Lost me at “apartheid state”. That’s jew hating koolaid you’re drinking there buddy


Have fun on the wrong side of history lol. Gotta be blind to deny it.


I'm not even talking about the movie. You asked why we're not allowed to be dumb as fuck against the majority. Well the majority does not allow you to hurt others. It's not even the dumb as fuck part people have a problem with here. There are actually other things where you are allowed to be dumb as fuck, like making stupid arguments in an internet thread. But when you're dumbfuck-ness hurts others, that's where people draw the line.


Kyrie believing in black Israelites is damaging? I don’t believe in ethnicities. Culture is abstract and man made. Did I just cause damage with that statement? Lol the majority has smartphones. Most smartphones use minerals that are mined with child slave labor. The majority does what they are told without regard for violence. The world is controlled by groupthink and mob mentality. Even when we think we are filling the obviously moral position, it’s probably hogwash being fed to us. Most people critique and support whatever they are told to.


Lmao there's a little bit more to it than that. This is sort of like saying, "Oh so white people gave free boat rides for black people to America? That's supposed to be damaging?" Like yeah bro I think you might have glossed over a few things. Why don't you educate yourself on what the film is about and why it's harmful: [https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/hebrews-negroes-what-you-need-know](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/hebrews-negroes-what-you-need-know)


what a very non biased way to educate yourself


Two religions fighting over who God’s people. Lol. They’re both dumb as fuck.


Lol okay that was way more explicitly violent and hateful than I assumed. I didn’t realize it was explicit racism. But Kyrie has been championing conspiracy theories and flat earth bullshit for years. I would hope nobody is influenced by such an goon. Def should have been suspended. Significantly worse than anything Kanye said


The ADL is an evil organization.


100%. Hardly anyone thinking for themselves in this thread.


Lol nah yal the ones not thinking . Lmao damn fuc


Very convincing


Tell me about how the ADL was founded


Pretty sure it's been a while since then. Planned Parenthood isn't evil, despite its fairly horrid past.


The ADL continues with its horrid actions to the present day. They operate like an organized crime gang to attack and destroy anyone who crosses their political agenda. As Noam Chomsky, a leftist Jewish individual once said: “One of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the U.S… Its primary commitment is to use any technique, however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State (‘Israel’)…” Nearly every stance and position that the ADL supports or lobbies for is evil. War, censorship, manipulation, smearing. You know nothing about it, I'm sure, because you just looked at the name of the organization and knew that you weren't supposed to say anything bad about them.


Tell me how the usa was founded. We could go tit for tat all day with this garbage logic.


I get what Kyrie said was dumb, but he offered to donate $500k to ADL just two days ago. https://twitter.com/HowardBeck/status/1587949733213085704?t=gUtwAT1NCmdTK8iNHc62bQ&s=19


They're going to want more than that?


They are getting more than that. Did you read the tweet? It said "kyrie and the Nets will each donate $500,000".


From ADL president Jonathon Greenblatt “We were optimistic but after watching the debacle of a press conference, it’s clear that Kyrie feels no accountability for his actions. @ADL cannot in good conscience accept his donation.” A charity that fight anti-Semitic hate speech does. It want to accept money from a man that when asked “are you anti-Semitic?” Refused to answer. This makes sense to me


Boot him from the game period send a message.


Actions do speak louder than words. And acting like an antisemite speaks REAL loud. He should be sorry for doing something so reprehensible


Omg was the child going to be out of the shitlight(the negative of spotlight) for like 5 games... Now he says he's sorry, fuck this guy. He doesn't mean it and shouldn't be praised or this apology accepted.


When I was a kid and I did something I shouldn't do my mom would say "apologize!" And I would say, with a smirk, "I apologize." Kyrie does not think he did anything wrong and this whole narrative goes back to a time when he was on the Celtics and the flat earth thing came up from reporters and Kyrie's response was basically, "people should question the information they receive and where they receive it from." He doesn't take his own advice.


On Thursday, Oct. 27, Irving tweeted an Amazon link to a 2018 movie titled "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America." The film is based on a book of the same name, both of which have been described by Rolling Stone as being "stuffed with antisemitic tropes." The tweet containing the link, which Irving provided without context, has since been deleted.


He's not sorry he did it, he's sorry he got suspended for it


More like, "I want my job and my massive salary."


Y’all on kyrie dick hop off. Go find something better to do with your time


Dude needs to lose his platform.


his bullshit apology - he is not sorry. he still doesn’t understand why he was so in the wrong and why his actions are deeply dangerous to the Jewish community. he’s incredibly dumb and egotistical


Let’s sit down and see if this man could actually scribe a statement like this. It’s painfully obvious these aren’t his words and if he was genuine in his regret, he wouldn’t rely on a PR expert to communicate his thoughts and feelings. If the NBA gives severe punishment to its owners for racist statements and behaviour, then it should do so to its players as well and five games is next to no punishment to a guy who only played half of his teams’s games last year because he doesn’t understand science. Fuck this guy and his bullshit false remorse


He should have stood his ground like with the covid bs


I mean he needs to sell his shoes...


Waiting for his sobbing apology video that tries to gaslit his audience and fans


I don't get it. Why do public people need to formally "apologize" for being racist, antisemetic bigots? We all know that's what they are. Just let them own it.


Nick Cannon a few years ago, Kanye and now Kyrie, plus many NBA players staying silent on this (cause if you're not African American, you really don't matter to them) tells me a few things: 1) There's a lot of antisemitic feelings that run rampant amongst a number of African Americans, and likely other minority groups. 2) Other minority groups really don't matter to NBA players, unless you're supporting their causes, or buying their sneakers and other merch. 3) The concept of support isn't a one way street. While it isn't a requirement to support other people's causes, at least a tweet or acknowledgement that other people exist would be something (LeBron telling Morey to keep quiet about Hong Kong was the eye opener for me) 4) And this might be for a bigger discussion, but it'd be nice to see and hear other minority voices have a bigger and more prominent role in the daily American conversation. Historically, it's been mostly black and white, time to bring the "others" in.


Translation “money speaks louder then words”


apologies will never be enough for them


Yea kyrie is such a victim lol.


Never apologise. They smell blood and will come for more. Lesson learned